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Stability and TCP-friendliness of AIMD/RED systemswith feedback delays

Lijun Wang a, Lin Cai b, Xinzhi Liu a, Xuemin (Sherman) Shen c,*

a Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Waterloo, Waterloo ON, Canada N2L 3G1b Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, Canada V8W 3P6

c Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo, Waterloo ON, Canada N2L 3G1

Received 25 March 2007; received in revised form 22 May 2007; accepted 25 June 2007Available online 6 July 2007

Responsible Editor: L.G. Xue


In this paper, we systematically study the stability of a class of generalized Additive Increase and MultiplicativeDecrease/Random Early Detection (AIMD/RED) system. Sufficient conditions are obtained for asymptotic stability ofboth homogeneous-flow system and heterogeneous-flow system with or without feedback delay by using indirect Lyapu-nov and Lyapunov–Razumikhin method. Our study reveals the relationship between the AIMD parameters and the aver-age window size of competing AIMD flows. Consequently, the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)-friendly condition isderived. Numerical results with Matlab and simulation results with NS-2 are given to validate the theorems and analyticalresults. The analysis and the stability conditions derived can be used as a guideline to set up the AIMD/RED systemparameters in order to maintain network stability and integrity, and to enhance system performance.� 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Network stability; TCP-friendliness; Delay; AIMD; RED

1. Introduction

The proliferation and universal adoption of theInternet have escalated it as the key informationtransport platform. As a decentralized system, net-work stability and integrity rely on the end-to-endcongestion control algorithm, which is deployed in

the dominant transport layer protocol, Transmis-sion Control Protocol (TCP). A TCP sender inter-prets packet losses as congestion indicators andthrottles the traffic load once a packet loss isdetected, using an Additive Increase and Multiplica-tive Decrease (AIMD) [1] congestion control mech-anism, aiming to avoid network congestioncollapse. Specifically, a sender additively increasesthe sending rate to probe for available bandwidthwhen no congestion occurs and exponentially (mul-tiplicatively) decreases its sending rate in responseto network congestion. The additive increase rate

1389-1286/$ - see front matter � 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 519 888 4567x2691; fax: +1519 746 3077.

E-mail address: [email protected] (Xuemin (Sher-man) Shen).

Computer Networks 51 (2007) 4475–4491

Author's personal copy

of TCP is one packet per round-trip time (rtt) andthe multiplicative decrease ratio of TCP is 1/2. Tosupport heterogeneous traffic, the general AIMDcongestion control uses a pair of parameters (a,b)to set the increase rate and the decrease ratio [4–6]. On the other hand, to distribute the networkcongestion indicators fairly to all on-going flows,active queue management (AQM) [8,22], e.g., theRandom Early Detection (RED) queue manage-ment scheme, has been proposed to be deployed inthe intermediate nodes. With the RED schemes[10,11], the intermediate nodes discard packets ofall on-going flows randomly when the queue lengthexceeds a pre-defined threshold; therefore, thepacket loss rate of each flow is roughly proportionalto the flow sending rate. The AIMD congestion con-trol, coupled with the RED queue in the core net-work, has been acknowledged as one of the keyfactors to the overwhelming success of the Internet.

With the rapid advances in optical and wirelesscommunications, the Internet is becoming a moreheterogeneous and diverse system: link capacity var-ies from several Kbps to several Gbps, with sixorders of magnitude; transmission bit error ratesvary from <10�9 to 10�3, also with about six ordersof magnitude; and end-to-end delay varies from sev-eral milliseconds to several seconds. A critical andimmediate question is whether the AIMD/REDsystem is a stable, fair, and efficient system, indepen-dent of the heterogeneity of the link capacity,end-to-end delay, and network topology. In otherwords, should we re-design the Internet congestioncontrol mechanism to accommodate future killerapplications over the ever-diversified Internet, orcan we take an incremental approach of engineeringthe existing congestion control mechanism and rou-ters’ queue management parameters to achieve thesame objective?

Stability problems of TCP flows with REDqueues have been extensively investigated in [17–22]. New control mechanisms based on control the-ory and game theory have also been proposed [2].Instead of proposing a new control mechanism, wefocus on the stability and performance of the domi-nant AIMD congestion control mechanism withRED queues. In [22], using a fluid model, the globalasymptotic stability of TCP/RED is proved, neglect-ing the feedback delay. The dynamics of TCP/REDwith feedback delay has been studied using a fre-quency domain approach in [3]. Because of the het-erogeneity of the Internet, understanding thestability conditions of the general AIMD/RED sys-

tem with heterogeneous flows and feedback delays iscritical for future network planning and design.

In this paper, we systematically study the stabil-ity of the AIMD/RED system, considering hetero-geneous flows with different AIMD parameters inboth delay-free marking and delayed marking sce-narios. The definitions of stability and asymptoticstability follow that in [24]. Consider dynamic sys-tems with time delay of the following form:

dxdt¼ f ðt; xðtÞ; xðt � s1ðtÞÞ; . . . ; xðt � smðtÞÞÞ;

where x 2 Rn, f : I · Rn · Rn · � � � · Rn! Rn is con-tinuous. Let s = supi = 1, . . . , msi(t).

The trivial solution of the system is said to be

stable if for every � > 0 and t0 2 Rþ, there existssome d = d(t0,�) > 0 such that for any n(t) 2C[[t0 � s,t0],Rn], knk < d implies kx(t, t0,n)k < �for all t P t0;asymptotically stable if the system is stable and forevery t0 2 Rþ, there exists some g = g(t0) > 0 suchthat limt!1kx(t, t0,n)k = 0 whenever knk < g.

Based on the fluid model of the generalizedAIMD/RED system, we apply the methods ofLyapunov functional and Lyapunov function withLyapunov–Razumikhin condition to study the sta-bility properties of the system. Different sufficientconditions are derived for the local asymptotic sta-bility of the system with feedback delays. Since thefluid model captures the ensemble averages of thesystem parameters, with the sufficient conditionsderived, the ensemble averages or the time averages(over a round) of the AIMD/RED system can belocally asymptotically stable, even with heteroge-neous feedback and propagation delays, so theAIMD/RED system can be marginally stable. Around is defined as the time interval between twoinstants at which the sender reduces its window sizeconsecutively. The analysis also reveals the relation-ship between AIMD parameters and the averagewindow size of competing AIMD flows, and theTCP-friendly condition is also derived. Numericalresults are given to validate the analysis. Extensivesimulations with NS-2 [7] are performed to studythe system performance with realistic protocolsand network topologies. The analytical and simula-tion results can help to better understand the stabil-ity and performance of AIMD/RED system, andthe theoretical results can be used as a guideline

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for the setting of system parameters to maintain net-work stability and enhance system performance.

The remainder of the paper is organized as fol-lows. Section 2 briefly introduces the related work.Section 3 proposes the model of the generalizedAIMD/RED system. Section 4 studies the stabilityproperty of the generalized AIMD/RED systemwith delay-free marking, and derives the TCP-friendly condition and average queuing delay. Thestability and fairness analysis of AIMD/RED sys-tem with heterogeneous feedback delays are givenin Section 5. Numerical results with MATLABand simulation results with NS-2 are presented inSection 6, followed by concluding remarks and fur-ther research issues in Section 7.

2. Related work

Congestion control mechanisms and AQMschemes for the Internet have been extensively stud-ied, aiming to achieve quick convergence to effi-ciency, stability, fair bandwidth sharing, and lowpacket loss rate.

Internet stability properties and fairness issues inthe presence of feedback delay have received muchattention recently. The original work of proposingthe congestion controller using utility optimizationhas been done in [12]. Since then, lots of work havebeen conducted for the TCP/Random ExponentialMarking (REM) system. For example, for the caseof a single node and a single source in the TCP/REM system, the design of congestion controllersand the stability problems with delays are studiedin [2,13,14], and the sufficient conditions for globalstability are given as well. Recently, a discrete con-gestion control system has been proposed in [15] tomaintain both stability and fairness under heteroge-neous delayed feedback. The boundedness and sta-bility for the TCP/REM system are discussed in [16].

In the design of congestion controllers, one of theimportant criteria is asymptotic stability, i.e., thecapability of the network to avoid oscillations inthe steady state and to properly respond to otherexternal perturbations. AQM schemes recently dis-cussed include RED, REM, Proportional–Integral(PI) control and Loss Ratio-based RED (LRED).For TCP/RED system, the sufficient conditionsfor global stability in the absence of feedback delayare given in [22]; the conditions for the stability ofTCP/RED system in the frequency domain aregiven in [3] by Nyquist stability criterion. The designand analysis of the PI controller for RED routers

are discussed in [19]. Newly proposed AQM scheme,LRED in [9], measures the latest packet loss ratio,and uses it as a complement to queue length foradaptively adjusting the packet drop probability.To the best of our knowledge, the stability proper-ties of AIMD/RED systems in the presence ofheterogeneous AIMD and TCP flows with heteroge-neous feedback delays have not been studied, andthey are the main focus of this paper.

3. A fluid-flow model of generalized AIMD/REDsystem

A stochastic model of TCP behavior was devel-oped using fluid-flow and stochastic differentialequation analysis [18]. Simulation results have dem-onstrated that this model accurately captures thedynamics of TCP. We extend the fluid-flow modelfor general AIMD(a,b) congestion control: the win-dow size is increased by a packet per rtt if no packetloss occurs; otherwise, it is reduced to b times itscurrent value.

We first consider the case that all AIMD-con-trolled flows have the same (a,b) parameter pairand round-trip delay. The AIMD/RED fluid modelrelates to the ensemble averages of key network vari-ables, and it is described by the following coupled,nonlinear differential equations:

dW ðtÞdt¼ a


1þbW ðtÞW ðt�RðtÞÞ

Rðt�RðtÞÞ pðt�RðtÞÞ;


NðtÞ�W ðtÞRðtÞ �C; q> 0;

NðtÞ�W ðtÞRðtÞ �C

n oþ; q¼ 0;


where {a}+ = max{a, 0},a > 0, b 2 [0,1], W 2 [1,Wmax] is the ensemble average of AIMD windowsize (packets); q 2 [0, qmax] is the ensemble averageof queue length (packets); R is the round-trip timewith RðtÞ ¼ qðtÞ

C þ T p (s), where C is the queue capac-ity (packets/s) and Tp is the deterministic delay(including propagation, processing, and transmis-sion delay). N is the number of AIMD flows andp is the probability of a packet being marked (ordropped).

The first differential equation of system (1)describes the AIMD(a,b) window control dynamic.Roughly speaking, a/R represents the window’s addi-tive increase, while 2ð1�bÞ

1þb W represents the window’smultiplicative decrease in response to packet marking(or dropping) probability p. This is because the flow’s

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window size always oscillates between bWmax toWmax, the average window size over a round is(1 + b)Wmax/2. Each time, the window size is cut by(1 � b)Wmax = 2(1 � b)W/(1 + b). The second equa-tion models the bottleneck queue length as simply anaccumulated difference between packet arrival rateNW/R and link capacity C. {Æ}+ in the model guaran-tees queue length is a non-negative number.

With RED, the packet marking probabilityis proportional to the average queue length:p = Kp(qact � minth) with Kp > 0 and p 2 [0,1].When the actual queue length is less than or equalto the minimum threshold, i.e. qact 6 minth, themarking probability is zero. Therefore, dW ðtÞ

dt ¼ aR,

that is, the window size will keep increasing andnot converge. In the following, we will discuss thestability property of this model when qact > minth.Without loss of generality, let q(t) = qact(t) � minth.Since the system behaves the same as a Drop-Tailqueue once the queue length exceeds the maximumthreshold maxth, to focus on the behavior ofAIMD/RED, we choose maxth to be sufficientlylarge such that pmax = 1.

It should be noted that, (1) is a generalizedAIMD/RED congestion control model, whichincludes the model studied in [18–23]. If we choosea = 1, b = 0.5, (1) is equivalent to the traditionalTCP/RED model. We will also show in the next sec-tion that the stability properties of the specific modelin the literature is compatible with the correspondingproperties of this generalized model as well.

4. Stability and fairness analysis with delay-free


4.1. Stability of homogeneous AIMD/RED system

With the fluid-flow model (1), we assume that thetraffic load (N AIMD flows) is time-invariant, i.e.,N(t) = N, and the round-trip time of each flow is aconstant, R(t) = R. In the case of delay-free mark-ing, i.e., p = Kpq(t), the original delay-free markingmodel (1) can be written as a closed-loop dynamics:

dW ðtÞdt¼ a

R� 2ð1� bÞ

1þ bW ðtÞW ðtÞ

RðtÞ KpqðtÞ;


N �W ðtÞR � C; q > 0;

N �W ðtÞR � C

n oþ; q ¼ 0:


For a single-bottleneck system, the equilibriumpoint ðW �

0; q�0Þ for (2) is given by

W �0 ¼


; q�0 ¼að1þ bÞN 2

2ð1� bÞR2C2Kp: ð3Þ

At equilibrium, the RED queue length is inverselyproportional to Kp. Thus, we should choose Kp

according to the delay budget.With the transformed variables eW :¼ W�

W �0; ~q :¼ q� q�0, (2) becomes

_eW ðtÞ ¼ � 2ð1� bÞ1þ b

ð eW ðtÞ þ W �0Þ



� 2ð1� bÞ1þ b

eW 2ðtÞ þ 2 eW ðtÞW �0


_~qðtÞ ¼ NR� eW ðtÞ:


The equilibrium point of (4) is ð eW �; ~q�Þ ¼ ð0; 0Þ.We construct the positive-definite Lyapunov


V ð eW ; ~qÞ ¼ ð1þ bÞN 3

2ð1� bÞR2C2� eW 2ðtÞ þ 1


which is used to derive the following theorem.

Theorem 1. The equilibrium point of (2) is asymp-

totically stable for all Kp > 0.

The proof of Theorem 1 is omitted, and we willprove a more general theorem (Theorem 2) in thenext subsection.

From the viewpoint of control theory, the blockdiagram of the AIMD/RED system is depicted inFig. 1 [22]. By a suitable control law, we relate theoutput q with the input p, which makes the originalopen loop systems into a closed-loop control systemto achieve asymptotic stability.

4.2. Stability of heterogeneous AIMD/RED system

In the previous subsection, we discussed the sta-bility property of the homogeneous-flow system










Fig. 1. Block diagram of generalized AIMD/RED system.

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when there is only one type of flows with the param-eter pair (a,b). To support heterogeneous multime-dia applications, we study the system withheterogeneous flows, i.e., there are two or moretypes of flows with the parameter pairs (a1,b1),(a2,b2), . . . , (am,bm). First, we consider the casewhen there are two different heterogeneous flows:WI whose rtt is R1, and WII whose rtt is R2, withthe parameters (a1,b1), (a2,b2), respectively. Thenumber of WI flows is N1, and that of WII flows isN2. Then the corresponding mathematical modelhas the following form,

dW IðtÞdt

¼ a1


� 2ð1� b1Þ1þ b1

� W2I ðtÞR1

� KpqðtÞ;

dW IIðtÞdt

¼ a2


� 2ð1� b2Þ1þ b2

� W2IIðtÞR2

� KpqðtÞ;


N1W IðtÞR1þ N2W IIðtÞ

R2� C; q > 0;

N1W IðtÞR1þ N2W IIðtÞ

R2� C

n oþ; q ¼ 0:


The equilibrium points ðW �I ;W

�II; q

�0Þ of (5) can be

obtained as

W �I ¼


R2N 1 þ a2ð1�b1Þð1þb2Þa1ð1þb1Þð1�b2Þ

� �1=2

� R1N 2


W �II ¼



� �1=2

� R2N 1 þ R1N 2


q�0 ¼a1ð1þ b1Þ R2N 1 þ a2ð1�b1Þð1þb2Þ


� �1=2

R1N 2

� �2


2C2Kpð1� b1Þ:


With the transformed variables eW IðtÞ :¼ W IðtÞ�W �

I , eW IIðtÞ :¼ W IIðtÞ � W �II and ~qðtÞ :¼ qðtÞ � q�0,

(5) becomes

_eW IðtÞ ¼ �2ð1� b1Þ

1þ b1

ð eW IðtÞ þ W �I Þ




� 2ð1� b1Þ1þ b1

eW 2I ðtÞ þ 2W �

IeW IðtÞ



_eW IIðtÞ ¼ �2ð1� b2Þ

1þ b2

ð eW IIðtÞ þ W �IIÞ




� 2ð1� b2Þ1þ b2

eW 2IIðtÞ þ 2W �




_~qðtÞ ¼ N 1 � eW IðtÞR1

þ N 2 � eW IIðtÞR2



The equilibrium point of (7) is then ð eW �I ;eW �

II;~q�0Þ ¼ ð0; 0; 0Þ.

With (7), choose the following positive-definiteLyapunov function,

V ð eW IðtÞ; eW IIðtÞ;~qðtÞÞ

¼ ð1þb1ÞN 1

2ð1�b1ÞW �2I

� eW 2I ðtÞþ

ð1þb2ÞN 2

2ð1�b2ÞW �2II

� eW 2IIðtÞþKp~q2ðtÞ:


_V ¼ ð1þ b1ÞN 1

ð1� b1ÞW �2I

eW IðtÞ _eW IðtÞ

þ ð1þ b2ÞN 2

ð1� b2ÞW �2II

eW IIðtÞ _eW IIðtÞ þ 2Kp~qðtÞ _~qðtÞ

¼ � 2N 1Kp

W �2I R1

eW 2I ðtÞð eW IðtÞ þ 2W �

I Þð~qðtÞ þ q�0Þ

� 2N 2Kp

W �2II R2

eW 2IIðtÞð eW IIðtÞ þ 2W �

IIÞð~qðtÞ þ q�0Þ 6 0:

From the physics constraint point of view, the posi-tive-definite Lyapunov function emulates the totalenergy function of the system, i.e., the sum ofkinetic and potential energy. Here _V 6 0, sinceeW IðtÞ þ 2W �

I > 0, eW IIðtÞ þ 2W �II > 0 and ~qðtÞþ

q�0 P 0, which means the energy of the system isnon-increasing. Thus, we prove that the equilibriumpoint is stable. To conclude asymptotic stability, wefirst consider the set of states where _V ¼ 0,

M :¼ fð eW I; eW II; ~qÞ : _V ¼ 0g¼ fð eW I; eW II; ~qÞ : eW I ¼ eW II ¼ 0 or ~q ¼ �q�0g:

By LaSalle’s Invariance Principle [24], trajectories of(7) converge to the largest invariant set contained inM. We will then prove that the only invariant setcontained in M is the equilibrium point (0,0,0). Ifð eW I; eW II; ~qÞ is equal to ð0; 0; ~qÞ or ð eW I; eW II;�q�0Þ,by using (7), we can conclude that ð eW IðtþÞ;eW IIðtþÞ; ~qðtþÞÞ is not in M, which implies that notrajectory can stay in M, other than the point(0,0,0). Therefore, asymptotic stability is obtained,which we summarize as follows:

Theorem 2. For any Kp > 0, the equilibrium point of

(7) is asymptotically stable for any positive pairs

(a1,b1), (a2,b2) and any positive R1 and R2.

We can also extend our results to the case whenmore than two heterogeneous flows exist in the samesystem. Suppose that there are M different heteroge-neous flows (a1,b1), (a2,b2), . . . , (am,bm) sharing the

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resources, with the number N1,N2, . . . ,Nm, and dif-ferent rtts R1,R2, . . . ,Rm respectively, then thoseflows can be mathematically modeled as

dW IðtÞdt

¼ a1


� 2ð1� b1Þ1þ b1

� W IðtÞ2


� KpqðtÞ;

dW IIðtÞdt

¼ a2


� 2ð1� b2Þ1þ b2

� W IIðtÞ2


� KpqðtÞ;

� � �dW MðtÞ

dt¼ am

Rm� 2ð1� bmÞ

1þ bm� W MðtÞ2

Rm� KpqðtÞ;



NiW iðtÞRi� C; q > 0;


NiW iðtÞRi� C

� �þ; q ¼ 0:



With (8), we choose a positive-definite Lyapunovfunction as

V ð eW IðtÞ; eW IIðtÞ; . . . ; eW MðtÞ; ~qðtÞÞ

¼ ð1þ b1ÞN 1

2ð1� b1ÞW �2I

� eW 2I ðtÞ þ

ð1þ b2ÞN 1

2ð1� b2ÞW �2II

� eW 2IIðtÞ

þ � � � þ ð1þ bmÞN m

2ð1� bmÞW �2M

� eW 2MðtÞ þ Kp~q2ðtÞ;

where eW iðtÞ; i ¼ 1; 2; . . . ;m, and ~qðtÞ have the samemeaning as in (7). Then,

_V ¼ ð1þ b1ÞN 1

ð1� b1ÞW �2I

eW I_eW I þ

ð1þ b2ÞN 2

ð1� b2ÞW �2II


þ � � � þ ð1þ bmÞN M

ð1� bmÞW �2M

eW M_eW M þ 2Kp~q _~q

¼ � 2N 1Kp

W �2I R1

eW 2I ð eW I þ 2W �

I Þð~qþ q�0Þ � � � �

� 2N mKp

W �2M Rm

eW 2Mð eW M þ 2W �

MÞð~qþ q�0Þ 6 0:

We can obtain its asymptotic stability by applyingLaSalle’s Invariance Principle, and thus have thefollowing theorem,

Theorem 3. For any Kp > 0, the equilibrium point of

system (8) is asymptotically stable for any positive

pairs (a1,b1), (a2,b2), . . . , (am,bm) and any positive

R1,R2, . . . ,Rm.

4.3. TCP-friendliness and differentiated services

For two competing AIMD flows, from (6), wecan also get the relationship between W �

I and W �II

as follows:

W �I


¼ a1ð1þ b1Þð1� b2Þa2ð1� b1Þð1þ b2Þ

� �1=2

: ð9Þ

This means that the ratio of W �I and W �

II dependsonly on the choices of (a1,b1) and (a2,b2), andregardless of the traffic loads in the network andtheir initial states. Therefore, by choosing suitable(a1,b1) and (a2,b2), we can guarantee the fair shareof bottleneck bandwidth for each flow. Conse-quently, for AIMD(a,b) flows to be TCP-friendly,i.e., co-existing TCP and AIMD flows obtain thesame share of bottleneck bandwidth, the necessaryand sufficient condition is

a ¼ 3ð1� bÞ1þ b

: ð10Þ

A large value of b can be chosen for applicationsthat cannot tolerate drastic changes of the through-put, and a can be set according to the TCP-friendlycondition.

In the Internet, different types of multimedia ser-vices are provided with different resource require-ments. To provide differentiate services, we canassign different traffic a different weight. Eq. (9)indicates that we can easily adjust the AIMDparameters of the end systems to provide differenti-ated services according to different QoS require-ments. For instance, let the throughput of anAIMD(a1,b1) flow be k times that of an AIM-D(a2,b2) flow, the AIMD parameter pairs shouldsatisfy



¼ k2ð1� b1Þð1þ b2Þð1þ b1Þð1� b2Þ

: ð11Þ

4.4. Numeric results

The traces of average window size and queuelength of 100 TCP (a = 1, b = 0.5) flows and 100AIMD(0.2,0.875) flows are given in Figs. 2 and 3,respectively. The parameters used are C =100,000 packet/s, R = 100 ms, Kp = 0.0001, andminth = 200 packets. For the TCP-friendliness, let100 TCP flows and 24 AIMD(0.2,0.875) flows sharethe bottleneck, and the numeric results with Matlabare shown in Fig. 4. It can be seen that when theflows in the network possess the same (a,b) param-eter pair, the ensemble averages of window size andthe bottleneck queue length converge to some cer-tain values, i.e., the equilibrium points we derived

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in the previous analysis. When TCP andAIMD(0.2,0.875) flows co-exist, they will fairlyshare the link capacity in steady state, since(0.2,0.875) satisfies the TCP-friendly condition(10). Thus, the numeric results validate thetheorems.

Furthermore, from Figs. 2 and 3, with a smallervalue of a and a larger value of b, it takes longertime for the system to converge to the steady state,and the link utilization during the transient stage islow; however, in steady state, the oscillation ampli-tudes of the instantaneous window size and queuelength are smaller. In other words, with a smallervalue of a and a larger value of b, the queuing delayjitter is smaller, and the link utilization in steadystate is higher, which are desired for supportingtime-sensitive multimedia applications.

5. Stability and fairness analysis with heterogeneous

feedback delays

In this section, we study the stability propertiesof the AIMD/RED system with feedback delay,using the method of Lyapunov functional andLyapunov function with Lyapunov–Razumikhincondition, to establish different sufficient conditionsfor the stability of the AIMD/RED system with het-erogeneous flows and feedback delays.

5.1. Stability of homogeneous delayed AIMD/RED


For AIMD/RED system with feedback delay,i.e., p(t � R(t)) = Kpq(t � R(t)), we can obtain theequilibrium point ðW �

0; q�0Þ of the system (1) as

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 2080












TCP window trace

(a) TCP window trace

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 2080












AIMD (0.2, 0.875) window trace

(b) AIMD (0.2, 0.875) window trace

Fig. 2. Window trace.

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 200









TCP queue length

(a) TCP queue length

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 200









AIMD(0.2, 0.875) queue length

(b) AIMD(0.2, 0.875) queue length

Fig. 3. Queue length.

L. Wang et al. / Computer Networks 51 (2007) 4475–4491 4481

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W �0 ¼


; q�0 ¼að1þ bÞN 2

2ð1� bÞR�2C2Kp; ð12Þ

where R� ¼ q�0

C þ T p. Due to the highly nonlinear nat-ure and the effect of delays in the system, no suitableLyapunov function could be constructed to proveglobal asymptotic stability of the equilibrium. With-out loss of generality, we ignore the dependence ofthe time-delay argument t � R(t) on the queuing de-lay and assume it is fixed to t � R*. Then, the system(2) can be linearized as

_eW ðtÞ ¼ � aN

R�2CeW ðtÞ � aN

R�2CeW ðt � R�Þ � a


� 2ð1� bÞ1þ b


N 2� a


� ~qðt � R�Þ;

_~qðtÞ ¼ NR�eW ðtÞ � 1



where eW :¼ W � W �0; ~q :¼ q� q�0.

System (13) can be written in the form of

_xðtÞ ¼ AxðtÞ þ Bxðt � R�Þ; ð14Þwith x ¼ ð eW ðtÞ; ~qðtÞÞT, A ¼



NR� � 1


� �and

B ¼�aNR�2C



N2 þ aR�2C

0 0

" #:

The norm of matrix is defined by kAk ¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffikmaxðATAÞ

q, i.e., the square root of the maximum

eigenvalue of ATA.It can be checked that A is a Hurwitz matrix,

which implies that for any positive-definite matrixQ, there exists certain positive-definite matrix P,such that ATP + PA = �Q.

Theorem 4. Let M ¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffikmaxðP Þ=kminðP Þ

p, if there

exist positive-definite P and Q satisfying ATP +

PA = �Q such that matrix Q � 2MkPBkI is positive

definite, then the equilibrium point of (2) is locally

asymptotically stable.

Proof. With (13) and (14), we choose Lyapunovfunction V(x) = xTPx. Then

_V ¼ _xTPxþ xTP _x

¼ xTðtÞðATP þ PAÞxðtÞ þ 2xTðt � R�ÞBTPxðtÞ:

Applying Lyapunov–Razumikhin condition, we as-sume l > 1 such that

V ðnÞ 6 l2V ðtÞ for t � R� 6 n 6 t;

which implies that kx(n)k 6M Æ l Æ kx(t)k, where

M ¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffikmaxðP ÞkminðPÞ



_V 6 �xTðtÞQxðtÞ þ 2kxðt � R�ÞkkPBkkxðtÞk6 �xTðtÞ½Q� 2lMkPBkI �xðtÞ:

Since Q � 2MkPBkI is positive definite, there existsl > 1 such that _V < 0. The local asymptotic stabilityof system (2) is then obtained. h

Lyapunov–Razumikhin condition is used in The-orem 4 to deal with the delayed terms in _V . Lyapu-nov functional is another method that can beapplied when studying the stability of delayed sys-tems. In the following, we apply the method ofLyapunov functional to give a different sufficientcondition for the local asymptotic stability of sys-tem (2).

Theorem 5. If there exist positive-definite P and Q

satisfying ATP + PA = �Q and positive-definite H

0 10 20 30 40 50 6060










TCP and AIMD(0.2, 0.875) window traceTCPAIMD

(a) TCP and AIMD(0.2, 0.875) window trace

0 5 10 15 20 25 300













Queue length

(b) Queue length

Fig. 4. TCP-friendliness.

4482 L. Wang et al. / Computer Networks 51 (2007) 4475–4491

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such that matrixQ� H �PB�BT P H

� �is positive definite,

the equilibrium point of (2) is locally asymptotically


Proof. With (13) and (14), we choose Lyapu-nov functional V ðxÞ ¼ xTPxþ

R tt�R� xTðsÞHxðsÞds,


_V ¼ xTðtÞðATP þ PAÞxðtÞ þ 2xTðt�R�ÞBTPxðtÞ

þ xTðtÞHxðtÞ � xTðt�R�ÞHxðt�R�Þ

¼ �xTðtÞðQ�HÞxðtÞ þ 2xTðt�R�ÞBTPxðtÞ

� xTðt�R�ÞHxðt�R�Þ

¼ �ðxTðtÞ;xTðt�R�ÞÞQ�H �PB


" #xðtÞ


" #:

Thus, system (2) is locally asymptotically stable ifQ� H �PB�BTP H

� �is positive definite. h

The two theorems provide sufficient conditions oflocal asymptotic stability for the AIMD/RED sys-tem. We give a numerical example for Theorem 5:Let N = 10, C = 3000 (packets/s), Tp = 0.02(s),Kp = 0.0005 with a = 1, b = 0.5. We choose

Q ¼ 39:0410 2:26482:2648 6:4539

� �and H ¼ 1

2Q: Note that Q

and H are positive definite. With Matlab, we get

P ¼ 19:0990 0:27930:2793 0:0599

� �and the eigenvalues of the

matrixQ� H �PB�BTP H

� �are all positive: 0.1780,

3.2305, 3.4105, 38.6758; therefore,Q� H �PB�BTP H

� �is positive definite. Thus, the condition of Theorem5 holds and the system is locally asymptotically sta-ble. Simulation results using the same parameterswill be given in Section 6.

Theorems 4 and 5 give different sufficient asymp-totic stability conditions, which allow us to use anyof them at our convenience. Again, the asymptoticstability is for the average values of window sizeand queue length. Given that the average windowsize converges to W �

0, the maximum instantaneouswindow size is bounded to 2W �

0=ð1þ bÞ, so theAIMD window size can be marginally stable withknown bounds. Similarly, the instantaneous queuelength is bounded.

So far, we have mathematically derived the localstability conditions of AIMD/RED system. Forlocal asymptotic stability, once the system enters

the stability region or region-of-attraction, the sys-tem will converge to the equilibrium asymptoti-cally. Obviously, the equilibrium point belongs tothe stability region. We conjecture that, with boththe slow-start and the AIMD algorithms of theTCP/AIMD protocols, the system will eventuallyevolve to the stability region and equilibrium,and thus global asymptotic stability can beachieved. Simulations in Section 6 also demon-strate this tendency. Global asymptotic stabilityconditions for AIMD/RED systems are still underinvestigation.

5.2. Stability of heterogeneous delayed AIMD/RED


In the previous subsection, we discuss the stabil-ity issue of homogeneous flows with the sameAIMD (a,b) pair and the same round-trip delay.In this section, we first consider two classes offlows with parameters (a1,b1), (a2,b2), traffic loadsN1, N2 and rtts R1, R2, respectively. The resultscan be generalized to any number of flows withheterogeneous AIMD parameters and feedbackdelays.

Taking all the time delays into consideration, theAIMD/RED system shared by two classes of flowscan be modeled as

dW IðtÞdt

¼ a1

R1ðtÞ� 2ð1� b1Þ

1þ b1

� W IðtÞW Iðt � R1ðtÞÞR1ðt � R1ðtÞÞ

Kpqðt � R1Þ;

dW IIðtÞdt

¼ a2

R2ðtÞ� 2ð1� b2Þ

1þ b2

� W IIðtÞW IIðt � R2ðtÞÞR2ðt � R2ðtÞÞ

Kpqðt � R2Þ;


N1W IðtÞR1ðtÞ

þ N2W IIðtÞR2ðtÞ

� C; q > 0;

N1W IðtÞR1ðtÞ

þ N2W IIðtÞR2ðtÞ

� Cn oþ

; q ¼ 0;


with R1ðtÞ ¼ qðtÞC þ T p1R2ðtÞ ¼ qðtÞ

C þ T p2.Then, the delayed linearized system about the

equilibrium point is

L. Wang et al. / Computer Networks 51 (2007) 4475–4491 4483

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_eW IðtÞ ¼ �a1ðN 1R�2Gþ N 2R�1Þ

GCR�1R�2ð eW IðtÞ � eW Iðt � R�1ÞÞ

� 2ð1� b1Þ1þ b1


ðN 1R�2Gþ N 2R�1Þ2

~qðt � R�1Þ

� a1~qðtÞR�21 C

þ a1


~qðt � R�1Þ;

_eW IIðtÞ ¼ �a2ðN 1R�2Gþ N 2R�1Þ

CR�1R�2� ð eW IIðtÞ � eW IIðt � R�2ÞÞ

� 2ð1� b2Þ1þ b2

KpC2R�21 R2

ðN 1R�2Gþ N 2R�1Þ2

~qðt � R�2Þ

� a2~qðtÞR�22 C

þ a2


~qðt � R�2Þ;

_~qðtÞ ¼ N 1

R�1eW IðtÞ þ

N 2

R�2eW IIðtÞ

� GN 1R�2R�1ðN 1R�2Gþ N 2R�1Þ


� N 2R�1R�2ðN 1R�2Gþ N 2R�1Þ



where eW I :¼W �W �I ;eW II :¼W �W �

II; ~q :¼ q�q�0:

ðW �I ;W



¼ GCR�1R�2N 1R�2GþN 2R�1


N 1R�2GþN 2R�1;

a1ð1þb1Þ2ð1�b1ÞW �2

I Kp

is the equilibrium point of system (15), where



C þT p1;R�2¼q�


C þT p2, and G¼ a1ð1þb1Þð1�b2Þa2ð1�b1Þð1þb2Þ

� �1=2


System (16) can be rewritten as

_xðtÞ ¼ AxðtÞ þ B1xðt � R�1Þ þ B2xðt � R�2Þ; ð17Þ

with x ¼ ð eW IðtÞ; eW IIðtÞ; ~qðtÞÞT,

a11 0�a1

R�21 C

0 a22


R�22 CN 1


N 2



37777775; B1¼b111 0 b113

0 0 0

0 0 0

264375 and

B2¼0 0 0

0 b222 b223

0 0 0



a11 ¼ �a1ðN 1R�2Gþ N 2R�1Þ


a22 ¼ �a2ðN 1R�2Gþ N 2R�1Þ


a33 ¼ �GN 1R�22 þ N 2R�21

R�1R�2ðN 1R�2Gþ N 2R�1Þ;

b111 ¼ �a1ðN 1R�2Gþ N 2R�1Þ


b113 ¼ �2ð1� b1Þ

1þ b1


ðN 1R�2Gþ N 2R�1Þ2þ a1



b222 ¼ �a2ðN 1R�2Gþ N 2R�1Þ


b223 ¼ �2ð1� b2Þ

1þ b2

KpC2R�21 R2

ðN 1R�2Gþ N 2R�1Þ2þ a2



Also, we can check that A is a Hurwitz matrix.Let M ¼

ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffikmaxðP Þ=kminðPÞ

p, we have the following


Theorem 6. If there exist positive-definite P and Q

satisfying ATP + PA = �Q such that matrix

Q � 2M(kPB1k + kPB2k)I is positive definite, then

the equilibrium point of (15) is locally asymptotically


Proof. With (16) and (17), we choose Lyapunovfunction V(x) = xTPx, then

_V ¼ xTðtÞðATP þ PAÞxðtÞ þ 2xTðt � R�1ÞBT1 PxðtÞ

þ 2xTðt � R�2ÞBT2 PxðtÞ:

Let R� ¼ maxfR�1;R�2g. Applying the Lyapunov–Razumikhin condition, we assume l > 1 such that

V ðnÞ 6 l2V ðtÞ; t � R� 6 n 6 t;

which implies that kx(n)k 6M Æ l Æ kx(t)k.Thus,

_V 6 �xTðtÞQxðtÞ þ 2kxðt � R�ÞkkPB1kkxðtÞkþ 2kxðt � R�ÞkkPB2kkxðtÞk6 �xTðtÞ½Q� 2lMðkPB1k þ kPB2kÞI �xðtÞ:

Therefore, there exists l > 1 such that _V < 0 underthe condition of the Theorem. The local asymptoticstability of system (15) is then obtained. h

4484 L. Wang et al. / Computer Networks 51 (2007) 4475–4491

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We can also apply the method of Lyapunov func-tional to obtain a different sufficient condition forthe local asymptotic stability of system (15).

Theorem 7. If there exist positive-definite P and Q

satisfying ATP + PA = � Q and positive-definite H

such that matrix

Q� 2H �PB1 �PB2

�BT1 P H 0

�BT2 P 0 H

24 35 is posi-

tive definite, the equilibrium point of (15) is locally

asymptotically stable.

Proof. With (16) and (17), we choose Lyapunovfunctional

V ðxÞ ¼ xTPxþZ t



þZ t




_V ¼ xTðtÞðATP þ PAÞxðtÞ þ 2xTðt � R�1ÞBT1 PxðtÞ

þ 2xTðt � R�2ÞBT2 PxðtÞ þ 2xTðtÞHxðtÞ

� xTðt � R�1ÞHxðt � R�1Þ � xTðt � R�2ÞHxðt � R�2Þ¼ �xTðtÞðQ� 2HÞxðtÞ þ 2xTðt � R�1ÞBT

1 PxðtÞþ 2xTðt � R�2ÞBT

2 PxðtÞ � xTðt � R�1ÞHxðt � R�1Þ� xTðt � R�2ÞHxðt � R�2Þ¼ �ðxTðtÞ; xTðt � R�1Þ; xTðt � R�2ÞÞ

�Q� 2H �PB1 �PB2

�BT1 P H 0

�BT2 P 0 H

264375 � xðtÞ

xðt � R�1Þxðt � R�2Þ


Denote D ¼Q� 2H �PB1 �PB2

�BT1 P H 0

�BT2 P 0 H

24 35. Thus, sys-

tem (15) is locally asymptotically stable if D is posi-tive definite.

The two theorems provide sufficient conditions oflocal asymptotic stability for the AIMD/RED sys-tem with heterogeneous delays. It is worth pointingout that sufficient conditions derived in Theorem 4to Theorem 7 are all given in terms of linear matrixinequalities (LMIs). These conditions can be easilyassessed by applying the LMI Control Toolbox withMatlab, which makes our results of good practicalvalue. We give a numerical example for Theorem 7:let N1 = N2 = 10, Kp = 0.0001, C = 12,000 (packets/s). Choose (a1,b1) = (1, 0.5) with Tp1 = 0.01 (s), and(a2,b2) = (0.2,0.875) with Tp2 = 0.008 (s), respec-tively. Solving the LMI in Theorem 7 with Matlab

Control Toolbox, one feasible solution we obtain isas follows:

Q ¼107:8925 66:0119 49:7801

66:0119 62:8475 38:7408

49:7801 38:7408 52:1792


and H ¼ 14Q. Note that Q and H are positive defi-

nite. We obtain matrix

P ¼13:8052 6:9367 �0:3094

6:9367 11:6831 �0:1195

�0:3094 �0:1195 0:1443


with Matlab, and the eigenvalues of the matrix

D ¼Q� 2H �PB1 �PB2

�BT1 P H 0

�BT2 P 0 H


0 1 2 3 4 5 60














w S


(a) Window trace

0 1 2 3 4 5 6200












(b) Queue length

Fig. 5. TCP flows.

L. Wang et al. / Computer Networks 51 (2007) 4475–4491 4485

Author's personal copy

are all positive: 2.4997, 3.4597, 3.8422, 5.5610,7.9974, 13.6734, 46.2107, 46.2592, 93.4159; there-fore, D is positive definite. Thus, the condition ofTheorem 7 holds and the system is locally asymptot-ically stable. Simulation results using the sameparameters will be give in Section 6.

While choosing parameters in the numericalexample, we have also found that link capacity C

and feedback delays cannot be too large, so that thematrix D can be positive definite. This observationis also consistent with [3], which suggested thatTCP/RED will become unstable when delayincreases, or more strikingly, when link capacityincreases.

Similarly, we can obtain the local stability of theAIMD/RED system when it is shared by more thantwo classes of heterogeneous flows as well. Theproof is omitted here. h

5.3. TCP-friendliness

According to the equilibrium point of the system,W �

I=W �II ¼ G is a function of the AIMD parameter

pairs, and it is independent of the delays. In otherwords, for two AIMD flows, as long as their AIMDparameters satisfy the condition that G = 1, theiraverage window sizes are the same and their flowthroughputs inversely proportional to their rtts.To be TCP-friendly, the necessary and sufficientcondition is still a = 3(1 � b)/(1 + b), the same asthe condition (10) derived in the delay-free systemsin Section 4.3.

6. Performance evaluation

Matlab is used to obtain the system evolution tra-jectory of the fluid model in order to verify the

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 80














w S


(a) Window trace

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 80















(b) Queue length

Fig. 6. AIMD(0.2,0.875) flows.

0 1 2 3 4 5 60














w S



(a) Window trace

0 1 2 3 4 5 60











(b) Queue length

Fig. 7. TCP vs. AIMD(0.2,0.875) flows.

4486 L. Wang et al. / Computer Networks 51 (2007) 4475–4491

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asymptotic stability proved in Section 5. Networksimulator, NS-2, is used to evaluate the perfor-mance of the AIMD/RED systems.

6.1. Numeric results

The traces of window size and queue length of 10TCP flows and 10 AIMD(0.2,0.875) flows in aRED-enabled link with feedback delays are givenin Figs. 5 and 6, respectively. The parameters usedare the same as those in the numerical example ofTheorem 5, i.e., C = 3000 packet/s, Kp = 0.0005,rtt = 0.02 s, and minth = 200 packets. For heteroge-neous-flow case, let 10 TCP flows and 10AIMD(0.2,0.875) flows share the bottleneck withC = 12,000 packet/s, Kp = 0.0001, and rtts of theTCP and AIMD flow are 0.01 s and 0.008 s, respec-tively. These parameters are the same as those in thenumerical example of Theorem 7. To show the localasymptotic stability of the system, we choose thevalue of the initial condition close to the equilibrium

point. As shown in the figures, all systems areasymptotically stable, and the numerical results val-idate the theorems proved in the paper. Since theparameter pair (0.2,0.875) satisfies the TCP-friendlycondition derived, the average window sizes of thecompeting TCP and AIMD (0.2,0.875) flows shouldbe the same, which is verified by the numericalresults shown in Fig. 7.

6.2. Simulation results

We use network simulator (NS-2) to furtherstudy the performance of the AIMD/RED systemwith realistic protocols and network topologies.Both single bottleneck and multiple bottlenecktopologies are used in the simulations. The follow-ing parameters are used unless otherwise explicitlystated. The routers adjacent to the bottleneck linkare RED-capable: all packets can be queued whenthe average queue length is less than 200 packets,









0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50





Time (second)

Queue LengthTime Average Queue Length

(a) Queue length









0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50



w S


Time (second)

Flow Average Window SizeTime Average Window Size

(b) Window trace

Fig. 8. TCP, Kp = 0.0001, R = 100 ms.









0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50





Time (second)

Queue LengthTime Average Queue Length

(a) Queue length









0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50



w S


Time (second)

Flow Average Window SizeTime Average Window Size

(b) Window trace

Fig. 9. TCP, Kp = 0.00002, R = 100 ms.

L. Wang et al. / Computer Networks 51 (2007) 4475–4491 4487

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and the packets will be discarded with probabilityKp times the current average queue length minus200. The packet size of all flows is 1250 bytes. Thebottleneck link capacity is 1 Gbps, equivalent to100,000 packet/s.

We first let 100 TCP flows and 100AIMD(0.2,0.875) flows with homogeneous delaysshare a single bottleneck, respectively. Their win-dow traces and instantaneous queue lengths aregiven in Figs. 8–11, with different values of rtt andKp. All figures show that the flow window sizesand queue lengths are periodically oscillating insteady state, and their time averages over a roundare converging to certain values, i.e., their time aver-ages are asymptotically stable.

As shown in Figs. 8 and 9, a small value of Kp

can reduce the oscillation amplitude in the steadystate, and thus improve the link utilization andreduce delay jitter in the steady state, at the costof taking longer for the system to reach the steadystate. The network utilization in transient states is

low, so a slow convergence speed is not desired.Comparing Figs. 8 and 10, it is noticed that the sys-tem with AIMD (0.2,0.875) flows has smaller oscil-lation amplitude in the steady state because theAIMD flows have a smaller value of a and a largervalue of b than that of TCP flows. Another observa-tion from Figs. 8 and 11 is that the larger the rtt, theslower the system converges to the steady state.

To study the system performance with heteroge-neous flows, let 24 AIMD(0.2,0.875) flows competewith 100 TCP flows, and their rtts are randomlychosen between 0.09 s and 0.1 s. The traces of theiraverage window size and queue length are given inFig. 12. It is shown that, when heterogeneous TCPand AIMD(0.2,0.875) flows share the network, thenetwork converges to the steady state quickly andthe queue oscillation in the steady state is small.In other words, when heterogeneous traffic sharesthe network, the system performance is even betterthan that with only TCP flows (high oscillationamplitude in the steady state) or homogeneousAIMD (0.2,0.875) flows (slow convergence speed).









0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50





Time (second)

Queue LengthTime Average Queue Length

(a) Queue length









0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50



w S


Time (second)

Flow Average Window SizeTime Average Window Size

(b) Window trace

Fig. 10. AIMD(0.2,0.875), Kp = 0.0001, R = 100 ms.












0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400


ue L



Time (second)

Queue LengthTime Average Queue Length

(a) Queue length











0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400





Time (second)

Flow Average Window SizeTime Average Window Size

(b) Window trace

Fig. 11. TCP, Kp = 0.0001, R = 400 ms.

4488 L. Wang et al. / Computer Networks 51 (2007) 4475–4491

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Another observation from Fig. 12 is that the aver-age window sizes of the TCP flows and the AIMD(0.2,0.875) flows are close to each other, thereforevalidating the TCP-friendly condition derived inSection 4.

A realistic network will accommodate flows withheterogeneous round-trip delays, and some flowsmay undergo multiple bottlenecks. The topologyused for a multiple-bottleneck scenario is shown inFig. 13; 100 group I flows compete with 50 groupII TCP flows in link r0r1 and with 50 group IIITCP flows in link r1r2. The round-trip times of theflows are randomly chosen from 50 ms to 400 ms.There are 50 TCP flows and 50 AIMD(0.2,0.875)flows in group I. The trace of queue length at r0 isshown in Fig. 14. Although the instantaneous queuelength oscillates over time, the time average doesnot change significantly. The stability conditionsfor multiple-bottleneck AIMD/RED systems areunder investigation.

7. Conclusions and future work issues

In this paper, we have studied the stability ofAIMD/RED systems with and without the consider-ation of feedback delays. Delay-free systems havebeen proved asymptotically stable. Sufficient condi-tions have been obtained for the local asymptoticstability of both homogeneous-flow and heteroge-neous-flow systems with feedback delays, which pro-vide insight and guidelines for the design of a stablesystem. TCP-friendliness issue has also been dis-cussed for multiple flows with different AIMDparameters and different rtts. Numerical results havebeen given to validate the analytical results, andextensive simulations with NS-2 have been con-ducted to study the system performance with realisticprotocols and network topologies. The study will beuseful to re-design and re-engineer TCP congestioncontrol for supporting heterogeneous multimediaapplication in more diversified Internet in the future.

There are many interesting open issues requirefurther research. First, for RED queues, the packetdrop probability depends on the queue length only.With the model presented in the paper, the average








0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50





Time (second)

Queue LengthTime Average Queue Length

(a) Queue length









0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50



w S


Time (second)

AIMD Window SizeTCP Window Size

AIMD Window Size (time average)TCP Window Size (time average)

(b) Window trace

Fig. 12. TCP and AIMD(0.2,0.875) flows.

r0 r1 r2

group 1

group 2

group 3

Fig. 13. Queue length, multiple-bottleneck topology.







0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200





Time (second)

Queue LengthTime Average Queue Length

Fig. 14. Multiple-bottleneck, heterogeneous round-trip delays.

L. Wang et al. / Computer Networks 51 (2007) 4475–4491 4489

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queue length in the steady state can be derived,which can be used to give a rough estimation ofthe packet loss rate. However, the packet loss ratedepends on the queue length distribution, which isunknown from the model. Second, the robustnessof the system with disturbance from short-livedTCP connections and UDP connections is an impor-tant open issue. Third, a single-bottleneck topologyis used in this paper. In a follow-up work, we willextend the stability analysis to systems with multiplebottlenecks. Finally, since multicast applicationsmay use a large portion of Internet bandwidth inthe future, how to design and analyze flow/conges-tion control mechanisms for multicast applicationsis a very challenging issue beckon for more research.


This work has been supported in part by a re-search grant from the Natural Science and Engi-neering Council of Canada.


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Lijun Wang received her B.Sc. degree inComputer Science and M.Sc. degree inMathematics from Shandong University,China, in 2000 and 2003, respectively.She is currently pursuing the in the department of AppliedMathematics at the University ofWaterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada. Herresearch interests is mainly on the con-gestion control problem in the Internet,and stability analysis of nonlinear sys-

tems and hybrid dynamic systems.

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Author's personal copy

Lin Cai received the M.A.Sc. and Ph.D.degrees (with Outstanding Achievementin Graduate Studies Award) in electricaland computer engineering from theUniversity of Waterloo, Waterloo, Can-ada, in 2002 and 2005, respectively. SinceJuly 2005, she has been an AssistantProfessor in the Department of Electricaland Computer Engineering at the Uni-versity of Victoria, British Columbia,Canada. Her research interests span

several areas in wireless communications and networking, with afocus on network protocol and architecture design supportingemerging multimedia traffic over wireless, mobile, ad hoc, andsensor networks. She serves as the Associate Editor for IEEETransactions on Vehicular Technology (2007- ), EURASIPJournal on Wireless Communications and Networking (2006- ),and International Journal of Sensor Networks (2006- ).

Xinzhi Liu received the B.Sc. degree inmathematics from Shandong NormalUniversity, Jinan, China, in 1982, andthe M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees, all inapplied mathematics, from University ofTexas, Arlington, in 1987 and 1988,respectively. He was a Post-DoctoralFellow at the University of Alberta,Edmonton, AB, Canada, from 1988 to1990. He joined the Department ofApplied Mathematics, University of

Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada, in 1990, where he became anAssociate Professor in 1994, and a Professor in 1997. His researchareas include systems analysis, stability theory, hybrid dynamicalsystems, impulsive control, chaos synchronization, nonlinearoscillations, artificial neural networks, and communicationsecurity. He is the author or coauthor of over 150 research arti-cles and two research monographs and five other books. He is theChief Editor of the journal, DCDIS Series A: Mathematical

Analysis, and the Chief Editor of the Journal, DCDIS Series B:

Applications and Algorithms, and Associate Editor of four other

journals. He served as General Chair for several internationalscientific conferences.

Xuemin (Sherman) Shen received theB.Sc. (1982) degree from Dalian Mari-time University (China) and the M.Sc.(1987) and Ph.D. degrees (1990) fromRutgers University, New Jersey (USA),all in electrical engineering. He is a Pro-fessor and the Associate Chair forGraduate Studies, Department of Elec-trical and Computer Engineering, Uni-versity of Waterloo, Canada. Hisresearch focuses on mobility and

resource management in interconnected wireless/wired networks,UWB wireless communications systems, wireless security, and adhoc and sensor networks. He is a co-author of three books, andhas published more than 300 papers and book chapters in wire-less communications and networks, control and filtering. Dr.Shen serves as the Technical Program Committee Chair for IEEEGlobecom’07, General Co-Chair for Chinacom’07 andQShine’06, the Founding Chair for IEEE CommunicationsSociety Technical Committee on P2P Communications andNetworking. He also serves as a Founding Area Editor for IEEETransactions on Wireless Communications; Editor-in-Chief forPeer-to-Peer Networking and Application; Associate Editor forIEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology; KICS/IEEEJournal of Communications and Networks, Computer Networks;ACM/Wireless Networks; and Wireless Communications andMobile Computing (Wiley), etc. He has also served as GuestEditor for IEEE JSAC, IEEE Wireless Communications, andIEEE Communications Magazine. He received the ExcellentGraduate Supervision Award in 2006, and the Outstanding Per-formance Award in 2004 from the University of Waterloo, thePremier’s Research Excellence Award (PREA) in 2003 from theProvince of Ontario, Canada, and the Distinguished PerformanceAward in 2002 from the Faculty of Engineering, University ofWaterloo. Dr. Shen is a registered Professional Engineer ofOntario, Canada.

L. Wang et al. / Computer Networks 51 (2007) 4475–4491 4491