AUTHOR INDEX THE JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY VOL. IV, 1912 ACHESON, E. S. Deflocculation. Address ............................................ 62 A dams, A. B. The Distillation of Alcohol .................................................... 8 A dams, A. B. and J. M. D oran . Some Data on the Manufacture of Smoking Opium and its Chemical Composition ................................... 429 A dams, G. O. and H. W. Clark . The Influence of Carbon upon Nitrification ...................................................................................................... 272 A llen , I. C. and W. A. J acobs. An Electric Still Adapted for Difficult Distillations .................................................................................... 118 A lmy, C., J r . and W. K. L ewis . Factors Determining the Capacity of a Filter Press ................................................................................................... 528 A rchibald , E. H. and J. N. L awrence . The Determination of Moisture in Coals ............................................................................................ 258 A rthur , W. and W. H. W alker . Galvanized Structure of Iron . ... 397 BAEKELAND, L. H. Morris Loeb (Ed.) ................................................. 784 B aekeland , L. H. Phenol-Formaldehyde Condensation Products. . 737 B aekeland , L. H. Phenol-Formaldehyde Condensation Products: A Correction ..................................................................................................... 857 B aekeland , L. H. The Abuses of Our Patent System (Patent Symposium) ..................................................................................................... 333 B aekeland , L. H. The Incongruities of American Patent Litiga- |: ^ tion (Ed.) .......................................................................................................... 785 B ailey , E. G. Introduction to the Study of Fuel, by F. J. Brislee (Book Review) ................................................................................................ 626 B ancroft , W. D. Physical Industrial Chemistry (Ed.) ....................... 79 B arr , W. M. and R. E. B uchanan . The Production of Excessive Hydrogen Sulfid in Sewage Disposal Plants and Consequent Disintegration of the Concrete ................................................................... 564 B askerville , C. Extraction of Thoria ...................................................... 821 B askerville , C. Morris Loeb (Obituary) ....................................... 846 B askerville , C. and W. A. H amor. The Chemistry of Anaes thetics, IV: Chloroform ..............................212, 278, 362, 422, 499, 571 B askerville , C. and H. S. R iederer . The Chlorides of Carbon as Solvents, I: Carbon Tetrachloride ............................... 645 B assett , W. H. Need of Special Alloys for Special Purposes (Mineral Wastes Symposium) ............................................................. 167 B assett , W.H. Zinc Losses (Mineral Wastes Symposium) . 164 B eattie , J. H. and J. J. S kinner . An Examination of City Street Sweepings ......................................................................................................... 604 B enner , R. C. An Electric Laboratory Furnace ............................ 43 B enner , R. C. The Need of Chemical Control in Furnace Operation 691 B enson , H.K.Design and Equipment of the Chemical Engineering Laboratory at the University of Washington ............................. 609 B brnthsen , H. A. Synthetic Ammonia .............................................. 760 B erolzheimer , D. D. New Publications ................................................... ............................ 70, 156, 234, 314, 391, 474, 551, 628, 700, 779, 859, 920 B erolzheimer , D. D. Papers of Special Interest to Industrial Chemists and Chemical Engineers from the Proceedings of the Eighth International Congress of Applied Chemistry ................. 779 B erolzheimer , D. D. Recent Journal Articles (Classified List) .... ............................71, 156, 235, 314, 392, 474, 551, 629, 701, 781, 859, 920 B erolzheimer , D. D. Transactions of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Vol. Ill (1910) (Book Review) .................. 313 B idtel , E. Valuation of Fluorspar ........................................................ 201 B idtel , E. Valuation of Fluorspar. A Correction ...................... 548 B lair , A. A. Analysis of Metallurgical and Engineering Materials, by Henry Wysor (Book Review). ...................................................... 919 B lasdalb, W. C. An Improved Extraction Apparatus ................. 302 B lbininger , A. V. The Relation of the Silicate Industries to Con servation (Mineral Wastes Symposium) .......................................... 180 B oeck , P. A. Notes on a New Form of Extraction Thimble ....... 303 B oeck , P. A. and M. A. W illiamson . A New Type of Inorganic Filter for Laboratory Purposes ........................................................... 672 B ogert, M. T. American Commission on Organic Nomenclature . ... 309 B orrowman, G. Some Observations on the Disintegration of Con crete Cinder ............................................................................................... 405 B oswell , M. C. and J. L. G ooderham. The Composition of Fusel Oil from Beet Molasses ................................................................................. 667 B owser , L. T. Carbon Dioxide: Its Volumetric Determination 203 B owser , L. T. On the Determination of Carbon Dioxide in Soils . ... 265 B oyle , J. J. Determination of Manganese in Steel ........................... 202 B radley, C. E. and II. V. T artar. A Comparative Study of Methods for the Determination of Hard and Total Soft Resins in the Hop 209 B radley, C. E. and H. V. T artar. The Ripening of Hops ............ 591 B radley, L. The Electrical Precipitation of Suspended Particles by the Cottrell Processes ............................................................................. 908 B rady, W m. Metallurgy of Iron and Steel, by B. Stoughton (Book Review) ................................................................................................................ 390 B reckenridge , J. E. Committee on Potash, Fertilizer Division. . 224 ’B reckenridge , J. E Division of Forty-fifthMeeting A. C. S. Fertilizer Chemists ............................................................................................ 151 B reckenridge , J. E. The Manufacture of Chemical Manure, by J. Fritsch (Book Review) ................................................................................... 233 B roeman , F. C. Method for Determining Fat in Sugared Evaporated Milk ....................................................................................................................... 672 Brogdon, J. S. The Analyst vs. the Chemist ............................................. 684 B rowne , C. A. Cocoa and Chocolate, their Chemistry and Manu facture, by R. Wliymper (Book Review) ................................................. 473 B rowne , C. A. Handboek ten Dienste van de Suikerrietcultur en de Reitsuikerfabricage op Java, by Gcerligs, C. P. (Book Re view) ........................ 69 B rowne , C. A. The Chemistry of Breadmaking, by James Grant (Book Review) ................................................................................................... 550 B rowne , C. A. The Technology of Bread-making, etc., by W. Jago and W. C. Jago (Book Review) ................................................................... 313 B rowne , C. A. Vinegars and Catsup, Interpretation of Standards, Analyses, Etc., by R. O. Brooks (Book Review) .................................. 628 B rowne , L. A. An Improved Method of Assay for Aromatic Sulfuric Acid .................................................................................................................... 512 B rown , O. W. and A. R. N ees . A Study of the Variations of the Physical and Chemical Properties of Red Lead .................................. 867 B rubaker , H. W. A New Apparatus for the Volumetric Determina tion of Carbon Dioxide ................................................................................. 599 B uchanan , R. E. and W. M. Barr. The Production of Excessive Hydrogen Sulfid in Sewage Disposal Plants and Consequent Dis integration of the Concrete ........................................................................ 564 B urrell , G. A. Natural Gas Investigations of the Bureau of Mines 614 B urrell , G. A. New Forms of Gas Analysis Apparatus .................... 297 B urrell , G. A. The Composition of Some Mine Gases and a De scription of a Simple Methane Apparatus ............................................. 96 CABOT, S. The Phenomenon of the Apparent Disappearance of the Higher Boiling Phenols in Creosoted Wood and its Explanation.. 266 Cabot , S. The Value of the Higher Phenols in Wood-Preserving Oils ..................................................................................................................... 206 Cain , J. R. The Determination of Chromium and its Separation from Vanadium in Steels... ................................................................................ 17 Cain , J. R. and D. J. D emorest . A New Method for the Determina tion of Vanadium: An Explanation . ................................................. 256 Cain , J. R. and J. C. H ostetter . A Rapid Method for the De termination of Vanadium in Steels, Ores, etc., Based on its Quan titative Inclusion by the Phosphomolybdate Precipitate ................. 250 Cameron, F. K. Potash from the Pacific Kelps (Ed.) ........................... 76 Cameron , F. K. Seaweed, Potash and Iodine ........................................... 690 Cameron , F. K. Waste and Conservation of Phosphoric Acid and Potash (Mineral Wastes Symposium) ..................................................... 169 Campbell , W. The Metallography of Iron and Steel, by Albert Sauveur (Book Review) ............................................................................... 919 . Carpenter , F. B. Committee on Fertilizer Legislation. Division Report .............................................................................................................. 223 Carpenter , F. B. Fertilizer and Fertilizer Hints, by J. E. Halligan (Book Review) ................................................................................................ 472 Carpenter , F. B. Plant Food: Its Sources, Conservation, Prepara tion and Application, by W. K. Bowker (Book Review) ................. 234 Carpenter , J. L. and G. R igg . The Stormer Viscosimeter and the Value of Viscosity Determinations by its Use ...................................... 901 Cary-Curr , H. J. The Underwriters’ Laboratories Extraction Ap paratus ............................................................................................................... 535 Chandler , C. F. Presentation Address (Perkin Medal Award) 132 Ciiapin , H. C. A Modified Victor Meyer Apparatus ................................. 684 Chapin , H. C. T wo Pieces of Laboratory Apparatus ............................... 453 Cheney , L. B. and G. W. P atterson . Contact Sulphuric Acid from Brimstone .... ..................................................................................... 723 Clark , H. W. and G. O. A dams. The Influence of Carbon upon Nitrification ...................................................................................................... 272 Clarkson , P. S. The Development of Hydrosulphites in their Re lation to Modern DyestufTs ......................................................................... 733 Coggeshall , G. W. and A. S. Cushman. The Production of Avail able Potash from the Natural Silicates ................................................... 821



VOL. IV, 1912A C H E S O N , E . S. Deflocculation. A ddress............................................ 62Adams, A. B . The D istillation of A lcohol.................................................... 8Adams, A. B . and J . M. Doran . Some D a ta on th e M anufacture of

Sm oking Opium and its Chemical Com position................................... 429Adams, G. O. and H . W . Clark . T he Influence of Carbon upon

N itrification ...................................................................................................... 272A ll en , I . C. and W . A . J acobs. A n E lectric Still A dap ted for

Difficult D istilla tions.................................................................................... 118Almy, C., J r . and W . K . L ew is . F ac to rs D eterm ining the C apacity of

a F ilte r P ress................................................................................................... 528Archibald, E . H . and J . N . L aw rence. The D eterm ination of

M oisture in Coals............................................................................................ 258Arth u r , W . an d W . H . W a lk er . Galvanized S tru c tu re of Iro n . . . . 397B A E K E L A N D , L. H . M orris Loeb (E d .) ................................................. 784Ba ekeland , L. H . Phenol-Form aldehyde Condensation P ro d u c ts . . 737B aekeland , L. H . Phenol-Form aldehyde C ondensation Products:

A C orrection ..................................................................................................... 857B aekeland , L. H. T he Abuses of Our P a te n t System (P a ten t

Sym posium )..................................................................................................... 333B a ekeland , L. H . The Incongruities of A m erican P a ten t L itiga-|: ̂ tion (E d .) .......................................................................................................... 785B a iley , E . G. In tro d u ctio n to th e S tudy of Fuel, by F . J . Brislee

(Book R ev iew )................................................................................................ 626B ancroft, W . D. Physical In d u stria l C hem istry (E d .) ....................... 79B a r r , W . M. and R . E . B uchanan. The P roduction of Excessive

H ydrogen Sulfid in Sewage Disposal P lan ts and ConsequentD isin tegration of th e C oncrete................................................................... 564

B a skerville , C. E x trac tio n of T h o ria ...................................................... 821B askerv ille , C. M orris Loeb (O b itu a ry ) ....................................... 846B a skerville , C. and W . A. H amor. The C hem istry of Anaes­

thetics, IV : C hloroform ..............................212, 278, 362, 422, 499, 571B a skerville , C. and H . S. R ie d e r e r . The Chlorides of Carbon

as Solvents, I : Carbon T etrach loride............................... 645B assett, W . H . Need of Special Alloys for Special Purposes

(Mineral W astes Sym posium )............................................................. 167B assett, W . H . Zinc Losses (Mineral W astes Sym posium ). 164B ea tt ie , J . H . and J . J . Sk in n e r . A n E xam ination of City S treet

Sw eepings......................................................................................................... 604B e n n e r , R . C. An E lectric L abora to ry F u rn ace ............................ 43B e n n e r , R . C. T he Need of Chemical Control in F u rnace O peration 691B en so n , H . K . Design and E qu ipm en t of th e Chemical Engineering

L abora to ry a t the U niversity of W ash ing ton ............................. 609B b rnthsen , H . A. Synthetic A m m onia.............................................. 760B erolzheim er, D. D . New P ub lica tions...................................................

............................70, 156, 234, 314, 391, 474, 551, 628, 700, 779, 859, 920B erolzheim er, D. D. Papers of Special In te re s t to In d u stria l

C hem ists and Chemical Engineers from the Proceedings of theE igh th In tern a tio n a l Congress of A pplied C hem istry ................. 779

B erolzheim er , D. D. R ecent Jo u rn a l A rticles (Classified L i s t ) . . . .............................71, 156, 235, 314, 392, 474, 551, 629, 701, 781, 859, 920

B erolzheim er , D . D. T ransactions of th e A m erican In s titu te ofChemical Engineers, Vol. I l l (1910) (Book R eview ).................. 313

B id tel , E . V aluation of F lu o rsp a r........................................................ 201B id tel , E . V aluation of F luorspar. A C orrection...................... 548B la ir , A. A. A nalysis of M etallurgical and Engineering M aterials,

b y H en ry W ysor (Book R eview ). ...................................................... 919B lasdalb, W . C. An Im proved E x trac tio n A p p ara tu s................. 302B lb in in g er , A . V. The R elation of the Silicate Industries to Con­

servation (M ineral W astes Sym posium ).......................................... 180B oeck , P . A. N otes on a New F orm of E x trac tio n T him ble ....... 303B oeck , P . A. and M. A. W illiamson . A New T ype of Inorganic

F ilte r for L abora to ry Purposes........................................................... 672B ogert, M. T . Am erican Commission on Organic N om enclature. . . . 309B orrowman, G. Some O bservations on the D isin tegration of Con­

crete C inder............................................................................................... 405B osw ell, M. C. an d J . L. Gooderham . The Com position of Fusel Oil

from B eet M olasses................................................................................. 667B ow ser , L. T. C arbon Dioxide: I t s Volum etric D eterm ination 203B ow ser , L. T . On the D eterm ination of C arbon Dioxide in Soils. . . . 265B oyle, J . J . D eterm ination of Manganese in S tee l........................... 202B radley, C. E . and II . V. T artar. A Com parative S tudy of M ethods

for th e D eterm ination of H ard and T otal Soft R esins in the Hop 209B radley, C. E . and H . V. T artar. The R ipening of H o p s............ 591B radley, L. The E lectrical P recip itation of Suspended Partic les by

the C ottrell Processes............................................................................. 908

B rady, W m . M etallurgy of Iron and Steel, by B . S tough ton (BookR ev iew )................................................................................................................ 390

B reck enridge , J . E . Com m ittee on P o tash , Fertilizer Division. . 224’B reck enridge, J . E D ivision of F o rty -fifth M eeting A. C. S.

Fertilizer C hem ists............................................................................................ 151B reck enridge , J . E . T he M anufacture of Chemical M anure, b y J .

F ritsch (Book R eview )................................................................................... 233B roeman, F . C. M ethod for D eterm ining F a t in Sugared E vapora ted

M ilk....................................................................................................................... 672B ro g d o n , J . S. T he A nalyst vs. the C hem ist............................................. 684B ro w n e , C. A. Cocoa and Chocolate, their C hem istry and M anu­

facture, b y R . W liym per (Book R eview )................................................. 473B ro w n e , C. A. H andboek ten D ienste v a n de Su ikerrie tcu ltu r en

de R eitsu ikerfabricage op Ja v a , by Gcerligs, C. P . (B ook R e­view ) ........................ 69

Bro w n e , C. A. The C hem istry of B readm aking, by Jam es G ran t(Book R eview )................................................................................................... 550

B ro w n e , C. A. T he Technology of B read-m aking, etc., by W . Jagoand W . C. Jago (Book R eview )................................................................... 313

B ro w n e , C. A. V inegars and Catsup, In te rp re ta tio n of S tandards,Analyses, E tc ., by R . O. B rooks (Book R eview ).................................. 628

B ro w n e , L. A. A n Im proved M ethod of A ssay for A rom atic SulfuricA c id .................................................................................................................... 512

B row n , O. W . and A. R . Ne e s . A S tudy of th e V ariations of thePhysical and Chemical Properties of R ed L ead .................................. 867

B ru bak er , H . W . A New A pparatus for the Volum etric D eterm ina­tion of C arbon D ioxide................................................................................. 599

B uchanan, R . E . an d W . M. B arr. The P roduction of Excessive H ydrogen Sulfid in Sewage D isposal P lan ts and Consequent D is­in tegration of the C oncrete........................................................................ 564

B ur rell , G. A. N a tu ral Gas Investiga tions of the B ureau of Mines 614B u r re ll , G. A . New Form s of Gas A nalysis A p p a ra tu s .................... 297B u r re ll , G. A. The Com position of Some Mine Gases and a De­

scrip tion of a Sim ple M ethane A p p a ra tu s ............................................. 96

C A B O T , S. T he Phenom enon of the A pparen t D isappearance of theH igher Boiling Phenols in Creosoted W ood and its E x p lan a tio n . . 266

Cabot, S. T he Value of the H igher Phenols in W ood-PreservingO ils..................................................................................................................... 206

Ca in , J . R . The D eterm ination of Chrom ium and its S eparation fromV anadium in S tee ls .. . ................................................................................ 17

Ca in , J . R . and D. J . D emorest. A New M ethod for th e D eterm ina­tion of V anadium : A n E x p la n a tio n . ................................................. 256

Ca in , J . R . and J . C. H ostetter . A R apid M ethod for th e D e­term ination of V anadium in Steels, Ores, etc., B ased on its Q uan­tita tiv e Inclusion by the Phosphom olybdate P rec ip ita te ................. 250

Cameron, F . K . P o ta sh from the Pacific K elps (E d .) ........................... 76Cameron , F. K . Seaweed, P o tash and Io d in e ........................................... 690Cam eron , F . K . W aste and Conservation of Phosphoric Acid and

P o tash (Mineral W astes Sym posium )..................................................... 169Cam pbell , W . T he M etallography of Iro n and Steel, by A lbert

S auveur (Book R eview )............................................................................... 919. Ca r pe n t er , F . B. Com m ittee on Fertilizer Legislation. Division

R e p o r t .............................................................................................................. 223Ca r pen ter , F . B. Fertilizer and Fertilizer H in ts , b y J . E . H alligan

(Book R eview )................................................................................................ 472Ca r pe n t er , F . B. P la n t Food: I ts Sources, Conservation, P re p a ra ­

tion and Application, by W . K . Bow ker (Book R eview )................. 234Ca r pen ter , J . L. an d G. R ig g . T he S torm er V iscosim eter and the

Value of V iscosity D eterm inations b y its U se...................................... 901Cary-Curr , H . J . T he U nderw riters’ L aboratories E x trac tio n A p­

p a ra tu s ............................................................................................................... 535Chandler , C. F . P resen tation A ddress (P e rk in M edal A w ard ) 132Ciia pin , H . C. A Modified V ictor M eyer A p p a ra tu s ................................. 684Ch a pin , H . C. T wo Pieces of L ab o ra to ry A p p a ra tu s............................... 453Ch e n ey , L. B. and G. W . P atterson . C ontact Sulphuric Acid from

B r im s to n e . . . . ..................................................................................... 723Clark , H . W . and G. O. Adams. The Influence of C arbon upon

N itrification ...................................................................................................... 272Clarkson, P . S. The D evelopm ent of H ydrosu lph ites in th e ir R e­

lation to M odern DyestufTs......................................................................... 733Coggeshall, G. W . and A. S. Cushman. The P roduction of A vail­

able P o tash from th e N a tu ral S ilicates................................................... 821

9 24 T H E J O U R N A L OF I N D U S T R I A L A N D E N G I N E E R I N G C H E M I S T R Y . Dec., 1912

Collins , A. T . A M ethod for Assaying S pirits of C am phor.................... 514Collison . R . C. Inorganic Phosphorus in P la n t Substances. A

M ethod of E stim a tio n .................................................................................. 606Colw ell, J . V. V. Frederick J . M ayer (O b ituary ).................................. 777Conradson, P. II . A pparatus and M ethod for C arbon T est and

Ash Residue in Petroleum L ubricating O ils ..................................... 903Conradson, P . H . A pparatus and M ethod for Sulfur D eterm ination

in Petroleum Illum inating and L ubricating Oils................................. 842Conradson, P . H . A pparatus for the E xam ination and S tudy of

the B ehavior of V alve and Cylinder and o ther Petro leum L ub­ricating Oils, in S a tu ra ted and Superheated Steam . CarbonDioxide, A ir and O ther G ases.................................................................... 744

Coolidge, W . D . Some A pplications of W rought T ungsten andM olybdenum (E d .)........................................................................................ 2

Cottrell, F . G. M ineral Losses in Gases and Fum es (Mineral W astesS ym posium )..................................................................................................... 182

Cottrell, F. G. The Research Corporation, an E xperim en t in P u b ­lic A dm inistra tion of P a te n t R igh ts (E d .) ............................................ 864

Crosslev , T. L. A Sim ple Form of L abora to ry S u p p o rt....................... 846Cru ess , W , V. The Effect of Sulfurous A cid on F erm enta tion

O rganism s......................................................................................................... 581Curry , B . E . and T. O. Sm it h . A S hort M ethod for th e D eterm ina­

tion of Soluble Arsenic in Commercial Lead A rsena tes .................... 198Cushman, A . S. N otes on a S tu d y of the T em perature G rad ien ts of

S etting P o rtlan d C em ent............................................................................. 728Cushman, A. S. and G. W . Coggesiiall. The P roduction of A vail­

able P o tash from the N atu ral S ilicates................................................... 821Cu tler , D . A. O rganization of R ubber Section, A m erican Chemical

Society ............................................................................................................... 547

D AV IS, L. and A. G. W oodman, The D eterm ination of Benzaldehydein M araschino Cherries and M araschino L iqueur................................ 588

Day , A. L. and R . B. Sosman. T he E xpansion Coefficient of G raph ite 490 D emorest , D. J . A New M ethod for the D e term ina tion of V anadium 249D emorest , D . J . The B ism uthate M ethod for M anganese.................... 19D emorest, D . J . The D eterm ination of Chrom ium and V anadium in

S te e l................................................................................................................... 895D emorest, D . J . and J . R . Ca in . A New M ethod for th e D eterm ina­

tion of V anadium : A n E x p lan a tio n ...................................................... 256D e n is , W . and O. F olin . A N ew Colorim etric M ethod for the De­

term ination of Vanillin in Flavoring E x tra c ts ..................................... 670D en n is , L. M. A New Form of O rsat A p p a ra tu s..................................... 898D e n n is , L. M. and W . J . O’Br ie n . The D eterm ination of P hos­

phorus in Commercial A cetylene.............................................................. 834D ew ey , F. P . The Business A spect of th e K elp P ro p o sitio n . 311D ew ey , F . P . T he D irect D eterm ination of Sm all A m ounts *of

P la tinum in Ores and B ullion .................................................................... 257D ickson , W . S. and C. II . I I erty . The Resenes of Resins and

O leoresins.......................................................................................................... 495D odge, F . D . The D eterm ination of E ucalyp to l (Cineol) in E ssential

O ils.............................................. 592D oran , J . M. A Sim ple T est for the D eterm ination of B u tte r F a t

in B u t te r ........................................................................................................... 841D oran, J . M. and A. B . Adams. Some D a ta on the M anufacture of

Sm oking Opium and its Chemical Com position................................... 429D owzard, E . A L ab o ra to ry G enerator for H ydrochloric Acid G as. . 452D ucca, W . A . T esting M ethods of R ubber C ontents in R aw and

V ulcanized R u b b e r..................................................................................... . 372D u isb er g , Ca rl. The L ates t Achievem ents and Problem s of the

Chemical In d u s t r y ....................................................................................... 749Day , A. L. and R . B. Sosman. T he E xpansion Coefficient of G raphite 490E L D R E D , F . R . Division of Pharm aceutical Chem istry, F o rty -

fifth M eeting A. C. S ...................................................................................... 150E ldred , F . R . The Scope of P harm aceutical C hem istry ........................ 396E m erson , H . W . and E . R . W e id l e in . Jam aica C am phor................... 33E m ery , W . O. The V olatile A cidity of Gum T ragacan th Com pared

w ith th a t of In d ian G um ............................................................................. 374E rn st , W . A . A S u b s titu te for the B last L a m p . ................................ 221E vans, W . W . The C hem istry of R ubber In d u stry , by H . E . P o tts

(Book R eview )................................................................................................ 627E y d e, Samuel. O xidation of A tm ospheric N itrogen and Develop­

m ent of R esulting Industries in N orw ay. A ddress.......................... 771F A IR C H IL D , j . G. The A ccurate V olum etric D eterm ination of

Phosphoric acid in Phosphate R o ck ........................................................ 520F a ir l ie , D. M. and J . N. P ring . The Synthesis of H ydrocarbons a t

H igh T em peratures and P ressures— ...................................................... 812F el d ste in , L. The R efractive Index of B eesw ax.................................... 498F erguson, W . C. A P lan for Organized R esearch and A nalytical

C hem istry in Successful Chemical M anufacturing ............................... 905F in k , C. G. Die M etallurgie des W olfram s m it besonderer B erueck

sichtigung der E lek trom etallu rg ie , by Mennicke, D r. H a n s 70F lem ing , R . S. N otes on th e Com position and A nalysis of Desiccated

Milk and C ream .................. 543

F lem ing , W . R . Corrosion of Iro n in Pure W ater and A ir Com­bined: The E lectro ly tic Theory A gain Confirmed............................ 480

F o lin , O. and W . D e n is . A New Colorim etric M ethod for the D e­term ination of V anillin in F lavoring E x tra c ts ................. 670

F oo te , H . W . and S. R . Scholes. T he E x trac tio n of P o tash andA lum ina from F eldspar ................................................................. 377

F orbes , E . B . A lundum n o t C onstan t in W eigh t.................................... 544F o x , C. P . A pocynum or In d ian H em p R u b b e r..................................... <087F o x , C. P . Perilla Oil.......................................................................................... 229F raps, G. S. R elation of A ctive P o tash to P o t E x p erim en ts ..... 525F rasch, H erman. A ddress of A cceptance (P erk in Medal A w ard). . . 134F r e rich s , F. W . A N o te .......................................................................... . . . 69F rer ic h s , F . W . M anufacture and T esting of Shipping Cylinders for

A nhydrous Am m onia (A ddress)...................................... 80F rerich s , F . W . T he M anufacture of Chloroform from Bleaching

Pow der and E th y l Alcohol............................................................... 345,406

G A IN E S , R . H . M onel M etal......................................................................... 354Ga ith er , E . W . A New A pparatus for the D eterm ination of Carbon

D ioxide.............................................................................................................. 611Gallagher, F. E . Division of In d u stria l Chem ists and Chem­

ical Engineers, Forty -fifth Meeting A. C. S ................................... 148Garratt, F . The R ap id D eterm ination of V anadium in S teel 256Ge e r , W . C. R ubber, by P . Schidrow itz (Book R eview ).................... 389Geer l ig s , C. P . H andboek ten D ienste v an de S u ikcrrie tcu ltu r cn

de R eitsuikerfabricage op Jav a , by C. A. Browne (Book Review) 6 9 ,Gooderiiam , J . L . and M. C. B osw ell. The Com position of Fusel

Oil from B eet M olasses........................................................................ 667Gortner , R . A. and C. O. R ost. The D eterm ination of T o ta l M an­

ganese in Soils.................................................................... 522G rosvenor, W . M. The U. S. P a te n t System (E d .) ............................. 318

H A D L O C K , W . L. An Im provem en t on the K jeldahl D istilling A p­p a ra tu s ....................................................................................................... 222

H a ll, E . J . A M anual of F ire Assaying, by C. H . F u lto n (Book R e­v iew )................................................................................................................... 473

H all , W . E . A ddresses to Engineering S tu d en ts by various speakers(Book R eview )........................................................................................ 155

H amor, W . A. C urrent In d u stria l N ew s.......................................................................................................... 307, 382, 459, 539, 619, 686, 774, 849, 913

H amor, W . A . T he Purification and Softening of W ater by P erm u tite(E d .) ................................................................................................................... 240

H amor, W . A. Technologic P apers of the B ureau of S tan d ard s No.3 ; T ests of th e A bsorp tive and Perm eable P ropertie s of P o rtlan d Cem ent M ortars and Concretes, together w ith T ests of D am p- proofing and W aterproofing Com pounds and M aterials, by W igand B ates (B ook R eview ).......................................................................... 549

H amor, W . A. The T hird In te rn a tio n a l R ubber E x h ib itio n 855H amor, W . A. and C. B askerv ille . The C hem istry of A naesthetics,

IV ; C hloroform .................................................... 212, 278, 362, 422, 499, 571H anson , H . M aine Section of th e A m erican Chemical S o c ie ty 546H arding , E . P . and L. L. Ny e . A R ap id C ontrol M ethod for th e D e­

term ination of Oil in G rains....................................................................... 895H a r t , E . A lum ina, Silica and P o tash from F e ld sp a r............................. 827H art , E . L abora to ry G enerator for H ydrochloric Acid Gas. A

N o te .................................................................................................................... 626H art, E . P o tash , Silica and A lum ina from F e ld sp a r............................. 827H artw ell , B . L . and F . R . P em b er . The Effect of th e “ W et Process”

on th e A vailability of Low -grade N itrogenous M aterials................ 441H aw ley , L. F . and R . C. P alm er . D istilla tion of Resinous W ood

b y S a tu ra ted S team ....................................................................................... 789H ea th , G. L. T he E stim ation of O xygen and Occluded Gases in Cop­

per, E tc . (A uthor’s N o te )............................................................................ 691, H ea th , G. L . T he E stim a tio n of Oxygen and O ccluded Gases in

Copper and a C orrection to th e E lectro ly tic A ssay in th e Com­plete A nalysis of C opper.............................................................................. 402

H ellm an , C. G. A Colorim etric M ethod for the D eterm ination ofCarbon in Iro n and Steel. A N o te ........................................................ 548

H e r s t e in , B. P a ten ts and Chemical In d u s try in th e U nited S ta te s(P a ten t S ym posium )..................................................................................... 328

H erty , C. H . and W . S. D ickson . The Resenes of R esins andO leoresins.......................................................................................................... 495

H illebra n d , W . F . Snap Com mercial A nalysis, by F . W . B abing-ton (Book R eview )............. ; ........................................................................ 700

H ir sc ii, A. T he P reparation and Properties of M etallic Cerium .A C orrection ..................................................................................................... 65

H irsch , A. T he P roduction of E th y l Alcohol from W aste P roducts(E d .) .................................................................................................................... 478

H ir st , C. T. and R . Stew art . C om parative V alue of Irr ig a ted andD ry-farm ing W h ea t for F lou r P ro d u c tio n ............................................. 270

H olmes, J . A. C arbon W astes (M ineral W astes S ym posium ) 160H o r n e , W . D. T em pera ture C orrections in R aw S ugar P o larizations 41 H ostbtter, J . C and J . R . Ca in . A R ap id M ethod for the D e ter­

m ination of V anadium in Steels, Ores, E tc ., B ased on its Q uan­t ita tiv e Inclusion b y the P hosphom olybdate P re c ip ita te ................ 250

Dec., 1912 T H E J O U R N A L OF I N D U S T R I A L A N D E N G I N E E R I N G C H E M I S T R YH ubbard , W . S. Difficulties in the Colorim etric E stim ation of

V anillin ................................................................................................................. 669H ug hes , L . S. A M ethod for the U tilization of Lead F urnace Fum e 262JA C K SO N , C. L. W olco tt G ibbs (L ette r to E d ito r) ......................... 51J acobs, W . A. and I. C. All e n . A n E lectric Still A dapted for Diffi­

c u lt D istilla tions............................................................................................. 118J aggard, B . P . C hem istry and the L ithographic In d u s try .................. 470Je s s e , R . H ., J r . Some T ests 011 a New C alorim eter............................. 748J on es , C. H . A ctiv ity of O rganic N itrogen as M easured by the

A lkaline P erm anganate M ethod................................................................... 438K A M O I, T . T he G raduation of H ydrom eters (A N o te )........................... 917K elley , W . P . and W . McG eo rge. The D eterm ination of H um us

in H aw aiian Soil................................................................................................ 664K en ned y , C. A Modification of th e Sweeney M ethod for Crude F iber 600 K ic h lin e , F. O. The D eterm ination of C arbon in S teel by D irect

Com bustion in th e N ew est Form of Sliim er Crucible, w ith theA id of a Perforated Clay D isc ...................................................................... 683

K ie f e r , H . E . Free Lime in P o rtlan d C em ent........................................ 358K n e f f , C. W . Sam pling C one........................................................................ 682K n o te , J . M. and W . R . W ork . A M odification of the F ra ry Elec-

trodynainic S tirring Device........................................................................... 534K nudsen , :H. Seaweed, P o tash and Iodine. A C ritic ism ....................... 623K obayashi, K . The K am b ar a E arth . A Decolorizing M aterial for

M ineral Oils, E tc ............................................................................................... 891K o e n ig , W . A. C arbon Dioxide A bsorption B o ttle .................................. 844K oiiman, H . A. S a lt R ising B read and Som e Com parisons w ith -

B read m ade w ith Y east.............................................................................20, 100K ohout, J . F . A Colorim etric M ethod for the D eterm ination of

Carbon in Iron and S teel................................................................................ 378K rauss, V. P . C obalt D rie rs................................................................. 731K ress, O. Casein, I ts P reparation and Technical U tilization, by

R o b ert Scherer (Book R eview )................................................................. 391K ress , O. R esearches in Cellulose, Vol. I l l , by Cross and Bevan

(Book R eview )................................................................................................ 858L A N D R U M , R. D. E nam els for Sheet S tee l............................................. 561Langm uir , A. C. Com m ittee on Professional Code of E thics, In ­

d ustria l D ivision............................................................................................ 226L aw rence , J . N. and E . H . Archibald. T he D eterm ination of

M oisture in Coals.............................................................................................. 258L ea vitt , S. S tudies on Soil H u m u s............................................................... 601L efpm ann , H . D etection of Form aldehyde in F o o d s................................ 626L e n iie r , V. A nalyse der seltcnen E rden und der E rdsaurcu,

Die, by M eyer and H auser (Book R eview ).......................................... 858L en h er , V. C ontam ination of L abora to ry Sam ples by Iro n D erived

from Crushing M achinery ............................................................................ 471L evinson , S. Some P ractical M ethods for T esting an d Iden tify ing

Colors for P rin ting Inks and S im ilar P igm en ts................................... 661L e w is , W . K . and C. A lmy, J r . F ac to rs D eterm ining the C apacity of

a F ilte r P ress................................................................................................... 528L in d er , W . V. Soy B ean Cheese............................................................... 897L ipm an , C. B. T he E ffect of Ignition on th e Solubility of Soil

P h o s p h a te s ...................................................................................................... 663L it t l e , A. D. T he A buse of B rand (Mineral W astes S y m p o siu m ).. . . 178Lomanitz, S. T he Oil of P ocho te ................................................................ 625Longmans, G reen & Co. D ictionary of A pplied C hem istry. A Cor­

rection , by E . Thorpe (Book R eview )................................................. 69SL loyd, C. C. R esearch Scholarship, The A ndrew Carnegie A nnounce­

m e n t ................................................................................................................. 917L ucas, Ca pt . A. F. Geology of the S ulphur and S u lphur Oil D e­

posits of th e Coastal P la in (Perkin Medal A w ard) (A ddress). . . . 140L u c k e , C. E . Fuel Econom y in Factories (A ddress)............................. 58M a C N ID ER , G. M. A M ethod for D eterm ining th e V alue of Com­

m ercial S tarches for Use in Cotton M ills.................................................. 417Marrs, L. E . A nnual Tables of C onstan ts and N um erical D a ta ,

Chemical, Physical and Technological, by In tern a tio n a l Com­mission of Seventh In terna tiona l Congress (Book R eview ) 627

Mason , C. D. O rd inary W riting F luid for M arking Porcelain Cruci­bles. A N o te .................................................................................................. 691

Mason , G. F . Division of Food and A gricultural Chemistry,Forty -fifth A nnual Meeting A. C. S ............................................................ 149

May, C. E . and C. P. S iie r w in . Concerning the Sugar C ontent ofW aterm elons....................................................................................................... 585

Maywald, F . J. Meeting of the R ubber Section, Forty -fifthM eeting A. C. S .................................................................................................. 152

McG eorge W. The Occurrence of Efllorescence on L ava B r ic k s .. . . 559McG eorge W . and W . P . K elley . The D eterm ination of H um us in

H aw aiian Soil..................................................................................................... 664McI lh in e y , P. C. A M ethod of Exam ining China W ood O il.................. 496McI lh in ey , P . C. Die Chemie der trocknenden Ocle, by W. Fahrion

(Book R eview )................................................................................................... 3 1 3

McI lh in ey , P . C. G erm an V arnish Making, by Max B o ttle r (BookR eview )................................................................................................................ 628

McK e e , R . H . A Still for A bsolute A lcohol............................................... 46McK en na , C. F . H ardness of P lasters and Cem ents, and a

•• Simple Chronographie A pparatus for R ecording S e t ......... 110McK en na , C. F . P o rtlan d Cement, by R . K . Meade (Book R e ­

view) ................................................................................................................... 698Meade, R. K . T he D istribu tion of Pow er in P o rtlan d Cement

M anufacture..................................................................................................... 378Mer ser ea u , G. Die Polarim etrie der Erdöle, by M. A. R akusin

(Book R ev iew )................................................................................................ 155Messel , R . Progress in In d u stria l C hem istry ........................................... 767Metzger , F. J . Technical M ethods of Chemical Analysis, by G.

Lunge (Book R eview )........................................................................... 472Metzg er , F . J . and F . W . Zon s . A V olum etrie M ethod for th e D e­

term ination of Thorium in the Presence of O ther R are E arth s.The A nalysis of M onazite S an d ......................................................... 493

Milfo rd , L. R . Modified B unsen V alve ............................................ *. 845Milfo rd , L. R . R ecent Analyses of the S ara toga M ineral W aters . . . 593Milfo rd , L. R. The D eterm ination of L ith iu m ...................................... 595M ills , H . P. A Punch for S tra ig h t R ubber T est Pieces. .............. 452Min o r , J . C., J r . The M anufacture an d T esting of Carbonic Acid

Cylinders.................................................................................................... SSMitch ell , T. A. A utom atic F ilte r F e e d ................................................... 613Moore, H . C. Calculation of Sulfuric Acid S tock by A pproxim ate

vs. A ccurate M ethods. A Special S lide............... 677Mork , H . S. Die Chemie de r Cellulose w ith P a rticu la r Reference to

the Textile and Cellulose Industries , by C. G. Schw albe........... 472Mu n roe, C. E . A ddress a t the Unveiling of the B u st of W olcott

G ib b s . ............................................................................................................. 48Mu n roe, C. E . N ote on the P roduction of M ercury F u l­

m in a te .............................................................................. 152M u n ro e , C. E . R ep o rt of th e D elegate to the Jo in t Conference 011

the P a te n t S ystem .................................................................................. 466Mun roe , C. E . T he P resen t S ta tu s of G as In d u stry and its O u t­

look...................................................................................................................... 536

N E E S , A . R . an d O. W . B row n . A S tudy of the V ariations of thePhysical and Chemical Properties of R ed L ead .................................. 867

N it c iiie , C. C. A R ap id D eterm ination of Sulfur in R oasted Blende 30Norton , T. H . Chemical In d u stries in Sweden (C onsular N o te ) . . . . 51Norton , T. H . Chemical In d u stries of N orw ay (Consular N o te ) 691N orton, T . H . Im proved Sulfuric Acid C ham bers. (C onsular N ote) 532N ow ak , C. A. A Sim ple and Inexpensive C onductiv ity Cell.............. 679N y e , L. L. and E . P . H arding . A R apid C ontrol M ethod for the

D eterm ination of Oil in G rains.................................................................. 895

O ’B R IE N , W . J . and L. M. D e n n is . T he D eterm ination of P hos­phorus in Commercial A cety lene................. 834

Olson , G eo . A. Com position of D ry G luten and its R elation to theP ro te in C ontent of F lo u r............................................................................. 206

O ’N e il l , J . G. The C ontinuous Purification of Coal Gas w ith W eakA m m onia L iquor............................................................................................ 876

Ovitz, F. K . and H orace C. P or ter . D eterio ration an d SpontaneousH eating of Coal in S to rage .......................................................................... 5

P A L M E R , R . C. and L. F . H aw ley . D istilla tion of Resinous W oodby S a tu ra ted S team ....................................................................................... 789

P a r k er , C. L. R ecent In v en tio n s ............................................................................................ 72, 157, 236, 315, 393, 475, 552, 629, 7 0 1 ,------, 860, 921

P a rr , S. W . A New Alloy with Acid R esisting P ro p e rtie s .................. 844P arr, S. W . A New C alorim eter Bom b w ith Special A dvantages as

to M aterial of C onstruction and M ethod of O peration . ........... 746P arr , S. W . The Causes for V ariations in V olatile M atte r D eter­

m inations........................................................................................................... 352P arsons, C. L. M iscellaneous Mineral W astes (M ineral W astes

Sym posium )..................................................................................................... 185P arsons, C. L. M ineral W astes: The Chem ists’ O p p o rtu n ity 125Patch , J . B . T he E n d of the Cooperative G lass Factories in I t a ly . . . 54SP atrick , W . A. and W . H . W a lk er . The D eterm ination of O xygen

in Iron and Steel by R eduction in an E lectric Vacuum F u rn a c e . . 799P atrick , W . W . and G. C. W ilsnack . A New V olum etric M ethod for

T in ....................................................................................... 597P atten , A. J . and C. S. R obinson . N eutral Am m onium C itra te

S o lu tion ............................................................................................................. 443P atterson , G. W . and L. B. Ch e n ey . C on tac t Sulfuric A cid from

B rim stone .......................................................................................................... 723P egram , G. B. The C hem istry of the R adio E lem ents, by F. Soddy

(Book Review ) ............................................................................................. 627P em b er , F. R . and B. L. H artw ell , The E ffect of the " W e t P ro ­

cess” on the A vailability of Low G rade N itrogenous M aterials. . 441P en ce , C. M. T he B rom ine and Iodoinetric M ethods for th e Volu­

m etric D eterm ination of Cresol................................................................. 518P ennock , J ohn D. Losses of Combined N itrogen (M ineral W astes

Sym posium ).............................. 172P e t e r , A. M. Com m ittee on P hosphate Rock. Fertilizer D iv ision .. 225

926 T H E J O U R N A L OF I N D U S T R I A L A N D E N G I N E E R I N G C H E M I S T R Y . Dec., 1912

P ilking ton , B. and H . V. Tartar . The E ffect of K iln-D rying a t145° P. on the Com position of the H o p ................................................. 839

P oetsch ke . Pa u l . T he Chlorine C ontent of M ilk.................................. 38P or ter , F . B . A M ethod for T esting o u t Problem s in Acid P h o s­

p h a te M anufacture......................................................................................... 264P orter , H . C. and F . K . Ovitz. D eterio ration and Spontaneous

H eating of Coal in S torage.......................................................................... 5P ou gh , F . H . Sulfur Mines of the Union S u lphur Com pany in

L ouisiana (Perkin Medal A w ard) (A d d re ss ) ...................................... 143P ratt, D . S. A New M elting-Point A p p a ra tu s ...................................... 47P r ic e , A. F . T hom as Price (O b itu a ry )...................................................... 917P r ic e , W . B . The Technical A nalysis of B rass and the Non-ferrous

Alloys, by Price and Meade (A u th o r’s N ote on Book R ev iew ) 469P r in o , J . N. and D. M. F a ir l ie . T he Synthesis of H ydrocarbons a t

H igh T em peratures and P ressu res........................................................... 812P ritchard , T. W . Some R ecen t D evelopm ents in W ood D istilla tion 33SP utt , E . B. Micro-Chemical T ests for th e Iden tification of Some of

the A lkaloids.................................................................................. 508R .A F S K Y , H . R . and E . Su ter m eister . On th e Q uan tita tive E s­

tim ation of Sodium H ydroxide in B lack L iq u o r ............................... 568R au ten stra uch , W . S treng th of M aterials, by Slocum and H an ­

cock (Book R eview )...................................................................................... 471R edman L. V. and E . O. R hodes. R ap id and A ccurate M ethods for

D eterm ining P henol...................................................................................... 655R edmond, N . G. A M odification of th e B abcock T est as Applied to

the E stim ation of F a t in D esiccated M ilk............................................. 544R em ington , J . P . Progress of th e W ork on th e R evision of the U. S.

Pharm acopoeia ................................................................................................ 457R hodes, E . O. and L. V. R edman. R ap id and A ccurate M ethods for

D eterm ining P henol...................................................................................... 655R hodes. F. H . T he D etection and D eterm ination of Cyanogen and

H ydrogen C yanide......................................................................................... 652R ic e , E . W . L abora to ry P reparation of L itm us P a p e r ......................... 229R ic e , G. S. D escription of th e E xplosion T est a t the E xperim ental

Mine of the U. S. B ureau of Mines, Feb. 24, 1912............................... 488R ichards, T . W . The Control of T em pera ture in the O perations of

A nalytical C hem istry .................................................................................... 910R ichardson, C. Com m ittee on D efinition of In d u stria l Terms,

In d u stria l Division R e p o r t ........................................................................ 226R ichardson, W . D . Chemiker K alender. B y R udolf B iederm ann

(Book R ev iew )................................................................................................ 472R ichardson, W . D . The Mdker B u rn e r....................................................... 66R ichardson, W . D . and E . F. Sch er u bel . A Modified W iley E x ­

trac tio n A p p a ra tu s ........................................................................................ 220R ied er er H . S. and C. Ba sk erv ille . T he Chlorides of Carbon

as Solvents, I : Carbon T etrach loride ...................................................... 645R igg , G. and J . L. Ca r pen ter . The S torm er V iscosim eter and th e

Value of Viscosity D eterm inations by its U se...................................... 901R ip p e t o e , J . R . A N ote on th e D eterm ination of the Digestive

Value of P a p a in .............................................................................................. 517R o b inson , C. S. and A. J . P a t te n . N eu tral A m m onium C itra te

Solu tion ............................................................................................................. 443R ogers, All e n . In d u stria l Organic C hem istry. B y S. P . Sadtler

(Book R eview )................................................................................................ 628R ogers , W . F . T he Inv en to r, the Public and th e Law (P a ten t

S ym posium )..................................................................................................... 320R ost, C. O. and R . A. Go r tn e r . T he D eterm ination of T o ta l M an­

ganese in Soils................................................................................................. 522R u d nick , P . Com m ittee on N itrogen, Fertilizer D ivision...................... 225R u d n ick , P . Fertilizer C hem istry— A R ep o rt of P rog ress.................... 304S A B IN . A. H . The M anufacture of V arnishes and K indred Industries ,

by J . G. M cIntosh (Book R eview )........................................................... 472Sa b in , A. II . The P a in t and V arnish In d u stry (A N o t e ) .................... 387Sadtler , S. P . Chemicals, Oils and P a in ts b y Tariff B oard (Book

R eview )............................................................................................................. 390Sadtler, S. S. M ethods of O rganic A nalysis, by H . C. Sherm an

(Book R ev iew )................................................................................................ 858Sammis, J . L . A Sim ple M ethod for Purify ing D rinking W a te r 681Savage, G. H . The U nderw riters’ L aboratories E x trac tio n A ppa­

ra tu s : A N o te .................................................................................................. 856Sch a effer , J . A. The Colorim etric D eterm ination of Iro n in Lead

and its O xides.................................................................................................. 659Sch a effer , J . A. The D eterm ination of Lead Su lphate and th e U lti­

m ate E stim ation of Sublim ed W hite Lead in R u b b e r...................... 836S ch erubel , E . F . and W . D . R ichardson . A Modified W iley E x ­

trac tion A p p a ra tu s ......................................................................................... 220S chmidt, A. H . A nalyses of Some F a ts of the A m erican Buffalo

(B ison).................................................................................................................... 592S chmidt, W . A . C ontrol of D ust in P o rtlan d Cem ent M anufacture by

the C ottrell P rec ip ita tion Processes......................................................... 719Scholes, S. R . A L abora to ry G lass-Furnace......................................... 683Scholes, S. R . Arsenic in G lass...................................................................... 16Scholes, S. R . and H. W . F oote. T he E x trac tio n of P o ta sh and

A lum ina from F e ldspar................................................................................ 377

S c h o l l e n b e r g e r , C. J . D eterm ination of T o ta l P otassium inM inerals............................................................................................................. 436

S c h w a r z , R . A R ap id M icroscopical M ethod for th e D eterm inationof Arsenic as O rpim ent in Shellac ............................................................ 660

S h a n n o n , F. L . T he D etection of Form ic Acid in F ru it P ro d u c ts .. . 526S h a r w o o d , W . J . . A N ote on S a m p lin g ....................................................... 227S h e p p a r d , E . J . P ure Linseed O il .................................................................................. 14S h e r m a n , H . C. A llen’s Com mercial O rganic A nalysis, by D avis and

S ad tle r (Book R eview )................................................................................. 550S h e r m a n , H . C. Food and D rugs, by E rn es t J . P a rry (Book Review ). 858S h e r m a n , H . C. P u re Foods: T heir A dulteration , N u tritive Value

and Cost, by J . C. Olsen (Book R ev iew ) ........................................................ 234S i i e r w i n , C. P . and C. E . M a y . Concerning the S ugar C on ten t of

W aterm elons.................................................................................................... 585S h r e v e , R. N . Suggested M odifications to th e U. S . P . A ssay of

O pium ................................................................................................................. 514S i l v e r m a n n , A. Glass Form ulas: A C riticism .............................................. 818S i n d a l l , H . E . Commercial Cinnam on and Cassia ............................................ 590S k i n n e r , H . J . Com m ittee on S tan d ard Specifications and M ethods

of Analysis. In d u stria l D ivision R e p o rt.............................................. 225S k i n n e r , J . J . and J . H . B e a t t i e . A n E xam ination of C ity S tree t

Sw eepings.......................................................................................................... 604S l a d e , W . C. A New M ethod for T esting P a in t F ilm s and P reserva­

tive Coatings for Iro n and S teel................................................................ 189S m a l l e y , F. N. Investiga tion of the M ethods for th e D eterm inations

of T otal F a t ty Acids in Cotton-Seed F oo ts..................... 893S m i t h , A. Som e Chemical Problem s of To*day, b y R . K . D uncan

(Book R eview )................................................................................................ 233S m i t h , L. H . A ltering t h e Com position of In d ian Corn, b y S e e d

Selection............................................................................................................. 524S m i t h , O. C. A Self-Filling M easuring W ash B o ttle ............................. 905S m i t h , T. O. A n A utom atic P ip e tte .............................................................. 47S m i t h , T. O. and B . E . C u r r y . A S h o rt M ethod for th e D eterm i­

na tio n of Soluble A rsenic in Commercial Lead A rsenates............... 198S m i t h , W . B . The Index of R efrac tion of th e M ixed Acids of F a t ty

Oils....................................................................................................................... 36S n e l l i n g , W . O. N ote on Pro tecto rs for Glass S topcocks.................... 613S o s m a n , R . B. and A. L. D a y . The E xpansion Coefficient of

G ra p h ite ............................................................................................................ 490S p e a r , E . B. and S . S . S t r a h a n . T he D eterm ination of Zinc by

E lectroanalysis................................................................................................ 889S p e n c e . D. and J . Y o u n g . Com parison of some M ethods for th e

E stim ation of Su lfur in Vulcanized R ubber w ith Especial R efer­ence to E lectro ly tic O xidation ................................................................... 413

S p e n c e r , G. L. A lundum Crucibles in G ravim etric A nalysis............... 614S t e w a r t , J . A P lan for the S uppo rt of Chemical R esearch and for

the B e tte r Teaching of In d u stria l C hem istry ....................................... 616S t e w a r t , R . and C. T . H i r s t . C om parative Value of Irrig a ted and

D ry-farm ing W h ea t for F lour P ro d u c tio n ............................................. 270S t o n e , G. C. The Technical A nalysis of B rass and th e N on-ferrous

Alloys, by Price and Meade (Book R ev iew )...................................... 233S t r a h a n , S . S . an d E . B . S p e a r . T he D eterm ination of Zinc, by

E lec tro an a ly sis .. . . ..................................................................................... 889S t r e e t , J . P. N ote on the N eu tral Perm anganate M ethod for the

A vailability of Organic N itrogen ............................................................... 437S u t e r m e i s t e r , E . and H . R . R a f s k y . On the Q u an tita tiv e E stim a­

tion of Sodium H ydroxide in B lack L iq u o r.......................................... 568S w a n s o n , C. O. A cidity in W h ea t F lour: I t s R ela tion to P hosphorus

and to O ther C onstituen ts........................................................................... 274S w e e t l a n d , E r n s t J . R ecen t Im provem en ts in F iltra tio n M ethods. 114Sy, A. P. A pparatus for Fum elcss K jeldah l N itrogen D igestion. . . . 680T A L B O T , H . p . P ractical C hem istry for Engineering S tuden ts , by

A rth u r J . H ale (Book R eview ).................................................................. 699T a n a k a , Y . On the S tarch of G lutinous R ice and its H ydrolysis by

D iastase.............................................................................................................. 578T a n a k a , Y . On the S ta rch of G lutinous R ice and its H ydrolysis by

D iastase: A C orrection ................................................................................. 918T a r t a r , H . V. and C. E . B r a d l e y . A C om parative S tu d y of M ethods

for the D eterm ination of H a rd and T o ta l Soft R esins in the H op. 209T a r t a r , H . V. and C. E . B r a d l e y . The R ipening of H o p s ................ 591T a r t a r , H. V. and B. P i l k i n g t o n . T he E ffect of K iln -D ry ing a t

145° F. on the Com position of the H o p ................................................. 839T a y l o r , E . R . The M anufacture of Carbon B isulphide.......................... 557T a y l o r , F. O. R ep o rt of C om m ittee on Q u an tita tiv e M ethods 467T h i e l e , L. A. The M anufacture of G elatine............................................... 446T h o m a s , A. and G. F . W h i t e . Studies on F ish Oils. I I I . P ro p e r­

ties of Fish and V egetable Oil M ixtures................................................. 878T h o m p s o n , W . G. O ccupational Poisoning in Chemical T rad es 454T i l l o t s o n , E . W ., J r . O n the D ensity of some B ora te and Silicate

G lasses................................................................................................................ 820T i l l o t s o n E . W . On th e Surface Tension of Silicate and Boro-

silicate G lasses................................................................................................ 651T i l l o t s o n , E . W ., J r . The R ela tion of th e R efrac tive Index of Soda-

B arium and Soda-Lim e Glasses to th e ir Chemical C om position .. 882

Dec., 1912 T H E J O U R N A L OF I N D U S T R I A L A N D E N G I N E E R I N G C H E M I S T R Y 927

T illotson , E . W ., J r . The R elation of th e R efrac tive Index of Soda-Lirae Glasses to th e ir Chemical C om position...................................... 246

T och , M. P a in t Technology and Tests, by H . A. G ardner (BookR eview ).............................................................................................................. 389

T o cii, M. T he P a in t and V arnish In d u s try of th e U nited S ta te s (E d.) 241T u r r e n t in e , J . W . A N ote on th e D eterm ination of Iodides by

D irect T itra tio n ............................................................................................... 435T u r r e n t in e , J . W . Com position of the Salines of the U nited S ta tes.

I . Rock Salt, Artificial B rines and M other L iquors from Arcificial B rines.................................................................................................................. 828

T u r r e n t in e , J . W . Com position of th e Salines of th e U nited S tates.I I . N a tu ra l (Subterranean) B rines and M other L iquors from N atu ra l B rines................................................................................................. 885

T u r r e n t in e , J . W . The Com position of the Pacific K e lp s................... 431U E H L IN G . E . A. The Carbon D ioxide R ecorder as a F a c to r in Fuel

E conom y............................................................................................................ 123Uh l ig , E . C. O ccupational Diseases (E d .) .................................................. 480V A N H IS E , C. R . Conservation (E d .) ...................................................... 160W a h l , R . B arleys E xh ib ited a t th e Second In te rn a tio n a l B arley

and H op Prize E x h ib it ................................................................................. 230W a lk er , W . H . Corrosion of Iro n and Steel, by J . N . F riend (Book

R eview ).............................................................................................................. 549W a lk er , W . H . T he R elative Corrosion of Iro n and Steel P ipe as

Found in Service............................................................................................. 486W a lk er , W . H . and W. Art h u r . S tru c tu re of Galvanized Iro n . . . . 397W a lk er , W . H . and W . A. P atrick . The D eterm ination of Oxygen

in Iro n and Steel by R eduction in an E lectric V acuum F urnace.. 799 W alters, H . E . D eterm ination of M anganese in Steel. A N o te . . . 387W a tk in s , W . H . The Fellow W ho D o esn 't K now A ny B e tte r (E d.). 4W e id l e in , E . R . E pinephrin from th e W h ale ........................................... 636W e id l e in , E . R . and H . W . E merson . Jam aica C am phor.................... „ 33W e ith , A. J . T he E ffect of “ L im e-Sulphur” S pray M anufacture 011

th e E yesight. A N o te .................................................................................. 917W e r th eim e r , H . F . The G erm an P a te n t S y s te m .................................... 464W esson , David. T he Chem ist and th e C otton Seed Oil In d u s try in

A m erica (A ddress).......................................................................................... 64W e st , F . The D etection of P russian B lue in T ea ..................................... 528W estby, G. C. Sm elter Sm oke C onservation.............................................. 725W h e e l e r , F . G. T he A dap ta tio n of th e Centrifugal P um p to Chem i­

cal P rob lem s ..................................... 288W h ita k er , M. C. A D ictionary of A pplied C hem istry , Vol. I, b y E .

Thorpe (Book R ev iew )............................... 550W h ita k er , M. C. D ictionary of A pplied C hem istry, Vol. I I , b y E .

Thorpe (Book R eview )................................................................................. 698W h ita k er , M. C. In d u stria l C hem istry, by Allen Rogers and A. B.

A ubert (Book R eview )................................................................................. 857W h it a k e r , M. C. In troduction (Perk in Medal A w ard ).......................... 131

W h it a k e r , M. C. The M anufacture of Sulfuric Acid and Alkali, byG. Lunge (B ook R eview )............................................................................ 70

W h it e , G. F. A S tudy of th e V iscosity of F ish O ils............................... 106W h it e , G. F . The F lu id ity of F ish Oil M ixtures as an A dditive

P ro p e rty ............................................................................................................. 267W h it e , G. F . and A. T homas. S tudies on F ish Oils. I I I . P roper­

ties of F ish and V egetable Oil M ix tures................................................. 878W h it n e^, W . R . A m erican E lectrochem ical Society R esearch

F u n d ................................................................................................................... 546W h it n e y , W . R . Carbon B rushes.................................................................. 242W h it n e y , W . R . New Uses to R educe Abuses in C onservation (Min­

eral W astes S ym posium ).............................................................................. 182W il e y , S. W . U nique W ater B a th ................................................................. 454W il k e , W . Com bination of th e C ontact P rocess w ith th e O rd i­

n a ry Lead C ham ber o r Tow er S ystem s; A n Im provem en t inth e M anufacture of Sulfuric A cid ........................................................... 840

W illiam s, F . M. New Form s of A pparatus for Gas A n a ly sis .. . . . . 380W illia m s, H . P a in t and V arnish in th e U . S. N avy. A N o te 547W illiamson, C. S., J r . A Convenient F iltering A p p a ra tu s .................. 222W illiamson , C. S., J r . A Convenient F iltering A pparatus. Correc­

t io n ................................. 310W illiamson , M. A. and P . A. B oeck . A New T ype of Inorganic

F ilte r for L abora to ry P urposes.................................................................. 672W ilsnack , G. C. and W . W . P atrick . A New V olum etric M ethod

for T in ................................................................................................................ 597W is e , L. E . On th e Indices of R efraction of China W ood O il.............. 497W ith ro w , J . R . P aper Pulps from V arious F o rest W oods, by H . E .

Surface (Book R eview )................................................................................. 918W ithro w , J . R . T he E ffect of “ L im e-Sulphur” S p ray M anufacture

on the E y e s ig h t ............................................................................................. 735W ood, E . E . A Colorim etric M ethod for th e D eterm ination of Carbon

in Iro n and Steel. A N ote of P ro te s t.................................................... 547W oodman, A. G. T he D eterm ination of B enzaldehyde in M araschino

C herries an d M araschino L iqueur. A C orrection ............................. 856W oodman, A. G. and L. Davis T he D eterm ination of Benzaldehyde

in M araschino Cherries and M araschino L iqueur................................ 588W or k , W . R . and J . M. K n o te. A Modification of the F ra ry E lec tro ­

dynam ic S tirring D evice.............................................................................. 534Y E R B Y , W . J . N igerian T in Developm ents. (C onsular N o te ). . . . 624Y o d er . P. A. M arking Porcelain and Silica Crucibles, e tc ................... 567Y ou ng . J . and D. S pe n c e . Com parison of some M ethods for the

E stim a tio n of Sulfur in V ulcanized R ubber w ith Especial R efer­ence to E lectro ly tic O xida tion ............................ 413

Z lM M ER M A N N , A. L abora to ry S tudies of R enn in .............................. 506Z o n s , F . W . and F. J . M e t z g e r . A V olum etric M ethod for the D e­

term ination of T horium in th e Presence of O ther R are E arth s.T he A nalysis of M onazite S a n d ................................................................. 493