Australian Society for Simulation in Healthcare Simulation ... HWA Data... · Australian Society...

As at 28 June 2012 Australian Society for Simulation in Healthcare Simulation Directory Data Dictionary This Simulation Directory Data Dictionary has been developed by a project funded by Health Workforce Australia (HWA) as part of HWA’s Simulated Learning Environments program. The project aims to establish a national network of Simulated Learning Environments (SLEs) for the purposes of promoting inter- professional collaboration and resource sharing within Australia’s health workforce. The contents of the Data Dictionary have been obtained from a number of sources, and reviewed by the Project Board. This Data Dictionary will be regularly reviewed and updated in the future, and feedback is welcome. ASSH greatly appreciates the efforts of the contributors and reviewers in forming a valuable resource. This project was possible due to funding made available by Health Workforce Australia as an Australian Government Initiative. The Project Board of the National Network of Simulation Learning Programs project has endorsed the Data Dictionary. ASSH is a Division of Simulation Australia Ltd

Transcript of Australian Society for Simulation in Healthcare Simulation ... HWA Data... · Australian Society...

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As at 28 June 2012

Australian Society for Simulation in Healthcare Simulation Directory Data Dictionary This Simulation Directory Data Dictionary has been developed by a project funded by Health Workforce Australia (HWA) as part of HWA’s Simulated Learning Environments program.

The project aims to establish a national network of Simulated Learning Environments (SLEs) for the purposes of promoting inter-professional collaboration and resource sharing within Australia’s health workforce.

The contents of the Data Dictionary have been obtained from a number of sources, and reviewed by the Project Board. This Data Dictionary will be regularly reviewed and updated in the future, and feedback is welcome.

ASSH greatly appreciates the efforts of the contributors and reviewers in forming a valuable resource.

This project was possible due to funding made available by Health Workforce Australia as an Australian Government Initiative.

The Project Board of the National Network of Simulation Learning Programs project has endorsed the Data Dictionary.

ASSH is a Division of Simulation Australia Ltd

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ASSH HWA Simulation Directory Data Dictionary Term Definition Source Actors Professional and/or amateur actors reproduce components of real world

experience, especially involving communication between health professionals and patients or colleagues. Actors contribute to simulation-based education as patients, relatives, health professionals. See Simulated Patients and Simulated Health Professionals, Simulated Learners and Confederates.

Sydney Clinical Skills and Simulation Centre Debra Nestel Professor of Medical Education, Gippsland Medical School , Monash University

Assessor A person who performs standards of human performance assessment. Assessors must have specific and substantial training, expertise, and demonstrated competency in the art and science of human assessment.

SSH Accreditation

Avatar The participant's graphic representation in a virtual reality simulation or game

SimLearn (Annex B)

Case-based learning A learning technique involving cases which are factually-based, complex problems constructed to stimulate discussion, collaborative analysis and reflection. Case teaching involves the interactive, student-centered exploration of realistic and specific situations. As students consider problems from a perspective which requires analysis, they strive to resolve questions that have no single right answer. “See also Simulated / Synthetic Learning Methods”

Modified from Center for Instructional Development & Distance Education, University of Pittsburg (

Certification The process through which an organization endorses an individual who meets certain established criteria and eligibility requirements.

Modified from SSH Accreditation

Clinical Scenario A Clinical Scenario is the plan of an expected and potential course of events for a simulated clinical experience. The clinical scenario provides the context for the simulation and can vary in length and complexity, depending on the objective.

Modified from Palaganas, J.C. (2012) Annex A Refs: 1, 18

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Term Definition Source A clinical scenario may include the following components:

o Participant preparation. o Prebriefing: objectives, questions, and/or material. o Patient information describing the situation to be managed. o Learning objectives. o Environmental conditions, including mannequin or standardized pa

tient preparation. o Related equipment, props, and tools and/or resources for assessing

and managing the simulated experience, e.g. pathology results, defibrillator.

o Roles, expectations, and/or limitations of each role to be played by participants.

o A progression outline including a beginning and an ending. o Debriefing process. o Evaluation criteria.

Cognitive Simulation Cognitive simulations may be used for training didactic information or rehearsing clinical scenarios. Cognitive simulators are often screen-based, and may teach the steps of a procedural task but do not actually require physical performance of the task.

Modified from SimLearn (Annex B)

Computer-based virtual reality

See Virtual Reality Simulations

Confederate A confederate is an individual, often a staff member working for the Simulation Program, who plays a role in a simulation. Their role may be to provide assistance locating and/or troubleshooting equipment, to provide support for participants in the form of ‘help available’, e.g. ‘nurse in charge’, to provide information about the mannequin that is not available in other ways, e.g. temperature, colour change, and/or to provide additional realism by playing the role of a relative or a staff member.

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Term Definition Source Content Expert See Subject Matter Expert (SME) Course A unit of curriculum, with set learning objectives, and which may include

one or more educational methods. Queensland Health Clinical Skills Development Service

Crisis Resource Management (CRM)

A safety oriented training approach to managing challenging situations in a healthcare setting. In CRM style training, the emphasis is on crisis resource management behaviours, such as developing effective teamwork skills including communication and effective management of available resources, rather than on medical/technical knowledge and/or skill.

Curriculum A complete program of learning related to simulation that includes identified/ desired results, a design for incorporation of simulation into educational activities, and suggested methods of assessment for evaluation.

SSH Accreditation

Debriefing A structured discussion following a simulation scenario or event, which assists participants to consolidate their experiences and learning

Queensland Health Clinical Skills Development Service

Discrete-Event Simulation

A simulation model having dynamic, stochastic, and discrete characteristics.

SimLearn (Annex B)

Distributed Learning A synonym for laptop or web-based simulation. See also E-learning. Distributed learning is also used to describe learning activities that are distributed over a period of time compared with massed learning which is a concentrated period of study. There is evidence that a combination of massed and distributed learning is preferable to either design although distributed learning is likely to have lasting impact than isolated educational interventions.

Debra Nestel Professor of Medical Education, Gippsland Medical School , Monash University

Distributed Simulation Distributed simulation (DS) is the concept of high-fidelity immersive simulation on-demand, made widely available wherever and whenever it is required. DS provides an easily transportable, self-contained ‘set’ for creating simulated environments within an inflatable enclosure, at a small fraction of the cost of dedicated, static simulation facilities[1].

Annex B Kneebone, R., S. Arora, et al. (2010). "Distributed Simulation – Accessible immersive training." Medical Teacher 32(1): 65-70.

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Term Definition Source

e-learning Course e-Learning courses are offered online, often using multimedia and interactivity to engage participants in learning. Some are stand-alone courses, while others are part of a blended learning approach along with a face-to-face course component.

Queensland Health Clinical Skills Development Service

Educator A specialist in the theory and practice of simulation education who has the responsibility for developing, managing, and/or implementing educational activities. See also Simulationist, Simulation Expert

SSH Accreditation

Experiential Learning The process of learning through direct experience. Experiential learning involves the learner actively participating in the experience, learner reflection on the experience, use of analytical skills to conceptualize the experience, and the use of decision-making and problem- solving skills to gain new ideas from the experience.

SSH Accreditation

Facilitator An individual that helps bring about an outcome by providing indirect assistance, guidance or supervision

SSH Accreditation

Fidelity The degree to which the simulation replicates the real event and/or workplace. This includes physical, psychological, and environmental elements

Queensland Health Clinical Skills Development Service

Formative assessment Formative assessment, often in the form of feedback in the simulation setting, is intended to promote additional learning, as distinct from summative assessment which is intended to assess learning.

Governance Governance encompasses the responsibility for securing the long-term sustainability of the simulation program; assuring that it fulfills its obligations to its constituents and that it is meeting its desired mission and vision. Governance also includes supporting the priorities and strategic direction of the simulation program.

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Term Definition Source Haptics Tactile information is fed back to the learner (e.g. feel of surgical

instruments on tissue).

Healthcare Simulation Simulation is an educational technique that replaces or amplifies real experiences with guided experiences that evoke or replicate substantial aspects of the real world in a fully interactive manner.

Adapted from Gaba Future Vision Qual Saf Health Care 2004

High Stakes Assessment A high-stakes assessment is one having important consequences for the test taker, and serves as the basis of a major decision. Passing is associated with important benefits, such as satisfaction of a licensure and/or certification requirement, or meeting a contingency for employment. Failing too has important consequences, such as being required to take remedial classes until the assessment can be passed, or being banned from practice within a certain discipline or domain. Thus, high stakes assessment is one that:

o is a single, defined assessment (perhaps with component subunits) o has clear distinction between those who pass and those who fail o has direct consequences for passing or failing (something "at


SSH Accreditation

‘High-fidelity’ healthcare simulation

‘High fidelity’ simulation is a term that is often used to imply the use of mannequin simulators in a realistic setting. The term is ill defined and frequently misapplied and therefore should be avoided. When describing The use of simulation modalities or mechanisms to create a realistic patient model or healthcare situation. See realism or high-technology healthcare simulation or mannequin-based simulation. High-fidelity simulation has been used synonymously in the literature for mannequin-based simulation; however, low-technology modalities may have more Fidelity than a mannequin, depending on learning objectives.

Palaganas, J.C. (2012) Annex A

Hybrid Simulation Methodologies

The use of a combination of types of simulation that integrates the use of simulators and standardized human patient simulators in a simulation event.

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Term Definition Source Hybrid simulations involve the combination of more than two simulation modalities in a scenario. The most commonly reported form of hybrid simulation are patient-focused simulations in which a simulated patient (a real person trained to portray a patient) with a task trainer (e.g. urinary catheter model, virtual reality endoscopy simulator). [2-4] The Integrated Procedural Performance Instrument is one example of hybrid simulations.[5, 6]

Debra Nestel Professor of Medical Education, Gippsland Medical School , Monash University Annex B

Immersive Simulation Simulation education/experiences that encourage participants to become immersed in a task or setting as they would if it were the real situation. It involves the participant suspending disbelief and making decisions as they would in a real life situation. The ability to create an immersive simulation depends on the participant characteristics, the fidelity of the simulation in terms of context (scenario), equipment and role- plays.

ASSH HWA Project

In-Situ Simulation Simulation activities that take place in the actual clinical work environment.

Integrated procedural training (clinical)

See Simulated / Synthetic Learning Methods

Integrated procedural training (communication)

See Simulated / Synthetic Learning Methods

Interdisciplinary learning (IL)

Interdisciplinary learning (IL) involves integrating the perspective of two or more professionals, by organizing the education around a specific discipline, where each discipline examines the basis of their knowledge.

Palaganas, J.C. (2012) Annex A Ref: 3

Interprofessional Learning

When students from two or more different professions learn from and about each other to improve collaboration and the quality of care. Although this term may be associated with multi-disciplinary and multi-specialty learning; interprofessional, can be distinguished from multidisciplinary (the act of joining two or more disciplines without integration) and

SSH Accreditation

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Term Definition Source interdisciplinary (connecting and integrating schools of professions with their specific perspectives, to complete a task).

Knowledge Knowledge includes conceptual and procedural forms of knowledge and the depositions (values, attitudes) that underpin them. Conceptual knowledge comprises facts, information, propositions, assertions and concepts that range in levels of increasing complexity. Procedural knowledge comprises techniques, skills and the ability to secure goals.

From Learning in the Workplace, Strategies for effective practice, Billett, 2001

Learning methods See Simulated / Synthetic Learning Methods Mannequin-based simulation

Life-like aspects of people and situations are generated by a mannequin and or a “theatrical” interaction of confederate role-players and props with mannequins.

Model-Driven Approach Creating complex mathematical models of the physiology of the human body in normal and abnormal clinical conditions as well as its response to drugs and other interventions.

SimLearn (Annex B)

Moulage The art of applying mock wounds or injuries or manifestations of medication conditions to increase the perceived realism of a simulation.

Modified from SSH Accreditation

Multimodal formats See Simulated / Synthetic Learning Methods Non-Technical Skills Cognitive functioning and observable behaviours that underpin safe and

effective clinical practice. They may include, without being limited to, communication (patient-doctor, team) leadership, teamwork, situation awareness and decision- making, resource management, safe practice, adverse event minimization/ mitigation and professionalism. Also known as behavioural skills, or teamwork skills. However, the phrase has been challenged as inaccurate and unhelpful. See [7]

ASSH DoHA Project Debra Nestel Professor of Medical Education, Gippsland Medical School , Monash University, Annex B

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Term Definition Source Part-task / Task trainers Models, part-mannequins, or other jigs and working simulations used to

reproduce components of a task, usually by imitating patients’ anatomy. They are generally used to support procedural skills training however may be used in conjunction with other learning technologies to create integrated clinical situations.

ASSH HWA Project

Procedural task training See Simulated / Synthetic Learning Methods Program See Simulation Program Realism Realism is a statement about the similarity of something (a ‘copy’) to

something else (the ‘original’). See also Fidelity

Modified from Dieckmann P, Gaba D, Rall M. Deepening the Theoretical Foundations of Patient Simulation as Social Practice. Sim Healthcare 2007; 2: 183-193

Role Play See Simulated / Synthetic Learning Methods Scenarios See Simulated / Synthetic Learning Methods Simulated / Synthetic Learning Environment (SLE)

An area or service which reproduces components or aspects of the real world environment, for the purpose of learning and related activities, and / or research.

Simulated / Synthetic Learning Methods

Simulated / Synthetic learning methods include: a) Case-based learning - Written and oral presentations are used to

present and review clinical scenarios but do not involve hands-on learning.

b) Procedural or part-task training – synthetic learning technologies are used as a platform from which to conduct a clinical procedure. The task may be a simple clinical skill commonly undertaken by a less experienced health professional (e.g. intravenous cannulation); a moderately advanced task usually

Sydney Clinical Skills and Simulation Centre Refs: 1. Kneebone, Nestel 2. From Beaubien JM. Baker DP. The use of simulation for training teamwork skills in health care: how low can you go? Quality & Safety in Health Care. 13

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Term Definition Source undertaken by a more experienced health professional (e.g. insertion of central venous catheter; or a complex task generally undertaken by specialist health professional (e.g. abdominal ultrasound examination of a trauma patient or knot tying during abdominal laparoscopy). Part-task trainers and virtual reality systems are common technologies used to support procedural task training.

c) Integrated procedural training (psychomotor focus) - Combines a series of discrete tasks that are conducted simultaneously or in sequence to form a complex clinical task (e.g. endotracheal intubation and cervical spine immobilisation in a trauma patient).

d) Integrated procedural training (whole procedure) - Integrates task training with role-play (actors) to enable procedural and communication tasks to be practiced simultaneously. (Ref 1)

e) Simulation / Scenario-based learning - Highly interactive synthetic learning methods whereby whole events or components of events are enacted and learners interact not only with the patient simulator but also other people in the event (colleagues or patient’s relatives) and the environment (the layout and use of equipment). Key components include:

i. the learner interacts with his or her environment (patient, other people and equipment)

ii. the learning activities enact activities and tasks representative of the learner's real world responsibilities

iii. the environment resembles the workplace. Depending upon the learning objectives, realism can be built into the equipment, the surrounding environment or the overall integration of equipment, environment and interactions between learners and instructors.(Ref 2)

f) Role-play - A form of simulation/scenario-based learning used to

Suppl 1:i51-6, 2004 Oct.

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Term Definition Source enact interactions between health professionals and patients (e.g. doctor–patient; nurse-patient) and other Health professionals (e.g. team work).

g) Debriefing – see Debriefing h) Multimodal formats - refer to activities that integrate two or more

discrete techniques or curricula that use a variety of specific formats to address specific individual learning objectives.

Simulated Person A Simulated Person is when a person portrays a patient (simulated patient), family member, or healthcare provider in order to meet the objectives of the simulation. A simulated person may also be called a Standardized Patient/Family/Healthcare Provider if they have been trained to act as a real patient in order to simulate a set of symptoms or problems used for healthcare education, evaluation, and research. (Ref 17) Simulated Persons often engage in assessment by providing feedback to the learner.

Palaganas, J.C. (2012) Annex A

Simulated Patient Simulated patients are well individuals who are trained to portray patients (their relatives and healthcare professionals) and provide learners with feedback[8].

Simulated patients (SPs) contribute to medical education, [9-12] and their contribution to nursing and other health professional education is growing. Initially, SP contribution was ancillary; however, there are several drivers to their increased use and centrality in curricula. These include ethical imperatives for learning in simulation, patient safety initiatives, patient empowerment, and increased number of medical students with reduced access to patients in clinical settings. Additional drivers include growing acceptance of simulation as an educational method and the maturation of SP programs. [8]

In undergraduate medical education, SPs usually play the role of a patient

Debra Nestel Professor of Medical Education, Gippsland Medical School , Monash University Annex B

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Term Definition Source to support the development of a range of interpersonal and professional skills. Guidelines for roles are provided by faculty or designed with participants at the time of the session. SPs also play “standardized” roles in high stakes assessments in which they may be asked to make judgments on learner’s performance. In some assessments, SPs have total responsibility for such judgments. There are several excellent articles outlining the evolution and breadth of work undertaken by SPs[8].

Simulated Person A Simulated Person is when a person portrays a patient (simulated patient), family member, or healthcare provider in order to meet the objectives of the simulation. A simulated person may also be called a Standardized Patient/Family/Healthcare Provider if they have been trained to act as a real patient in order to simulate a set of symptoms or problems used for healthcare education, evaluation, and research. (Ref 17) Simulated Persons often engage in assessment by providing feedback to the learner.

Palaganas, J.C. (2012) Annex A

Simulation A technique that uses a situation or environment created to allow persons to experience a representation of a real event for the purpose of practice, learning, evaluation, testing, or to gain understanding of systems or human actions. Simulation is the application of a simulator to training and/or assessment.

SSH Accreditation

Simulation / Scenario-based learning

See Simulated / Synthetic Learning Methods

Simulation Administration Officer

The Simulation Administration Officer works as part of a team to develop and implement simulation-based inter-professional team training designed to enhance safety and quality in health care delivery. The Simulation Administrative Officer will support the efficient and effective delivery of SLE activities from an administrative as well as a practical perspective.

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Term Definition Source Simulation Centre Entity with dedicated infrastructure and personnel where simulation

courses are conducted. A centre may support several Simulation Programs. SSH Accreditation

Simulation Centre Manager / Operations Manager

The Simulation Centre Manager/Operations Manager/Director of Operations works as part of a team to develop and implement simulation-based education designed to enhance patient safety and quality in health care delivery. The Centre Manager/Operations Manager/Director of Operations is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the SLE. The Centre Manager/ Operations Manager/Director of Operations will report to and support the Director with operations services including input to the budget, equipment and supplies procurement, scheduling of courses and staff, supervision of simulation educators, coordinators and technicians and supervision of any administrative staff and promotion of the SLE.

ASSH HWA Simulation Directory Project

Simulation Coordinator The Simulation Coordinator works as part of a team to develop and implement simulation-based education designed to enhance patient safety and quality in health care delivery. The main focus of the Simulation Coordinator is the responsibility for coordination of a number of key programs delivered by the SLE Organisation and duties as an expert simulation learning environment coordinator. This role includes contribution to development of educational programs, teaching, coordination and administrative tasks related to courses, workshops, and other events, as well as clinical session preparation and set-down, operation of simulators and taking the role of faculty actor in immersive simulation training sessions.

ASSH HWA Simulation Directory Project

Simulation Director The Simulation Director / Program Director provides strategic leadership, business development, governance, executive and management of the SLE. The main focus of the Simulation Director / Program Director is to lead the strategic direction of the simulation program to align with the goals of the organisation with a focus on corporate and business leadership and

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Term Definition Source education and research. The Simulation Director is responsible for establishing best practice strategies of running an efficient and sustainable SLE consistent with the vision and mission of the Health Service or University.

Simulation Expert (Educator) (Simulationist)

An individual who has demonstrated expertise in simulation education, curriculum design, implementation, and evaluation through qualifications and years of experience. An expert is regarded in the community as an expert in simulation through years of experience or research expertise and often acts as a consultant or mentor for other individuals in the community.

Modified from SSH Accreditation

Simulation Fidelity See Fidelity Simulation Instructor / Educator

The Simulation Instructor/Educator’s main responsibility is to conduct and instruct on simulation- based training. The role may also encompass curriculum design, development, implementation and evaluation of scenarios and courses.

ASSH HWA Simulation Directory Project

Simulation Program Learning and training sessions or approved curricula carried out within or in relation to SLE activities.

ASSH HWA Simulation Directory Project

Simulation Researcher The Simulation Researcher’s main responsibility is to conduct and implement the research strategy for the SLE within a specific clinical speciality. The Simulation Researcher plans and conducts experiments to increase the body of scientific knowledge on topics related to simulation. They may also aim to develop new, or improve existing processes in simulation or provide a new body of evidence for different aspects of simulation. This role may vary depending on the SLE but is often held in conjunction with a Senior Instructor/Educator’s role.

ASSH HWA Simulation Directory Project

Simulation Standard A statement of the minimum requirements for simulation fidelity, simulation validity, simulation program, or for Formative or Summative Assessment.

SSH Accreditation

Simulation Technician The Simulation Technician will work as part of a team to develop and ASSH HWA Simulation Directory Project

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Term Definition Source implement simulation-based inter-professional team training designed to enhance safety and quality in health care delivery. The key responsibilities of the Simulation Technician are to provide specialised Technical Support Services and maintenance, quality assurance and improvement. The Simulation Technician also educates and supports staff and instructors in the use of simulation, audio-visual and other information communication technology. From time to time, the Simulation Technician is also responsible for managing technology requirements of special projects.

Simulation Validity The quality of a simulation or simulation program that demonstrates that the relationship between the process and its intended purpose is specific, sensitive, reliable, and reproducible.

SSH Accreditation

Simulator Any object or representation used during training, assessment or research which behaves or operates like a given system and responds to the user’s actions.

SSH Accreditation (adapted)


A learned ability (intellectual, manual, motor, perceptual, social) to perform a particular mental or physical activity.

SLE Program See Simulation Program ASSH HWA Project SLE Provider An organisation utilising a SLE to deliver Programs to healthcare

professionals. All categories of SLE providers are:

a) A free-standing simulation centre (SLE), b) University based simulation SLE, c) A hospital based simulation centre (SLE) in a public or private

hospital, d) A skills laboratory in a public or private hospital e) A skills laboratory in a university f) Any mobile or in-situ SLE g) Any defence health SLE

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Term Definition Source h) Any simulation centre related to ambulance / paramedic training. i) Vocational Education and Training (VET) SLE j) Private retrieval k) Part task trainers, advanced airway skills trainers or any

equipment that is not part of a ‘unit’ or ‘centre’. Summative Assessment Summative assessment is used to indicate the extent of a learner's success

in meeting the assessment criteria used to gauge the intended learning outcomes of a module or program.

Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (UK)

Standardized (Human) Patient Simulation

See Simulated Person

Standardized Patient See Simulated Person Standardized Patient / Family / Healthcare Provider

See Simulated Person

Steering Committee A committee composed of high-level stakeholders who provide guidance on key issues, marketing strategies, resource allocation and overall program policies and objectives.

SSH Accreditation

Subject matter expert (SME)

A person with extensive experience and knowledge in a particular subject area, who acts as a consultant and content expert during development of a course.

Queensland Health Clinical Skills Development Service

Summative Assessment Summative assessment assesses learning and is intended to determine some end-point status, e.g. competent/not competent.

Synthetic Learning technologies

Learning technologies used in Synthetic or Simulated Learning Environments include, without being limited to:

a) Mannequin; b) Computer-based virtual reality; c) Haptics; d) Actors;

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Term Definition Source e) Simulated patients; f) Part-task / Task trainers; g) Hybrid; h) Video

Systems Engineering An interdisciplinary field of engineering focusing on how complex projects should be designed and managed. Logistics, coordination of different teams, modeling, automatic control of machinery, and human factors become more challenging when dealing with complex and high-stakes healthcare provision. This field develops and assesses work-processes and tools (including simulation) to handle such projects, and overlaps with both technical and human-centered disciplines.

SSH Accreditation

Task-Trainer See Part-task / Task trainer Technical Skills Domain specific components of clinical practice directly required including

patient assessment and clinical diagnostic reasoning, judgment and decision-making regarding therapy, procedural knowledge and technical skills relevant to execution of procedures. May also be referred to as ‘medical skills’.

ASSH HWA Project

Telemedicine The application of communications technologies for the provision of health care services (diagnosis, treatment, prevention of diseases and injuries) over spatial distance in a situation where remoteness and/or availability of professional expertise is a critical factor.

SimLearn (Annex B)

Virtual Patient A computer program that simulates real-life clinical scenarios in which the learner acts as a healthcare provider obtaining a history and physical exam and making diagnostic and therapeutic decisions.

SimLearn (Annex B)

Virtual Reality Environment

Describes a wide variety of computer-based applications, commonly associated with its immersive, highly visual, 3D characteristics. It is generally defined based on the type of technology being used, such as head-mounted displays, stereoscopic capability, input devices, and number of

Adapted from SimLearn (Annex B)

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Term Definition Source sensory systems stimulated.

Virtual Reality Simulations

A wide variety of computer-based simulation applications conducted in a Virtual Reality Environment. Participants may engage with other persons via Avatars. The Human Machine Interface may be by the computer keyboard, mouse, speech, motion sensors, or Haptic devices.

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Annex A References Palaganas, J.C. (2012). Interprofessional education and healthcare simulation glossary of terms and abbreviations. Paper presented at the Interprofessional Education and Healthcare Simulation Symposium of the Society for Simulation in Healthcare, National League for Nursing, and Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation, San Diego, CA. References

1. Jeffries, P. R. (2007). Simulation in nursing education: From conceptualization to evaluation. New York: National League for Nursing. 2. Freeth, D., Hammick, M., Reeves, S., Koppel, I., & H. Barr. (2005). Effective Interprofessional Education: Development, Delivery & Evaluation.

Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing Ltd. 3. Howkins, E. & J. Bray. (2008). Preparing for Interprofessional Teaching. Oxon, UK: Radcliffe Publishing Ltd. 4. Helreich, R., Merritt, A. & J. Willhelm. (1999). The evolution of Crew Resource Management training in commercial aviation. International

Journal of Aviation Psychology, 9(1), 19-32. 5. Gaba, D., Howard, S., Fish, K., Smith, B. & Y. Sowb. (2001). Simulation-based training in anesthesia crisis resource management (ACRM): A

decade of experience. Simulation & Gaming, 32 (2): 175-193. 6. Johnson-Russell, J., & Bailey, C. (2010). Facilitated debriefing. In W. M. Nehring, & F. R. Lashley (Eds.), High-fidelity patient simulation in

nursing education (pp. 369-385). Boston: Jones and Bartlett. 7. National League for Nursing Simulation Innovation Resource Center (NLNSIRC). (2010). SIRC Glossary. Retrieved December 20, 2011 from 8. Kolb, D. (1984). Experiential Learning: Experience as the Source of Learning and Development. Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N.J. 9. Merriam-Webster Dictionary. (2012). The Merriam-Webster Dictionary, viewed 19 January 2011, <http://www.merriam->. 10. Gabriel Robles-De-La-Torre. International Society for Haptics: What are haptics? Retrieved 2011.08.09. 11. Centre for the Advancement of Interprofessional Education (CAIPE). (2005). Interprofessional education – A definition. London: CAIPE. 12. D’Amour D, Oandasan I. (2005). Interprofessionality as the field of interprofessional practice and interprofessional education: An emerging

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Annex B References SimLEARN

US Department of Veterans Affairs Clinical Simulation and Resuscitation Glossary of Training Terms

Quoted by Debra Nestel, Professor of Medical Education, Gippsland Medical School , Monash University, Australia 1. Kneebone R, Arora S, King D, Bello F, Sevdalis N, Kassab E, Aggarwal R, Darzi A, Nestel D: Distributed Simulation – Accessible immersive

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