Austin Cooper 5 th period 5-12-11 Abolitionist-person against slavery Ambush- surprise attack Annex-...

MY ABC BOOK OF U.S HISTORY Austin Cooper 5 th period 5-12-11

Transcript of Austin Cooper 5 th period 5-12-11 Abolitionist-person against slavery Ambush- surprise attack Annex-...


Austin Cooper

5th period


AAbolitionist-person against slavery Ambush- surprise attack

Annex- to add territory to ones own land

BBlockade Runner-A ship that sails in and out of a blockade

Bounty- Money given as a reward for something

Boycott- Refusing to buy from particular country

CCabinet- Group of advisors to the president

Canal- An artificial waterway

Cash Crop- Farm crop raised to be sold for money

DDebtor- A person or country that owes money

Depreciate- to fall in value

Desert- to leave without permission

EEffigy-Rag figure that represents an unpopular individual

Emancipate-Free from slavery

Embargo-Order prohibiting trade with another country

FFamine- extreme shortage of food Federalist-Supporters of the constitution

Freedman-Person freed from slavery

GGreen back- paper money first issued by the north

Guerilla tactics- surprise attacks or raids

Guerilla warfare- hit and run technique used in war

HHabeas corpus- legal order to determine if a person is lawfully imprisoned

Holocaust-mass slaying of Jews

Human rights- rights belonging to all people

IImport- to buy goods from a foreign language

Impressments- to force people into service as in the military

Ironclad-Armored naval vessel

JJoint occupation- possessing and settling of 2 countries

Judicial branch-branch for federal court system

Judicial review- right for supreme court to determine if law is constitutional

KKansas Nebraska act-an act to see which state would be free or slave

Kansas, Bleeding-A small civil war

Keel boat-small row boat

LLandslide- an overwhelming victory

Literacy-Ability to read and right

Loyalist-People who stayed loyal to G.B and didn’t want war

MMaize-corn Majority-More than half

Manumission-freeing of slave

NNeutral- taking no sidesNeutral rights– right to sail see

and not take sides

Nullify- to cancel

OOffensive-position of attack or the attack itself

Ordinance-law or regulation

Override- overturn or defeat


Partisan- favoring 1 side

Petition- Request

Precedent- tradition


Quaker-people tolerant of all religion

Quebec act-Permanent government for Quebec and religious freedom for French

Quechua- official language for Inca empire


Rebel-Confederate soldier

Recruit-Enlist people into army

SSecede-to leave or withdraw

Secession- withdraw from union

Suffrage-right to vote

TTariff-tax on imported goods

Temperance-use of little or no alcohol

Tribute-money paid for preotection

UUnalienable rights- rights that cant be taken away

Unconstitutional-Not agreeing with constitution

Utopia-Community based on a perfect society

VVaquero-Hispanic ranch hand

Veto-to prevent bill from becoming law

WWar hawks-Republicans who pressed for war with G.B

Writ of assistance-legal document allowing police to search place

War of 1812-War with Britain

XXYZ affair-3 agents demanding loan from America

YYankee- Union soldier

Yellow journalism-False report

Yeoman-Southern owner of a farm with no slaves

ZZenger John Peter-Charged for critical newspaper report about royal government