Aula Casa na Árvore

Exceptional Treehouses: Cabins In The Trees Exercício 01 Casa na Àrvore



Transcript of Aula Casa na Árvore

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Exceptional Treehouses: Cabins In The Trees

Exercício 01 Casa na Àrvore

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Treehouse towers are a flexible solution if only small or not-so-sturdy trees are available. A tower can be self-supporting or be connected to one or more trees. This construction principle also allows multilevel treehouses to be built with terraces integrated between the trees.

Torres, Plataformas e Pilotis

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Baumraum Architects

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Loop visualization Jan Martin Reiss + Claudia Horn The theme of this concept is folding. The stairs develops into a ramp and defines later the floor, the walls and ceiling of the treehouse-cabin. This approach is also conspicuous in the interior-design and the lighting of the treehouse.

Em Fita

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Baumraum Architects

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Palm Fiction visualization Cristina Caldieri and Andrea Cigolini This design is characterized by its ball-shaped form and the futuristic look. The cabin has a rounded cupola to open and side-lights. One enters the treehouse by a stairs and an organic shaped terrace. From the terrace a second stairs leads to the bottom of the cabin through a hatch.

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“treespace” is a further development of the classical tree house. It displays a supplementary, multi-

functional entity, at discretion in the vicinity of the main residential house or further away in the

great outdoors.

“treespace” is a compact entity for relaxing, working, playing, sleeping and for all generations.

“treespace” shall combine a modern room feeling and construction technique with the sensory

perception of nature. It is supposed to give an understanding of the vitality of the tree and its

topology and to confront the “treespace user” with nature’s alteration of the seasons.

“treespace” consists of a two level terrace and a closed body. The dimensions and the form of the

terrace and the closed body can vary. Components and assemblies, depending on the economical

premises and the preferences in taste, can be formed crooked or straight.


The flexible structure of „treespace“ can be easily customized, with a maximal degree of pre-

fabrication. The balance between the flexible mountings at the trees and the socketed stanchions

generates a large margin in relation to the local premises and the tree population.

Interior features

“treespace” features an open room, a terrace and a thermally insulated interior.

Despite the relatively small interior space, “treespace” provides enough room for six persons to sit

and for two persons to sleep.

The interior offers a multitude of different components and functions.

- sleeping and seating benches

- plenty of storage room

- mini-kitchen

- hi-fi system, stereo

- tv

- heating

- lighting

- windows in all directions


The whole construction is based on a high level of pre-fabrication. The tree house body including

the interior fittings and all components of the terrace are prefabricated in the workshop.

- Connecting the main beams with the trees using textile belts and steel cables

- Adjustment and lifting of the terrace by means of an adjustable turnbuckle

- Lifting the tree house body and adjusting it with a small truck-mounted crane to its final position.

Materials and design

The base construction of the terrace is made of weather-proofed wood like larch, douglas pine or

cedar. The railings can optionally be built from stainless steel or wood.

The outer shell of the tree house body can be overlaid with different materials. Here it is possible to

choose between solid wood, plywood, metal and synthetic materials. The interior surfaces are

optionally composed of solid wood, plywood, textiles or synthetic materials.

The shell of the body is thermally insulated. The tree house can therefore also be used in the


Processo Projetual

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Ravn Potokar architecture , Slovenia

Processo Construtivo

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Under Heaven Treehouse: A cabin in the sky Leonard van Munster

Visão Crítica Projetar uma casa na árvore:

• Escolher um conceito, ex: torre, fita,


• Definir o sistema de apoio:

- Suspensa;

- Apoiada;

- Auto-portante;

- Mixta;

• Mobiliário mínimo: cama, mesa, banco;

• Àrea máxima interna: 25 m²;

• Material principal: madeira;


• Croquis

• Maquete 1:25

Enunciado do Exercício

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Conceito - definido por Matt Dockendorf A idéia de algo que está sendo formado combinando mentalmente todas as suas características ou particularidades. Uma idéia abstrata ou símbolo mental definido como uma "unidade de conhecimento". Uma idéia ou mesmo uma palavra que, nós, como estudantes de arquitetura escolhemos para basear a maioria de nossos projetos. Também pode ser usado para inspirar ou nos ajudar a ter a idéias de projeto.


a. Um pensamento, idéia; b. Disposição, estado de espírito; c. Imaginação, fantasia; d. Opinião;

Palavra-Chave: Palavra que representa um conceito


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