August 2020 · 8/7/2020  · supporting verse – “For I know the thoughts that I think toward...

August 2020 “Great are your purposes and mighty are your deeds. Your eyes are open to the ways of all mankind; you reward each person according to their conduct and as their deeds deserve- Jeremiah 32:19 Our opening verse is very instructive; looking at the construction of this verse will teach us much about becoming mature in our walk with God. Jeremiah says: ‘ Great are your purposes…’; for the Lord has a divine purpose for each soul, preordained according to His perfect plan and calling. It is only when we get to know God’s purpose in our lives that we start seeing His ‘…mighty deeds…’ However, there is a more profound insight we can get from this verse when we seek to know God’s purpose: That is; God never sleeps. It might seem like the wicked is prospering in the things they do; and at times, when we are wronged, it can become difficult when we don’t see God’s wrath on such people – but God is patient; and as the verse informs us: ‘…God’s eyes are open to the ways of all mankind…’ In due time, ‘…God does reward each person according to their conduct …’ but remember, God is patient and He is just. Being patient; God gives everyone a chance to turn from their wicked ways; and so too, we must not be quick to seek revenge, for God is able to save those who are willing to repent but if they don’t, then God will ‘…reward them according to their deeds as deserved’ that is: IN DUE TIME. This is the good news then; God is God, He is just and patient with all mankind, He is the rewarder of all men according to their deeds therefore, we can turn our focus in confidence to God’s purpose instead of keeping records on what people do to us that way, we can abound in God’s grace and not in man’s shame. “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose” [Rom.8:28]

Transcript of August 2020 · 8/7/2020  · supporting verse – “For I know the thoughts that I think toward...

Page 1: August 2020 · 8/7/2020  · supporting verse – “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end”

August 2020

“Great are your purposes and mighty are your deeds. Your eyes are open to

the ways of all mankind; you reward each person according to their conduct

and as their deeds deserve”

- Jeremiah 32:19

Our opening verse is very instructive; looking at the construction of this verse will teach us

much about becoming mature in our walk with God. Jeremiah says: ‘Great are your

purposes…’; for the Lord has a divine purpose for each soul, preordained according to His

perfect plan and calling. It is only when we get to know God’s purpose in our lives that we

start seeing His ‘…mighty deeds…’ However, there is a more profound insight we can get

from this verse when we seek to know God’s purpose: That is; God never sleeps. It might

seem like the wicked is prospering in the things they do; and at times, when we are wronged,

it can become difficult when we don’t see God’s wrath on such people – but God is patient;

and as the verse informs us: ‘…God’s eyes are open to the ways of all mankind…’

In due time, ‘…God does reward each person according to their conduct…’ – but remember,

God is patient and He is just. Being patient; God gives everyone a chance to turn from their

wicked ways; and so too, we must not be quick to seek revenge, for God is able to save those

who are willing to repent – but if they don’t, then God will ‘…reward them according to their

deeds as deserved’ – that is: IN DUE TIME. This is the good news then; God is God, He is

just and patient with all mankind, He is the rewarder of all men according to their deeds –

therefore, we can turn our focus in confidence to God’s purpose instead of keeping records on

what people do to us – that way, we can abound in God’s grace and not in man’s shame.

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have

been called according to His purpose” [Rom.8:28]

Page 2: August 2020 · 8/7/2020  · supporting verse – “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end”

Our prophetic Word for the month of August is:


The Lord tells us in Isaiah 46 and verse 10; “I make known the end from the beginning, from

ancient times, what is still to come. ‘My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.”

The scripture is filled with words revealing God’s eternal plan. Let’s look at another

supporting verse – “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD,

thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end” [Jer.29:11]. If God is to give

us an expected end, it means that He must reveal this expected end to us; and He does so

through His Word. That is why the Word of God admonish us to study and meditate on the

Word so we may observe to do the Word; and when we do so, all things will work together for

our good [Rom.8:28]. Note: All things, not just good things, but all things – including the bad

things in life will work for our good.... The application of God’s Word will change our

possibilities in life; it will change our outcomes – Amen!

However, let’s not just look at Jeremiah 29 and verse 11, let’s also look at verse 12: “Then

shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you.” The

key in knowing God’s purpose in our lives is RELATIONSHIP! When we cultivate a genuine

relationship with God, we will have an expected end and we will discover God’s purpose for

us; because in this relationship we will turn to God, we will call upon the Lord, and we will

pray unto the Lord; and the Word of God tells us: ‘...and God will hearken unto us’ – literary

menaing: God will give heed to what we say or communicate unto Him, He will give us

attention; and listen to us – and when God listens to our prayers, He is sure to answer us. As

we are commanded in the New Testament; “…whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that

you have received it, and it will be yours” [Mark 11:24].

It is important that we understand that God’s purpose for our life is far bigger than ourselves;

and we are primarily called by God to serve; for the greatest among us will be known as

servants [Matt.23:11]. To be blessed is to be a blessing first unto others; it is a life of

generosity. You should never do unto others in the hope of anything in return; all which you

do unto all people should be done as to unto the Lord and not unto man. Generosity isn’t

helping people on your terms; it is realizing God’s purpose off showing you what needs to be

done; and acting in faith to do it; and then leaving it to God’s grace to take care of the rest.

After this manner then, Proverbs 19:21 tells us: “Many are the plans of a person’s heart, but

it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.” God is looking for a ready and willing people to do His

purpose here on earth as it is done in Heaven; to be His ambassadors. Isaiah 6 verse 8 says:

‘…Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.’ This goes

hand-in-hand again with what we see in Isaiah 55 verse 11: “So shall my word be that goeth

Page 3: August 2020 · 8/7/2020  · supporting verse – “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end”

forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I

please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.” God has intended His Word to go

forth into this world through us [Matt.28:19-20; ‘Go ye therefore...’]; you are God’s

mouthpiece to the world – How then will they call on Him in Whom they have not believed?

How can they hear if no one tells [the Good News]?” [Rom.10:14].

“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared

in advance for us to do” [Eph.2:10]. We honor God when we do according to His purpose.

You can know God’s purpose for your life; and this month you can come into that purpose by

doing the following:

Pray and ask [James 5:16]

Study the Word [Joshua 1:8a]

Learn what the Word tells us about what we ought to do

Grow in faith [Romans 10:17]; and apply the Word to have results [Joshua 1:8b]

Study the verses above this month, for they are the ingredients to God’s success recipe!


Here is a quick reflection on 2020 Prophetic Messages


2020 Our Year of FULFILLMENT

February – Reigning in Righteousness

March – Working Miracles

April – Sudden Victories

May – Greater Knowledge

June – Reflection

July – Flourishing

August – Purpose

September –

October –

November –

December -

To view previous years prophetic messages, please visit our prophetic news webpage

Have a blessed month of Purpose Remember: 2020 is our year of FULFILLMENT

Join us in Communion: Please Note – Our Communion guide is on the last page of this document

Page 4: August 2020 · 8/7/2020  · supporting verse – “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end”

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If you are not born again, or not sure if you are; then we are specially inviting

you to say this prayer aloud with us now – for salvation is for today, tomorrow

is promised to no man! Jesus wants you the way you are; there is nothing you can do

to make Jesus not want you; for salvation is by grace and grace alone – no man can earn

salvation, for it is a free give from God to whosoever believe and confess [Rom.10:9] –

Pray thus:

If you just said this prayer, then you are now called a child of God and are now part of the

commonwealth of the Household of the Living God – Congratulations!

We would like to hear from you and send you some free gifts to get you started on this new

journey and life; send us an email at [email protected] or

whatsapp us on +27 68 257 4919

“O Lord God; I believe with all my heart in Jesus Christ, Son of the only Living God. I

believe He died for me and that God had raised Him from the dead. I believe He is alive

today! I confess with my mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord of my life from this day on.

Through Him and in His Name, I have eternal life; I am born again. Thank You Lord,

for saving my soul. I am now a child of the One and Only True Living God!” Hallelujah!

Page 5: August 2020 · 8/7/2020  · supporting verse – “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end”

Place your hands over the cup and bread; and pray thus: [head of home]

‘Dear Lord God; I ask you to bless this cup as it represents the blood of Your dear Son,

Jesus Christ; and also bless this bread as it represents the body of our Lord Jesus which was

broken for us. Let Your Spirit be released over these items and bless us as we partake in

communion as You have commanded us. In the name of Jesus – Amen!’ – Now the head of

your home will hand out the cups and the bread to each person to hold...

Let’s read together; Matthew 26:26-28

“And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed it, and broke it and gave it to

the disciples, and said: Take, eat, this is my body. And he took the cup, and gave

thanks, and gave it to them, saying: Drink ye of it. For this is my blood of the new

testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins. But I say unto you, I will

not drink henceforth of this fruit of the wine, until that day when I drink it new with

you in my Father’s kingdom.”

Before partaking in the cup and bread, take a moment and release all types of unforgiveness;

clear your heart and mind, and forgive the trespasses of anyone who might have wronged

you in any way; for 1 Cort.11:27 says that anyone who partakes of the cup and bread in an

unworthy manner is drinking condemnation unto themselves.

Take up the cup and give thanks. Thank the Lord for being the ultimate sacrifice for all

mankind’s sins, for taking your place on the cross so that you may have salvation.

Drink from the cup – Amen!

Break the bread and give thanks. Thank the Lord once again for giving Himself up, for His

body being broken so that it may be well with you. Isa.53:5 says that by His stripes you

were healed; therefore, you walk in divine health as the curse of sickness and disease has

been broken from your life.

Break the bread and eat – Amen!

Prayer & Declaration: ‘Dear Father God; I thank You for leading me in Your purpose for my life. I know and

understand that your purpose is the perfect plan for my life. I dealer therefore that as I apply

the Word in my life, it will surely produce the results it speaks about; and that God’s

purpose for my life will be revealed unto me; from grace to grace and glory to glory – Amen

Have a blessed month of Purpose in Jesus Name – Amen!

Preparing for Communion: The head of the home will prepare a cup of red grape juice and a piece of

bread for each individual. Place your hands over the items and give thanks unto the Lord; and ask the

Lord to bless the communion. Declare life and health over the items and serve it to your members. Below

is samples of verses you can use during partaking communion. Be blessed as we do this in remembrance