August 2011 Newsletter

FREEDOM/GUARDIAN ATSCOM/164TH TAOG Volume 2, Issue 8 August 2011 August 15-16 AFTB Level 1, Bldg 5700, RM 371F, 0830-1430 August 17 Fort Rucker ACS Job Fair, Enterprise Civic Center, 1000-1400 August 18 Get R.E.A.L. (Rucker Experience, Army Learning, The Commons, 0830-1430 August 19 Newcomers Welcome Briefing, The Landing, 0830-1030 August 19 Music Under the Alabama Stars Concert, Howze Field, 1830-2000 August 23 & 30 Anger Management Workshop, ECAC, 0900-1130 August 26 Women’s Equality Day, Bldg 5700, Atrium, 1000-1400 School in Session! If you have questions or suggestions concerning this newsletter, please don’t hesitate to contact Marie Stallworth, FRSA for 164th TAOG, Bldg. 30501, Cairns Army Airfield, Fort Rucker, AL 36362. Telephone: 334-255-8919 or Email: [email protected] COL James Macklin, Brigade Commander Teacher’s Tips For The Best School Year Summer break has come to an end and the beginning of a new school year signifies a time of transition. To help you prepare, here are some tips to help ensure your child has a successful school year. Don’t be a stranger at school. It’s very important for parents and guardians to show an interest in their child’s schooling by attending events such as back-to-school night, open house, and other events which will allow parents to come into contact with teachers. This is a great way to find out what your child is studying in class and hold them accountable for their homework or assignments. Keep the lines of communication open. Parent should ask their children specific questions about their school day (i.e. What did you learn in math today? Or what did you play at recess today?) The objective is to find out what projects they are working on so you can assist. Keeping the lines of communication open with teachers and to look for updates and notes sent home from school is highly encouraged. This will help you identify problems that your child my be having and give you an avenue to seek resources, tutors, or other assistance. End homework struggles. Having a routine works best when it comes to children completing homework. Try ensuring that your child complete their homework immediately after school. Supervise your child’s homework without doing it for them will also ensure that your child completes his homework and will also identify problem areas. When parents sit down with children and complete homework together, it teaches children good study habits. Some parents like using reward charts and offering prizes for completing and turning in all of the assignments in a given week or month. Become involved. Consider giving your child’s classroom the gift of time, those much needed school supplies, or join the school’s Parent Teacher Association. Ask your child’s teacher if they need help with any project or field trip. If you have a demanding work schedule, ask if there are any items that you can donate to the classroom or if there are volunteer projects that you can do at home that could help your child’s class.


ATSCOM/TAOG Newsletter (August 2011)

Transcript of August 2011 Newsletter

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Volume 2, Issue 8 August 2011

August 15-16

AFTB Level 1, Bldg 5700,

RM 371F, 0830-1430

August 17

Fort Rucker ACS Job

Fair, Enterprise Civic

Center, 1000-1400

August 18

Get R.E.A.L. (Rucker

Experience, Army

Learning, The Commons,


August 19

Newcomers Welcome

Briefing, The Landing,


August 19

Music Under the

Alabama Stars Concert,

Howze Field, 1830-2000

August 23 & 30

Anger Management

Workshop, ECAC,


August 26

Women’s Equality Day,

Bldg 5700, Atrium,


School in Session!

If you have questions or suggestions concerning this newsletter, please don’t hesitate to contact Marie

Stallworth, FRSA for 164th TAOG, Bldg. 30501, Cairns Army Airfield, Fort Rucker, AL 36362. Telephone:

334-255-8919 or Email: [email protected]

COL James Macklin, Brigade Commander

Teacher’s Tips For The Best School Year

Summer break has come to an end and the beginning of a

new school year signifies a time of transition. To help you

prepare, here are some tips to help ensure your child has a

successful school year.

Don’t be a stranger at school. It’s very important for parents and

guardians to show an interest in their child’s schooling by attending events such as

back-to-school night, open house, and other events which will allow parents to

come into contact with teachers. This is a great way to find out what your child is

studying in class and hold them accountable for their homework or assignments.

Keep the lines of communication open. Parent should ask their children

specific questions about their school day (i.e. What did you learn in math today? Or

what did you play at recess today?) The objective is to find out what projects they

are working on so you can assist. Keeping the lines of communication open with

teachers and to look for updates and notes sent home from school is highly

encouraged. This will help you identify problems that your child my be having and

give you an avenue to seek resources, tutors, or other assistance.

End homework struggles. Having a routine works best when it comes to

children completing homework. Try ensuring that your child complete their

homework immediately after school. Supervise your child’s homework without

doing it for them will also ensure that your child completes his homework and will

also identify problem areas. When parents sit down with children and complete

homework together, it teaches children good study habits. Some parents like using

reward charts and offering prizes for completing and turning in all of the

assignments in a given week or month.

Become involved. Consider giving your child’s classroom the gift of time,

those much needed school supplies, or join the school’s Parent Teacher

Association. Ask your child’s teacher if they need help with any project or field

trip. If you have a demanding work schedule, ask if there are any items that you

can donate to the classroom or if there are volunteer projects that you can do at

home that could help your child’s class.

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Hello Warhawk Families,

In case you missed out on the HHC FRG meeting/social,

the following is a brief overview of what took place:

The event began with an informative discussion lead by

myself on the preparations that are underway regarding

integration of the 597th and HHC FRGs. The command

is working hard to ensure that the transition goes as

smoothly as possible. It is our hopes that the Soldiers and

Families of 597th will feel well received and are willing and ready to work together as

one united group.

Also, ideas concerning fundraisers and upcoming social activities were discussed. The

floor was open to any ideas, and we are will be more than happy to hear from any of

you concerning how we can raise money to support our Soldiers and Families as well

as how we can socialize together in a fun activity or social event. For example, the

theme of the August FRG meeting was a cookie swap. We had a few to participate in

this event and it consisted of baking your favorite recipe and sharing the delicious

goods and recipe with the rest of the group. Special thanks to Mrs. Blevins and Mrs.

Dickerson for their magnificent cookies.

Finally, I would like to just take a moment to thank all those who came out for the

very first time. It meant a great deal to me and the rest of the FRG, and I highly

encourage your continued participation. You are what make FRGs meaningful and

your thoughts, time, and ideas are greatly appreciated. To my Soldiers and families

who aren’t active participates, please support your FRG in anyway you can. It is a

great source of accurate information and resources, full of fun and interesting activities,

and a great way to build friendships and camaraderie with your Soldier’s organization.

If I can be of assistance to you or your family, please let me know.

~War Hawks!

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Families of the 597th,

I hope that this finds you all doing well and not melting

from the heat. Rebecca and I look forward to seeing you

all in August for our FRG meeting. This month we will

be having a back to school cook out. We are looking at

several different locations. I will be sending out more

information as the date gets closer. This month has been

a busy one for the “Fast and Furious” Company. I want

you all to be aware of what will be taking place in the next 90 days. 597th Ordnance

Company will re-flag as the 597th Ordnance Detachment. We are beginning to discuss

with our leadership about how we work our FRG. My promise to you as that no

matter how the 597th’s FRG is managed you will not be left behind. The incoming

detachment Commander, CW3 Steve Hess knows the importance of the FRG and I

fully expect him to take care of the Soldiers of Families of this great organization.

I invite you all to take a look at the Fort Rucker MWR website to see what is available

to Soldiers and their Families. With school quickly approaching, I know that many of

you will be taking end of summer vacations. Please take the time to take a good look

at your vehicles. We do our best to ensure that your Soldier’s vehicle is well kept, but

I encourage you to ensure that your vehicles are in good working order prior to

departing on your vacation.

As the unit makes its transition to a detachment, my goal is to make it transparent to

you. If there is anything that Rebecca or I can do for you, please do not hesitate to call

or e-mail us. We are here for you.

“Fast and Furious”

~Maintainer 6

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Hello 164th TAOG Family!

“The Benefits of Faith and Faithfulness”

Several years ago while on an unaccompanied

assignment in the Republic of Korea, I had just returned to

Fort Sill, Oklahoma on leave, and two days later I received

a call from my brother. He informed me that our mother

was critically ill and that I needed to hurry home. The

entire Family loaded up in the car and started our travel

back south. Upon our arrival at the hospital, a nurse met

us in the hallway, and shared the news that my mother

passed away a few hours ago. After the funeral, I had to

prepare myself for a long 14 hour flight back to Korea. The only thing that kept me while

separated from my Family was my faith in God and remaining faithful to Him.

Adversity can knock at our door anytime, and most of the time it comes when we

least expect it to happen. In Psalm 125:1, 5 the Psalmist captures what is believed to have

occurred to Nehemiah after captivity. He encountered all sorts of difficulty in his attempt

to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. In spite of all the challenges, he held on to his trust in

God and continued to be faithful in building the wall.

Furthermore, to keep moving under adversity requires faith in God. In verse 1, the

Psalmist declares, “Those who trust in the Lord is like Mount Zion which cannot be

shaken but endures forever.” Basically, when we place our faith in God we are like

Mount Zion, built on a rock. When the wind of hardship blows your way, you will be

able to stand by faith.

Finally, verse 5 reveals that faith will keep you hoping. In essence, when you feel

and see no relief insight, faith in God will allow you to wait and hold on until victory

comes. Regardless, of the attacks launched at you by others, the Creator is faithful in the

present and in the future. Therefore, keep your faith in God and remain faithful to Him

even in adverse situations. Then you will witness the benefits that God will bring to you.

Be Encouraged!

164th TAOG UMT

CH (MAJ) A. Gerald DuBose SSG Daniel Farrington

Office: 255-8968 255-8692

Cell: (334) 470-6436 (334) 379-3160

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Greetings Families of Deployed Soldiers,


For those of you who are separated from your loved ones due to deployment, unaccompanied

tours, or extended TDY, the Hearts Apart Program is available to you. Briefings about the

program are every Wednesday from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. by appointment only.

For more information about the program or to schedule an appointment, please contact Ruth

Gonzalez, Relocation Readiness Program Manager, at 255-3735.

- Marie Stallworth, Family Readiness Support Assistant (FRSA), (334) 255-8919-

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Hello War Hawk Families! Just wanted to share these upcoming events!

Friends and Families of the 597th,

Wow! August is here and things are really heating up! The Back-to-School weeks are upon us

and we are wishing all of our wonderful children a wonderful start to the 2011/2012 school year.

Our next meeting will be a Back-to-School BBQ on August 16, 2011….Location TBD. Look for

more information in the coming weeks! I hope to see each and every one of you there!

A big CONGRATULATIONS to Julia and Chris Lunsford on their marriage this past month!

Please join me in giving Julia a warm welcome into the 597th family.

As always, feel free to contact me if we can help in any way! See you all very soon!


Rebecca DeLoach

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13 September—6 December 2011

Every Tuesday from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. at the New Wings

Chapel. To register call Beth Gunter, 334-255-9639.


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Congratulations SPC & Mrs. Hubbard!!!!

The Hubbard’s have a new addition to the family.

Joshua was born on 10 August 2011.

He is 6 lbs and 18 in. and the family is doing well.

“A child is the greatest joy, the ultimate blessing.” ~ Emily Laughton

August 13

Boss Presents Committed, 6-8 p.m.,

Post Theater, call 255-9810

August 15-16

AFTB Level I, 8:30-2:30, Bldg 5700,

Rm 371F, call 255-2382

August 16, 18, 23, 25

Resilience Training, 5-8 p.m., Bldg

8950, call 255-3643.

August 17

Job Fair, 10-2 p.m., Enterprise Civic

Center, call 255-3949

August 18

Get R.E.A.L. (Rucker Experience,

Army Learning) AFTB Concept

Block, 8:30-2:30, Bldg 8950, call 255


August 19

Newcomers’ Welcome, 8:30-10:30,

The Landing, call 255-3735

August 20

Baby Sitting Course, 8-4, Bowden

Terrace, call 255-2958.

August 23, 30

Anger Management Workshop, 9-

11:30, Early Childhood Activity

Center, call 255-3839

August 30

TSP Workshop, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Fort

Rucker Bowden Community Center,

call 255-2594

New Guide to Fort Rucker Entertainment and Events.

Located at CHECK IT OUT!