Augmented Reality & Virtual Worlds: An Introduction Patrick O’Shea, Ph.D. Appalachian State...

Augmented Reality & Virtual Worlds: An Introduction Patrick O’Shea, Ph.D. Appalachian State University

Transcript of Augmented Reality & Virtual Worlds: An Introduction Patrick O’Shea, Ph.D. Appalachian State...

Augmented Reality & Virtual Worlds: An Introduction

Patrick O’Shea, Ph.D. Appalachian State University

Presentation Structure

What is Augmented Reality?

Background of AR in Education

How does it work?Technological Tools

Teacher Training Process

Teacher-created AR Projects

Student Training Process

Virtual Worlds

What is Augmented Reality

“Games played in the real world with the support of digital devices (PDAs, cellphones) that create a fictional layer on top of the real world context”

Squire and Jan (2007)

What is Augmented Reality

What Does That Mean?Indoor and outdoor educational experiences

Virtual information “layered” on the physical space

Technological medium used to access this data

What Does It Look Like?

Roku’s Reward

What Does It Look Like?

3-Dimensional Models

What Does It Look Like?


What Does It Look Like?

Google Goggles

Background of AR in Education

How Does It Work?

A series of events to be triggered

Each event part of a narrative

Each event uses academic content to move the narrative forward

Possible inclusion of groups and/or roles

Place: Dependent vs Independent

Map-based vs Viewfinder



Alien Contact!

Gray Anatomy

The Crane





Teacher Training Process

Teacher Training

Series of meetings & wiki

Initial focus on story arc

Identify key plot points

Identify student roles and characters within experience

Storyboarding & scripting

Production of video and other materials

Post production finishing

Scripting MatrixStudent Role #1

Student Role #2

Student Role #3

Student Role #4

ARE Character

ARE Object

ARE Character

ARE MatrixTitle Concept Student



Rock Show

Students work together to plan a rock show

Sound EngineerLight TechnicianAccountantPublicist

ManagerLead Singer


Students work together to find a series of stolen dogs

Owner #1Owner #2Owner #3

EyewitnessPrivate DetectiveKidnapper

Layers of the Earth

Students work together to determine the cause of seismic activity

GeologistDrilling EngineerReporter

SeismologistTsunami VideoGeophysicist


Students work together to determine the cause of various extreme ocean-based phenomena

Restaurant OwnerMarine BiologistFisherman/WatermanResearcher/Reporter

TouristLifeguardNews AnchorOil ExecutiveDead FishDichotomous KeyOil Progression

AR Curricular Design as Staff Development

How Does This Change What Teachers Do?

Use of story to teach content

Ability to integrate technology that students may be familiar with

Teach beyond content – For example: Information literacyStorytellingStudent as teacherMultimedia production

Flexibility of technology platform – possible changes to incentive structure

Virtual Reality


Library Epistemic Game


Contact Info

Patrick O’[email protected](757) 262-8836