Aug. 22 Bulletin

“. . . the Dayspring from on high hath visited us, to give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet unto the way of peace.” Luke 1:78-79 KJV August 22, 2010 Dayspring United Methodist Church


Bulletin for worship services at Dayspring United Methodist Church, Tempe, Arizona.

Transcript of Aug. 22 Bulletin

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“. . . the Dayspring from on high hath visited us, to give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet unto the way of peace.”

Luke 1:78-79 KJV

August 22, 2010

DayspringUnited Methodist Church

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DayspringUnited Methodist Church

A Stephen Ministry Congregation

Our Mission Statement:To create disciples of Jesus Christ who touch and inspire people

through an open and diverse community

August 22, 2010 9:00 & 10:30 a.m.

*As a courtesy, please make certain your cell phone is off during worship. Thank you.


MUSIC FOR GATHERING Rev. L. Michael Kelley at the Organ


THE PRELUDE Richard Proulx“Westminster Abbey” b. 1937

I. Diapasons II. Cornet

THE INTROIT9:00 - “Come Forth and Glorify His Name” by B. & S. Poorman

The Celebration Singers

10:30 - “Let All the World” by Robert BakerThe Dayspring Chorale

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*THE CALL TO WORSHIPLeader: You are the sower, O God; we are the seed.People: In you we live and have our being.Leader: You are the Lover, O God; we are the beloved.People: In you, we grow into creatures more beautiful

than all the flowers of the garden.Leader: You are the Healer, O God; we are the healed.People: In you we find all that we need.

*THE OPENING PRAYER (in unison)Great sower,

as seeds in your loving hand,cast us upon the winds of your mercyand help us to find fertile ground.

May our lives avoid the stony pathways,where the heat of the day’s cares strip us of our strength.

Keep us from the thorny gullies,where life’s snares choke the opportunityfor real growth in your Spirit.

Land us safely in rich soil,that our faith may increaseand our joy may be complete. Amen.

*HYMN OF PRAISE Hymnal #161“Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart”

A TIME FOR OUR CHILDREN(As children age 2 through 5th grade leave for Sunday School,

please join in singing Hymn #143)

“Eagle’s Wings”And God will raise you up on eagle’s wings,

bear you on the breath of dawn,make you to shine like the sun,

and hold you in the palm of God’s hand.

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THE ANTHEM9:00 - “Hymn of Promise” by Natalie Sleeth

The Celebration Singers10:30 - “Oh Peter, Go Ring dem Bells” by Howard Helvey

The Dayspring Chorale

A TIME OF SILENCE (for personal prayer)

CHORAL CALL TO PRAYER9:00 - “Prayer for Peace” by Mary Lynn Lightfoot10:30 - “Fill My Cup, Lord” by Richard Blanchard





THE OFFERTORY R. Proulx“Westminster Abbey”

III. Ayre

*THE DOXOLOGY Hymnal #94Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;

Praise God, all creatures here below;Alleluia! Alleluia!

Praise God, the source of all our gifts!Praise Jesus Christ, whose power uplifts!

Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit!Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!


*THE HYMN OF PREPARATION Faith We Sing #2128 “Come and Find the Quiet Center”

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THE GOSPEL READING Matthew 13:18-23

THE SERMON Rev. Jane Tews“The Limits of Efficiency”


We rejoice to recognize youas members of Christ’s holy church,and bid you welcome to this congregationof the United Methodist Church.

With you we renew our vows to uphold itby our prayers, our presence,our gifts, our service and our witness.

With God’s help we will so order our livesafter the example of Christthat, surrounded by steadfast love,you may be established in the faith,and confirmed and strengthened in the waythat leads to life eternal.

*THE CLOSING HYMN Hymnal #557“Blest Be the Tie that Binds”


*THE BENEDICTION RESPONSE Arr. L. M. Kelley“Help Us Accept Each Other”

Help us accept each other as Christ accepted us;teach us as sister, brother, each person to embrace.Be present, Lord, among us, and bring us to believe

we are ourselves accepted and meant to love and live.

*PASSING OF THE PEACEPastor: Let us greet one another as sisters and brothers in the

ministry of Jesus Christ. May the grace of our Lord and Savior be with you.

People: And also with you!

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(Please turn and greet one another as disciples of Jesus Christ!)

*POSTLUDE R. Proulx“Westminster Abbey”

IV. Trumpet Tune

*PATIO FELLOWSHIPPlease Join Us for Refreshments on the Patio

*Those in the congregation who are able shall stand

Communion is offered between services. Those who would like to receive the elements are invited to gather around the communion table.

Assisting in the Service This Morning:Carol Coleman

The Pianist This Morning:Mary Sievert

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To You, our first time Guest: We’re delighted you’re here! Please stand when the pastor asks for first time guests, so we can recognize you. We also invite you to stop by the Welcome Table near the church entrance and pick up a packet with information about our church. Welcome to Dayspring!

Acolytes This Morning:9:00 - Alanna Eisenbeiser

10:30 - Sierra Porritt

THE FLOWERS ON THE ALTAR THIS MORNING are given by Marty McAllister, in loving memory of her mother.

THE FOOD BASKET ON THE ALTAR THIS MORNING is given by Marge & Jack Sydell in celebration of their 41st wedding anniversary; and given in appreciation by Ray & Vera Benoit for all the prayers and support.

LARGE PRINT BULLETINS AND HYMNALS are available each week. Please ask an usher if you prefer large print. Also, please return large print hymnals to the narthex following worship.

HEARING ASSISTANCE AVAILABLE - This sanctuary is equipped with a hearing system. Please ask an usher for a receiver.

CHILDREN'S WORSHIP GUIDES are available in the narthex. Ask an usher if you need assistance. PLEASE RETURN THE FOLDERS TO THE “USED” BOX FOLLOWING THE SERVICE.

PRAYER REQUEST CARDS are located in the pew box. If you have a need or celebration, fill out the card and place it in the offering plate.

IF YOU, OR SOMEONE YOU KNOW is a victim of domestic violence, please know there is information and support available through Dayspring. There are packets of information in the narthex, or for assistance, please call Rev. Jane Tews at (480) 838-1446.

Our Stephen Ministers are ready to provide you with the confidential one-to-one Christian care you need to make it through a crisis or help through a difficult time. Call Sally Butler, (602) 524-2109, if you need someone to care.

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As Members of The United Methodist Church, we have pledged to support our Church with our prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness


Larry Lambert, healing following surgery on Aug. 18Jeff Lamar, fiancé of Brandi Maples, healing following open-heart

surgeryHelen Ellis, facing an upcoming knee surgeryPhilana, Tom and Christopher, prayersThe Ellis Family, prayers for health issuesKaren Johnson, recovery from breast cancerJudy Martinez, friend of Meg & Fred Johnson, recovery from breast

cancerKirt, prayers for healing after ending an 18-year relationship and to find

employmentJanice Cobbs, friend of Tammy White, as she awaits results of cancer

testsShirley Hughes, beginning chemotherapy for inflammatory breast cancerMartha Potts Bell, sister of Rick Potts and Nancy Potts, recovering

from surgery and undergoing chemotherapyDorothy Frazier, friend of Machel Considine, awaiting a heart

transplant in OklahomaRev. George Randall, former pastor of Chandler UMC and friend of

Erma Dean Yeager, having complications from open-heart surgeryJudith Blackfeather, mother of Winona and grandmother of Jack,

healing from a leg injury

Ongoing Health Concerns:

Dave Avanzino, Warren Gallagher, George Butler, Polly Smith, Chris Hauser, Marc Homan, Teresa Webb, Marge Sydell, Kristen Stegeman, Maggie Siegel, Susan Chesnut, Janie Anderson, Pam Narcy and Joan Venturini

All military personnel and their families, especially those who are actively serving our country during this time of war.

*REMEMBER all those, known and unknown to us, who are in special need of prayer.

PRESENCEAttendance for Aug. 15, 2010


GIFTSOffering received Aug. 15, 2010


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We invite you to explore the Dayspring family by attending our NEW MEMBER ORIENTATION class. For more information contact Carol Coleman at [email protected] or (480) 838-1446.

We are still looking for Sunday School Teachers! If you are available, please contact Kay Luzaich at [email protected] or (480) 219-9696.

Thank You! From the set-up and tear down crews, to the providers of meal items and flowers, to the overnighters, to the bed movers, to the kitchen crews, to the laundry doers, to the shoppers. . .Thank you to all who helped with Family Promise!

Acolyting - If you are 10 years old or older, we’d love to have you Acolyte! Contact Carol at [email protected].

Dayspring Youth Ministry (DYM):**10:15 - 11:30 - Sr. High Formation, Room 111**10:15 - 11:30 - Jr. High Formation, Room 110**Serving Dinner at UMOM: Please meet at the green gate at 3:00

p.m. today to drive over to UMOM. We will cook and serve dinner, clean up, then return to Dayspring around 7:00 p.m.

Young Adults - The Young Adult Group will celebrate the end of summer, and kick-off the Fall Season with a Pool & Planning Party today, 8/22. For those who are interested, please join us at 4:00 p.m. for some good food, good pool time, and most of all, good fellowship. Please RSVP to John Reviere at: [email protected] or (423) 552-1677.

Singles at Dayspring -Singles, Etc. Lunches - Each Sunday after the second service, those who want to go out for lunch as a group meet at the restaurant listed below. If you attend first service, please join us! We gather around noon under the name “Dayspring”. Aug. 22 - Abuelo’s - 3440 W Chandler Blvd., on the north side in front of the Great Indoors.

Monday Morning Moms & Dads Group will begin a study of the Scriptures used in our Sunday School lessons on 8/23 from 10:00 - 11:30 in Room 111. All are welcome to join us! Childcare will be offered with pre-registration. For more information or to pre-register for childcare, contact Carol Coleman at [email protected] or (480) 838-1446.

UMOM 5k Walk on September 25th at 7:30 a.m. Go to for more information or to register.

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All Church Campout - Register today after both services to attend our All Church Labor Day Campout! We will head to Canyon Point campground, north of Payson Sept. 3-6. This is a great chance for inexperienced campers to join forces with seasoned Dayspringers! We have limited space for trailers and pop-ups, and plenty for ten campers. Contact Carol Muggeridge at: [email protected] for more information.

UMM Golf Event - On Saturday, Sept. 11, United Methodist Men is sponsoring an All-Church Golf Event for men and women. Held at Ahwatukee Lakes Golf Course, the cost will be $45 per person and includes golf, cart and barbecue. Lots of prizes and other fun! Sign-up table will be in Fellowship Hall in August. Contact Jim Baker at [email protected] or Tom McLaughlin [email protected]

United Methodist Men - The first UMM meeting of the fall will be Saturday, Oct. 2nd, at 8:00 a.m., beginning with breakfast in the Adult Room followed by a great program. Please plan to attend and bring a friend or neighbor!

UMM Fall Retreat - The Annual UMM Fall Retreat will be held at Mingus Mountain Camp Oct. 22-24. A great program is planned with a wonderful fellowship opportunity. Size of the group is limited to 40 so get your reservation in to either Steve Evans [email protected], or Roger Clayton [email protected]

Koinonikos Schedule - The next deadline date for the newsletter is September 15, and will include events in the month of October.

Olan Mills Pictorial Directory - If you attend Dayspring, we want your picture! A sign-up table will be in Fellowship Hall this morning for portraits to be taken 8/30 - 9/1. We will also be taking pictures 10/18 - 10/23 and will schedule those appointments at a later time. On-line sign-ups are also available at using the church phone number, (480) 838-1446, to log on.

Paid Nursery Workers Needed - Help parents to be able to worship without distraction, confident that their child is safe in loving hands. We have weekday, weeknight and Sunday hours available. Please contact Denise Uhrick at [email protected] or (602) 999-1691.

Dayspring Preschool and KindergartenWe still have some openings for the 2010-2011 school year. There is space available in the 3 year-olds program and afternoon 4's. Also, we have space in our Parent/Tot classes for 24-30 and 30-36 months. Please call the Preschool office for information & a tour: (480) 838-9097.

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SUNDAY, AUGUST 229:00 AM - Worship

- 2 year-olds Sunday School, Room 116- 3 & 4 year-olds Sunday School, Room 115- K & 1st Grade Sunday School, Room 203- 2nd & 3rd Grade Sunday School, Room 202- 4th & 5th Grade Sunday School, Room 201

10:15 AM - Jr. High Formation, Room 110- Sr. High Formation, Room 111

10:30 AM - Worship- 2 year-olds Sunday School, Room 116- 3 & 4 year-olds Sunday School, Room 115- K & 1st Grade Sunday School, Room 203- 2nd & 3rd Grade Sunday School, Room 202- 4th & 5th Grade Sunday School, Room 201- 6th Grade Sunday School, Media Center

11:30 AM - Children’s Council, Room 203

4:00 PM - Alcoholics Anonymous, Adult Room- Alateen, Room 201

5:10 PM - Al-Anon, Adult Room- Alateen, Room 201

MONDAY, AUGUST 2310:00 AM - Monday Morning Moms & Dads, Room 111

7:00 PM - BSA Troop 172, Fellowship Hall

TUESDAY, AUGUST 248:45 AM - Yoga, Media Center4:00 PM - “Teatime” Yoga, Room 1125:30 PM - Dayspring Chimers, Choir Room6:00 PM - Yoga, Media Center6:30 PM - DayStar, Choir Room

WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 255:45 PM - Esperanza Choir, Choir Room6:00 PM - Cherub Choir, Adult Room

- Sprouts, Room 201- Sunshine Singers, Media Center

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WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25 (con’t)6:30 PM - Celebration Singers, Choir Room7:00 PM - Genesis Choir, Media Center7:30 PM - Chorale, Choir Room

THURSDAY, AUGUST 266:00 PM - Yoga, Media Center6:30 PM - Stephen Ministry Supervision, Room 201



SUNDAY, AUGUST 299:00 AM - Worship

- 2 year-olds Sunday School, Room 116- 3 & 4 year-olds Sunday School, Room 115- K & 1st Grade Sunday School, Room 203- 2nd & 3rd Grade Sunday School, Room 202- 4th & 5th Grade Sunday School, Room 201

10:15 AM - Jr. High Formation, Room 110- Sr. High Formation, Room 111

10:30 AM - Worship- 2 year-olds Sunday School, Room 116- 3 and 4 year-olds Sunday School, Room 115- K & 1st Grade Sunday School, Room 203- 2nd & 3rd Grade Sunday School, Room 202- 4th & 5th Grade Sunday School, Room 201- 6th Grade Sunday School, Media Center

4:00 PM - Alcoholics Anonymous, Adult Room- Alateen, Room 110

5:10 PM - Al-Anon, Adult Room- Alateen, Room 110

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The ministers of this church are its members.

Those who assist them are:

Bishop Minerva CarcañoRev. Robert Burns, District Superintendent

Rev. Dr. Jane A. Tews, Senior PastorRev. George Smoot, Associate Pastor

Rev. L. Michael Kelley, Minister of MusicCarol Coleman, Minister of Spiritual Formation

Jill Moyer, Church SecretaryMachel Considine, Program Secretary

Susie Seckel, Financial SecretaryMary Sievert, Music Associate

Julie Hackmann, Director of Bell ChoirsPenny Carpenter, Director of Children’s Music

Jackie Miller, Director of Cherub ChoirKris Kroeger, Youth Ministries Coordinator

Kay Luzaich, Children’s CoordinatorDenise Uhrick, Nursery Coordinator

Linda Falk, Preschool DirectorRon Venturini, Facilities Maintenance

Frankie Vasquez, CustodianJeanie Carr, Bookkeeper*

*Independent Contractor

Dayspring United Methodist Church is a welcoming congregation. We welcome all people, regardless of age, sex, race, color, ethnicity, sexual orientation, economic status, or ability into the full life of this congregation.

Dayspring United Methodist Church1365 East Elliot Road • Tempe, Arizona 85284-1608

(480) [email protected]