Audience Theories

Unit 1 Contextual Studies By Megan McClean Audience Theory Whilst looking into this topic, I have to be aware of the differences between how a mass audience is percieved to how one recognizes that, whatever the size of the audience, it is made up of individuals. Alongside this view, there is also emphasis on how the media can manipulate the audience to acceptance and brings many forms of approaches to the media of how the audience react or engage. The Effects/Hypodermic Model Effects/ Hypodermic were the original model for mass audiences that were highly influenced by the mass media in which they were shown. This model was so that the audience could be filled with ideas and meanings that would highly influence them into a different way of thinking. This was the thinking behind Nazi Propaganda in the 1930s. This model was evident in the Nazi film Triumph of the Will in 1934. With 100 Nazi films produced each year and 250 million people going to the cinema each year, the Nazis had complete dictatorship of the media at this time- believing that they could influence and control an entire nation through the camera lens and using the Hypodermic Model. Even though this model is seen as outdated, still to this governments use this model discretely through censorship to control the media and what the mass public audience are viewing. The Frankfurt School The Frankfurt School were a group of people concerned by the power in which the Nazis had over their people and mass audiences. This group of young people were seen as left-wing and wanted to end the growing possibility that a whole nation could be captivated by the Hypodermic Model, pre-war Nazi Germany. They moved to post-war America to expand their views and reach a wider audience; as they criticised the capitalist


audience theories

Transcript of Audience Theories

Unit 1Contextual StudiesBy Megan McCleanAudience Theory

Whilst looking into this topic, I have to be aware of the differences between how a mass audience is percieved to how one recognizes that, whatever the size of the audience, it is made up of individuals. Alongside this view, there is also emphasis on how the media can manipulate the audience to acceptance and brings many forms of approaches to the media of how the audience react or engage. The Effects/Hypodermic ModelEffects/ Hypodermic were the original model for mass audiences that were highly influenced by the mass media in which they were shown. This model was so that the audience could be filled with ideas and meanings that would highly influence them into a different way of thinking. This was the thinking behind Nazi Propaganda in the 1930s. This model was evident in the Nazi film Triumph of the Will in 1934. With 100 Nazi films produced each year and 250 million people going to the cinema each year, the Nazis had complete dictatorship of the media at this time- believing that they could influence and control an entire nation through the camera lens and using the Hypodermic Model. Even though this model is seen as outdated, still to this governments use this model discretely through censorship to control the media and what the mass public audience are viewing. The Frankfurt SchoolThe Frankfurt School were a group of people concerned by the power in which the Nazis had over their people and mass audiences. This group of young people were seen as left-wing and wanted to end the growing possibility that a whole nation could be captivated by the Hypodermic Model, pre-war Nazi Germany. They moved to post-war America to expand their views and reach a wider audience; as they criticised the capitalist system which controlled the media and was creating a mass culture that eliminated or marginalized opposition or alternatives.A more serious side to this model were the moral majority, a group of people that were concerned about the vulnerable side to the public that would be influenced in their behaviour if they watched, sex, violence or other offensive content. They were concerned that the mass audiences that were vulnerable would become corrupted and believed that this was a direct cause of deviant behaviour, especially among young people.The issues that arise with this model have to do with the roots in behaviourist psychology. As studies went deeper into this psychology it was increasingly hard to justify as we developed a wider idea of the complexities into the human behaviour- to which our behaviour is unpredictable and is uncontrollable. Alongside this issue there were also issues in linking our behaviour with how we engage with media texts. The large studies and experiments that were taken did not prove the case completely. The other issue that arises in this model is how stress can be placed on the audience as passive; but newer models suggest that the audience are a lot more active than initially thought.This model seems to be brought back when politicians and social commentators go into a moral panic and begin to blame video games, porn or video nasties as damaging the younger generation- further more damaging literacy skills or influencing violent behaviour through games such as, Call of Duty or Grand Theft Auto. This model often avoids the other areas that would affect social behaviour, such as; home, school, peers and social interaction. Although this model has its flaws, we can interpretate it as the media, such as TV, can go to influence its audiences and general public. Trends can be started through television as shows like Geordie Shore, Politic shows and real life shows can influence the public into trends or different ways of thinking.Uses and GratificationsUses and Gratifications is a more recent model that suggests there is a highly active audience using the media for entertainment (television/ reality tv), information (local news) and identification. In this model he or she picks a part of the media that best suits their needs and attempts to satisfy them. The psychological side t this model is the hierarchy of the needs that Maslow identifies. The main area that are identified in this model are:(a)The need for information about our geographical and social world (news and drama);

(b)The need for identity, by using characters and personalities to define our sense of self and social behaviour (film and celebrities);

(c)The need for social interaction through experiencing the relationships and interaction of others (soap lives and sitcom);

(d)The need for diversion by using the media for purposes of play and entertainment (game shows and quizzes).The Active AudienceThe Active Audience model is a more recent model once again. This model suggests that audiences do not manifest in the messages that the media texts give you or try to consume their audiences with. But with this idea there is a process of decoding that the audiences go through when they engage with the media- the audience have a choice to reject, obtain or make an opinion although they are aware of the dominant meaning of the text but can reject it for cultural, political or ideological reasons.Mode of AddressMode of Address follows the idea and concept of active audience, that text speaks to us and encourages us to identify it with our kind of text. An example of this can be seen in the television show Big Bang Theory, which is intended for young people with its use of music and opening credits to bring young people in with a sense of fun, comedy, and energy. Although the main mode of address is targeted at young people, this does not exclude other groups from viewing the programme and enjoying it. Mode of Address can be applied to larger outputs, such as Channel 4 or E4, which work hard to create a style that is aimed at an audience with a particular youthful, fun, new style and informs wider audience of various fun sit coms. Ethnographic ModelEthnographic Model is the most recent model in audience theory that is more diverse in looking into how and questioning when or how audiences are subjected to the media under domestic circumstances, Preference, Cultural and Gender differences.a) The first of these points made by this model stresses the fact that engagement with the media can often be built around the domestic environment because of the domestication of entertainmet and leisure.

b) The second of these points is most understood as it appeals to the differences in the gender appeal, that some media may appeal to men and other to women.

c) The third area identified related to the way in which we engage with the technology in order to enjoy the output of the media we are veiwing.

Finding an AudienceOverall I truly believe that we are highly influenced by the media. Eahc model gives an insight of how our brains work. Throughout my findings in this unit I have found that everyone has a different understanding to the media and how we each individually view or as a mass audience. For me, myself believe that I fall under each model in a small amounts, due to the fact that I am growing older, my views will change and I may become more political and serious or still deal with the inspiration side to the media.For my other unit have created a short music video using a beautiful track from a local artisit called Susie Blue. As the lead singer of this music video is a young, proud gay woman I decided to keep the idea simple and have two girls run through a simple, emotional rollercoaster of a routine. I thought tht this would fit in well with the emotional lyrics that Susan sings throughout her song. At the end of the video I had the idea of the to girls kissing and stuck by this idea, as there is high controversy in Northern Ireland around gay people.When I put my video online I got instant powerful feedback, of how people loved the emotions that were running through the video and the simplistic idea of a relationship breaking down and being rebuilt. When I put the video on Youtube I got instant hits, the video is currently sitting on over 1,200 views. I am very pleased with the idea that people in Northern Ireland arent offended by the idea of two young people in love going through the same problems as a hetreosexual couple would go through, no matter what sexuality they are.In the end up I found that my audience has varied from normal everyday people to musicians, artists, film makers, writers, bloggers, music lovers and the gay community. By bringing my work through the internet and social media, I have found that I have gained an active audience that support the same ideas and views that I have. In the end hope that I have further influenced my audience to become more active and open about the gay communtiy and loving each other no matter what.