Audience feedback

Audience feedback

Transcript of Audience feedback

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Audience feedback

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We made a survey on survey monkey to try and get more audience feedback on the products that we have produced. We made a short survey with 10 questions and received feedback from 20 people.

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Answers given in survey

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This answer showed that there were several things that the audience liked: The scene, clothing, story and editing. Which shows that the mis en scene of the music video was good.

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The answers that we got from this question strongly suggest that we managed to target the products that we made at a specific genre: Pop and sub-genre electro pop. The is also shows that we managed to relate the products back to the genre that we wanted to and allowed the target audience to regoconise the conventions that we placed in the products.

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This showed that the worst quality that we had in our music video was the lip syncing as we were rated the lowest with a score of 4 out of 10. Also some target audiences felt that the lighting and editing techniques worked quite well in the music video as they rated us a 10 for those aspects.

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The thing that we found out from this is that the aspect that needed to be improved was the lip syncing and the girls dancing. I now realise that different shots of the girls such as tracking and more close up shots which would have made it better. Also I have learnt that it is really important for the lip syncing to be right because otherwise the whole video quality is brought down and therefore to improve this we should have asked the artist to say the lyrics out loud instead of miming them so that it would have looked better.

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The CD cover and the advert have been successful at representing the artist which has been said my many of the target audience. This means that the ancillary products have worked well in synergy with the music video to promote the artist ‘Conor Maynard’. The reason for this was due to the flow between the products and the theme in each to combine the products together.

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100% of the people that have answered this question said that the ancillary products encourage them to watch the music video and then be more viable to buy the single and then promoting the artist as well. This means that the products that we created were successful in doing their job which was to encourage more people to listen to Conor Maynards music and watch his video and promote the artist.

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Feedback from other sites

We posted our music video up on YouTube and managed to receive over 1000 views altogether and 16 likes. All the people that commented also said they liked the video too

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Social network feedback

I posted the music video on my Facebook and allowed people to give feed back on the music video. We managed to get 7 likes and 3 comments.

One of the people that commented said that the lip syncing was bad, however the rest of the video was good.

Another person also compared the artist Conor Maynard with Justin beiber and said it was better than his video’s which is a good achievement.