Attract the Person of Your Dreams Sample


Transcript of Attract the Person of Your Dreams Sample

Page 1: Attract the Person of Your Dreams Sample
Page 2: Attract the Person of Your Dreams Sample

The Little Book of Secrets, How to Attract the Person of Your Dreams & Keep Them! By Dr Dan

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Your Map of Secrets


Secret #1 / Day One: Who Is The Person of Your Dreams?..............................................................12 Secret #2 / Day Two: Why Do You Want Them In Your Life? ........................................................17 Secret #3 / Day Three: Would You Date You?....................................................................................22 Secret #4 / Day Four: Fill Yourself Up!..............................................................................................27 Secret #5 / Day Five: Be the Person You Want to Attract! ................................................................32 Secret #6 / Day Six: Be a RockStar In Your Life!...............................................................................36 Secret #7 / Day Seven: Be Single and Happy!....................................................................................41 Secret #8 / Day Eight: Celebrate Your Break Ups...............................................................................46 Secret #9 / Day Nine: Be Honest!.........................................................................................................52 Secret #10 / Day Ten: Make It a Reality!..............................................................................................57 Secret #11 / Day Eleven: Be Ready And Look for the Signs..............................................................69 Secret #12 / Day Twelve: Where Do You Meet the Person of Your Dreams? ..................................72 Secret #13 / Day Thirteen: Mars, Venus, Uranus, Who Cares?........................................................78 Secret #14 / Day Fourteen: Create a Menu of Fun ............................................................................82 Secret #15 / Day Fifteen: Make It Easy to Be Approached..................................................................88 Secret #16 / Day Sixteen: A Smile Is Real Style .................................................................................93 Secret #17 / Day Seventeen: Do You Get Cable With Those? Why Men Stare at Breasts!.............97 Secret #18 / Day Eighteen: Bionic Vision! Why Women Don’t Look At Men.................................103 Secret #19 / Day Nineteen: What Do Men and Women Really Want?............................................108 Secret #20 / Day Twenty: You’re Approved! ........................................................................................113 Secret #21 / Day Twenty-One: Commitment ......................................................................................118

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Special Thanks to:

My parents John and Anita thank you for bringing me into this world and everything you taught me. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ My beautiful wife Shanta (formally known as Jenny) you are my inspiration and I am so proud of you. You are my other half and I could not have done this without you. To my beautiful little angels Kayleen & Mayleena for being my motivation and for reminding me daily on how to be a RockStar and have fun in life! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ann McIndoo for helping me make this book a reality! For helping me get this book out of my head and onto paper. You are the #1 Authors Coach! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Guru Singh & Guruperkarma “The Guru To the Stars!” Thank you for being a great teacher, mentor, and friend. Without you both, this book would not be the same. I cannot thank you enough. Love you guys! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tony and Sage Robbins Thank you for everything you have done in my life and all the fun times this past year. Tony I owe you so much and you will always be my gentle giant ;-). Stan Yan for all the amazing cartoons for my books and dealing with my crazy ideas. You really made them come to life! You are amazing! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To my Platinum Family we have been on so many amazing adventures together and together have grown by leaps and bounds. I love you all so much and I’m grateful for all our time together. You are all an inspiration. Thank you… Maggie Wei for first telling me about Ann and her author coaching while we were in Monaco. Emile Allen for being one of my best friends and brother in life, also for giving me Ann’s Number while we were waiting for our flight to Fiji for the first time. Matt Brauning for being one of my best friends and lifting me up when I needed it. You are an inspiration & my brother! Congrats on your new book “Total Freedom from addictions” Now available on! How do you like the plug? Frank Hague for being an amazing friend in my life. You are now promoted from RockStar in Reserve to official RockStar! (jk). Also thanks for flying all the way from China to see me at my first RockStar FunShop. Mike Wang, wow! We had so many amazing times and thanks for sticking with me even when I wore my fire truck onesie to the Playboy mansion. You are one of my best friends and brothers. Lori Taylor & Fiancé Steve, Jesse Macpherson, Michelle Ester, Jackie, Christian, Michelle Madison, Jeffrey Tonnesen, Jeff Roberti, Howard Peterson, Erwin & Diana Mendoza, Jerry & Khelly Agee,

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Rod Khleif, Paul, Analia, Bob, Darren, Darrick Cook, Rob & Kim Cambell, Melanie, Dre, Kathy Farmer, Fernando & Martha Fernandez, Suzuyo Fox, Gudrun Bergmann, Graeme Swatton, Shirley & Mark Hadley, Kelly Haney, Steve Harrington, Felicity Lerouge, Larelle May, Cheryl Parker, Jean Muller, Lynn Ventura, Graham Iles, Brandi Spracklin, Juan & Paula Sanchez, antoine catteau, Heather Anton, Ben Tristem, Hiro, Kimber Tabak, Glenn & Dr Enid Taylor, Amber Dotts, Gale Ricketts Kevin Lilburn, Gary, Tom Beal, John, Lance Trester, Edwin, Jan, Sara & Phillip, Danielle Brown, Kerri O’Connor, Kathy Scudamore, Joy, Kim, Bjoern Bleiber, Mary Gloriefield , Sanya, Takako, Gordon, & all the past and current Platinum Partners. Sorry if I missed anyone. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ All the Namale Family & Staff in Fiji you guys are all amazing and thank you so much for all of the amazing massages, And to all of you that I had the opportunity to hang with in Fiji or on other trips and I now call friends: Mike Melio you are an awesome friend, Mathew Preece you still gotta style my hair, Laura Harring, Mark Burnett, Roma Downey, Andy & Afshan Lakha, Jack & Susie Porter, Peter, Sam & Lynn Georges, Mike & Sukey Novogratz, Mariel Hemingway, Dr. Donnie & Jackie Epstein, Robert Jerez, Mark & Leah Lamm, Marni Lewis, Debra Jackman, Amber Mac, Sage’s Parents & brother Scott Humphrew, Josh Jenkins-Robbins for laughing at all my jokes and a great time in Fiji. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To my dear family for always being there for me. Thank you… Ali & Kristine Keyhgobadi. Ali you are my cousin and little brother you are an inspiration, Abe in memory of, love you and miss you. Nancy, Tina, Aaron, Michael, David, John, Jamal, Shiva, my uncles, aunts, grandparents, Magget, Kazem, Ahad, Hamid, Ebby you are missed, Willeen, Dee, Shanta’s family Debbie, Mike, Chris, Steven, Bob & Elanor. Pets Nino, Sparky, Hopper, Tiger and Tigger, Suzie you are all missed, current pets Asia and Simba. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To all my dear friends, thank you… Margaret Irving “chili pepper” for all the amazing times and helping me with my ideas and RockStar book. You are a special lady. Bay Area Powerteam for inviting me to do the first RockStar FunShop. Mike Ma, Mei Ling, Jeremy Gordon. You guys are awesome! Jordan Adler you have always been there for us and you are my hero, my first RockStar mentor, and brother in life. And congrats on your new book “Beach Money”. Randy Gonzales for giving me the opportunity to host my first conference call and getting me to step up. We came a long way from those CompUSA training rooms. Jason Uhrin for being a great friend and getting me to step up my game and speak at my fist event back in the day. Jessica Gregory & Michael Humphrey you guys are have always been such good friends to us, and I know you will do great things, love you both

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Ashley Ralph from the La Casa Del Camino Hotel in Laguna Beach. Thank you for the great deal on our room so I could get this book done with the beautiful roof top view of the ocean. Also thanks to Santina, the other Ashley, and the entire staff. Doug Bently, Melissa Zaphel, , Paul, Spencer, & Evan Burton, Meg Kelly Smith, John and Penny Fonzi, Mike Oskapinski, Zack Robbinson, Dquan, Arturo Mancia jr., Ruben Cabrales, Kevin Toy, Tyson Smith, Cindy Broome, Diana Estrada, Angelica Arrospide for being one of the first women I interviewed for the first book, Nik D’Angelo for being an awesome dude, Mike Rosenbaum, Jomil, Scott & Molly Aguilar, Sean, Adrianne & Lyndi Eimerl, Shawn Herrick, Brooke Bosewell, and Jeremy & Adrian Rose, Alaina Garcia, Dawn Purtee & your two amazing boys, Steve & Erica Becker, Jasmine Esguerra & your beautiful daughters, Joe Rubin, Henry Vega, Bobby Ameen, Jillian Vann, Alex Farr, & Micah VanDover. (Sorry if I missed anyone or misspelled your name, but I want to thank you all that have been my friend past and current. Thank you and love you all.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To my many teachers, mentors, and friends in my life. You have all been an inspiration to me. Thank you… Guru Singh again and again, Tony Robbins, Mark Victor Hansen, Jeff Combs, Tom Hopkins, Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, Jim Rohn, Jerry Clark, Robert Kiyosaki, Dr Robert Young, Joseph Mclinden III, Joe Williams, Jack Canfield, Allen and Barbara Peas, Donny Deutch, Yogi Bujin, Dali Lama, Buddha, David Deida, Nelson Mandela, John C. Maxell, Dale Carnegie, Al Thomas, Donald Trump, Albert Einstein. Past life & business coaches Debbie Devoe, Karen Vice, & Miranda Hart. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Copper Skillet family: Maria, Diana, Ashley, Judy, Jose Cruz, Tino, and all the rest. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To the Oneness University and your mission to better our world, and the many friends I have been blessed with in my life. Thank you… Amma and Bhagavan, Ananda Giri, Raniji, Laura Harring, Srinivas, Raksith, all the Dasa’s, and all the oneness beings for all the love and blessings. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ And to all my Ex’s. I want to thank you for all of the good and not so good times because I would not be the same person today without them. I want to thank you all, and wish you all the best in the future.

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How do you explain who Dr Dan is?

I guess you could say he’s like a cross between Tony Robbins,

Dr Phil (with less hair), Andrew Dice Clay (with less cursing) or

Chris Rock if you don’t know who the Clay is.

For over a decade Dr Dan has spent close to $1,000,000 in traveling the

world searching for the best of the best to learn from. He has had some

of the worlds greatest mentors such as Tony Robbins, Wayne Dyer,

Mark Victor Hansen, Donald Trump, Jim Rohn, Guru Singh, Jeff Combs,

Deepak Chopra, Robert Kiyosaki, Dale Carnegie, and many, many more.

Dr Dan Ardebili, Ph.D., is an internationally renowned author and

speaker in the fields of Attraction, Dating, Relationships, Human

development, and self-development. He’s the author of 3 books, has

created audio programs, CDs, and Videos; and has thousands of viewers

from around the globe tuning into his Dr Dan Show online. He is also

known for his unique RockStar Funshops. Dr Dan holds a doctorate in

Metaphysics, doctorate in Divinity, & his favorite; a Ph.D. in Life! Dr Dan

is also a Minister and lives in Northern California with his lovely wife

Shanta and two beautiful daughters Kayleen & Mayleena.

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Secret # 1/2

Day One:


Make a Commitment to Play Full Out

If you are already in a relationship, you can still use this book to help you

take your relationship to the next level. That’s why it’s called, “How to Attract

the Person of Your Dreams and Keep Them.” So don’t worry, I got ya covered.

If you are planning on taking this 21 day journey together with your

partner; that’s awesome! Congrats! If not, that is fine too. Don’t try to push

your partner into doing it. No one likes to be told what to do. So, just do it

yourself and they will get the sprinkles off you. They will receive the benefit

because you will change and that will automatically change others around

you. You might have heard that old expression, “Change yourself and the

world changes around you.” That is so true.

You may have also heard some of the following before: “Every long

journey starts with the first step.” “If you build it; they will come.” “The best way

to learn to swim is to jump in.” My personal favorite is, “Leap first and the net

will appear.” What that means to me is to trust in yourself, to trust in the

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Universe, the Divine, God, Buddha, or whatever it is for you. It’s about taking

action, not just sitting there and saying, “Someday I will do it”, or “When I have

more time.” It’s about taking action now.

Take that Leap and the net will appear!

I suggest you only read one secret a day. Sure, you could read this entire

book in one day, but what is more important is that you apply it and make it

part of you. I want you to live it. Empowering yourself is not about reading this

book as fast as you can and then moving on to the next book, then the next

and so on. Life is not a race on how many books you can read in a lifetime,

how many seminars you can attend, how many degrees you can achieve, or

how many awards you can fit on your wall. Knowledge alone is not power;

applied knowledge is the real power.

Take Action

Do the daily exercises. I recommend getting a journal for yourself. Using

a journal will make it easy to keep all of your fun tasks in one place so you won’t

lose it. It doesn’t have to be fancy or expensive. You can pick up some nice

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ones at any local bookstore, or a cheaper one at your local office supply store

or even a grocery store. I use about 7 journals at a time. I have one for each

of my various projects and ideas, one for books I will write, one for businesses I

will start, one for invention ideas and one for miscellaneous ideas and notes.

Note: If you are bought the e-book version of this book then you can use

the provided spaces to complete the fun tasks.

So, do I have your commitment to do this for the next 21 days? There

should be no excuses as I have made it very easy for you to succeed. I

designed this book to take only 10-15 minutes each day. Read each Daily

Secret. The fun tasks should only take another 5-10 minutes. It’s easy! I love


I broke it down to the ridiculous, made it easy, stupid-easy, I call it

stupified! So, no excuses! Just do it! If, for some reason, you develop a rare 24-

hour tropical flu, then just pick up where you left off the next day. Don’t wait

until the next week to start again. No need to wait until Monday to get a fresh

start. Just do it! Be that RockStar you were born to be in life! Also I wrote this

book to read like we were having a conversation, because Dr. Dan on paper

and Dr. Dan in person are two different worlds. So, I wanted to keep the Dr.

Dan Flavor and make sure you got your Daily dose of Dr. Dan. Enjoy!

Warning! If you don’t do this; you will be cursed to live an average life!

Jk, sorta.

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I, ________________________, agree to read only one chapter each day Print your name

and to complete each daily exercise for the next 21 days and most of all,

to live the principles.

____________________________________/___________ Sign here Date

You are a RockStar in life! And, remember to make the world your stage!

Your friend,

Dr. Dan

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Secret #1

Day One:


This is very important. You have probably heard that you need goals, or

a clear vision of what you want, in order to achieve it. Perhaps you have

learned that first you must see it, then you can achieve it. A great way to do

this is creating a dream or vision board. I like to call them a Reality Board.

Simply get a large piece of poster board and attach photos or clippings of the

things you want to buy, achieve, or experience in your life. Cut them out, glue

them to your board and then hang it where you will see every day. I have put

mine in the bedroom, office, and living room. I have one everywhere! I even

have one in the bathroom.

Create your Reality board.

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Finding the person of your dreams is the same thing. We must know what

we want before we will get it. We must be clear. Not just knowing it, but writing

it down, and committing it to paper. You can’t be thinking to yourself, I want

someone in my life, or I want someone that is nice. That’s not enough.

When my wife, Shanta, wants to get her hair cut or should I say styled, she

doesn’t go to local barber and say cut it up. She goes online and looks at

hairstyles for a couple of hours and prints up what’s hot, what some of the

celebs got, then she brings that picture to her stylist and says, “This is what I

want”. Then he hooks it up! She had a clear vision of what she wanted, put it

on paper, and because she did that, she got it.

If you don’t have a clear vision and commit it to paper, then how can

you expect to get it? If you are just hoping and wishing; I guess it could

happen, but then again you could win the lottery and buy a unicorn. But why

take that gamble? Besides, unicorns are bad around kids and take up the

entire bed at night.

Unicorns also hog all the covers at night.

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Here is another example: let’s say you wanted to start your own business

and you went out looking for investors to help you get started. You set up a

meeting and they ask, “What is the business?” You say, “I don’t know yet, but it

will make a lot of money and I’m really excited about it; so you should give me

money.” Ha ha; yeah right! Would you invest in that? If you would, then I have

a business I want to start but I don’t know what it is yet; and you should send

me money. Jk. But really you should.

Send Payments to:

Dr Dan

555 Secret Account

Cayman Island

(That was a joke; please don’t send money to that address)

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Today’s Fun Task

Start this by first cutting out the things you want to attract into your life

and then go pick up a poster board and glue stick at your local Target or Wal-

Mart. The point is to get excited and to start now. Not later, not tomorrow, but

now. Have fun with this, like you are at a spiritual diner and the waitress just

came up to you and asked to take your order. You can have anything you

want in life! So order big! Because you deserve it!

Note: Start this now; and you can always add to it over the next few days.

You can even start by taping things to your bathroom mirror.

1. Go through some magazines or print out some pictures online of the

person and lifestyle of your dreams. Print or cut out everything from exotic or

classic cars, houses, vacations, to the wedding of your dreams. Print out happy

couples, holding hands, cuddling, dancing, or whatever you want to

experience in your own life.

(Go to the RockStar site for links of pictures you could use)

2. Buy a poster board from an art store, Target, or local Wal-Mart.

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3. Either use a glue stick or tape to put them on the poster board.

4. Put the Reality Board up in a place where you will see it daily. Its best to

make more than one Reality Board and put it in 1-3 places where you will see it


5. Look at it daily and see it and feel it. Really bring it into yourself, like it is a

sneak peek at what your life will be like, because if you do this, it will!

Don’t forget to celebrate after you do this! Pat yourself on the back and

say, “Awesome job! You are a RockStar!” stand up and give yourself a big high


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Secret #2

Day Two:


Why do you want the person of your dreams in your life? Why now? You

must know why and make it a good reason. Let’s look at it like this. If you had

two people tell you that they were both going to make $100,000 this year, and

neither of them had ever made over $20k in a year; and you asked them why

they wanted to make this money. One says it would be cool and they can buy

some cool stuff, like an exotic car or some designer clothes. This is not a very

compelling reason, right? Then you ask the next person why they want to make

$100,000. They tell you they MUST make this money for an operation to save

their mother’s life! Who do you think will make it happen?

The world is full of people that want to do many things in their life. The

key word is want. Then there are those that make it a must; and make it

happen because they have a huge why! I know this because I have been

both of those people in my own life. After I got married; I had all these wants in

my life. I wanted a house, an exotic car, a Rolex watch, and a custom Harley.

Because they were wants; I didn’t get them. It wasn’t until I had two little girls

and was in a network marketing company that went bankrupt, that I made it a

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huge MUST! We had no savings and I immediately started looking for a way to

make it happen. I got into a new business and within just 2 months; I created

over $30,000. That year I made over $150,000 because I had a huge why! Then

I bought the cars, the custom Harley, the Rolex, and diamond watches. It was

my huge why that made it a reality. And that huge “why”, was that I had to

feed and take care of my family and of course buy some cool stuff along the

way. Make your “why” HUGE! Make it a MUST! Be very clear about what it is.

I had a huge” WHY!”

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Today’s Fun Task

Take the next couple of minutes and write your answers down: The goal

here is to start writing and keep the pen moving for at least 2-3 minutes per

question. Write it down and don’t worry about grammar or spelling or if it looks

perfect. Just write and keep writing for the next couple of minutes. Be specific

and go into as much detail as possible. Don’t write, it would be good or nice.

Define it like you had to explain it to a good friend; don’t worry about your

grammar or how it sounds. This is not a spelling bee; go wild. Make your writing

like skinny-dipping, there are no rules! Have fun with it and let all your

imperfections all hang out! Write about what it means to you. There are no

wrong answers. Whatever you write is the right answer.

Life is not a spelling bee,

Let all your imperfections all hang out!

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1. Why do you want the person of your dreams in your life? Remember to

make it a huge why. ________________________________________________________













2. What will it bring you, to have the person of your dreams in your life? _______














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3. How will it make you feel to have the person of your dreams in your life? Go

into detail. _________________________________________________________________






















You are doing awesome! Keep up the amazing job you are doing!

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Secret #3

Day Three:


Joe finally meets Josephine

and its fear at first sight!

Would you date a male or female version of yourself? Would you date

you? When I ask this question at my Funshops, people usually laugh because a

lot of you have dated yourself and it was not fun. So let’s start this off by taking

a look in a mirror, preferably a full-length mirror. If you don’t have one, look for

the biggest mirror you’ve got. Do this now. Bring this book with you. Now that

you’re in front of a mirror with this book; what do you see?

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Do you like what you see? If the answer is yes; then that is great! If the

answer is no; then that’s what we’ll work on. Right now we are taking a

personal inventory of ourselves. Have you let yourself get out of shape? Are

you overweight? Have you been exercising? Have you let yourself go? Are

you still wearing the same clothes you had when you were in junior high

school? When you go shopping for clothes do you grab whatever is on sale?

Do you have hairs protruding from places they shouldn’t be? Have you even

looked lately? Do you drink too much? Are you a smoker? Have you been an

angry person lately? Do you always have a lot of drama in your life? Do you

want to date someone like that? Of course not!

This is about looking within you, taking a personal inventory and creating

the best you. It’s not about wearing designer clothes or exercising all day, 7

days a week so you can look like The Rock or Gaby from Desperate

Housewives. It is about being what you have always wanted to be. You

deserve to be who you want to be. It’s not about looking good so others will

envy you. Taking care of yourself is how you will attract the person of your

dreams. You start the journey by becoming the dream person you want in your

life. Notice I said start?

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Begin being that person that you want to attract into your life. Join a

gym, quit smoking, pluck those hairs, and take care of yourself. We will go

more into this in the upcoming secrets.

Become the person you want to attract and take care of yourself.

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Today’s Fun Task

Take the next couple of minutes and complete the following:

1. Make a list of things you will improve in yourself and in your life now.





















2. Circle the top 5 things on your list that are most important for you to change

in your life.

3. Now put a star next to the top 3 of those 5 you chose. Take action on

those 3 right now. Make a phone call, send off an email, research online, join

the gym, make an appointment with a trainer, call Macy’s or Nordstrom’s and

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make an appointment with a personal shopper. Or, whatever it is that is on

your list. The important thing is for you to take action right now.

Again, remember to celebrate once you have done this. You are a RockStar

in your life!

To get all of the 21 days and more Dr Dan

go to NOW!

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