Attitude Measurement as a Method in Social Psychology

Attitude Measurement as a Method in Social Psychology Author(s): Daniel Katz Source: Social Forces, Vol. 15, No. 4 (May, 1937), pp. 479-482 Published by: Oxford University Press Stable URL: . Accessed: 14/06/2014 19:29 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. . Oxford University Press is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Social Forces. This content downloaded from on Sat, 14 Jun 2014 19:29:02 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions

Transcript of Attitude Measurement as a Method in Social Psychology

Page 1: Attitude Measurement as a Method in Social Psychology

Attitude Measurement as a Method in Social PsychologyAuthor(s): Daniel KatzSource: Social Forces, Vol. 15, No. 4 (May, 1937), pp. 479-482Published by: Oxford University PressStable URL: .

Accessed: 14/06/2014 19:29

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.JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range ofcontent in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new formsof scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected].


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Page 2: Attitude Measurement as a Method in Social Psychology


an impossibility. And two observers are not enough, for if they disagree there is no way of knowing which is in the right. Furthermore, there is no general agree- ment at present as to the statistical pro- cedures best suited to show the extent of agreement, or, as it is often called, the "'reliability of the observations." Were there time, I should have much to say about this much over-worked term, "reli- ability," but the limitations set by the Chairman cause me to forbear. I shall merely point out that the determination of the actual amount of agreement between simultaneous observers is a far more diffi- cult matter than most people suppose. Even after an acceptable figure has been obtained, there remains the problem of determining what factors in the conditions of the experiment, the training of the ob- servers, or the precision with which the behavioral units have been defined are mainly responsible for the discrepancies that appear. It is, moreover, unfortu- nately true that greatest objectivity and consequently more nearly complete agree- ment may be had if very small units of behavior are chosen for observation. In an attempt to secure objectively depend- able results, a number of recent studies have carried the process of fractionation so far that the significance of the recorded items is open to much question. Of

course, if accuracy of record is the chief desideratum, this may be the thing to do; but if one is mainly concerned with the securing of significant results, then the laborious setting down of small units of behavior of uncertain significance may well seem to the scientists of the future like so much busy-work.

From all these adverse criticisms, it may appear that the method seems to me to be worthless, and there is no question but that my original enthusiasm for it has fallen to a relatively low pitch. Perhaps I can best state my present point of view as follows: Whenever the problem to be attacked permits, the student of human behavior, will find himself on surer ground if he sets the stage himself instead of depending on observations made under variable and often ambiguous conditions. If the problem is of such a nature that a formal laboratory set-up would be likely to destroy the very behavior that it is desired to study, then recourse to observa- tions made under informal conditions may be the only procedure that is feasible. But the investigator who adopts this course must, as a rule, be prepared for a much longer and more arduous task than might be surmised from the rather naive studies reported in the earlier literature, and he must be constantly on his guard to avoid the many sources of error that in the past have frequently been overlooked.


DANIEL KATZ Princeton University

T HE main uses of attitude measure- ment to date have been of a practical and applied variety. From the use

of straw ballots to detect the varying cur- rents of public opinion to controlled studies of our movie-made children, the

trend of attitude research is unmistakable. This practical emphasis is only natural in social psychology which is so intimately bound up with the problems of everyday existence. Moreover, it is highly desir- able for psychologists not to try to stand

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above the battle of life. Nevertheless, there is no reason why attitude measure- ment should not be applied more exten- sively to problems in social psychology proper. If the absorption in immediate and practical issues continues to the neg- lect of fundamental problems, then atti- tude measurement will go the way of mental testing and become the exclusive property of educational, vocational, and other applied psychologies. It is the thesis of this paper that attitude measure- ment has a place in social psychology as well as in the applied fields.

Of the many uses which may be made of attitude measurement I shall mention only three. The first is the accurate and reli- able recording of the ideologies or atti- tudes of people. This, rather than the study of personality, gives us the so-called content of culture. It has many advan- tages over the anthropological approach. Anthropologists bring back a description of a culture taken from a few informants and tell us very little of the range and fre- quency of the attitudes among the people studied. Moreover little is said about the extent of the deviations from particular norms of belief. Progress has been made in our own culture with this use of attitudc measurement. As a result of these studies we have acquired considerable knowledge concerning the incidence and distribution of religious attitudes, moral judgments, political stereotypes, and other social and economic beliefs.

In an accurate recording of the ideolo- gies of a people, the techniques to be em- ployed merit careful consideration. The most refined measuring devices for atti- tudes are the psycho-physical scales con- tributed by Professor Thurstone. These scales give a finely graded series of opinions ranging from one extreme of an attitude variable to the opposed extreme. Their most appropriate use is to test the intensity

of affect for or against a social symbol or proposal, since feeling can be conceived of in terms of quantitative gradation. Bc- fore we measure the intensitive or affectivc dimension of an attitude, however, we generally want to know the ideational content of the attitude in relation to pos- sible alternative attitudes. Now attitudes as the content of social situations do not consist of evenly graded positions along a scale. They represent abrupt jumps and even discrete qualities. Instead of the psycho-physical scales, therefore, they can be studied more adequately by means of the a priori type of scale used by Allport and Hartman. Once the important attitudes are brought out by this method the affec- tive intensity of each attitude can be meas- ured by the psycho-physical scale.

The second outstanding function of atti- tude measurement is the search for signifi- cant relationships between ideologies and psychological, physiological, and environ- mental factors. In spite of a number of informative studies, this search for signifi- cant relationships has not yielded rich returns. The results generally hold only for a particular place and a particular time and permit of little generalization. One reason is that the studies have been too piecemeal and too restricted in scope. Investigators have failed to appreciate a fundamental problem of methodology here. They tend to confuse attitudes and personality as Professor G. W. Allport has pointed out. The implicit assumption is made that the attitude measured is a reflec- tion of some deep psychological trait in the individual's personality. Attitude measurement, however, tells us little about the psychological motivation back of men's beliefs. It gives usacross-sectional comparison of many individuals. The knowledge of the psychological signifi- cance of an idea, or of a bit of behavior, in the individual's make-up comes from a

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long-sectional study of that individual's personality. Now attitude measurement can go a certain way toward this same goal, if it is applied extensively enough to a group of individuals. If our cross-sec- tional study of a group covers a great many of their attitudes in relation to a great variety of other factors, we are really in a position to make significant generaliza- tions, even though we have not studied the unique integration of every personality in the group. In other words if we find a high correlation between a single attitude and a single environmental factor, its value for predictive purposes is limited. Other factors which have not been considered may totally blot out the relationship dis- covered. The Gestalt psychologists are correct, I believe, in their emphasis upon the dynamic interplay of all the forces affecting the mind of the individual. Our arbitrary atomistic approach in the study of attitudes needs to be replaced by more ambitious studies in which we take ac- count of the complexity of factors related to the ideology of men. It might be bet- ter, therefore, to study a small group in- tensively than to study a large group super- ficially. Professor Schanck's study of a small community of two hundred people has yielded more social psychological data than some attitude studies involving thou- sands of cases.

A third use of attitude measurement is the delimitation or definition of the very groups which we wish to study. The stock way of selecting groups for com- parison is to take natural divisions based upon sex and age or upon the conventional sociological groupings in terms of mem- bership in organizations, institutions, and classes. Then we seek to discover differ- ences in attitudes between the groups so defined. A far more profitable procedure is to delimit our groups psychologically from the start. This can be done by meas-

uring the individual's attitude of identi- fication with the ideology of his group. For example, it is better to take the identi- fication of the individual with an economic class, (that is to measure his class attitude) than to put him into an economic class on the basis of his actual income. In the United States most people who derive go per cent of their income from wages and io per cent from investments identify themselves with economic groupings not on the basis of the go per cent of their income but on the basis of IO per cent of their income. It will be remembered that in Germany the dispossessed middle class still clung to a middle class identification rather than to the ideology of their actual income level.

Professor F. H. Allport's emphasis upon group fictions is of particular relevance here. The attitudes to look for in defining groups are the beliefs in the reality of the concept of the group. Affiliation with political parties is less important than the individual's acceptance of the institutional fiction of the party. Professor Robinson found that on most issues the supporters of Hoover and the supporters of Roosevelt in the 1932 election did not differ greatly. It would be interesting to know whether more clear cut differences might not be found if we compared institutionally- minded Republicans with institutionally- minded Democrats.

In conclusion, the real significance of attitude measurement in social psychology is that it provides a method of getting at the affective and ideological-or if you prefer the subjective-side of man. A social psychology which omits the study of atti- tudes omits a good share of its rightful problems. Social interaction is highly verbal and symbolic in nature. Men react not only to an objective stimulating situa- tion but in terms of their subjective addi- tions to the situation. So much is this

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true that the long search by reformers for an ideology to end ideologies still marches from defeat to defeat. Even if we do not follow John B. Watson in defining social psychology as the study of attitudes, we must still recognize the importance of this field. Adequate techniques for its study are one of the most pressing problems in so- cial psychology. Attitude scales have been

criticized by Professor H. M. Johnson and others from the rigid logic of physical measurement. Nonetheless they consti- tute the best techniques thus far available. Without them we are left to study the ideologies of men by intuitive methods which cannot be checked for reliability and accuracy, and we become social phi- losophers rather than social psychologists.


J. F. BROWN University of Kansas

T HE present confusion, one might almost say chaos, regarding the scope, problems, and subject-matter

of social psychology must be understood historically. The broad, inclusive, but meaningless theoretical principles of the nineteenth century writers have been shown to be methodologically inadequate. Naturally we should expect the stringent critical attacks of the Behaviorists on the instinct hypothesis to create a reaction towards objectivity and "data gathering." In the last twenty years an enormous amount of statistical, in some cases even experimental, material has been gathered. Unfortunately, however, science does not grow by fact alone. In the older estab- lished systematized sciences, theory is of perhaps even greater importance. In social psychology the Behaviorists, dis- gusted with the irresponsibility of the older armchair theorists, have tried to get along with no theory. Hence the lack of systematization in contemporary social psychology.

We field-theorists believe the time is now ripe to attempt a systematized science of social psychology. Such a science must fulfill three methodological criteria which characterize the older established disci-

plines. (i) These sciences use rather than pure induction the hypothetico-deductive method. (z) They are, furthermore, chiefly concerned with the conditions under which an event occurs rather than with the enumeration of the characteristics of classes. (3) Finally, they use for their descriptions coherent word systems; wher- ever possible they use mathematics. We attempt then in our analysis of social- psychological events to build hypotheses about the conditions under which these events occur, and to express these hypothe- ses in a mathematical language.

Let us consider the above in a little more detail. From some factual starting point we attempt to build a theory, which will result not only in a more adequate descrip- tion of the facts in question but will lead as well to the deduction of certain conse- quences. These consequences, however, must be such as may be tested experimen- tally: our theoretical constructions must be capable of operational definition.

We use topological and non-metricized dynamical concepts and hence are able to proceed with mathematical accuracy. The topological concepts were first applied by Professor Lewin to problems of indi-

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