Attacking RSA Brian Winant [email protected]. Reference “Twenty Years of Attacks on the RSA...

Attacking RSA Brian Winant [email protected]

Transcript of Attacking RSA Brian Winant [email protected]. Reference “Twenty Years of Attacks on the RSA...

Page 1: Attacking RSA Brian Winant Reference “Twenty Years of Attacks on the RSA Cryptosystem” By Dan Boneh In Notices of the American Mathematical.

Attacking RSA

Brian [email protected]

Page 2: Attacking RSA Brian Winant Reference “Twenty Years of Attacks on the RSA Cryptosystem” By Dan Boneh In Notices of the American Mathematical.


“Twenty Years of Attacks on the RSA Cryptosystem”

By Dan BonehIn Notices of the American

Mathematical Society (AMS), Vol. 46, No. 2, pp. 203-213, 1999

Page 3: Attacking RSA Brian Winant Reference “Twenty Years of Attacks on the RSA Cryptosystem” By Dan Boneh In Notices of the American Mathematical.


RSA introduced August 1977 R = Ron Rivest S = Adi Shamir A = Len Adleman

Subject to two+ decades of cryptanalysis No serious attacks found Most known attacks based on

implementation weaknesses

Page 4: Attacking RSA Brian Winant Reference “Twenty Years of Attacks on the RSA Cryptosystem” By Dan Boneh In Notices of the American Mathematical.

RSA Review - Modulus

Let pq = N N is n bits long p, q are large primes of length n/2 In practice N is at least 1024 bits

1024 bits = 309 decimal digits

Page 5: Attacking RSA Brian Winant Reference “Twenty Years of Attacks on the RSA Cryptosystem” By Dan Boneh In Notices of the American Mathematical.

RSA Review - Keys

Choose exponents e and d Such that ed = 1 mod (N) (N) is the Euler phi function Since N=pq, (N) = (p – 1)(q – 1) (N) is the order of the multiplicative group


(N, e), (N, d) are the public/private keys Doesn’t matter which is which

Page 6: Attacking RSA Brian Winant Reference “Twenty Years of Attacks on the RSA Cryptosystem” By Dan Boneh In Notices of the American Mathematical.

RSA Review - Encryption

Plaintext M ZN*

Ciphertext C ZN*

Encryption fk(M) = C = Me mod N

Decryption gk(C) = Cd mod N Med mod N = M

Page 7: Attacking RSA Brian Winant Reference “Twenty Years of Attacks on the RSA Cryptosystem” By Dan Boneh In Notices of the American Mathematical.


fk(M) is a one-way trapdoor function

Exponent d is the trapdoor Makes inverting fk(M) easy

How hard is it to invert fk(M) without the trapdoor? No known mechanism to easily invert

fk(M) However, not proven to be impossible

Page 8: Attacking RSA Brian Winant Reference “Twenty Years of Attacks on the RSA Cryptosystem” By Dan Boneh In Notices of the American Mathematical.

Breaking RSA

Goal Invert fk(M) without knowing d

Formally Given (N, e, C) Assume the factorization of N is

unknown How hard is it to compute the eth root

of C mod N?

Page 9: Attacking RSA Brian Winant Reference “Twenty Years of Attacks on the RSA Cryptosystem” By Dan Boneh In Notices of the American Mathematical.

Naïve Approach

ZN* is finite

Try all M ZN*

Runtime is exponentialInterested only in efficient algorithms O(nc) where

n = log2 N c is a small constant (< 5)

Page 10: Attacking RSA Brian Winant Reference “Twenty Years of Attacks on the RSA Cryptosystem” By Dan Boneh In Notices of the American Mathematical.

Theory vs. Implementation

Difference between the function and the cryptosystemCryptosystem is not semantically secure Given (N, e, C) it is possible to recover

some information about M Example: Jacobi symbol of M over N Fixed by padding M with random bits

Page 11: Attacking RSA Brian Winant Reference “Twenty Years of Attacks on the RSA Cryptosystem” By Dan Boneh In Notices of the American Mathematical.

Types of Attacks

FactoringElementaryLow Private ExponentLow Public ExponentImplementation

Page 12: Attacking RSA Brian Winant Reference “Twenty Years of Attacks on the RSA Cryptosystem” By Dan Boneh In Notices of the American Mathematical.


If N can be factored p,q are known (N) can be computed d = e-1 mod (N) easily computed using

Euclid’s method

State of the art factoring algorithms still exponential log N General Number Field Sieve

Largest factored modulus: 576 bits 174 decimal digits

Page 13: Attacking RSA Brian Winant Reference “Twenty Years of Attacks on the RSA Cryptosystem” By Dan Boneh In Notices of the American Mathematical.

More Factoring

For some N, factoring is easyPollard’s p – 1 algorithm p – 1 is a product of primes less than

B N can be factored O(B3)

Some RSA implementations reject such p

Page 14: Attacking RSA Brian Winant Reference “Twenty Years of Attacks on the RSA Cryptosystem” By Dan Boneh In Notices of the American Mathematical.

Breaking RSA vs. Factoring

If an efficient factoring algorithm exists, RSA is insecureOpen Problem: Is converse true? Must N be factored in order to

efficiently compute eth roots mod N? Is breaking RSA as hard as factoring?

Page 15: Attacking RSA Brian Winant Reference “Twenty Years of Attacks on the RSA Cryptosystem” By Dan Boneh In Notices of the American Mathematical.

Open Problem: Definition

Given N, e = gcd(e, (N)) = 1Define fe,N: ZN* -> ZN

* = x1/e mod N

Given an oracle that evaluates f in unit timeIs there a polynomial-time algorithm A that computes factorization of N?

Page 16: Attacking RSA Brian Winant Reference “Twenty Years of Attacks on the RSA Cryptosystem” By Dan Boneh In Notices of the American Mathematical.

Open Problem: Answer?

Probably not Evidence that for small e, answer may be no

There may not exist a polynomial-time reduction from factoring to breaking RSA However, not proven

Negative answered probably preferred over positive answer

Page 17: Attacking RSA Brian Winant Reference “Twenty Years of Attacks on the RSA Cryptosystem” By Dan Boneh In Notices of the American Mathematical.

Elementary Attacks

Due to misuse of RSAMany exist Modulus Reuse Blinding

Page 18: Attacking RSA Brian Winant Reference “Twenty Years of Attacks on the RSA Cryptosystem” By Dan Boneh In Notices of the American Mathematical.

Modulus Reuse

To save time, why not reuse N?Trusted authority can provide user i with keys (N, ei), (N, di)

Attacker can use own ea, da to factor N

Once N is factored, recovering di easy

Do not reuse N

Page 19: Attacking RSA Brian Winant Reference “Twenty Years of Attacks on the RSA Cryptosystem” By Dan Boneh In Notices of the American Mathematical.

BlindingFool Bob into signing an arbitrary M e,d are Bob’s public and private keys

Choose random r ZN*

Let M’ = reM mod NHave Bob sign S’ = (M’)d mod N

Page 20: Attacking RSA Brian Winant Reference “Twenty Years of Attacks on the RSA Cryptosystem” By Dan Boneh In Notices of the American Mathematical.


Compute S = S’/r mod N Se = (S’)e/re = (M’)ed/re = (reM)ed/re =

reM/re = M

Attacker now has signature on M

Page 21: Attacking RSA Brian Winant Reference “Twenty Years of Attacks on the RSA Cryptosystem” By Dan Boneh In Notices of the American Mathematical.

Blinding: Defense

In practice, attack not feasible Prevented by first hashing M before


An attack, but required for anonymous digital cash

Page 22: Attacking RSA Brian Winant Reference “Twenty Years of Attacks on the RSA Cryptosystem” By Dan Boneh In Notices of the American Mathematical.

Low Private Exponent

Reduce decryption time by using small dIf d < (1/3)N1/4, d can be recovered Approximation method based on continued


Small d can still be chosen using Chinese Remainder Theorem in a possibly secure manner Ensure d mod (N) is still large

Open Problem: How small can d be?

Page 23: Attacking RSA Brian Winant Reference “Twenty Years of Attacks on the RSA Cryptosystem” By Dan Boneh In Notices of the American Mathematical.

Open Problem

Let N = pqLet d < N0.5

Let e <(N)ed = 1 mod (N)If attacker is given (N, e), can d be recovered efficiently?

Page 24: Attacking RSA Brian Winant Reference “Twenty Years of Attacks on the RSA Cryptosystem” By Dan Boneh In Notices of the American Mathematical.

Low Public Exponent

In practice, small public keys are used Reduces encryption, signature-verification


Smallest e = 3Recommended e = 216 + 1 For signature-verification:

Requires 17 multiplications Approx. 1000 when random e used

Small public keys are not as dangerous as small private keys

Page 25: Attacking RSA Brian Winant Reference “Twenty Years of Attacks on the RSA Cryptosystem” By Dan Boneh In Notices of the American Mathematical.

Low Public Exponent Attacks

Broadcast AttackRelated Message AttackShort Pad AttackPartial Key Exposure Attack

Page 26: Attacking RSA Brian Winant Reference “Twenty Years of Attacks on the RSA Cryptosystem” By Dan Boneh In Notices of the American Mathematical.

Broadcast Attack

Bob sends M to parties P1 … PK

Pi has public key (Ni, ei)

M < Ni for all i

Bob encrypts M with key for each Pi

Attacker can collect all k ciphertexts and recover M if k e

Page 27: Attacking RSA Brian Winant Reference “Twenty Years of Attacks on the RSA Cryptosystem” By Dan Boneh In Notices of the American Mathematical.

Broadcast Attack: Simplified

Assume ei = 3 for all i

Attacker collects C1, C2, C3

C1 = M3 mod N1

C2 = M3 mod N2

C3 = M3 mod N3

Chinese Remainder Theorem C’ = M3 mod N1N2N3

Page 28: Attacking RSA Brian Winant Reference “Twenty Years of Attacks on the RSA Cryptosystem” By Dan Boneh In Notices of the American Mathematical.

Broadcast Attack: Simplified

Since M < all Ni, M3 < N1N2N3

So C’ = M3

Recover M by calculating cube root of C’

Page 29: Attacking RSA Brian Winant Reference “Twenty Years of Attacks on the RSA Cryptosystem” By Dan Boneh In Notices of the American Mathematical.

Broadcast Attack: Defense

Pad M with random bitsPadding M with non-random bits allows other attacks

Page 30: Attacking RSA Brian Winant Reference “Twenty Years of Attacks on the RSA Cryptosystem” By Dan Boneh In Notices of the American Mathematical.

Related Message Attack

Bob sends Alice related messages using same modulus(N, e) is Alice’s public keyM1 M2 ZN


M1 = f(M2) mod N f is a publicly known polynomial mod N f(x) = ax + b mod N, b

Given (N, e, C1, C2, f) attacker can recover M1, M2 in quadratic time log N

Page 31: Attacking RSA Brian Winant Reference “Twenty Years of Attacks on the RSA Cryptosystem” By Dan Boneh In Notices of the American Mathematical.

Related Message Attack

Works by computing GCD of two polynomials g1(x) = f(x)e – C1

g1(x) = xe – C2

For large e, computing GCD too expensive

Page 32: Attacking RSA Brian Winant Reference “Twenty Years of Attacks on the RSA Cryptosystem” By Dan Boneh In Notices of the American Mathematical.

Short Pad Attack

Exploit naïve random paddings of M Add random bits to one end of M

Requires knowledge of two ciphertexts corresponding to the same message

Page 33: Attacking RSA Brian Winant Reference “Twenty Years of Attacks on the RSA Cryptosystem” By Dan Boneh In Notices of the American Mathematical.

Short Pad Attack

|N| = nm = floor(n/e2) Relationship between pad and key lengths

|M| = n – mM1 = 2mM + r1

M2 = 2mM + r2

0 r1, r2 < 2m

Given (N, e, C1, C2), M can be efficiently recovered

Page 34: Attacking RSA Brian Winant Reference “Twenty Years of Attacks on the RSA Cryptosystem” By Dan Boneh In Notices of the American Mathematical.

Partial Key Exposure Attack

If a portion of d is exposed, can all of d be recovered? Yes, if e is small

e < sqrt(N) Need ceil(n/4) least significant bits of


Page 35: Attacking RSA Brian Winant Reference “Twenty Years of Attacks on the RSA Cryptosystem” By Dan Boneh In Notices of the American Mathematical.

Implementation Attacks

Attack the implementation of RSA, not the underlying mathematical structureTimingRandom FaultsPCKS 1

Page 36: Attacking RSA Brian Winant Reference “Twenty Years of Attacks on the RSA Cryptosystem” By Dan Boneh In Notices of the American Mathematical.

Timing Attack

Smartcard attackBased on timing the efficient modulo exponentiation algorithm Can recover bits based on whether or

not the squaring step is performed

Similar attack based on monitoring power consumption

Page 37: Attacking RSA Brian Winant Reference “Twenty Years of Attacks on the RSA Cryptosystem” By Dan Boneh In Notices of the American Mathematical.

Timing Attack: Defense

Add delayUse blinding on itself Adds randomness to ciphertext Less correlation between input and

key bits Approach due to Rivest

Page 38: Attacking RSA Brian Winant Reference “Twenty Years of Attacks on the RSA Cryptosystem” By Dan Boneh In Notices of the American Mathematical.

Random FaultsMany RSA implementations use Chinese Remainder Theorem Speed up computation of Md mod N Let a = d mod (p – 1) Let b = d mod (q – 1) Ca = Ma

mod p Cb = Mb

mod q C = T1Ca + T2C2 mod N

Faster since less exponentiation is needed

Page 39: Attacking RSA Brian Winant Reference “Twenty Years of Attacks on the RSA Cryptosystem” By Dan Boneh In Notices of the American Mathematical.

Random Faults

Suppose computer glitch causes an incorrect bitEither Ca or Cb will be incorrectCan detect the incorrect result C Ce = M mod p Ce M mod q

Exposes a factor of N, but requires knowledge of M

Page 40: Attacking RSA Brian Winant Reference “Twenty Years of Attacks on the RSA Cryptosystem” By Dan Boneh In Notices of the American Mathematical.

Random Faults: Defense

Requires M to not be padded Add random bits

Check before sending You’re doing this anyway, right?

Page 41: Attacking RSA Brian Winant Reference “Twenty Years of Attacks on the RSA Cryptosystem” By Dan Boneh In Notices of the American Mathematical.

PKCS 1 Attack

Possible in older version of standardImplementations will raise error if C does not contain 16 bit “02”Equals an oracle which can reveal whether the most significant 16 bits of C equals 02

Page 42: Attacking RSA Brian Winant Reference “Twenty Years of Attacks on the RSA Cryptosystem” By Dan Boneh In Notices of the American Mathematical.


RSA function susceptible to mathematical trickeryExploits are not practical Easy to defend against Would never occur in reality

Requires correct and secure implementationNo known dangerous attacks against properly implemented RSA