Attachment 3 2015 Smarter State Summary School & Charter ... · Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State...

Office of Assessment Attachment 3 – 2015 Smarter State Summary School & Charter Performance and Participation

Transcript of Attachment 3 2015 Smarter State Summary School & Charter ... · Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State...

Page 1: Attachment 3 2015 Smarter State Summary School & Charter ... · Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment *Indicates no

Office of Assessment

Attachment 3 – 2015 Smarter State Summary

School & Charter Performance and Participation

Page 2: Attachment 3 2015 Smarter State Summary School & Charter ... · Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment *Indicates no

Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment

Table of Contents

Smarter School Performance & Participation ............................................................. 1

Smarter Charter School Performance & Participation ................................................ 55

Smarter Special Schools Performance & Participation ............................................... 61

Page 3: Attachment 3 2015 Smarter State Summary School & Charter ... · Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment *Indicates no

Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment

*Indicates no student in this cell --Indicates FERPA suppression is applied for this cell

Suppression (represented as “~”) may be required to limit exposure of suppressed cells Page 1

School Performance & Participation

Appoquinimink School District Performance and Participation By School and By Grade

Smarter ELA

School Statewide

School Name Grade Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficiency Participation

Rate Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficient Participation


Appoquinimink High School 11 2571 50 93 2582 52 91

Brick Mill Elementary School 3 2461 65 98 2438 54 98

4 2507 68 98 2477 54 98

5 2545 76 > 99 2510 56 98

Bunker Hill Elementary School 3 2447 57 99 2438 54 98

4 2490 59 > 99 2477 54 98

5 2543 76 > 99 2510 56 98

Cedar Lane Elementary School 3 2470 70 > 99 2438 54 98

4 2495 65 98 2477 54 98

5 2523 62 98 2510 56 98

Loss (Olive B.) Elementary School 3 2492 82 98 2438 54 98

4 2543 89 97 2477 54 98

5 2582 84 97 2510 56 98

Meredith (Everett) Middle School 6 2525 46 > 99 2524 48 98

7 2557 52 98 2547 50 98

8 2574 56 > 99 2560 49 97

Middletown High School 11 2638 75 96 2582 52 91

Old State Elementary School 3 2442 64 97 2438 54 98

4 2488 59 97 2477 54 98

5 2514 64 95 2510 56 98

Redding (Louis L.) Middle School 6 2539 54 98 2524 48 98

7 2512 38 98 2547 50 98

8 2584 61 97 2560 49 97

Silver Lake Elementary School 3 2439 50 > 99 2438 54 98

4 2495 63 > 99 2477 54 98

5 2510 55 > 99 2510 56 98

Townsend Elementary School 3 2456 67 98 2438 54 98

4 2470 52 > 99 2477 54 98

5 2501 55 99 2510 56 98

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Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment

*Indicates no student in this cell --Indicates FERPA suppression is applied for this cell

Suppression (represented as “~”) may be required to limit exposure of suppressed cells Page 2

Waters (Alfred G.) Middle School 6 2559 65 99 2524 48 98

7 2595 69 98 2547 50 98

8 2595 64 97 2560 49 97

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Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment

*Indicates no student in this cell --Indicates FERPA suppression is applied for this cell

Suppression (represented as “~”) may be required to limit exposure of suppressed cells Page 3

Appoquinimink School District Performance and Participation By School and By Grade

Smarter Mathematics

School Statewide

School Name Grade Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficiency Participation

Rate Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficient Participation


Appoquinimink High School 11 2590 38 94 2541 23 90

Brick Mill Elementary School 3 2470 70 98 2439 53 97

4 2498 57 96 2477 47 97

5 2512 42 98 2499 38 97

Bunker Hill Elementary School 3 2448 53 99 2439 53 97

4 2495 53 > 99 2477 47 97

5 2535 55 > 99 2499 38 97

Cedar Lane Elementary School 3 2440 52 > 99 2439 53 97

4 2489 49 97 2477 47 97

5 2499 34 96 2499 38 97

Loss (Olive B.) Elementary School 3 2494 86 98 2439 53 97

4 2532 78 97 2477 47 97

5 2559 73 97 2499 38 97

Meredith (Everett) Middle School 6 2521 35 99 2511 34 97

7 2538 37 96 2530 37 97

8 2562 40 99 2542 35 96

Middletown High School 11 2581 33 92 2541 23 90

Old State Elementary School 3 2439 57 96 2439 53 97

4 2474 42 94 2477 47 97

5 2492 28 95 2499 38 97

Redding (Louis L.) Middle School 6 2521 36 98 2511 34 97

7 2536 38 98 2530 37 97

8 2586 48 97 2542 35 96

Silver Lake Elementary School 3 2425 43 > 99 2439 53 97

4 2491 51 98 2477 47 97

5 2492 29 98 2499 38 97

Townsend Elementary School 3 2455 59 98 2439 53 97

4 2459 44 > 99 2477 47 97

5 2495 32 97 2499 38 97

Waters (Alfred G.) Middle School 6 2568 60 96 2511 34 97

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Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment

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Suppression (represented as “~”) may be required to limit exposure of suppressed cells Page 4

7 2588 60 95 2530 37 97

8 2604 56 93 2542 35 96

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Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment

*Indicates no student in this cell --Indicates FERPA suppression is applied for this cell

Suppression (represented as “~”) may be required to limit exposure of suppressed cells Page 5

Brandywine School District Performance and Participation By School and By Grade

Smarter ELA

School Statewide

School Name Grade Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficiency Participation

Rate Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficient Participation


Brandywine High School 11 2569 48 95 2582 52 91

Carrcroft Elementary School 3 2398 35 98 2438 54 98

4 2465 49 99 2477 54 98

5 2511 56 98 2510 56 98

Claymont Elementary School 3 2410 41 98 2438 54 98

4 2503 62 99 2477 54 98

5 2562 75 99 2510 56 98

Concord High School 11 2608 62 95 2582 52 91

duPont (Pierre S.) Middle School 6 2555 61 99 2524 48 98

7 2562 49 > 99 2547 50 98

8 2595 61 98 2560 49 97

Forwood Elementary School 3 2423 48 96 2438 54 98

4 2508 72 95 2477 54 98

5 2492 52 97 2510 56 98

Hanby Elementary School 3 2435 61 94 2438 54 98

4 2506 67 > 99 2477 54 98

5 2523 61 98 2510 56 98

Harlan (David W. ) Elementary School

3 2364 14 97 2438 54 98

4 2441 38 99 2477 54 98

5 2467 37 > 99 2510 56 98

Lancashire Elementary School 3 2448 63 > 99 2438 54 98

4 2481 61 99 2477 54 98

5 2549 74 > 99 2510 56 98

Lombardy Elementary School 3 2456 66 99 2438 54 98

4 2478 52 > 99 2477 54 98

5 2538 72 > 99 2510 56 98

Maple Lane Elementary School 3 2399 33 > 99 2438 54 98

4 2457 43 > 99 2477 54 98

5 2492 47 > 99 2510 56 98

Mount Pleasant Elementary School 3 2444 53 > 99 2438 54 98

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Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment

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Suppression (represented as “~”) may be required to limit exposure of suppressed cells Page 6

4 2446 39 > 99 2477 54 98

5 2473 42 99 2510 56 98

Mount Pleasant High School 11 2625 66 95 2582 52 91

Springer Middle School 6 2537 56 99 2524 48 98

7 2566 61 99 2547 50 98

8 2561 53 98 2560 49 97

Talley Middle School 6 2503 41 97 2524 48 98

7 2531 46 97 2547 50 98

8 2535 40 97 2560 49 97

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Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment

*Indicates no student in this cell --Indicates FERPA suppression is applied for this cell

Suppression (represented as “~”) may be required to limit exposure of suppressed cells Page 7

Brandywine School District Performance and Participation By School and By Grade

Smarter Mathematics

School Statewide

School Name Grade Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficiency Participation

Rate Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficient Participation


Brandywine High School 11 2527 18 92 2541 23 90

Carrcroft Elementary School 3 2412 42 97 2439 53 97

4 2481 45 98 2477 47 97

5 2506 37 95 2499 38 97

Claymont Elementary School 3 2413 41 97 2439 53 97

4 2510 61 96 2477 47 97

5 2558 64 98 2499 38 97

Concord High School 11 2569 30 94 2541 23 90

duPont (Pierre S.) Middle School 6 2535 46 95 2511 34 97

7 2552 39 96 2530 37 97

8 2565 42 95 2542 35 96

Forwood Elementary School 3 2418 41 > 99 2439 53 97

4 2474 40 97 2477 47 97

5 2507 43 > 99 2499 38 97

Hanby Elementary School 3 2444 66 96 2439 53 97

4 2500 64 98 2477 47 97

5 2501 42 98 2499 38 97

Harlan (David W. ) Elementary School

3 2393 18 89 2439 53 97

4 2452 34 99 2477 47 97

5 2452 13 94 2499 38 97

Lancashire Elementary School 3 2444 60 > 99 2439 53 97

4 2505 65 > 99 2477 47 97

5 2551 65 99 2499 38 97

Lombardy Elementary School 3 2461 65 99 2439 53 97

4 2484 51 > 99 2477 47 97

5 2518 46 98 2499 38 97

Maple Lane Elementary School 3 2433 52 > 99 2439 53 97

4 2464 39 97 2477 47 97

5 2491 32 99 2499 38 97

Mount Pleasant Elementary School 3 2450 52 > 99 2439 53 97

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Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment

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Suppression (represented as “~”) may be required to limit exposure of suppressed cells Page 8

4 2463 40 > 99 2477 47 97

5 2469 25 96 2499 38 97

Mount Pleasant High School 11 2584 35 95 2541 23 90

Springer Middle School 6 2528 42 98 2511 34 97

7 2553 50 97 2530 37 97

8 2549 36 97 2542 35 96

Talley Middle School 6 2495 22 98 2511 34 97

7 2522 32 96 2530 37 97

8 2508 24 96 2542 35 96

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Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment

*Indicates no student in this cell --Indicates FERPA suppression is applied for this cell

Suppression (represented as “~”) may be required to limit exposure of suppressed cells Page 9

Caesar Rodney School District Performance and Participation By School and By Grade

Smarter ELA

School Statewide

School Name Grade Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficiency Participation

Rate Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficient Participation


Allen Frear Elementary School 3 2461 65 > 99 2438 54 98

4 2531 80 > 99 2477 54 98

5 2531 66 99 2510 56 98

Caesar Rodney High School 11 2590 55 97 2582 52 91

Dover Air Force Base Middle School 6 2583 78 98 2524 48 98

7 2612 83 > 99 2547 50 98

8 2654 92 98 2560 49 97

F. Niel Postlethwait Middle School 6 2535 51 > 99 2524 48 98

7 2583 67 99 2547 50 98

8 2595 62 > 99 2560 49 97

Fred Fifer III Middle School 6 2545 60 98 2524 48 98

7 2555 54 98 2547 50 98

8 2578 58 98 2560 49 97

Major George S. Welch Elementary School

3 2489 81 96 2438 54 98

4 2528 85 98 2477 54 98

5 2558 77 97 2510 56 98

Nellie Hughes Stokes Elementary School

3 2443 56 97 2438 54 98

4 2489 61 98 2477 54 98

5 2538 73 96 2510 56 98

Star Hill Elementary School 3 2490 84 > 99 2438 54 98

4 2532 85 > 99 2477 54 98

5 2518 54 > 99 2510 56 98

W. B. Simpson Elementary School 3 2469 76 99 2438 54 98

4 2520 71 99 2477 54 98

5 2546 72 > 99 2510 56 98

W. Reily Brown Elementary School 3 2424 51 99 2438 54 98

4 2441 39 99 2477 54 98

5 2503 51 99 2510 56 98

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Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment

*Indicates no student in this cell --Indicates FERPA suppression is applied for this cell

Suppression (represented as “~”) may be required to limit exposure of suppressed cells Page 10

Caesar Rodney School District Performance and Participation By School and By Grade

Smarter Mathematics

School Statewide

School Name Grade Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficiency Participation

Rate Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficient Participation


Allen Frear Elementary School 3 2469 65 > 99 2439 53 97

4 2515 66 > 99 2477 47 97

5 2536 49 99 2499 38 97

Caesar Rodney High School 11 2557 27 96 2541 23 90

Dover Air Force Base Middle School 6 2584 60 98 2511 34 97

7 2588 64 > 99 2530 37 97

8 2640 79 98 2542 35 96

F. Niel Postlethwait Middle School 6 2527 40 99 2511 34 97

7 2563 51 99 2530 37 97

8 2569 44 98 2542 35 96

Fred Fifer III Middle School 6 2521 39 98 2511 34 97

7 2529 34 97 2530 37 97

8 2556 38 98 2542 35 96

Major George S. Welch Elementary School

3 2484 79 95 2439 53 97

4 2519 69 98 2477 47 97

5 2524 48 > 99 2499 38 97

Nellie Hughes Stokes Elementary School

3 2461 59 98 2439 53 97

4 2489 54 98 2477 47 97

5 2541 60 98 2499 38 97

Star Hill Elementary School 3 2484 79 > 99 2439 53 97

4 2535 84 > 99 2477 47 97

5 2502 40 > 99 2499 38 97

W. B. Simpson Elementary School 3 2450 58 99 2439 53 97

4 2513 71 99 2477 47 97

5 2519 46 > 99 2499 38 97

W. Reily Brown Elementary School 3 2432 54 99 2439 53 97

4 2449 35 99 2477 47 97

5 2479 32 99 2499 38 97

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Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment

*Indicates no student in this cell --Indicates FERPA suppression is applied for this cell

Suppression (represented as “~”) may be required to limit exposure of suppressed cells Page 11

Cape Henlopen School District Performance and Participation By School and By Grade

Smarter ELA

School Statewide

School Name Grade Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficiency Participation

Rate Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficient Participation


Beacon Middle School 6 2564 65 98 2524 48 98

7 2595 74 95 2547 50 98

8 2603 70 97 2560 49 97

Cape Henlopen High School 11 2556 39 96 2582 52 91

H. O. Brittingham Elementary School

3 2414 38 97 2438 54 98

4 2454 38 98 2477 54 98

5 2493 48 > 99 2510 56 98

Mariner Middle School 6 2557 64 > 99 2524 48 98

7 2561 54 98 2547 50 98

8 2588 62 > 99 2560 49 97

Milton Elementary School 3 2456 63 99 2438 54 98

4 2492 62 > 99 2477 54 98

5 2522 63 > 99 2510 56 98

Rehoboth Elementary School 3 2491 74 99 2438 54 98

4 2522 78 99 2477 54 98

5 2522 66 98 2510 56 98

Shields (Richard A.) Elementary School

3 2473 73 98 2438 54 98

4 2538 81 98 2477 54 98

5 2551 82 > 99 2510 56 98

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Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment

*Indicates no student in this cell --Indicates FERPA suppression is applied for this cell

Suppression (represented as “~”) may be required to limit exposure of suppressed cells Page 12

Cape Henlopen School District Performance and Participation By School and By Grade

Smarter Mathematics

School Statewide

School Name Grade Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficiency Participation

Rate Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficient Participation


Beacon Middle School 6 2566 62 98 2511 34 97

7 2596 64 96 2530 37 97

8 2624 67 96 2542 35 96

Cape Henlopen High School 11 2521 20 95 2541 23 90

H. O. Brittingham Elementary School

3 2420 38 98 2439 53 97

4 2474 43 > 99 2477 47 97

5 2494 31 > 99 2499 38 97

Mariner Middle School 6 2539 41 98 2511 34 97

7 2539 41 95 2530 37 97

8 2574 45 96 2542 35 96

Milton Elementary School 3 2456 54 99 2439 53 97

4 2506 63 96 2477 47 97

5 2513 41 98 2499 38 97

Rehoboth Elementary School 3 2466 72 > 99 2439 53 97

4 2513 67 99 2477 47 97

5 2522 50 97 2499 38 97

Shields (Richard A.) Elementary School

3 2483 79 98 2439 53 97

4 2527 78 92 2477 47 97

5 2553 68 96 2499 38 97

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Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment

*Indicates no student in this cell --Indicates FERPA suppression is applied for this cell

Suppression (represented as “~”) may be required to limit exposure of suppressed cells Page 13

Capital School District Performance and Participation By School and By Grade

Smarter ELA

School Statewide

School Name Grade Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficiency Participation

Rate Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficient Participation


Booker T. Washington Elementary School

3 2479 68 99 2438 54 98

4 2500 63 98 2477 54 98

Central Middle School 7 2543 46 96 2547 50 98

8 2555 45 > 99 2560 49 97

Dover High School 11 2537 41 96 2582 52 91

East Dover Elementary School 3 2428 46 96 2438 54 98

4 2431 37 98 2477 54 98

Fairview Elementary School 3 2426 44 89 2438 54 98

4 2482 56 > 99 2477 54 98

Hartly Elementary School 3 2487 82 > 99 2438 54 98

4 2522 79 > 99 2477 54 98

North Dover Elementary School 3 2460 67 97 2438 54 98

4 2505 68 98 2477 54 98

South Dover Elementary School 3 2441 55 > 99 2438 54 98

4 2480 49 > 99 2477 54 98

Towne Point Elementary School 3 2447 63 98 2438 54 98

4 2483 53 > 99 2477 54 98

William Henry Middle School 5 2485 44 98 2510 56 98

6 2507 38 99 2524 48 98

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Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment

*Indicates no student in this cell --Indicates FERPA suppression is applied for this cell

Suppression (represented as “~”) may be required to limit exposure of suppressed cells Page 14

Capital School District Performance and Participation By School and By Grade

Smarter Mathematics

School Statewide

School Name Grade Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficiency Participation

Rate Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficient Participation


Booker T. Washington Elementary School

3 2459 55 95 2439 53 97

4 2476 48 99 2477 47 97

Central Middle School 7 2509 25 94 2530 37 97

8 2518 26 96 2542 35 96

Dover High School 11 2476 8 92 2541 23 90

East Dover Elementary School 3 2426 46 94 2439 53 97

4 2441 29 93 2477 47 97

Fairview Elementary School 3 2410 29 90 2439 53 97

4 2471 41 > 99 2477 47 97

Hartly Elementary School 3 2467 73 99 2439 53 97

4 2505 74 > 99 2477 47 97

North Dover Elementary School 3 2448 59 97 2439 53 97

4 2487 52 99 2477 47 97

South Dover Elementary School 3 2424 43 > 99 2439 53 97

4 2473 38 > 99 2477 47 97

Towne Point Elementary School 3 2419 42 97 2439 53 97

4 2456 28 > 99 2477 47 97

William Henry Middle School 5 2471 24 95 2499 38 97

6 2491 23 97 2511 34 97

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Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment

*Indicates no student in this cell --Indicates FERPA suppression is applied for this cell

Suppression (represented as “~”) may be required to limit exposure of suppressed cells Page 15

Christina School District Performance and Participation By School and By Grade

Smarter ELA

School Statewide

School Name Grade Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficiency Participation

Rate Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficient Participation


Bancroft Elementary School 3 2334 9 97 2438 54 98

4 2372 11 98 2477 54 98

5 2411 15 98 2510 56 98

Bayard Middle School 6 2401 6 95 2524 48 98

7 2447 9 92 2547 50 98

8 2459 13 98 2560 49 97

Brader (Henry M.) Elementary School

3 2433 48 97 2438 54 98

4 2451 39 96 2477 54 98

5 2492 44 99 2510 56 98

Brookside Elementary School 3 2433 50 > 99 2438 54 98

4 2449 43 98 2477 54 98

5 2460 33 90 2510 56 98

Christiana High School 11 2551 39 84 2582 52 91

Downes (John R.) Elementary School

3 2497 80 96 2438 54 98

4 2492 59 98 2477 54 98

5 2545 72 96 2510 56 98

Elbert-Palmer Elementary School 3 2373 18 93 2438 54 98

4 2383 5 95 2477 54 98

5 2423 15 > 99 2510 56 98

Gallaher (Robert S.) Elementary School

3 2416 43 95 2438 54 98

4 2496 67 > 99 2477 54 98

5 2509 54 95 2510 56 98

Gauger-Cobbs Middle School 6 2481 29 96 2524 48 98

7 2465 15 95 2547 50 98

8 2507 29 92 2560 49 97

Glasgow High School 11 2525 30 82 2582 52 91

Jones (Albert H.) Elementary School 3 2432 57 > 99 2438 54 98

4 2451 39 96 2477 54 98

5 2499 47 > 99 2510 56 98

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Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment

*Indicates no student in this cell --Indicates FERPA suppression is applied for this cell

Suppression (represented as “~”) may be required to limit exposure of suppressed cells Page 16

Keene (William B.) Elementary School

3 2438 59 95 2438 54 98

4 2445 33 92 2477 54 98

5 2510 59 92 2510 56 98

Kirk (George V.) Middle School 6 2500 40 97 2524 48 98

7 2508 30 97 2547 50 98

8 2537 36 98 2560 49 97

Leasure (May B.) Elementary School

3 2446 58 99 2438 54 98

4 2471 48 > 99 2477 54 98

5 2455 32 98 2510 56 98

Maclary (R. Elisabeth) Elementary School

3 2419 49 92 2438 54 98

4 2498 62 90 2477 54 98

5 2492 42 98 2510 56 98

Marshall (Thurgood) Elementary School

3 2451 64 93 2438 54 98

4 2521 78 97 2477 54 98

5 2529 69 97 2510 56 98

McVey (Joseph M.) Elementary School

3 2401 35 96 2438 54 98

4 2431 31 89 2477 54 98

5 2471 34 97 2510 56 98

Newark High School 11 2548 38 55 2582 52 91

Oberle (William) Elementary School 3 2380 19 > 99 2438 54 98

4 2417 19 98 2477 54 98

5 2444 21 > 99 2510 56 98

Pulaski (Casimir) Elementary School 3 2378 30 97 2438 54 98

4 2410 19 > 99 2477 54 98

5 2446 26 98 2510 56 98

Shue-Medill Middle School 6 2504 37 94 2524 48 98

7 2520 40 96 2547 50 98

8 2531 33 96 2560 49 97

Smith (Jennie E.) Elementary School

3 2436 50 > 99 2438 54 98

4 2435 33 97 2477 54 98

5 2496 52 95 2510 56 98

Stubbs (Frederick Douglass) Elementary School

3 2318 3 > 99 2438 54 98

4 2374 6 > 99 2477 54 98

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Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment

*Indicates no student in this cell --Indicates FERPA suppression is applied for this cell

Suppression (represented as “~”) may be required to limit exposure of suppressed cells Page 17

5 2409 14 98 2510 56 98

West Park Place Elementary School 3 2455 64 94 2438 54 98

4 2490 58 95 2477 54 98

5 2552 72 89 2510 56 98

Wilson (Etta J.) Elementary School 3 2430 52 99 2438 54 98

4 2467 47 99 2477 54 98

5 2495 48 98 2510 56 98

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Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment

*Indicates no student in this cell --Indicates FERPA suppression is applied for this cell

Suppression (represented as “~”) may be required to limit exposure of suppressed cells Page 18

Christina School District Performance and Participation By School and By Grade

Smarter Mathematics

School Statewide

School Name Grade Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficiency Participation

Rate Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficient Participation


Bancroft Elementary School 3 2353 7 95 2439 53 97

4 2363 5 95 2477 47 97

5 2386 6 98 2499 38 97

Bayard Middle School 6 2397 2 92 2511 34 97

7 2407 < 1 92 2530 37 97

8 2434 7 92 2542 35 96

Brader (Henry M.) Elementary School

3 2434 55 94 2439 53 97

4 2453 41 95 2477 47 97

5 2487 29 90 2499 38 97

Brookside Elementary School 3 2442 55 92 2439 53 97

4 2457 36 86 2477 47 97

5 2482 29 79 2499 38 97

Christiana High School 11 2496 8 88 2541 23 90

Downes (John R.) Elementary School

3 2490 83 97 2439 53 97

4 2482 46 > 99 2477 47 97

5 2541 60 97 2499 38 97

Elbert-Palmer Elementary School 3 2360 14 90 2439 53 97

4 2410 22 95 2477 47 97

5 2436 8 98 2499 38 97

Gallaher (Robert S.) Elementary School

3 2426 41 93 2439 53 97

4 2498 60 > 99 2477 47 97

5 2507 41 93 2499 38 97

Gauger-Cobbs Middle School 6 2476 19 94 2511 34 97

7 2457 11 92 2530 37 97

8 2481 15 86 2542 35 96

Glasgow High School 11 2476 6 82 2541 23 90

Jones (Albert H.) Elementary School 3 2445 63 96 2439 53 97

4 2456 39 97 2477 47 97

5 2480 26 > 99 2499 38 97

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Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment

*Indicates no student in this cell --Indicates FERPA suppression is applied for this cell

Suppression (represented as “~”) may be required to limit exposure of suppressed cells Page 19

Keene (William B.) Elementary School

3 2445 59 95 2439 53 97

4 2453 33 94 2477 47 97

5 2484 28 93 2499 38 97

Kirk (George V.) Middle School 6 2485 23 94 2511 34 97

7 2505 28 96 2530 37 97

8 2517 26 96 2542 35 96

Leasure (May B.) Elementary School

3 2450 56 99 2439 53 97

4 2467 42 > 99 2477 47 97

5 2468 26 97 2499 38 97

Maclary (R. Elisabeth) Elementary School

3 2421 46 86 2439 53 97

4 2511 61 90 2477 47 97

5 2502 38 96 2499 38 97

Marshall (Thurgood) Elementary School

3 2471 77 96 2439 53 97

4 2512 71 98 2477 47 97

5 2527 52 96 2499 38 97

McVey (Joseph M.) Elementary School

3 2424 47 96 2439 53 97

4 2449 23 87 2477 47 97

5 2469 23 96 2499 38 97

Newark High School 11 2544 25 56 2541 23 90

Oberle (William) Elementary School 3 2399 27 > 99 2439 53 97

4 2427 18 98 2477 47 97

5 2462 21 > 99 2499 38 97

Pulaski (Casimir) Elementary School 3 2397 31 99 2439 53 97

4 2438 31 > 99 2477 47 97

5 2438 11 > 99 2499 38 97

Shue-Medill Middle School 6 2485 23 95 2511 34 97

7 2514 27 97 2530 37 97

8 2513 27 96 2542 35 96

Smith (Jennie E.) Elementary School

3 2429 43 > 99 2439 53 97

4 2441 18 97 2477 47 97

5 2485 31 98 2499 38 97

Stubbs (Frederick Douglass) Elementary School

3 2338 11 > 99 2439 53 97

4 2396 6 > 99 2477 47 97

Page 22: Attachment 3 2015 Smarter State Summary School & Charter ... · Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment *Indicates no

Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment

*Indicates no student in this cell --Indicates FERPA suppression is applied for this cell

Suppression (represented as “~”) may be required to limit exposure of suppressed cells Page 20

5 2419 5 98 2499 38 97

West Park Place Elementary School 3 2460 63 93 2439 53 97

4 2506 56 83 2477 47 97

5 2548 67 92 2499 38 97

Wilson (Etta J.) Elementary School 3 2452 60 99 2439 53 97

4 2464 42 > 99 2477 47 97

5 2523 57 98 2499 38 97

Page 23: Attachment 3 2015 Smarter State Summary School & Charter ... · Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment *Indicates no

Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment

*Indicates no student in this cell --Indicates FERPA suppression is applied for this cell

Suppression (represented as “~”) may be required to limit exposure of suppressed cells Page 21

Colonial School District Performance and Participation By School and By Grade

Smarter ELA

School Statewide

School Name Grade Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficiency Participation

Rate Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficient Participation


Bedford (Gunning) Middle School 6 2529 49 99 2524 48 98

7 2556 54 98 2547 50 98

8 2557 44 96 2560 49 97

Castle Hills Elementary School 3 2414 38 98 2438 54 98

4 2460 48 96 2477 54 98

5 2496 48 96 2510 56 98

Downie (Carrie) Elementary School 3 2402 35 96 2438 54 98

4 2469 50 > 99 2477 54 98

5 2494 40 > 99 2510 56 98

Eisenberg (Harry O.) Elementary School

3 2391 33 > 99 2438 54 98

4 2439 32 98 2477 54 98

5 2475 43 98 2510 56 98

McCullough (Calvin R. ) Middle School

6 2501 36 98 2524 48 98

7 2508 31 98 2547 50 98

8 2530 32 98 2560 49 97

New Castle Elementary School 3 2435 53 > 99 2438 54 98

4 2455 39 > 99 2477 54 98

5 2501 44 98 2510 56 98

Penn (William) High School 11 2587 55 92 2582 52 91

Pleasantville Elementary School 3 2453 59 92 2438 54 98

4 2480 49 97 2477 54 98

5 2495 52 96 2510 56 98

Read (George) Middle School 6 2523 51 > 99 2524 48 98

7 2551 57 > 99 2547 50 98

8 2547 47 > 99 2560 49 97

Southern Elementary School 3 2423 51 > 99 2438 54 98

4 2464 48 92 2477 54 98

5 2498 53 97 2510 56 98

Wilbur (Kathleen H.) Elementary 3 2433 53 99 2438 54 98

4 2504 70 > 99 2477 54 98

Page 24: Attachment 3 2015 Smarter State Summary School & Charter ... · Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment *Indicates no

Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment

*Indicates no student in this cell --Indicates FERPA suppression is applied for this cell

Suppression (represented as “~”) may be required to limit exposure of suppressed cells Page 22

5 2535 64 96 2510 56 98

Wilmington Manor Elementary School

3 2415 35 97 2438 54 98

4 2469 47 95 2477 54 98

5 2522 61 98 2510 56 98

Page 25: Attachment 3 2015 Smarter State Summary School & Charter ... · Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment *Indicates no

Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment

*Indicates no student in this cell --Indicates FERPA suppression is applied for this cell

Suppression (represented as “~”) may be required to limit exposure of suppressed cells Page 23

Colonial School District Performance and Participation By School and By Grade

Smarter Mathematics

School Statewide

School Name Grade Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficiency Participation

Rate Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficient Participation


Bedford (Gunning) Middle School 6 2496 22 98 2511 34 97

7 2529 37 97 2530 37 97

8 2518 25 94 2542 35 96

Castle Hills Elementary School 3 2410 33 98 2439 53 97

4 2460 41 96 2477 47 97

5 2492 34 96 2499 38 97

Downie (Carrie) Elementary School 3 2403 29 96 2439 53 97

4 2468 44 > 99 2477 47 97

5 2488 28 > 99 2499 38 97

Eisenberg (Harry O.) Elementary School

3 2408 34 99 2439 53 97

4 2446 27 98 2477 47 97

5 2464 21 99 2499 38 97

McCullough (Calvin R. ) Middle School

6 2469 13 > 99 2511 34 97

7 2487 18 > 99 2530 37 97

8 2497 18 > 99 2542 35 96

New Castle Elementary School 3 2424 38 > 99 2439 53 97

4 2452 35 > 99 2477 47 97

5 2504 46 99 2499 38 97

Penn (William) High School 11 2507 10 89 2541 23 90

Pleasantville Elementary School 3 2430 53 92 2439 53 97

4 2469 42 97 2477 47 97

5 2483 32 96 2499 38 97

Read (George) Middle School 6 2479 20 98 2511 34 97

7 2503 25 95 2530 37 97

8 2509 22 96 2542 35 96

Southern Elementary School 3 2427 52 93 2439 53 97

4 2468 40 86 2477 47 97

5 2500 41 93 2499 38 97

Wilbur (Kathleen H.) Elementary 3 2430 51 99 2439 53 97

4 2487 56 > 99 2477 47 97

Page 26: Attachment 3 2015 Smarter State Summary School & Charter ... · Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment *Indicates no

Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment

*Indicates no student in this cell --Indicates FERPA suppression is applied for this cell

Suppression (represented as “~”) may be required to limit exposure of suppressed cells Page 24

5 2508 43 96 2499 38 97

Wilmington Manor Elementary School

3 2432 46 97 2439 53 97

4 2469 41 97 2477 47 97

5 2504 44 > 99 2499 38 97

Page 27: Attachment 3 2015 Smarter State Summary School & Charter ... · Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment *Indicates no

Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment

*Indicates no student in this cell --Indicates FERPA suppression is applied for this cell

Suppression (represented as “~”) may be required to limit exposure of suppressed cells Page 25

Delmar School District Performance and Participation By School and By Grade

Smarter ELA

School Statewide

School Name Grade Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficiency Participation

Rate Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficient Participation


Delmar High School 11 2639 67 95 2582 52 91

Delmar Middle School 5 2509 61 > 99 2510 56 98

6 2515 49 > 99 2524 48 98

7 2564 54 > 99 2547 50 98

8 2573 57 > 99 2560 49 97

Page 28: Attachment 3 2015 Smarter State Summary School & Charter ... · Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment *Indicates no

Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment

*Indicates no student in this cell --Indicates FERPA suppression is applied for this cell

Suppression (represented as “~”) may be required to limit exposure of suppressed cells Page 26

Delmar School District Performance and Participation By School and By Grade

Smarter Mathematics

School Statewide

School Name Grade Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficiency Participation

Rate Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficient Participation


Delmar High School 11 2599 39 93 2541 23 90

Delmar Middle School 5 2491 31 98 2499 38 97

6 2522 42 > 99 2511 34 97

7 2546 46 > 99 2530 37 97

8 2567 45 99 2542 35 96

Page 29: Attachment 3 2015 Smarter State Summary School & Charter ... · Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment *Indicates no

Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment

*Indicates no student in this cell --Indicates FERPA suppression is applied for this cell

Suppression (represented as “~”) may be required to limit exposure of suppressed cells Page 27

Indian River School District Performance and Participation By School and By Grade

Smarter ELA

School Statewide

School Name Grade Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficiency Participation

Rate Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficient Participation


Clayton (John M.) Elementary School

3 2463 59 99 2438 54 98

4 2498 65 98 2477 54 98

5 2519 56 98 2510 56 98

East Millsboro Elementary School 3 2441 55 98 2438 54 98

4 2487 57 > 99 2477 54 98

5 2542 76 98 2510 56 98

Georgetown Elementary School 3 2434 55 98 2438 54 98

4 2461 48 98 2477 54 98

5 2515 61 97 2510 56 98

Georgetown Middle School 6 2532 56 96 2524 48 98

7 2542 44 97 2547 50 98

8 2559 46 > 99 2560 49 97

Indian River High School 11 2613 61 99 2582 52 91

Long Neck Elementary School 3 2472 73 > 99 2438 54 98

4 2505 65 > 99 2477 54 98

5 2548 77 > 99 2510 56 98

Lord Baltimore Elementary School 3 2490 87 > 99 2438 54 98

4 2519 71 > 99 2477 54 98

5 2549 72 > 99 2510 56 98

Millsboro Middle School 6 2527 50 99 2524 48 98

7 2575 65 99 2547 50 98

8 2559 45 98 2560 49 97

North Georgetown Elementary School

3 2401 35 97 2438 54 98

4 2470 46 98 2477 54 98

5 2486 45 96 2510 56 98

Selbyville Middle School 6 2543 58 99 2524 48 98

7 2581 70 98 2547 50 98

8 2572 58 98 2560 49 97

Showell (Phillip C.) Elementary School

3 2421 44 > 99 2438 54 98

Page 30: Attachment 3 2015 Smarter State Summary School & Charter ... · Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment *Indicates no

Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment

*Indicates no student in this cell --Indicates FERPA suppression is applied for this cell

Suppression (represented as “~”) may be required to limit exposure of suppressed cells Page 28

4 2476 56 97 2477 54 98

5 2537 71 > 99 2510 56 98

Southern Delaware School of the Arts

3 2501 81 > 99 2438 54 98

4 2545 88 98 2477 54 98

5 2570 92 96 2510 56 98

6 2623 96 98 2524 48 98

7 2628 91 96 2547 50 98

8 2635 87 > 99 2560 49 97

Sussex Central High School 11 2555 39 93 2582 52 91

Page 31: Attachment 3 2015 Smarter State Summary School & Charter ... · Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment *Indicates no

Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment

*Indicates no student in this cell --Indicates FERPA suppression is applied for this cell

Suppression (represented as “~”) may be required to limit exposure of suppressed cells Page 29

Indian River School District Performance and Participation By School and By Grade

Smarter Mathematics

School Statewide

School Name Grade Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficiency Participation

Rate Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficient Participation


Clayton (John M.) Elementary School

3 2469 75 97 2439 53 97

4 2489 52 99 2477 47 97

5 2490 25 > 99 2499 38 97

East Millsboro Elementary School 3 2447 56 98 2439 53 97

4 2491 53 > 99 2477 47 97

5 2529 52 > 99 2499 38 97

Georgetown Elementary School 3 2425 43 98 2439 53 97

4 2468 43 98 2477 47 97

5 2501 37 96 2499 38 97

Georgetown Middle School 6 2510 33 98 2511 34 97

7 2526 31 > 99 2530 37 97

8 2552 39 99 2542 35 96

Indian River High School 11 2562 27 98 2541 23 90

Long Neck Elementary School 3 2464 65 98 2439 53 97

4 2499 63 98 2477 47 97

5 2543 65 98 2499 38 97

Lord Baltimore Elementary School 3 2479 77 > 99 2439 53 97

4 2506 64 > 99 2477 47 97

5 2530 50 98 2499 38 97

Millsboro Middle School 6 2516 34 99 2511 34 97

7 2553 44 98 2530 37 97

8 2548 37 98 2542 35 96

North Georgetown Elementary School

3 2412 33 > 99 2439 53 97

4 2470 41 > 99 2477 47 97

5 2470 22 > 99 2499 38 97

Selbyville Middle School 6 2534 40 > 99 2511 34 97

7 2539 43 > 99 2530 37 97

8 2532 29 > 99 2542 35 96

Showell (Phillip C.) Elementary School

3 2428 46 95 2439 53 97

Page 32: Attachment 3 2015 Smarter State Summary School & Charter ... · Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment *Indicates no

Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment

*Indicates no student in this cell --Indicates FERPA suppression is applied for this cell

Suppression (represented as “~”) may be required to limit exposure of suppressed cells Page 30

4 2491 51 > 99 2477 47 97

5 2522 46 > 99 2499 38 97

Southern Delaware School of the Arts

3 2487 89 > 99 2439 53 97

4 2549 90 98 2477 47 97

5 2558 76 96 2499 38 97

6 2592 74 98 2511 34 97

7 2593 67 96 2530 37 97

8 2614 60 98 2542 35 96

Sussex Central High School 11 2528 16 92 2541 23 90

Page 33: Attachment 3 2015 Smarter State Summary School & Charter ... · Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment *Indicates no

Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment

*Indicates no student in this cell --Indicates FERPA suppression is applied for this cell

Suppression (represented as “~”) may be required to limit exposure of suppressed cells Page 31

Lake Forest School District Performance and Participation By School and By Grade

Smarter ELA

School Statewide

School Name Grade Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficiency Participation

Rate Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficient Participation


Chipman (W.T.) Middle School 6 2516 46 > 99 2524 48 98

7 2553 56 98 2547 50 98

8 2561 53 98 2560 49 97

Lake Forest Central Elementary School

4 2478 57 > 99 2477 54 98

5 2525 62 99 2510 56 98

Lake Forest East Elementary School 3 2460 66 96 2438 54 98

Lake Forest High School 11 2603 62 99 2582 52 91

Lake Forest North Elementary School

3 2481 74 > 99 2438 54 98

Lake Forest South Elementary School

3 2452 63 > 99 2438 54 98

Page 34: Attachment 3 2015 Smarter State Summary School & Charter ... · Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment *Indicates no

Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment

*Indicates no student in this cell --Indicates FERPA suppression is applied for this cell

Suppression (represented as “~”) may be required to limit exposure of suppressed cells Page 32

Lake Forest School District Performance and Participation By School and By Grade

Smarter Mathematics

School Statewide

School Name Grade Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficiency Participation

Rate Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficient Participation


Chipman (W.T.) Middle School 6 2513 30 99 2511 34 97

7 2539 43 97 2530 37 97

8 2560 42 96 2542 35 96

Lake Forest Central Elementary School

4 2496 55 98 2477 47 97

5 2518 44 98 2499 38 97

Lake Forest East Elementary School 3 2446 60 96 2439 53 97

Lake Forest High School 11 2529 21 96 2541 23 90

Lake Forest North Elementary School

3 2454 66 > 99 2439 53 97

Lake Forest South Elementary School

3 2456 66 > 99 2439 53 97

Page 35: Attachment 3 2015 Smarter State Summary School & Charter ... · Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment *Indicates no

Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment

*Indicates no student in this cell --Indicates FERPA suppression is applied for this cell

Suppression (represented as “~”) may be required to limit exposure of suppressed cells Page 33

Laurel School District Performance and Participation By School and By Grade

Smarter ELA

School Statewide

School Name Grade Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficiency Participation

Rate Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficient Participation


Laurel Intermediate Middle School 5 2454 28 99 2510 56 98

6 2502 33 > 99 2524 48 98

7 2503 28 > 99 2547 50 98

8 2509 27 > 99 2560 49 97

Laurel Senior High School 11 2562 46 94 2582 52 91

North Laurel Elementary School 3 2386 30 > 99 2438 54 98

4 2455 42 99 2477 54 98

Page 36: Attachment 3 2015 Smarter State Summary School & Charter ... · Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment *Indicates no

Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment

*Indicates no student in this cell --Indicates FERPA suppression is applied for this cell

Suppression (represented as “~”) may be required to limit exposure of suppressed cells Page 34

Laurel School District Performance and Participation By School and By Grade

Smarter Mathematics

School Statewide

School Name Grade Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficiency Participation

Rate Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficient Participation


Laurel Intermediate Middle School 5 2431 7 98 2499 38 97

6 2470 17 99 2511 34 97

7 2483 14 96 2530 37 97

8 2497 20 95 2542 35 96

Laurel Senior High School 11 2455 6 93 2541 23 90

North Laurel Elementary School 3 2405 36 97 2439 53 97

4 2450 30 95 2477 47 97

Page 37: Attachment 3 2015 Smarter State Summary School & Charter ... · Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment *Indicates no

Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment

*Indicates no student in this cell --Indicates FERPA suppression is applied for this cell

Suppression (represented as “~”) may be required to limit exposure of suppressed cells Page 35

Milford School District Performance and Participation By School and By Grade

Smarter ELA

School Statewide

School Name Grade Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficiency Participation

Rate Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficient Participation


Banneker (Benjamin) Elementary School

3 2457 60 > 99 2438 54 98

4 2489 57 > 99 2477 54 98

5 2534 65 > 99 2510 56 98

Milford Central Academy 6 2521 44 > 99 2524 48 98

7 2542 47 > 99 2547 50 98

8 2554 48 98 2560 49 97

Milford Senior High School 11 2564 43 88 2582 52 91

Mispillion Elementary 3 2430 48 96 2438 54 98

4 2471 46 98 2477 54 98

5 2495 48 > 99 2510 56 98

Ross (Lulu M.) Elementary School 3 2441 50 98 2438 54 98

4 2484 58 98 2477 54 98

5 2512 59 98 2510 56 98

Page 38: Attachment 3 2015 Smarter State Summary School & Charter ... · Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment *Indicates no

Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment

*Indicates no student in this cell --Indicates FERPA suppression is applied for this cell

Suppression (represented as “~”) may be required to limit exposure of suppressed cells Page 36

Milford School District Performance and Participation By School and By Grade

Smarter Mathematics

School Statewide

School Name Grade Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficiency Participation

Rate Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficient Participation


Banneker (Benjamin) Elementary School

3 2466 66 > 99 2439 53 97

4 2478 45 97 2477 47 97

5 2535 53 > 99 2499 38 97

Milford Central Academy 6 2522 38 97 2511 34 97

7 2520 33 98 2530 37 97

8 2552 37 97 2542 35 96

Milford Senior High School 11 2528 19 88 2541 23 90

Mispillion Elementary 3 2429 44 98 2439 53 97

4 2465 42 > 99 2477 47 97

5 2481 30 > 99 2499 38 97

Ross (Lulu M.) Elementary School 3 2441 56 97 2439 53 97

4 2475 43 > 99 2477 47 97

5 2488 34 > 99 2499 38 97

Page 39: Attachment 3 2015 Smarter State Summary School & Charter ... · Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment *Indicates no

Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment

*Indicates no student in this cell --Indicates FERPA suppression is applied for this cell

Suppression (represented as “~”) may be required to limit exposure of suppressed cells Page 37

New Castle County Vocational-Technical School District Performance and Participation By School and By Grade

Smarter ELA

School Statewide

School Name Grade Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficiency Participation

Rate Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficient Participation


Delcastle Technical High School 11 2587 55 98 2582 52 91

Hodgson (Paul M.) Vocational Technical High School

11 2544 39 91 2582 52 91

Howard High School of Technology 11 2591 54 99 2582 52 91

St. Georges Technical High School 11 2589 57 90 2582 52 91

Page 40: Attachment 3 2015 Smarter State Summary School & Charter ... · Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment *Indicates no

Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment

*Indicates no student in this cell --Indicates FERPA suppression is applied for this cell

Suppression (represented as “~”) may be required to limit exposure of suppressed cells Page 38

New Castle County Vocational-Technical School District Performance and Participation By School and By Grade

Smarter Mathematics

School Statewide

School Name Grade Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficiency Participation

Rate Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficient Participation


Delcastle Technical High School 11 2532 18 94 2541 23 90

Hodgson (Paul M.) Vocational Technical High School

11 2494 10 90 2541 23 90

Howard High School of Technology 11 2525 13 99 2541 23 90

St. Georges Technical High School 11 2531 19 87 2541 23 90

Page 41: Attachment 3 2015 Smarter State Summary School & Charter ... · Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment *Indicates no

Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment

*Indicates no student in this cell --Indicates FERPA suppression is applied for this cell

Suppression (represented as “~”) may be required to limit exposure of suppressed cells Page 39

POLYTECH School District Performance and Participation By School and By Grade

Smarter ELA

School Statewide

School Name Grade Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficiency Participation

Rate Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficient Participation


POLYTECH High School 11 2639 78 94 2582 52 91

Page 42: Attachment 3 2015 Smarter State Summary School & Charter ... · Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment *Indicates no

Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment

*Indicates no student in this cell --Indicates FERPA suppression is applied for this cell

Suppression (represented as “~”) may be required to limit exposure of suppressed cells Page 40

POLYTECH School District Performance and Participation By School and By Grade

Smarter Mathematics

School Statewide

School Name Grade Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficiency Participation

Rate Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficient Participation


POLYTECH High School 11 2573 30 92 2541 23 90

Page 43: Attachment 3 2015 Smarter State Summary School & Charter ... · Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment *Indicates no

Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment

*Indicates no student in this cell --Indicates FERPA suppression is applied for this cell

Suppression (represented as “~”) may be required to limit exposure of suppressed cells Page 41

Red Clay Consolidated School District Performance and Participation By School and By Grade

Smarter ELA

School Statewide

School Name Grade Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficiency Participation

Rate Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficient Participation


Baltz (Austin D.) Elementary School 3 2400 31 97 2438 54 98

4 2407 15 98 2477 54 98

5 2464 35 > 99 2510 56 98

Brandywine Springs School 3 2486 79 > 99 2438 54 98

4 2522 79 97 2477 54 98

5 2580 85 96 2510 56 98

6 2566 66 97 2524 48 98

7 2582 65 98 2547 50 98

8 2578 57 98 2560 49 97

Calloway (Cab) School of the Arts 6 2586 77 99 2524 48 98

7 2624 84 99 2547 50 98

8 2642 83 > 99 2560 49 97

11 2635 70 84 2582 52 91

Charter School of Wilmington 11 2723 98 > 99 2582 52 91

Conrad Schools of Science 6 2532 51 98 2524 48 98

7 2579 67 96 2547 50 98

8 2571 56 94 2560 49 97

11 2522 34 40 2582 52 91

Delaware College Preparatory Academy

3 2351 4 96 2438 54 98

4 2374 6 95 2477 54 98

5 2439 8 > 99 2510 56 98

Delaware Military Academy 11 2602 54 97 2582 52 91

Dickinson (John) High School 11 2552 40 98 2582 52 91

duPont (Alexis I.) High School 11 2547 39 63 2582 52 91

duPont (Alexis I.) Middle School 6 2451 14 95 2524 48 98

7 2451 9 96 2547 50 98

8 2492 18 94 2560 49 97

duPont (H.B.) Middle School 6 2513 43 98 2524 48 98

7 2558 54 98 2547 50 98

8 2575 51 96 2560 49 97

Page 44: Attachment 3 2015 Smarter State Summary School & Charter ... · Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment *Indicates no

Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment

*Indicates no student in this cell --Indicates FERPA suppression is applied for this cell

Suppression (represented as “~”) may be required to limit exposure of suppressed cells Page 42

Forest Oak Elementary School 3 2426 42 95 2438 54 98

4 2450 42 99 2477 54 98

5 2514 59 96 2510 56 98

Heritage Elementary School 3 2460 68 98 2438 54 98

4 2499 64 97 2477 54 98

5 2512 60 90 2510 56 98

Highlands Elementary School 3 2392 29 99 2438 54 98

4 2414 28 97 2477 54 98

5 2463 32 > 99 2510 56 98

Lewis (William C.) Dual Language Elementary School

3 2425 42 99 2438 54 98

4 2447 29 99 2477 54 98

5 2450 20 96 2510 56 98

Linden Hill Elementary School 3 2486 81 96 2438 54 98

4 2534 76 95 2477 54 98

5 2555 76 95 2510 56 98

Marbrook Elementary School 3 2400 41 98 2438 54 98

4 2437 34 > 99 2477 54 98

5 2483 41 99 2510 56 98

McKean (Thomas) High School 11 2524 25 98 2582 52 91

Mote (Anna P.) Elementary School 3 2412 40 99 2438 54 98

4 2425 26 > 99 2477 54 98

5 2498 48 98 2510 56 98

North Star Elementary School 3 2500 83 97 2438 54 98

4 2546 87 > 99 2477 54 98

5 2597 92 98 2510 56 98

Richardson Park Elementary School 3 2392 31 > 99 2438 54 98

4 2449 38 > 99 2477 54 98

5 2461 29 > 99 2510 56 98

Richey Elementary School 3 2423 56 97 2438 54 98

4 2438 34 > 99 2477 54 98

5 2489 44 99 2510 56 98

Shortlidge (Evan G.) Academy 3 2361 17 96 2438 54 98

4 2418 28 > 99 2477 54 98

5 2429 18 > 99 2510 56 98

Page 45: Attachment 3 2015 Smarter State Summary School & Charter ... · Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment *Indicates no

Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment

*Indicates no student in this cell --Indicates FERPA suppression is applied for this cell

Suppression (represented as “~”) may be required to limit exposure of suppressed cells Page 43

Skyline Middle School 6 2542 59 > 99 2524 48 98

7 2552 51 98 2547 50 98

8 2584 63 97 2560 49 97

Stanton Middle School 6 2445 12 98 2524 48 98

7 2484 24 98 2547 50 98

8 2471 15 97 2560 49 97

Warner Elementary School 3 2357 16 > 99 2438 54 98

4 2405 19 98 2477 54 98

5 2393 5 99 2510 56 98

Page 46: Attachment 3 2015 Smarter State Summary School & Charter ... · Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment *Indicates no

Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment

*Indicates no student in this cell --Indicates FERPA suppression is applied for this cell

Suppression (represented as “~”) may be required to limit exposure of suppressed cells Page 44

Red Clay Consolidated School District Performance and Participation By School and By Grade

Smarter Mathematics

School Statewide

School Name Grade Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficiency Participation

Rate Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficient Participation


Baltz (Austin D.) Elementary School 3 2396 22 97 2439 53 97

4 2431 16 > 99 2477 47 97

5 2453 13 > 99 2499 38 97

Brandywine Springs School 3 2469 74 99 2439 53 97

4 2499 63 99 2477 47 97

5 2562 70 97 2499 38 97

6 2557 56 97 2511 34 97

7 2581 56 > 99 2530 37 97

8 2590 58 93 2542 35 96

Calloway (Cab) School of the Arts 6 2559 57 > 99 2511 34 97

7 2595 66 99 2530 37 97

8 2587 45 > 99 2542 35 96

11 2638 53 92 2541 23 90

Charter School of Wilmington 11 2739 96 > 99 2541 23 90

Conrad Schools of Science 6 2543 45 > 99 2511 34 97

7 2602 69 > 99 2530 37 97

8 2605 62 97 2542 35 96

11 2579 36 47 2541 23 90

Delaware College Preparatory Academy

3 2372 13 96 2439 53 97

4 2394 < 1 95 2477 47 97

5 2429 8 > 99 2499 38 97

Delaware Military Academy 11 2572 28 97 2541 23 90

Dickinson (John) High School 11 2504 14 97 2541 23 90

duPont (Alexis I.) High School 11 2505 16 64 2541 23 90

duPont (Alexis I.) Middle School 6 2423 5 96 2511 34 97

7 2462 16 98 2530 37 97

8 2474 9 94 2542 35 96

duPont (H.B.) Middle School 6 2508 36 98 2511 34 97

7 2545 44 99 2530 37 97

8 2561 38 97 2542 35 96

Page 47: Attachment 3 2015 Smarter State Summary School & Charter ... · Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment *Indicates no

Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment

*Indicates no student in this cell --Indicates FERPA suppression is applied for this cell

Suppression (represented as “~”) may be required to limit exposure of suppressed cells Page 45

Forest Oak Elementary School 3 2426 53 95 2439 53 97

4 2458 37 99 2477 47 97

5 2514 46 96 2499 38 97

Heritage Elementary School 3 2445 64 98 2439 53 97

4 2470 42 96 2477 47 97

5 2478 24 89 2499 38 97

Highlands Elementary School 3 2391 31 99 2439 53 97

4 2407 12 97 2477 47 97

5 2419 10 98 2499 38 97

Lewis (William C.) Dual Language Elementary School

3 2415 28 > 99 2439 53 97

4 2463 39 > 99 2477 47 97

5 2436 7 > 99 2499 38 97

Linden Hill Elementary School 3 2481 81 99 2439 53 97

4 2525 76 96 2477 47 97

5 2543 60 95 2499 38 97

Marbrook Elementary School 3 2399 31 > 99 2439 53 97

4 2434 22 > 99 2477 47 97

5 2482 29 > 99 2499 38 97

McKean (Thomas) High School 11 2467 3 98 2541 23 90

Mote (Anna P.) Elementary School 3 2404 33 > 99 2439 53 97

4 2431 21 > 99 2477 47 97

5 2473 23 > 99 2499 38 97

North Star Elementary School 3 2487 79 > 99 2439 53 97

4 2530 77 > 99 2477 47 97

5 2579 76 > 99 2499 38 97

Richardson Park Elementary School 3 2394 27 > 99 2439 53 97

4 2447 20 > 99 2477 47 97

5 2424 8 > 99 2499 38 97

Richey Elementary School 3 2415 41 98 2439 53 97

4 2439 27 > 99 2477 47 97

5 2490 35 > 99 2499 38 97

Shortlidge (Evan G.) Academy 3 2356 9 96 2439 53 97

4 2412 22 98 2477 47 97

5 2434 16 > 99 2499 38 97

Page 48: Attachment 3 2015 Smarter State Summary School & Charter ... · Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment *Indicates no

Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment

*Indicates no student in this cell --Indicates FERPA suppression is applied for this cell

Suppression (represented as “~”) may be required to limit exposure of suppressed cells Page 46

Skyline Middle School 6 2532 41 > 99 2511 34 97

7 2536 34 99 2530 37 97

8 2564 42 97 2542 35 96

Stanton Middle School 6 2443 8 98 2511 34 97

7 2477 21 98 2530 37 97

8 2459 11 97 2542 35 96

Warner Elementary School 3 2358 17 > 99 2439 53 97

4 2414 11 99 2477 47 97

5 2384 2 99 2499 38 97

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Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment

*Indicates no student in this cell --Indicates FERPA suppression is applied for this cell

Suppression (represented as “~”) may be required to limit exposure of suppressed cells Page 47

Seaford School District Performance and Participation By School and By Grade

Smarter ELA

School Statewide

School Name Grade Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficiency Participation

Rate Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficient Participation


Blades Elementary School 3 2417 48 99 2438 54 98

4 2445 36 97 2477 54 98

5 2504 54 99 2510 56 98

Frederick Douglass Elementary School

3 2399 32 > 99 2438 54 98

4 2466 51 > 99 2477 54 98

5 2485 41 98 2510 56 98

Seaford Central Elementary School 3 2417 42 > 99 2438 54 98

4 2470 53 97 2477 54 98

5 2504 50 > 99 2510 56 98

Seaford Middle School 5 2465 30 97 2510 56 98

6 2495 33 97 2524 48 98

7 2522 38 98 2547 50 98

8 2533 35 99 2560 49 97

Seaford Senior High School 11 2498 25 93 2582 52 91

West Seaford Elementary School 3 2365 21 > 99 2438 54 98

4 2421 32 97 2477 54 98

5 2457 38 > 99 2510 56 98

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Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment

*Indicates no student in this cell --Indicates FERPA suppression is applied for this cell

Suppression (represented as “~”) may be required to limit exposure of suppressed cells Page 48

Seaford School District Performance and Participation By School and By Grade

Smarter Mathematics

School Statewide

School Name Grade Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficiency Participation

Rate Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficient Participation


Blades Elementary School 3 2429 55 99 2439 53 97

4 2446 21 98 2477 47 97

5 2483 32 99 2499 38 97

Frederick Douglass Elementary School

3 2424 38 96 2439 53 97

4 2465 45 > 99 2477 47 97

5 2467 20 96 2499 38 97

Seaford Central Elementary School 3 2433 51 92 2439 53 97

4 2475 49 96 2477 47 97

5 2498 31 92 2499 38 97

Seaford Middle School 5 2478 25 97 2499 38 97

6 2478 20 94 2511 34 97

7 2493 21 96 2530 37 97

8 2507 22 98 2542 35 96

Seaford Senior High School 11 2467 4 89 2541 23 90

West Seaford Elementary School 3 2378 18 > 99 2439 53 97

4 2418 19 95 2477 47 97

5 2462 29 > 99 2499 38 97

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Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment

*Indicates no student in this cell --Indicates FERPA suppression is applied for this cell

Suppression (represented as “~”) may be required to limit exposure of suppressed cells Page 49

Smyrna School District Performance and Participation By School and By Grade

Smarter ELA

School Statewide

School Name Grade Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficiency Participation

Rate Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficient Participation


Clayton Elementary School 3 2466 66 99 2438 54 98

4 2504 72 > 99 2477 54 98

Clayton Intermediate School 5 2522 62 > 99 2510 56 98

6 2549 57 98 2524 48 98

Moore (John Bassett) School 5 2517 59 97 2510 56 98

6 2520 45 98 2524 48 98

North Smyrna Elementary School 3 2418 46 99 2438 54 98

4 2465 47 94 2477 54 98

Smyrna Elementary School 3 2467 63 > 99 2438 54 98

4 2486 61 99 2477 54 98

Smyrna High School 11 2561 38 97 2582 52 91

Smyrna Middle School 7 2565 58 > 99 2547 50 98

8 2567 52 97 2560 49 97

Sunnyside Elementary School 3 2485 80 97 2438 54 98

4 2513 72 98 2477 54 98

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Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment

*Indicates no student in this cell --Indicates FERPA suppression is applied for this cell

Suppression (represented as “~”) may be required to limit exposure of suppressed cells Page 50

Smyrna School District Performance and Participation By School and By Grade

Smarter Mathematics

School Statewide

School Name Grade Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficiency Participation

Rate Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficient Participation


Clayton Elementary School 3 2456 65 > 99 2439 53 97

4 2500 59 > 99 2477 47 97

Clayton Intermediate School 5 2522 50 99 2499 38 97

6 2560 59 98 2511 34 97

Moore (John Bassett) School 5 2498 38 97 2499 38 97

6 2511 36 96 2511 34 97

North Smyrna Elementary School 3 2406 27 97 2439 53 97

4 2477 49 96 2477 47 97

Smyrna Elementary School 3 2462 61 > 99 2439 53 97

4 2478 44 99 2477 47 97

Smyrna High School 11 2523 14 98 2541 23 90

Smyrna Middle School 7 2527 33 > 99 2530 37 97

8 2541 34 98 2542 35 96

Sunnyside Elementary School 3 2486 75 98 2439 53 97

4 2492 52 98 2477 47 97

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Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment

*Indicates no student in this cell --Indicates FERPA suppression is applied for this cell

Suppression (represented as “~”) may be required to limit exposure of suppressed cells Page 51

Sussex Technical School District Performance and Participation By School and By Grade

Smarter ELA

School Statewide

School Name Grade Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficiency Participation

Rate Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficient Participation


Sussex Technical High School 11 2633 73 > 99 2582 52 91

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Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment

*Indicates no student in this cell --Indicates FERPA suppression is applied for this cell

Suppression (represented as “~”) may be required to limit exposure of suppressed cells Page 52

Sussex Technical School District Performance and Participation By School and By Grade

Smarter Mathematics

School Statewide

School Name Grade Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficiency Participation

Rate Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficient Participation


Sussex Technical High School 11 2602 36 > 99 2541 23 90

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Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment

*Indicates no student in this cell --Indicates FERPA suppression is applied for this cell

Suppression (represented as “~”) may be required to limit exposure of suppressed cells Page 53

Woodbridge School District Performance and Participation By School and By Grade

Smarter ELA

School Statewide

School Name Grade Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficiency Participation

Rate Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficient Participation


Phillis Wheatley Elementary School 3 2426 45 99 2438 54 98

4 2447 37 99 2477 54 98

5 2485 45 99 2510 56 98

Woodbridge High School 11 2485 13 98 2582 52 91

Woodbridge Middle School 6 2484 32 98 2524 48 98

7 2514 37 97 2547 50 98

8 2502 23 96 2560 49 97

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Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment

*Indicates no student in this cell --Indicates FERPA suppression is applied for this cell

Suppression (represented as “~”) may be required to limit exposure of suppressed cells Page 54

Woodbridge School District Performance and Participation By School and By Grade

Smarter Mathematics

School Statewide

School Name Grade Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficiency Participation

Rate Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficient Participation


Phillis Wheatley Elementary School 3 2437 51 99 2439 53 97

4 2470 39 99 2477 47 97

5 2489 32 98 2499 38 97

Woodbridge High School 11 2479 8 98 2541 23 90

Woodbridge Middle School 6 2484 24 98 2511 34 97

7 2497 22 99 2530 37 97

8 2499 18 96 2542 35 96

Page 57: Attachment 3 2015 Smarter State Summary School & Charter ... · Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment *Indicates no

Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment

*Indicates no student in this cell --Indicates FERPA suppression is applied for this cell

Suppression (represented as “~”) may be required to limit exposure of suppressed cells Page 55

Charter School Performance & Participation

Charter Schools Performance and Participation

Smarter ELA

Charter Schools Statewide

School Grade Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficient Participation

Rate Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficient Participation


Academy Of Dover Charter School 3 2425 41 > 99 2438 54 98

4 2441 38 > 99 2477 54 98

5 2465 24 > 99 2510 56 98

Campus Community School 3 2416 48 > 99 2438 54 98

4 2453 40 > 99 2477 54 98

5 2512 67 98 2510 56 98

6 2564 67 > 99 2524 48 98

7 2595 77 96 2547 50 98

8 2596 66 > 99 2560 49 97

Charter School of Wilmington 11 2723 98 > 99 2582 52 91

Delaware Academy of Public Safety and Security

11 2471 21 96 2582 52 91

Delaware College Preparatory Academy

3 2351 4 96 2438 54 98

4 2374 6 95 2477 54 98

Delaware Military Academy 11 2602 54 97 2582 52 91

East Side Charter School 3 2382 26 98 2438 54 98

4 2421 27 90 2477 54 98

5 2424 11 95 2510 56 98

6 2475 24 98 2524 48 98

7 2475 6 97 2547 50 98

8 2513 20 97 2560 49 97

Edison (Thomas A.) Charter School 3 2388 25 > 99 2438 54 98

4 2439 35 99 2477 54 98

5 2465 38 > 99 2510 56 98

6 2478 21 > 99 2524 48 98

7 2521 37 > 99 2547 50 98

8 2554 51 > 99 2560 49 97

Family Foundations Academy 3 2385 24 98 2438 54 98

4 2475 49 98 2477 54 98

5 2459 28 > 99 2510 56 98

Page 58: Attachment 3 2015 Smarter State Summary School & Charter ... · Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment *Indicates no

Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment

*Indicates no student in this cell --Indicates FERPA suppression is applied for this cell

Suppression (represented as “~”) may be required to limit exposure of suppressed cells Page 56

6 2495 40 97 2524 48 98

7 2522 39 > 99 2547 50 98

8 2529 37 99 2560 49 97

First State Montessori Academy 3 2444 62 > 99 2438 54 98

4 2473 51 > 99 2477 54 98

5 2518 59 > 99 2510 56 98

6 2538 54 > 99 2524 48 98

Gateway Lab School 3 2373 21 > 99 2438 54 98

4 2377 9 92 2477 54 98

5 2418 17 > 99 2510 56 98

6 2436 20 98 2524 48 98

7 2472 14 97 2547 50 98

8 2476 11 > 99 2560 49 97

Kuumba Academy Charter School 3 2426 43 98 2438 54 98

4 2468 46 > 99 2477 54 98

5 2495 41 97 2510 56 98

6 2521 43 > 99 2524 48 98

7 2553 50 97 2547 50 98

Las Americas ASPIRA Academy 3 2413 40 99 2438 54 98

4 2483 54 > 99 2477 54 98

5 2516 60 > 99 2510 56 98

6 2524 46 > 99 2524 48 98

7 2557 51 > 99 2547 50 98

8 2593 76 > 99 2560 49 97

MOT Charter School 3 2483 83 > 99 2438 54 98

4 2519 75 99 2477 54 98

5 2552 73 99 2510 56 98

6 2569 72 > 99 2524 48 98

7 2605 72 > 99 2547 50 98

8 2631 78 > 99 2560 49 97

Moyer (Maurice J.) Academy 6 2387 6 > 99 2524 48 98

7 2430 6 88 2547 50 98

8 2440 < 1 96 2560 49 97

11 2539 24 65 2582 52 91

Newark Charter School 3 2538 95 > 99 2438 54 98

Page 59: Attachment 3 2015 Smarter State Summary School & Charter ... · Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment *Indicates no

Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment

*Indicates no student in this cell --Indicates FERPA suppression is applied for this cell

Suppression (represented as “~”) may be required to limit exposure of suppressed cells Page 57

4 2572 93 99 2477 54 98

5 2597 86 > 99 2510 56 98

6 2645 96 > 99 2524 48 98

7 2662 96 > 99 2547 50 98

8 2688 94 > 99 2560 49 97

Odyssey Charter School 3 2479 76 98 2438 54 98

4 2531 78 > 99 2477 54 98

5 2580 87 > 99 2510 56 98

6 2573 72 > 99 2524 48 98

7 2596 75 > 99 2547 50 98

Positive Outcomes Charter School 7 2471 11 > 99 2547 50 98

8 2460 13 > 99 2560 49 97

11 2513 19 > 99 2582 52 91

Prestige Academy 5 2426 21 98 2510 56 98

6 2460 18 95 2524 48 98

7 2475 15 96 2547 50 98

8 2478 18 98 2560 49 97

Providence Creek Academy Charter School

3 2475 81 > 99 2438 54 98

4 2494 63 > 99 2477 54 98

5 2522 60 97 2510 56 98

6 2551 64 > 99 2524 48 98

7 2578 69 97 2547 50 98

8 2587 59 > 99 2560 49 97

Reach Academy for Girls 3 2390 24 96 2438 54 98

4 2449 42 75 2477 54 98

5 2469 33 98 2510 56 98

6 2496 25 92 2524 48 98

7 2506 28 > 99 2547 50 98

8 2553 37 78 2560 49 97

Sussex Academy of Arts and Sciences

6 2618 93 > 99 2524 48 98

7 2666 98 98 2547 50 98

8 2665 95 > 99 2560 49 97

Page 60: Attachment 3 2015 Smarter State Summary School & Charter ... · Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment *Indicates no

Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment

*Indicates no student in this cell --Indicates FERPA suppression is applied for this cell

Suppression (represented as “~”) may be required to limit exposure of suppressed cells Page 58

Charter Schools Performance and Participation

Smarter Mathematics

Charter Schools Statewide

School Grade Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficient Participation

Rate Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficient Participation


Academy Of Dover Charter School 3 2417 33 > 99 2439 53 97

4 2446 30 > 99 2477 47 97

5 2458 10 > 99 2499 38 97

Campus Community School 3 2413 38 > 99 2439 53 97

4 2454 31 > 99 2477 47 97

5 2483 37 98 2499 38 97

6 2510 31 > 99 2511 34 97

7 2553 44 93 2530 37 97

8 2568 42 > 99 2542 35 96

Charter School of Wilmington 11 2739 96 > 99 2541 23 90

Delaware Academy of Public Safety and Security

11 2435 7 96 2541 23 90

Delaware College Preparatory Academy

3 2372 13 96 2439 53 97

4 2394 < 1 95 2477 47 97

Delaware Military Academy 11 2572 28 97 2541 23 90

East Side Charter School 3 2411 33 98 2439 53 97

4 2456 33 90 2477 47 97

5 2441 8 98 2499 38 97

6 2483 21 98 2511 34 97

7 2472 9 97 2530 37 97

8 2549 34 97 2542 35 96

Edison (Thomas A.) Charter School 3 2404 30 > 99 2439 53 97

4 2450 24 96 2477 47 97

5 2458 17 > 99 2499 38 97

6 2478 19 > 99 2511 34 97

7 2495 12 99 2530 37 97

8 2510 23 > 99 2542 35 96

Family Foundations Academy 3 2405 31 98 2439 53 97

4 2475 39 98 2477 47 97

5 2454 6 > 99 2499 38 97

6 2495 29 97 2511 34 97

Page 61: Attachment 3 2015 Smarter State Summary School & Charter ... · Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment *Indicates no

Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment

*Indicates no student in this cell --Indicates FERPA suppression is applied for this cell

Suppression (represented as “~”) may be required to limit exposure of suppressed cells Page 59

7 2532 37 > 99 2530 37 97

8 2514 25 99 2542 35 96

First State Montessori Academy 3 2421 42 > 99 2439 53 97

4 2454 35 > 99 2477 47 97

5 2514 52 > 99 2499 38 97

6 2451 31 > 99 2511 34 97

Gateway Lab School 3 2360 11 90 2439 53 97

4 2383 8 93 2477 47 97

5 2395 5 98 2499 38 97

6 2404 2 95 2511 34 97

7 2389 3 92 2530 37 97

8 2439 4 97 2542 35 96

Kuumba Academy Charter School 3 2449 63 98 2439 53 97

4 2486 44 > 99 2477 47 97

5 2479 23 97 2499 38 97

6 2470 18 > 99 2511 34 97

7 2561 42 97 2530 37 97

Las Americas ASPIRA Academy 3 2430 51 99 2439 53 97

4 2488 42 > 99 2477 47 97

5 2500 31 > 99 2499 38 97

6 2538 36 > 99 2511 34 97

7 2543 41 > 99 2530 37 97

8 2547 28 > 99 2542 35 96

MOT Charter School 3 2504 89 > 99 2439 53 97

4 2521 75 99 2477 47 97

5 2553 59 99 2499 38 97

6 2584 73 > 99 2511 34 97

7 2604 65 > 99 2530 37 97

8 2620 66 > 99 2542 35 96

Moyer (Maurice J.) Academy 6 2404 6 > 99 2511 34 97

7 2428 < 1 88 2530 37 97

8 2436 < 1 96 2542 35 96

11 2463 < 1 69 2541 23 90

Newark Charter School 3 2540 93 99 2439 53 97

4 2543 81 99 2477 47 97

Page 62: Attachment 3 2015 Smarter State Summary School & Charter ... · Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment *Indicates no

Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment

*Indicates no student in this cell --Indicates FERPA suppression is applied for this cell

Suppression (represented as “~”) may be required to limit exposure of suppressed cells Page 60

5 2564 70 > 99 2499 38 97

6 2635 87 > 99 2511 34 97

7 2653 86 > 99 2530 37 97

8 2691 89 > 99 2542 35 96

Odyssey Charter School 3 2485 73 98 2439 53 97

4 2528 71 > 99 2477 47 97

5 2575 77 > 99 2499 38 97

6 2580 60 > 99 2511 34 97

7 2595 63 > 99 2530 37 97

Positive Outcomes Charter School 7 2457 < 1 90 2530 37 97

8 2414 < 1 > 99 2542 35 96

11 2450 4 96 2541 23 90

Prestige Academy 5 2430 18 98 2499 38 97

6 2442 9 96 2511 34 97

7 2456 13 94 2530 37 97

8 2468 16 98 2542 35 96

Providence Creek Academy Charter School

3 2480 76 99 2439 53 97

4 2475 50 > 99 2477 47 97

5 2502 36 97 2499 38 97

6 2516 37 > 99 2511 34 97

7 2533 38 97 2530 37 97

8 2512 19 > 99 2542 35 96

Reach Academy for Girls 3 2393 27 96 2439 53 97

4 2446 31 75 2477 47 97

5 2452 12 98 2499 38 97

6 2447 8 95 2511 34 97

7 2465 18 > 99 2530 37 97

8 2470 3 88 2542 35 96

Sussex Academy of Arts and Sciences

6 2576 62 > 99 2511 34 97

7 2627 79 98 2530 37 97

8 2655 81 > 99 2542 35 96

Page 63: Attachment 3 2015 Smarter State Summary School & Charter ... · Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment *Indicates no

Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment

*Indicates no student in this cell --Indicates FERPA suppression is applied for this cell

Suppression (represented as “~”) may be required to limit exposure of suppressed cells Page 61

Special Schools Performance & Participation Special Schools Performance and Participation

Smarter ELA

Special Schools Statewide

School Grade Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficient Participation

Rate Mean

Scale Score Percent

Proficient Participation


Carver (G.W.) Educational Center 3 2334 < 1 75 2438 54 98

4 2438 50 > 99 2477 54 98

5 2363 < 1 > 99 2510 56 98

6 2396 < 1 > 99 2524 48 98

7 2411 < 1 > 99 2547 50 98

8 2451 7 > 99 2560 49 97

11 2431 < 1 55 2582 52 91

Central School (The) 6 2331 < 1 94 2524 48 98

7 2357 < 1 > 99 2547 50 98

8 2354 < 1 > 99 2560 49 97

11 2384 < 1 > 99 2582 52 91

Cleveland White School 8 2499 50 > 99 2560 49 97

11 2464 < 1 > 99 2582 52 91

Delaware Day Treatment Center (6-14) Dover

4 2373 < 1 > 99 2477 54 98

5 2489 50 > 99 2510 56 98

8 2588 > 99 > 99 2560 49 97

Delaware School for the Deaf Secondary

3 2284 < 1 83 2438 54 98

4 2385 33 > 99 2477 54 98

5 2311 < 1 > 99 2510 56 98

6 2292 < 1 > 99 2524 48 98

7 2377 < 1 > 99 2547 50 98

11 2446 < 1 > 99 2582 52 91

Douglass School 3 2304 < 1 > 99 2438 54 98

4 2324 < 1 > 99 2477 54 98

5 2205 < 1 > 99 2510 56 98

6 2475 < 1 63 2524 48 98

7 2318 < 1 81 2547 50 98

8 2525 < 1 42 2560 49 97

Ferris School for Boys 8 2360 < 1 > 99 2560 49 97

Page 64: Attachment 3 2015 Smarter State Summary School & Charter ... · Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment *Indicates no

Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment

*Indicates no student in this cell --Indicates FERPA suppression is applied for this cell

Suppression (represented as “~”) may be required to limit exposure of suppressed cells Page 62

11 2438 < 1 > 99 2582 52 91

First State School 6 2438 < 1 > 99 2524 48 98

7 2479 50 > 99 2547 50 98

8 2622 > 99 > 99 2560 49 97

11 2699 > 99 > 99 2582 52 91

John S. Charlton School 5 2513 > 99 33 2510 56 98

Kent County Community School 5 2316 < 1 > 99 2510 56 98

Kent County Secondary ILC 6 2382 33 > 99 2524 48 98

7 2396 < 1 > 99 2547 50 98

8 2369 < 1 94 2560 49 97

11 2425 9 > 99 2582 52 91

Kent Elementary Intensive Learning Center

3 2324 < 1 83 2438 54 98

4 2350 10 > 99 2477 54 98

5 2410 15 93 2510 56 98

Lewes Day Treatment Center (6-14) 3 2331 < 1 > 99 2438 54 98

4 2460 < 1 > 99 2477 54 98

5 2359 < 1 50 2510 56 98

6 2375 < 1 75 2524 48 98

NCC Detention Center 7 2463 < 1 > 99 2547 50 98

Richardson Park Learning Center 3 2273 < 1 > 99 2438 54 98

4 2286 < 1 > 99 2477 54 98

5 2308 < 1 > 99 2510 56 98

Seaford House Day Treatment Center

6 2441 < 1 > 99 2524 48 98

7 2506 < 1 > 99 2547 50 98

8 2499 < 1 > 99 2560 49 97

Silver Lake Treatment Center 6 2336 < 1 > 99 2524 48 98

7 2462 25 > 99 2547 50 98

8 2503 < 1 67 2560 49 97

Stevenson House Detention Center 7 2383 < 1 > 99 2547 50 98

8 2410 < 1 80 2560 49 97

11 2446 < 1 > 99 2582 52 91

Terry Childrens Psychiatric Center 3 2329 < 1 > 99 2438 54 98

4 2362 < 1 75 2477 54 98

5 2356 20 > 99 2510 56 98

Page 65: Attachment 3 2015 Smarter State Summary School & Charter ... · Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment *Indicates no

Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment

*Indicates no student in this cell --Indicates FERPA suppression is applied for this cell

Suppression (represented as “~”) may be required to limit exposure of suppressed cells Page 63

6 2408 < 1 > 99 2524 48 98

7 2501 < 1 > 99 2547 50 98

The Wallace Wallin School 6 2373 25 80 2524 48 98

7 2396 < 1 67 2547 50 98

8 2404 < 1 86 2560 49 97

11 2446 < 1 62 2582 52 91

Special Schools Performance and Participation

Smarter Mathematics

Special Schools Statewide

School Grade


Scale Score






Scale Score





Carver (G.W.) Educational Center 3 2326 33 75 2439 53 97

4 2442 50 > 99 2477 47 97

5 2378 < 1 > 99 2499 38 97

6 2344 < 1 83 2511 34 97

7 2375 < 1 > 99 2530 37 97

8 2397 < 1 > 99 2542 35 96

11 2452 < 1 55 2541 23 90

Central School (The) 6 2288 < 1 89 2511 34 97

7 2304 < 1 > 99 2530 37 97

8 2339 < 1 > 99 2542 35 96

11 2365 < 1 > 99 2541 23 90

Cleveland White School 7 2470 < 1 > 99 2530 37 97

8 2472 < 1 67 2542 35 96

11 2435 < 1 > 99 2541 23 90

Delaware Day Treatment Center

(6-14) Dover

4 2375 < 1 > 99 2477 47 97

5 2456 < 1 > 99 2499 38 97

8 2550 < 1 > 99 2542 35 96

Delaware School for the Deaf


3 2323 20 83 2439 53 97

4 2458 33 > 99 2477 47 97

5 2267 < 1 67 2499 38 97

6 2363 < 1 67 2511 34 97

7 2380 < 1 75 2530 37 97

11 2421 < 1 80 2541 23 90

Page 66: Attachment 3 2015 Smarter State Summary School & Charter ... · Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment *Indicates no

Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment

*Indicates no student in this cell --Indicates FERPA suppression is applied for this cell

Suppression (represented as “~”) may be required to limit exposure of suppressed cells Page 64

Douglass School 3 2314 < 1 > 99 2439 53 97

4 2277 < 1 > 99 2477 47 97

5 2339 < 1 > 99 2499 38 97

6 2235 < 1 53 2511 34 97

7 2387 < 1 71 2530 37 97

8 2388 < 1 48 2542 35 96

Ferris School for Boys 8 2358 < 1 > 99 2542 35 96

11 2413 < 1 > 99 2541 23 90

First State School 6 2453 < 1 > 99 2511 34 97

7 2513 50 > 99 2530 37 97

8 2488 < 1 > 99 2542 35 96

11 2598 50 > 99 2541 23 90

John S. Charlton School 5 2450 < 1 7 2499 38 97

Kent County Community School 5 2362 < 1 > 99 2499 38 97

Kent County Secondary ILC 6 2460 < 1 > 99 2511 34 97

7 2379 < 1 > 99 2530 37 97

8 2383 < 1 94 2542 35 96

11 2400 9 93 2541 23 90

Kent Elementary Intensive

Learning Center

3 2403 60 77 2439 53 97

4 2357 < 1 > 99 2477 47 97

5 2455 15 93 2499 38 97

Lewes Day Treatment Center (6-


3 2284 < 1 > 99 2439 53 97

4 2406 < 1 > 99 2477 47 97

5 2422 < 1 > 99 2499 38 97

6 2323 < 1 75 2511 34 97

NCC Detention Center 7 2385 < 1 > 99 2530 37 97

11 2480 < 1 > 99 2541 23 90

Richardson Park Learning Center 3 2240 < 1 94 2439 53 97

4 2290 < 1 92 2477 47 97

5 2335 < 1 95 2499 38 97

Seaford House Day Treatment


6 2343 < 1 > 99 2511 34 97

7 2485 < 1 > 99 2530 37 97

8 2384 < 1 > 99 2542 35 96

Page 67: Attachment 3 2015 Smarter State Summary School & Charter ... · Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment *Indicates no

Attachment 3 – 2015 DCAS State Summary – School Performance & Participation Office of Assessment

*Indicates no student in this cell --Indicates FERPA suppression is applied for this cell

Suppression (represented as “~”) may be required to limit exposure of suppressed cells Page 65

Silver Lake Treatment Center 6 2363 < 1 > 99 2511 34 97

8 2451 < 1 > 99 2542 35 96

Stevenson House Detention Center 7 2340 < 1 > 99 2530 37 97

8 2378 < 1 83 2542 35 96

11 2399 < 1 > 99 2541 23 90

Terry Childrens Psychiatric Center 3 2341 < 1 > 99 2439 53 97

4 2414 < 1 80 2477 47 97

5 2363 < 1 > 99 2499 38 97

6 2423 < 1 > 99 2511 34 97

7 2541 < 1 > 99 2530 37 97

The Wallace Wallin School 6 2385 < 1 80 2511 34 97

7 2429 < 1 80 2530 37 97

8 2404 < 1 79 2542 35 96

11 2437 < 1 64 2541 23 90