ATP Final Review

ATP Final Review


ATP Final Review . What is a defining geographic feature of the Indian subcontinent?. Desertification Deforestation A lack of arable land M onsoons. The British were interested in colonizing India mainly for. Economic reasons Political concerns Religious reasons Their similar culture. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of ATP Final Review

Page 1: ATP Final Review

ATP Final Review

Page 2: ATP Final Review

What is a defining geographic feature of the Indian subcontinent?1. Desertification2. Deforestation3. A lack of arable

land4. Monsoons

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The British were interested in colonizing India mainly for1. Economic

reasons2. Political

concerns3. Religious

reasons4. Their similar


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The British East India Company1. Was a secret

army2. Helped Britain

take control of India

3. Was made up of Sepoys

4. Was a group of missionaries

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What was the Sepoy Mutiny?1. A revolt of Indian soldiers

against the British.

2. A Hindu custom

3. A Muslim revolt

4. A revolt that occurred in Kashmir

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What happened to East Pakistan in 1971?1. It became part

of India.2. It became part

of China.3. It became the

nation of Sri Lanka.

4. It became the nation of Bangladesh.

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Why did East Pakistan want independence?1. They wanted to

unify with Kashmir.

2. They wanted to unify with India.

3. They thought the government neglected them.

4. They reject East Pakistan’s socialism.

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Performing one’s karma affects one’s dharma?1. True2. False

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Martin Luther King followed the practices of Gandhi.1. True2. False

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All of Kashmir is part of Pakistan today.1. True2. False

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Plato was sentenced to death by Hemlock.1. True2. False

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I_P_R_A_I_M1. M S I E L2. A T U C C3. I I F Z G4. L A X X I

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Alexander : Macedonia :: Hannibal : 1. Carthage2. Rome3. Jerusalem4. Babylon

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ninjitsu : Japan :: kung-fu : 1. Korea2. Thailand3. China4. Malaysia

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The geography of Greece helped to create1. A Greek empire2. Unity among

the Greeks3. City-states4. Isolation from

the world

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Which Greek-speaking people fought in the Trojan War?1. Minoans2. Dorians3. Mycenaeans4. Spartans

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What was Plato’s vision for an ideal government?1. Democracy2. Autocracy3. The state

should guarantee the equality of its citizens.

4. The state should regulate all aspects of your life.

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What was the greatest achievement of Alexander the Great?1. Library in

Alexandria, Egypt

2. Unity of his empire

3. Spread of Greek culture

4. Macedonian dynasty

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The philosopher Zeno taught1. Those who are

unequal in society are not morally equal

2. Avoiding disappointments by accepting your lot in life.

3. The golden mean4. The state should

regulate every aspect of your life.

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Banishing a public figure1. Ostracism2. Stoicism3. Homerism4. polytheism

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Who were the first European settlers to settle in South Africa?1. English 2. German3. Dutch4. Begian

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Why were the students protesting at Soweto?1. Outrage of the

death of Biko2. Against the

pass laws3. Against having

to learn the Afrikaan language

4. For more rights

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Who was the last white president of South Africa?1. Steve Biko2. Mohandas

Gandhi3. Nelson Mandela4. F.W. DeKlerk

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Hercules : Rome :: Heracles : 1. mythology2. cartoon3. Greece4. fable

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S_B_O_T_N_N_1. U E C I N T2. U I Q B A R3. W C E X O I4. O O O C P H

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Believe in Karma1. Hinduism2. Buddhism3. Both

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Caste system is essential1. Hinduism2. Buddhism3. Both

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Ganges River is sacred1. Hinduism2. Buddhism3. Both

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Playing video games is a waste of time1. Hinduism2. Buddhism3. Both