Atomic and Nuclear-Standard

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Transcript of Atomic and Nuclear-Standard

  • 8/19/2019 Atomic and Nuclear-Standard


    1. Which one of the following correctly gives the number of electrons, protons and neutrons in a

    neutral atom of the nuclideCu6529 ?

    Number of electrons Number of protons Number of neutrons

    A 65 29 !6

    " !6 !6 29

    C 29 29 65

    # 29 29 !6



    2. $n the %eiger&'arsden e(periment, α particles are scattered by gold nuclei )he e(perimental

    results indicate that most α particles are

    A scattered only at small angles

    " scattered only at large angles

    C absorbed in the target

    # scattered bac* along the original direction



    3. A sample of radioactive carbon&+ decays into a stable isotope of nitrogen As the carbon&+

    decays, the rate at which the amount of nitrogen is produced

    A decreases linearly with time

    " increases linearly with time

    C decreases e(ponentially with time

    # increases e(ponentially with time



  • 8/19/2019 Atomic and Nuclear-Standard


    4. )he unified mass unit is defined as

    A the mass of one neutral atom of+2

    6 C

    " +2+

     of the mass of one neutral atom of+2

    6 C

    C 6


     of the mass of one neutral atom of+2

    6 C

    # the mass of the nucleus of+2

    6 C



    5. )his -uestion is about nuclear reactions

    .a/ Complete the table below, by placing a tic* . / in the relevant columns, to show how an

    increase in each of the following properties affects the rate of decay of a sample of

    radioactive material

    PropertyEffect on rate of decay

    increase decrease stays the same

    temperature of sample

     pressure on sample

    amount of sample



    0adium&226 .


    0a/ undergoes natural radioactive decay to disintegrate spontaneouslywith the emission of an alpha particle .α&particle/ to form radon .0n/ )he masses of the

     particles involved in the reaction are

    radium 226325 u

    radon 2223+46 u

    α&particle 3326 u

    .b/ .i/ Complete the nuclear reaction e-uation below for this reaction


    11 0a   →




  • 8/19/2019 Atomic and Nuclear-Standard



    .ii/ Calculate the energy released in the reaction



    .c/ )he radium nucleus was stationary before the reaction

    .i/ 7(plain, in terms of the momentum of the particles, why the radon nucleus and the

    α&particle move off in opposite directions after the reaction



    .ii/ )he speed of the radon nucleus after the reaction is v0  and that of the α&particle is

    vα 8how that the ratio0 



     is e-ual to 555



  • 8/19/2019 Atomic and Nuclear-Standard


    .iii/ sing the ratio given in .ii/ above, deduce that the *inetic energy of the radon

    nucleus is much less than the *inetic energy of the α&particle



    .d/ :ot all of the energy of the reaction is released as *inetic energy of the α&particle and of

    the radon nucleus 8uggest one other form in which the energy is released



    Another type of nuclear reaction is a fusion reaction )his reaction is the main source of the

    8un;s radiant energy

    .e/ .i/ 8tate what is meant by a fusion reaction



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    .ii/ 7(plain why the temperature and pressure of the gases in the 8un;s core must both

     be very high for it to produce its radiant energy

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  • 8/19/2019 Atomic and Nuclear-Standard


    .c/ $n total, there are appro(imately +329

     electrons in the atoms ma*ing up a person

    .i/ 7stimate the electrostatic force of repulsion between two people standing +33 m

    apart as a result of these electrons



    .ii/ 7(plain why two people standing +33 m apart would not feel the force that you

    have calculated in part .i/


    (Total 11 marks)


  • 8/19/2019 Atomic and Nuclear-Standard


    !. Which one of the following correctly identifies the atomic .proton/ number and mass .nucleon/

    number of a nucleus that has neutrons n and protons p?

    "tom#c number $ass number

    A  p n

    "  p n +  p

    C n p

    # n +  p p



    %. )his -uestion is about nuclear reactions

    .a/ .i/ #istinguish between fission and radioactive decay



    A nucleus of uranium&2!5 .2!5

    92 / may absorb a neutron and then undergo fission to produce

    nuclei of strontium&93 .8r 93

    !1 / and (enon&+2 .>e+,2

    5, / and some neutrons

    )he strontium&93 and the (enon&+2 nuclei both undergo radioactive decay with the emission of  β 


    .ii/ Write down the nuclear e-uation for this fission reaction



  • 8/19/2019 Atomic and Nuclear-Standard


    .iii/ 8tate the effect, if any, on the mass number .nucleon number/ and on the atomic

    number .proton number/ of a nucleus when the nucleus undergoes β   


    'ass number

    Atomic number



    )he uranium&2!5 nucleus is stationary at the time that the fission reaction occurs $n this fission

    reaction, +91 'e@ of energy is released =f this total energy, +32 'e@ and 65 'e@ are the

    *inetic energies of the strontium&93 and (enon&+2 nuclei respectively

    .b/ .i/ Calculate the magnitude of the momentum of the strontium&93 nucleus



    .ii/ 7(plain why the magnitude of the momentum of the strontium&93 nucleus is note(actly e-ual in magnitude to that of the (enon&+2 nucleus



    =n the diagram below, the circle represents the position of a uranium&2!5 nucleus before

    fission )he momentum of the strontium&93 nucleus after fission is represented by the arrow

    s t r o n t i u m & 9 3


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  • 8/19/2019 Atomic and Nuclear-Standard


    .iii/ =n the diagram above, draw an arrow to represent the momentum of the (enon&+2

    nucleus after the fission



    .c/ $n a fission reactor for the generation of electrical energy, 25 of the total energy

    released in a fission reaction is converted into electrical energy

    .i/ sing the data in .b/, calculate the electrical energy, in Boules, produced as a result

    of nuclear fission of one nucleus



    .ii/ )he specific heat capacity of water is 2 +3! D Eg


     + Calculate the energy

    re-uired to raise the temperature of 253 g of water from 23FC to its boiling point




    .iii/ sing your answer to .c/.i/, determine the mass of uranium&2!5 that must be

    fissioned in order to supply the amount of energy calculated in .c/.ii/ )he mass of

    a uranium&2!5 atom is !9 +3 25



    (Total 25 marks)


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  • 8/19/2019 Atomic and Nuclear-Standard


    1&. )his -uestion is about charged particles in a magnetic field

    A beam of singly ioniGed atoms moving at speed v enters a region of magnetic field strength B 

    as shown below


















































    d i r e c t i o n o f m o t i o no f i o n i G e d a t o m s

    u n i f o r m m a g n e t i c f i e l di n t o p l a n e o f p a p e r

    )he magnetic field is directed into the plane of the paper )he ions follow a circular path,


    .a/ #educe that the radius r  of the circular path is given by

    r  H Bq


    where m and q are the mass and charge respectively of the ions



    $n one particular e(periment, the beam contains singly ioniGed neon atoms all moving at the

    same speed =n entering the magnetic field, the beam divides in two )he path of the ions of

    mass 23 u has radius +53 cm

    .b/ Calculate in terms of u, the mass of the ions having a path of radius +65 cm




  • 8/19/2019 Atomic and Nuclear-Standard


    )he atomic number .proton number/ of neon is +3

    .c/ 8tate the number of protons and neutrons in each type of neon ion


    (Total 6 marks)


    11. )he presence of neutrons inside the nucleus is supported by the e(istence of 

    A isotopes

    " orbiting electrons

    C gamma radiation

    # neutral atoms



    12. )he source of the 8un;s energy is

    A fission

    " radioactivity

    C fusion

    # ioniGation



  • 8/19/2019 Atomic and Nuclear-Standard


    13. )his -uestion is about nuclear binding energy

    .a/ .i/ #efine nucleon


    .ii/ #efine nuclear binding energy of a nucleus



    )he a(es below show values of nucleon number A .horiGontal a(is/ and average binding energy

     per nucleon E  .vertical a(is/ ."inding energy is ta*en to be a positive -uantity/










    33 2 5 5 3 4 5 + 3 3 + 2 5 + 5 3 + 4 5 2 3 3 2 2 5 2 5 3


     E I ' e @


    .b/ 'ar* on the E  a(is above, the appro(imate position of 

    .i/ the isotopeJe56

    26  .label this J/



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    .ii/ the isotope

  • 8/19/2019 Atomic and Nuclear-Standard


    .ii/ se your graph in .c/ to e(plain why energy is released in this reaction


    (Total 13 marks)


    14. )he e(istence of isotopes provides evidence for the presence of 

    A electrons in atomic energy levels

    " electrons in the nuclei of atoms

    C neutrons in the nuclei of atoms

    # protons in the nuclei of atoms



    15. )his -uestion is about radioactivity and nuclear energy

    .a/ #efine the following terms,

    .i/  Isotope



    .ii/  Radioactive half-life



  • 8/19/2019 Atomic and Nuclear-Standard


    )horium&224 .)h&224/ results from the decay of the isotope actinium&224

    .b/ .i/ Complete the following reaction e-uation

    +→ )hAc 22493





    )h&224 has a half&life of +1 days and undergoes a&decay to the isotope 0a&22! .0a&22!/ A

    sample of )h&224 has an initial activity of !2 arbitrary units

    .ii/ sing the a(es below, draw a graph to show the variation with time t  .for t  H 3 to

    t  H 42 days/ of the activity A of )h&224

    ! 2

    2 ,

    + 6


    33 + 1 ! 6 5 , 4 2

    a c t i v i t y Ia r b i t r a r y u n i t s

    t i m e I d a y s



    .iii/ #etermine from your graph, the activity of thorium after 53 days



  • 8/19/2019 Atomic and Nuclear-Standard


    .iv/ =utline the e(perimental procedure to measure the activity of )h&224



    $n the decay of a )h&224 nucleus, a &ray photon is also emitted

    .c/ se the following data to deduce that the energy of the &ray photon is 3664 'e@

    mass of )h&224 nucleus H 2243241 u

    mass of 0a&22! nucleus H 22!3+16 u

    mass of helium nucleus H 3326 u

    energy of α&particle emitted H51+ 'e@

    unified atomic mass unit .u/ H 9!+5 'e@ c 2

    Kou may assume that the )h&224 nucleus is stationary before decay and that the 0a&22!

    nucleus has negligible *inetic energy


    (Total 11 marks)


  • 8/19/2019 Atomic and Nuclear-Standard


    16. Ag&+32, Ag&+3! and Ag&+3 are three isotopes of the element silver

    Which one of the following is a true statement about the nuclei of these isotopes?

    A All have the same mass

    " All have the same number of nucleons

    C All have the same number of neutrons

    # All have the same number of protons



    1. )his -uestion is about radioactive decay

    A nucleus of the isotope (enon, >e&+!+, is produced when a nucleus of the radioactive isotope

    iodine $&+!+ decays

    .a/ 7(plain the term isotopes



    .b/ Jill in the bo(es below in order to complete the nuclear reaction e-uation for this decay

    + ! ++ ! +$ > e

    5 , ?



  • 8/19/2019 Atomic and Nuclear-Standard


    .c/ )he activity A of a freshly prepared sample of the iodine isotope is !2 +35 "- )he

    variation of the activity A with time t is shown below

    ! 5

    ! 3

    2 5

    2 3

    + 5

    + 3

    3 5

    33 5 3 + 3 + 5 2 3 2 5 ! 3 ! 5 , 3 , 5

    t    I d a y s

     A   I + 3 " -5

    #raw a best&fit line for the data points



    .d/ se the graph to estimate the half&life of $&+!+


    (Total 6 marks)


  • 8/19/2019 Atomic and Nuclear-Standard


    1!. )his -uestion is about atomic models )he diagram below .not to scale/ shows a simple model

    of the hydrogen atom in which the electron orbits the proton in a circular path of radius  R

    e l e c t r o nc h a r g e ?   e

     p r o t o nc h a r g e   e



    .a/ =n the diagram, draw an arrow to show the direction of 

    .i/ the acceleration of the electron .label this A/L


    .ii/ the velocity of the electron .label this @/



    .b/ 8tate an e(pression for the magnitude of the electrostatic force !  acting on the electron



  • 8/19/2019 Atomic and Nuclear-Standard


    .c/ )he orbital speed of the electron is 22 +36 m s


    #educe that the radius R of the orbit is 52 +3 ++




    .d/ A more comple( model of the atom suggests that the orbital radius can only ta*e certain

    discrete values )his leads to the idea of discrete energy levels within the atom =utline

    the evidence that supports the e(istence of discrete energy levels


    (Total % marks)


  • 8/19/2019 Atomic and Nuclear-Standard


    1%. )he emission and absorption spectra of different elements provides evidence for the e(istence of 

    A isotopes

    " neutrons

    C protons

    # atomic energy levels



    2&. Which of the following gives the correct number of protons and number of neutrons in the

    nucleus of "?++5

    Number of protons Number of neutrons

    A 5 6

    " 5 ++

    C 6 5

    # ++ 5



    21. )he unified mass unit  is defined as the rest mass of 

    A a proton

    " an atom of carbon&+2 divided by +2

    C an atom of carbon&+2

    # an atom of hydrogen&+



  • 8/19/2019 Atomic and Nuclear-Standard


    22. )his -uestion is about collisions and radioactive decay

    .a/ .i/ #efine linear momentum and impulse

    Minear momentum




    .ii/ 8tate the law of conservation of momentum



    .iii/ sing your definitions in .a/.i/, deduce that linear momentum is constant for an

    obBect in e-uilibrium



    A stationary radon&223 .0n22316 / nucleus undergoes α&decay to form a nucleus of polonium .No/

    )he α&particle has *inetic energy of 629 'e@

    .b/ .i/ Complete the nuclear e-uation for this decay

    0n22316 → No +



  • 8/19/2019 Atomic and Nuclear-Standard


    .ii/ Calculate the *inetic energy, in Boules, of the α&particle



    .iii/ #educe that the speed of the α&particle is +4 +34 m s




    )he diagram below shows the α&particle and the polonium nucleus immediately after the decay

    )he direction of the velocity of the α&particle is indicated

    & p a r t i c l e

     p o l o n i u m n u c l e u s


    .c/ .i/ =n the diagram above, draw an arrow to show the initial direction of motion of the

     polonium nucleus immediately after the decay



    .ii/ #etermine the speed of the polonium nucleus immediately after the decay



  • 8/19/2019 Atomic and Nuclear-Standard


    .iii/ $n the decay of another radon nucleus, the nucleus is moving before the decay

    Without any further calculation, suggest the effect, if any, of this initial speed on

    the paths shown in .c/.i/



    )he half&life of the decay of radon&223 is 55 s

    .d/ .i/ 7(plain why it is not possible to state a time for the life of a radon&223 nucleus



    .ii/ #efine half-life



  • 8/19/2019 Atomic and Nuclear-Standard


    A sample of radon&223 has an initial activity A3

    .iii/ =n the a(es below, draw a graph to show the variation with time t of the activity A 

    for time t H 3 to time t H +13 s


     A 3


    3 , 3 1 3 + 2 3 + 6 3 2 3 3t sI



    .iv/ se your graph to determine the activity, in terms of A3, of the sample of radon at

    time t H +23 s Also, estimate the activity, in terms of A3, at time t H !!3 s

    Activity at time t H +23 s

    Activity at time t H !!3 s


    (Total 25 marks)


  • 8/19/2019 Atomic and Nuclear-Standard


    23. )his -uestion is about radioactive decay and the age of roc*s

    A nucleus of the radioactive isotope potassium&3 decays into a stable nucleus of argon&3

    .a/ Complete the e-uation below for the decay of a potassium&3 nucleus

    +→ Ar E 3+1




    A certain sample of roc*s contains +2 +3 6

     g of potassium&3 and 43 +3 6

     g of trapped

    argon&3 gas

    .b/ Assuming that all the argon originated from the decay of potassium&3 and that none has

    escaped from the roc*s, calculate what mass of potassium was present when the roc*swere first formed



    )he half&life of potassium&3 is +! +39 years

    .c/ #etermine

    .i/ the decay constant of potassium&3L



    .ii/ the age of the roc*s


    (Total marks)


  • 8/19/2019 Atomic and Nuclear-Standard



  • 8/19/2019 Atomic and Nuclear-Standard


    24. Which one of the following provides evidence for a nuclear model of the atom?

    A :atural radioactive decay

    " )he ioniGing properties of radiation

    C )he stability of certain elements

    # )he scattering of alpha particles by gold foil



    25. )he main source of the 8un;s energy is

    A chemical reaction

    " natural radioactivity

    C nuclear fusion

    # nuclear fission



    26.  :uclear binding energy and nuclear decay

    .a/ 8tate what is meant by a nucleon



    .b/ #efine what is meant by the binding energy of a nucleus



  • 8/19/2019 Atomic and Nuclear-Standard


    )he graph below shows the variation with nucleon .mass/ number of the binding energy per



        i   n


        i   n


        e   n

       e   r




       e   r



       c    l   e   o




       e    @

    + 3











     5 6

    J e  + ! 1 " a

     + 6

    =  2 3 1

    N b

     2 ! 5


    " e


    M i


      2 <

     3 5 3 + 3 3 + 5 3 2 3 3 2 5 3

       : u c l e o n n u m b e r

    .c/ se the graph to e(plain why energy can be released in both the fission and the fusion




  • 8/19/2019 Atomic and Nuclear-Standard


    .d/ A sample of carbon&++ has an initial mass of 3 × +3 +5

     *g Carbon&++ has a half&life of

    appro(imately 23 minutes Calculate the mass of carbon&++ remaining after one hour has




    .e/ ranium&2!1,,2!192  undergoes a&decay to form an isotope of thorium Write down the

    nuclear e-uation for this decay


    (Total % marks)


    2. )he initial activity of a sample of a radioactive isotope of half&life +3 hours is  A What is the age

    of the sample when its activity is?



    A !3 hours

    " 3 hours

    C 53 hours

    # !23 hours



  • 8/19/2019 Atomic and Nuclear-Standard


    2!. )wo light nuclei of masses m+ and m2 fuse in a nuclear reaction to form a nucleus of mass  " 

    Which of the following e(pressions correctly relates the masses of the nuclei?

    A  "  O m+  m2

    "  "  P m+  m2

    C  "  H m+  m2

    #  "  H m+ Q m2



    2%. 0adioactive decay

    .a/ Carbon&+ is a radioactive isotope with a half&life of 5533 years $t is produced in the

    atmosphere by neutron bombardment of nitrogen )he e-uation for this reaction is

    >Cn : +,6+



    4   +→+

    .i/ 7(plain what are meant by isotopes



    .ii/ #efine the term radioactive half-life



    .iii/ $dentify the particle >



  • 8/19/2019 Atomic and Nuclear-Standard


    .b/ Miving trees contain atoms of carbon&+ )he activity per gram of carbon from a living

    tree is higher than that per gram of carbon&+ from burnt wood .charcoal/ found at an

    ancient campsite

    .i/ A living tree continuously ta*es in carbon dio(ide from the atmosphere 8uggst

    why the activity of the carbon from the charcoal is less than that of the livingwood



    .ii/ 7ach gram of a living tree contains appro(imately + × +3 +2

     g of the isotope

    carbon&+ #educe that each gram of carbon in living wood contains appro(imately

    × +3+3

     atoms of carbon&+



  • 8/19/2019 Atomic and Nuclear-Standard


    .c/ =n the grid below, draw a graph to show the variation with time of the number of carbon&

    + atoms in one gram of wood from a tree Kour graph should indicate the number of

    atoms for a period of +1 × +3 years after the tree has died .

  • 8/19/2019 Atomic and Nuclear-Standard


    3&. )he nuclear notation for cadmium&++ isCd++,,1 Which one of the following correctly shows

    the composition of this nucleus?

    Number of protons Number of neutrons Number of nucleons

    A 1 66 ++

    " 1 ++ +62

    C 66 1 ++

    # 66 1 +62



    31. )his -uestion is about nuclear energy

    .a/ #efine nuclear binding energy



    .b/ A neutron collides with a nucleus of uranium&2!5 and the following reaction ta*es place

    n2Cs0bn +3+!1



    2!592   ++→+

    8tate the name of this type of reaction



  • 8/19/2019 Atomic and Nuclear-Standard


    .c/ )he mass of nuclei can be e(pressed in terms of unified mass units .u/

    .i/ #efine the term unified mass unit 


    .ii/ sing the data below, calculate the energy, in 'e@, that is released in the reaction

    u3!92!5of mass 2!592   =

    u9!2950bof mass 96!4   =

    u9++2+!4Csof mass +!155   =

    u3314+nof mass +3   =



    .d/ 7(plain the importance of the two neutrons produced in the reaction



    .e/ 7ach neutron accounts for about 2 'e@ of the energy released in the reaction 8uggest

    what accounts for the rest of the energy released


  • 8/19/2019 Atomic and Nuclear-Standard




    .f/ )he reaction in .b/ is more li*ely to ta*e place if the colliding neutron has an energy of

    about 3+ e@ $n certain types of nuclear reactors in which this reaction might ta*e place,

    the neutrons produced have their energy reduced by collisions with nuclei of graphite

    .+2C/ )he law of conservation of momentum can be used to estimate the number ofcollisions re-uired to reduce the energy of the neutrons to 3+ e@

    8tate the law of conservation of momentum



    .g/ A neutron has a *inetic energy of 233 'e@ #educe that the speed of the neutron is +95

    × +34 m s




  • 8/19/2019 Atomic and Nuclear-Standard


    .h/ Kou may assume that the mass of a nucleus of graphite is twelve times the mass of a

    neutron $n a certain collision between a neutron and a stationary graphite nucleus, the

    neutron of *inetic energy 233 'e@, rebounds from the graphite nucleus in a direction

    along a line Boining the centres of the nucleus and neutron

     b e f o r e c o l l i s i o n a f t e r c o l l i s i o n

    g r a p h i t e


    n e u t r o n

    + 9 5 + 3 m s4  ? + v   H 3 ! 3 3 + 3 m s  ? +4+ 6 5 + 3 m s4  ? +

    )he rebound speed of the neutron is +65 × +34 m s


    .i/ #educe that the speed v of the graphite nucleus after collision is 3!33 × +34 m sQ+



    .ii/ sing your answer in .i/, deduce whether the collision is elastic or inelastic



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    .iii/ se your answer to .ii/ to deduce that each time a neutron collides in this manner

    with a graphite nucleus it loses about !3 of its *inetic energy



    .iv/ 8tate the fraction of the total initial energy lost by a neutron in its second collision

    with a graphite nucleus


    (Total 25 marks)


    32. A sample of material contains 6 mg of a radioactive isotope After si(ty minutes 23 mg of the

    isotope remain )he half&life of this isotope is

    A +3 minutes

    " +2 minutes

    C +5 minutes

    # 23 minutes



  • 8/19/2019 Atomic and Nuclear-Standard


    33. )he binding energy per nucleon of the nucleusMi4!  is appro(imately 5 'e@ )he total energy

    re-uired to completely separate the nucleons of this nucleus is appro(imately

    A +5 'e@

    " 23 'e@

    C !5 'e@

    # 53 'e@



    34. )his -uestion is about nuclear binding energy

    )he table below gives the mass defect per nucleon of deuterium( )

  • 8/19/2019 Atomic and Nuclear-Standard


    .b/ Calculate the energy, in Boule, that is released when two deuterium nuclei fuse to form a

    helium& nucleus


    (Total 6 marks)


    35. 0adioactivity

    =ne isotope of potassium is potassium&2( )E ,2+9  :uclei of this isotope undergo radioactive

    decay with a half&life of +25 hours to form nuclei of calcium

    .a/ 8tate what is meant by the term isotopes



    .b/ Complete the nuclear reaction e-uation for this decay process

    +→ CaE  23,2




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    .c/ )he graph below shows the variation with time of the number : of potassium&2 nuclei

    in a particular sample


     #  3


    2 3 # 

    33 + 3 2 3 ! 3 , 3 5 3 6 3 4 3

    t    I h o u r s

    )he isotope of calcium formed in this decay is stable

    =n the graph above, draw a line to show the variation with time t  of the number of

    calcium nuclei in the sample



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    .d/ se the graph in .c/, or otherwise, to determine the time at which the ratio

    sampleinnuclei,2& potassiumof number

    sampleinnucleicalciumof number

    is e-ual to 43


    (Total marks)


  • 8/19/2019 Atomic and Nuclear-Standard


    36. Which of the following provides evidence for the e(istence of neutrons?

    A )he %eiger&'arsden e(periment

    " $sotopes

    C :atural radioactive decay

    # Artificial transmutations of elements



    3. )he e-uation of a nuclear reaction is shown below


  • 8/19/2019 Atomic and Nuclear-Standard


    .b/ $n the 0utherford&%eiger&'arsden e(periment to investigate the structure of the atom, a&

     particles were directed towards a gold foil 7(plain why a&particles, rather than electrons,

    were used in this e(periment



    .c/ ranium&2!1

    ( 2!192undergoes a&decay to form thorium .)h/ )he half&life of uranium

    2!192 is 5 × +39 years

    .i/ #efine half-life


    .ii/ Write down the nuclear e-uation for the a&decay of uranium to thorium



    .d/ )horium is radioactive and further decays occur, eventually giving lead which is stable

    )hese further decays all occur within a time that is short compared to the half&life of 

    2!192  $n a sample of roc*s the ratio of the number of uranium atoms to the number of

    lead atoms is 4


    .i/ 7stimate the age of the roc*s assuming that no lead was initially present in the




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  • 8/19/2019 Atomic and Nuclear-Standard


    .ii/ 8tate one further assumption that is made in this estimate


    (Total 1& marks)


    3%. Which of the following provides evidence for the e(istence of atomic energy levels?

    A )he absorption line spectra of gases

    " )he e(istence of isotopes of elements

    C 7nergy release during fission reactions

    # )he scattering of R &particles by a thin metal film



    4&. Which of the following statements best describes the random nature of radioactive decay?

    A )he decaying nucleus emits either an a&particle, or a b&particle or a g&ray photon

    " )he type of radiation emitted by the decaying nucleus cannot be predicted

    C )he time at which a particular nucleus will decay cannot be predicted

    # )he decay of a nucleus is unaffected by environmental conditions



  • 8/19/2019 Atomic and Nuclear-Standard


    41. )he graph below illustrates the variation with nucleon number .mass number/ #  of the binding

    energy per nucleon E  of nuclei

    Which of the labelled nuclei is the most stable?









    42. 0adioactive decay

    .a/ )he nucleon number .mass number/ of a stable isotope of argon is !6 and of a radioactive

    isotope of argon is !9

    .i/ 8tate what is meant by a nucleon



  • 8/19/2019 Atomic and Nuclear-Standard


    .ii/ 7(plain, in terms of the number of nucleons and the forces between them, why

    argon&!6 is stable and argon&!9 is radioactive



    .b/ A particular nucleus of argon&!9 undergoes the decay shown by the nuclear reactione-uation below

    +→   β E Ar !9


    .i/ 8tate the proton .atomic/ number and the nucleon .mass/ number of the potassium

    .E/ nucleus

    Nroton number

     :ucleon number



    .ii/ se the following data to determine the ma(imum energy, in D, of the bQ particle in

    the decay of a sample of argon&!9

    'ass of argon&!9 nucleus H !196!+ u

    'ass of E nucleus H !196!43 u



  • 8/19/2019 Atomic and Nuclear-Standard


  • 8/19/2019 Atomic and Nuclear-Standard


    43. )he initial activity .rate of decay/ of a sample of mass 25 mg of a radioactive isotope is A3 )he

    half&life of the isotope is .


    +$  Which of the following gives the initial activity and half&life of a

    sample of mass 53 mg of this isotope?

    "ct##ty alf*l#fe

    A  A32


    " 2 A32


    C  A32


    # 2 A32




    44. A neutron is captured by a nucleus Which of the following gives the changes in the atomic

    .proton/ number and mass .nucleon/ number of the nucleus?

    "tom#c number $ass number

    A unchanged unchanged

    " unchanged increases by +

    C increases by + unchanged

    # increases by + increases by +



  • 8/19/2019 Atomic and Nuclear-Standard


    45.  :uclear reactions

    .a/ .i/ 8tate what is meant by radioactive decay


    .ii/ 0adioactive decay is said to be a random process 8tate what is meant by random




    .b/ $n +9+9, 0utherford was investigating the bombardment of nitrogen by R&particles

  • 8/19/2019 Atomic and Nuclear-Standard


    Calculate the minimum energy, in 'e@, of an a&particle re-uired to cause this

    transformation to occur 7(plain your answer


    (Total 1& marks)


    46. Which of the following provides evidence for the e(istence of atomic energy levels?

    A Alpha&particle scattering

    " Continuous emission spectra

    C #iscrete energies of gamma radiation

    # Mine absorption spectra



    4.  :uclide > has a half&life of + day and nuclide K has a half&life of 5 days $n a particular sample,

    the activities of > and K are found to be e-ual

    When the activity is tested again after +3 days, the activity will be

    A entirely due to nuclide >

    " due e-ually to nuclides > and K

    C mostly due to nuclide >

    # mostly due to nuclide K



  • 8/19/2019 Atomic and Nuclear-Standard


    4!. )his -uestion is about nuclear reaction

    .a/ 8tate the meaning of the terms

    .i/ nuclide



    .ii/ isotope



    .b/ A nucleus of :a2++  undergoes radioactive decay to the stable nucleus


    .i/ $dentify this type of radioactive decay



    .ii/ se the data below to determine the rest mass in atomic mass unit of the particle

    emitted in the decay of :a2++

    rest mass of :a2++  H 2!99396u

    rest mass of 'g2,+2  H 2!9153u

    energy released in decay H 5332+63 'e@


  • 8/19/2019 Atomic and Nuclear-Standard




    .c/ )he isotope sodium&2 is radioactive but the isotope sodium&2! is stable 8uggest which

    of these isotopes has the greater nuclear binding energy



    .d/ At time t  H 3, a sample of sodium&2 contains # 3 atoms of sodium&2 )he half&life of

    sodium&2 is 2+$ 

    .i/ sing the a(es below, draw a s*etch graph to show the variation with time t  of the

    number #  of sodium&2 atoms in the sample


    $  2   $  !   $   t 








    .ii/ 8tate how the rate at which the sample is decaying at any time t  can be found from

    your s*etch graph


    (Total 12 marks)


  • 8/19/2019 Atomic and Nuclear-Standard


    4%. A nuclide > has a half&life of +3 s =n decay the stable nuclide K is formed $nitially a sample

    contains only atoms of >

    After what time will 145 of the atoms in the sample have decayed into nuclide K

    A 93 s

    " !3 s

    C 43 s

    # 13 s



    5&. Which of the following best describes why alpha&particles travel only a short distance in air?

    A )hey undergo radioactive decay

    " )hey undergo elastic collisions with air molecules

    C )hey ioniGe air molecules

    # )hey are attracted by the nuclei of air molecules



    51. A nucleus 8r 93

    !1  decays by the emission of an electron What are the mass .nucleon/ number and

    the atomic .proton/ number of the resulting nucleus?

    $ass number Proton number

    A 19 !1

    " 93 !9

    C 9+ !1

    # 9+ !9



  • 8/19/2019 Atomic and Nuclear-Standard


    52. )his -uestion is about nuclear decay

    .a/ .i/ #escribe the phenomenon of natural radioactive decay



    .ii/ $oniGing radiation is emitted during radioactive decay 7(plain what is meant by

    the term ioniGing



    .b/ )he s*etch graph below shows the variation with mass number .nucleon number/ A of the binding energy per nucleon E  of nuclei



    =ne possible nuclear reaction that occurs when uranium&2!5 is bombarded by a neutron

    to form (enon&+2 and strontium&93 is represented as

     :8r >en +393!1



    2!592   ++→+


    .i/ $dentify the type of nuclear reaction represented above



  • 8/19/2019 Atomic and Nuclear-Standard



    .ii/ =n the s*etch graph above, identify with their symbols the appro(imate positions

    of the uranium ./, the (enon .>e/ and the strontium .8r/ nuclei



    .iii/ #ata for the binding energies of (enon&+2 and strontium&93 are given below

    #sotope b#nd#n+ ener+y ' $e,





    )he total energy released during the reaction is +149 'e@ #etermine the binding

    energy per nucleon of uranium&2!5



    .iv/ 8tate why binding energy of the neutrons formed in the reaction is not -uoted


    (Total 12 marks)


    53. )he initial activity of a sample of a radioactive isotope of half&life +3 hours is  A What is the age

    of the sample when its activity is?



    A !3 hours

    " 3 hours

    C 53 hours

    # !23 hours



  • 8/19/2019 Atomic and Nuclear-Standard



    54. When the isotope aluminium&24 is bombarded with alpha particles, the following nuclear

    reaction can ta*e place


    Proton number Nucleon number

    A +5 !3

    " +6 !+

    C !3 +5

    # !+ +6



  • 8/19/2019 Atomic and Nuclear-Standard


    55. )his -uestion is about nuclear power production

    .a/ )he purpose of a nuclear power station is to produce electrical energy from nuclear

    energy )he diagram below is a representation of the principal components of a nuclear

    reactor pile used in a certain type of nuclear power station that uses uranium as a fuel

    )he function of the moderator is to slow down the neutrons produced in a reaction such

    as that described above


    .i/ why it is necessary to slow down the neutrons


    .ii/ the function of the control rods



  • 8/19/2019 Atomic and Nuclear-Standard


    .b/ With reference to the concept of fuel enrichment in a nuclear reactor e(plain,

    .i/ the advantage of enriching the uranium used in a nuclear reactor


    .ii/ from an international point of view, a possible ris* to which fuel enrichment could




  • 8/19/2019 Atomic and Nuclear-Standard


    .c/ A particular nuclear reactor uses uranium&2!5 as its fuel source When a nucleus of

    uranium&2!5 absorbs a neutron, the following reaction can ta*e place

    n28r >en +393







    92   ++→+

    )he following data are available

    rest mass of2!592  H 2+195 × +3

    5 'e@ c


    rest mass of>e


    5,  H +!31 × +35 'e@ c


    rest mass of8r 93!1  H 1!49 × +3

     'e@ c


    rest mass of

    n+3 H 9!956 'e@ c


    .i/ 8how that the energy released in the reaction is appro(imately +13 'e@


    .ii/ 8tate the form in which the energy appears



  • 8/19/2019 Atomic and Nuclear-Standard


    .d/ )he energy released by + atom of carbon&+2 during combustion is appro(imately e@

    .i/ sing the answer to .c/.i/, estimate the ratio

    +2&carbonof densityenergy

    2!5&uraniumof densityenergy


    .ii/ 8uggest, with reference to your answer in .d/.i/, one advantage of uranium&2!5

    compared with fossil fuels



  • 8/19/2019 Atomic and Nuclear-Standard


    .e/ When a uranium&2!1 nucleus absorbs a neutron the following reaction can ta*e place

    n 2!992+



    92   →+

    )he isotope uranium&2!9 is radioactive and decays with a half&life of 2! minutes to forman isotope of neptunium&2!9 .:p&2!9/

    .i/ #efine radioactive half-life and e(plain what is meant by an isotope

    0adioactive half&life



    .ii/ Complete the reaction e-uation for this decay



    .iii/ )he isotope neptunium&2!9 undergoes radioactive b& decay to form an isotope of

     plutonium =utline one advantage and one disadvantage of this decay in relation to

    nuclear power production




    (Total 25 marks)


  • 8/19/2019 Atomic and Nuclear-Standard


    56. 0adioactive decay

    .a/ Carbon&+ is a radioactive isotope with a half&life of 5533 years $t is produced in the

    atmosphere by neutron bombardment of nitrogen )he e-uation for this reaction is

    >Cn : +,6+3

    +,4   +→+

    .i/ 7(plain what is meant by isotopes


    .ii/ $dentify the particle >



    .b/ 7ach gram of a living tree contains appro(imately × +3+3

     atoms of carbon&+

    =n the a(es below, draw a graph to show the variation with time of the number of carbon&

    + atoms in one gram of wood from a tree Kour graph should indicate the number of

    atoms for a period of +1 × +3 years after the tree has died .

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    .c/ )he activity of a radioactive sample is proportional to the number of atoms in the sample

    )he activity per gram of carbon from a living tree is 96 disintegrations per minute )he

    activity per gram of carbon in burnt wood found at an ancient campsite is +9

    disintegrations per minute

    .i/ 7stimate the number of atoms of carbon&+ in the burnt wood


    .ii/ Jrom the graph you have drawn in .b/, estimate the age of the burnt wood

    (1)(Total marks)