atht td tthodist.

atht �td �tthodist. VOL.t. NO. 4. J.l'RA1U[FORT, KY., MAROB. 1889. 60 CENTS PEB TSAR. BegaJar Benioea. ... Spurpoa'a 00Dvend0D. t 1oot.t6 IIDIf! I collld almost lIa1'e looked PreaobIDg8110da)'otlla.m.alldT:80�.m. 1--"" " .. lIIts._"' .•. 1.1 m)'e1'.a,,01, aadlo Heaveo I will look Yoang Meo's meeuog FrIday eveolP/f at I will teU you how 1. m)'aeIl, WBB bl'01ljlllt OD "':810 my loy uoutterable. I 0011' thiok '1:30 o·cloek. 10 a kaowlcdj(e of thie lrolh. .It may bup' 1 am oouod o.ver 10 p......,h a 8III'IIlOII "Ith- Yoaojt People's Prayer Meet.llllr 011 KOJI' peo the .telll!:j( of that mil briog BOme 00' ou& ,,_hlor 10 siDDen!. I do thiok �hat 11 d 1 t 1'l10 look else 10 Chrlat. _fat..,. wbc eBO preach a aenoon WIthout at�a ogwa kl' pO 0 )I'�. Wilt pleoaod God io my ehlldh...,., w eon· II4IdIeaIng siDDen, d_ ont koow bow to _.Iar eo y ';'Ilyer ..... aB t.... vlea me ot sh,. I lived a mlserahle orea&alD. .-II. "ar enalng at '1:30 0 clOCk. llodlu" 110 hope, hO eomlor&, thloli:iog Uaat "'t, .. �'UI", Workers mee& everr "'_ Bllrel, God would Dever l1li0" me. A( Iael A LaetIDg Pe-. ''"'''1 �'" "" ,,'oIocIt at th.. �J88 of the W_ come to the wom-I WlI8 miaera· a.ader, peaee Ie a bleosed thio". 'Wor Ie tb. dilferoJl' ....... G.. ble; 1 _Id do IlUaftOly oay &hiD". Illy DO Imlleoea evil. P_ oUght to be prayed The PafltOr'a .Aid 8oo1"'y will meet darin, heurt was brokeo 10 pl_; Bill mooll.a did for oltt'" aud day by all who 10".. their tb& wh.teY overy TuMciay alteruooa 8& I JIfII)'. prayed lIjIOolziogly, with all my _a''Y, Bat litter atl there J8 oo/y _ o'eJoelr ,,;tb .M.ra. 0-, at bar h_ 011 he&n; aDd DlWer hod IIl1a....or. I..-Ived '_!I\'bieh i!liastinrr, and thal Ie, tM p«Ia Broad.... y. thII& 10 ".. 10"'11 wbere [Hved, 1 woulel lIIitA Ufld whida faith 1# CAri" gttlU. vIa� every place of "orahlp ID Older 10 Sod Thf\'.' Is DO bappiness compated 10 that 011& the "ay 01 aalvatioD. 1 felt J "88 wil· wbleb tbla peaOll alfurd.. A ...Im _ Dfter liDg 10 do aoy thiDg aDd be ooy thiog" a "talm. a biDe aky aI&.-r II bleck &boDd.... God would oDly forgive me, 1 set oil', Bod oIoacl. llealtb after alCkDI!8II, Iigbt after dark· wellt W all tbe pleeaa of wCll8bip, IIH, -. ,''''' 01\"" loll, all, all Bre beautifUl aad th01l((h 1 deaf'ly veoerate moo that Jll-at t.bial!". Bot DODe, OODe 01 them all -py pulplia DOW, and I did eo 6heD, caD 111ft more tbao u feeble idea of the lam hoood to 8IIy that I Dever baud them 00101111 wbieb tboAe enjoy who believe iD _111117 preaeh tho 6oapel. I -. b)' Obrle\ aDd bav. ,_ .. lIIilA God. It Ie a t""'-tbey preaebed trotha, JII'88t truth8, )181108 .hieh pa_th all uod_ndIDg. mabY good trotba, thIIt ware lIWog to maDY It .. tM l1/li01 of thia very peace wbleh of their coDlfl'8ltDtion- spiritually mloded milk.. ",any io the "orld uDbappy. Hao· people-but wbat I "aoted to kaow, ..._ dNda bave every tbing that is thoojlllt oble bow call 1 get my aiDS fol'lliveo? Au tbey 10 gi'" pi_are, aud yet are Dever 8G&i.OecL "ever 01100 told ID' that. '1 wanted to bear Tbelr beurta are alwaya aehing, There Ie a ho... a pear elooer, oador a 88088 of aill. ooue&aot eao. of eml'tio_ Wlth'D. ADd might aod peaee with God; aDd wbeo I wbat tile _'" of DIJ this f Tbey haft woat 1 beud a _moo DO Be not deeelved, :i!10 witb God. Ol'd la 110& mocked," wblela eat me up "0llllll, ill llu 4Ifirc of this "BI'1 peace wlllGh ht did uot 811, ow I �, _pe. IIeatIIIID de m..... fD .... .J.� ....I...... .. ...... .... ,...,._ /Nt".. "ee 8Ometlilog ......t &h. glOriea 01 the �b\. _0 ", tI\ON\., ""'T \>o4\ea, ,,� 'II'" BOOB; aotbillg lor peer me, I "88 10m.. _D t eab, in \he 88l'Viee et 8OID8 wretcbed tbiag like a dog uDder the table, DOt allowed IID8jIU erhiob doeIr owo boade bod IDII4e.. to eat theobil4rea's food. lw...,Ulmeofter Ami .. by? BecaIlllG tbey bungered alter UlDe, aod I eBO hODeatly say 1 doo't know peace wlLb God. that I ever we,,, wltbout prayer &0 God, I, i' 1111 of tbis very peaee 011 and lam auN there WU DOt a mON 0",,0· ...biob tbe value or a maa's religion depeD4&. tive b_ io all the place thaD mylOlI, for Without i& thore may be everv thlDg to 1 paDted aDd longed 10 Dodereland how I pJ_ 'be eye, and IIrDtit'y the ear-forma, migbt he BOved. earemooies, 88rviees, and 8DcrameD�od At 111Bt, on.. 800wy dpy-it snowed ac yet n. good dGoe to the eonL The grand mllcb 1 .,.,uld oot go 10 the plaoe 1 �ad de- qOestiDD t.bat eboold try all. is tbe etate of D termioeel ta go 10 aod 1 11'88 obliged 10 alOp maa's eoosoiea08. la It JIDII"" t HtU A4 on tbe road, aod it "lIB a blesSed slop to me. ,cae. r1ilh (J9d' I 'oODd ratber 00 oblCare stroot and taroed H... der, this is the vwy peace abeDt whie" dawa D«Iort. aDd tbara WIlD a little ebapaI. 1 addI� Ibis u......,.... I .. aoted 10 go acmewhera, but I did oot Do Y'. feel it? Is it your owo? Believe A IIngjn!atInD by Dr. 'l'aImII'lIIo koow &his plaee. It"'118 the primitive 00 11>· Lord 1esUB Obrist, aDd you sball Rev. T, De Witt Talm� aays ill tho Qb. Metbodist's obapal. I bad heard 01 these have Ioating peaoe. 1. C Rna. _: Tho 8Iartliog aaooaONm'lII was people from many, how the, BAog BO loadly Amer. TI'DCt Society, meele by the retlriog ohaplain, t al tbo tha& they mode people's beads aebe; bat Bioghamloo Aoy1am lor Ioebria&e "00 a tbot did not matter. I waoled to koow bo... !l[1IJ'd_00l_. filila.... oDiy three oat 01 eigbty.two ·alieota 1 might be saved, aDd It Lbey made my head (.................... being parmaaently cared of Ibe droo SID888 .... he ever 10 muoh, I did not can!. So. alt· Th. ImmGrolitl.a aDd morbid pre8801o· for wblcb Lbey were tbere traaled. ,'''bope tiog dowa, the earvioe weoL on, but nO m.ia. lion. of the.loge io Englund, Bod, byparity our lolormalioo Ie Ialoe. Bat th"'" 18 lID· i_ coma. At laat, ° "ery Ibio-looklog of r"'•• 'oing, &boae of' the atage ""err ... b...., other atyle 01 trootmeat Ive auggest 8 worth mao came iDto Ibe pllipit 1I0d opooed bis bave n oeatly beeo critlolsed 88vere1y b,01l Vying. We """k lor it thOroDgb iD' eltiga. Bible aod read these worela: "LOok aoto olltho";',y ... bleb ougbt to ""ve lOme weight tioa. Ono aammar, 10 a relil!'ous I ,ootiog me, aDd be ye IIIIved, aU tho eDd. of ...itb 111"88 wbo do Dot take tbe SCrictl:r_ beld io Founh Ward, New York, w. heard earth," Just eottiiog bla eyes upoo DIe, lIS ir liginll'loolot of vie.... The Londoo LanetIt meo IIDY that they had beaD dr•• ksrds bekoewmeall hyhea�be said: "YOIlDg goo&ll)ler88lo .... ythat the ea8etmeatof bat bad beeD, by tbe grace of God, a"t oDly mBD, yoo are io trouble.' WolI, 1 waa. sure mord", BOlIDes opeo the e&aj(e Is e epeoiea '" pardODed, bat elsa eaurely oared of the eDoagb. Bays be: "Yoa will Dever gel out "mur<er·oallare." It Is true eaougb tb. t.b\rat lor otroog drlok. We believe DIem. 011& aDI888 yoo look_to Cbrlal" Aaa theD the m.ral lealioge ot t.b088 wbo attood aoc.b The time will come wheo Nligioo I\;U do lilting ap hie handa, be cried out, lIS ooly, repl'GHIDtatioos may beoome 1I0ked 10 mo... mao)' tbioge that we will DOt OOW leI II do. I think, a Prlmltivo M.ethodiat oould do: bId .Y"'palbl willi the thoughts aDd actlOD8 11 thereaNIIOBe8, oDd ...e are ready to poiol "Look,look, look I It Is oD1y look," 81Iid they 6BIl dohoealed; aDd it is well if tbeir them oat, wbere cooveraiou baa Dot oolf oat ba. aelf.OOIIIrof be atroDfI eooogb w II'8IIidt all ""' the beart right, bat revolulioDiled the body, 1 88W a& ooce the way of aalvatioo. Oh, angg<lltioae aad paoaioDl wbloh ura t.bereby wby Dol decl,,", a De... ora f Whot iDebtiata bow 1 did laap for joy at that momeDt I I qaick,ned uod disturbed- 'l'hoae who _ 88110ml caOhOt do !.be Lord Is ready III IlOo koow DOt what el88 b. aaid; I did 1101 take weak and IrresoInta 10 obaracter aDd Dilll oompliah. Give 01U' religloll elbow room, ma,oh DOtice of I�l was 80 _.asod with are 811'11 to be more or I8BII iDjared by \bo aDd It wiU reoIalm 10taIDperaooe, porify thIIt ooe thoaght. Like 88 w'beo tbe brD880 ImDloraiities repreeeoled 011 the ataae. It Ie libeftiaisto, BIDP'1 jaII&, uod mabe pcmrty" _ lifted up they ooly IooI<ed aod lIt'8tiMolf to aad 110 101gb medi...r 1111111.... a oarioait,. 10 look at. The qa of mlnaI.. "efo.beoIQd, 1 had 1..,';0 waillDlf 10 do IUt1, fly aa &ho LIm«I coDdemaiag the evila at Chli OOllle baok wbeo the 06aNb of God IhIDg&. but wbed I heard t.ble word, "Lookl' 00 iDltltneioo "blob e...- 10 maoll will allow It, wbas obanolog wOld .t JOOmod w mtl. Obi _Ial IIttaalioo. "un. rUBU' ""'Nit rallD8'a DABIIII., 1 _..... -1 Write" 00 liquor 010"" ;�= = : ::: :::.:" d::i; WrtlO, Ob •• r.IeUII, v"",r.IIID8; W...... ,bare', drlDk lb....•• danger. Write" 011 oar 0111.,. wIIIItb IIorDeolon..,._"' ; Wrlte" ... r.� ... "'"'p ..lD, ()'er oar land &ad 'aroalhe mala, w...... Ulere'. drIDk Ibere'..... gar. Wrttelllll,..,.IBIbo _.; Write h where our druakardll"OlUD; 'Y'a' by year, I,...,. good """ rlgbl, Pmvl_g wi"" .......... m"h� Wbore 'bore', driDk \be",'. danger. :�� ::��!':.::' =i Wri&e It tor our ralberiaad i W rite. 'til dall'l urn eoauflDd ; 'Where tbere'. drink there'. danger.

Transcript of atht td tthodist.

Page 1: atht td tthodist.

atht �td �tthodist.VOL.t. NO. 4. J.l'RA1U[FORT, KY., MAROB. 1889. 60 CENTS PEB TSAR.

BegaJar Benioea. ... Spurpoa'a 00Dvend0D. t 1oot.t6 IIDIf! I collld almost lIa1'e lookedPreaobIDg8110da)'otlla.m.alldT:80�.m. 1--"" "..lIIts._"'.•. 1.1 m)'e1'.a,,01, aadlo Heaveo I will look

Yoang Meo's meeuog FrIday eveolP/fat I will teU you how 1. m)'aeIl, WBB bl'01ljlllt OD "':810 my loy uoutterable. I 0011' thiok'1:30 o·cloek. 10 a kaowlcdj(e of thie lrolh. .It may bup' 1 am oouod o.ver 10 p......,h a 8III'IIlOII "Ith-

Yoaojt People's Prayer Meet.llllr 011 KOJI' peo the .telll!:j( of that mil briog BOme 00' ou& ,,_hlor 10 siDDen!. I do thiok �hat 11

d 1 t 1'l10 • look else 10 Chrlat. _fat..,. wbc eBO preach a aenoon WIthoutat�a ogwa kl' pO 0 )I'�. Wilt pleoaod God io my ehlldh...,., w eon· II4IdIeaIng siDDen, d_ ont koow bow to_.Iar eo y ';'Ilyer .....aB t.... vlea me ot sh,. I lived a mlserahle orea&alD. .-II.

"ar enalng at '1:30 0 clOCk. llodlu" 110 hope, hO eomlor&, thloli:iog Uaat"'t, ..


�'UI", Workers mee& everr "'_ Bllrel, God would Dever l1li0" me. A( Iael A LaetIDg Pe-.''"'''1 �'" "" ,,'oIocIt at th.. �J88 of theW_ come to the wom-I WlI8 miaera· a.ader, peaee Ie a bleosed thio". 'Wor Ietb. dilferoJl' .......G.. ble; 1 _Id do IlUaftOly oay &hiD". Illy DO Imlleoea evil. P_ oUght to be prayedThe PafltOr'a .Aid 8oo1"'y willmeet darin, heurt was brokeo 10 pl_; Bill mooll.a did for oltt'" aud day by all who 10".. their

tb& wh.teY overy TuMciay alteruooa 8& � I JIfII)'. prayed lIjIOolziogly, with all my _a''Y, Bat litter atl there J8 oo/y _o'eJoelr ,,;tb .M.ra. 0-, at bar h_ 011 he&n; aDd DlWer hod IIl1a....or. I..-Ived '_!I\'bieh i!liastinrr, and thal Ie, tM p«IaBroad....y. thII& 10 ".. 10"'11 wbere [Hved, 1 woulel lIIitA Ufld whida faith 1# CAri" gttlU.

vIa� every place of "orahlp ID Older 10 Sod Thf\'.' Is DO bappiness compated 10 that011& the "ay 01 aalvatioD. 1 felt J "88 wil· wbleb tbla peaOll alfurd.. A ...Im _ DfterliDg 10 do aoy thiDg aDd be ooy thiog" a "talm. a biDe aky aI&.-r II bleck &boDd....God would oDly forgive me, 1 set oil', Bod oIoacl. llealtb after alCkDI!8II, Iigbt after dark·wellt W all tbe pleeaa of wCll8bip, IIH, -. ,''''' 01\"" loll, all, all Bre beautifUl aadth01l((h 1 deaf'ly veoerate moo that Jll-at t.bial!". Bot DODe, OODe 01 them all-py� pulplia DOW, and I did eo 6heD, caD 111ft more tbao u feeble idea of thelam hoood to 8IIy that I Dever baud them 00101111 wbieb tboAe enjoy who believe iD_111117 preaeh tho 6oapel. I -. b)' Obrle\ aDd bav. ,_.. lIIilA God. It Ie a

t""'-tbey preaebed trotha, JII'88t truth8, )181108 .hieh pa_th all uod_ndIDg.mabY good trotba, thIItware lIWog tomaDY It .. tM l1/li01 of thia very peace wblehof their coDlfl'8ltDtion- spiritually mloded milk.. ",any io the "orld uDbappy. Hao·people-but wbat I "aoted to kaow, ..._ dNda bave every tbing that is thoojlllt oblebow call 1 get my aiDS fol'lliveo? Au tbey 10 gi'" pi_are, aud yet are Dever 8G&i.OecL"ever 01100 told ID' that. '1 wanted to bear Tbelr beurta are alwaya aehing, There Ie aho... a pear elooer, oador a 88088 of aill. ooue&aot eao. of eml'tio_ Wlth'D. ADdmight aod peaee with God; aDd wbeo I wbat � tile _'" of DIJ this f Tbey haftwoat 1 beud a _moo DO �Be not deeelved, :i!10

witb God.Ol'd la 110& mocked," wblela eat me up "0llllll, ill llu 4Ifirc of this "BI'1 peace wlllGhht did uot 811, ow I�, _pe. � • IIeatIIIID de m..... fD .....J.�....I......

..� ...... �.... � ,...,._ � /Nt"..

"ee 8Ometlilog ......t &h. glOriea 01 the�b\. _0 ", tI\ON\., ""'T \>o4\ea, ,,� 'II'"�BOOB; aotbillg lor peer me, I "88 10m.. _D t eab, in \he 88l'Viee et 8OID8 wretcbedtbiag like a dog uDder the table, DOt allowed IID8jIU erhiob doeIr owo boade bod eat theobil4rea's food. lw...,Ulmeofter Ami BecaIlllG tbey bungered alterUlDe, aod I eBO hODeatly say 1 doo't know peace wlLb God.that I ever we,,, wltbout prayer &0 God, I, i' 1111� of tbis very peaee 011and lam auN there WU DOt a mON 0",,0· ...biob tbe value or a maa's religion depeD4&.tive b_ io all the place thaD mylOlI, for Without i& thore may be everv thlDg to1 paDted aDd longed 10 Dodereland how I pJ_ 'be eye, and IIrDtit'y the ear-forma,migbt he BOved. earemooies, 88rviees, and 8DcrameD�odAt 111Bt, on.. 800wy dpy-it snowed ac yet n. good dGoe to the eonL The grand

mllcb 1 .,.,uld oot go 10 the plaoe 1 �ad de- qOestiDD t.bat eboold try all. is tbe etate of Dtermioeel ta go 10 aod 1 11'88 obliged 10 alOp maa's eoosoiea08. la It JIDII"" t HtU A4on tbe road, aod it "lIB a blesSed slop to me. ,cae. r1ilh (J9d'I 'oODd ratber 00 oblCare stroot and taroed H ...der, this is the vwy peace abeDt whie"dawaD«Iort. aDd tbara WIlD a little ebapaI. 1addI� Ibis� u......,.... � �I ..aoted 10 go acmewhera, but I did oot Do Y'. feel it? Is it your owo? Believe

A IIngjn!atInD by Dr. 'l'aImII'lIIo koow &his plaee. It"'118 the primitive 00 11>· Lord 1esUB Obrist, aDd you sballRev. T, De Witt Talm� aays ill tho Qb. Metbodist's obapal. I bad heard 01 these have Ioating peaoe. 1. C Rna._: Tho 8Iartliog aaooaONm'lII was people from many, how the, BAog BO loadly Amer. TI'DCt Society,meele by the retlriog ohaplain, t al tbo tha& they mode people's beads aebe; batBioghamloo Aoy1am lor Ioebria&e "00 a tbot did not matter. I waoled to koow bo... !l[1IJ'd_00l_.filila .... oDiy three oat 01 eigbty.two ·alieota 1 might be saved, aDd It Lbey made my head (....................being parmaaently cared of Ibe droo SID888 ....he ever 10 muoh, I did not can!. So. alt· Th. ImmGrolitl.a aDd morbid pre8801o·for wblcb Lbey were tbere traaled. ,'''bope tiog dowa, the earvioe weoL on, but nO m.ia. lion. of the.loge io Englund, Bod, byparityour lolormalioo Ie Ialoe. Bat th"'" 18 lID· i_ coma. At laat, ° "ery Ibio-looklog of r"'•• 'oing, &boae of' the atage ""err ...b....,other atyle 01 trootmeat Ive auggest 8 worth mao came iDto Ibe pllipit 1I0d opooed bis bave n oeatly beeo critlolsed 88vere1y b,01lVying. We """k lor it thOroDgb iD' eltiga. Bible aod read these worela: "LOok aoto olltho";',y ...bleb ougbt to ""ve lOme weighttioa. Ono aammar, 10 a relil!'ous I ,ootiog me, aDd be ye IIIIved, aU tho eDd. of ...itb 111"88 wbo do Dot take tbe SCrictl:r_beld io Founh Ward, New York, w. heard earth," Just eottiiog bla eyes upoo DIe, lIS ir liginll'loolot of vie.... The Londoo LanetItmeo IIDY that they had beaD dr••ksrds bekoewmeall hyhea�be said: "YOIlDg goo&ll)ler88lo ....ythat the ea8etmeatofbat bad beeD, by tbe grace of God, a"t oDly mBD, yoo are io trouble.' WolI, 1 waa. sure mord", BOlIDes opeo the e&aj(e Is e epeoiea '"pardODed, bat elsa eaurely oared of the eDoagb. Bays be: "Yoa will Dever gel out "mur<er·oallare." It Is true eaougb tb.t.b\rat lor otroog drlok. We believe DIem. 011& aDI888 yoo look_to Cbrlal" Aaa theD the m.ral lealioge ot t.b088 wbo attood aoc.bThe time will come wheo Nligioo I\;U do lilting ap hie handa, be cried out, lIS ooly, repl'GHIDtatioos may beoome 1I0ked 10 mo...

mao)' tbioge that we will DOt OOW leI II do. I think, a Prlmltivo M.ethodiat oould do: bId .Y"'palbl willi the thoughts aDd actlOD811 thereaNIIOBe8, oDd ...e are ready to poiol "Look,look, look I It Is oD1y look," 81Iid they 6BIl dohoealed; aDd it is well if tbeirthem oat, wbere cooveraiou baa Dot oolf oat ba. aelf.OOIIIrof be atroDfI eooogb w II'8IIidt all ""'the beart right, bat revolulioDiled the body, 1 88W a& ooce the way of aalvatioo. Oh, angg<lltioae aad paoaioDl wbloh ura t.berebywby Dol decl,,", a De ... oraf Whot iDebtiata bow 1 did laap for joy at that momeDt I I qaick,ned uod disturbed- 'l'hoae who _88110ml caOhOt do !.be Lord Is ready III IlOo koow DOtwhat el88 b. aaid; I did 1101 take weak and IrresoInta 10 obaracter aDd Dillloompliah. Give 01U' religloll elbow room, ma,oh DOtice of I�l was 80 _.asod with are 811'11 to be more or I8BII iDjared by \boaDd It wiU reoIalm 10taIDperaooe, porify thIIt ooe thoaght. Like 88 w'beo tbe brD880 ImDloraiities repreeeoled 011 the ataae. It Ielibeftiaisto, BIDP'1 jaII&, uod mabe pcmrty" _ lifted up they ooly IooI<ed aod lIt'8tiMolf to aad 110 101gb •medi...r 1111111....a oarioait,. 10 look at. The qa of mlnaI.. "efo.beoIQd, 1 had 1..,';0 waillDlf 10 do IUt1, fly aa&ho LIm«I coDdemaiag the evila atChli OOllle baok wbeo the 06aNb of God IhIDg&. but wbed I heard t.ble word, "Lookl' 00 iDltltneioo "blob e...- 10 maollwill allow It, wbas obanolog wOld .t JOOmod w mtl. Obi _Ial IIttaalioo.

"un. rUBU' ""'Nit rallD8'a DABIIII.,1 _.....-1

Write" 00 liquor 010""

;�= =: ::: :::.:"d::i;WrtlO, Ob ••r.IeUII, v"",r.IIID8;W...... ,bare', drlDk lb....•• danger.

Write" 011 oar 0111.,. wIIIItb �IIorDeolon• ..,._"' ;Wrlte" ... r.� ..."'"'p..lD,()'er oar land &ad 'aroalhemala,w...... Ulere'. drIDk Ibere'.....gar.

Wrttelllll,..,.IBIbo _.;Write h where our druakardll"OlUD;'Y 'a' by year, I,...,. good """ rlgbl,Pmvl_g wi"" .......... m"h�Wbore 'bore', driDk \be",'. danger.

:�� ::��!':.::'=iWri&e It tor our ralberiaad iW rite. 'til dall'l urn eoauflDd ;'Where tbere'. drink there'. danger.

Page 2: atht td tthodist.

� It � l'" tin tit"" t Ob Lord, 1 beeeeeh 'l'bea d.liver my 8Oul." be redeemed. We are eonvlneed when we

� I, t 'fll U .II.... t 1,0 U \5 • (P88lm 118, 3 and 4) Tben our sin ap- look at the history of the Chureh and ob­

======�====== _ =_ penrod in all the hidoousnese 01 its ftue sen'e its present �irltual stale, that the

; .


cbaraGt.el"j tbeD we understood tbe impor- ladder "uk." "seek' and "knock" bQ8 notH, O. MORRISON, - - EdItor. tance of a &viour; then we learned the be"" climbed to the top os yet. L.t us go

- -- diffioult lesson of "folth ooly;" tben tbe

Ito lIod and in nil condor pray: .'atb.r, It

Tbls paper will oppear month'y. liuh'."pllon enemy tI.d and the were'there; then is true tbat 1 am weak and unwortby, and.pesee 60 ...n" pe' year. borror ga ....e place to peace, then purity but lor tho blood of Tby SoD, tbe vilest.

camo to dwell wheee sip bad made ita fODI !liu"e.; ,et, beeauee I am bidden, 1 come,Time BIId Piaoe. abode , thon w. exclaimed witb the P88lm· boo:.uoe of Thy merey I approach Thy

It i. intere.ting to nolice bow mo"y per. iot, "Return unto tby rest,oh 1I1y soul, lor Ibr.,"" 01 grace ond I aok Thee tl:Ilultill Th:reons wbo have been most usetul and bapl'Y the Lora bolil, dealt bountifully wit.� tbee." pro'Qi."". to mell for Tby n.ame'. eake, 1

in l'hri.tian Ii"e. can tell tl'Q ume Can wo ever forgllL tbat 11m.' 'WIll tbat ask �heetofulflilThy promtse.ln my ownwhen and tbe place tbey wcre C'OO' place ev.r CdS. � bo a sacred "1'011 ··If 1 heart lor 'fhy nam6's oake. Amea. Sucbverted, l� is perteetly reasonabl. that it ev.r forg.t tb.e,.· oh tbou Jerusal.m of my a. pmy.r I. bound to !Dove tb. tbrone, 101'

sboald be so. The being "born 11I-1Ii,," iQ soul, ::I.�, my right band lorget her cun· 1.00 hlII.t b� true to Himselt, He wonts to

tb. moat important event tbat can occur in OIng. It I do not ....member tbee, I�� my be tl1l••to HImself. It doea not become ...

tbo course 01 a man'. life, It would b,' dit- tongue olea ....e to tbo root of my moutb. to .IIY God ."'11 ?O so much and no more; or

tI=It to concmv.. ot "" nceurrenoollid not tbat He wtll gIve so lBuoh 884 DO more.

llII8OCiat.e it with time and place. (,'cl'lliinly "nnW much ",0", willy"ur B...Anly Falbe, gJ..It would be as foolieh as fo! �hildren ..

if a man i8 "born oo:oin," the bapl" "vent Ihe 1I0ly Spirillo "'em Ibal ... Him," stl1l)·l"", tbe baok. 01 tbe Mtlllli8abllll aadtook place at somo tim. some u'hm. We People, BII a rule, do not reahze how will. saYI wotero,.JDll eball paVtor MD hllo tile

could hardly conceive 01 Lbe poeeibilil.r 01 .. mgly Lho lo'ath.' (lives tbe Holy Gb""t til -- Willi c'I!'1'1111 aet bouodo to the "'ed'­

penitent sinner belng forgiven, hi- heart them that ,.k Him. Neitber do tbey a1O' �tb� SpIrit glveD at. tIria da�'? Who

ehanged, his nature regenerated, Id8 soul realize how neoe88ary it is Ib"t th.y to. hmlt HI. power In \vorkIDft won­

eieeneed, and yet bim remllininl( i� lorant .ese the 110ly liho.t. It _ro. to me 10 b. d_ Cf' IP�,.ire lallb Dod to atl�t Iii. pres­of the wond.rlul work wrouo:bt ill him.•ne or the cl•• r..t Iruth. 01 tbe b<.npture""_'" \\ ho wid .r,ou to ear tbe day. orH.nce, w. are not .urpri..,d wbeo ". beor that it is ooly in the po.seo.ion 01 the Spirit m!rad(" are pllBt?' � ul God, eurely,. It

anyone, in rolatin€( expericl""'. tdl tbat we boecme t..:briMtian. at all. It is oot w!i: It> Inr our good-lotiOlle good-tl \\'8when and wbere the Lord lor ebri. '. sska,only written in Homans �tb, but every.

w,l .n ••t to wor� Sndmg out .�ow much

10rl(HVe .in.. In Ibe c... 41 the whor.. : b. thut hatb not tbe Bpirit of God �1l1 do lor Uto 1D8t-:ad 01 �r} 109 to aee

tw�lve Apostl•• , tbey wore witb "n" ac· ebriot is none 01 His. Wb.n we repeot, itbow .Illi. we cao be ."tl.�eeIHW�b. Bcord in u". plaoo, aDd it Wu. 011 th.ll,y 01 iQ tbrough tbe Holy Spirit; wbeo we be. . . OCK BBL,

Pcnlieo.t. with a certain jailer. It \t", io, it i� tbrouo:b hi. h.lp. and wben wo

tbe jail at Pbilil'pi a liltle olter midn'ght. are born from "bove, we hllve simply cume Hints to Teaohers.With Corneiiuo and hi. tarnl,-, it W,o ... i· into pos•• lI8ion of tb. Spirit. Getting tbe N,,' long since w. met our old Rabbotbdelltly in th" bouse of COrnenl:l8 Wbllt )','tar 8pirit, we have '{ot. tho pearl of great price, 8...Jwd h.'ucher, whom We bad not seen forwao preacbmg. Martin Luther kno,," ju.tltbe treasure hid in a 1I.ld, Ibe wiodom that! Sb. said sh. could hardly I'eDllzewheo aod wbere it WBA tbat tb. , i. to ho d.oirod above rubi... Ubri.t lived, tbat· b"r boyo" were now all grown meo,whiollereel to bim, "the just sball 1 v·' bj Cbri.t died, Cbri.ll'08O again ..nd ""cended but tl at .b. rejoiced in. the laot that 80 manylaith," and lilting up b,s heart witb t �I,l in on bigb, tbat we might hoV.a lull baptiom flf tb, n SUint; pia.,.. ot position in tbeUhri.t b. lound peac.. John Bunyll� nev 01 the ::Ipirit; tbat w. might drink 01 tbe Cbur,j, and Sunday Scbool. Sba 88id obeer lorgot tb. day that b. eam. to 4 ,·ro.slwat.r 01 life Ir•• ly. KnOWing God as a otill IOn ...mbered U8 00 "bel boy." in h.rand lookod up at it until tbe burd�n 0 .in I'Ipirit, ao<i worshiping llim io Spirit and in pot,d..o 10 the Tbrone 01 Grace. How it""i trom' bion. Joho W... iey olwe /0 ....·Itrnlb,is absolutely Impoeeible Doless tbero mo. 0IlI' beorts 8well witbiD as an4 ftlledmembered tbe day that bis heart w:. 61'8\' 00 a reol cOlBmuuicQtiuu of Spirit with our" '811 witb tearo 08 obe reealled t"'­"""..."".I'V ....".mw" w,th tb" lov.... ('.,<1. I'IfI;rit. 'I'ue bat>(i.m of tbe Spirit "''''' tb. "'"rM4o.JrR. ""tI.p"Ir" .. ,_m.r'F_d '-J..'i>\)\\rl!."'"'' ""'"


...."'0 �.I)\I. I."" v.r� It,...t,'\g....t...t Rill \bat wa. secured to as by tbe in,·,·.f tbem. 'I'bere are reoolieotiooa DB

day, '!"'U\'\'ve M...lboo'.t obapel, 101',.\1>0 aton.m.nt. in tbi. gilt lies the hope of the £" .aa�t 08 tbo,. ar. saered aDd eteraaJ..tbe '!'_ehe., !'live tbe t..xt. and te (>1 thelwortd'. redemption. 11nl_ the "great pow· r�,'f'C ore w....... 0IId ,_ and rHo- ''''P'•••rmon th"t taught him 1.<, look at ., of Wod" come amonjlllt men, how caD tbey n."...r 10.. their bold upen the heart. TbeChriot witb au eye ot faltb until b,· 'aIY bim .ver b. red""medY And bow ol'e wa to .arlier tb.s. impretl8ioos are made tbe IDO....

lit< bia own Saviour and w.o� born, ill per· e-"peet. that p.ower .xcept tbrough tb. loalin� do tbey becom.. They may beI..·t peace. Hut wbii. 1 wrile tbe'. lines .ISpirit? It is my jodl(IIIenl thai fb. pig' wordstbat w... Idom boar 89 tbe y.... gobo.t 01 WIthe.... come up wbos.

t"'timonYInilloanc... of th. truth exp..-"d in OIIri.fa by; llIOOlI tbat w. may n.v.r see on oartb

wuuld be received io nny court, u�'el;nl( to word.: "It i••xpedient lor you that I go ag.".; placee tbllt w. ar.... Idom pernllttedtell wben and wbere it was Ifl.a� tl'ey tound aw"y, lor if I go not away tb. Hpirit will to I'; but once they were tbe o''8n.. , tbepellCe ill beli.vilJg in J....... 1I'0ul,j u.•t wei DOt com6," hoo 1101 Iet be.n tully realized as",ci"lee and tbe joy 01 ODr fife. Tbeybad mOre 01 thia 80rt of thing o"w.Jay •. W. must, 88 men 01 (iod, mak6 deeper leota "lid. controlling inftuence in traioing our

We ougbt to preoeh lor deep convi«LiooB, ot tb. exceeding precious prom'- made by IIIIjli.utiollll Ott<! ttl moping our d••tio.i....prsy lor hrigbt conversions, and eXf>·ct to'our A•• ior, (.;a.lj IQ IItitld aman-and tber. Th. f DBII never be wholly .ffaced fromMee tim �. �� mit tIl I1rcat' are many who havo mad. much attainm.nt m.II'ory. Tb. year. as tbey grow upon us

pow.r upon tb. peoph.. 11 w. would do in grDte-who has ill your opinion filled do,,, 8Ully tbeir tDnOCt'oce nor I.....n theirtbe.. Ihing., and det6rmine tb.t notbinR tb. 01111001 Iimitle.s boundary 01 lb. prom· I i"t�n9t; aternity will b"ld tbem dear 8.sbould d.t.r uolrom tbio metbod "f avan· ioa: "lio thnt b.lieveth on m., 88 lb. lkril" the ,weele8l remini••• """. of ..rth. We((olieal work, 8000 w. would se. m.Dlfeoted tur. l,oth said. out ot hi. belly oh.1I fluw may meet and love otber faeea, wo Rlay10 our mid8t that flame power that chBrac-1 rive� ot Hvio,Et water," ThIS be 8pake ot' tl'Wlol ra otber words, we may bave othorterized primihre M.·thedi.m. ,'h,;o lioes!tbe SJ>irit. Ohri.tiall perlection i. only a joy..... may mingle 10 other sc.nes andore not written to rebuke or discolI' .... an11 luller bapti.m of tbe Holy I1l1ust tban we lorll, lIb.r n88OCiatloas, but the facesof God's cbiMreo whORe religlOu!-. eXpcrl' get at conversioD. Pour, flkepticol, caviling and familiar 8C(JD88 that impre88ed our

.nl.... hav. not been in oecord Wil" th080l mortals thot w. are, i".wad 01 going to the .,bUd lood will remain inv..ted with a tad...meotioneel abeve. Any man wbo '"ft .ing, Fath.r tbrougb Uhriot and getting our 80uls

110"" ,,,,,oly, I18Cret! in their exemption lrom

"M. God I. "'oDelled, land bodie, tilled, until thore iB no more l.lblivon ond decay. Among all tbe Ieoderil" pardoning voice I bear; I room, with the Holy Spirit. we III.II8t llava ....001 eetlone 01 our cbildbood oooe ore

Be OWII' me Cor hi.ob!!'i> I an .odl .... quarrel; i.Btond 01 appropriating ."",, .... than the joyous bours spent in tbe1 ca••olo.ger ''''', tb. prom;""s, We must dispute aLout tbeir S"hl Itb ScbooL Hew tb. words .r an

oo€(bt to bo a moot tbanklnl and happy m.aning.

Ie.,o' st teacber were burned into ODr bearta

mao, .ven it bo cannot tell juot ""'0 ber llo yoo wallt love enthroned in yonr .IId ",oociance. How indolibly h.r 1000 isheard tbe pardoniog voice and bi, I·,,,s de'l lov&-Iove to God-love to m.n .IIImped opon our memory. How we are

parted. But the fact tbat some 61 nol -and 110 del"plioo? get IIlIed witb tb. ,·.rri,d back to tbose brillbt doys 08 we

kDow eXa<'t1y woon they were c',lIrerted Holy Bpirit. llo you want power-pew.r I hllm ovor agaiu tbo.. oongo w. "uaed todoeo not neeeRlllll'!ly probibit tbooo who dollo "revail witb Hod and witb m.n-pow.r�.illg·' T__ 10 tbe Suudav Bebool to·know rrom .etting up a Betbel .ton" wber. tbat will work woode.. ouch 1111 tbe world

I ,I.'Y,ore we making SWlh I.sting imp......

IIrst tbey met Lhe Lord, and ellen iu memo bas not witneased lor ogeo.l' gel poooeooioh ""II' upon the mind. 01' tbe dear little Onos

ory turning boek nod lin�ering theN. 'Tis1otthe Spirit. J>o you _t a character und ... our OOI'OY Will tb.y look book a

Ibe moot """r.d .pol in all tbe wOlld; 'tia tbat 18 Cbrist-like in all reopecto-bumble, I I,'w years beoce and oay tb_ were iDdeedthe brij(htost day in all the oaleadar ,.!tim•• gllil.I... , oympathetic, pure? got &lIed wilb I ''''eft, h.ppy bou .. ? Will tb.y earrytbat awlul bour whm agooy rea"'lld ita tbe Spirit. Witb tbe pow.r of the ,'ll?irit I

thralgb iiI. the memory of yoar laco beam­chmax; wben hope woo .Imoot gone; when las a inducement to deaire it above all duugB i "K witb love as you told tb,m of JeatIB?we left God would be jU.laveo if 11e GIst DOl elo., aod tb. wilhllgneoo 01 the Fatber to be· Will tbey obarioh 80me earueat, burningoj{ """....r. Thea ''"'0 sorrows 01

deatbj.towIt 88 aD incentive to seek it witb all worb tbat you bave spokeo? Are W.

compesaed me ond tbe paino of boll gol our beam, we ougbt not to be 80 long in I teaching lor e\arniLy. as w.U os lor thohold apon moi' I lound trouble and .oIfOW." utilizing the means Uod bno Jlal witbio ODr p .....nt?"Tb.n called upon the name 01 tbe (..ordj I'OIIOb by whicb Ho inteude the world eboll J, W, McEWAN.

Page 3: atht td tthodist.

� Ite l1li\1'" 4t'ttItO"'l· 111:1 jspeotoolecl eyes. aDd Ibe motber la lerael b7 la oao day to ptaoa olaetric travel tbrougll'Ii. ., .:11....11" 'J'" 1J' • ble oide is kaiUiag away, musiag 08 bYIlODe Ibo sinGh!, as maay more lhoatlanda bave

____ ----_= days. aaravelliog tbo threade of memory beea tonlribaled the ne,.t day to buildBolorod., UIo '_troft P_01IIee II loall_. '.'er tbaa abe Ilaito tbo yara thread. iato college>! and ohurcbes. Wblle they have

01 lb. _nd VI_. the glove abe Ie workiag upon. Tbe ODe pierced tbe prslries wilb "veaueo, aadreads OD. tbe olber koilB oa. appareotly 114' oooraoo Ibeos neDues Wltb bandsome noI·

OUB tbird Quarterly Meeting for tble cooecioaa 0; the otber's pr_oCll, yet you deaCe8, they have Dot Iorgottoa the gardeaeCog'ereooo yeor will bo beld Marcb 23 lad aannot caloalato tbe joy tbey '.01 10 simply 01 min.1 aad heart, wbere eha""""r Ia24. Oue Pl'e8ldia!l Elder. Dr. H. P. Walker. bolnK together. h fs a s!leat oommanion. develOJed, and tbe seeds of bappinees grow.will bo wltb be. preaoblng aod preelding and tbeyare bsppy ia tbe quiet oompaa- A.1ar monlhs of eampalgo work "' .....gIlover tbe Conlereaoo. Dr. Walker bas boon loasblp 01 one anotber. 8lalAl8 where ealooo ioduea... domioote10 very poor beallb all winter; We are Iliad I look agaia and teaM fill my .yea. Tbe polit.i .... where votee wera bought and soldto koow he It! able to OIBume bie dl1lieo. mr.etia bond of union 10 broken. 'l'be aged like COLLIe in tbe market plaoes, wbere cor·

Lei every member o. tbe Cburcb that pea- WIfe bllB !Men called bome. and 88 tbe gray- ruplioD of tbe ballot WIIB Dovor 80 nle.Sibly ean olteod all tb••ervices of tbls mest- baired bD8baod aita alone bofora tho lire, wbere mailing lielB were stolen to oovanC8IDg. Let tbOBO who bove tbe impartaot dreamiog abollt the aboont one. and realizes parly i on one aide. and ballot·boxeamalter in band aee that the Bider's claim ie tbat tbe col"paDioo of his pilgrimage. tbo atuJIod lor tbe samo parpose 00 tbe otber. itmet in loll. partDer 01 blS teare and toil., is goDe, a wau d.�i�bUul to breatbe atmoepbere 01 II

_ sen.. of maappnrtable looolh.ees _Is over eommnnl:y wltbout an 0",,0 1181000 and ito

OUB protfll('ted mseling begins tbe first him. and be longe to be at reat on tbe otber church... "rowdod wilh wo,.hipe...Bunday 10 April. Let u. an bagio oc.w aide of th. witb tbo lov� on.. gooe An<Jlb.r .commendable .eature of t�iswitb corefal readiDI( .f tbe St-ripturea and belore. 80 .bo.ld oor oommuDlon wllb the wealer. life I. tbe reopectflllD... of tbe ncb...roe.t rrayeno to prepare oll ... l ..ea lor the Holy Gboel ba 8weet Rnd ""natent. We toward tbo poor. Great forton.. bo.e bean

work 0 leading _I..... (;bnat. 11_ .b?�ld hove the !,bid'llg WitD_ el tbe mad.�. out Ib� ricb do o�t � te be p�lfedm.etlllga will not be held to get .Inoere 10 .pmt And eoJoy H" foil presence; then no up ID"] a sTik and IItlIln kind of _ety.join tbe Cbu",h but to get tbem to _k nigbl ie darlt. and 00 day is 'l'be Tboy KlCm to r.ali"" tbat over tbe biU of

Christ 118 a '�rson.1 Ravioor. If once I eom�ny 01 tbe Holy �pirit 8boald �II 118 li.fe i8 tb� VBUOY of leatb, wbere, aide hyBaved. we bave no lea.. with regerd to Iboir wltb JOY, th� aboenoe beget aD unreat In tbe aIde, II.• banker �II� the beg�ar ,!,Ii sleepJoining tbe Cborcb. Let a great d""ira for saul. mor! InlAln�e, tban .th. dealb ot ��e logelb�r; th! pr....e plow w,lI mIngle l�eth. aalvatioo of BOnis 1111 every Chr"lian deareet Inend. ·F.?ter?-"to thy 01""", .. dIU' of the bll'b oo.d lo.w. and tbat be who �iIIheart. and let oor umtod rraye... go up to

tbe command, o�� (� WIll meet VOU io the poor. vet deale In Immortal lotn,... 18

God dav and nigbt unli He come wilb porson of HIB *p,nt. 'Behold 1 staod al �be �ortby Ibe respecl 01 tbe Boooesolol dealer

migbty Power to save door and knock; If ooy mao bear my VOIce 10 .tlltke. bonds, aDd real e.tate..

nod opoo the door. I will com" io to bim ADOII,er b<aotil.llrDi� in Kanll8B eh........

--c;;;-�- I and will sup wilb bim ond be wilb me." is ter i. hop.lolo..... No mattiit' " eropo fail,, . mm. �D.. lone of the moet Imperiol paaeag.e in the tbry d .. Ii"t 1008 bearl, but climbing the Hillr�e �}',""toh. bened,ct,oo 088'gn. ··oom· Bible. Tbe Royal Gueat ie.t tbe door alld 01 Ho"e they Bland on iI•••mmi. aod point

::,oOlon, by !mlueoee, to tbe !loIY,?boot- wai18 .... eoler and commuo. wilb Iba bum· to the 1U1ilight o. better day••head. Tbey. tbe. co!"mu",?n or tb� Holy Ghoet. Love

Iblest ROUt. Ie yoor song tbe prayer: koo .. Hope olten guea on credil and fre·

18 G� S IODdlng attrabol.; Dol po.wer JIB o. ron .1 Ik "Ilb God,

qoently.lalls to meet her oolAl wben doe, but

seen. In tb. apread 01 tb. hlack WIOgs or A OIlm ""d Il0l ,1'_ wben .b.· does, toey tnn to tlOlI.teral aeoori.peettleaee, or '011 In Ihe tread 01 tho .0'

or Ihe prai.. : Ilea 01111 .urrouodilill re.ourees, _,..., au

aao�.. led leot of the elOna. �ut I!lve

errS-jl'betla'Iou d ....I.....lIbme ute"'lI> , of time Bnu prueaon. 'l'be"jflt"talhsed 10. dewdrops, 8pbered In nuobo ... , 10,; Aad ••"'" "'un"'" bere ba.. ""I aDd gTil of ,b_ Western IJOOpie drive awaycarnated la �ardropo-"�be love �I God. BBv. JlABDY Q. HBIIDIIII88tII, A. M. _pu'" .,"'y .....J, ...... II". promi.. uf�roae Ia peealaar to the Cb ..�ian daapenllA-_ comin, .j"v.lopmeo� mode up .,1 .....raI sa

tIOD. TIle dow of B_, iDetoa4 iIf .be ".11 "! .natcria,l _,tIJ ",Iu"" Ia &h.> WIlylip"�g'" !!"'... "'rio- 1IIf'"...........� """" ,.,.._., �..... .. ...« 1I"'InY:<J "" .... ..a ;wjlr..'-..IIt.,JesusCira. I 1\0 _·1 1 at _ in kl.......i� II' "'ereLet De talk 0 moment about _mD'''�. I am JnBt.!rom Wietnu, Kan8118, ..tted by yeat.. , ,y"lt_noon tbe 1&""'; b�i iD IbeI � on ef!:"d _pie Mllla'g around tbeir I'" .o,,:?, The Peeri_ Pri_ of theCil)' WI crowd"" BUJ ,,&1;0 oolleclioa lakeDllreslde. Tbe cbeerlul glow 01 tbo warm PialDB. but by some wbo are Dot I",owa. t th '1008 • tb leet I.b W C T IIbed 01 to!'la lend. n j!enial cbarm tn the "Tbe Windy Wonder 01 tbe W""L" �)"e �I�'''' 0.0U. R..w �:a :m�onity' to' d�room. It Ie an old·ln.hloned 6reploco. Tbey I gave tbree addraBBea for Ihe W. C. T. U .• lb ad rt"" d' Tbllove tbe ba:tgbt wood fire. Patent r� and tbougb Wicblto i... �m�polilan cily, eV:hi,,;61b::gwm·b."':nB:u:'����::;"', an:

�tea are 10 all tho .,....... rooms. Ihey where nOl only "very ""tionallly but .":1. th b l'b M I II ·d .. t t II

..:;\,�,:,��'::d�!�eW!��r: :oJ:::: i=��'!�d� �!�dwO�'::"��:1(:;::�i::'�r ':!;:C.�rm: ce�'::bae .?:�e� n:fi���di��"":�"v!� ::menta about tb. otber parte 01 Ibe bo 88 ed In lieon ... I:Ital••• "'ilb p-eed 'Ol' gaio, �"'� ree�� �� :;:a 10aB proml.. a

Ibm_�, bat ttrnv bave id, create io hid.away corn... " joiata; a Cle. 0 10) y�u�. B..wa."leave untouch.d tbo old .omily ",om'l yettboro Is not to he loond aD open aalooa 6. .

Pna.u'llT.� 1889.Bpare Ibe wood fireplace. lor It ia aaere I by to tempt tbe yoolb. Dod alter yean or travel, _

a tho....nd 8we.t memoriea oDd ballll"'od co.eriol( Ihe leading citi ... 01 nearly all the . .

by n tbou8Bod tender .......,iatioos," 'fhe l:ltatee 1 do Dot besilala to declare tbere ie THE tlovernor or Ran .... Bay" an hua meso

pBrlor. hall and runinll'·room bave Il new not a 'city 10 tbi. lloion. ia wbich lioen""u e'lf" ICI lh•.Legi.lature: "Fully nine t.dl�.appoarance about th.n... ••Iat seem. ROmeway. ealooos ."ist, ..b�ro RO many allend Uboreb I

ollbe .. rl�klnl( and drunkena088 prnalent IUsomebow, unnatural. bllt tho old fa"'i�' 8it- ..rvioo•• wbere &bbalb.eehool. are � i1lrlf". Ron••• "'lIht y.ooro 0)(0 bove bat>n nboh.bod,ting room Iooka joel like i\ did year. ftl{O; wbore Y. ltI. C. A. mootioga are .0 weUland l.fII�m ...�Ib earn.. lo\� Bod empbael8enly tbero ie a time-tempored meil""u088 attoadod. nod wbere a temperanoe advocale tbattb ,l:Itate �. �be .....1 tem.perate,�rd"'ly.aM\ it tbat adds a "n"" or .00..00,,_ to can �t Bucb an audieneCl in proportion to lOber, '?,munll) �� peopl� .n Ihe ,hoed

every piece 01 larniture. 80 I.t tb. old popolation. lIB Wichite, lianBIIB. I ",orld. 'fh. abohuoo of aaloon8. b not

bed8tead and bureal1 etant! right ",I"'re lily first lectore W88 on Salurday evening, ooly p omoted tbe porolOoal. �applne� <tud

th.y are. aad Ibe old cl(."'l., so Botiqu.. th.t and buod",de woro lurned away wbo eould geoe..... pr"8peflly 01 QIlr CIII ... bul It haa

It ba. oome bock Into laebion allain, ooo't om be oomltted. On �unday all.rnooB tbe j.oormcI18ly redaoed Crlm., filled tbouoanda

remove it lrom ito time-bonored oorlier. meeting was for m<n only. under tbe a08-01 bom 8 where WI':" and ."'801 ood wrete"·

''fb. loll maotel-pieae look8 quser to Ibe piceo of tbe Y. ltI. C. A .• Bud Ibe spaciou8 odn... on"" prevaIled wnb peoo8! pieatr.nnlultlated eye, and tbe b......·knobhod anditorium wa. packed witb tbe cteaneBl'laud ,.., ltentm.ot, nnd bal moterlally 10-

aodiroM may seem a triO. beblnd tbe I;'nea oounteoaaosd yOl1ng llIeo I bava addreosed creused th. trade ood bU810... 01 tbose en­

to Ibe devoteea of fttabion. but to the old in yo..... Oa Mouday evening aD admioaion I ga� n tbo eal. 01 .ooe!.al and wbole�mefolk. th"y are jusl tbe thing; so it bllBl'AOn (et! wa. ebarged. Bod notwitholaoding tbe,artloltl4 of merubaodlll". -.Montana­

agreed "poo nil baoda to let tbe� otay 88 olrlalf"nt tim.. , gave tbe W. C. ''f. U. aboot odl8t.

the old people want them. for tbetr lIllvar One buodred dolla.. above ."'f."naee.lock8 aro too wbite 10 warrant tbo bope 01 Tbere are a lew trailo io \'0 icbilO oharac· l'atr. Po vderly in Favor 0' OoDStitudooalstaying io tbis world mocb loogar; b."ee. tor worth our "Ludy. ODe io tbe unity 01 Prohibition.tb. onildreo bave tboogbt it wioe to earri- purpose 10 boild up. oot ooly tbe oommer- 111"....... _....."'" ..._!lice owo eaprice of taste to tbe pl_. elal, but moral grandeur 01 Ibe cily. Wbil. Hen.,.1 Maol.r Workman Powderly, ofare aDd oomrort 01 tbeir aged pBrOBte, aud the Board of Trade ganerou"ls donated at the KI.gbte of Labor. referring to tbe pend.tbia old family room 1M oDe 01 Ibe 'ew obam· oae meeting twenly acrea 01 land aDd oDe lag P" bibitory conetltotioDol ameodmeot iobore 01 ito kiad remaining 88 an beirloom of bODdr<ICI aDd O.ty tboueaod dollars to a Peons) IvaDiu, ie reportod .. eaviag:tbe daY" wb.a tbe dream 01 domestic ptaee packing-bOO" 80larpri... tbe citill8nealooat "We re_ "'._bol_ UIopoverqowas realiMd arol1nd Ibe hoapitoble bearth- one meetiag subscribed forty. live thoUBaod and d!� .. upo. 0 okI.. b 'h. ....stone. dolla... to ereat a Y. ltI. C. A. bailding. druotu I Md ill•••pri...plod 11••. ""d po.In fa� eye I 1tictMe thItI IIlI8d whiob-Ja DOW oodar wlI7 aDd will ooot oi 1=0 it.o�':;..o�!..-,,!.!':r:=;bsatde th.... own C'brietlan dreaide. rhe thoasand dollore wb.... comploted. Wblle Iloo. I. ",.pi.1oa I' ....... aD IoanIaIed

old sarvant of God I. reading hl8 Bible 'I'Ilth 1IIOJl)' thOD8lUlda of doUIIl'II bave been raised I to. "hi """ deal I••"

Page 4: atht td tthodist.

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� $10 WATCHaTE.-W.ND aad aTE.-SET

We lind Ihls Silver HunUng'Stem·wlndlng Iftd WItch, uplnllon balance, patent pinion. dUII­I?"OO' Clp, tully .arranted .a to quality and Ume-keep­lng, by intI! to InW addreu, at our risk, on reollpt 01$10.00 lot thl .atch and 26c.1M pottage and regiStry,or In Gold·nUed Cue (WarPant,d by the mlnufleturenlor 20 yeart) on I1lcetpt of 122.00 lor the.ltch and26t. tor potlago and registry. Thl, cut .hoWI the thooIlbe ..tch. Tbetl watchea waigh aboul .. ouncelleach, tbe cue welgl\lng about 2 ounces. Money marbe eont ulet)' by mill with JOur oniP:l', In I rogltteredleftor, Oar complete catalogue ot III our goods lentto an,. address. For our reliability we reftr you toUte publb-heft 0' this paper,

O. P. BARNBS & BRO.• Jewelars,622 Weal Main StnIet, LoularUle. Ky.



--SUP TB�--


(I!uooeaaor to III. 8. Boward)




8eadquart81S lor Fruits, Nuts, VeptablSl,Oysters, C8J'11 4IJd 1'Isb,


BSTABLltlBD 1832.

W.·f.'••• lfDILIOK. Q, •• IC ...nBlOS.


836 4th AVENUE.


B23, 827, B19 lUIeI SSt K4ll!T BTBBB'l'. 0_ ..Belted fIovm • clialaDce. IIIudntod CJaIa.Good, Careful DrI.... I'urnlahed Wbeu DealMCl, 8\)Olclallla"" too 00&1I1ero1al Kee.

Backl ""d l'irn-CI... LI.ery a Speclal'y, losue _ut ,._ to auy odd_-----



Little Neck Clams,

Chipped and Potted Beef,

Scotch Marmalade,

Olives in Bulk and Jars,

Capers l..nd Truflles,

Dried Ham, Chicken and Duck,

Dried Crabs,

Ginger Preserves,

Brandy Peaches,Edam and Pine Apple Cheese,

Boneless and French Bardines,

Baker's and Rowntree's Chocolate, etc,


-GO TO-GRAY & CHURCH, c;mOllGI llOGlllS'

BDiUCl'8' lIardm aDd Mcchanla' Tools,




II'B&lIrDOBT, KY. HEADQUARTERS AT DEPOT. To get a IWJe Jnioy BoaIt and TeDder Steak