ATHLETIC STUDENT HANDBOOK 2019-2020€¦ · welcome and support you in your journey. Whether you...

ATHLETIC STUDENT HANDBOOK 2019-2020 Property of: ________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________ Phone #: __________________________________________________ In case of emergency, please notify: Name: _______________________ Phone #:_____________________

Transcript of ATHLETIC STUDENT HANDBOOK 2019-2020€¦ · welcome and support you in your journey. Whether you...

Page 1: ATHLETIC STUDENT HANDBOOK 2019-2020€¦ · welcome and support you in your journey. Whether you are a freshman, a transfer student-athlete, or a returning student, we are glad that


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Page 2: ATHLETIC STUDENT HANDBOOK 2019-2020€¦ · welcome and support you in your journey. Whether you are a freshman, a transfer student-athlete, or a returning student, we are glad that

Welcome from the Office of the President

It is with great pleasure that I extend a warm welcome to each of you from the Concord University family. Your decision to continue your educational and athletic experiences here will help you to chart a course to success in both arenas. We are here to enthusiastically welcome and support you in your journey. Whether you are a freshman, a transfer student-athlete, or a returning student, we are glad that you have chosen Concord University to begin or continue your university studies.

I want to express my admiration to you for already having faced and overcome challenges in your schools, counties, and regional athletic competitions. Each of you have likely heard standing ovations for your successes and we want you to know that we are committed to seeing you continue to have experiences that will be fulfilling, rewarding, and exciting, both on and off the field. By becoming a Mountain Lion, you have committed to being a visual representative of Concord University, in your roles as athlete, ambassador, and role model to students, staff, faculty, and the entire University community.

Concord University is proud to have strong traditions and a culture that can help you to build upon the foundational values already in your life to attain the goals and dreams you have envisioned for your future. Concord will provide you with a firm foundation in the liberal arts which can be joined with programs and majors in professional fields of study or can lead to graduate education. The choices are yours and we are here to aid you in recognizing and meeting your aspirations. You will find that your Concord coaches, professors, and the athletic department are knowledgeable, skillful, and dedicated to your development. They will help you to set ambitious goals and to realize them in your fu-ture. Concord’s athletics department has many outstanding programs that will help you succeed both academically and athletically in your sport.

I wish you a wonderful year and offer my congratulations to each of you for choosing Concord University as one of the places you will grow, develop, learn, and excel as a person, an athlete and a good citizen.


Dr. Kendra S. BoggessPresidentProfessor of BusinessConcord University


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Welcome from the Athletic Director

Dear Student-Athletes,

It is a great pleasure to welcome you to the Athletic Department at Concord University.

As the Director of Athletics at CU, I can assure you that our coaches, athletic trainers, and administrative staff are extremely committed to providing you the resources, guid-ance, and support that will allow you to have a successful college experience. In return, we ask that you represent Concord University with passion, class, and diligence in both your academics and athletic endeavors.

There are three things we expect from all our student-athletes. First and foremost, you are expected to be a serious student which must include attending class on a regular basis. The pursuit of your degree should never be compromised. Second, and of equal importance, you are expected to abide by all NCAA and MEC rules and regulations. Any questions concerning NCAA or MEC compliance you may have should be directed to our Compliance Office. Third, you are expected to abide by the philosophy of good sportsmanship and ethical behavior at all times. If you are dedicated to these fundamental areas, success in athletics will naturally follow.

While the athletic tradition at Concord has been strong, the future looks even brighter.Throughout your college career, you will be faced with many challenges. Fortunately,with any big challenge comes the potential for big rewards. I feel confident youwill reach your academic and athletic goals and CU will become one of the premierprograms in the country.

Please feel free to ask if there is anything we can do to enhance your experience atConcord University. I look forward to meeting you.


Kevin GarrettDirector of Athletics


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Athletic Handbook Mission StatementsMission of Concord University• The mission of Concord University is to provide quality liberal arts based education, to foster

scholarly activities, and to serve the regional community.• Concord University provides rigorous programs, primarily at the baccalaureate level, which

prepare students to pursue various graduate study and career options and to assume leadership and professional roles in a multicultural society. While we incorporate a variety of educational methodologies/technologies, our size and caring dedication of our faculty, staff, and administration are the principal assurances of a quality educational opportunity at Concord University.

• The primary purpose of Concord’s mission is academic; however, the service the University provides to its state and region goes beyond the classroom. Concord University contributes to the quality of cultural and economic life in southern West Virginia through collaboration with both public and private organizations and agencies and through extension of its support and assistance into the region it serves.

• Ultimately, Concord University measures its success by the fulfillment alumni find in their careers and throughout their lives.

Concord University Athletics – Mission StatementFor all of those associated with the athletic program at Concord University:• Our mission is to provide an atmosphere that will create the following three outcomes

1. Serve the Communitya. Dynamic engagement initiativesb. Promote individual and team service opportunitiesc. Proudly promote and represent Concord University and the region

2. Foster Scholarly Activitya. Development academic enrichment opportunitiesb. Recognize academic successc. Integrate with the academic community

3. Support Liberal Arts Based Educationa. “Academics provide the preparation necessary for success in life, while athletics

develop the self-esteem and confidence necessary to put the preparation into action”

b. Championship experience for each “recruiting generation”c. Balance the physical

* To be successful in our mission, it takes these three components of the athletic program working together.

Athletic Department Philosophy• The program of intercollegiate athletics is and will be administered in accordance with a

statement of philosophy that is consistent with the purpose and goals of the University, the MEC, and the NCAA.

• The intercollegiate athletic program at Concord University endeavors to contribute to the total education of each individual student athlete by providing a disciplined teaching/learn-ing experience outside the classroom.

• The athletic program strives to provide an environment of wholesome competition to assist in the development of responsible citizens.

• Student-athletes may develop their athletic interest and potential through a variety of intercollegiate sports, which are financially supported within the University’s budget.

• The intercollegiate program also endeavors to stimulate the engagement of the entire community. It strives to create a positive public image contributing both to the recruitment


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of students and to the support of the University from its many publics.• Principles of student-athlete well-being will be protected and enhanced through the

athletics program including the overall educational experience, health and safety of the student-athlete, and their involvement in the program.

• Cultural diversity and gender equity will be established and maintained, fairness, openness and honesty will be exhibited and a positive student-athlete/coach relationship will be fostered.

• Student-athletes should be motivated to seek an education and be amateurs in an in-tercollegiate sport. Participation in athletics should protect the student-athlete from exploitation by professional and commercial enterprises.

NCAA Division II Philosophy StatementIn addition to the purposes and fundamental policy of the National Collegiate Athletic Association, as set forth in Constitution, members of NCAA Division II believe that a well-conducted intercollegiate athletics program, based on sound educational principles and practices, is a proper part of the educational mission of a university or college and that the educational welfare of the participating student-athlete is of primary concern.

The competitive athletics programs of member institutions are designed to be a vital part of the educational system. A basic purpose of this Association is to maintain intercolle-giate athletics as an integral part of the educational program and the athlete as an integral part of the student body and, by doing so, retain a clear line of demarcation between intercollegiate athletics and professional sports. (Article1.3) • The purposes of NCAA Division II: (Article 1.2)

1. To initiate stimulate and improve intercollegiate athletics programs for stu-dent-athletes and to promote and develop educational leadership, physical fitness athletics excellence and athletics participation as a recreational pursuit.

2. To uphold the principle of institutional control of and responsibility for all inter-collegiate sports in conformity with the constitution and bylaws of this Associa-tion

3. To encourage its members to adopt eligibility rules to comply with satisfactory standards of scholarship, sportsmanship, and amateurism

4. To formulate, copyright, and publish rules of play governing intercollegiate ath-letics5. To preserve intercollegiate athletics records6. To supervise the conduct of and to establish eligibility standards for, regional and

national athletics events under the auspices of this Association7. To cooperate with other amateur athletics organizations in promoting and con-ducting

national and international athletics events8. To legislate through bylaws or by resolutions of Convention upon any subject of general

concern to the members related to the administration of intercollegiate athletics9. To study in general all phases of competitive intercollegiate athletics and establish

standards whereby the colleges and universities of the United States can maintain their athletics programs on a high level. (as of June, 2005)


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Countable Athletic Related ActivitiesCountable athletically related activity includes any required activity with an athletics purpose, involving student-athletes and at the direction of, or supervision by any member or members of an institution’s coaching staff(including strength and conditioning coaches) and must be counted within the weekly and daily limitations. Administrative activities (e.g., academic meetings, compliance meetings,) shall not be considered as countable athletically related activities.

What counts? What doesn’t?

Practices (not more than 4 hours per day.) Compliance Meetings.

Athletics meetings with a coach initiated or required by a coach (e.g., end of season individual meetings).

Meetings with a coach initiated by the student-athlete (as long as no countable activities occur)

Competition (and associated activities, regardless of their length, count as 3 hours). NOTE: No countable athletically related activities may occur after the competition.

Drug/Alcohol educational meetings, CHAMPS/Life Skills, or SAAC meetings.

Field, floor or on-court activity. Study Hall, tutoring or academic meetings.

Setting up offensive and defensive alignment.

Student-athlete advisory committee/ Captain’s Council Meeting

On-court or on-field activities called by any member of the team and confined primarily to members of that team.

Voluntary weight training not conducted by a coach or staff member.

Required weight training and conditioning activities.

Voluntary sport-related (e.g., initiated by student athlete, no attendance taken, no coach present)

Required participation in camps/clinics. Traveling to/from the site of competition (as long as no countable activities occur).

Visiting the competition site in the sports of cross country, golf, and skiing.

Training room activities (e.g., treatment, taping, rehabilitation activities and medical examinations.

Participation outside the regular season in individual skill-related instructional activities with a member of the coaching staff.

Recruiting activities (e.g., student host)

Discussion or review of game films. Training table meals.

Participation in a physical activity class for student-athletes only and taught by a member of the athletics staff (e.g., coach)

Attending banquets (e.g., awards or postseason banquets)

Fundraising activities or public relations/ promotional activities and community service projects.


Taken from NC AA Resource Book, Bylaw Article 17: Playing and Practice Seasons, NCAA Manual

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Student- Athlete Conduct PoliciesConcord University Student-Athlete Conduct:The primary goal of any student athlete at Concord University is to acquire a quality education that prepares them for a career in their future endeavors. Second to the acquisition of an education is loyalty and dedication to their respective sport. When an individual becomes a student athlete, he or she is accepting the responsibilities and efforts necessary to be productive on and off the field. Practice, attitude, and physical abilities are only part of the many aspects of becoming this successful performer. The commitment to classes and academic success has definite carry-over to day to day routines of practice and competition. The commitment of each Concord University student-athlete is to exemplify this dedication and intent focus for striving to accept nothing less than one’s best performance each time he/she crosses the boundary lines of their respective sport.

1. All student athletes at Concord University must abide by and uphold the policies of the institution.

2. Any infractions of the handbook are handled by the Head Coach and/or Athletic Director and depending on the decided penalties; eligibility for practice and competition may be affected.

3. All student-athletes, sport managers, and student-athletic trainers are subject to all rules, regulations, and procedures stated in the Concord University Student Hand-book.

4. Every student athlete at Concord University must:a. Be a good citizen.b. Be a positive role model for others.c. Work at being the best student-athlete one is capable of being.d. Uphold the University’s statement of purpose and the athletic philosophy

statement at all times.e. Protect the personal rights of others by practicing courtesy, consideration, and

re-spect.f. Protect the property rights of others from theft, damage, or misuse.

g. Adhere to all Concord University policies and regulations, including the rules governing the use of facilities, housing, cafeteria, and campus organizations.

h. Obey, respect, and uphold the law of the land.i. Refrain from the possession, use, or distribution of illegal substances.j. Maintain a standard of dress which requires neatness, cleanliness, and

appropriateness of attire.k. Exhibit professionalism, decency, and restraint, refrain from disorderly conduct or

indecent, profane, or obscene expressions of behavior.l. Be honest in behavior, and refrain from cheating or knowingly giving false

information.m. Exemplify high principles of honor and integrity by making mature and

appropriate decisions.n. Refrain from physical and verbal abuse.

5. Concord University is committed to promoting sportsmanship and developing a healthy environment for competition. Teaching student-athletes and our communities to conduct themselves with sportsmanship and respect for opponents is an integral part of the role of education through athletics. Concord expects that all stu-dent-athletes and representative spirit groups treat opponents with sportsmanship. Therefore Concord University Athletes will lead by example by:

a. Showing ABSOLUTEY NO tolerance for taunting and baiting of a team’s on field opponents prior to, during, or after an event


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b. Honoring the responsibility that accompanies the privilege of representing their school by behaving with dignity and class on and off the athletic fields/courts.

6. Additional departmental and individual sport conduct and participation policies:a. The head coach of each sport and the head athletic trainer have the right to set

conduct and participation standards for that team or group of student athletic trainers.

b. Adhere to the drug and alcohol policy as detailed in the Alcohol/Drug Education and Testing Program.

c. Refrain from drinking and driving.d. The department and coaches reserves the right to set standards of personal

grooming and living that are consistent with the public image that it wishes to project through its athletic teams.

e. The Athletic Department will not tolerate public behavior that might bring discredit to the University or the Athletic Department and will discipline such behavior based upon the circumstances surrounding the situation.

f. Refrain from stalking activities. g. Refrain from aggressive behavior in the dormsh. No illegal behaviors such as taking things that do not belong to you. This would

include activities such as removing towels, pillows, etc from hotels during team travel.

7. Violations of conduct policies may result in suspension from competition and practice as well as reduction or loss of athletic scholarships.

8. All situations involving the legal system will be dealt with through the Athletic Director.

NCAA Student-Athlete Conduct:1. Honesty and Sportsmanship – All participating student-athletes shall always repre-sent

the honor and dignity of fair play and the high standards associated with compet-itive sport.

2. Unethical Conduct – Unethical conduct may include but is not limited to the folloing:a. Refusal to furnish information relevant to an investigation of a possible violation

of an NCAA regulation when requested to do so by the institution or the NCAA;b. Knowing involvement in arranging for fraudulent academic credit or false

transcripts for a prospective or an enrolled student-athlete; c. Knowing involvement in offering or providing a prospective or enrolled stu-dent-

athlete an improper inducement or extra benefit;d. Knowingly furnishing the NCAA or the individual’s institution false or mislead-ing

information concerning the individual’s involvement in or knowledge of matters relevant to a possible violation of NCAA regulations.

3. Gambling Activities – Student-athletes shall not knowingly:a. Provide information to individuals involved in organized gambling activities

concerning intercollegiate athletic competition;b. Solicit a bet on any intercollegiate competition;c. Accept a bet on any team representing the institution;d. Participate in any gambling activity that involves intercollegiate athletics through

a bookmaker, a parlay card, bracket type betting, or any other method employed by organized gambling.

4. Disciplinary Actiona. Student-athletes found in violation of the provisions of any of these regulations

shall permanently lose all remaining regular-season and postseason eligibility in all sports.


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Social Networking Website Notice and Internet PolicyParticipating in intercollegiate athletics at Concord University is a privilege that imposes certain obligations and responsibilities on student-athletes. As public representatives for the University you are held in high regard and are expected to portray a positive image at all times; the actions of one athlete can put the entire department in a negative light. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube, and other social networks have increased in poplarity and are used by everyone throughout the campus and worldwide. Athletes may not be aware that third parties including media, faculty, opposing teams, future employers, and NCAA Officials can easily access their profiles and view all personal information. This includes pictures, comments, and videos. Inappropriate materials found by third parties affect the perception of the student, the athletic department and the University. With this in mind,

Penalties will be determined on a case by case basis. Depending on the nature of the issue, these types of violations may also fall under University policies regarding Title IX, Harassment, Stalking, etc. Athletes may also find useful information in the Grievance Policy and the Athletics Inclusion and social welfare policy.

1. No inappropriate or offensive comments should be posted publicly 2. Information placed on the website(s) cannot violate conference Sportsmanship, or

NCAA Regulations regarding Amateurism, Sportsmanship, Ethical Behavior, Recruiting Rules and/or Banned Substance list

3. Photos, videos and/or comments posted on these sites:a. Should not inappropriately depict team related or college –identifiable activities

wearing uniforms or gear)b. Should not promote or condone drug use or related activities. This includes

but is not limited to images that portray the personal use of marijuana and drug paraphernalia; posting of photos, videos, comments, or posters that show personal use of alcohol and tobacco. Examples would be holding cups, bongs, kegs, and/ or shot glasses etc.

c. Should not portray or speak about your or other team(s), team members, or coaches in a negative way. That can include on and off of the playing areas.

d. Should not degrade anyone especially based on race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, religious or political beliefs. These types of comments, pictures, etc. can often lead to action being taken by the University as well.

e. Should not be harassing in nature.4. Social media outlets should not be used as venues for conflict resolution. If you have

a conflict with a member of your or another team you should try to resolve this face to face and should never use physical violence to settle a dispute. Concord University Athletics understands that disagreements will occur and respect the right of student athletes to handle matters privately; however anyone that feels they are being discriminated against threatened or harassed in any manner should bring the matter to the attention of Athletics’ Department employee.

5. It is highly recommended for safety and privacy, that athletes refrain from posting personally identifying information including but not limited to:

a. Student ID numbersb. Email addressesc. Phone numbersd. Birth Datese. Social Security Numbers


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1. Any area where there is an implied threat can be considered hazing.2. Hazing is detrimental to an organization’s success.3. The athletic staff and administration wish to insure a positive atmosphere which will not

subject any student/athlete to treatment that may debase the individual or rob them of their personal dignity.

4. Instead of promoting hazing actions, the Athletic Department simply promotes positive team building activities such as community service, team dinners, common activities, etc.

5. Any associations with hazing actions will result in severe disciplinary action by the athletic administration up to and including being dismissed from the athletic team.


Concord University Athletics Inclusion and social welfare policyConcord University Athletics and the NCAA believe in and are committed to diversity, inclusion and equity among its student-athletes, coaches and administrators. Therefore, Concord University will offer participation opportunities to all individuals regardless of age, race, sex, class, national origin, creed, educational background, disability (unless unable to pass the required pre-participation medical exam), gender expression, geographical location, income, marital status, parental status, sexual orientation, work experience, and religious affiliation. Concord University Athletics encourages any student-athlete that feels that they have been discriminated against for any of these reasons to report to the Senior Woman Administrator. Student-athletes also have the right to report to the school’s Title IX Coordinator. Contact information for these individuals is provided in the directory contained within this Student Athlete Handbook.

Concord University Athletics and the NCAA are also committed to providing an intercollegiate athletic experience where we strives to offer support, education, and guidance in regards to the student-athlete’s social , physical, and mental welfare. With the strong relationship that exists between physical and mental health, the stresses and pressures endured by the student-athlete can affect athletic performance, limit or even prevent training and competition until successfully managed and treated.

1. The inclusion policy at Concord University is guided by the following principles:2. Participation in intercollegiate athletics is a valuable part of the education experience for

all students.3. Student-athletes including minorities, gays, lesbians, bi-sexual, transgendered, and

athletes questioning their sexual orientation should have equal opportunity to partici-pate in sports within NCAA bylaws.

4. The integrity of women’s sports should be preserved5. Policies governing sports should be based on sound medical knowledge and scientific

validity.6. Policies governing sports should be objective, workable, and practicable; they should

also be written, available and equitably enforced.7. Policies governing the participation of transgender students in sports should be fair in

light of the tremendous variation among individuals in strength, size, musculature, and ability.


HazingDefinition of hazing – an illegal activity which endangers the physical safety of a person, produces mental or physical discomfort, causes embarrassment, fright, humiliation, or ridicule; or degrades the individual whether it is intentional or unintentional.

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8. The legitimate privacy interests of all student-athletes should be protected.9. The medical privacy of all student athletes should be preserved.

10. Athletics administrators, staff, parents of athletes, and student-athletes should have access to sound and effective educational resources and training related to the participation of transgender and gender-variant students in athletics.

11. Policies governing the participation of transgender students in athletics should comply with state and federal laws protecting students from discrimination based on sex, disability, and gender identity and expression.

12. Decisions regarding participation, playing time, scholarships, leadership positions, etc. will not be affected by any of the following: Age, Race, Sex, Class, National origin, Creed, Educational Background, Disability (as long as cleared medically for participation athlete is seeking), Gender Expression, Geographical location, Income, Marital Status, Parental Status, Sexual Orientation, Work Experience, Religious affiliation

The participation of transgender athletes is encouraged at Concord University. However, there are NCAA policies regarding participation that must be observed and often times a medical exception must be submitted on behalf of the athlete due to testosterone being a banned substance:

1. A trans male (female to male- an individual who was assigned to the female gender at birth but has a male gender identity) student-athlete who has received a medical exception for treatment with testosterone for diagnosed Gender Identity Disorder or gender dysphoria and/or Transsexualism, for purposes of NCAA competition may compete on a men’s team, but is no longer eligible to compete on a women’s team without changing that team status to a mixed team.

2. A trans female (male to female- and individual who was assigned to the male gender at birth but has a female gender identity) student-athlete being treated with testos-terone suppression medication for Gender Identity Disorder or dysphoria and/or Transsexualism, for the purposes of NCAA competition may continue to compete on a men’s team but may not compete on a women’s team without changing it to a mixed team status until completing one calendar year of testosterone suppression treatment.

Social and mental welfare of student-athletes is an important part of the overall athletic participation. Concord University recognizes the additional responsibilities that students take on by being a member of a competitive athletic program. Concord University Athletics’ staff will consider issues in this area to be as serious as a physical illness or injury. Concord University does have a University Counseling Center which provides service to all currently enrolled students. Trained professionals are available to discuss personal concerns. Referrals to community agencies will be made upon request or if deemed necessary by the counselor(s). Prior appointments are strongly encouraged and may be made by going to the Counseling Center or by telephoning. To contact the Counseling Center you may utilize the following contact information.

(304) 384-5290Campus Box 28E-mail: [email protected]


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Concord University Student Athlete Grievance PolicyThe goal of the Concord University Department of Athletics is that all student athletes be not only treated fairly, but feel that they have been treated fairly. For this reason, Concord University has come up with the following policies and procedures through which a student athlete may file an appeal or a grievance in those situations they believe this is warranted. A student-athlete who is unsure about whether or not they should file an appeal is encouraged to discuss the matter with their team’s SAAC (student athlete advisory committee) member. Other sources of advice include the head coaches, senior woman administrator, sport administrators, the faculty athletic representative and the director of athletics. It should be noted that any complaints or grievances that involve discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual assault or any other potentially dangerous situations should be reported immediately to the Director of Athletics, Senior Woman Administrator, or University’s Title IX Coordinator. If a student athlete feels that their safety is in jeopardy they can also report to campus police. It should also be mentioned that in addition to any Department of Athletics policies and procedures, student-athletes always have available to them the normal university procedures that are available to all students. A student-athlete who wishes to obtain more information about these normal university procedures should refer to the Student Handbook or contact the Vice President of Student Affairs. The policies and procedures described herein are aimed at resolving issues raised by student-athletes within the Department of Athletics, although in some cases appeals to groups outside of the Department of Athletics also are specified as part of the grievance procedures. Student-athletes may at any point contact the faculty athletic representative for advice and assistance in seeking an appeal or in the resolution of a grievance and may request that the faculty athletic representative be present at any meetings involving their complaint as the faculty athletic representative is not an employee of the athletics department.

Cancellation/Reduction Of Financial AidA student-athlete who wishes to appeal any decisions related to his or her athletically related financial aid shall submit a written request that contains the following information:

1. The student’s name, social security number or university identification number, year in school, sport

2. Type and amount of previous financial aid3. Reasons for believing that the decision was unfair, including names of institution staff

members (e.g., coach, financial aid officer) with whom the student has discussed the aid4. Copies of any relevant documents (e.g., letter, regarding initial award of athletics grant) The

student should submit these materials to the Financial Aid Office within 14 days after the student receives written notification that the grant is being canceled or reduced.

Procedures1. The student submits a request to the Faculty Athletic Representative for a hearing before

the Financial Aid Appellate Board.2. A hearing is scheduled, and the student-athlete, coach, and hearing board will be noti-

fied of the time and place. 3. Each side presents their arguments to the Committee either in person or via a confer-

ence call. If either side cannot attend, a written statement may be presented in lieu of an appearance.

4. The Athletic Faculty Representative and/or Compliance Office Representative may be present to help clarify any questions the Financial Aid Appellate Board may have with regard to student’s academic status or NCAA Legislation.

5. The Committee will not observe the rules of evidence observed by courts, but will

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conduct a fair hearing, the purpose of which will be to let each side present its position so that a just decision can be made.

6. The appeal is reviewed by the Financial Aid Appellate Board, and their decision is FINAL.There is no appeal beyond the Appellate Board. All parties involved will receive a written response within ten days after the hearing.

Refusal To Grant a Transfer ReleaseA student-athlete at Concord University denied either permission to contact other institutions for transfer purposes ( or where applicable the use of the one-time transfer exception will be informed in writing of the institution’s decision within five business days of the original request. The Faculty Athletics Representative will be copied on that decision.

The following appeal process is then available to the student-athlete:

The student-athlete must contact the Office of the Faculty Athletic Representative within 14 days of the written decision to indicate the intent to appeal. The FAR will contact the student-athlete, the sport coach and the sport administrator to request that written information be provided relevant to the case. The FAR will set a timely deadline for re-sponse to this request (a week at most). The Faculty Athletic Representative will convene a hearing committee consisting of the FAR and the two non-athletic employees. The Committee may make a decision based on the written material, or in cases where the outcome is not unanimous, an in-person presentation by both the student-athlete and the coach will be scheduled at the earliest possible date. Should an in-person hearing be necessary, the student-athlete and the coach will be in the hearing room only for his/her presentation. Additionally, one person may be in the room to support each speaker. This person is not authorized to make any presentation to the Committee.

The Committee will notify verbally the student-athlete, coach, sport administrator and Director of Athletics of the Committee’s decision and follow-up with a written confirmation. Please note that at any time the Committee may consult with the Associate AD for Compliance or the Compliance Coordinator to discuss Conference or NCAA legislation.

Actions Taken By Intercollegiate AthletesA student-athlete may report any incidences of mistreatment or abuse by another athlete as follows:

1. Discuss the issue with the individual who took the action if you feel comfortable doing so to see if the issue can be resolved without involving other parties. If you are not comfortable speaking to the person directly it is advised that you involve a coach or a staff member especially in any instance that you feel your personal safety would be in danger.

2. If the issue is not resolved, the student-athlete may request a meeting with the Head Coach of their sport if they were not involved in the initial meeting with the individual.

3. If the issue is still not resolved, the student athlete may request a meeting with the Senior Woman Administrator to be attended also by the head coach and any other members of the administration that the Senior Woman Administrator deems necessary.

4. If the issue is still not resolved, the student athlete may request a meeting with the Director of Athletics (unless the director of athletics was asked to be a part of the meeting with the Senior Woman Administrator). The decision of the director of athletics is final.


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Decisions Made/Actions Taken By Intercollegiate Athletics Coaches And/Or StaffA student-athlete may report any incidences of mistreatment or abuse by a head coach or another Department of Athletics employee as follows:

1. Discuss the issue with the head coach or Department of Athletics employee who made the decision or took the action if you feel comfortable doing so to see if the is-sue can be resolved without involving other parties. If you are not comfortable speaking to the person directly it is advised but not required that you consult with your teams SAAC representative to have them meet with the coach/employee with you.

2. If the issue is still not resolved, the student athlete may request a meeting with the Senior Woman Administrator to be attended also by the head coach or Department of Athletics employee and any other members of the administration that the Senior Woman Adminis-trator deems necessary.

3. If the issue is still not resolved, the student athlete may request a meeting with the Director of Athletics (unless the director of athletics was asked to be a part of the meeting with the Senior Woman Administrator). The decision of the director of athletics is final.


Actions or behavior of this nature are not tolerated by the Department of Athletics. Please see the CU Inclusion policy for more information. Student-athletes are encouraged to bring such behavior or incidences to the attention the Senior Woman Administrator. Student-athletes can also report such behavior or incidents through the Title IX coordinator; however this step will be completed by Athletics Administration regardless in any situations that fall under Title IX. Student-athletes may also report incidents that they feel are en-dangering to their personal safety to Campus Police.

Academics Did You Know? Attendance:

1. The number one reason for lack of academic success is related to class attendance! SO GO TO CLASS!!!

2. The faculty and administration at Concord University believe that class attendance is an important part of each student’s education experience. It is expected that every student athlete will attend every class session.

3. Every professor is different with his or her attendance policy so each student-athlete needs to discuss this policy with his or her professor at the beginning of each semester.

4. Attendance policies are included in the syllabus of each course taught and the student-athlete is to be aware of each policy. Student-athletes are going to miss some classes due to participation in athletic events and travel.

5. In no situation is the student-athlete to leave before the assigned time due to athletic travel or competition.

Advising:1. Every student at Concord University is assigned an academic advisor in his or her chosen

field of study. Advisors will provide information and advice about academic matters and will assist one prior to and during the registration periods. One’s advisor will discuss a schedule that meets with current academic standing and the requirements of one’s

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Course Registration: (See advisor before selecting course)

1. In order to secure classes that have the least interference with practice and game schedules, student-athletes should make every attempt to register as soon as possible during your assigned time. Class schedules should be arranged so that practice schedules, game schedules, and travel away from campus will have a minimum effect on class absences.

a. Student must provide a copy to his/her head coach.

Dropping and Adding Classes:(Student Athletes Must See Head Coach and/or Academic Athletic Advisor: Luke Duffy before doing this)

1. Deadlines are published each semester for dropping and adding classes. Academic advisors must approve all classes that are dropped or added. Should a student fail to use the proper procedures for dropping a class and simply stop attending the class, a failing grade will be received. All students must contact their coach and/or the Academic Ath-letic Advisor (Coach Luke Duffy ext. 5343) before dropping a class. NCAA rules require that student-athletes be enrolled as full-time students in a minimum of 12 semester hours of class work. Should a student-athlete drop below 12 hours, one becomes imme-diately ineligible. Student-athletes should be aware that a professor may drop students from classes for poor attendance without notifying the student.

Academic Support and Study Hall:1. Mission Statement: The mission of the Concord University Athletic Academic Services

is to provide the support necessary to assist student-athletes in reaching their potential academically, athletically, personally, and professionally during their college experience, while maintaining Concord University and athletic department standards of integrity.

2. Student Support Services: Any student demonstrating financial need or a learning disability may receive tutorial and academic support programs through the Student Support Services. If you feel that you might need academic help in a course do not wait until the problem is severe.

3. Drop in Tutoring: Every student at Concord University has access to these tutorial and academic support programs. The drop in tutoring is conducted in the library, Rahall Technology building, North Towers lobby and the Student Center Academic Lounge. Just drop in and sign the sheet; a tutor should be available to assist anyone in a problematic course or just if you’d like to have your papers proofed. Check with your head coach or Coach Luke (Women’s Soccer Head Coach), the Academic Athletic Advisor, for times and subject areas. YOU MAY also contact your team SAAC representative for information.

4. Athletic Study Hall is mandatory for all student athletes who have less than a 2.75 cumulative GPA. Study hall is considered the same as a practice or an athletic contest. Unexcused absences in study hall may result in disciplinary action or loss of athletic scholarships. Individual sport coaches may initiate additional academic developmental opportunities.

a. Graduate Assistant Coaches will be responsible for all athletes study table hours. If at any point the student renders him/herself ineligible they will be required to meet with a tutor once a week until back in good academic standing the following semester.

• All freshmen – 3 Hours a week of Study Tables in 1st Semester

chosen degree program. Advisors also assist with selecting a major, dropping, adding, or withdrawal from a course, however the responsibility of following one’s academic course of study and selection of classes ultimately rests with each individual student.


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• Study table hours after the first semester of Freshman Year for all Student-Athletes if Cumulative GPA is:

1.8 - 1.99 – 1 Hour of Tutoring plus 3 Hours a week 2.0 - 2.29 – 3 Hours per week (suggest a tutor) 2.3 – 2.49 - 2 Hours per week 2.5 – 2.74 – 1 hour per week

• 2.75 Cumulative GPA and above - Out of Study Tables5. Student Tutors are available during evening study hall hours (Tuesday-Thursday, 7-9pm)

and will assist any athlete who desires additional help with a course requirement.

Academic Dishonesty:1. Cheating is defined as wrongfully giving or receiving information or attempting to do

so with regard to examinations, quizzes, classroom assignments, research papers, and other academic assignments.

2. Plagiarism is defined as using words or ideas of another source directly without proper acknowledgment of that source, including all types of commercial services in order to gain some form of reward.

Academic Honors:1. Academic excellence earns student-athletes recognition during their time at

Concord University. The following honors are granted to student athletes based on work at-tempted while the athlete continues to participate and work towards their baccalaureate degree:

a. 3.25 GPA- Athletic Directors Honor Roll b. Presidential Scholars Club – for student athletes that maintain an overall 3.5 GPA

2. Any full time student that achieves a grade point average of 3.5 or higher for a semester is honored by being included on the Dean’s List as published by the Office of the Vice President and Academic Dean.

Honors for Graduations:1. Academic excellence earns recognition at graduation. The following honors are granted:

a. Based on work attempted while a student pursues a baccalaureate degree:• Summa Cum Laude – 3.8 to 4.0 grade point average• Magna Cum Laude – 3.60-3.79 grade point average• Cum Laude – 3.30-3.59 grade point average

Concord University Inclement Weather Schedule

Monday-Wednesday-Friday Classes

Normal Meeting Time Inclement Weather Meeting Time

8:00-8:50 10:00-10:40

9:00-9:50 10:45-11:25

10:00-10:50 11:30-12:10

11:00-11:50 12:15-12:55

12:00-12:50 1:00-1:40

1:00-1:50 1:45-2:25

2:00-2:50 2:30-3:10

3:00-3:50 3:15-3:55

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Athlete RecognitionAll student athletes who complete in good standing their athletic eligibility and graduate earning a degree from Concord University will receive graduation cords provided by the Athletic Department to be worn at graduation acknowledging their sport participation.

Additional Eligibility Issues:1. Declaring a major – Student-athletes are required by the NCAA to officially declare a

major course of study leading toward a baccalaureate degree by the beginning of their fifth (5th) semester. Once a major is declared, only courses counting toward the total credits needed for a degree may be used for eligibility purposes.

2. Seasons of Competition – Ten Semester Rule – A student athlete shall complete his/her seasons of participation during the first 10 semesters in which the student is enrolled in a collegiate institution in at least a minimum full-time program of studies, as determined by the regulations of that institution.

3. Outside Competition – Outside competition during the school year or summer as a

Eligibility1. To be eligible for competition the student athlete must:

a. Initial eligibility – Must have been cleared through the NCAA Eligibility Center.b. Grade Point Requirements:

• Athletes must pass a minimum of 24 degree hours during the academic year.• Athletes must carry a minimum 2.0 GPA during course of eligibility.

c. The student athlete must complete all required NCAA forms prior to any practice and/or competition participation.

d. The student athlete must be enrolled as a full time student with at least 12 credit hours of academic class work.

e. Effective Spring of 2016, A student athlete must earn a minimum of nine hours each full time semester they are enrolled at Concord University and no more than six hours of summer school.

f. Transient (classes completed at other Institutions while enrolled at Concord Uni-versity) credits must be pre-approved by the Office of the Registrar.

g. It is the responsibility of the student athlete to ensure that official transcripts are submitted to the Office of the Registrar for any classes completed at another in-stitution.


Tuesday-Thursday Classes

Normal Meeting Time Inclement Weather Meeting Time

8:00-9:15 10:00-11:00

9:30-10:45 11:05-12:05

11:00-12:15 12:10-1:10

12:30-1:45 1:15-2:15

2:00-3:15 2:20-3:20

3:30-4:45 3:25-4:25

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member of a non-institutional team or as an individual is subject to specific rules for each sport and may affect one’s eligibility status. Student athletes must check with the Compliance Director (Kenny Osborne) or Athletic Director (Kevin Garrett) before competing in any outside competition.

4. Amateurism Principles – A student-athlete must be an amateur as defined by the NCAA. The following are some of the most common ways a student may make themselves a professional and thereby become ineligible:

a. Signs a contract or enters into any agreement with a professional team;b. Competes with a professional team for compensation; c. Contracts orally or in writing with an agent;d. Receives money or remuneration for coaching any sport; e. Participates in any athletic competition under an assumed name or with intent to

deceive; f. Engages for money or other considerations in promotion wherein his/her useful-

ness or value arises chiefly from the publicity value of his/her name as an athlete;g. Participates in an organized team where score is kept, uniforms are worn, or offi-

cials are used can trigger amateurism regulations and result in loss of eligibilityh. Student athletes enjoy a one year grace period following completion of high

school.5. NCAA Student Statement/Drug Testing Consent Forms - Each academic year the NCAA

requires every student-athlete to read and sign two statements in order to be eligible to participate in intercollegiate athletics. The NCAA student-athlete statement has two parts: Signing the statement concerning eligibility and the Buckley Amendment consent form and a signature on the Drug Testing consent form is required before practice and/or competition is allowed to occur.

RecruitingRecruiting Policies for the Host Athlete

1. Recruiting is any solicitation of a prospect or a prospect’s relatives or legal guardians by an institutional staff member or by a representative of the institution’s athletic program causing a perspective student athlete to become a recruited perspective student athlete at that institution.

2. Unofficial Visit to a member school by a PSA is a visit made at the prospect’s own expense an unlimited number of times. These visits may be made before his/her senior year in high school.

Student Athlete Host Guidelines:1. If selected as a Student Athlete Host by your coach you:

a. May participate as a student host during a prospect’s official visit to campus.b. May receive from the Athletic Department a maximum of $30 per day to cover all

actual costs of entertaining the prospect excluding the cost of meals and admis-sion to campus athletic events.

c. May receive an additional $15 per day for each additional prospective athlete you host at the same time.

d. May not use these funds to purchase souvenirs or other institutional mementos for the individual.

e. May provide the PSA with transportation only to view off-campus practice and competition sites in the prospect’s sport and other institutional facilities. An insti-tution’s staff member must accompany the prospect during such a trip.

f. May not permit or encourage alcoholic consumption by the PSA.g. May not engage in alcohol consumption with, elicit sexual favors for, or provide

the perspective student athletes drugs of any nature.

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h. Must understand that the supervision of the PSA is your responsibility. The activities in which you permit the PSA to participate is a direct reflection of the athletic department and the University.

i. Understand that violation of recruiting rules by the student athlete host may result in loss of scholarship or playing opportunities.

Transfers Policy1. If a student-athlete should decide to transfer to another college the head coach of your sport at

Concord University should be contacted immediately. Should you decide to continue participating in your sport at another institution the coach at Concord University can either decide to release you or not based on whether he/she believes it to be in your best interest to stay at Concord University.

2. To transfer from Concorda. Notify the head coach of your sportb. Contact Director of Compliance, Steve Cox ([email protected]) to initiate the process of

being added to the transfer portal. Compliance will have up to 14 days to respond to your request.

c. After a decision is made by the head coach and Director of Compliance, you will be notified of your release status via email.

• Permission to contact outside MEC• Permission to contact outside NCAA Atlantic Region• Permission to contact specific schools with exceptions• Permission to contact anyone• Full release denied• Full Relese

d. If release is denied you have the right to appeal. To start the appeal process, contact Dr. Mike Miller ([email protected] , Concord University Faculty Athletic Representative during the academic year or Senior Women's Administrator Alisa Tasler ([email protected] during the summer.

Regular Financial Aid1. Athletic Financial Aid is only one type that is offered at Concord University. Anyone

wishing to receive Federal Financial Aid must file both the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FASFA) and the free PHEAA Aid Information Request for West Virginia. To be considered, applications must be filed by the appropriate deadline (contact the financial aid office for appropriate deadline dates and forms). The earlier these forms are completed the greater the opportunity to receive funding revenues. FASFA should be filed each year no later than March 1.

2. The amount of athletic aid you receive can be affected by the other amounts and types of aid you are/will be receiving. If you receive any other types of Financial Aid from Concord University, the State of West Virginia, federal government, or any other agencies, continuation of that aid could be based on submitting appropriate forms by the deadlines or maintaining a certain level of success (GPA, credits, etc.)

3. Should your performance result in a loss of non-athletic aid, Concord University athletic aid will not make up for lost support.

Athletic Financial Aid1. Athletic based financial aid is offered on an annual basis. Receiving aid is on a year-to-

year basis and is not guaranteed throughout your college career. Receiving aid one year does not automatically mean that you will receive the same the following year. (Bylaw 15.02.6)

a. Insufficient performance level could lead to athletic aid non-renewal.2. Items that could cause reduction or elimination of athletic financial aid include but are

not limited to:a. Academic GPA – Your grade point average makes you ineligible for competition.

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b. Poor or substandard class attendance can also be grounds for being deemed ineligible for athletic financial aid.

c. Behavior – Breach of conduct issues (on or off-campus arrest, disciplinary procedures, failure of drug or alcohol test, etc.)

d. Team Discipline – Breach of conduct issues (missing or late to practices, contests, study hall, disrespectful behavior to coaches, players or competitors; fighting, in-appropriate language, etc.)

e. Conditioning – failure to participate or comply with established programs (conditioning, rehabilitation, etc), failure to maintain proper conditioning required to perform at a competitive level.

f. Failure to participate in the non-competition season in programs involving conditioning, skill development sessions, practice, scrimmages, etc.

g. Incompliance with NCAA 9 hour rule.h. Incoming freshmanmust have final certification of amateurism & academic within

45 days or athletic aid will be cancelled.3. Should Athletic Aid be reduced or terminated, a student athlete has the right to appeal

the decision, please reference the Student Athlete Grievance policy.

Drug and Alcohol TestingConcord University supports and implements the random drug testing program required by membership in the NCAA. Head coaches reserve the right to implement random drug testing within their sport's program.A random drug test is used to:

1. Deter the use of drugs among student athletes;2. Assist in identifying substance abusers among student athletes;3. Promote education regarding the use of drugs;4. Assist the student athlete in need of treatment for substance abuse.

Student athletes are ultimately solely responsible for the substances they put in their body. Even those that may be prescribed to them by a medical provider. It is their responsibility to officially put in writing any medication and report it to the Athletic Training staff. Simply handing a member of the staff a copy of the prescription will not constitute a request to check banned status. While there are tools to look up risk categorization for nutritional or performance supplements, Concord University is unable to make guarantees or recommendations regarding supplements. Athletes may again request in writing for a supplement to be submitted to the NCAA Drug Free Sports Agency for a review, but will only be provided with a risk assessment of the supplement and will be given no instructions on whether to take that supplement or not. Athletes should obtain all information possible about a supplement before making a decision on whether to take it. It is highly recommended that student athletes look to their diet to supply the body over supplementation whenever possible.

NCAA RulesRule for Use of Banned DrugsA student-athlete who, as a result of a drug test administered by the NCAA, is found to have used a substance on the list of banned drug classes, as set forth in Bylaw, shall be declared ineligible for further participation in postseason and regular-season competition in accordance with the ineligibility provisions in this bylaw. of ineligibility - Banned Drug Classes Other Than "Street Drugs."A student-athlete who, as a result of a drug test administered by the NCAA, is found to have used a substance on the list of banned drug classes other than "street drugs" (in accordance with the testing methods authorized by the Board of Governors), shall be charged with the loss of a minimum of one season of competition in all sports, in addition to any seasons of competition already triggered due to participation (Bylaw

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The student-athlete shall remain ineligible for all regular-season and postseason competition during the time period ending one calendar year (i.e., 365 days) after the collection of the student-athlete's positive drug test and until the student-athlete tests negative (in accordance with the testing methods authorized by the Board of Governors) and the student-athlete's eligibility is restored by the Committee on Student-Athlete Reinstatement. Duration of Ineligibility -- "Street Drugs."student-athlete who, as a result of a drug test administered by the NCAA, is found to have used a substance in the banned drug class "street drugs" (in accordance with the testing methods authorized by the Board of Governors) shall be charged with the loss of competition during a minimum of 50 percent of a season of competition in all sports (i.e., 50 percent of all contests or dates of competition in the season following the positive test). The student-athlete shall remain ineligible until the prescribed penalty is fulfilled, the student-athlete tests negative (in accordance with the testing methods authorized by the Board of Governors) and his or her eligibility is restored by the Committee on Student-Athlete Reinstatement.

Tobacco/Alcohol use:1. Concord University does not condone the use of either substance2. Both are prohibited in connection with any intercollegiate athletic function involving

student athletes or prospective student athletes, including but not limited to team meetings, practices and competition.

3. Student-athletes testing positive for a controlled substance or involved in an incident involving alcohol or a controlled substance on campus outside of athletic events will still be subject to punitive or corrective action as deemed appropriate by the student athlete’s head coach and approved by the Director of Athletics. These student athletes will also be automatically selected for Institutional Drug Testing if these incidents involve illegal substances.

NCAA Appeal Process:1. Student athletes will have the opportunity to request a retest of the same sample.2. When a sample is taken during NCAA conducted drug testing it is divided into two

separate samples; one sample is used for the initial test and the second is used for the retest.

3. If you request to have the second part of the sample retested, the cost of the retest is at the expense of the student athlete.

Concord Appeal Process:1. Student athletes will have the opportunity to request a retest of the same sample.2. Sample is immediately tested in the container that the sample is collected in; the same

sample would be available to be sent to the lab for confirmation of initial test results.3. Only student athletes will handle the specimen container until initial test results are

revealed.4. If you request your sample to be retested, the cost of the retest as well as shipping cost

is at the expense of the student athlete if the initial test results are confirmed. If for any reason the initial test was wrong and the retest comes back as a negative test, the institution will incur the cost for the retest and shipping.

5. If student athlete requests a lab confirmation of a test, the sample will be packed for shipping immediately in front of the athlete. Sample will not be handled by CU Athletic staff or designee until it has been secured by the student athlete.

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Concord Selection Process:1. Each student athlete will be tested at least one time during each academic year.

However being selected once does not automatically disqualify you from being selected for additional testing, and institutional random testing is not affected by NCAA random testing.

2. All Concord University sport rosters will be randomized meaning members of the team will not be listed in order of their number, position, last name, etc. The list will then be numbered.

3. A member of the Drug Testing Team will assign numbers to be tested for each testing session off the randomized list by utilizing a random number software program. If a student-athlete is selected and is no longer on the team, the next person on the list will automatically be selected.

4. Once an individual has been tested from the randomized list, they will then be placed on a randomized list of athletes that have already been tested from all sports. Each subsequent testing date, members of the already tested roster will be chosen for retest. This means that once you have already had your 1 required test for the year you are still eligible to be selected again.

5. Again Concord University coaching and Athletic Training staff do reserve the right to request a student athlete be tested in any of the sessions if a concern exists for the student-athlete’s health and well-being and consequences remain the same regardless of the testing circumstances.

Concord Collection and Screening Process:1. Drug screening will consist of a standardized urinalysis testing device supplied by an

accredited and licensed toxicology laboratory (Redwood Toxicology). 2. Student-athletes will be asked to verify their student identification number (774#)3. Identity will be confirmed as individual to be tested4. Student-athletes will be asked to remove any unnecessary outer clothing such as

jackets, hoodies, and sweatpants when athletic shorts are worn underneath, etc.5. Student-athletes will be allowed to retain his/her wallet during testing, but all other

items must be left outside of collection area, including but not limited to cell phones, pocket books, date books, book bags, etc.

6. Student-athletes will be asked to wash his/her hands to eliminate any possible contaminating substances from under the donor’s fingernails.

7. Student-athletes will open specimen cup package and remove lid from I-cup device. 8. Specimens will be collected with direct visual observation by athletic department staff

or their designee and handled by the student-athlete only until lid has been properly secured. A timer will be started upon collection to ensure that timeframes are correctly observed.

9. Athletics department staffs will ensure that sample size is large enough to be tested (at least 1/3 full), and temperature is valid (90-100 degrees F) at 2-4 minutes after collection.

10. Specimen is tested immediately on site by collector removing peel off label to reveal the drug test strips and adulterations strips.

11. If the adulteration strips indicate adulteration, the sample will not be usable and athlete will have to be retested within the next 24 hours and will continue to be tested until an unadultered sample is provided.

12. Test results will be read no earlier than 5 minutes after collection, no later than 60 minutes after collection

13. Test results must show a red line in control boxes. A test without a line appearing in the control box should be considered a defective test and athlete should be retested within the next 24 hours.

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14. If athlete wishes to appeal results and have test results confirmed by laboratory, this must be decided on site prior to dumping specimen. Security labels will be placed over specimen cup and initialed by athlete indicating that the specimen provided has not been altered in any way.

15. Lab confirmation request form will be filled out in the presence of the student athlete and signed by student athlete

16. Sample will be placed inside Redwood Toxicology Ziploc bag for shipping.

Concord Positive Test Result Process:1. A letter will be drafted and sent to the athlete, head coach of the respective sport and

the Concord University counselor indicating positive results.2. Copies of this letter will also be maintained by Drug Testing Coordinator and

Compliance office.3. First offense. Student athlete will be required to attend mandatory counseling

session(s). The first session must be scheduled at the counseling center’s first availability not interfering with class. Documentation showing initiation of counseling must be submitted to the Drug Testing Coordinator. This must be followed up with documentation showing the completion of mandatory counseling.

4. Second offense. Student athlete will be dismissed from all Concord University Athletic programs for a period of no less than 365 days.

**Student-athletes that have been selected for testing that do not show up for the testing session will be penalized as if the test were positive with no appeal process available.

**Should a test be reported as dilute, suspected of being tampered with or the specimen sample is inadequate for analysis, the athlete will be subject to additional testing at the discretion of the Drug Testing Administrator up to and including the next testing date. Additional tests will be unannounced and urine specimens will be accepted immediately and according to policy.

**Student-athletes testing positive will automatically be selected for drug testing sessions throughout the year. Student-athletes will be given at least 30 days to allow substances to clear from their system before they will be expected to test again.

**Head Coaches reserve the right to have team penalties that are above the institutional penalties.

Questions about SupplementsIf you have questions regarding the supplement you may be taking and if the product(s) are legal please visit: ,this is a free resource through the NCAA in which student athletes can email the staff and get questions answered regarding supplements or use the drug/substance look-up tool to find out banned status. The organization is NCAA II and the password is ncaa2.

Sports Medicine Policies and ProceduresThe following is an overview of the policies and procedures have been established for the purpose of clarifying, organizing and providing Sports Medicine services at Concord University. The full policies and procedures manual is available at Highlight the "Inside Athletics" tab, and then click "Sports Medicine."

MissionIt is the goal and duty of our Sports Medicine staff to provide the highest quality medical care for the student-athletes at Concord University. The staff will work diligently to provide sport related injury/illness prevention, assessment, and rehabilitation at the highest level within our means.

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We will also provide assistance, necessary advice, and referral for any general medical, psychosocial, or non-sport related injury for student athletes that is beyond the capabilities of the on-campus Sports Medicine Team. Concord University staff will provide equal and adequate care for athletes with no regard to age, race, sex, class, national origin, creed, educational background, disability, gender expression, geographical location, income, marital status, parental status, sexual orientation, work experience, religious affiliation, sport, or level of participation while protecting the athlete’s legal rights when it comes to medical information.

Facility• The Concord University Sports Medicine Facility is located on the second floor of the Carter

Center. Please note that Hours of Operation are subject to change based on staff class schedules, travel schedules, weather conditions, final exams, etc. These changes will be communicated in the best way possible. There may also be days that the Sports Medicine Clinic is not open in the afternoon due to all the athletic trainers being out covering practices. During the traditional academic year, the Sports Medicine Clinic will have the following hours:

• Monday - Friday: • 7am-9am (Open hour for all athletes) • 9am-12pm (By appointment only) • 12pm-1pm (Open hour for all athletes)• 1pm-3pm (By appointment only)• 3-6 pm (Pre-practice treatments, appointments if possible, and practice coverage)

Open hours- Athletes do not have to have a scheduled appointment to come in and receive treatment or evaluations. Evaluations will receive priority, treatments will be first come first serve and Athletic Trainer’s may require athletes to return for an appointment if there are too many athletes present. Rehab will only be done during open hours if Sports Medicine Staff has availability to supervise.

By appointment only- Only athletes with appointments will be treated during these hours. Athletes may still come in to heat, stretch on their own, ice, or be taped without an appointment during these hours. Athletes will not be permitted to do rehabs during these hours even if they can complete the rehab without assistance if they do not have a scheduled appointment.

Pre-practice treatments, etc.- There may be a limited number of appointments available, but mostly Athletic Trainer’s will be getting teams ready for afternoon practices, or out at practices. This is the busiest time in the Sports Medicine Clinic, so athlete’s seeking to have one on one attention should avoid seeking treatment during these hours.

Weekends/University observed holidays and breaks:

Hours dictated by practice and game schedules

Summer Hours

The Sports Medicine Clinic does not operate on a normal open schedule during the summer.

Finals Week : The Sports Medicine Clinic does not operate on a normal open schedule during Finals Weeks, it will be open by appointment only.

Inclement Weather Policy : Should the inclement weather policy be implemented at Concord University the Sports Medicine Clinic hours will be altered. The hours under the inclement weather policy will be as follows:

General Policies1. The Sports Medicine Staff at Concord University provides treatment solely to student

athletes at Concord University.

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2. The program provides medical care to all of the intercollegiate athletes and teams on campus under the direction of the lead team physicians, Dr. Greg Beato D.O. and Dr. Bart Eastwood, D.O.

3. Services provided include: Prevention, Recognition, Evaluation, Immediate Care, Rehabilitation, & Healthcare Administration.

4. Active participation in recovery is MANDATORY. We will not help you if you are not willing to help yourself.

5. All athletes must check in as they enter the Sports Medicine Clinic to receive any treatment.

6. MANAGE YOUR TIME. Be on time for all treatment sessions or any appointments. Do not use the Sports Medicine Clinic as an excuse for being late to team activities, class, etc. Do not miss scheduled appointments without notice; this will result in your coaching staff being notified. Excessive missed appointments may result in refusal of care for that specific injury because if you can miss that much you obviously are not that hurt.

7. Cell phone use is not permitted in the Sports Medicine Clinc. Headphones may be used, but are not permitted during evaluations or interactive portions of treatment/rehab.

8. ONLY COME TO THE SPORTS MEDICINE CLINIC WITH A PURPOSE. Do not use the Sports Medicine Clinic as a hangout, if you are not receiving treatment you will be asked to leave.

9. No cleats, spikes or muddy shoes, equipment, or equipment bags are allowed in Sports Medicine Clinic. They may be left in the hallway outside the Sports Medicine Clinic.

10. Book bags and personal belongings should be store either in your locker room before coming to the Sports Medicine Clinic, or in the provided lockers when you enter the Sports Medicine Clinic.

11. Be respectful to staff, students, fellow athletes, and visiting teams. Any athletes not able to act maturely in the Sports Medicine Clinic may be asked to leave.

12. Follow the directions of the Sports Medicine staff and Athletic Training students. 13. No smokeless tobacco products are permitted in the Sports Medicine Clinic. 14. Wear appropriate clothing when showing up for evaluations and rehabilitation. 15. Do not use any of the equipment or supplies without permission of a staff-member. (No

SelfService). This also means stay out of the cabinets, drawers, closets, and desks unless given permission.

16. Athletes are not permitted in the whirlpools in any clothing that would become see through when wet (white, off white, light grey, etc.), and must rinse off dirt/mud etc before entering the whirlpool.

17. Unauthorized use of or removal of any equipment is STRICTLY PROHIBITED including staff computers and phones. Anything you are given permission to take out of the Sports Medicine Clinic must be returned in the condition it left. All borrowed equipment will be signed out and if not returned a financial hold will be placed on your student account for the equipment.

18. All athletes MUST SHOWER before receiving any hands on post-practice/post-game treatments.

19. PICK UP AFTER YOURSELF. If you get something out put it back where it belongs. 20. If any of the above rules are broken, appropriate action will be taken including but not

limited to: being warned to discontinue behavior, reported to coach, asked to leave.

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Obtaining Medical Treatment from a Concord University Athletic Trainer1. Report any and all injuries and illnesses to your supervising Athletic Trainer even if

you do not feel that they will affect your participation. Often injuries that seem minor develop into something more.

2. Order of medical treatment will be determined by severity of situation. Emergency situations will always be given first priority. a. Student athletes should consider being prepared on away trips to seek medical treatment by packing important information such as Driver’s License, insurance information, and emergency money to pay for co-pays, prescriptions, etc.

3. Injury Evaluation a. a. Significant injuries that occur during covered events will be evaluated

immediately by the Athletic Trainer and then seen by the Team Physician Assistant at the next available appointment.

b. Minor injuries that occur during covered events or chronic injuries that are reported during practices will be evaluated at earliest allowed time. This may mean the athlete is asked to make an appointment to have injury looked at the next day in instances where this will not be detrimental to the athlete’s condition.

c. Athletes reserve the right to make themselves an appointment to have an injury evaluated or seek evaluation during open hours.

d. Any and all new injuries must be reported to AT staff in a timely fashion in order for coaches to be alerted of injury status.

e. Minor or chronic injuries that are reported to AT staff during a practice will not necessarily result in removal from that practice.

f. In the event that an athlete has a significant injury at a non-covered event or needs immediate care after the Sports Medicine Clinic has closed, the athlete should call 911 or seek care from the closest urgent/emergent care facility. Athletes that seek urgent/emergent care must follow up with the Sports Medicine staff at the next available opportunity during operating hours. Concord University Sports Medicine staff is not “on-call” after operating hours.

g. If an athlete is injured at an away competition that a Concord University Athletic Trainer is not present at, the host institution’s Athletic Trainer or present medical staff will be responsible for determining medical care. IF there is no medical staff present, then the supervising Concord employee must make the appropriate medical decision.

h. Some low risk sports only require an Athletic Trainer to be readily available to respond to an injury, so be sure to ask the host coach to call an Athletic Trainer if there is not one physically present at the event.

i. Any student athlete who does not have an appointment that feels they require an evaluation prior to their next practice is REQUIRED to come to the 7am-9am open hours (for all athletes), or they will be expected to practice. 4. Treatment/Rehab a. All rehab sessions are by appointment only unless during open hours and must be supervised by Sports Medicine Staff. b. All athletes are required to check in prior to coming in to receive treatment, evaluation or rehabilitation on any injury. c. Athletes are not permitted to double book an appointment time slot without approval from the Sports Medicine Staff member they are signing up under. d. Athletes are expected to know their schedule and make appointments that they are confident they will be able to make.

j. e. Athletes should not text or call the Sports Medicine staff to make appointments

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for you. If you forgot to sign up for an appointment, your options are as follows: k. Come to open hours 7am-9am l. Come in between 7am-12pm and sign yourself up for an afternoon appointment

if there are any available. m. Athletes are expected to be on time for appointments. Although being early

is often a courtesy, please understand that if Sports Medicine staff has other appointments your treatment or rehab may still have to be started at the scheduled appointment time.

n. If unforeseen circumstances prevent an athlete from making a scheduled appointment the athlete should make every effort to communicate with the treating Sports Medicine Staff member or call the general Sports Medicine Clinic room number to inform a staff member of the cancellation.

o. Athletes should call office numbers or general Sports Medicine Clinic number to cancel appointments, not text or call Sports Medicine Staff’s personal cell phones.

p. Athletes that are late for appointments may have to be rescheduled. q. Excessive lateness or absence for scheduled treatment times may result in any of

the following:r. Coach informed of problem s. Missed practices (due to not progressing in rehab) t. Refusal of treatment for that specific injury if 3 or more appointments are missed

without notification u. Director of Health Services for Sports Medicine informed of problem

5. Participation Decisions a. Participation decisions will be made by the Sports Medicine staff and/or team physicians at covered events. b. Sport coaches and strength and conditioning coaches receive regular injury reports indicating athlete’s injury status as well as expected level of participation 6. Non-Compliance with Treatment Plan a. In the situation that the student athlete does not comply with the treatment plan, the supervising coach will be alerted. b. The injured athlete will not be subjected to greater than normal risk by the coach during punishment for missing treatment sessions. In other words, if a student athlete is restricted from running, then the coach will not have the student athlete run for missing a rehab appointment. 7. Physician Evaluation a. Concord University’s Sports Medicine department works cooperatively with many providers, but work under the direction of our listed Team Physicians. These doctors together with the Sports Medicine staff have the final word on all medical decisions affecting athletic participation of the student-athlete. b.Any care received outside these entities will require the athlete to provide written documentation or sign a release for the Sports Medicine staff to gather medical information. c. While we understand athletes have a right to medical privacy, our Sports Medicine staff will not treat injuries or illnesses without adequate information. Therefore, if documentation is not provided, or access to this information is not granted it will result in any of the following depending on circumstances: d. Removal from participation due to lack of information causing an inability to make safe and appropriate decisions regarding treatments, rehabilitation, and/or return to play.

v. w.

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e. Refusal of treatment for that injury or illness resulting in athlete being required to seek treatment off campus. In these instances, the cost of this treatment will be the sole responsibility of the student-athlete and will still require team physician clearance. f. Student athletes have the right to be seen by a physician at any point, however in non-emergent situations, the athlete must be actively participating in their recovery with treatments/rehab as deemed appropriate by Sports Medicine Staff. g. It is within the rights of the student-athlete to seek a second opinion outside of the Sports Medicine team at Concord University. However, the Sports Medicine staff reserves the right to require medical clearance for athletic participation from the team physicians in any circumstance at any time. h. Clearance for head injuries must ALWAYS come from a Concord University Team Physician. Even in instances where an athlete has been cleared by another doctor, Concord University will ALWAYS require clearance from our own Sports Medicine team for this type of injury. i. When an athlete chooses to seek a second opinion outside of the Concord University Sports Medicine team they are to inform their supervising Athletic Trainer that they are doing so and bring all documentation from the outside physician. j. The Sports Medicine staff reserves the right to limit participation of the student athlete until all documentation is received. k. Concord University does not discourage the act of seeking a second medical opinion, however participation status will still be determined by the Concord University Sports Medicine Team. l. If an athlete is still unhappy after a second opinion, they make seek additional opinions, but must still receive medical clearance from Concord University Sports Medicine team before returning to play.

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Confidentiality1. A Sports Medicine record is a medical record and therefore subject to state and federal

laws regarding confidentiality and content. 2. Student athletes will be required to fill out a HIPAA form prior to participation indicating

the level of privacy they wish to maintain regarding injury/illness. 3. Any student athlete requesting total privacy needs to understand that when they must

be removed from physical activity, the coaches will not be informed as to the complete nature of the injury/illness. It is in the best interest of the student athlete to allow communication between appropriate personnel to include: Team Physician, Sports Medicine Staff, Athletic Director, Team Coaches, student athlete, and parents (at the request of the athlete).

4. Student athletic trainers are also involved in the care of Concord Student Athletes. Each student athletic trainer has received training and information regarding HIPAA standards and is held to the same level of accountability regarding maintaining confidentiality. However, an athlete has the right to request that student athletic trainers not be informed if the situation involves any topics of a sensitive nature.

Concussion Management Plan• Definition • A concussion is defined as a complex pathophysiological process affecting the brain,

induced by traumatic biomechanical forces; alteration in the mental status that may or may not involve loss of consciousness.

• Causes of Concussion • Concussion may be caused by a direct blow to the head, face, neck or elsewhere on the

body with an “impulsive force” transmitted to the head • Typically results in rapid onset of short-lived impairment of neurologic function that resolves

spontaneously • May result in neuropathologic changes, but acute clinical symptoms largely reflect a

functional disturbance rather than a structural injury • •Concussion results in a set of clinical symptoms that may or may not involve loss of

consciousness. Resolution of these clinical and cognitive symptoms typically follows a sequential course; however, it is important to note that in a small percentage of cases, post-concussive symptoms may be prolonged.

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Concussion Management PlanDefinition• A concussion is defined as a complex pathophysiological process affecting the brain,

induced by traumatic biomechanical forces; alteration in the mental status that may or may not involve loss of consciousness.

Causes of Concussion• Concussion may be caused by a direct blow to the head, face, neck or elsewhere on the

body with an “impulsive force” transmitted to the head• Typically results in rapid onset of short-lived impairment of neurologic function that resolves

spontaneously• May result in neuropathologic changes, but acute clinical symptoms largely reflect a

functional disturbance rather than a structural injury• Concussion results in a set of clinical symptoms that may or may not involve loss of

consciousness. Resolution of these clinical and cognitive symptoms typically follows a sequential course; however, it is important to note that in a small percentage of cases, post-concussive symptoms may be prolonged.

Symptoms of ConcussionBelow is a list of symptoms that concussion can include but are not limited to:• Headache • Pressure in the head • Neck pain • Nausea or vomiting • Dizziness • Visual problems (Blurred vision, Double vision, Limited vision, Floater, etc.) • Hearing problems (ringing in the ears) • Balance problems • Sensitivity to light • Sensitivity to noise • Feeling slowed down • Feeling like “in a fog” • Don’t feel right • Feeling dazed or dinged or ‘out of it’ • Difficulty concentrating • Difficulty remembering • Fatigue or low energy • Confusion • Drowsiness • Trouble Falling Asleep • More emotional than usual • Irritability • Sadness • Nervous or Anxious

Return to PlayReturn to Play Return to play decisions are based on physician recommendation and will always include a gradual increase in activity over many days. The Concussion Management Plan is available to view in its entirety at by following the Inside Athletics and then Sports Medicine links and accessing the full Policies and Procedures Manual.

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Student Athletic OrganizationsThe Mountain Lion OathI AM A MOUNTAIN LION STUDENT-ATHLETEIt is an honor and a privilege to represent the Concord University Athletic FAMILY. The tradition of strong academics and athletics will carry on through me. I AM A MOUNTAIN LION STUDENT-ATHLETEI dedicate myself to compete for Concord University with all the Pride and Spirit I possess. I bleed Maroon, Grey, and White through my Blood, Sweat, and Tears. I AM A MOUNTAIN LION STUDENT-ATHLETEI will conduct myself in a manner that reflects well on Concord, my community, my team, and myself because I BELIEVE in Concord University. I AM A MOUNTAIN LION STUDENT-ATHLETEI will live up to the expectations of good sportsmanship and always pursue victory with honor. I AM A MOUNTAIN LION STUDENT-ATHLETEI am a student first and commit to getting the best education I can. I AM A MOUNTAIN LION STUDENT-ATHLETEI will RESPECT Concord University, my teachers, my teammates, my coaches, and myself. I AM A MOUNTAIN LION STUDENT-ATHLETEI will follow all Team, Intercollegiate Athletics, Conference, and NCAA rules and guidelines. I AM A MOUNTAIN LION STUDENT-ATHLETEI know no limitations and aim to succeed in all aspects of life. I will never let my school, team, or myself down.

SAAC- Student Athlete Advisory Committee of Concord University1. SAAC is an organization mandated by the NCAA to serve as a sounding board as well as

a planning opportunity for the student-athletes. The Council is composed of members from each sponsored athletic team hosted by Concord University. The group meets the first Thursday of month and provides a means of governing athletic department activities such as practice times and number of hours, travel and safety issues, academic problems, student athlete awards, fun nights, etc. The council shares in fundraising activities that permit them to organize and plan programs and activities for their fellow athletes.

2. The mission of the NCAA Division II SAAC is to enhance the total student-athlete experience by promoting opportunity for all student-athletes; protecting student athlete welfare; and fostering a positive student-athlete image.

a. Concord University SAAC mission is to:• Provide a safe and supportive environment for student athletes in their daily

college living experiences.• The members will receive training to prepare them to work with and support

their fellow athletes to enjoy a safe and rewarding college experience.3. The members of the SAAC will consist of two students from each sport recognized by

the university. The members may be appointed by the Head Coach of their respective team. The committee will also consist of and be advised by the SAAC Advisor(s) and SWA. Each team with two representatives is expected to have representation at each meeting throughout the school year.

4. Duties of the Committee As stated by the NCAA: (

a. Promote communication between athletic administration and student athletes.b. Disseminate information.

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c. Provide feedback and insight into athletic department issues.d. Generate a student-athlete voice within the campus athletic department

formulation of policies.e. Build a sense of community within the athletic program involving all athletic

teams.f. Solicit student-athlete responses to proposed conference and NCAA legislation.

g. Organize community service efforts.h. Create a vehicle for student-athlete representation on campus-wide committees

(e.g., student government)i. Promote a positive student-athlete image on campus.

Faculty Athletic Representative (FAR)The faculty athletic representative is a member of an institution’s faculty or administrative staff who is designated by the institution’s chief executive officer or other appropriate entity to represent the institution and its faculty in the institution’s relationships with the NCAA and its conference(s). The FAR also serves as a representative for student athletes and helps with issues between student-athlete and the athletic department and/ or school faculty/ institution. Concord University’s FAR is Health and Physical Eduation Professor, Mike Miller.

Senior Woman Administrator: (SWA)The senior woman administrator should be the senior most female member of the athletic department. The intent of this position is to provide training for females in the administrative ranks of the development of department issues. Second, this person is versed in a variety of programs that provide training as well as scholarship dollars to student athletes of member schools. The individual also serves as a contact for all athletes who may have an issue with a coach, a program decision, or a departmental action. The SWA’s purpose is not to have someone to complain to about your coach. Issues that are brought to the SWA should not be about personality conflicts with coaches. These should be handled by the student directly with the coach in an adult manner. The student athlete may interact with this position should there be concerns or questions for which they seek an answer regarding procedures and regulations of the athletic policies. Concord University’s Senior Woman Administrator is Head Softball Coach, Alisa Tasler

Athletic Department PersonnelThe following listed positions are designed to assist the student athlete with issues and problems they may face during their stay at Concord University. Each position has specific duties as defined by the NCAA organization, all designed to provide assistance to student athletes.

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Numbers YOU might need: All 304 Area Code

Financial Aid .................................................................................384-6069

Athens Medical Center ...........................................................384-7325

Registrar’s Office ........................................................................384-5427

CVS Drug Store ...........................................................................384-7851

Campus Police ............................................................................384-5357

Library .............................................................................................384-5371

North Towers ...............................................................................384-5132

Student Residential Life ..........................................................384-5231

South Towers ...............................................................................384-5133

Career Services ...........................................................................384-5325

Student Support Service ........................................................384-6088

Wilson Hall ....................................................................................384-5136

Counseling Center ....................................................................384-5290

Wooddell Hall ..............................................................................384-5135

Business Office............................................................................384-5212

Sarvay Hall ....................................................................................384-6200

Bookstore ......................................................................................384-5314

Vice President/Academic Dean...........................................384-5241

Athletic Department Phone .................................................384-5347

Athletic Department Fax: .......................................................384-5117

Athletic Training Room ...........................................................384-6320

Concord Athletic Web Site:

Concord School Web Site:

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2019 Volleyball ScheduleDate Opponent Location9/6 UC San Diego Anchorage, Alaska 9/6 Alaska-Anchorage Anchorage, Alaska9/7 Regis Anchorage, Alaska9/7 Biola Anchorage, Alaska9/12 Ohio Valley Athens, W.Va.9/13 WVU Tech Athens, W.Va.9/13 Limestone Athens, W.Va.9/20 Lee Cleveland, Tenn.9/20 Shepherd Cleveland, Tenn.9/21 Shepherd Cleveland, Tenn.9/21 Emmanuel Cleveland, Tenn.10/1 UVa.-Wise Wise, Va.10/4 Davis & Elkins Athens, W.Va.10/5 West Virginia Wesleyan Athens, W.Va.10/8 Glenville State Glenville, W.Va.10/11 Ohio Valley Institue, W.Va.10/11 West Virginia State Institute, W.Va.10/12 Charleston Charleston, W.Va.10/17 Notre Dame Athens, W.Va.10/17 Salem Athens, W.Va.10/18 Urbana Athens, W.Va.10/25 Fairmont State Fairmont, W.Va.10/26 Frostburg State Frostburg, Md.10/26 Kentucky State Frostburg, Md.11/1 West Virginia Wesleyan Buckhannon, W.Va.11/2 Davis & Elkins Elkins, W.Va.11/5 West Virginia State Athens, W.Va.11/6 Salem Salem, W.Va.11/8 Charleston Athens, W.Va.11/12 Glenville State Athens, W.Va.11/15 Wheeling Athens, W.Va.11/16 West Liberty Athens, W.Va.

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2019 Women's Soccer ScheduleDate Opponent Time9/5 vs. Seton Hill (at Charleston) 4:00 p.m. 9/8 at Salem 1:00 p.m. 9/11 at Wingate 7:00 p.m.9/17 vs. King 1:00 p.m. 9/21 at Davis & Elkins 2:00 p.m. 9/25 at West Virginia Wesleyan 7:00 p.m. 9/29 at Charleston 1:00 p.m. 10/3 vs. Glenville State 1:00 p.m. 10/9 vs. Charleston 1:00 p.m. 10/13 at Fairmont State 4:00 p.m. 10/17 vs. Frostburg State 1:00 p.m. 10/20 vs. West Virginia Wesleyan 1:00 p.m. 10/23 vs. Davis & Elkins 1:00 p.m. 10/27 vs. West Liberty 1:00 p.m. 10/30 at Wheeling Jesuit 7:00 p.m. 11/2 at Urbana 12:30 p.m. 11/6 vs. Notre Dame 12:00 p.m. 11/10 at Glenville State 12:00 p.m.

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2019 Men's Soccer ScheduleDate Opponent Time9/5 vs. King 3:30 p.m. 9/8 vs. Frostburg State 3:30 p.m. 9/11 at West Liberty 7:00 p.m.9/15 vs. Davis & Elkins 3:30 p.m. 9/22 at Notre Dame 1:00 p.m. 9/25 at West Virginia Wesleyan 7:00 p.m.10/6 vs. Urbana 3:30 p.m. 10/9 vs. Charleston 3:30 p.m. 10/12 at Wheeling 7:00 p.m. 10/17 at Frostburg State 6:00 p.m. 10/20 vs. West Virginia Wesleyan 3:30 p.m. 10/23 at Davis & Elkins 7:30 p.m.10/27 vs. West Liberty 3:30 p.m. 10/30 vs. Wheeling 3:00 p.m. 11/2 at Urbana 3:30 p.m. 11/6 vs. Notre Dame 2:30 p.m. 11/10 at Charleston 7:00 p.m.

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2019 Women's Golf ScheduleDate Tournament Location9/6-7 Evann Parker Memorial North East, Pa.9/8-9 Michael Corbett Fall Classic Erie, Pa.9/15-16 Glade Spring Intercollegiate Daniels, W.Va.9/23-24 Wally Edgell D2 Classic Davis, W.Va.10/7-9 MEC Championship Daniels, W.Va.

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2018 Football ScheduleDate Opponent Time9/7 at Notre Dame 12:00 p.m. 9/14 vs. Frostburg State 12:00 p.m. 9/21 at Glenville State 12:00 p.m. 9/28 vs. West Virginia State 1:00 p.m. 10/5 at Hillsdale 1:00 p.m. 10/12 at West Liberty 1:00 p.m. 10/19 vs. Fairmont State 1:00 p.m. 10/26 at Urbana 1:00 p.m. 11/2 vs. West Virginia Wesleyan 1:00 p.m. 11/7 at Charleston 7:00 p.m. 11/16 vs. Wheeling 12:00 p.m.

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2019 Women's Cross Country ScheduleDate Meet Location9/6 Hokie Invite Blacksburg, Va.9/14 Roanoke College Invite Salem, Va.9/27 Queens City Invite Charlotee, N.C.10/5 Paul Short Run Bethlehem, Pa.10/18 Concord Alumni Pipestem, W.Va.10/26 MEC Championship Wheeling,W.Va.11/9 Atlantic Regional Lock Haven, Pa.

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2019 Men's Cross Country ScheduleDate Meet Location9/6 Hokie Invite Blacksburg, Va.9/14 Roanoke College Invite Salem, Va.9/27 Queens City Invite Charlotte, N.C.10/5 Paul Short Run Bethlehem, Pa. 10/18 Concord Alumni Pipestem, W.Va.10/26 MEC Championship Wheeling, W.Va.11/9 Atlantic Regional Lock Haven, Pa.


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2019-2020 Men's Basketball ScheduleDate Opponent Time11/8/19 vs. Pitt-Johnstown TBA11/9/19 at Indiana (Pa.) TBA11/12/19 at Bluefield State 8:00 p.m. 11/15/19 at Mount Olive 7:00 p.m.11/16/19 vs. Barton 5:00 p.m. 11/23/19 vs. Charleston 4:00 p.m.11/26/19 at West Virginia State 7:30 p.m.12/4/19 at Urbana 7:30 p.m.12/7/19 vs. Notre Dame 4:00 p.m.12/11/19 vs. Fairmont State 7:30 p.m.12/14/19 at Frostburg State 4:00 p.m.1/8/20 vs. West Liberty 7:30 p.m.1/11/20 at Wheeling 4:00 p.m.1/15/20 at West Virginia Wesleyan 7:30 p.m.1/18/20 vs. Davis & Elkins 4:00 p.m.1/22/20 at Charleston 7:30 p.m.1/25/20 at Glenville State 4:00 p.m.1/29/20 at Notre Dame 7:30 p.m.2/1/20 vs. Urbana 4:00 p.m.2/3/20 vs. Bluefield State 7:30 p.m. 2/5/20 vs. Frostburg State 7:30 p.m.2/8/20 at Fairmont State 4:00 p.m.2/12/20 vs. Wheeling 7:30 p.m.2/15/20 at West Liberty 4:00 p.m.2/19/20 at Davis & Elkins 7:30 p.m.2/22/20 vs. West Virginia Wesleyan 4:00 p.m.2/26/20 vs. West Virginia State 7:30 p.m.2/29/20 vs. Glenville State 4:00 p.m.3/4-8/20 MEC Tournament TBA

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2019-2020 Women's Basketball ScheduleDate Opponent Time11/8/19 Lock Haven 2:00 p.m. 11/9/19 Seton Hill 2:00 p.m.11/12/19 at Bluefield State 6:00 p.m. 11/14/19 UVa.-Wise 6:00 p.m. 11/23/19 Charleston 2:00 p.m.11/26/19 at West Virginia State 5:30 p.m. 12/4/19 at Urbana 5:30 p.m.12/7/19 Notre Dame 2:00 p.m. 12/11/19 Fairmont State 2:00 p.m.12/14/19 at Frostburg State 2:00 p.m. 12/18/19 at Salem 3:00 p.m. 1/4/20 at UNC-Greensboro TBA1/8/20 West Liberty 5:30 p.m. 1/11/20 at Wheeling Jesuit 2:00 p.m. 1/15/20 at West Virginia Wesleyan 5:30 p.m. 1/18/20 Davis & Elkins 2:00 p.m. 1/22/20 at Charleston 5:30 p.m. 1/25/20 at Glenville State 2:00 p.m. 1/29/20 at Notre Dame 5:30 p.m. 2/1/20 Urbana 2:00 p.m. 2/3/20 Bluefield State 5:30 p.m. 2/5/20 Frostburg State 5:30 p.m. 2/8/20 at Fairmont State 2:00 p.m. 2/12/20 Wheeling Jesuit 5:30 p.m. 2/15/20 at West Liberty 2:00 p.m. 2/29/20 at Davis & Elkins 5:30 p.m. 2/22/20 West Virginia Wesleyan 2:00 p.m.2/26/20 West Virginia State 5:30 p.m. 2/29/20 Glenville State 2:00 p.m. 3/4-8/20 MEC Tournament

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Athletic Department DirectoryKevin Garrett ..................................Athletic Director .....................................................................................................384-5340Kenny Osborne.............................Associate Athletic Director ...............................................................................384-5344Alisa Tasler .......................................Senior Women's Administrator ......................................................................384-5986Mike Miller.......................................Faculty Athletic Representative .....................................................................384-6299Steve Cox .........................................Director of Compliance ......................................................................................384-6077Tracy McCallister ..........................Health Services Program Manager ..............................................................384-5346Ruthie Rhodes ...............................Team Physician Assistant ...................................................................................384-6355Jennifer Stull...................................Team Nurse ...............................................................................................................384-6355Angie Proffitt .................................Administrative Assistant ....................................................................................384-5440 Wes McKinney ..............................Sports Information Director.............................................................................384-6259Brad Dugan ....................................Assistant Sports Information Director ........................................................384-6259Dr. Jill Nolan ....................................Title IX Coordinator...............................................................................................384-6327 Alycea Watson ...............................GRIP Coordinator ...................................................................................................384-5992Tracy Gravely..................................Facilities Mannager ..............................................................................................384-5168

Kevin Garrett ..................................Head Baseball Coach ...........................................................................................384-5340Devin Smith ....................................Assistant Baseball Coach ...................................................................................384-5332Tristan McGinnis ..........................Assistant Baseball Coach ...................................................................................384-5332Kenny Osborne.............................Head Women's Basketball Coach .................................................................384-5344Tesla Akers .......................................Assistant Women's Basketball Coach/Head Women's Golf Coach ........384-5436Todd May .........................................Head Men's Basketball Coach .........................................................................384-5330Trent Howard .................................Assistant Men's Basketball Coach/Head Men's Golf Coach ............384-5116Jessica Doty ....................................Cheerleading Coach/SAAC Advisor ............................................................384-5976Michael Cox ....................................Head Cross Country/Track & Field Coach .................................................384-6238R. J. Anderson ................................Assistant Cross Country/Track & Field Coach..........................................384-6238Annesha Harris .............................Assistant Cross Country/Track & Field Coach..........................................384-6238Paul Price ..........................................Head Football Coach ...........................................................................................384-6261Josh Zettergren ............................Offensive Coordinator/Quarterbacks Coach ...............................................................Kevin Elliott .....................................Defensive Coordinator/Defensive Backs Coach .........................................................Max Lilly ............................................Defensive Line Coach ...............................................................................................................Nick Gilbert .....................................Offensive Line Coach................................................................................................................Tyler Fisher ......................................Running Backs Coach .........................................................................................384-5120Adam Shaker .................................Wide Receivers Coach .........................................................................................384-5120Alex Murphy...................................Asst. Linebackers Coach ....................................................................................384-6301Mason Dadian ...............................Tight Ends Coach ........................................................................................................................Steve Barrett ...................................Head Men's Soccer Coach ................................................................................384-5131Matt Guilliams ..............................Assistant Men's Soccer Coach .........................................................................384-5131Luke Duffy .......................................Head Women's Soccer Coach/Academic Coordinator ......................384-5343Bella Iorio .........................................Assistant Women's Soccer Coach .................................................................384-5343Alisa Tasler .......................................Head Softball Coach ............................................................................................384-5986...............................................................Assistant Softball Coach ....................................................................................384-5986Kate Southcott ..............................Head Volleyball Coach ........................................................................................384-5347Casey Mandeville ........................Assistant Volleyball Coach ................................................................................384-5347Stephen Baldwin .........................Staff Athletic Trainer .............................................................................................384-5975Zach Sandlin ..................................Staff Athletic Trainer ..................................................................................................................Jordan Dawson.............................Graduate Assistant Athletic Trainer ...................................................................................Armando Frutos ...........................Graduate Assistant Athletic Trainer ...................................................................................Bri Ross ..............................................Graduate Assistant Athletic Trainer ...................................................................................Taylor Thompson .........................Graduate Assistant Athletic Trainer ...................................................................................Chris Smallwood ..........................Intramurals Director .............................................................................................384-6374

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AUGUST 2 0 1 9

























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Saturday Sunday

































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Saturday Sunday

































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Saturday Sunday

































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AUGUST 2 0 1 9

























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Saturday Sunday

































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Saturday Sunday

































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Saturday Sunday

































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Saturday Sunday

































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Saturday Sunday

































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OCTOBER 2 0 1 9

























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Saturday Sunday

































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Saturday Sunday

































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Saturday Sunday

































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2 0 1 9


























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Saturday Sunday

































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OCTOBER 2 0 1 9

























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Saturday Sunday

































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Saturday Sunday

































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Saturday Sunday

































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Saturday Sunday

































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NOVEMBER 2 0 1 9

























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Saturday Sunday

































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Saturday Sunday

































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Saturday Sunday

































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Saturday Sunday

































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Saturday Sunday

































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JANUARY 2 0 2 0

























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Saturday Sunday

































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Saturday Sunday

































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Saturday Sunday

































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Saturday Sunday

































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JANUARY 2 0 2 0

























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Saturday Sunday

































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Saturday Sunday

































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Saturday Sunday

































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Saturday Sunday

































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FEBRUARY 2 0 2 0

























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Saturday Sunday

































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Saturday Sunday

































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Saturday Sunday

































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Saturday Sunday

































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Saturday Sunday

































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APRIL 2 0 2 0

























Page 113: ATHLETIC STUDENT HANDBOOK 2019-2020€¦ · welcome and support you in your journey. Whether you are a freshman, a transfer student-athlete, or a returning student, we are glad that



Saturday Sunday

































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Saturday Sunday

































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Saturday Sunday

































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Saturday Sunday

































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APRIL 2 0 2 0

























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Saturday Sunday

































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Saturday Sunday

































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Saturday Sunday

































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Saturday Sunday

































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Saturday Sunday































