Atherosclerosis, autoimmunity, and vascular-associated lymphoid ...

0892-6638/97/0011-11 99/$02.25 © FASEB 1199 Atherosclerosis, autoimmunity, and vascular-associated lymphoid tissue G. WICK,*.t’ M. ROMEN, A AMBERGER,* B. METZLER,* M. MAYR,* G. FALKENSAMMER,t 1J Q XTJ* *Institute for Biomedical Aging Research of the Austrian Academy of Sciences; and tlnstitute for General and Experimental Pathology, University of Innsbruck, Medical School, Innsbruck, Austria CLASSICAL CONCEPTS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF ATHEROSCLEROSIS Atherosclerosis is a multifactorial disease induced by the effects of various risk factors on appropriate ge- netic backgrounds. It is characterized by vascular areas containing mononuclear and proliferating smooth muscle cells,aswell as extracellularmatrix (ECM)2 components resulting in hardening and thickening (arteriosclerosis) of the arterial wall. In a strict sense, atherosclerotic lesions are localized in the inlima; they also contain foam cells and deposits ofcholesterolcrystalsmanifested as fatty streaks and, finally, asatheroscleroticplaques. Fatty streaks are whitish, cushion-like lesions of the arterial intima harboring abundant lipid-laden mac- rophages, so-called foam cells, which are considered precursors of the fully developed plaques that may finally exulcerate and even calcif’. The main theories of atherogenesis are the “response to injury” (1) and the “response to altered lipoprotein” (2) hypothe- ses. The response to injury hypothesis postulates an alteration of the intima by various risk factors (me- chanical injury, chemically altered low density lipo- proteins [LDL], viruses, toxins) that initiates a primary endothelial dysfunction and subsequent changes in permeability, expression of adhesion mol- ecules, and release of chemotactic and growth fac- tors. Consequently, platelets and monocytes become activated and attach to these endothelial cells. Blood- derived monocytes transmigrate into the suben- dothelial space and transform into macrophages; smooth muscle cells (SMC) are attracted from the media to the same site. Both monocytes/macro- phages and SMC possess the so-called scavenger re- ceptor, which binds chemically altered (oxidized LDL {oxLDL]), but not native, LDL in a nonsatura- ble fashion.By uptake of oxLDL, macrophages and SMC develop into foam cells, and the deposition of collagenous and noncollagenous ECM components, especially in the peripheral “shoulder” region and the superficial “cap” area, complete the pathohis- tological appearance of fatty streaks and atheroscle- rotic plaques, respectively. The response to altered lipoprotein hypothesis is based on the concept that lipoproteins can be chem- ically modified and are then able to induce foam cell formation by monocytes/macrophages and SMC. In recent years it has become evident that modification of lipoproteins does not occur primarily in the cir- culation or during transgression through the endo- thelium, but they rather accumulate in native form in the subendothelial space, where the lipoproteins are retained and oxidized. Accumulation of oxLDL, therefore, is not only the result of increased influx from the serum into the arterial intima but, con- versely, is also due to a diminished efflux with sub- sequent foam cell formation. This “response to LDL retention” hypothesis (3) is thus a special variant of the response to altered LDL concept. Thus far, these latter theories have not explained why atheroscle- rotic lesions develop at certain arterial predilection sites or why the disease does not affect the venous vascular bed. THE “IMMUNOLOGICAL HYPOTHESIS” FOR ATHEROGENESIS During the past few years we have developed a new immunological hypothesis for atherogenesis (4-6) based on observations in humans and in animal ex- periments that encompass major components of both the response to injury and the response to al- tered lipoprotein hypotheses. Our studies were orig- inally triggered by three factors: our work on the immunomodulatory role of lipids (7, 8), our long- ‘Correspondence: Institute for Biomedical Aging Research of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Rennweg 10, A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria. 2Abbreviation: hsp, heat shock proteins; ECM, extracellular matrix; LDL, low density hipoprotein; SMC, smooth muscle cells; oxLDL, oxidized LDL; IL, interleukin; MHC, major his- tocompatibility complex; IFN, interferon; TNF, tumor necro- sis factor; MALT, mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue; GALT, gut-associated lymphoid tissue; ICAM-1, intercellular adhesion molecule 1; VCAM-1, vascular cell adhesion molecule-i; ELAM-i, E-selectin; HIA, human MHC; VALT, vascular-asso- ciated lymphoid tissue.

Transcript of Atherosclerosis, autoimmunity, and vascular-associated lymphoid ...

0892-6638/97/0011-11 99/$02.25 © FASEB 1199

Atherosclerosis, autoimmunity, and vascular-associated

lymphoid tissue

G. WICK,*.t’ M. ROMEN, A AMBERGER,* B. METZLER,* M. MAYR,*G. FALKENSAMMER,t 1J Q XTJ**Institute for Biomedical Aging Research of the Austrian Academy of Sciences; and tlnstitute for

General and Experimental Pathology, University of Innsbruck, Medical School, Innsbruck, Austria


Atherosclerosis is a multifactorial disease induced bythe effects of various risk factors on appropriate ge-netic backgrounds. It is characterized by vascularareas containing mononuclear and proliferating

smooth muscle cells,as well as extracellularmatrix

(ECM)2 components resulting in hardening and

thickening (arteriosclerosis) of the arterial wall. In astrict sense, atherosclerotic lesions are localized inthe inlima; they also contain foam cells and depositsof cholesterolcrystalsmanifested as fatty streaks and,finally, as atheroscleroticplaques.

Fatty streaks are whitish, cushion-like lesions of the

arterial intima harboring abundant lipid-laden mac-rophages, so-called foam cells, which are consideredprecursors of the fully developed plaques that may

finally exulcerate and even calcif’. The main theoriesof atherogenesis are the “response to injury” (1) andthe “response to altered lipoprotein” (2) hypothe-

ses. The response to injury hypothesis postulates analteration of the intima by various risk factors (me-chanical injury, chemically altered low density lipo-proteins [LDL], viruses, toxins) that initiates a

primary endothelial dysfunction and subsequent

changes in permeability, expression of adhesion mol-ecules, and release of chemotactic and growth fac-tors. Consequently, platelets and monocytes becomeactivated and attach to these endothelial cells. Blood-derived monocytes transmigrate into the suben-

dothelial space and transform into macrophages;

smooth muscle cells (SMC) are attracted from themedia to the same site. Both monocytes/macro-

phages and SMC possess the so-called scavenger re-

ceptor, which binds chemically altered (oxidizedLDL {oxLDL]), but not native, LDL in a nonsatura-ble fashion. By uptake of oxLDL, macrophages and

SMC develop into foam cells, and the deposition ofcollagenous and noncollagenous ECM components,especially in the peripheral “shoulder” region andthe superficial “cap” area, complete the pathohis-tological appearance of fatty streaks and atheroscle-rotic plaques, respectively.

The response to altered lipoprotein hypothesis is

based on the concept that lipoproteins can be chem-ically modified and are then able to induce foam cellformation by monocytes/macrophages and SMC. Inrecent years it has become evident that modification

of lipoproteins does not occur primarily in the cir-culation or during transgression through the endo-thelium, but they rather accumulate in native formin the subendothelial space, where the lipoproteinsare retained and oxidized. Accumulation of oxLDL,therefore, is not only the result of increased influxfrom the serum into the arterial intima but, con-versely, is also due to a diminished efflux with sub-

sequent foam cell formation. This “response to LDLretention” hypothesis (3) is thus a special variant ofthe response to altered LDL concept. Thus far, theselatter theories have not explained why atheroscle-rotic lesions develop at certain arterial predilectionsites or why the disease does not affect the venousvascular bed.


During the past few years we have developed a newimmunological hypothesis for atherogenesis (4-6)based on observations in humans and in animal ex-periments that encompass major components ofboth the response to injury and the response to al-tered lipoprotein hypotheses. Our studies were orig-inally triggered by three factors: our work on theimmunomodulatory role of lipids (7, 8), our long-

‘Correspondence: Institute for Biomedical Aging Researchof the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Rennweg 10, A-6020

Innsbruck, Austria.2Abbreviation: hsp, heat shock proteins; ECM, extracellular

matrix; LDL, low density hipoprotein; SMC, smooth muscle

cells; oxLDL, oxidized LDL; IL, interleukin; MHC, major his-tocompatibility complex; IFN, interferon; TNF, tumor necro-

sis factor; MALT, mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue; GALT,

gut-associated lymphoid tissue; ICAM-1, intercellular adhesionmolecule 1; VCAM-1, vascular cell adhesion molecule-i;ELAM-i, E-selectin; HIA, human MHC; VALT, vascular-asso-

ciated lymphoid tissue.

1200 Vol. 11 November 1997 The FASEB Journal WICK ET AL.

standing interest in autoimmunity (9, 10), and the

increasing number of reports in the literature point-ing to the possible primary or secondary contributionof humoral and cellularimmune reactions to athero-

sclerosis (11-15). Thus, immunoglobulin and com-plement deposits can be demonstrated in advancedlesions, and evidence for complement activation viathe alternative pathway has also been provided (16).A considerable number of lymphoid cells can be

demonstrated within atherosclerotic plaques, most ofwhich are CD4 and interleukin-2(IL-2)receptor,

i.e., activated, although CD8 cells are also present(17).Major histocompatibilitycomplex (MHC) class

II (HLA-DR) antigens are expressed by the majorityof T cells as well as by neighboring macrophages and

SMC, indicating the production of interferon y (IFN-‘y) by the former (17). This fact is also supported byincreased levels of neopterin, an IFN-y-inducedmonocyte/macrophage product, in the serum of ath-erosclerotic patients (18). B cells are scarce in allstages of atherosclerotic lesions, rendering local an-tibody production rather improbable. Also, the num-ber of intralesional granulocytes is surprisingly low.

The cells constituting atherosclerotic lesions producemany differentcytokines that stimulate growth, dif-

ferentiation, chemotaxis, and cytotoxicity, includingIL-i (endothelial cells, SMC, macrophages), IL-8 (en-dothelial cells, macrophages), tumor necrosis factora (TNF-a) (SMC, macrophages, T cells), monocytechemotactic peptide 1 (endothelialcells,SMC, mac-

rophages), platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)(endothelial cells, SMC, macrophages), and IFN-y (Tcells)(19).

In contrast to general belief, quantitative immu-nohistochemical analyses of the mononuclear cell in-filtrate in the earliest stage of atherosclerotic lesions-in the transition zone between normal intima and

fatty streaks-revealed a clear preponderance of Tcells over macrophages, thus supporting the primaryrole of immune reactions in disease development

(17). Furthermore, HLA-DR expression by endothe-

hal cells was observed only in areas overlying T cellinfiltrates in the intima, excluding the possibility ofendothelial cells acting as primary antigen-present-ing cells. We postulated sensitization of T cells atmore distant sites, such as draining lymph nodes.However, Bobryshev et al. (20-22) have clearlyshown that the presence of dendritic cells in the nor-mal arterial intima suggests T cell sensitization at thatsite as well.

The majority of T cells in early lesions carry the T

cell receptor a/13 (TCR-a/), but a surprisingly highpercentage (10-15%) express TCR-y/#{246}at levels farexceeding that in the peripheral blood of the samedonors (23). Whereas the proportion of V#{246}9/#{246}2TCR cellsin peripheral blood remained low andconstant throughout all lesional stages, the TCRV1 +

subpopulation made up most of the TCR-y/ cells in

vel-y early lesions. These cells are characteristic formucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT), such asthe gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT), and pref-erentially react to heat shock proteins (hsp) (24).

Whereas the T cell repertoire in early atheroscle-rotic lesions has not yet been determined, no indi-cations of restricted TCR V-gene usage have beenfound in analyses of T cell clones derived from ath-erosclerotic plaques (25).

Candidate antigens that may lead to atherosclero-sis-associated humoral and/or cellular immune re-actions include (12): 1) modified lipoproteins; 2)partly degraded or denatured macromolecules de-rived from the necrotic core of plaques; 3) intracel-lular cryptic antigens exposed through cytolysis ornecrosis; 4) neoantigens: hsp or cytokine-induced

cell surface antigens; and 5) antigens of infectiousorganisms such as herpes virus, cytomegalovirus, andClamydia pneumoniae.

To date, definitive experimental proof that one of

these antigens may initiate the pathogenesis of ath-erosclerosis is available only for hsp (26). Thus, au-toantibodies to oxLDL are now considered to have aprotective effect (27), and induction of disease byim-

munization of experimental animals with oxLDL hasnot been achieved. There may, of course, be excep-tions to the concept that immune reactions are in-strumental in atherogenesis, especially whereexcessive overloading of the system with cholesteroloccurs due to severe genetic conditions, such as thelack of certain lipoproteins or hipoprotein receptors

with or without concomitant immune deficiency(28), homocystinurea, etc.



Our own clinical and experimental data provide evi-dence that atherosclerosis starts as an inflammatoryimmunological disease due to an autoimmune reac-tion against the stress protein hsp 60.

Stress proteins (or hsp) comprise a family of pro-teins and its cognates that are induced by variousforms of stress such as temperature, mechanical irri-tation, infections, and toxins (29). Hsp are classifiedaccording to their molecular mass into four maingroups: hsp 90, hsp 70, hsp 60 kDa, and low molec-

ular mass families.They fulfill various physiological functions such as

the assembly, intracellulartransport,and controlled

breakdown of proteins;many hsp act as chaperonesto protect other proteins from denaturation whencells are subjected to stress. Hsp are phylogeneticallyhighly conserved. Thus, mycobacterial hsp 65 showgreater than 50% sequence homology with human

hsp 60 on the DNA and protein levels. Hsp constitutemajor antigenic determinants of microorganisms and

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are thus important for induction of protective hu-moral and cellularimmune responses, although we“pay” for this protection by risking consecutive au-toimmune reactions that may resultin the develop-ment of autoimmune disease (30, 3i).

Evidence that the initial stages of atherosclerosis

are mediated by an immune reaction against hsp 60

can be summarized as follows: Immunization of rab-bits with hsp 65-containing material, such as com-plete Freund’s adjuvant alone or recombinantmycobacterial hsp 65, develop arteriosclerotic lesions

at typical predilection sites that are subject to in-creased hemodynamic stress, including the aorticarch and major arterial bifurcations. Pathohistologi-cally, these lesions consist of activated T cells, mac-rophages, SMC and ECM deposition, but no foamcells (17). Concomitant feeding of a cholesterol-richdiet induces the development of classical fatty streaksand atherosclerotic plaques, including foam cells,that are more severe than those induced by choles-terol feeding alone and completely parallel the hu-man situation (26). Whereas the first inflammatorystage is reversible, the later cholesterol-augmentedstage is not, at least under our experimental timeschedule (32). The peripheral blood of hsp 65-im-munized rabbits contains hsp 65-specific antibodiesand T cells. T cells derived from arterial lesions ofthese rabbits show a significantly increased reactivityto hsp 65 compared to T cells from peripheral blood

of the same animals. T cells isolated from atheroscle-rotic lesions of rabbits that were not immunized, butreceived a cholesterol-rich diet, also revealed a pref-erential reactivity with hsp 65 (33).

Since hsp 65/60 has been incriminated as a possi-ble (auto)antigen in a variety of autoimmune dis-

eases (rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, systemic lupuserythematosus, scleroderma) (30, 34-37), it is of rel-evance that immunization of rats with hsp 65 led toadjuvant arthritiswithout arteriosclerosis(34; our

own unpublished observations), whereas the reverseistrue for rabbits (26). Inducing hsp 65-dependentarteriosclerosis in mice has also met with limited suc-cess. These differing responses may be due to bothrecognition of differenthsp 65/60 epitopes by theimmune system and differing target cell susceptibility(i.e., endothelial cells vs. synovial cells) to different

stressors in different species.Establishing T cell lines and clones from very early

human lesions has so far been complicated by tech-

nical problems such as the relative paucity of infil-trating cells, difficulties excluding T cells adhering toarterial endothelium or contained in vasa vasorum,

or insufficient supply of antigen-presenting cells.Nevertheless, we have demonstrated significantlyhigher titers of anti-hsp 65 antibodies in the sera ofmany clinically healthy volunteers with sonographi-cally proven atherosclerotic carotid artery lesions vs.controlswithout such lesions(38),an observation re-

cently corroborated in coronary atherosclerosis pa-tients. Immediately after myocardial infarction, thesepatients experience a drop in anti-hsp 65 titers, prob-ably due to the sudden liberation of hsp 60 and sub-

sequent immune complex formation (39). Theanti-mycobacterial hsp 65 antibodies cross-react withrecombinant human hsp 60 and also yield a 60 kDa

band in Western blots with extracts of human athero-sclerotic plaques. Furthermore, these antibodies re-act with GroEL, the Escherichia coli hsp 60 homologueand Chiamydial hsp 60 (Fig. 1). The presence of anti-hsp 65/60 antibodies has been defined as a new riskfactor for atherosclerosis independent of classical risk

factors such as high blood cholesterol values, smok-ing, overweight status, and gender. So far, three lin-ear hsp 65 epitopes have been shown to berecognized by human anti-hsp 65 antibodies, twowith high homology for human hsp 60 (40). Thereactivity with-probably more important-confor-

mational epitopes is still under investigation.Certain hsp 60 epitopes could be demonstrated on

the surface of stressed (heat, TNF-a, H202, bacterial

endotoxin), but not unstressed, cells (41-44). Themechanism whereby hsp 60 or portions of this intra-

cellular, mainly mitochondrial protein are trans-ported to the cell surface is still under investigationin several laboratories (45). It has, however, beenfirmly established that anti-hsp 65/60 antibodies ex-ert a cytotoxic effect on stressed, but not unstressed,endothelial cells and macrophages in a complement-mediated fashion or via antibody-dependent cellularcytotoxicity (46, 47). This effect can also be blockedby E. coli GroEL.

To allow for interaction of hsp 65/60-specific Tcells with endothelial cells, the expression of adhe-sion molecules and hsp 60 is required. The latter

Figure 1. Western blot showing the cross-reactivity of human

anti-hsp antibodies (affinity chromatography purified from a

pool of 5 high titer sera of clinically healthy persons with sono-graphically demonstrable atherosclerotic lesions in the A. car-

otiswith recombinant mycobacterial hsp 65, human hsp 60, E.

coli GroEL, and hsp 60 from Chiamydia pneumoniae. Bovine se-

rum albumin (BSA) was used as a negative control antigen.











0iii I


1202 Vol. 11 November 1997 The FASEB Journal WICK ET AL.

must be presented in association with H1A class I orclass II molecules. However, as mentioned earlier, aprimary aberrant HIA class II expression has onlybeen observed on human endothelial cellsafterin-

timal T cell infiltration(17). On the other hand,

HLA class Il-positivemacrophages and dendriticcells

are present at predilection sites in the intima, andmay stimulate hsp 65/60-specific T cells after theirtransmigration to this site (22). Since the affinity ofthe TCR for the MHC-peptide complex is far too lowfor interaction of hsp 65/60-specific T cells withstressed endothelial cells under arterial blood flowconditions, adhesion molecule expression iscritical

to the initiationof an immune response. Applicationof various types of stress to human arterial and venous

endothehial cells leads to the simultaneous expres-sion of hsp 60 and adhesion molecules (intercellularadhesion molecule 1, ICAM-1; vascular cell adhesion








Figure 2. Fluorescence activated cellsorter (FACS) analysisof

adhesion molecule expression by human venous and arterial

enthothelial cells after stress by incubation with oxLDL andnative LDL as a control.Confluent arterialendothelialcellmonolayers were treated with 80 Lg/ml native or oxLDL. The

fluorescence index was calculated as the ratio of the meanfluorescence intensity of stressed vs. unstressed endothelial

cells.Expression of ICAM-1, VCAM-1, and ELAM-l in termsof mean values and standard deviations of four independent

experiments are shown. Preparation and characterization of

oxLDL as well as incubation conditions are detailed in ref 49.

Incubation for 12 h (0); 24 h (); 48 h (#{149}).*significant

difference from control cells P < 0.05.


Figure 3. The development of autoimmune disease depends

on the presence of essential genes coding for autoreactivity ofthe immune system and susceptibility of the target cell for the

autoimmune attack,respectively.Nonessentialfactorsmodu-lating the final outcome of the disease are symbolized by ar-

rows. Essential genes influencing autoreactivity may, for

example, code for certain MHC haplotypes, T cell receptorspecificity, and interleukin-2 (IL-2) hyperproduction. Essen-

tial genes affecting a target cell or target organ may code for

susceptibility to virus infections. Modulatory factors include

dietary components (such as iodine in the case of Hashimotothyroiditis) and hormones (glucocorticoids, sex hormones,and others).

molecule-i, VCAM-i; E-selectin, ELAM-i) (48, 49).There are distinctdifferencesin the susceptibility of

arterialand endothehial cellsto different stressors,

the former generally giving a more sustained re-sponse, especially with respect to ELAM-i. In fact,

VCAM-.1 oxLDL acts as a potent inducer of adhesion mole-cules and hsp 60 exclusively on arterial endothehialcells, and the efficiency of oxLDL as a stressor de-

pends on its degree of oxidation (Fig. 2). However,the group of Fogelman (50) has clearly shown thatprolonged action of minimally modified LDL is alsoatherogenic.

ELAM4 Based on our experience with animal models ofspontaneous or experimentally induced organ-spe-

cific and systemic autoimmune diseases, we earlierdeveloped a general concept for the development of

autoimmune diseases postulating that two sets of es-sential genes must be present for autoimmune dis-ease development in an individual or an inbred strainof animals (Si). One set of genes codes for an ab-normal autoimmune reactivity of the immune system,

the other for a primary susceptibility of the targetorgan/structure to attackby humoral and/or allular

autoimmune effector mechanisms. The definitiveoutcome of a given disease isthen fine-tunedby mod-

ulatory factors such as diet and hormones (Fig. 3).This concept also applies to our immunological hy-

pothesis for atherogenesis, which can be summarizedas follows (Fig. 4). Most human beings possess hsp65-reactivehumoral antibodiesand T cellsthatafford


Sfresaorag. oxLDL,tree radicals,oxlns (LPS),heatshock (fever,hypertension(shearstress)

Antigens(1) InfectIonswith agents

that produce haphomologues;

(2 tissuedamage-Iln

Damage to endothellalcell proteins

Increased hap production






Figure 4. Schematic representation of the immunologic hypothesis for atherogenesis and the potential role of the immune responseto hsp 65/60. Different stressors such as hypertension, oxLDL, free radicals, bacterial toxins, and heat shock lead to the expressionof hsp 60 by endothelial cells, arterial cells showing a lower threshold to various risk factors due to their previous, life-long exposureto higher hemodynamic stressas compared to veins. Preexisting antibodies and T cells against hsp 60 from infectious agents orhsp 60 released from damaged autologous tissue can cross-react with hsp 60 expressed on the surface of endothelial cells leadingto a local inflammatory autoimmune reaction. LDL may be chemically modified (for instance, oxidized) by stressed endothelialcells or LDL present in the intima can be oxidized and retained at this site. Blood-derived macrophages and smooth muscle cellspresent at those sites can take up chemically modified LDL via the scavenger receptor and transform it into foam cells. These foamcells are important constituents of early atherosclerotic lesions and are themselves subjected to stress due to the production of freeradicals during metabolism of oxLDL. Therefore, foam cells also express high amounts of hsp 60 that head to stimulation of locallypresent hsp 65/60-reactive T cells and thus perpetuation of the disease. These foam cells may then be killed by cytotoxic antibodiesand/or T cells and become components of the necrotic core of advanced atherosclerotic lesions.

vital protection from various potentiallydangerous

microorganisms. These polyclonal effector mecha-nisms recognize various hsp 65 epitopes, several ofwhich provide the basis for potential pathogenetic

cross-reactions with human hsp 60. The emergenceof a bona fide autoimmune reaction, therefore, de-pends exclusively on expression of specific disease-determining hsp 60 epitopes at certain targetstructures, such as vascular endothelial cells in ath-

erosclerosis or synovial cells in rheumatoid arthritis.In an individual patient, the development of athero-sclerosis or rheumatoid arthritis, or both, thus de-

pends not only on the specificity and potency of theimmune response to hsp 65/60 (determined, among

other factors, by the HLA constellation), but also onthe expression site of the appropriate antigenic de-terminant (or determinants). The development ofthe first inflammatory stage of atherosclerosis there-fore depends on how we “treat” our endothehialcells, i.e., whether hsp 60 expression is induced via

classical risk factors such as high blood pressure, over-weight, smoking, and increased serum cholesterollevels. Other atherosclerosis-inducing factors alsoneed to be considered, such as viral and bacterial in-

fections of the vessel wall itself (52-54). Humans de-velop atherosclerosis rather than venosclerosis

because arterial endothehial cells are subjected tohigher blood pressure than veins throughout life,thus lowering the threshold for the adhesion mole-cule and hsp 60-inducing effect of other risk factors.Hsp 60 and adhesion molecule expression can firstbe found at predilection sitesfor atheroscleroticle-

sions where special hemodynamic conditions prevail.This concept isalsosupported by the observationthat

venous coronaiy bypasses also become “atherosclerotic”once subjectedto arterial pressure and flow.

In conclusion, the immunological hypothesis foratherogenesis logically encompasses the classical re-

sponse to injury and response to altered lipoproteintheories, but views them from a new and unconven-tional aspect.



In the course of studiesthat led us to formulate the

above-noted concept of a primary immunologic in-


CD8 ____________________CD4


0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350

Figure 6. The vascular-associated lymphoid tissue (VALT). Dis-tribution of immunohistochemically visualized mononuclearcells in frozen sections of carotid arteries from six childrenaged 8 wk-8 years. Total sum of cells counted per 5 mm2 sec-tion area. TCR-7/#{246}= T cells y/#{246};M 0 = macrophages.

1204 Vol.11 November1997 The FASEB Journal WICK ET AL.

LD -


Figure 5. Immunohistochemical demonstration of cells con-tributing to the formation of the VALT using the alkalinephosphatase anti-alkaline phosphatase (APAAP) technique.Positive cells are stained red using the naphtol AS-TR phos-phate/fast red RC reaction product of alkaline phosphatase.Different cell types in intima of the carotid bifurcation: A)CD68 macrophages; 8-year-old child; B) CDla dendriticcells; 10-year-old child; C) CD3* T lymphocytes; 8-year-old

child; D) tryptase mast cells; 10-year-old child. Original mag-nification x630.

flammatory pathogenesis of atherosclerosis, we alsoinvestigatednormal, unaffected arteriesfor control

purposes. These included carotid bifurcations (i.e.,the A. carotis communis dividing into the A. carotis in-terna and externa) from essentially healthy children,aged 8 wk to 8 years, who were either victims of ac-cidents or died from sudden infant death syndrome.

These investigationsled to the unexpected and

previously unknown finding that mononuclear cellspreexist in the intima at bifurcation sites, which are

known to be predisposed to development of athero-sclerotic lesions later in life. Analogous to the classi-

cal system providing a local defense mechanism, themucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT), wecalled these accumulations of mononuclear cells in

the arterial intima the vascular-associated lymphoidtissue (VALT) (5), and provisionally assigned a simi-lar function to this newly discovered system: moni-

toring of internal vascular surfaces for potentiallyharmful blood-borne agents. However, mononuclearcells making up the VALT are, of course, far lessabundant than those accumulations observed in theMALT, e.g., GALT. Our findings concerning theVALT can be summarized as follows: Mononuclear

cells are always found in certain arterial regions thatare subject to major hemodynamic stress,but rarely,

ifever, in the intima of veins.Although the propor-

tion of monocytes/macrophages vs. CD3 T cells(Fig. 5A, C; Fig. 6) differs in different specimens,overall the latter clearly predominated.

In general, CD4 predominate over CD8 T cells.Most T cells express TCR-a/3, but TCR-y/&-carryingcells are also present, paralleling earlier observations

in very early atherosclerotic lesions and also support-ing the notion that hsp 65/60 may be involved ininitiating atherogenic immune responses later in life.

Mononuclear cells were found not only in the intima,but also around the vasa vasorum. We have no func-tional data indicating whether the intimal cells hadimmigrated from the vascular lumen or from the vasavasorum via the media.

In several recent publications, Bobshyrev et al.(20-22) compellingly described the presence of den-dritic cells in the intima of atherosclerotic lesions. Inpreliminary experiments (G. Falkensammer and G.

Wick, unpublished results), we also identified den-driticcellsin the intima of healthy arteriesfrom chil-dren (Fig. SB).

Another population of cells receiving increasing at-tention in atherosclerosis research are mast cells.

However, in contrast to earlier observations by others(55, 56) describing mast cells in the normal intimaand adventitia, but not in the media, we have not yetbeen able to corroborate these findings. We detectedchymase/tryptase-positive mast cells in the normaladventitiaand in the media only in close association

with the vasa vasorum (Fig. SD). Mast cells may con-tribute to atherogenesis in several ways, such as bythe chymase-induced, granula-mediated uptake ofLDL by macrophages and SMC (57) and chymase-

dependent inhibition of the reverse cholesterol trans-port, and thus promote foam cell formation (58).Moreover, histamine leads to increased endothelial

permeability, another important factor contributingto formation of atherosclerotic lesions. Other impor-tant properties of histamine include a mitogenic ef-

fect on fibroblasts and SMC-contracting activity (59).Mast cells also produce lymphocyte chemotactic fac-

tor, which contributes to the recruitment of T cellsinto inflammation sites (60). In addition, mast cellsstore a variety of cytokines (TNF-a and IL-i) knownto induce a expression of adhesion molecules andhsp 60. Finally, mast cells have been shown to express

TCR-’8 13



Figure 7. Demonstration (usingthe APAAP technique) of P-selectin in endothelial cells at the bifurcation area of the ca-rotid artery of an 8-wk-old child. A) Staining of the carotidendothelium as well as the endothelium of vasa vasorum. Orig-inal magnification x100. B) Staining of the endothelium ofvasa vasorum. Original magnification x400.

MHC class IImolecules and may function as antigen-presenting cells(6i). Thus, this type of cells will beincluded in ongoing and future studies of the VALT

and early atherosclerotic lesions.

K/NK cells,polymorphonuclear granulocytes,and

B cells were virtually absent from the carotid arteriesof allchildren. Hsp 60 expression was observed in

endothelial cellsonly at sitessubjected to increased

mechanical stress, such as the side walls of the bifur-

cations, and also the endothelium of the vasa vaso-

rum. Furthermore, hsp 60-positive macrophages thatsimultaneously express MHC classII molecules were

found in the intima.

Immunohistochemical analyses of adhesion mole-cules revealed the following: There seems to be a con-

stitutive basic expression of ICAM-i and P-selectin inendothelial cellsof normal carotid arteries,confirm-

ing data published by others (62-64), as well as thevasa vasorum (Fig. 7), but not of any other cell typewithin the intima, media, or adventitia. This expres-sion is independent from underlying elements of theVALT.

ELAM-1 was absent throughout all specimens in-

vestigated. Since adhesion of neutrophils is depen-dent mainly on the presence of this molecule, thispartly explains the lack of this cell type within theVALT.

VCAM-l can be demonstrated on both endothelial

cells and macrophages within the VALT, and may beinstrumental in recruitingfurther mononuclear cells

and the later possible development of atheroscleroticlesions.

The simultaneous up-regulation of adhesion mol-

ecules ICAM-1, ELAM-l, and VCAM-1, together withhsp 60 in endothelial cells subjected to classical riskfactorsfor atherogenesis (mechanical stress,oxLDL,

cytokines)shown in previous experiments in our lab-oratory, is considered the primary prerequisite forinitiation of the inflammatory-immunological pro-

cess and subsequent lesion development.


Our new immunological hypothesis for the develop-ment of atherosclerosis postulates an autoimmunereaction against hsp 60 as a main initiating factor.Since essentially all individuals possess cellular and/or humoral immune reactivityagainst bacterialhsp

65 due to previous infectionsor vaccinations,thisprotectiveimmunity harbors the riskof cross-reactiv-

ity with the highly homologous autologous hsp 60.

The emergence of diseasebased on thiscross-reactiv-

itydepends on the specificityof hsp 65/60-reactive Tcellsand antibodies (i.e.,a given individual’s immuneresponse genes and the type of infection,respec-

tively); on the other hand, it also depends on theorgan-specific or systemic expression of thecross-reactive hsp 60 epitopes. For unknown reasons,in rheumatoid arthritis the relevant epitopes seem tobe expressed by synovial cells, whereas in atheroscle-rosis, the target is the endothelial cell. The latter celltype has also been shown to express hsp 60 epitopeson the cellsurface,rendering it susceptible to cyto-toxic antibodies.We do not dispute the importanceof classical risk factors for atherogenesis such as high

blood pressure, oxLDL, smoking, and even infec-tions, but assign a different role to them: the simul-

taneous induction of adhesion molecule and hsp 60expression by endothelial cells. The fact that arterialendothelial cellsare subjected to higher hemody-

namic stress during their lifetime lowers their thresh-old for the induction of adhesion molecules and hsp60 by other risk factors. Therefore, it depends essen-tially on how we “treat” our vascular endothelial cellsif the preexisting immune reactions entail intimal Tcell infiltrations and antibody-mediated cytotoxicdamage. Even though this first inflammatory stage of

atherosclerosis has been shown to be reversible, con-tinuous presence of risk factors, especially high blood

1206 Vol. 11 November 1997 The FASEB Journal WICK ET AL.

cholesterol levels, lead to irreversible, severe lesions.Predilection sites for atherosclerosis are known to bethose vascular segments subjected to increased hemo-

dynamic forces, such as the arterial bifurcations. Wehave observed previouslyunknown accumulations of

mononuclear cells in the intima at these sites even inarteries of children before the emergence of athero-sclerosis, and have tentatively termed this phenome-non vascular-associated lymphoid tissue, analogous tothe mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue. Similar toMALT, VALT may monitor the internal vascular sur-face for blood-borne, potentially dangerous, or cross-reactive agents. VALT may thus also constitute a

crystallizationpoint for recruitment of hsp 6/60-re-active T cells during early atherogenesis.

Work by the authors was supported by the Austrian Science

Fund (G.W., project #P10677-MED and P12213-MED, Q.X.,

P11615-MED), the Jubil#{227}umsfonds of the Austrian NationalBank (G.W., project #5651), and the Sandoz Foundation for

Gerontological Research.


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