ATF How to Guide

How to Read the ATF Training Plan: Header- • Top left corner identifies the phase of training. Row 1- • First two columns identify the week and day of training. • Column 3: Identifies the core lift for the day. • Column 4/5: Identifies the number of sets/reps of each movement • Column 6: Identifies the tempo of the movement. 501 means 5 second eccentric, 0 second isometric, 1 second concentric • Column 7: Is left open to for athletes to write in the load used for that movement • Column 8: Gives any additional notes/coaching points for the movement and also allows the athlete/coach to take notes on any movements Below Row 1- • Column 1: Identifies the order of the superset. For example, 1A, 1B, 1C means complete one set of exercise A, then proceed to exercise B, then proceed to exercise C, then return to exercise A, and repeat until all sets are completed. • Column 2: Identifies the category of movement (abbreviation key below). Movements within each category are interchangeable. • Column 3: Identifies the name of the movement Abbreviation Guide- Equipment • BB= Barbell • DB= Dumbbell Upper Body • BHPush= Bilateral Horizontal Push= Two-arm horizontal pressing movement (BB Bench Press) • UHPush= Unilateral Horizontal Push= Single arm horizontal pressing movement (DB Bench Press) • UVPush= Unilateral Vertical Push= Single-arm vertical pressing movement (DB Vertical Press) • BVPush= Bilateral Vertical Push= Two-arm vertical pressing movement (BB Push Jerk) • BVPull= Bilateral Vertical Pull= Two-arm vertical pulling movement (Pull-Up)

Transcript of ATF How to Guide

Page 1: ATF How to Guide

     How to Read the ATF Training Plan: Header- • Top left corner identifies the phase of training. Row 1- • First two columns identify the week and day of training. • Column 3: Identifies the core lift for the day. • Column 4/5: Identifies the number of sets/reps of each movement • Column 6: Identifies the tempo of the movement. 501 means 5 second eccentric, 0 second isometric, 1 second concentric • Column 7: Is left open to for athletes to write in the load used for that movement • Column 8: Gives any additional notes/coaching points for the movement and also allows the athlete/coach to take notes on any movements Below Row 1- • Column 1: Identifies the order of the superset. For example, 1A, 1B, 1C means complete one set of exercise A, then proceed to exercise B, then proceed to exercise C, then return to exercise A, and repeat until all sets are completed. • Column 2: Identifies the category of movement (abbreviation key below). Movements within each category are interchangeable. • Column 3: Identifies the name of the movement Abbreviation Guide- Equipment • BB= Barbell • DB= Dumbbell Upper Body • BHPush= Bilateral Horizontal Push= Two-arm horizontal pressing movement (BB Bench Press) • UHPush= Unilateral Horizontal Push= Single arm horizontal pressing movement (DB Bench Press) • UVPush= Unilateral Vertical Push= Single-arm vertical pressing movement (DB Vertical Press) • BVPush= Bilateral Vertical Push= Two-arm vertical pressing movement (BB Push Jerk) • BVPull= Bilateral Vertical Pull= Two-arm vertical pulling movement (Pull-Up)

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 • UVPull= Unilateral Vertical Pull= Single-arm vertical pulling movement • BHPull= Bilateral Horizontal Pull= Two-arm horizontal pulling movement (BB Bent Over Row) • UHPull= Unilateral Horizontal Pull= Single-arm horizontal pulling movement (DB Bent Over Row) • Shoulder= Shoulder stability movement (DB Lateral Raises) Lower Body • BHD= Bilateral Hip Dominant= Bilateral Hamstring Dominant= Two-legged movement in which the hip is the main hinge (BB Straight-leg Deadlift) • UHD= Unilateral Hip Dominant= Unilateral Hamstring Dominant= Single-legged movement in which the hip is the main hinge (Single Leg Hip Bridge) • BKD= Bilateral Knee Dominant= Bilateral Quad Dominant= Bilateral • UKD= Unilateral Knee dominant= Unilateral Quad Dominant= Single-legged movement in which the knee is the main hinge Other Movement Categories • Expl= Explosive movement (Hang Clean) • Plyo= Plyometric= Body weight explosive movement (Vertical Jump) • Mobility= Mobility movement (Half Kneeling Hip Flexor Series) • Core= Core stability movement (Plank Series) Intensity • RPE= Rate of Perceived Exertion= 1-10 scale= 5-6 is a warm-up, 8 means the athlete had 2 more reps left in the tank, 9 means 1 more rep left in the tank, 10 is max effort