AT HOME IN THE HEART OF ASIA THE SINGAPORE EXPERIENCE · his company, Intercontinental Hotels...


Transcript of AT HOME IN THE HEART OF ASIA THE SINGAPORE EXPERIENCE · his company, Intercontinental Hotels...

Page 1: AT HOME IN THE HEART OF ASIA THE SINGAPORE EXPERIENCE · his company, Intercontinental Hotels Group, had an opportunity for him at their Asia Pacifi c headquarters in Singapore,


Page 2: AT HOME IN THE HEART OF ASIA THE SINGAPORE EXPERIENCE · his company, Intercontinental Hotels Group, had an opportunity for him at their Asia Pacifi c headquarters in Singapore,

About Contact Singapore

Contact Singapore is an alliance of the Singapore Economic Development Board and Ministry of

Manpower. It aims to attract global talent to work, invest and live in Singapore.

With offi ces in Asia Pacifi c, Europe and North America, Contact Singapore is the one-stop centre for those

who wish to pursue a rewarding career in Singapore, as well as individuals and entrepreneurs who are

keen to invest in or initiate new business activities here. Contact Singapore actively links Singapore-based

employers with global talent and provides updates on career opportunities and industry developments in

Singapore. We work with private sector partners to facilitate the interests of potential individual investors

in Singapore.

For more information on working, investing and living in Singapore, please visit

Page 3: AT HOME IN THE HEART OF ASIA THE SINGAPORE EXPERIENCE · his company, Intercontinental Hotels Group, had an opportunity for him at their Asia Pacifi c headquarters in Singapore,

03 Foreword

04 Capturing the global imagination

06 A model city for work and play

08 The road warrior fi nds his base

10 Safety and comfort of family fi rst

12 Returning was the best decision

14 An invigorating switch of pace

CONTENTS16 Strong support for emerging fi elds

20 A research career beyond expectations

22 Headstart for a young professional

24 Fitting in was so easy

26 Diversity makes it exciting

28 Experiencing Asia from Singapore

30 Things keep getting better

Page 4: AT HOME IN THE HEART OF ASIA THE SINGAPORE EXPERIENCE · his company, Intercontinental Hotels Group, had an opportunity for him at their Asia Pacifi c headquarters in Singapore,


When one speaks of Singapore, the

immediate images that are conjured

are of a tropical island-city - sunny

all year round – lined with sandy

beaches in interesting juxtaposition

with a spectacular city skyline. On

closer examination, you will see

that Singapore is made up of many

cultures, races, languages and food,

all of which contribute to the country’s

global outlook.

The country and its residents have

worked hard to leap-frog from a

sleepy fi shing village to fi rst-world

fl ourishing metropolis, all in the space

of 40 odd years. Its achievements

and continued potential have not

gone unnoticed. There are over 7,000

multinational companies here, of

which over 60 per cent have set up

their regional headquarters right here

in the compact thriving city state

respected for its meticulous public

planning, well-oiled infrastructure

and quick refl exes to global whims for


Today, one in fi ve people working and

living in Singapore is a non-resident

(bulk of the workforce are foreigners!),

hailing from other parts of the world.

In recent years, Singapore has

become a talent hub in the region,

attracting an increasing number

of global citizens who have been

drawn to opportunities in growth

sectors like banking and fi nance, IT,

manufacturing, biomedical sciences,

healthcare and clean technology.

They’ve come from Asia, Australia

and also from further afar – from

Europe and North America – and they

are discovering Singapore’s openness

at a different level; a diverse society

in which to live, work and play, with

space for career advancement

and personal growth, space for new

business pursuits, space for clean and

healthy living, and the space for their

families to grow. The decision to come

to Singapore has been rewarding for

them, to say the least.

The twelve people in this series are

great examples of the many who

have chosen to work and live in

Singapore. They fi rst came for the

career opportunities, and in different

ways, they have now discovered that

Singapore is the place to call home.

They have found new areas and

reasons to call Singapore home and in

turn, they are a tribute to Singapore’s

multicultural and multinational

heritage. I hope their stories inspire

you, not only of the opportunities

they have found here but the endless

possibilities as Singapore continues on

her destiny as a global talent hub.

NG Siew Kiang (Ms)

Executive Director,

Contact Singapore


Page 5: AT HOME IN THE HEART OF ASIA THE SINGAPORE EXPERIENCE · his company, Intercontinental Hotels Group, had an opportunity for him at their Asia Pacifi c headquarters in Singapore,

Capturing The Global Imagination

Wanted: Global citizens with skillsets

in emerging sectors like digital media,

clean technology, healthcare,

biomedical sciences, research &

development, infocomms, high-tech

manufacturing, fi nancial services, legal

services and hospitality. Opportunities

await in the best place to live in Asia.

As the world economy undergoes

metamorphic change, Singapore is

moving swiftly to capture the hearts

and minds of the world’s top talent

whose skills and knowledge are so

vital to its success.

It has a lot to offer in return, whether

you are a newly minted global citizen

or a seasoned expatriate. It is one of

the most vibrant, diverse and dynamic

cities in Asia and the exposure and

connections you make here will

be invaluable. It is the city where

over 7,000 multinational companies

have set up offi ces in every industry

imaginable. Its centrality at the heart

of Asia, and at the same time, the

international connectivity offered at

its world-class Changi International

Airport, from which key cities in Asia

can be reached in a couple of hours,

makes it the best spot to be based. The

population is multi-cultural and multi-

national; over 20% of the workforce

is foreign and come from over 160


Yet, the place hums with legendary

effi ciency and English is widely spoken

in everyday life. You can apply for a

work visa or register a business online

and receive approval in less than a

week. Its merits have won it plaudit as

the best place to do business by the

World Bank for several years in a row.

As a place to live, it is the best in

Asia, according to the Quality of Life

Index by Mercer Human Resource

Consulting Singapore. ‘Everything

works!’ is a common refrain among

astonished new expatriates. The

infrastructure setup, whether public

transport, telecommunications

network or healthcare, is effi cient,

convenient and affordable.

From food to schools, sports to

performing arts, the range of lifestyle

options has exploded in recent years.

Public and international schools stand

out in the region for their exceptionally

high standards of education. The

warm tropical weather is ideal for

all manner of outdoor activities and

sea sports; and beaches, parks and

gardens dot the island. The sports

scene is going to get much bigger

with the planned construction of a

new national stadium and the hosting

of the 2010 Youth Olympics. The arts

and cultural calendar is packed

with international and homegrown

acts, often showcased at the iconic

Esplanade Theatres On The Bay

complex on the waterfront.

The career opportunities and lifestyle

choices are invigorating. At the same

time, the safety and stability are

comforting. It is no wonder Singapore

is capturing the global imagination.

Isn’t it time you checked out what the

buzz is all about?


Page 6: AT HOME IN THE HEART OF ASIA THE SINGAPORE EXPERIENCE · his company, Intercontinental Hotels Group, had an opportunity for him at their Asia Pacifi c headquarters in Singapore,

“The government is focused on long term sustainability. It is this spirit of entrepreneurship that ensures there will always be opportunities and challenges.”


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A Model City For Work And PlayCraig Law-Smith

Southeast Asia Marketing Director Online Services Group

Microsoft Corp.

The entrepreneurial dimension of building a business right in the midst of emerging Southeast Asian markets is what drives Craig Law-Smith.

“Singapore is not just a launch pad, it is also a great model,” said Craig, who has been leading the marketing efforts for Microsoft’s Online Services Group and is launching the new Windows Live in Southeast Asia.

“Because Singapore has become so wired and connected, I can see the same growth potential in other emerging SEA markets.”

Having worked in both start-ups and multinationals in his 20 years in Asia Pacifi c, Craig pointed out that Singapore offers young professionals the chance to ‘take on challenges that you would never have in your home market.’ He believes that, in comparison, job scopes in mature economies like North America

and Europe are more traditionally defi ned.

A British citizen married to an American from Chicago, Craig, 41, has taken up Permanent Residency status in Singapore and is comfortable calling the island state home. Both his sons were born in Singapore and the family lives in a seafront condo on the east coast, fi ve minutes from the beach. He loves the community feel of his neighbourhood where his 3-year-old, Matt, is on fi rst name basis and enjoys prime cuts from the local barbequed pork stall owner. For Craig, it is the prevalent use of the English language everywhere that made it very easy for him to fi t in from the start.

“The quality of life is exceptional,” he exclaimed. “There are lots of green spaces, the air quality is good and there is an international selection of groceries readily available.”

Craig cycles to work everyday, come rain or shine, something he would not have dreamed of doing in other Asian cities where he lived previously. Here, he can take a scenic route along the coast and river almost all the way to his offi ce in downtown Singapore.

This brings him to the point about why he is so impressed by Singapore; the city is constantly reinventing itself and improving what it has to offer, even in the smallest of ways, like creating bike paths and waterways and nudging its population to be more environmentally aware.

“The government is focused on long term sustainability,” said Craig. “It is this spirit of entrepreneurship that ensures there will always be opportunities and challenges.”

And where opportunity lies, Craig thrives.


Page 8: AT HOME IN THE HEART OF ASIA THE SINGAPORE EXPERIENCE · his company, Intercontinental Hotels Group, had an opportunity for him at their Asia Pacifi c headquarters in Singapore,

“For an expatriate, Singapore is an excellent introduction to Asia as it is quite tolerant to western culture. It is a melting pot of many diverse cultures which makes it a fascinating place to live.”


Page 9: AT HOME IN THE HEART OF ASIA THE SINGAPORE EXPERIENCE · his company, Intercontinental Hotels Group, had an opportunity for him at their Asia Pacifi c headquarters in Singapore,

The Road Warrior Finds His BasePeter Carmichael

Director of Operations for South East AsiaIntercontinental Hotels Group

Peter Carmichael loves being on the road, literally. But when he is not exploring the region on his motorcycle with friends from the Singapore chapter of the Harley Davidson club, he holds down a full-time job as Director of Operations for Southeast Asia for the Intercontinental Hotels Group.

While building a career in hospitality, Peter, 49, has constantly been on the move in Asia. He has relocated with his family to cities as diverse as Beijing, Shanghai, Jakarta and, most recently, Seoul, every two to three years. But with two children entering their teenage years, he wanted an environment that would provide a good balance between family life and career. The family was already familiar with Singapore, which they had always regarded as ‘a bit of an oasis in the region’. In 2005, when his company, Intercontinental Hotels Group, had an opportunity for him at their Asia Pacifi c headquarters in

Singapore, the family was happy to move here.

For the Canadian who has spent 14 years working in the very diverse, and often complex, business landscape in Asia, Singapore stands out for the ease of doing business. The business and legislative framework operates in English so there are no language issues and ‘nothing is lost in translation’, he says. He also appreciates that the quality of the local workforce exceeds the average in the region.

A frequent traveler, Peter regards Singapore’s much-lauded Changi Airport as one of the best in the world. “Where else can you disembark, clear customs, collect your luggage and be on the road in 20 minutes?” he says, alluding to the effi ciency and speed of its services.

His teenagers, who are well accustomed to international schools, are very happy attending the

Singapore American School. The school’s faculty and facilities have particularly impressed the family.

“Historically our children would inquire upon reaching two years in one place, where to next?’ said Peter. “They have not asked since we have lived in Singapore.”

So Peter and wife plan to remain in Singapore, at least until the children fi nish high school. “The living environment is, without a doubt, the best we have experienced,” he explained, going on to cite Singapore’s safe environment, good transport infrastructure and medical facilities as top draws.

“For an expatriate, Singapore is an excellent introduction to Asia as it is quite tolerant to western culture,” he said. “It is a melting pot of many diverse cultures which makes it a fascinating place to live.”


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“We love the climate, lifestyle, food and efficiency of Singapore. And having excellent medical facilities available is a big plus, especially as one gets older.”


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Safety And Comfort Of Family First

Tim FrenchDirector High Tech

TNT Asia Pacifi c

It has been 14 years since his fi rst business trip to Singapore inspired him to relocate and Tim French, 45, is still happy to be here.

His testament to western professionals interested in relocating east is that Singapore offers ‘a vibrant business environment with a fast pace of growth and energy, with many opportunities across the Asia Pacifi c Region – Singapore being at its centre.”

In fact, Tim and his family have taken up offers to live in Singapore twice. Their fi rst move here was in 1994 when they stayed for two years before Tim was posted to Jakarta. Four years later, they moved back without hesitation when Tim became Director of the high tech sector for Global Account Management at TNT’s Asia regional head offi ce based in Singapore.

“It was an easy decision as we knew that the medical facilities are fi rst class, the schools available are of

an excellent standard and it is a safe place to live,” explained Tim.

Both times, the family have been impressed by how quick and easy it was to set up house and home, especially the effi ciency and transparency of the government departments in charge of issuing personal documents like residency visas.

“Everything works!” he exclaimed. “And the food is fantastic.”

Foremost for Tim was the safety and comfort of his family as his regional role required him travel often.

“It is vital that the family is settled and happy for a husband to feel comfortable being away such a lot,” he emphasised, “which is why Singapore is a good base for families as it provides peace of mind.”

Tim and his wife, Karen, are both British citizens who grew up in Africa and

have spent many years in the Middle East. In his 25 years working for TNT, they have lived all over the world, including Europe, but Singapore is the place where they are most comfortable and are thinking of laying down long-term roots.

Karen has a budding fl oral design business in Singapore and is also establishing herself as an artist. With an 18-year-old son working in London and another 12-year-old boy who is growing up fast, the couple is considering investing in property at some stage, in preparation for retirement here.

“We love the climate, lifestyle, food and effi ciency of Singapore,” he explained. “And having excellent medical facilities available is a big plus, especially as one gets older.”

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“I have a knowledge base about India and China which my European and American clients value. And this, I believe, makes me more valuable to companies.”


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Returning Was The Best DecisionMichelle Crouse

Partnera-connect, Singapore

For Michelle Crouse, 39, Singapore is the place where she has the best of many worlds.

“I have an intellectually challenging job and free time on the weekends for my kids!” said the mother of three.

And working in Asia, close to economies with the most growth potential globally, has given her a professional boost.

‘I have a knowledge base about India and China which my European and American clients value,” she explained. “And this, I believe, makes me more valuable to companies.”

Prior to Singapore, the family was living in the ski resort town of Tahoe, in the mountains of California and Nevada. Michelle, who was educated in Harvard, and holds an MBA from Kellogg, had put a hold on her career when her second child came along. But she missed working

and the intellectual stimulation that came with it.

“The search then started for a place that was good for raising children, as well as good for me to fi nd work,” she said. “Singapore topped the list.” In fact, she and her husband Ken were so sure about Singapore that they took their chances and moved here with two young children and no jobs waiting for them.

Seeing an opportunity for Singapore to be a base for Southeast Asia, Michelle began conversations with a Swiss-based staffi ng consultancy called a-connect to start a Singapore offi ce. The company has a unique global niche matching top-level independent consultants to specifi c project work for large multinational clients. She cites Singapore’s deep pool of international talent and strong base of multinational companies, as well as lack of bureaucracy, good

infrastructure and central location as pivotal factors in securing the buy-in of her European principals.

Michelle, who is half-American and half-Malaysian Chinese, had spent her teenage years in Singapore and was impressed by how cosmopolitan it has become. She believes that being geographically close to India and China exposes her children early to new languages and cultures that will enable them to ‘take part in the global shift towards these parts of the world’.

On the weekends, the family visits the zoo, cycle in the parks near their condo, or head out to the beaches of Sentosa, a nearby resort island. They are already looking forward to a Universal Studios theme park that is set to open by 2010.

“In Singapore you are really spoiled for choice, everything is a short drive away,” chuckled Michelle.

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“It has been very exciting and fulfilling. I have the opportunity to use my technical background in a way that I had previously not experienced.”


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An Invigorating Switch Of PaceFergal Quinn

Operational Quality Manager for Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients

Schering-Plough Ltd, Singapore

After years of steadily building his career in Ireland, Fergal Quinn was ready for a radical change. At 40, he jumped at the opportunity to work in the pharmaceutical industry in Singapore – a fast emerging growth sector – and has not looked back since.

“It was a personal challenge to experience a work culture and lifestyle that was different from Europe,” said Fergal, who has a PhD in organic chemistry.

Singapore appealed because of its warm climate, strong infrastructure and generally high standard of living. He was also keen to discover Asia and Singapore is an ideal base, just a few hours fl ight time from most major cities in the region. In fact, since arriving in 2007, he has visited Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Japan and Australia.

Professionally, it has re-invigorated him to work with new products, technologies and systems. At

Schering-Plough, Fergal heads a multinational team of 65 and oversees the quality operations of the Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients division.

“It has been very exciting and fulfi lling,” he said. “I have the opportunity to use my technical background in a way that I had previously not experienced.”

One thing that has stood out is the high quality of the workforce. “I was impressed by the commitment of my colleagues and the willingness to do what is necessary to get things done.”

Working in Singapore has given him the chance to learn about different cultures and to experience fi rsthand the dynamics of a multicultural offi ce. He has adjusted easily and has a social network made up of mostly Singaporeans from his regular badminton group. They share with him all sorts of local tips like where to get the freshest produce or the best local food. An outdoors lover, Fergal

enjoys quiet weekends cycling and camping on East Coast beach and nature hikes in the Bukit Timah nature reserve near his home.

He uses Skype, a software programme for making telephone calls over the internet, to keep in touch with family and friends back home and jokes that the only thing he misses is Gaelic football and hurling. “Friends are always passing through and bunking in my apartment, he says with a grin. “Good thing I have a three-bedroom.”

For pharmaceutical professionals, Fergal notes that Singapore offers a unique advantage.

“There is now a good number of specialisations within the industry based here, from active pharmaceutical ingredients to biopharmaceuticals, concentrated in a small area.” he said. “People have a great choice when looking for employment.”

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“In this time of economic uncertainty, I think Asia holds more appeal than ever…Asia is generally still a growth region, and many companies are continuing to invest in projects and people.”


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Strong Support For Emerging Fields

Chris CrawleyVice President, Asia

SkyCool Pty Ltd

A desire for new learning has shaped Chris Crawley’s career choices and in the past decade, Singapore has been where those opportunities have risen. Since arriving in 1997 on an international assignment with a multinational corporation, Chris, 50, has worked in diverse industries like IT, capital advisory and now, clean technology.

He recently launched the Asian operations of SkyCool, an Australian clean technology company that has developed a roof coating that reduces the solar load, signifi cantly reducing air-conditioning costs. So far, Chris has enjoyed strong support whilst working with universities and government agencies on testbed programs and incentives.

“Singapore has established itself as the most forward thinking country in Southeast Asia in the area of clean technology,” he said, highlighting the availability of research grants and incentive programmes for adopting environmentally friendly practices in business. The city’s regular hosting of clean technology conferences

has also provided him greater industry insights and networking opportunities.

“Since I have lived here, three new industries have been targeted and promoted – biotechnology, digital media and game development and now clean technology,” he said, noting the speed and determination with which Singapore has nurtured these knowledge-intensive, high-growth sectors. “This forward focus has kept the economy strong even as some jobs have moved to lower cost countries.”

What has most impressed him is the way Singapore has systematically upgraded its infrastructure. The expansion of the mass rapid transit system, Terminal 3 of the Changi International Airport and the construction of the performing arts venue, the Esplanade refl ects ‘a long-term vision and proactive planning’ he said.

His lifestyle here is more urban than in his native Seattle, but Chris has gamely explored the best that

Singapore has to offer. Among the improvements he appreciates the most is the Esplanade, which has brought world-class dance, music and theatre performances to Singapore.

In recent years, the growth in the number of low-cost airlines has made it much more affordable for Chris to jet off for weekend getaways in Bali, Cambodia, Phuket, Myanmar and Sri Lanka.

For business, he fi rmly believes that Singapore is the best base in the region, especially given its position between China and India, the two largest emerging economies in the world.

“In this time of economic uncertainty, I think Asia holds more appeal than ever,” he observed. “While most companies are retrenching or scaling back their operations in the US, Asia is generally still a growth region, and many companies are continuing to invest in projects and people.”

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“Singapore has a foreign-friendly environment, excellent infrastructure, clean governance that values talent and an outstanding transportation system. Above all, academic researchers like us feel like we are at the right place at the right time.”


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A Research Career Beyond Expectations

Marie-Veronique ClementAssociate Professor, Dept of Biochemistry; and

Assistant Dean (Life Sciences & Student Affairs), Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine (YLLSoM),

National University of Singapore (NUS)

In her 11 years here, Marie-Veronique Clement, 45, has seen the biomedical sector take giant leaps as the Singapore government launched itself into creating a world-class research environment. It has invested in leading edge technologies and lured the best and the brightest minds to work here. Several blue chip multinationals now have multi-million dollar research bases in the city.

“Singapore has a foreign-friendly environment, excellent infrastructure, clean governance that values talent and an outstanding transportation system,” she says of the attractions it holds. “Above all, academic researchers like us feel like we are at the right place at the right time.”

When Marie left a post-doctoral research fellowship at Harvard Medical School in Boston, USA, to join her husband in Singapore in 1997, friends dismissed her move as the beginning of the end of a promising research career.

“Contrary to the belief of many, my professional life has benefi ted tremendously,” said Marie, with a smile.

Not only was she able to develop a competitive research programme, she rose to become a tenured Associate Professor at the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine at the National University of Singapore. She is also the Assistant Dean (Life Sciences and Student Affairs) overseeing medical education issues. She believes this was only possible because of the meritocratic system in practice at the university. “The emphasis is on performance and nothing else – a hallmark of Singapore,” she noted. Marie’s husband is also a tenured Professor in the Department of Physiology, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine and at Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School.

For Marie, among the best perks of living here is the attractive compensation packages and low

taxation. She also cites the cleanliness and safe environment for children. The couple’s 9-year-old son attends Lycee Francais of Singapore. For a working mother, like herself, having affordable live-in domestic help has been a big plus.

“In Europe, I would need to hire at least three different people to do the job of my domestic helper in Singapore,” she explained.

She misses the seasons of Europe and jokes that she loses track of the months of the year because it is a ‘never-ending summer’ in Singapore. That said, she does enjoy lounging by the poolside on weekends, and her husband and son can play tennis and cricket year round.

“Our little one is enjoying his school and life in Singapore,” she said. “We have no near term plans to move. Singapore is truly our home now.”


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“Research facilities in Singapore are simply world-class which allows researchers to deliver leading-edge technologies.”


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Headstart For A Young Professional

Erwin Merijn WoutersonAssociate Principal Engineer,

Aero-Mechanics SystemsVestas Technology R&D Singapore

As an engineer in the Asia Pacifi c R&D centre of Vestas, the world’s largest manufacturer of wind turbines, Erwin Merijn Wouterson, 32, is excited to be shaping Singapore’s emerging alternative energy sector.

“I can apply knowledge gained from my PhD research in composite materials in an industry that is attracting a lot of interest,” he said of the growing wind energy market in Asia.

Erwin, a Dutch, fi rst began to look for opportunities in Singapore when he met his wife while on an internship here. In 2002 he accepted a scholarship from Singapore’s Nanyang Technological University to do his PhD research in composite materials at the School of Material Science and Engineering. The impressive research setup was what convinced him. He realised he would have a defi nite advantage over his peers back home because here “the

latest equipment was available to research students, 24 hours a day.”

Having visited universities and research institutes in Europe, US and Asia Pacifi c, he remains convinced that there are very few places offering the kind of resources found in Singaporean universities and research institutes.

“Research facilities in Singapore are simply world-class which allow researchers to deliver leading-edge technologies,” he added.

For a young professional just starting out, Singapore offers invaluable exposure to different cultures and nationalities. In his offi ce alone, there are 16 nationalities represented.

“I learn how people from various parts of the world think and handle situations,” he said. “It is defi nitely an enriching experience.”

From the start, Erwin found it extremely easy to adapt to life in Singapore. Now the father of a 14-month-old toddler, he appreciates that the cost of living is low compared to Europe. One of the examples he cites is dining out. “In Singapore, $3 to $4 will buy you a simple dinner, but in Europe, for a similar price, you would have to cook it yourself.”

In general, taxes are low too. Goods and services tax in Singapore is 7%, while income tax averages about 15%, both signifi cantly less than in Holland.

He does work long hours, so a real perk of living here is the good housing facilities. The condominium where he lives has a swimming pool, playgrounds and tennis courts. “You only fi nd that in hotels in Europe, so staying in a condominium puts me in a holiday mood,” he said with a smile. “That is defi nitely a good feeling after a long day at work.”


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“Everyone has been helpful, for example, sharing tips on where to buy the cheapest clothes, electronics and other stuff.”


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Fitting In Was So EasyMujeeb-ul-Rehman Shaikh

PhysiotherapistNational University Hospital

A ‘freshie’ in Singapore, Mujeeb-ul-Rehman Shaikh, 24, made the gutsy move here in May 2008 without fi rst securing a job. The UK-trained physiotherapist wrote in to the major hospitals and got an offer from Singapore’s National University Hospital almost immediately.

“The whole process from applications to starting work took about two weeks,” he recounted, adding that it included getting the work pass and standard medical examination.

It was this high level of effi ciency and reliability that attracted him to move to Singapore when he fi rst visited the city on a holiday trip with friends a few months before. The ease of travel and affordability of the mass rapid transit, trustworthiness of the taxi service and the friendliness of strangers when he needed directions were among the holiday experiences that stuck with him.

Coming from a conservative Indian family, Mujeeb’s spontaneous

decision to move from the UK, where he was born and grew up, to Singapore came as a shock to his family initially, but his parents are now very supportive.

“I believe there are more opportunities for career progression in Singapore simply because there is a shortage of therapists and a large number of hospitals,” he said, explaining the advantage of starting his career here.

Another advantage Mujeeb benefi ts from is the availability and access to training opportunities. At NUH, he has attended many conferences and seminars to deepen his professional knowledge.

On the job, English is mainly used, but Mujeeb has surprised himself by picking up some basic Malay to communicate with certain patients. The soft-spoken young man has also found it relatively easy to fi t in with his colleagues who are mostly Singaporeans.

“Everyone has been helpful, for example, sharing tips on where to buy the cheapest clothes, electronics and other stuff,” he said with a chuckle, adding that the cost of living is much lower than back home.

The biggest adjustment has been getting used to eating more rice than bread! As a Muslim, he was delighted to discover that, in Singapore, major international fastfood chains like McDonalds, Pizza Hut and Kentucky Fried Chicken serve halal food.

On weekends, Mujeeb has been learning about Singapore’s history and culture through its many museums. A major F1 fan, he was disappointed that he did not make it to this year’s inaugural F1 Grand Prix night race in Singapore and is already saving up for tickets next year.


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“There is quite a lot going on here…I have probably seen more musicals and plays in the five years that I have been here than I have in the previous ten!”


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Diversity Makes It ExcitingBill Castellas

Head, Financial Advisory Teamipac fi nancial planning Singapore

Bill Castellas, a 38-year-old fi nancial services professional from Australia, lives in a converted colonial-era mansion in one of Singapore’s heritage enclaves, and has thoroughly enjoyed immersing himself in the city’s diverse culture and cuisine.

“I like the variety of life in Singapore and of the surrounding region,” he said. “I feel that much closer to the rest of the world and that’s kind of exciting.”

Within a week of arriving in Singapore in 2004, Bill recounts eating food he had never heard of before, in places that he would not have thought about visiting. “I’ve totally bought into Singapore’s love affair with food,” he said, rattling off a list of local favourites. “If you know anything about Singapore and Singaporeans, that alone breaks down the barriers, big time.”

But Bill went a step further. He enrolled in a Graduate Diploma

course in Marketing at the Singapore Institute of Management – something he would encourage newly arrived professionals to do.

“I was the only foreigner in the class but it was a great experience and I met some really nice people.”

Besides friendships, he also picked up a lot of local and regional knowledge, which has been helpful in his work as head of the fi nancial advisory team at ipac fi nancial planning Singapore, a subsidiary of insurance giant, AXA.

“ipac’s business is about helping clients plan ahead in life,” he said, “so it is encouraging to see the government urging Singaporeans to take more responsibility for their fi nancial future.”

Bill also added that being exposed to the variety of businesses in Singapore has been a valuable experience that has inspired new perspectives.

While work keeps him busy, Bill has found many ways to chill. He enjoys music and has taken more interest in the arts simply because ‘there is quite a lot going on here’, especially at the Esplanade, Singapore’s top performing arts venue. As Bill puts it, “I have probably seen more musicals and plays in the fi ve years that I have been here than I had in the previous ten!”

His big passion is golf and Singapore’s centrality means he can indulge in the hobby at exotic locales all over Asia. “I’ve been to destinations that I would not have ever considered visiting from Australia.”

When he fi rst moved to Singapore, Bill thought that Singapore would get too ‘small’ for him, but fi ve years on, he is still fi nding new things to explore.


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“I’ve really enjoyed being in a new cultural environment with an interesting and diverse food scene. Plus, Singapore is a convenient base from which to explore other Asian destinations.”


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Experiencing Asia From Singapore

Peter DuttonRegistrar, Advanced Specialty Training

Department of Colorectal SurgerySingapore General Hospital

Peter Dutton, a colorectal surgeon from Sydney, Australia, has packed more than he bargained for in one short year in Singapore – foodie pursuits, wine tasting, city weekends and island getaways on top of a heavy surgical caseload at the Singapore General Hospital.

“I’ve really enjoyed being in a new cultural environment with an interesting and diverse food scene,” he said. “Plus, Singapore is a convenient base from which to explore other Asian destinations.”

Through the recommendation of friends, food blogs and restaurant reviews, Peter and his wife have discovered a gourmet’s paradise of fi ne dining restaurants as well as Singapore’s best-loved hawker centres like Maxwell food centre and Tiong Bahru market, and food streets in Chinatown. He is also enthused about the growing popularity of wine bars here and has been trying more South African wines.

Most of his time is spent at the Singapore General Hospital where Peter, 37, is doing a fellowship at the Colorectal Department. The department is an internationally recognised centre for laparoscopic colorectal surgery, a highly specialised fi eld, and Peter is the second Australian to be offered its annual fellowship.

“SGH has a huge patient caseload of referrals not just locally, but also from neighbouring countries in Asia and the UAE,” he said. “For a trainee, it is an immense opportunity for exposure to wide range of conditions and a large volume of operating.”

SGH made sure Peter and his wife got off to a running start. The hospital organised all the offi cial paperwork so Peter could pick them up upon arrival. He also found it surprisingly easy to fi nd an apartment and set up utilities, bank accounts and credit cards. The only thing that took him a little more time was adjusting to the heat!

Peter lives in a skyscraper development in the central business district that has a swimming pool, a gymnasium and tennis courts. Although rents are higher compared to Sydney, he found that the condominiums here offer better facilities, describing them as ‘almost like a resort’.

Living and working in Singapore has broadened his perspective towards becoming a better surgeon and given him the chance to make long-lasting professional contacts.

“Singapore offers a familiar ‘westernised’ medical work environment with a multicultural and international team,” he observed. “Also, the major hospitals are internationally accredited and upholds high standards in administration and patient management. This ensures that my training will be highly regarded back home.”


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“This is a great opportunity to bring children up in an environment where race and culture can be respected.”


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Things Keep Getting BetterChris Rogers

Director, Market DevelopmentOrigo Marketing Group

A British who moved to Singapore in 1996 to run a loyalty marketing agency, Chris has lived here through a time of exciting change as Singapore became a more global city. So he knows what he is talking about when he says there is now more ‘fun stuff’ to do, making the city state ‘an even more attractive place for international expatriates from all parts of the globe.’

“There are more night spots and entertainment options opening up, more development in recreational areas like the East Coast Park and more investment in sports facilities,” he noted with appreciation.

Now the father of two active young boys, Alex and Ben, Chris mixes sport and family life with ease. Weekends are spent shuttling between competitive games, watching rugby, which his wife Nellie enjoys, and cycling with his kids. He is also

teaching them to sail at the Mana Mana Beach Club near their home.

Chris is an active member of the Singapore Cricket Club. “It’s a fantastic place to play cricket, fi eld hockey, rugby, hockey, lawn tennis and lawn bowls, among others,” he enthused. As vice-captain of one of the cricket teams, he has taken his team to Vancouver, Sri Lanka, Bali, Penang and cities in Australia, including playing at the MCG in Melbourne.

“Singapore cricket is booming, with the standard being raised year on year,” he said with a measure of pride.

He values the quality of life he has in Singapore, especially since having children. Nellie and him moved from an apartment in central Singapore to a bigger house with a yard when their fi rst son was on the way. They now live in a charming family-friendly neighbourhood, near

playgrounds and the East Coast Park. Despite having moved further from downtown, it is still just a 15-minute commute to work for Chris.

“I can balance family time with work and playing sport,” he said. “One of the best things about playing sport here is that it’s so easy to get to the grounds and back.”

The cultural diversity of Singapore is something else that appeals to Chris and his wife. “This is a great opportunity to bring children up in an environment where race and culture can be respected,” he said. And of course, being in the heart of Asia, there are lots of colourful cities nearby for them to discover.

After 12 years in Singapore, what is Chris’ advice for expatriates interested in living here?

“Pack your bags and come over!”


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Page 34: AT HOME IN THE HEART OF ASIA THE SINGAPORE EXPERIENCE · his company, Intercontinental Hotels Group, had an opportunity for him at their Asia Pacifi c headquarters in Singapore,
Page 35: AT HOME IN THE HEART OF ASIA THE SINGAPORE EXPERIENCE · his company, Intercontinental Hotels Group, had an opportunity for him at their Asia Pacifi c headquarters in Singapore,

Date of Publication: April 2009

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