asucd. Web viewB&F: David Heifetz x. Secretary of Outreach and Engagement: Jade Wolansky ....

I. Call to Order – 6:16 A. President: Alex Lee B. Vice President: Abhay Sandhu C. Senate Pro Tempore: D. Senator: Sofia Molodanof x E. Senator: Sam Chiang F. Senator: Shaitaj Dhaliwal G. Senator: Irveen Grewal H. Senator: Ricardo Martinez I. Senator: Joshua Dalavai J. Senator: Parteek Singh K. Senator: Sam Park L. Senator: Georgia Savage M. Senator: Puneet Dihndsa N. Senator: Adilla Jamaludin O. Senator: Adam Xu P. ECAC Chair: - Komal Sharma - Q. EPPC Chair: R. IAC Chair: Nicholas Flores S. EAC Chair: Sarah Williams T. AAC Chair: Hemali Patel U. GASC Chair: Allison Tam V. B&F: David Heifetz x W. Secretary of Outreach and Engagement: Jade Wolansky X. Controller: Joe DeAngelo II. ASUCD Scholarship Presentations i. Sandhu: so as some of you may know starting week 6 we opened up scholarship applications. Week 8 we were interviewing and we gave a total of 9 awards. 2 of them could not make it. The ASUCD scholarship created in

Transcript of asucd. Web viewB&F: David Heifetz x. Secretary of Outreach and Engagement: Jade Wolansky ....

Page 1: asucd. Web viewB&F: David Heifetz x. Secretary of Outreach and Engagement: Jade Wolansky . Controller: Joe DeAngelo. II. ASUCD Scholarship Presentations. Sandhu: so as some of you

I. Call to Order – 6:16

A. President: Alex Lee

B. Vice President: Abhay Sandhu

C. Senate Pro Tempore:

D. Senator: Sofia Molodanof x

E. Senator: Sam Chiang

F. Senator: Shaitaj Dhaliwal

G. Senator: Irveen Grewal

H. Senator: Ricardo Martinez

I. Senator: Joshua Dalavai

J. Senator: Parteek Singh

K. Senator: Sam Park

L. Senator: Georgia Savage

M. Senator: Puneet Dihndsa

N. Senator: Adilla Jamaludin

O. Senator: Adam Xu

P. ECAC Chair: - Komal Sharma -

Q. EPPC Chair:

R. IAC Chair: Nicholas Flores

S. EAC Chair: Sarah Williams

T. AAC Chair: Hemali Patel

U. GASC Chair: Allison Tam

V. B&F: David Heifetz x

W. Secretary of Outreach and Engagement: Jade


X. Controller: Joe DeAngelo

II. ASUCD Scholarship Presentations

i. Sandhu: so as some of you may know starting week 6

we opened up scholarship applications. Week 8 we

were interviewing and we gave a total of 9 awards. 2 of

them could not make it. The ASUCD scholarship

created in 90s sole purpose to giving to those in need

not based on academic scholarships but really the

struggles you had and what you have doen to overcome

them. All these individuals exemplify those qualities.

The first person is someone we all know. She is our

senate recorder, 2000 dollar scholarship. Lover her!!

David, Jacqueline, Tyesha, Chelsea, Colin, Tin lee were

presented 1000 dollar scholarship.

IV. EAC Table Awards

Page 2: asucd. Web viewB&F: David Heifetz x. Secretary of Outreach and Engagement: Jade Wolansky . Controller: Joe DeAngelo. II. ASUCD Scholarship Presentations. Sandhu: so as some of you

i. Nazzal: the hottie hot award to the member that

represent quorum in the best way possible. This year it

will go to chair. Ritesh Mishra!

ii. Mishra: thank you Joe and to everybody who voted for

me. I appreciate it. I don’t think I’m that old to be an

icon yet but thanks. I humbly accept this award.

iii. Savage: I would like to give Joe Nazzal the nottie not


iv. Nazzal: I regret nothing. I gladly take it if it’s the price

I get for talking crap.

V. Chair wells – 6:24

i. Nazzal: none of us in this room deserve to be here. Our

achievements and contributions don’t belong to us.

They are the result of someone else giving us this

opportunity. We have to give back in some way. This is

not about us. ASUCD isn’t about padding your own

resume or your middle initial on your plaque. And its

definitely not about getting paid. Every single person

here is blessed to be here. Thank you to EAC and all

my commissioners. Thanks to Kia you are my rock. Do

not ever lose your optimism. Thank you to you all, you

know who you are. To the current and future chairs,

you have power in this association. Do not ever forget

that. I hope to see you all again. I respectfully submit.

ii. Mishra: I have nothing planned. I thought about what I

can say. I’ve been here for 2 years. Before I even

started classes here I joined ASUCD. It’s the way I can

make lasting relationships and meet people who are

different than me and I can appreciate that. Challenging

people makes them better. It is what makes you better

and makes me better. I wanted to thank Janice because I

learned from her ways. I learned how to manage a

situation without being there. I am grateful for that. I

am grateful because tomorrow we can meet at a

different place and time and we have ASUCD to thank

for that. the positions that we will hold and things we

can do. People come and say we come to ASUCD to

make us sound fancy. When you help 8 or 9 students it

means a lot more. Experiences mean more than titles.

I’ve been blessed with this opportunity. I would like to

leave you with an Irish blessing that my father got. May

Page 3: asucd. Web viewB&F: David Heifetz x. Secretary of Outreach and Engagement: Jade Wolansky . Controller: Joe DeAngelo. II. ASUCD Scholarship Presentations. Sandhu: so as some of you

the road ride up to meet you and the wind forever at

your back. Until we meet again may God hold you in

his hands.

iii. Rosenwald: the year went by really fast. I remember

like yesterday when my friend told me at 2 am to apply

for this. I had no idea what I was even applying for. I

take years to respond but I responded to Melissa after 2

minutes. Alex Lee said what do you know about

ASUCD and I looked him dead in the eye and said

nothing, really. In that moment I thought I lost it. I

thought it was because I wore a knit tie and Alex being

the fashionable guy he is, hired the most unqualified. I

had no idea what was going on the first meeting. I was

intimidated and overwhelmed. I could not have asked

for a better learning experience. Put yourself in

uncomfortable situations, especially socially. It builds

your confidence and makes you a better person. The

experience of leaving and coming into the ASUCD

circle has taught me to see things differently. At this

time you are wondering is he going to take shots at

people? No, I’m not Laura and Ash and I did before I

got here. I would like to thank API brothers. I want to

shout out my commission. I look back to the

awkwardness of our first meeting and how comfortable

we are with each other know. I want to shout out

Miguel and Sivan and the tailgate committee. I want to

shout out Adilla for hosting post senate kickbacks. I

want to shout out Josh for being able to talk about

basketball and Kanye and for speeding up the meeting

process. I want to thank Ivon for being the perfect

example of what a commission chair is. I want to shout

out Ritesh for being the best-spoken person at this table.

I look forward to seeing you. Lastly, Joe Nazzal my boy

you understand me the most. Your no nonsense attitude

is badass. You are never afraid to be who you are. You

are Palestinian, I am Jewish. Humanity and respect

triumphs over everything and we are living proof of


iv. Garcia: I spent way too long for this so I hope you are

appreciative. I got commission chairs candy. I love you

all so much. These bulky ones have candy. These ones

are for the senators. I am sorry I am late. I want to say I

Page 4: asucd. Web viewB&F: David Heifetz x. Secretary of Outreach and Engagement: Jade Wolansky . Controller: Joe DeAngelo. II. ASUCD Scholarship Presentations. Sandhu: so as some of you

came in absolutely loving it. I would stay until 2 am as

a member of the public. I did it because I did love it.

One thing I remember is being a member of the public

discussing one of the events. My commission chair

decided to give me his time. The whole table discussed

for 2 hours my event and not a single one wanted to

hear what I wanted to say. It was so disrespectful. I

thought, if I got on the table I can be heard. I wanted to

be something and have my voice heard. As we all

know, that does not happen. So many times I am on the

list and I got moved out. I had no way to motion so that

was down. There are different ways to be heard and

communicate that I found possible. I spent my first year

thinking how to do this. I was trying to be source of

knowledge. It was very much different the end of my

term. I felt a different dynamic. I was the only trans

person on the table and only person talking about it.

Because of that, all the senators got a cute little bag and

I went and found 5 articles concerning different things I

want to leave you all with. I want to be your friend and

leave on good terms. I don’t want to keep being the one

person you all rely on for this knowledge. This helped

me learn and im very tired and bitter and salty of who I

am now. I came as happy and cheery. It is institutional

now. We are too over worked. We do not get enough

out of it that we put in. It is hard work managing a

commission. There is just so much stuff I absolutely

love and I want to share that. It is the reason why I do

not want to leave this bitter. I want to leave this space

in a happier spot. For so long I thought of what I am

going to say here. I am in a different spot and I do not

want to be a bitter person. I feel that is not equitable. I

want to acknowledge for so long I thought the best way

to know people is speaking. I learned we, as chairs have

to constantly speak on this table. I so appreciate you all

commission chairs. You are so valid. There is a reason

why people do not want to be chairs or run on senate.

You know your commission and know it comes first

and deal with the lack of respect. You are all amazing

and I hope we all leave on a good note. I also put tea

because self care. I do not want to make this all about

the senators. It is never about the chairs. I will be

Page 5: asucd. Web viewB&F: David Heifetz x. Secretary of Outreach and Engagement: Jade Wolansky . Controller: Joe DeAngelo. II. ASUCD Scholarship Presentations. Sandhu: so as some of you

making cards for every one of you. Thank you Brent.

Your hair is amazing. It was the first thing I noticed. I

want to say I appreciate you and your time. You knew

your commission and you had a passion. Joe you are

absolutely wonderful and I appreciate how you talk

about so much stuff. You helped so much. I always

vented to you. You are on point in everything you say.

Ritesh, I am sorry we didn’t hang out as much. We

should do that. You have so much passion and interest.

I am sorry we never got to collaborate, I wish we did.

David I appreciate your energy. Joe you were also a

wonderful person I appreciated sitting next to you. Jade,

I am sorry I didn’t go as much to events and I overslept

one time. You are easily one of the sweetest people on

the table. All the things you do for ASUCD is amazing.

I just feel cheery sitting next to you. I appreciate every

time I bump into you. It is a highlight of my day for us

to talk. You are so undervalued and I appreciate you.

The successors can never fill your spots. What makes a

commission is the leadership and personal. You all are

leaving a legacy. It does not get seen at the table. You

all have been wonderful. I appreciate you in general.

You should remember me by all my grams and doodles

in my report. Thank you for hearing me out.

VI. Commissioner of the Year Awards

i. Sandhu: This individual put in a lot of work for this

commission. Alex isn’t here right? We will start with

Niati Menda

ii. Wolansky: right away you jumped in and were so

passionate about outreach. All your hard work makes

me feel like it is worth it.

iii. Sandhu: Allison Tan from GASC

iv. Garcia: I appreciate everything you have done for

GASC. You have done so much work and take over so

much I delegate to you. You made this year bearable. I

got to depend on you and have made me so proud and

absolutely deserve this.

v. Sandhu: B&F Alex Mirnoff

vi. Heifitz: you’ve been in every single meeting, the audit,

like you went above and beyond every other

Page 6: asucd. Web viewB&F: David Heifetz x. Secretary of Outreach and Engagement: Jade Wolansky . Controller: Joe DeAngelo. II. ASUCD Scholarship Presentations. Sandhu: so as some of you

commissioner. You added diversity to the group and

different perspective than business and finance.

vii. Sandhu: IAC Sanya Fife

viii. Flores: Sanya has been here for a year. She is known

for being the questions in text person. She is graduating

but she did such a good job. We were commissioners

together. She’s awesome and I love her.

ix. Sandhu: Connie Kwan EAC

x. Nazzal: she has been here probably longer than me. She

is so good and always be counted on to throw some

serious shade and catch people on everything. You

deserve this.

xi. Sandhu: Abby Edwards

xii. Mishra: you deserve the world. You are the kind of

person that cares about what you do and make sure it is

done the way it should be done. I cannot be more

grateful. You will do great things Abby.

VI. Appointments and Confirmations – 6:52


i. Nazzal: Sarah Williams has been here many times. You

may recognize her from her power hair. Sarah is a

fantastic leader and great at speaking her mind

ii. Martinez: what have you done on commission?

iii. Williams: I am a third year. As far as specifics, there

aren’t many individual projects but I am up there with Joe

and other folks. Helping with music on the green and

voicing my opinion on legislation. Maybe sometimes

playing devils advocate and making sure we have the

conversations we should have in commission. There isn’t

one big thing but being a strong voice overall.

iv. Dalavai: often times in EAC you see controversial

legislation but how would you handle a discomfort from

your commissioners or uneasiness?

v. Williams: we had a few experiences with that. as a chair

my position will be different than previously. I would

voice my opinion in a space that is safe. Something joe did

that I like is warning us beforehand. Preparing us was

instrumental in us having productive conversations. I

would follow his lead in that standpoint as well as voicing

my opinion.

Page 7: asucd. Web viewB&F: David Heifetz x. Secretary of Outreach and Engagement: Jade Wolansky . Controller: Joe DeAngelo. II. ASUCD Scholarship Presentations. Sandhu: so as some of you

vi. Singh: what is an issue in EAC right now?

vii. Williams: funding, this is a transition year. We are going

to move into new territory. I am looking forward to

figuring out what ASUCD will be doing. Moving into

OASR and strengthening our relationship with the city.

For me, what is on the horizon is what we will do in the

future. Ask me at the end of summer for specific projects.

viii. Singh: how do you plan on addressing this? What way do

you want to approach?

ix. Williams: Joe and I were talking today. I want to focus on

it being instrumental with OASR. Focusing on events that

do not cost money, maybe some form of teach-in.

neighborliness and having a party, other things like

renter’s rights. Really strengthening that bond with city

council and creating new bonds. Being a political force.

x. Dhaliwal: what ways would you like to bridge the gap

with ASUCD?

xi. Williams: when we talked about bridge the gap it tends to

be with the city. I think of it as a business. We had dinner

down town, bridging the gap id love to do a farmer’s

market type of deal or going to dinner. Encouraging all of

you to do the things we do.

xii. Chiang: sounds like you have great plans, what experience

do you have?

xiii. Williams: I was volunteering with Gareth Smith. That was

introduction to ASUCD. I was an RA. Since then I wa son

EAC since fall quarter. They don’t let you do fun things as

an RA. I come to senate meetings once in a while. I like to

be involved so I always know what is up. I was vice chair

last quarter.


B. AAC – 7:00

i. Mishra: thank you to the interviewing committee.

Hemali has been commissioner for two years, she has

shown and displayed leadership. We will contact the

dean to finish projects. Hemali helped run and organize

the events. I am excited to give the keys to her. Ask her

about what she has in mind and go from there.

ii. Dhaliwal: what are your future plans?

Page 8: asucd. Web viewB&F: David Heifetz x. Secretary of Outreach and Engagement: Jade Wolansky . Controller: Joe DeAngelo. II. ASUCD Scholarship Presentations. Sandhu: so as some of you

iii. Hemali: I am working on the syllabi system and

continuing that. We started that this year. And bringing

Bill Nye as well.

iv. Singh: what is an issue faced in your commission?

v. Hemali: I want to say we are working on being fair

amongst everyone in the school system. We had issues

with students with disabilities. Maybe opening up and

representing the students. Moving away from being a

closed commission.

vi. Grewal: what have you learned from your experiences

in this commission?

vii. Hemali: last year during Alan’s term, I did not learn

much. Under Ritesh, I learned to communicate more

and I feel way more confident now. I am more open-

minded. My intentions are to help as many senators as I


viii. Dalavai: you touched on it but Ritesh has a wide

knowledge base. I can easily see you do all those. What

exactly have you learned throughout your time that

would best enable you to continue that?’

ix. Hemali: Being more open-minded and doing what is

best for students without letting my own judgment get

in the way. It is not my own personal gain.


C. GASC – 7:05

i. Garcia: so Allison Tam is by far one of the most

qualified. They came in with a lot of knowledge

already. They have been getting things done and being

more participating. They have shown so much passion.

ii. Dhaliwal: Ivon always provided really good questions

to anybody who presented. They were really vigilant. In

what ways would you make sure you were aware of

what was going on here and around campus? What is

your plan of action?

iii. Tam: Ivon is amazing and always knows what is going

on in campus. One of the most important things about

knowing is being able to connect with different people

especially outside of your group of friends or the people

you feel comfortable with and being abel to listen to

Page 9: asucd. Web viewB&F: David Heifetz x. Secretary of Outreach and Engagement: Jade Wolansky . Controller: Joe DeAngelo. II. ASUCD Scholarship Presentations. Sandhu: so as some of you

them and being aware that everyone has their own

context of a situation that doesn’t match yours

iv. Dhaliwal: how would you go about addressing an


v. Tam: one of the good things about being GASC chair is

that it has a lot of reviewing before an event comes up.

When they come to us as a commission; one thing we

need is the courage to speak up and approach someone

say it needs to be changed. And also having the

patience to recognize how to present something and

when you do all you can and something does not


vi. Singh: what is an issue faced by your commission?

vii. Tam: GASC is always on the hustle and looking for

new clubs to collaborate with. As GASC chair next year

funding will be a challenge but I want to be aware of all

the ways we can fund. I want to make sure my

commissioners are working towards that as well

viii. Savage: you gave such a wonderful interview. The

whole time you spoke we just wanted to snap.


D. EPPC will be confirmed in the fall

VII. Consideration of Old Legislation – 7:10

A. SB 87 Mishra

i. Mishra: can you kill the bill? I want to make sure this is

done right. Janice is okay with it. I want to make sure

student judicial affairs and admin can contribute. They

are very responsive to it. If you go into public sector

you have internal controls. The committees set up

investigate certain matters. This is just another measure

made to protect the association. It is there to make sure

if we host an event we are not in danger of breaking

student conduct. We want to make sure individuals of

the events it is internal control. It is to ensure future

tables understand we are students and signed a code of

conduct. To be in this room on this table you must be

student. It is just a layer of protection. I refuse to

introduce a bill unfitting of the rules this table can

confine by. I would like to table both bills. I am leaving

and I do not hedge risk in ASUCD. You all do. I

Page 10: asucd. Web viewB&F: David Heifetz x. Secretary of Outreach and Engagement: Jade Wolansky . Controller: Joe DeAngelo. II. ASUCD Scholarship Presentations. Sandhu: so as some of you

encourage the next chair to sit down with senators and

include administration in the conversation whether the

president likes it or not. This is a control that senate is

responsible for. This allows table to understand the

events going on in this association. But if something

goes wrong, you can learn from it through this system.

It is meant to allow this table to learn internally how

they can make this better. I would like to withdraw it.

B. SB 91 Wolansky

i. Wolansky: so for the past weeks I have been chairing

marketing committee. There was a meeting week 5 and

we all decided marketing committee should focus on

internal ASUCD events. USA committee would focus

on sponsorships with outside groups. I officially wrote

this out in a bill. It is working out well so far. I talked to

creative media and we removed controller as voting

member. I added B&F chair as voting member to avoid

exec power

ii. Heifetz: we think that marketing is every important

aspect of business and finance. I sat in one of the

meetings and the committee should be aprt of it

Questions in text

i. Flores: strike co-authored by

ii. Dalavai: add period line 1

Public Discussion

iii. DeAngelo; we are splitting marketing. It is not

descriptive. I don’t need to be involved in this. We are

bringing back sponsorship committee and USA will

deal with business development and branding.

Marketing will focus on outreach especially with


iv. Wolansky: it makes sense to split it up since it is such a

big job.

v. DeAngelo: previous marketing didn’t do business

development they should have because they were too

concerned with internal affairs

Senate Discussion



C. SB 92 DeAngelo

Page 11: asucd. Web viewB&F: David Heifetz x. Secretary of Outreach and Engagement: Jade Wolansky . Controller: Joe DeAngelo. II. ASUCD Scholarship Presentations. Sandhu: so as some of you

i. DeAngelo: this is just a continuation of a previous bill,

getting rid of more assets purchased from Aggie

Threads they will be sold through Aggie Surplus

ii. Heifetz: straightforward

Questions in Text

Public Discussion

i. Chiang: what was one abstain?

ii. Heifetz: basically wanted to see which assets first but

Joe mentioned it would just be like a long annoying

process to do so. Regardless it would go through Aggie

Surplus anyway. They wanted more transparency

iii. DeAngelo; we are constantly finding new items

purchased for Aggie threads. They did it in almost 6

different bills. After we liquidated the printer, we found

more stuff. There is also stuff in senate closet. It allows

Janice and I to go through everything. It is an efficient

way of liquidating all of these assets.

iv. Dalavai: what items are?

v. DeAngelo; I spoke to Paula and senate is continuing to

purchase assets for this unit even when it was closed.

The garment printer never operated and senate

continued to purchase assets for the unit. Some of it

was purchased. This unit is not making money. There is

not really a good record of what was purchased so we

are going off what is in the basement. Items in this

association tend to get lost or stolen over the years.

What is in the record does not correspond to what is in


vi. Dalavai: sounds like an accounting issue

vii. DeAngelo: that is a whole separate issue. We will get

the money and it will go into capital reserves. It has

been sitting there since 2011.

viii. Dalavai: motion to add ‘the’ in line 9

Senate Discussion



D. SB 93 DeAngelo

i. DeAngelo: similar to last bill it is to liquidate assets

from CCN. We are going re-appropriate some of the

current assets. The rest of it, Janice described it as

garbage. It is old equipment. The cash register has been

Page 12: asucd. Web viewB&F: David Heifetz x. Secretary of Outreach and Engagement: Jade Wolansky . Controller: Joe DeAngelo. II. ASUCD Scholarship Presentations. Sandhu: so as some of you

there made out of plastic and will probably go to the

dump. But we are going to see if anything has value.

Questions in Text

ii. Dalavai: add ‘the’

Public Discussion

iii. Dalavai: anything of interest they are selling?

iv. DeAngelo; they have a laminator. To my knowledge

not many. There’s another printer slightly older. I spoke

to Maddie; nothing is of real value. There are tables,

chairs, and a desk. We have to empty out the trailer. It

will disappear regardless. I am just trying to bring

money back

Senate Discussion


E. SB 94 – 7:27

i. Sandhu: changing everything from OA to department of

outreach and recruitment

ii. Flores: everything that said OA now says department of

outreach and recruitment and from speaker to secretary

Senate Discussion


F. SB #X (94)


G. SB #X (96)

Senate Discussion



H. Post Office Bill

i. DeAngelo: after gross negligence on post office, I took

on process of going through all the accounts and seeing

if there was any money in them. There is 1300 dollars

in this closed unit so yeah.

Questions in Text

Public Discussion

Senate Discussion

ii. Heifetz: are there any ways to avoid this? This is the

second time we found random money

iii. DeAngelo: ideally do so when you close the unit. So

I’m going through thousands of accounts to see if there

is money sitting in them. There are pockets everywhere

if you think of ASUCD like a coat.


Page 13: asucd. Web viewB&F: David Heifetz x. Secretary of Outreach and Engagement: Jade Wolansky . Controller: Joe DeAngelo. II. ASUCD Scholarship Presentations. Sandhu: so as some of you


VIII. Introduction of New Legislation

i. Sandhu: there is none

IX. Status of Previously Passed Legislation

i. Sandhu: everything has been signed besides BUDS. It

has been vetoed so you can check your inboxes as to


BREAK 7:35-7:45

X. Public Discussion

i. Youssef: This bill restores the unit director’s pay for

Whole Earth Festival. I emailed it out to senate listserv.

Pretty much back in the fall Larissa and I both started.

A couple weeks in there was an error in budgeting. We

met a couple times to make changes in our expected

expenses to get enough money to pay ourselves.

Francisco said he put it through legislative process and

we should be good. He told us we don’t need to put it

through legislation so lets just make it so both of you

work in fall and one of you works winter and spring.

We didn’t want to rock the boat but it was pretty

sketchy. WEF took up a lot of our time and we quit our

other jobs. We both did not get paid what we were told

to get. The vacancy doesn’t say how many weeks you

will work. I wrote this bill with Larissa to restore our


ii. Jammaludin: this is an emergency bill

iii. Sandhu: for all of you, it is on the senate listserv

iv. Youssef: amend WEF budget. They do not state the

weeks for hired individuals. We were notified after we

worked for weeks. After several meetings with

controller the controller said he would put our costs into

the budget. The festival only received 2 applications for

service booths and usually we have 30. We both quit

jobs due to time dedicated to this association. We

would have made different plans if we had known in

advance. This tarnished our reputation with several

service providers. WEF exceeded profits. Both would

like to be paid for the three quarters we completed. Part

of the reason we postponed is to see financial outcome

of our unit. Because we made more than expected and

worked out the 12k savings from Aggie Host, it would

Page 14: asucd. Web viewB&F: David Heifetz x. Secretary of Outreach and Engagement: Jade Wolansky . Controller: Joe DeAngelo. II. ASUCD Scholarship Presentations. Sandhu: so as some of you

be acceptable to pay ourselves the original amount we

were told we would be paid. It says a start and end date

so it is assumed we would be paid for every week. We

were notified we would get paid each week of work we

would be doing. Our budget can handle it.

v. Larissa: what seems unreasonable is that we were

promised to get paid 2 quarters each by SB 44 they

calculated by weeks of pay so together in WEF we had

45 paid positions including directors. Together that

would be 1/3 weeks pay. That is 12.5% that needed to

be cut. That means 12.87 weeks rounded up would be

13. With the three cut positions, 10 weeks should have

been cut from our pay. Each unit director was paid 30

weeks. That is 25 weeks we should be paid each and we

were being paid 21.

vi. Youssef: that is just the bare minimum by the bylaw.

That is not including the fact we cut three positions.

vii. Larissa: that was before budget hearings. That put more

pressure on us and leaves more money in reserves for

us to get paid

viii. Jamaludin: motion to see senate bill X

Questions in Text

Public Discussion

ix. DeAngelo: I wasn’t controller at the time but I talked to

Francisco. You are looking to amend the budget but it

doesn’t guarantee you would receive pay. It would be a

bill to back pay. I don’t know if your intention is to

remedy the error or receive the compensation. You

would be asking for back pay.

x. Youssef: do we revise this?

xi. DeAngelo; there had been issues where unit directors

had not been paid. We just write a spending bill and

reimburse them. This might suffice. It is up to Jeanette.

xii. Youssef: in fall they still weren’t sure how to pay us so

they put a freeze on us.

xiii. DeAngelo: at budget hearings it was decided both the

directors would be paid 2 quarters and it would be

responsibility of table that time to inform incoming

directors of that. He didn’t see it as his responsibility.

All the weeks were thrown off last year. I redid them

all. When it says you’re going to get paid from weeks

2-52 you can be a volunteer for some weeks. What

Page 15: asucd. Web viewB&F: David Heifetz x. Secretary of Outreach and Engagement: Jade Wolansky . Controller: Joe DeAngelo. II. ASUCD Scholarship Presentations. Sandhu: so as some of you

senate approved was that they get paid for 2 quarters

each. Is that what you are seeking?

xiv. Larissa: we are asking to get paid out of our reserves in

compliance to SB 44

xv. Youssef: also the other issue, I don’t know if its

Francisco’s fault. If this is what was agreed upon last

year, why did it take so deep in fall quarter for

Francisco to agree to this? I just feel it was a

miscommunication across the board. We were

communicated in our application process that it would

be for the full time excluding breaks.

xvi. DeAngelo: your pay was not increased in 12.5%?

xvii. Youssef: yes but not in amount of weeks

xviii. Dalavai: still trying to figure out the actual issue here.

Your stipend was increased 12.5% the weekly amount

but the amount of weeks were not

xix. Youssef: it was cut down by 1/3

xx. DeAngelo; senate approved you be paid 2 quarters

each. You are hired based on budget approval. That is

the stipulation. Technically we can hire and they can be

under the impression they would get paid so much but

there is no ground because it is pending budget hearing

xxi. Larissa: confusion was caused because they weren’t

sure it would apply to WEF. Their argument was they

were paid independent contracts. During the process it

was approved for 2 quarters. Chris went back and

talked to Francisco and said we were planning to do

independent contracts. Francisco promised he would

talk to HR and ask to restore it somehow. We applied

with that in mind

xxii. DeAngelo: looking at 15-16 approved last years it does

not look like independent contracts.

xxiii. Larissa: this year we were not paid independent

contract but that was not decided until winter quarter

xxiv. Youssef: independent contract has been paying us. We

were told we would get paid for 30 weeks. We made

cuts in our budget in conjunction with Francisco and

made more profit than anticipated. We saved the unit

12k. Can we just get paid the amount we were told we

would get paid in the interviews? We made the money

we needed to pay more and ourselves. I think we did

Page 16: asucd. Web viewB&F: David Heifetz x. Secretary of Outreach and Engagement: Jade Wolansky . Controller: Joe DeAngelo. II. ASUCD Scholarship Presentations. Sandhu: so as some of you

well as directors. That is enough to pay. If we didn’t do

a good job financially, we would not have brought this

to you. If Francisco knew we would have that pay, why

did he have us make all these cuts and changes? It is

one thing to have senate discussion. For commission

chairs there was a budget hearing and long dialogue to

cut pay. It is another thing to say “sorry you are out of

luck” it is very different than public discussion.

xxv. DeAngelo: we do not pay unit directors based on unit

performance. We pay people pending budget approval

because senate has power of purse. Senate decided to

cut pay so they will not receive compensation. I

recommend we pay based on what was approved by

budget. Anything else would be a disruptive system

xxvi. Larissa: I see where you are coming from but I don’t

understand why they cut 8 more weeks. It is unfair to


xxvii. DeAngelo: that was the point. We can go into 12.5%.

Are you looking to get paid for more than 2 quarters?

xxviii. Youssef: 3 quarters. There’s a couple of issues. In

regards to performance, why did Francisco tell us to cut

expenses and make more income? The only way we

would get paid is to cut service booth fees, etc. The

controller took it there and we did cut. We had to call

vendors and ask them to come back. It almost cut us a

lot of money. Francisco made us cut so we didn’t

choose to do that. It was instigated by the controller of

the time. We changed our budget and quit our personal


xxix. Jamaludin: the way I see it are we allowed to amend

budget last year?

xxx. DeAngelo: the budget did close but we can still amend


xxxi. Jamaludin: have you been paid according the budget?

You are looking for the additional amount. Do we have

to go this route or can we write a bill to pay it from

their own reserves?

xxxii. Sandhu; yes they want to get paid out of their own

reserves. I don’t know if we can pay out of your own


Page 17: asucd. Web viewB&F: David Heifetz x. Secretary of Outreach and Engagement: Jade Wolansky . Controller: Joe DeAngelo. II. ASUCD Scholarship Presentations. Sandhu: so as some of you

xxxiii. DeAngelo: Unit’s own reserves operate like net. There

isn’t an issue. We would just clarify with Kathy.

Youssef, can you summarize what you are asking for?

xxxiv. Youssef: I want to restore our pay to get paid from Fall

to Spring.

xxxv. DeAngelo: you want 3 quarters each?

xxxvi. Youssef: yes we were told by Janice, Mariah, Chris,

and Francisco we would be paid 3 quarters

xxxvii. DeAngelo: but that is against the system.

xxxviii. Youssef: we were not notified in the interview process.

I feel since we did financially successful and we cut to

pay ourselves, we should have access to that money for

the work we put in. We did well and we deserve to get

paid for what we did.

xxxix. Singh: there was miscommunication. You were told to

cut costs and you did. You were cautious to make those

cuts. I think you should get paid. Because you took

initiative to cut the costs. I’m going to divide the house

xl. DeAngelo: I would strongly encourage senate not to do

this. This budget passed and now we are manipulated

this based on heresy.

xli. Martinez: I heard they signed the contract. Did they

sign for 2 quarters?

xlii. DeAngelo; they are paid for senate approval. They are

pending budget approval

xliii. Youssef: we were never informed of that

xliv. DeAngelo: it didn’t say that in our vacancy posting. If

you just look it says pending budget approval. It says it

on the front screen posting.

xlv. Youssef: there’s nothing on our specific posting.

xlvi. Sandhu: Did you talk to Janice?

xlvii. Youssef: throughout the fall, she said to work with

Francisco to make cuts and we did. We talked to

Mariah and Janice. She will ask us about it.

xlviii. DeAngelo: it isn’t prudent to make a decision base don

what other people said. We are not going to site other

people. No one can confirm any of this

xlix. Youssef: Fact, the vacancy posting did not say it back

then. Fact, we made cuts to our budget and changed our

service booth model

l. Dhaliwal: I was there when we wrote the budget and

the plan was because you are hired later you would not

Page 18: asucd. Web viewB&F: David Heifetz x. Secretary of Outreach and Engagement: Jade Wolansky . Controller: Joe DeAngelo. II. ASUCD Scholarship Presentations. Sandhu: so as some of you

be working in the fall, which is why they decided to

make your pay in winter and spring. I know this isn’t

offense to you but when you close a budget and if they

didn’t pay you then it was for a reason. Do not make

this a precedent. I think now if the money is in their

reserves, let us give it to them. I know there was a

decision not to pay you. That is my only concern. I do

think you should be paid. Did you do work in the fall?

li. Youssef: we did interviews throughout the quarter. We

did for a good portion.

lii. Dhaliwal; that is reason to pay them. We are talking

about something at the end of the year

liii. DeAngelo: senate approved a different amount. We are

paid based on what senate approves.

liv. Dhaliwal: that was a different table, you have a new

one now

lv. Dalavai: can we pay them, Joe?

lvi. DeAngelo: not 100% sure but I don’t see an issue with

it. They are not paid out of net

lvii. Youssef: we have paid people out of reserves before

lviii. Dalavai; so it can be done. I think moving forward,

addressing lack of communication. I think this one time

it is okay to give it out of reserves and moving forward

we just make sure it does not happen again.

lix. Youssef: it won’t happen again because Joe reformed

the weeks. Joe standardized the weeks of pay so I don’t

think they will happen again

lx. Dalavai: motion to senate discussion

Senate Discussion

i. Martinez: Motion to call this bill into question

ii. Dalavai: Objection

iii. Withdrawn

iv. DeAngelo: most of us are hearing this for the first time.

I recommend to wait on this matter to make an

informed decision. I can get more information. It is my

first time. I will work with you. We can get this

resolved. This is senate’s last meeting. If it was an error

it is one thing but getting paid another quarter its


v. Sandhu: if it is something you want to be paid out of

your own OP that is fall quarter

Page 19: asucd. Web viewB&F: David Heifetz x. Secretary of Outreach and Engagement: Jade Wolansky . Controller: Joe DeAngelo. II. ASUCD Scholarship Presentations. Sandhu: so as some of you

vi. Youssef: I don’t even know if we will be around in the


vii. DeAngelo: I strongly suggest waiting

viii. Jamaludin: you’ve waited since Fall. Can you wait?

ix. Youssef: I prefer not to. I am applying to peace core

x. Sandhu: why is this coming week 10?

xi. Youssef: I talked to Roman and other senators and Josh

in the past. I was so delayed because the festival and

BUDs. I just got backed up

xii. Sandhu; those people are not as informed as Joe. In

terms of bringing it up to Janice to get her confirmation.

It would be a different conversation. You put us into a

tight spot between making an uninformed decision now

and an informed decision later.

xiii. Jamaludin: I think Abhay made a good point. If you

wait for the Fall it would be very helpful

xiv. Youssef: could we add a clause that when Janice

approves it, it is okay?

xv. Jamaludin: if we had time to do that before. Now

attaching that is saying we were not careful

xvi. DeAngelo: I am sorry you waited this long but I

encourage senate to wait and make an informed

decision. There might be a tendency to rush into things

and we do not want to make a mistake.

xvii. Savage: If there are no more meetings, we should just

pass this. I don’t know if you all will be here in the

summer. I feel like this could help. Is there a way to

make this void?

xviii. Sandhu: I recommend passing this and then if Janice

does not approve, Alex can veto it


BUDS – 8:45

i. Youssef: I am trying to repeal that veto.

ii. Sandhu: to overturn president’s veto. We would bring

that bill and if senate passes 2/3 vote, the president’s

veto gets overturned

iii. Chiang: 8-0-4 does that mean the 2/3 votes is out of 12

or 10?

iv. Sandhu: 2/3 of quorum present

v. Youssef: yeah I want to do that

Page 20: asucd. Web viewB&F: David Heifetz x. Secretary of Outreach and Engagement: Jade Wolansky . Controller: Joe DeAngelo. II. ASUCD Scholarship Presentations. Sandhu: so as some of you

vi. Sandhu: we are going into author’s comments and we

all know what the bill is about. We will take a vote. We

have 10 senators present so we need 7 yeses.

vii. Youssef: could you read Alex’s veto?

viii. Sandhu: look at the veto sent in senate listserv. It is

titled Veto Message SB 45.

ix. Youssef: main issues were unconstitutional legislative

authority and governance

x. Dalavai: It is a bit shaky at first. I get the essence. The

bylaw sited 604A and I concerning unit manager

responsibilities. Small issues altogether, rather than


xi. Youssef: the language he sited isn’t in bylaws but in the


xii. Dalavai: the units want to solve issues together rather

than relying on senate of SSO. The word relying does

not mean the parties are not stripped of their powers. It

is a separate body to address separate issues. The

opposition isn’t to what the bylaws state. It does not

create power. It is just a formally recognized entity for

units. The bylaws stated are not being violated which is

an important point to make for the first objection of this


xiii. Dhaliwal: I agree with Josh. I am looking over last part

of email. It talks how this bill would restructure current

bylaws and I do not think that is true. BUDs are

separate in its entirety. I think it is just creating this in

legislation is different. In essence they are just meeting

together to discuss issues. By all means, invite senate

and the president. It is just an opportunity for unit

directors to have a meeting, not necessarily take

anyone’s power.

xiv. Youssef: he says the unit director is responsible for

overall soundness of the unit. Units should be working

together. And now units want to collaborate and it is

shut down. In regards to what Shai was saying, I heard

tis argument a lot. This doesn’t exist so we can’t have

it. That is poor argument. The reason we need it is

because there is nothing like it. That is the problem. We

do not have a place to collaborate.

xv. Dalavai: where bylaw 800B is referenced, the ASUCD

business manager who will provide information. The

Page 21: asucd. Web viewB&F: David Heifetz x. Secretary of Outreach and Engagement: Jade Wolansky . Controller: Joe DeAngelo. II. ASUCD Scholarship Presentations. Sandhu: so as some of you

ASUCD manager is not being stripped of that power.

There are no teeth here. BUDs can bring something to

senate and we don’t have to do anything with it. BUDs

have no power. You literally have nothing. Moving on

into final part, which is SB45. That is not even an ex-

officio rule. The fact that the constitution he brings up

concerning ASUCD legislative authority; that does not

change. I cannot stress that fat enough. If I said

anything incorrect call me out.

xvi. Youssef: it is not embedded in constitution and it does

not formally recommend legislation. It is like any other

body on campus. What if a club comes in here and

recommends something, should we dismiss then

because they are not part of the legislative process? The

only people who can talk about legislative come from

subordinate bodies and I find that very scary. Our job in

our bylaws makes senate jobs harder. This whole idea

that only senate can talk about legislation is scary.

xvii. Chiang: I think I would be more comfortable; a lot of

Alex’s issues can be resolved if Janice sat in on these

meetings. The unit director meeting is still


xviii. Youssef: it has been months now and has Janice talked

to any of you about this? It’s been a good amount of

time for Janice to bring some dialogue.

xix. Chiang: this is important but for Janice a lot of work

she does is putting out immediate things. She may not

have time to come out this. So asking her to make sure

it is compliant is on all of us. That is why I voted no

and I still wouldn’t this time around. I like the idea and

if Janice sat on it, it can quell a lot of fears.

xx. Dalavai: what specifically did you think Janice needed

to be here? None of her authority is stripped. What is

being abused?

xxi. Chiang: in the first bylaw-sited 604A, unit manager is

responsible for maintaining soundness of unit. There

can be a lot of heresy that can be perpetuated in

discussion so it would mitigate that type. Unit directors

might not know what is best for business practices.

Janice would voice that.

Page 22: asucd. Web viewB&F: David Heifetz x. Secretary of Outreach and Engagement: Jade Wolansky . Controller: Joe DeAngelo. II. ASUCD Scholarship Presentations. Sandhu: so as some of you

xxii. Dalavai: that is valid. Let us say a poor business

practice was recommended, would they be able to enact

it? Let us say a bad idea is perpetuated. How much can

they actually do about it?

xxiii. DeAngelo: unit directors have unilateral power over

their unit. That is why we see units up one year and

down the next. They have a lot of control.

xxiv. Youssef: the meetings are public; anyone can come by.

They are not closed door where heresy can occur. Unit

directors probably have most oversight over entire

association. Did any of you submit job applications to

Janice? All of you ran, the student body selected you.

We go through a hiring panel and have business

manager meetings. With WEF, we meet with fire/police


xxv. Dalavai: the table is aware; can you speak more to the

fact that if a poor idea is perpetuated it has the ability to

disrupt the unit?

xxvi. Youssef: in the charter they can schedule for meetings.

The representative has to come every week. There will

be consistent dialogue. If adopted senator system

worked better, it can be improved. If you meet with

your unit every week you can mention “hey I talked

about this at BUDs last week’ if adopted senator system

worked better and the minutes can be reviewed. There

is a lot of oversight.

xxvii. Sandhu: we had this discussion many times. I

appreciate your persistence. Let us come to the table

and discuss the unit director class. It is a perfect happy

medium. You and Janice get what you want to an

extent. You said there is a set schedule and Janice is

more than willing to put aside half an hour at the end of

her presentations and allow unit directors to discuss and

collaborate. She is willing to do that. There is no need

for a senate bill. Unit directors are not required to

attend it; it would be difficult for them to be centralized

by BUDS whereas that class is mandated. I would

suggest going that route.

xxviii. Youssef: one thing the class has been going on for three

quarters. Has any collaboration come of that class?

xxix. Sandhu: there is no time for collaboration but now she

will allocate time for that collaborative environment

Page 23: asucd. Web viewB&F: David Heifetz x. Secretary of Outreach and Engagement: Jade Wolansky . Controller: Joe DeAngelo. II. ASUCD Scholarship Presentations. Sandhu: so as some of you

xxx. Youssef: I talked about it in the class

xxxi. Larissa: last class I had a conversation with her. I said I

do not know why I am here, WEF is over. We had to

come up with these on our own. It does not help us.

There is 4 people in that class and that is CCE which is

in our building anyway. Janice is trying to open it up

but it doesn’t work for everyone. BUDs is meant to be

for everyone

xxxii. Youssef: it can be unit director or a representative. The

class has to be unit directors.

xxxiii. DeAngelo: one of the problems I had is what is a

board? Boards are not defined in bylaws

xxxiv. Youssef: media board is a board

xxxv. DeAngelo: that is an admin advisory committee. This is

an informal entity. We don’t have definitive. Nothing is

enumerated in the bylaws to what this is. Why not make

it a permanent committee instead of creating a

conflicting new entity.

xxxvi. Youssef; there is nothing like this

xxxvii. DeAngelo: you didn’t define board

xxxviii. Youssef: that is just semantics

xxxix. DeAngelo: does anyone not see a problem creating

some entity in a framework that does not exist?

xl. Youssef: the reason why we need to make this is

because it doesn’t exist. It is not a great argument

xli. DeAngelo: define what a board is

xlii. Youssef: BUDs explains what it is. How many people

do not know what BUDs is? That’s what I thought. I

still don’t see grounds for argument. Unit directors are

responsible for soundness of the units. If something

goes bad, the unit catches the slack. We are ultimately

responsible according to bylaws and we collectively try

to create something. Where is the issue here? Is it just

that people do not like it? Training became a problem

and we fixed it. Then UCOP, not this. There is this

general persistence of something being dug up and

stretched out. What is the huge problem? Oversight is a

bad argument. If you want to say it’ll lead to bad

business practices, I do not agree. BUDs has been on

the table, I was talking to members of the last senate

about this. This has been around and Janice has been


Page 24: asucd. Web viewB&F: David Heifetz x. Secretary of Outreach and Engagement: Jade Wolansky . Controller: Joe DeAngelo. II. ASUCD Scholarship Presentations. Sandhu: so as some of you

xliii. Dhaliwal: we should talk the time to realize that maybe

the reason units do so bad is because the can’t

collaborate with our better working units. I get help

from my fellow senators. I don’t think this is taking

power away from anyone. I know that is Alex’s biggest

concern. It takes away role of senators and being their

adopted senators but honestly the GM for KDVS is

more knowledgeable on units than I would be. She

advises me on her own unit. KDVS works with WEF I

think making the conversation easier for them is a good

thing and would only help us in the long run. If need be,

put it in the bill that you don’t meet unless she’s present

of the president in there.

xliv. Youssef: I’m willing to do that as long as they can’t

vote. I want them to be able o meet even if Alex or

Janice can’t name. I don’t want them to have power

over that

xlv. Dhaliwal: to avoid all issues is to just not meet unless

one can make it. The issue is giving them information

that may be something against bylaws. In terms of risk

management, it would be an advantage to you to avoid


xlvi. Youssef: Janice isn’t here are we violating every week

and destroying bylaws with risks? I don’t think at the

end of the day we are adults. We should be able to sit in

a room and talk without someone watching over us.

What non-student is here? Using that same logic, I

don’t necessarily think we will destroy UCOP policies

without her present. How many times does she come to


xlvii. Dalavai: the fact that next year, the unit director is still

getting paid right? Unit directors get paid and we are

not. Perhaps we don’t have to dive but you can argue

they are more important than we are. The potential for

heresy and bad advice exists but no more than it does at

this table. We made a hasty vote on Nishi last quarter.

Things like that happen so the issues brought up are

valued but if we are going to try to prescribe or remedy

then we have to do it here too. Janice has to be here.

With that being said, issues exist. The reasons we are

here financially are the decisions of the past.

Page 25: asucd. Web viewB&F: David Heifetz x. Secretary of Outreach and Engagement: Jade Wolansky . Controller: Joe DeAngelo. II. ASUCD Scholarship Presentations. Sandhu: so as some of you

xlviii. DeAngelo: that had to do with the units

xlix. Youssef: Doesn’t president and business manager

oversee the units?

l. Miles: I was a senator four years ago. Our table fucked

you guys over. Every single time there was no critical

thought to where money was spent. There are

disparities that make no sense. So is it absolutely the

senate’s responsibility? I was the only one to meet with

units. If you senators don’t do the same thing. Talk to

adopted units and defend every line. Everyone wanted

to talk about ethnic grads and house boats, it was the

senate’s fault.

li. Savage: I agree with what Josh said. There is no

supervision for us here. I think wreck fewer decisions

are made. In order to implement them we do have to

talk to Janice. I don’t remember but I’m sure there will

be someone taking notes. Can the chair definitely check

in with Janice? Or just an email.

lii. Youssef: because it is only unit directors we all

inherently are required to meet with all of you. When

we had an advisor we met with Janice every week

liii. Savage: does one nit director meet every week?

liv. Sandhu: they do not have to meet with her. Usually

when something goes wrong, they meet with her

lv. Savage; so pretty regularly. I think if those notes are

sent ahead of time, risk management can be CCed as

well. We don’t go through risk management for

anything. Given it is a new committee, I think if we did

that I don’t foresee problems with it.

lvi. Jamaludin: all these things outlined in BUDs can be

done without BUDs? You can discuss and collaborate

lvii. Youssef: the first time I came here

lviii. Jamaludin: can all these things be done?

lix. Youssef: by having it in bylaws, it means all unit

directors were notified in some shape or form. I can

come to senate and be like

lx. Savage: Janice said we can’t have unit directors

meeting in a room somewhere. They can’t control that.

If they don’t like this bill but given it is in bylaws it will

be better than

Page 26: asucd. Web viewB&F: David Heifetz x. Secretary of Outreach and Engagement: Jade Wolansky . Controller: Joe DeAngelo. II. ASUCD Scholarship Presentations. Sandhu: so as some of you

lxi. Miles: unit directors can talk in private, it is just the

senators that can’t. unit directors are allowed to collude

any time they want

lxii. Jamaludin: Motion to Senate Discussion

lxiii. Youssef: my main point is that BUDs would be where

unit directors talk about it whereas if we decide we hate

SB45 and I come here and there’s no official BUDS

and I just make the proclamation and you guys question

if its heresy and who was there. If BUDS chair comes

in, they can say hey we were talking about this and xy

unit says this and yz unit says that. It gives units a

collective voice.

lxiv. Dalavai: BUDs has no teeth and potential for heresy

exists just as much as it does in this table

Motion to Override Veto


XI. Coffee Closet Unit

i. DeAngelo; this is the new service I mentioned earlier.

They will call it the Coffee Board. That was a joke. We

are taking the assets that are still functional from CCN.

We are repurposing them. I wanted to give senate an

outline of the service before we incorporate it into the

budget. Currently the senate closet is full of crap. It is

sprinklered. We can have machinery functional in the

closet. The copier we will use is image runner advance

8085. It is from 2010. It is 534 pounds, 9 feet long.

SGO will solely operate it. Units won’t enter the room.

They can detail what they want done. If unit comes

requesting immediacy, there will be 2 hours of that.

Everything else will be done the next done. It will be

staffed by SGO who will be paid hourly. The service

will only operate Monday-Thursday. We will send all

of senate agendas. We print about 1750 per month. Our

association will be all recharges. It will be analogous to

CCN operations. Projected income will be 1600 taking

CCN pricing model. Expenses will be 1344 which is

likely a break even unit. 17 a month for ink 10 for

paper. It is now reflected in president’s proposed

budget. I encourage everyone to pass the president’s

column so we can institute this change.

ii. Savage: do units pay for the copies?

Page 27: asucd. Web viewB&F: David Heifetz x. Secretary of Outreach and Engagement: Jade Wolansky . Controller: Joe DeAngelo. II. ASUCD Scholarship Presentations. Sandhu: so as some of you

iii. DeAngelo: yes it is cheaper than downtown or

university. This would 8 cents for black and white and

50 cents for color

iv. Wolansky: HAUS stores a lot of stuff in there

v. DeAngelo: it will go to room 5 basement

vi. Savage: for that closet, I don’t even know where that is.

Do we have access to that? Maybe some stuff can be

potentially used for units?

vii. DeAngelo: no you don’t have permission. There are

like cases of water

viii. Miles: it was cleaned in 2013 and the senate office was

disgusted. People slept in there, did funny business in

there. It is mostly old senate documents not digitalized.

ix. DeAngelo: there’s also financial records to be boxed

and taken to more secure location

x. Savage: are there plans to go through that? I’d like to

go through it and see if I can take anything personally

in reference to senate or OASR

xi. DeAngelo; there’s file cabinets, there is nothing of

immediate value

xii. Aboussa: in those metal cabinets there are old

legislation OASR can take on

xiii. Savage: when is the last time someone cleaned out the


xiv. DeAngelo: Janice can let you into that

xv. Wolanksy; it was cleaned in the last summer. Everyone

has access to it, just ask the office. A lot of stuff is

reusable like candy or old posters and documentation.

We should carefully look through it.

xvi. DeAngelo; eventually ERSAC will make the decision.

xvii. Aboussa: compared to rates in downtown how does this

stack up? Don’t units get discounted through


xviii. DeAngelo: CCN is still cheaper. Not everything can be

printed using this. Certain jobs won’t be printed but this

is for internal purposes. It is taking same rates and

reusing it.

XII. ASUCD Budget – 9:43

XV. Appointments and Confirmations: OASR-10:51

Page 28: asucd. Web viewB&F: David Heifetz x. Secretary of Outreach and Engagement: Jade Wolansky . Controller: Joe DeAngelo. II. ASUCD Scholarship Presentations. Sandhu: so as some of you

i. Sandhu: she has been working in this office for quite a

while. We were impressed with 17 paged report, you

will be dearly missed as senator but we believe you will

thrive in your new position

ii. Jamaludin: what are your plans?

iii. Savage: abhay was referring to my proposal for next

year. I want to work with EAC. Sarah and I talked

about this. We want to work more with the city. Rental

ordinance passed creating database to see landlords

who haven’t fixed things or stole deposits. This would

create mediator. The city would provide mediating

services. The increase in students is also considered.

With this influx and not a lot of housing availability

they talked about rent control and working with the

city. We don’t have connections with local city so

getting students on those commission’s especially low-

income commissions. I also want to work on federal

advocacy trip to DC. We are one of the only schools

that do not have that. I also want us more involved with

UC student association and having board positions.

Other campuses hold summits such as like UCI with

mental health, davis hasn’t done that very much. I

would love for us to go to things like. Davis has the

best pantry on UC level so I think it would be

appropriate to hold a food security conference of sorts.

Davis can provide income there as well. I also think in

addition to that the act. We talked to USC who was one

of the first to implement that. It is a big year for voting

so I have ideas for voting registration. We got 150

people registered to vote this year. With relating to city

affairs we can get students voting in that as well. It

would be a good time for building connections as well.

iv. Dhaliwal: you were a great pro tempore, why OASR

and why would that help you more versus senate?

v. Savage: I think I was most qualified. I had the most

experience and ideas moving forward. I gave this a lot

of thought. I was really back and forth. Senate I would

only have for a quarter and I can do a lot more in a year

and more work needs to be done with OASR. Why

don’t we have elections? We are not at that point yet.

These other schools have elections. Berkeley 80% of

population votes. We are talking sexual assault, housing

Page 29: asucd. Web viewB&F: David Heifetz x. Secretary of Outreach and Engagement: Jade Wolansky . Controller: Joe DeAngelo. II. ASUCD Scholarship Presentations. Sandhu: so as some of you

affordability, and food security. These are things we

need to work on before you can even be a student.

There are a lot of issues we need to deal with. I can do

that better as OASR director.

vi. Dalavai: when do you see us at the point to be at


vii. Savage; I don’t think we should do elections.

Problematic people have been elected in USA meaning

anyone can run for it. As a whole, I think UC Davis has

the worst voter turn out. The person who lost only lost

by 600 votes. That’s what they say at UCLA. Most

people here didn’t even get 600 votes. I don’t think we

will be at that point.

viii. Dalavai: we will miss you pro tempore


XII. Pro Tempore Elections – 11:00

Nominate Jamaludin

Nominate Dalavai

Jamaludin accepts

XII. Ex-Officio Reports

A. Sam Park

a) Held office hours Tuesday

b) TRAVC met today to discuss about their future plans

c) Will be opening job applications

XIII. Public Discussion

i. DeAngelo: surplus is 17911, this will slide back to net


ii. Sandhu: introduce bill as emergency legislation

authored by Ingle. The only piece of legislation the

president gets to introduce is this bill. So authored by


iii. DeAngelo: we estimated the service fee at 25,000 as

asked by Janice. Technically the subsidy is more than

that but we can change that at another time

iv. Sandhu: congratulations we have a budget. Thank you


Senate Discussion



Page 30: asucd. Web viewB&F: David Heifetz x. Secretary of Outreach and Engagement: Jade Wolansky . Controller: Joe DeAngelo. II. ASUCD Scholarship Presentations. Sandhu: so as some of you

i. Dalavai: Motion to Adjourn

Adjournment – 11:03