Astrological Biography of Swa. Savarkar

Dr. P.V. Vartak is a renowned scholar who has been instrumental in unfolding many scientific facts from ancient Indian scriptures in Sanskrit and has presented it to the modern day generation in lucid and intelligible form. Besides being a spiritualist & a medical professional, he combines in himself the attributes of a Historian, Astronomer, Astrologer, Mathematician, Philosopher, Counsellor, Orator & Author. He was born on 25th Feb 1933 at Pune, Maharashtra, India. A seeker of truth, he does not differentiate between the followers of different religions and faiths & showers his spiritual love on the entire humanity indiscriminately. A distinguished rank holder throughout his academic career, he stood first in the London Chamber of Commerce Examination though papers were examined at London. In his medical profession, he worked successfully as a lecturer in Surgery & Hon. Surgeon. In private practice he worked as Surgeon, Physician, Radiologist and Pathologist with highest medical ethics. He commenced studies in Yoga and Spiritual Science in 1956 with highly analytical & scientific approach. Extra sensory perceptions have been experienced by him since 1959. Dr. Vartak’s Coliseum By Dr. P V Vartak, India. avarkar did not believe in horoscope and future telling. However his elder brother Babarao had full belief in future telling and horoscope. Therefore Baba preserved the horoscope of Tatya i.e. Veer Savarkar. Let us study the horoscope of Savarkar and test how far we can estimate his life. Vinayak Damodar Savarkar. Birth was at Bhagur, near Nasik, Maharashtra, India, on 28-5-1883. Time 9-51 at night. Planetary Positions Are As Follows: Ascendant Dhanu (Sagittarius), Rashi Kumbha, (Aquarius). Sun, Mercury, Saturn and Pluto are in Taurus in the 6 th house. Mars, Venus, Neptune and Ketu are in Mesha (Aries), in 5 th house. Jupiter is in Gemini, in 7 th house. Uranus is in Leo in 9 th house. Rahu is in Tula in 11 th house. Moon is in Kumbha (Aquarius) in 3 rd house. S


This is the Astrological Biography of Freedom Fighter Vinayak Damodar Savarkar described by P. V. Vartak.

Transcript of Astrological Biography of Swa. Savarkar

Page 1: Astrological Biography of Swa. Savarkar

Dr. P.V. Vartak is a renowned scholar who has

been instrumental in unfolding many scientific facts

from ancient Indian scriptures in Sanskrit and has

presented it to the modern day generation in lucid

and intelligible form. Besides being a spiritualist &

a medical professional, he combines in himself the

attributes of a Historian, Astronomer, Astrologer,

Mathematician, Philosopher, Counsellor, Orator &

Author. He was born on 25th Feb 1933 at Pune,

Maharashtra, India. A seeker of truth, he does not

differentiate between the followers of different

religions and faiths & showers his spiritual love on

the entire humanity indiscriminately. A

distinguished rank holder throughout his academic

career, he stood first in the London Chamber of

Commerce Examination though papers were

examined at London. In his medical profession, he

worked successfully as a lecturer in Surgery & Hon.

Surgeon. In private practice he worked as Surgeon,

Physician, Radiologist and Pathologist with highest

medical ethics. He commenced studies in Yoga and

Spiritual Science in 1956 with highly analytical &

scientific approach. Extra sensory perceptions have

been experienced by him since 1959.

Dr. Vartak’s Coliseum


Dr. P V Vartak, India.

avarkar did not believe in horoscope

and future telling. However his

elder brother Babarao had full belief

in future telling and horoscope. Therefore

Baba preserved the horoscope of Tatya i.e.

Veer Savarkar. Let us study the horoscope

of Savarkar and test how far we can

estimate his life.

Vinayak Damodar Savarkar. Birth was at

Bhagur, near Nasik, Maharashtra, India,

on 28-5-1883. Time 9-51 at night.

Planetary Positions Are As Follows:

Ascendant Dhanu (Sagittarius), Rashi

Kumbha, (Aquarius). Sun, Mercury,

Saturn and Pluto are in Taurus in the 6th

house. Mars, Venus, Neptune and Ketu

are in Mesha (Aries), in 5th house. Jupiter

is in Gemini, in 7th house. Uranus is in Leo

in 9th house. Rahu is in Tula in 11th house.

Moon is in Kumbha (Aquarius) in 3rd



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am using Pandit Raghunath Shastri Patwardhan's book 'Bhawishya Siddhanta' to describe

effects of signs of zodiac in ascendant or in Rashi. I state this deliberately to prove that I

have not manipulated the results. Anybody can see that book and confirm that the

effects are printed there.

Characteristics of Dhanu (Sagittarius) ascendant: Always detached from worldly affairs.

Fair complexion, Steady mind, calm and quiet by nature, Face flat, low, Reddish eyes, Face

pale, indifferent look, Lack of happiness from worldly facts. Discordance with others, Lack

of money, Loss in business, anxious, pensive mood, Education the best.

These characteristics are definitely seen in Veer Savarkar. He always remained away from

people. He avoided friends, too, in childhood. He never took interest in works of others.

However he himself did many works for Hindu nation. Therefore, the British Government

became restless, but Savarkar was calm and quiet. His complexion was very fair. Many

times he appeared pale. He was involved in himself and therefore his face appeared

apathetic. He got no pleasure from worldly affairs. He was ready for conflict all the time;

hence he began fighting with the British Empire. He was short of money since his

childhood. His ancestors were rich, but the riches were lost by fate. They were robbed by

dacoits. He was very active and performed many enterprises, but all were for freedom of

India. Therefore, he did not get financial benefits at all; on the contrary he got hardships and

misery. He did not do any business, trade. He did not practice as an advocate either, to earn

personal gains. However, he advocated for his nation. He performed greatest work for India

and sacrificed his whole life and whole family for freedom of India; but got no returns at all,

not even popularity. In a way he got failure in all aspects if seen casually. He was under


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mental tensions all the time, had anxiety and grief, not for self but for our nation. He had

very good or rather the best knowledge, almost divine knowledge and wisdom.

His Rashi was Kumbha (Aquarius). The effects of Kumbha Rashi are as follows. Calm and

quiet. He was taciturn, talked very little. He never wasted time in chitchatting. He mixed

with others only for work. In that way he was selfish, but selfishness was restricted to

national interests. He was friendly with anybody. He was clever, shrewd, cunning,

calculating, and alert. Therefore he recognized the deceptive plot of Sir Stafford Cripps, in

1942, and turned the tables on him. All other leaders had failed to notice the danger to India

in the scheme of Cripps. It was for this reason that he rejected during 1900, the Magna

Charta of Queen Victoria, at the age of 17 years only, when all leaders were glorifying it. He

was in a way selfish when he thought of our nation. He was very careful in national works.

He professed that to be selfish for nation is ethics and morality as far as politics is concerned.

He followed Lord Krishna in this type of morality. Therefore hypocritical schemes forwarded

by Muslims or British were always opposed by him. In politics one must be selfish, shrewd,

deceitful to enemies, said he all the time. He added further that credulity or naivety proves

destructive to nation.

He was affectionate, loving, and generous. He was self respecting and proud as far as his

country was concerned. He was stubborn; he always proved his opinion true. His knowledge

was perfect. He was interested in doing research and had great knowledge in various

subjects. He liked to get honour. He was slim, with fair complexion. His eyes were piercing,

bright and sharp. Little hair, he developed baldness in old age.

Savarkar had very loving nature and was very generous. He loved extremely his brothers,

sister, sister-in-law, wife and children. He loved his father and mother too. But he loved

beyond limits his motherland Hindusthan (India). His patriotism was unmatched. Because

of his generosity he helped others all the time. Later in his life he was donated some money,

but he gave it to the persons who needed wealth. Those people later did not return the

principal amount, leave aside interest on it. He spent his time of relaxation in the Andaman's

cellular jail to teach the prisoners.

He was having real ego. He never tolerated insult to his country. He was stubborn in good

sense. He used to prove his opinion true. Due to this characteristic, he suffered many

punishments in Andaman and elsewhere, but he did not surrender to the British or to the

jailers. After all, even Mr. Barry wished sorry to Savarkar. He was really noble and liberal,

therefore when Mr. Barry became ill, Barry invited him to meet and Savarkar met him to

solace him.

He was thoroughly perfect in knowledge. Nobody has so vast knowledge like Savarkar. He

had studied many sciences. He was equally expert in writing articles and composing poetry

and firing by pistols. He was the best in every field of literature. He had studied deeply all

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religious books. When he returned from abroad, some people demanded that he should take

penance for crossing ocean. Tilak had done it. Even then Savarkar refused and asked where is

the expiation mentioned? Is it in the Vedas, Upanishads, Smritis or where? Nobody could

take his challenge and exhibit the source to take atonement. About removal of untouchability

he proved his stance correct.

He was expert in science too, therefore he could prepare bombs.

In his first house, which is called as Lagna or ascendant, there is sign of zodiac Sagittarius,

Dhanu, whose master is Guru, Jupiter. Jupiter has its seventh sight on Lagna, because Jupiter

is situated in his seventh house. Hence he was very honest, sincere and virtuous in nature.

Health was nice. He was blessed and fortunate. His mental power was too much. He was

cunning, clever and versatile in talking. He used to defeat all others in talking. He had great

influence in his speech. Nobody can equal him in impressive oratory, even at present or in

future. He was happy, had sufficient money though not surplus. He had wealth of health. He

was handsome, intelligent since childhood. He was born with good destiny. He had no

deficit of any sort. He progressed rapidly. Due to the effect of his Jupiter he rose to the

highest in all ways.

The second house shows mouth, speech, financial condition of family. Second house

bears Makara Rashi, i.e. Capricorn, which belongs to Saturn. Its effect was that he was very

shrewd in talking. He had ancestral wealth, which was later lost due to robbery.

The third house contains the Moon, in Kumbh Rashi or Aquarius. Hence long voyage was

written in his fate. Accordingly he went to London. The Moon gave him tremendous fame.

The Moon caused rise from the age of 24 years. The Moon gave him taste in Adhyatma, or

spiritual science. The Moon offered him the best brothers and their love. He too loved them

from the heart. Moon gave success in any type of work. He got high success in writing,

education, etc. He rose to the greatest fame by going beyond ocean to England. It was the

effect of the Moon, in the third house. He did not earn money, but certainly rose to great

fame. It was the fortune, given by the Moon looking to the 9th house belonging to fate.

aturn looks by its tenth sight to the third house, which shows valour. Saturn produced

lot of obstructions. In spite of passing through the examination of Barrister, he was

not offered the degree. His degree of B. A. was also taken away due to his political

play. The Jupiter looks at this third house. Jupiter is a pious planet and it gives good results.

Jupiter made him truth-abiding fellow and gave very good loving brothers. The sight of

Saturn on the third house causes friendship with low class people. Savarkar had such low

class friends in his childhood. While in Nasik city, Aba Darekar and his gang came in his

life. But due to Savarkar's piety and honesty, the gang changed and became patriotic. It was


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the effect of malefic sight of Saturn from 6th house accompanied by beneficial sight of

Jupiter and placement of Moon in the third house.

The fourth house shows about mother and home. There is neither a planet, nor any sight of

any planet. It may have been the reason of early death of his mother.

The fifth house contains the Mars, Venus, Ketu and Neptune. Mars gave him great valour,

while Venus gave beauty, arts, poetry, genius, imagination, etc. Venus being auspicious

planet offered him good progeny, completion with success in education, fame, good luck,

sagacity, recognizing the heart and mind of others, coming to importance, financial benefits,

and mental satisfaction. All these effects are seen prominently in Savarkar. Except money he

got all the divine wealth.

Mars and Ketu in the fifth house were hazardous to his offspring. His first son Prabhakar

died, when Savarkar was in London. These malefic planets gave him failure in education.

Therefore though he passed the examination of Barrister, the degree was not conferred on

him. Its reason was, of course, his self respect and honour of his country. He refused to take

oath that he would be honest to the Emperor. His degree of B.A. was also taken back, because of

his patriotism and politics. There were many obstacles in his education, since childhood. He

passed the fourth standard in Marathi, at Bhagur; but there was no facility to educate after it.

Therefore one year was lost. Then he came to Nasik and began further education there. Mars

in the 5th house of knowledge is in its own Rashi Mesha or Aries. Hence he disclosed great

valour in education all over. In his childhood when he came to Nasik, in the first month he

passed three examinations of standard I, II, and III, and entered in the fourth standard. Thus

he completed 36 months' education in only one month. It shows that his intelligence was 36

times greater than common man.

Neptune in the 5th house shows virtuous and righteous nature, excellent intellect, and divine

power, which he did possess.

In the sixth house of enemies, Saturn, Pluto, Sun and Mercury are situated. Mercury is a

good natured planet, which gave him many opponents, trouble from his own people, he

became generous, helping others, liking for social works. Mercury gave him skill of turning

opponents to his side. It gave expertise in works of any nature. Even then he did not get full

success any time in his life. Enmity always accompanied him throughout his life. All the

time he faced situations breaking his mind, calamities showered on him, disputes with his

own people occurred. He was tortured by the British, Congress, Communists, Socialists,

orthodox, etc.

The malefic planets Saturn and Sun in the 6th house made him courageous, resolute,

determined, ready to face any situation, strong and overwhelming. These planets gave him

health and resistance to any disease. In childhood he got Smallpox, he had a serious accident

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on Wani hill (Saptashringi) near Nasik; he was suffocated in a cupboard, in youth he got ill

with Pneumonia, in London. In the Andaman jail he suffered from Tuberculosis, Amoebic

dysentery and Malaria. He was not given any treatment and even rest. Even then he defeated

those three deadly diseases. He thus defeated Death. He always fought against enemies and

opponents and won. Saturn gave rise to all these perils and removed, too. Before his

determination British Government had to bow. In the Andaman jail, he always fought for

truth and got full success. While removing untouchability, his own Hindu people became his foes,

but he defeated all. The malefic planets in the 6th house gave mental agony, and loss of

property. His house was confiscated by British Government, which was not returned even after

gaining freedom, by Indian Congress Government. He had to face despair all the time and

hardships. All these were exaggerated by Pluto in the 6th house.

Jupiter in the seventh house, which tells about wife (or husband in case of ladies), gave

beautiful results. His wife was fortunate, beautiful, from high family, attending house, and

caring the husband. This Jupiter turned the opponents into associates. This 7th house is not

affected by any malefic planet and good natured Jupiter is situated in it. Hence, he remained

pure in character, particularly in respect to women. He was morally virtuous throughout his

life. When he at the age of 23 years and stayed in London, youthful girls were after him,

expecting love, of course sexual! But he kept away from them. He did not consume liquor at

all. He was always submerged in national duties. Even then his opponents tried mudslinging,

on his character; of course without any effect.

In the eighth house, there is no planet, but the Mars and Saturn, both malefic, look to that

house of death. Hence, he suffered from poisonous creatures. He has stated how leeches

stung him, and sucked his blood often in Andaman. He suffered from great diseases but

saved, because of the third sight of Saturn on 8th house. Because of Saturn he lived long, 83 years.

Because of Saturn he suffered from political perils, had to fight with his own people, went

through dangerous situations, got unparallel imprisonment for 50 years with transportation. He

had to pay sceptre and fine in Fergusson College, too. He had to face humiliating events.

Even after getting freedom to India, the Indian government arrested him and put him in jail. He

was implicated in a framed crime of killing Gandhi. However, as destiny was in his favour,

Savarkar was released without a blot.

Ninth house shows destiny, luck, fortune, fate and Guru. Simha Rashi is situated in the 9th

house. The master of Simha Rashi is the Sun. However, the Sun is placed in the 6th house of

enemy. Therefore, Savarkar did not take a good fortune with birth. Luck was always

inimical to him. The master of ninth house, Sun, is with Saturn, a malefic planet. Therefore,

he had to suffer a lot. Sun and Saturn are foes to each other. Pluto added to the sufferings to

make them extremely sharp. It is because of this planet positions that he did never rely on

luck or fortune, fate or destiny. On the contrary, he fought with the destiny. He always held

that adverse will take place and he prepared for the adversities throughout his life. He

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depended more, on his ability and efficiency. He achieved everything on his vigour and

valour. He held his Atman (soul) as Guru because the Sun is supposed to be Atman. The

Moon looked at 9th house and Moon represents mind. Hence, he supposed his mind as his

Guru. Moon is in the third house of brother, so he held his elder brother as Guru.

In the tenth house of business there is no planet, it may be the reason that he did not do any

business or service. He sacrificed everything for his nation and Hinduism.

In the eleventh house which shows income and benefits, there Rahu is present, which

eclipsed all his gains. The Mars looks at this Rahu; therefore he performed some harsh,

ferocious actions. They were not for personal benefits, but as a national duty. He influenced

all who came near to him, including British officers. When Savarkar was arrested in

London, many Englishmen rushed to see him, including ladies. Some Englishmen tried to

release him, e.g. Guy Aldred, David Garnet. Jailor of Andaman, Mr. Barry tortured him a

lot, but the Commissioner was very soft to him. Wife and daughter of Barry respected him

greatly. Sinful planets in the 11th house give eminence in politics and administration. He did

not get any place in administration, but certainly got highest admiration in politics. His

opinion was that Andaman Island may be built as the sea castle to protect India, which was

admitted by the British Government. In the Second World War, the Vice Roy invited him

for discussion over the war situation, when he accepted Savarkar's thoughts and admired

him as the only Indian leader who had mastered science of war.

Draft of 'Montague - Chelmsford Reforms Act' that was to come into force was referred to

Savarkar for his opinion. This is a very unique example where a person serving life-term in a

jail, was consulted on a law point. This clearly proves how much English enemy too, was

well aware of and also respected Savarkar's level of intelligence.

The evil planets in the 11th house, affect adversely the elder brother. It came true. His elder

brother had to suffer sentence in Andaman jail.

The twelfth house is afflicted by sights of Saturn, Mars, Sun and Pluto. It produced lot of

financial perils on him. Theft took place. He suffered from deficiency and disgrace. He got

severe illnesses. He was indicted for sedition and treason. He suffered from false

accusations. Enemies troubled him a lot. He suffered from political failure, because he did

hardships for Hindus, but the Hindus neglected him. His life was always in danger. Perils

were coming from the British, Muslims, congressmen, etc. In Ratnagiri, because he worked to

remove untouchability, even Brahmins thought of killing him. He was made an outcast. He was

imprisoned by British as well as Congress Government.

We saw here how far his horoscope explains his life. Readers must be now sure that

horoscope predicts perfectly. But this is all theoretical, bookish thinking. I met Mr. Durve

once in 1961, who had inherited knowledge of Astrology. He predicted correctly about we

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four brothers. Therefore I showed him the horoscope of Savarkar, without telling him the

name. Just by looking at the horoscope, he used to tell predictions, quickly. But when I gave

him the horoscope of Savarkar, he became mute. He carefully looked at it and said, 'Doctor,

we can tell future of humans only, not of Gods. This horoscope is not of a man, but must be of some

God'. I told him that it is certainly a horoscope of a man. Then he replied, 'you may see him as

a man, but actually he is a God, who has come down on the earth in human body, for some reason. I

have no capacity to tell about a God, but I will try my best. This man will be imprisoned for many

years. According to horoscope, his life is 93 years. But he will end his life of his own, ten years earlier'.

What Shri Durve predicted in 1961 came true in 1966. From 1964 he thought of ending his

life, like saints Jnaneshwar etc. He published an article revealing difference between suicide

and sacrifice of life. He read all criticisms and comments on his article, replied them and

then decided to finish his life. In the mean time, there was some political unrest, and it was

probable that Congress Government would have imprisoned him again. He waited to tide

over that possibility. When he felt sure that there is no possibility of any imprisonment, he

made up his mind to end his life. He wanted to end life just like Jnaneshwar, by sitting in an

underground cave till death. But it would have amounted to suicide and Congress

Government would have punished him on that account. Therefore, he changed his mind and

went on fast unto death.

He began fast on 2nd February 1966, stopped taking food and liquid, and continued the fast

till 26th February 1966, when he merged with Ishwara.

I bow reverently before that great, divine soul and end this article. Vande Mataram!

My Salute to the motherland!