Astro Magick Essentials

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  • 8/11/2019 Astro Magick Essentials


  • 8/11/2019 Astro Magick Essentials


    Astro Magick Essentials

    by Frater Akenu


  • 8/11/2019 Astro Magick Essentials



    Moon ...............................................................................................................6


    Planetary days.......................................................................................................7Chaldean sequence...............................................................................................8

    First Ma ic! nu"#er........................................................................................$

    Saturn%s Ma ic! square..................................................................................&'Calculatin the Ma ic!al nu"#ers................................................................&2Jupiter%s square...............................................................................................&(Mars% square...................................................................................................&5Sun%s Ma ic! square......................................................................................&6Venus% square.................................................................................................&$Mercury%s square............................................................................................2'Moon%s square................................................................................................22

    Planetary hours...................................................................................................2(

    Creatin a si nature o) the spirit........................................................................25First contact *ith the spirit.................................................................................2$+hen planetary hours are needed .....................................................................('Sacred Cha"#er ,itual.......................................................................................('Ma ician%s na"e ................................................................................................(&

    Meanin #ehind the na"e .............................................................................(&-i in the li)e ...............................................................................................(&/ou are *ho you #elie e you are ..................................................................(&0o* to o#tain your Ma ic!al na"e .............................................................(2

    Si"ple "ethod o) sel)1in ocation .................................................................(2eneral 3stro Ma ic! ritual ..............................................................................((

    4lac! "irror creation..........................................................................................(5+hat is a #lac! "irror...................................................................................(5+hat do I need to create "y o*n #lac! "irror ...........................................(53lternati es....................................................................................................(53nother alternati e is the Ca liostro%s "irror ..............................................(6Fluid condenser..............................................................................................(6

    Char in the #lac! "irror..................................................................................(6


  • 8/11/2019 Astro Magick Essentials


    First scryin e ocation 3nael............................................................................(7+ho is 3nael..................................................................................................(7First scryin e ocation...................................................................................(7ocation o) a speci)ic spirit into the "irror .....................................................(8

  • 8/11/2019 Astro Magick Essentials


    Introduction3stro Ma ic! is a #eauti)ul "edie al9renaissance art: usin si"ple

    astrolo y as its set o) correspondences and sy"#olis". Many #eauti)ultalis"ans: a"ulets and Ma ic! squares ha e spa*n )ro" this art: un)ortunatelythe *ay o) the creation o) these is nearly )or otten.

    -et "e #rea! one "ore oath o) silence: let "e once a ain spea! outloud: let "e tell you ho* those talis"ans and squares *ere created: let "e shareand teach essentials o) 3stro Ma ic!. ssentials you "i ht !no* )ro" printedta#les #ut you ne er !ne* ho* to create the" on your o*n. -et "e tell you*hy the nu"#er o) Saturn is &5: let "e tell you ho* to calculate it and ho* tocalculate the *hole square. ;his is the essence o) 3stro Ma ic!.


    Image 1: Heptagon

  • 8/11/2019 Astro Magick Essentials


    Planets;here are 7 planets in 3stro Ma ic!: these are planets o) a so called

    Chaldean sequence. +e *ill learn "ore a#out this sequence later: )or no* let%stal! a#out #asic area o) in)luence o) these planets.

    MoonFirst planet *e *ill spea! a#out is Moon: also called -una. -una is

    co""only associated *ith Mother oddess in pa anis" and re)erences a"otherly lo e and e erythin )e"inine. Moon Ma ic! is related to )ertility:protection and di ination. Metal o) the Moon is sil er: color is *hite.

    MarsMars is the od o) *ar: sy"#ol o) "asculinity: o) challen es and o)

    ictory. Mars Ma ic! is a co"#at Ma ic!: Ma ic! to attac! and conquer:Ma ic! to hurt and *ound #ut in ter"s o) o))ense #ein the #est de)ense it isalso a Ma ic! o) protection. Metal o) Mars is iron: rese"#lin *eapons )ro"iron or steel: color is red.

    Mercury Mercury: the "essen er o) od: the )astest o) the": Mercury is a

    "aster o) co""unication and o) in)or"ation: Ma ic! o) Mercury is )orchannelin and in)or"ation atherin : occult sy"#ols are also considered asMercurial )or their in)or"ation alue: )or that reason Mercury can also #e used)or di ination: drea" recall: "e"ory i"pro e"ent: anythin associated *iththe "ental sphere. Mercury is a hy#rid so it contains all colors o) the rain#o*.

    Jupiter Jupiter: the ruler o) ods. Jupiterian Ma ic! is associated *ith *ealth:

    riches: ain: cooperation: si"ply *ith #usiness. Jupiter%s "etal is tin: its color is#lue.

    VenusVenus is associated *ith )e"ininity: #eauty: relationships

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    )riendly and inti"ate=: lo e: se>uality. Metal o) Venus is copper: color is reen.

    SaturnSaturn is ;he Jud e: he ends thin s *hether they are ood and #ad:

    usually #y introducin the opposite to the process. 0e is ery ?ud "ental anddoesn%t hold any sides: his solely purpose is to #rin ?ustice. Saturnian Ma ic!is ery po*er)ul #ut also ery dan erous: a Ma ician should thin! t*ice #e)oreusin Saturnian )orces: #e al*ays sure that in the end you are really not part o)the pro#le" a)ter all #e)ore you try to call Saturn to sol e it: the solution could#e your punish"ent. Metal o) Saturn is lead: color is #lac!.

    SunSun is ;he Father: it is associated *ith authority: pride: success: #ut not

    *ith spoon1)eedin as in case o) the Moon. Motherly lo e is *ithout e>ceptions#ut )atherly )i ure e>pects so"ethin in return. Sun Ma ic! can teach you ho*to sol e your o*n pro#le"s instead o) #lindly o er1protectin you: i in youthe hi hest i)ts o) all: the e>perience. Color o) Sun is yello* or oran e: "etalis old.

    Planetary days;here are 7 planets and 7 days in the *ee!: each planet is associated

    *ith one day. It is i"portant to "e"ori@e this association so later *e can deri ethe Chaldean sequence )ro" it. Chaldean sequence is crucial )or calculatinplanets% nu"#ers and Ma ic! squares. /ou could consider this "e"ori@ation asa hard one: #ut you *ill see that *ith a )ollo*in cheat it%s a piece o) ca!e.

    -et%s start *ith Monday: Monday

  • 8/11/2019 Astro Magick Essentials


    I don%t ha e any hac!s )or )ollo*in days: at least not *ithout the prior!no*led e o) Aorse "ytholo y: so ?ust re"e"#er that ;uesday #elon s to Marsand ;hursday is the day o) Jupiter: these are #asically only t*o planetary daysyou really ha e to re"e"#er.

    Day Planet

    Monday Moon

    ;uesday Mars

    +ednesday Mercury

    ;hursday Jupiter

    Friday Venus

    Saturday SaturnSunday Sun

    Table 1: Planetary days

    Chaldean sequence+e ha e already tal!ed a#out #asic "eanin s o) planets in 3stro

    Ma ic! and also their relation to the days. Planetary days are a *ay thatScandina ians: er"ans and Celts used: )or so"e stran e reason it is also a*ay ho* to deri e the Chaldean sequence: the sequence o) planets in the orderas used #y Chaldeans: Chaldean Ma ic! is currently considered one o) theoldest 3stro Ma ic!al concepts in the *orld. Chaldean sequence *ill allo* usto ain planetary nu"#ers and recreate Ma ic! squares. ;his *ay you *ill )indout that these are not ?ust rando" nu"#ers: #ut they indeed do ha e their"eanin s. 4ut #e)ore that happens: *e need the sequence.

    ;o ain the Chaldean sequence: *e *ill dra* a hepta ra" tplanet: Mars. ;hen *e *ill a ain )ollo* the lines and place there Mercury:Jupiter... si"ply the rest o) planets in the *ee!%s order. ;hen i) *e o in thecloc!*ise circle around the hepta ra"

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    I) *e started )ro" Moon: then Chaldean sequence is Moon, Saturn,Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus and Mercury . I) *e started )ro" Saturn

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    Planet First number

    Saturn (


    Mars 5Sun 6

    Venus 7

    Mercury 8

    Moon $

    Table 2: First planetary Magic numbers

    3s *e ha e said: *e need the )irst Ma ic! nu"#er to )ind out ho*"any colu"ns and ro*s should the planetary square ha e. So the Saturn squarehas ( colu"ns and ( ro*s: Jupiter square has ro*s and colu"ns: etc.

    Ma ic square is a square *here each line: colu"n or dia onal linecontains nu"#ers *hich su" is sa"e )or all lines: colu"ns and dia onal lines:this su" is another Ma ic! nu"#er o) the planet: "ore a#out it later.

    Saturn's Magick squareFor the )irst square *e *ill use a Sia"ese "ethod o) creation. Sia"ese

    "ethod is ood )or e ery odd nu"#ered square

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    Creation of the Saturn's Magick Square


    Table !: First number placed



    Table ": #econd number added

    ,e"e"#er: *e ha e to o one up and one to the ri ht: #ecause there*as no ro* to "o e to: *e *ent to the #otto" ro*. For the ne>t nu"#er *e*ill ha e to o to the )irst colu"n t cell in the sequence is occupied #y nu"#er &. 4y usinthis "ethod *e *ill et a )ollo*in Ma ic! square

    8 & 6( 5 7

    $ 2

    Table $: #aturn%s Magic square

    Ao* that *e ha e a )inished Ma ic! square let%s tal! a#out t*ore"ainin Ma ic! nu"#ers. First nu"#er can #e deri ed #y addin all nu"#ersin the square to ether

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    ;hose *ere the ro*s: no* let%s calculate the colu"ns

    8 ( D &5

    & 5 $ D &5

    6 7 2 D &5

    Ao* *e ha e calculated the ro*s and colu"ns: there is ?ust one thinle)t to eri)y our desired outco"e: the su" o) dia onals

    8 5 2 D &5

    5 6 D &5

    So our square truly is a Ma ic! square. 4ut a square you cantraditionally )ind loo!s a #it di))erently. It loo!s li!e this

    $ 2

    ( 5 7

    8 & 6

    Table &: Traditional Magic square o' #aturn

    I) you loo! closely: you *ill )ind out that the traditional square alsouses Sia"ese "ethod: #ut a #it di))erent ariation: it starts in the #otto" ro*and then oes one ro* do*n instead o) up )or each iteration. I"portant part isthat the su" o) the *hole square is the second Ma ic! nu"#er and the su" o)each ro*: colu"n or dia onal is the third Ma ic! nu"#er. For each Ma ic!square I *ill sho* "y *ay and the traditional ariation and co"pare the" to

    sho* you the di))erences. I) you choose to use "y ariation or the traditionalone: is up to you.

    Calculating the Magickal numbers3ddin all nu"#ers in the square can #e quite trou#leso"e: so let "e

    sho* you a #it )aster *ay.


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    I) *e "ultiply the nu"#er o) ro*s #y the nu"#er o) colu"ns: *e *illet the nu"#er o) cells ( D $=: that "eans there *ill #e nu"#ers & E $.

    I) *e su" the lo*est and hi hest nu"#er

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    -ow that we ha,e our two tables. it%s time to put them together into the Magicsquare. 'or that we need a palindromic pattern. this is called a cross

    palindromic square:

    & ' ' &

    ' & & '

    ' & & '

    & ' ' &

    Table /: Cross palindromic square

    Ao* *e can start "eshin our ta#les to ether. +here there is & in thepalindro"e: *e *ill use nu"#er )ro" the )irst ta#le. +here there is ': *e *illuse nu"#er )ro" the re ersed ta#le.

    & &5 &

    &2 6 7 $

    8 &' && 5

    &( ( 2 &6Table 10: Finished square o' )upiter

    Su" o) each ro*: colu"ns or dia onal should #e ( : let%s chec! it & &5 & D( &2 6 7 $D( 8 &' && 5D( &( ( 2 &6D(

    Colu"ns & &2 8 &(D( &5 6 &' (D( & 7 && 2D( $ 5 &6D(


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    Hia onals & 6 && &6D( &( &' 7 D(

    3s you can see: this "ethod *ords nicely

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    && 2 7 2' (

    &2 25 8 &6

    &7 5 &( 2& $

    &' &8 & & 222( 6 &$ 2 &5

    Table 1!: Traditional square o' Mars

    In the traditional square o) Mars a Sia"ese "ethod is still used: #utno* *e are startin at the second ro* )ro" the #otto": oin do*n and ri ht asin case o) traditional square )or Saturn and each ti"e *e )ind )illed cell: *e o2 cells do*n instead o) &.

    Sun's Magick squareFirst nu"#er 6

    Second nu"#er

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    nu"#ers is as )ollo*s

    I) the letter is -: you start )irst nu"#er in the upper ri ht corner: secondoes to the lo*er le)t corner: third oes to the lo*er ri ht corner and the last

    one oes to the upper le)t corner: this "a!es a pattern that partially rese"#les

    the - letter.I) the letter is B: you start in the upper le)t corner: then you o to the

    lo*er le)t corner: then lo*er ri ht corner and )inally upper ri ht corner. ;hispattern )ully rese"#les the B letter.

    ;o si"pli)y the understand o) the -B "ethod: here is a raphical

    depiction )or si"ple understandin

    Ao* that our ta#le is trans)or"ed into odd ta#le: *e can use theSia"ese "ethod


    Image !: 3 method

  • 8/11/2019 Astro Magick Essentials



    2 (

    Table 1$: #iamese method. 'irst step 'or #un%s square


    2 (

    5 8

    6 7

    Table 1&: #iamese method: #econd step 'or the #un%s square

    !2 2/ " 1 2" 21

    !0 !1 2 ! 22 2!

    12 / 1( 20 2* 2$

    10 11 1* 1/ 2& 2(

    1! 1& !& !! $ *

    1" 1$ !" !$ & (

    Table 1(: Finished #un%s square using #iamese and 3 methods

    Su" o) each ro*: colu"n or dia onal is &&&: *hich "eans this is aMa ic! square.


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    6 (2 ( ( (5 &

    7 && 27 28 8 ('

    &$ & &6 &5 2( 2

    &8 2' 22 2& &7 &(25 2$ &' $ 26 &2

    (6 5 (( 2 (&

    Table 1*: Traditional square o' #un

    /ou can see that "y square and the traditional square are co"pletelydi))erent. ;hey #oth are Ma ic! squares o) Sun: it%s ?ust that I still *asn%t a#le to)i ure out *hat "ethod *as used to calculate this square: it%s the only square*here I don%t ha e any clue: sorry )or the incon enience.

    Venus' squareFirst nu"#er

    Second nu"#er 1225

    ;hird nu"#er 1 5

    (' ($ 8 & &' &$ 28

    (8 7 7 $ &8 27 2$

    6 6 8 &7 26 (5 (7

    5 & &6 25 ( (6 5

    &( &5 2 (( 22& 2( (2 & ( ( &2

    22 (& ' $ 2 && 2'

    Table 1/: 5enus% square created by #iamese method


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    22 7 &6 & &' (5

    5 2( 8 &7 2 && 2$

    (' 6 2 $ &8 (6 &2

    &( (& 7 25 ( &$ (7(8 & (2 & 26 2'

    2& ($ 8 (( 2 27 5

    6 &5 ' $ ( ( 28

    Table 20: Traditional 5enus% square created with a ,ariation o' #iamese method

    Mercury's squareFirst nu"#er !

    Second nu"#er 2"!"

    ;hird nu"#er 26"

    & & ' ' ' ' & &

    & & ' ' ' ' & &

    ' ' & & & & ' '

    ' ' & & & & ' '

    ' ' & & & & ' '

    ' ' & & & & ' '

    & & ' ' ' ' & &

    & & ' ' ' ' & &

    Table 21: Palindromic table 'or Mercury


  • 8/11/2019 Astro Magick Essentials


    & 2 62 6& 6' 5$ 7 8

    $ &' 5 5( 52 5& &5 &6

    8 7 &$ 2' 2& 22 2 &

    ' ($ 27 28 2$ (' ( (((2 (& (5 (6 (7 (8 26 25

    2 2( ( 5 6 &8 &7

    $ 5' & &( &2 && 55 56

    57 58 6 5 ( 6( 6

    Table 22: Finished square o' Mercury

    8 58 5$ 5 62 6( &

    $ &5 & 52 5( && &' 56

    & 2( 22 5 &$ &8 8

    (2 ( (5 2$ 28 (8 ($ 25

    ' 26 27 (7 (6 (' (& ((

    &7 7 6 2' 2& ( 2 2$ 55 5 &2 &( 5& 5' &6

    6 2 ( 6& 6' 6 7 57

    Table 2!: Traditional square o' Mercury

    /ou can notice that the author o) the ori inal square once a ain startedin the top ri ht corner and *rote to the le)t: instead o) startin in the le)t uppercorner and oin to the ri ht: #ut there is another stran e thin : so"e nu"#ers

    do not "atch. ;he reason is that the author has also used a di))erent palindro"e./ou can use any palindro"ic trans)or"ation ta#le and the result *ill still #e aMa ic! square: ?ust )or a co"pletion reason: here is a palindro"e used #y theori inal author


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    & ' ' & & ' ' &

    ' & & ' ' & & '

    ' & & ' ' & & '

    & ' ' & & ' ' && ' ' & & ' ' &

    ' & & ' ' & & '

    ' & & ' ' & & '

    & ' ' & & ' ' &

    Table 2": 6riginal palindromic table 'or Mercury%s Magic square

    So: *hy did the author used this palindro"e instead o) the one I a"usin Mine is easier: ri ht Aot really: our author *as pro#a#ly tooco")orta#le: so he ?ust used Jupiter%s palindro"ic ta#le ti"es li!e a tile: i) youta!e closer loo!: you *ill see this





    Table 2$: )upiter%s palindrome tiled into Mercury%s palindrome

    Moon's squareFirst nu"#er #

    Second nu"#er 3321

    ;hird nu"#er 36#

    So: *e ha e )inally ot to the last square: )ortunately it *ill #e quic!:a)ter all it%s the odd nu"#ered square and *e already !no* that )or the oddnu"#ered squares there is the Sia"ese "ethod.


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    7 58 6$ 8' & &2 2( ( 5

    57 68 7$ $ && 22 (( 6

    67 78 8 &' 2& (2 ( 5 56

    77 7 &8 2' (& 2 5( 55 666 &7 &$ (' & 52 6( 65 76

    &6 27 2$ ' 5& 62 6 75 5

    26 28 ($ 5' 6& 72 7 &5

    (6 (8 $ 6' 7& 7( ( & 25

    (7 8 5$ 7' 8& 2 &( 2 (5

    Table 2&: Moon%s square: #iamese method

    (7 78 2$ 7' 2& 62 &( 5 5

    6 (8 7$ (' 7& 22 6( & 6

    7 7 ($ 8' (& 72 2( 55 &5

    &6 8 8 ' 8& (2 6 2 56

    57 &7 $ $ & 7( (( 65 25

    26 58 &8 5' & 2 7 ( 66

    67 27 5$ &' 5& 2 ( 75 (5

    (6 68 &$ 6' && 52 ( 76

    77 28 6$ 2' 6& &2 5( 5

    Table 2(: Traditional square o' Moon: #iamese method. a bit di''erent rules

    Planetary hoursSo"e 3stro Ma icians use planetary hours )or the planet related *or!.

    Gnce a ain "ost o) the" don%t !no* ho* the deri e the planetary hours ta#le:stealin a ri"oire )ro" such a person is li!e stealin all the Ma ic! )ro"the": so let%s ta!e a loo! ho* to deri e the ta#le.

    ach day has &2 day hours and &2 ni ht hours: each day starts *ith the)irst hour #ein the hour o) the day

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    hours o)&&'& the day are ?ust the Chaldean sequence: so e. . the second dailyhour o) Monday *ill #e Saturn: etc.

    $our Monday %uesday &ednesday


    Friday Saturday


    1 Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun

    2 Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus

    ( Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury

    Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon

    5 Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn

    6 Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter

    7 Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars8 Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun

    $ Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus

    &' Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury

    & & Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon

    &2 Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn

    1(ni)'t* Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter

    2 Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars

    ( Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun

    Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus

    5 Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury

    6 Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon

    7 Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn

    8 Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter$ Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars

    &' Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun

    && Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus

    &2 Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury

    Table 2*: Planetary hours


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    Co""on *or! *ith planetary hours is as )ollo*s: )irst planetary hourstarts *ith the sunrise and last ends *ith the sunset. Ai ht hours are )ro" thesunset to sunrise.

    Ao* let%s say that sunrise starts at 7 &' 3M and sunset is at 5 &' PM.;hat "eans the day is &' hours lon . So i) *e ta!e the nu"#er o) hours o) theday: "ultiply it #y 6' to et the a"ount o) "inutes: then *e can di ide it #y &2to )ind out ho* lon one planetary hour is. &' 6' is 6'': di ision #y &2 i esus result 5': that "eans each planetary hour o) the day is 5' "inutes lon . Soon Monday )irst planetary hour

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    lon lost )riends. +e *ill use the ta#le a#o e to translate Pos"iol%s na"e intonu"#ers and then *e *ill use the Venus square to ain the si nature

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    +etter Value

    3 &

    4 2

    C (H


    F 6


    0 8

    I $

    J &'


    - ('

    M '

    A 5'

    G 6'

    P 7'K 8'

    , $'

    S &''

    ; 2''

    B (''

    V ''+ 5''


    / 7''

    L 8''

    Table !0: #imple 7nglish 8ematria


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    In case you use this ta#le and you run into nu"#ers too #i )or asquare you are *or!in *ith: si"ply reduce @eros in the nu"#er: till it "atches.So 8'' #eco"es 8' and i) it is still not enou h: then it #eco"es 8.

    I) *e used this ta#le )or our si nature o) Pos"iol: it *ould loo! li!e

    thisPD7':GD6':SD&'':MD ':ID$:GD6':-D('.

    reatest nu"#er in the Venus square is $: so *e ha e to shorten allnu"#ers reater than $

    PD7:GD6:SD&':MD ':ID$:GD6:-D('.

    9uic note about the gematric table: 3s I ha e said: the ideaori inally co"es )ro" 0e#re* and there are "any ersions o) e"atria )or

    n lish: one I a" usin is the "ost si"ilar to the nu"erolo y ta#le *e used#e)ore. Aotice that i) you o"it all @eros: then nu"#ers "atch #et*een the


    Image $: Posmiol%s signature: second ,ersion

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    e"atria and the ori inal nu"erolo y ta#le: other syste"s are #ased onorderin the alpha#et #ased on the 0e#re* and then associate *ith the nu"#ersas *e did in our ta#le: it loo!s "ore 0e#re*: #ut less lo ical )or -atin alpha#et.

    First contact with the spiritSo: *e ha e our pantacle: there is a si nature o) the spirit on the )ront

    side and a Ma ic! square on #ac!

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    When planetary hours are needed+e ha e already said that I a" not a #i )an o) planetary hours: the

    Ma ic! itsel) is "uch stron er *hen *e per)or" it at the sunrise on the day o) aselected planet: so *hat are hours ood )or

    ;here are ti"es *hen you cannot a))ord to *ait )or a speci)ic day:there "i ht #e so"e illness: health issues: dan erous situations: and you ha e todeal *ith the" as soon as possi#le. In that case *aitin )or 7 hours is still #ad:#ut not as #ad as *aitin a )ull *ee! as you *ould ha e to do in the case o)planetary days.

    It is also ood to "ention *hen to use the calculation o) hours #asedon sunrise and sunset and *hen to stic! *ith the 63M to 6PM scenario.

    Sunrise to sunset *ill al*ays pac! "ore po*er: #ut there are ti"es*hen *e si"ply don%t !no*: *e don%t ha e ti"e to loo! )or the in)or"ation:*hen *e do not ha e a suita#le equip"ent )or it. +hen that%s the case: then *eare )ree to stic! *ith the 63M to 6PM. Gr *e ca si"ply al*ays use it: there)oreacco""odatin to this "ethod #etter and earnin a stron er punch )or your usethan *hen s*itchin #et*een these t*o "ethods.

    Sacred Cham er !itual&. Stand still and ta!e )e* deep #reaths. Visuali@e a#out &)t *ide or# o)*hite li ht a#out & or 2 )eet a#o e your head.

    2. Point at the or# *ith your inde> )in er and say Cro*n a#o e "y head:ether .

    (. Visuali@e a ray o) the *hite li ht descendin throu h your #ody do*n tothe core o) arth *hile uidin it *ith your inde> )in er.

    . Say in do" under "y )eet: Mal!uth .

    5. Gpen your ar"s li!e you are *elco"in so"eone and durin openinyour ar"s: isuali@e the ray o) the li ht #eco"in thic!er and thic!er tillit co ers the *hole roo" or space around you. Hurin this say ;hrou hthe *orlds .

    6. +hen you are )inished: standin *ith your hands *ide open: say 4ac!to the 3da" ad"on .


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    Magician's nameMany o) you "i ht ha e heard a#out a Ma ician%s na"e or Ma ic!al

    na"e. Is it so"ethin i"portant +hat does it really "ean

    Meaning behind the name;here is this old #elie) that i) *e !no* the real na"e o) so"e entity:

    *e can control it. ;here are "any "yths co"in )ro" ypt *here people)ound real na"e o) their deities and )orced these deities to i e the"i""ortality: so in that case a !no*led e o) the na"e "eant po*er.

    4ut *hat *ould #e the use o) one%s Ma ic!al na"e Ma ic!al na"e isthe na"e o) the 0i her Sel): that part o) you responsi#le )or Ma ic!. no*inthe na"e o) your 0i her Sel) re)ers to the a#ility to control the 0S. 4ut it alsohas a "uch "ore pra "atic use.

    Living the life+e are hu"ans *ith all ad anta es and disad anta es o) #ein such

    *ay. So"eti"es *e lie: so"eti"es *e don%t e en !no* *hat *e *ant: "ost o)the ti"e *e ha e to do thin s *e hate. Most o) the ti"e *e are short1si hteda#out our *ishes.

    ;ry to thin!: *hat *ould happen i) anythin *e *ished )or *ouldinstantly "ani)est Indi idual thin s *ould #e reat: #ut "ost o) the ti"e theresult *ould turn a ainst us. For this reason *e need a split #et*een "undaneand "etaphysical: "aterial and spiritual: li)e and Ma ic!.

    Bsin the Ma ician%s na"e allo*s us to "a!e a split #et*een the t*o:i in us a #etter a#ility to control *hether *e *ish to use Ma ic! or not. 4ut

    there are also "ore ad anta es

    ou are !ho you believe you areMa ic!al na"e isn%t ?ust the sy"#ol *ithout "eanin . ;he na"e re)ers

    to ;he Ma ician. ;he Ma ician is a person *ho !no*s Ma ic!: *ho li es it.Ma ician *ill al*ays !no* *hat to do: Ma ician *ill ne er panic: Ma ician*ill ne er lose the control. Aa"e o) the 0S leads to the 0S and )or that can #e


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    used )or a sort o) a sel)9in ocation. Hurin sel)9in ocation you te"porarilyo#tain qualities o) your ideal Ma ic!al Sel). ;his includes unhu"anconcentration: clear "ind: cal" reactions: a"a@in i"a ination: increaseda#ility to isuali@e and also "uch #etter spiritual authority

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    that are clean. without any emotion. with a lac o' sympathy. these arenot eyes o' the human; I now the being staring at me. I tremble in 'earo' His power. I tremble in 'ear o' His nowledge; Choron>on is ust ashade. personi'ication o'

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    (. -i ht all the candle you *ant to use )or the en iron"ent li htin e>ceptone: place the unused candle ri ht ne>t to the square.

    . Ho the Sacred Cha"#er ritual

  • 8/11/2019 Astro Magick Essentials


    $lack mirror creation

    $hat is a black mirror 4lac! "irror is a di ination tool used )or scryin . It can #e used )or

    tellin )uture: seein past: distant places: per)or"in in ocations ande ocations: distant healin or reality "anipulation.

    May#e the )irst scryin "irror used *as the sur)ace o) a runnin *ater

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    nother alternative is the Cagliostro's mirror(1crystal lass is )illed *ith *ater and a candle is place #ehind it so the

    )la"e is isi#le throu h the sur)ace o) the lass. /ou then a@e into the )la"e too#tain isions. ;his alternati e is ood #ecause it doesn%t require "uch char in)or the "irror to #e )unctional #ut enerally solid "irror is #etter )ortransportation and is ready to use anyti"e *hen it%s char ed. Ca liostro%s "irroror any *ater #ased "irror "ust #e prepared and char ed #e)ore the operation:*astin the precious ti"es and it also tends to #eco"e annoyin o er ti"e.

    Fluid condenser Many people use Ma ic!al )luid condensers: *hich si"pli)y char in

    and "a!es it "ore sta#le ture o)her#s. ;his one is usually applied on a piece o) paper hidden *ithin the "irror.

    Charging the lack mirror

    Ao* it%s ti"e to char e our "irror. ;he "irror: ?ust li!e any Ma ic!altool: "ust #e yours : it "ust #eco"e a part o) your Sel). First part o) thisprocess is hidden in the creation o) the "irror: tools you cra)t *ith your o*nhands ha e a "uch #i er senti"ental alue then thin s you si"ply #uy and"ore ti"e you spend *ith cra)tin and decoratin your ite"s: "ore alua#lethese ite"s *ill #e )or you.

    &. Put your "irror in the )ront o) yoursel): you can #e sittin : standin : the"irror can #e on the ta#le: )loor: si"ply any*here. My personalapproach is to sit do*n and place the "irror on "y lap: that "a!es "e"ore senti"ental )or "e.

    2. Ao* it%s ti"e to let your "irror a#sor# your "a netic andelectro"a netic )luids. Place your ri ht hand ?ust closely a#o e the"irror: *a in o er the "irror as i) you *ere pettin its sur)ace

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    hands and repeat the process )or another 5 "inutes *ith your le)t hand.3)ter you are )inished you can put the "irror a*ay: *rap it in clothes or*hate er "ethod o) storin the "irror that you ha e chosen.

    . ;his procedure should #e repeated e ery day )or at least a *ee! #e)ore

    you use the "irror )or the )irst ti"e. 3lso re"e"#er: "ore o)ten youchar e the "irror: "ore po*er)ul tool it #eco"es.

    So"e o) you "i ht )ind it a #it pro#le"atic to hold your hand a#o ethe sur)ace )or 5 "inutes: i) your "irror has a thic! )ra"e: you can use it tosupport your hand to ease the pain: #ut this shouldn%t #e the concern as you aresupposed to train your #ody: as *ell: Ma ician *ith a *ea! #ody has a *ea!Ma ic!: as *ell.

    First scrying e%ocation& #nael

    $ho is nael 3nael is one o) an els o) Venus. 0e is associated *ith the Fire ele"ent

    and he is called the "essen er o) od. 3nael%s )ield o) *or! are isions:"essa es: predictions: si"ply contact *ith the di ine. ;hat%s also *hy 3naelshould #e the )irst one to #e e o!ed throu h a #lac! "irror.

    First scrying evocationPrepare your incantation. Ma!e sure you call 3nael a couple o) ti"es

    and you as! hi" to #less the "irror to i e you "essa es throu h hi".

    Mirror should #e placed in an an le so you can see a re)lection o) your)ace

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    incantation a couple o) ti"es out loud: then silently as *ell. /ou *ill )eel yourision ettin #lurry and distorted. Bsual re)le> is to re1)ocus to ain #ac! the

    sharp i"a e: #ut you ha e to a oid this process so the lucidity can !ic! in.

    I) you "ana e to o#ser e passi ely *ithout re)ocusin the i"a e *ill

    start loo!in sharp a ain #ut the appearin )ace *ill #e co"pletely di))erent)ro" your o*n: hope)ully that *ill #e 3nael. ;hen proceed as *e ha e learned#e)ore in the chapter descri#in #asic )or"at o) the rituals.

    %ocation of a specific spirit into the mirrorFor the )ollo*in ritual you *ill need a pre1char ed #lac! "irror: t*o

    candles and t*o copies o) one pantacle. place one o) the pantacles under the#lac! "irror and the second one on a place *here you can stare at it.

    Per)or" the Sacred Cha"#er ritual and the sel)1in ocation as"entioned #e)ore: then cast the circle ecute the procedure *e ha e "entioned in the section called Firstcontact *ith spirit

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    Planet $i)'est an)el Planetary spirit +o/est an)el

    Saturn Laph!iel 3ratron Cassiel

    Jupiter Lad!iel 4etor ;achiel

    Mars Sa"ael Phale Sa"aelSun Michael Gch Michael

    Venus 0aniel 0ae it 3nael

    Mercury ,aphael Gphiel ,aphael

    -una a#riel Phul a#riel

    Table !1: Planetary spirits