Astek Academy SEO Bootcamp - Presentation 2/25/12

February 25, 2012 By Tom Lynch VP ©2012 Astek ConsulBng LLC SEO Bootcamp Sponsored by:

Transcript of Astek Academy SEO Bootcamp - Presentation 2/25/12

Page 1: Astek Academy SEO Bootcamp - Presentation 2/25/12

February    25,  2012  

By  Tom  Lynch  -­‐  VP  ©2012    Astek  ConsulBng  LLC    

 SEO  Bootcamp  

Sponsored  by:  

Page 2: Astek Academy SEO Bootcamp - Presentation 2/25/12

February    25,  2012  

By  Tom  Lynch  -­‐  VP  ©2012    Astek  ConsulBng  LLC    

Free  WiFi  Set  Up    

!   Network  Name  =  !   Password  =    

Page 3: Astek Academy SEO Bootcamp - Presentation 2/25/12

February    25,  2012  

By  Tom  Lynch  -­‐  VP  ©2012    Astek  ConsulBng  LLC    

What  We  Will  Be  Covering  !   SEO  Basics  

!   The  First  3  Steps  in  SEO  !   SEO  Best  PracBces  For  Content  !   Speed  CriBque  for  Your  Site    

!   15  Minute  Break  !   How  to  Select  the  “Right”  Keywords  !   Hands-­‐on  Tools  &  TacBcs  

!   Homework  !   You  can  do  it!  

Page 4: Astek Academy SEO Bootcamp - Presentation 2/25/12

February    25,  2012  

By  Tom  Lynch  -­‐  VP  ©2012    Astek  ConsulBng  LLC    

!   Tom  Lynch  -­‐  With  more  than  25  years  experience  in  direct  and  integrated  markeBng,  Tom  has  spent  the  past  15  years  focusing  on  helping  companies  achieve  their  business  goals  by  leveraging  the  efficient  use  of  technology  and  the  Web.  

!   Tom  takes  pride  in  client  saBsfacBon.  He  believes  that  through  collaboraBng  with  clients  for  the  long-­‐term  growth  of  their  business’  and  developing  creaBve  yet  pracBcal  soluBons  to  their  goals;  both  the  client  and  service  provider  will  flourish.  

!   Frequently  invited  to  speak  at  naBonal  industry  trade  shows  on  search  engine  markeBng  best  pracBces,  he  enjoys  passing  along  the  holy  grail  of  website  traffic  development.  

!   In  addiBon  to  being  a  markeBng  guru,  avid  golfer  and  fisherman,  Tom  is  a  graduate  of  the  Second  City  Conservatory  and  co-­‐wrote  an  episode  of  a  Comedy  Central  show.    


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February    25,  2012  

By  Tom  Lynch  -­‐  VP  ©2012    Astek  ConsulBng  LLC    

Who  Is  Astek?  !   Website  Design  &  Development  

!   Search  Engine  MarkeBng  !   Social  Media  ConsulBng  

!   Proprietary  CMS  Webany  !   Wordpress  Development  

!   App  Development  

!   BBB  A  Rated  !   10  Years  in  Business  

!   Professional  &  Fun  to  Work  With  !   Your  Business  Goals  Drive  our  Efforts    

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February    25,  2012  

By  Tom  Lynch  -­‐  VP  ©2012    Astek  ConsulBng  LLC    

Who  are  you  please?  

!   Your  Name  !   Your  Company  &  Website  

!   Your  SEO  Knowledge  from  1  –  3  (3=ninja)  

!   Using  SEO  now?  

!  What  you  would  like  to  learn  today?  

Page 7: Astek Academy SEO Bootcamp - Presentation 2/25/12

February    25,  2012  

By  Tom  Lynch  -­‐  VP  ©2012    Astek  ConsulBng  LLC    

What  is  SEO?  !   SEO  is  the  art  and  science  of  aligning  your  website  text  with  the  search  phrases  that  people  looking  for  your  services  are  typing  into  Google.    Once  these  keyword  opportuniBes  are  idenBfied  through  research,  they  must  be  applied  to  new  content  that  is  created  regularly.  

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February    25,  2012  

By  Tom  Lynch  -­‐  VP  ©2012    Astek  ConsulBng  LLC    

Paid  Vs.  Organic  Search  

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February    25,  2012  

By  Tom  Lynch  -­‐  VP  ©2012    Astek  ConsulBng  LLC    

SEO  Value  ProposiBon  

!   Usually  “Beker”  LisBngs  Get  More  Clicks  !  More  Qualified  Visitors  

!  More  Page  Views  

!  More  Revenue  

!  Will  SEO  Outperform  PPC?    

!   Because  things  change  all  the  Bme  -­‐neither  is  a  set  it  and  forget  it  strategy…  

Page 10: Astek Academy SEO Bootcamp - Presentation 2/25/12

February    25,  2012  

By  Tom  Lynch  -­‐  VP  ©2012    Astek  ConsulBng  LLC    

First  Three  Steps  of  SEO  Analysis  

1.  Do  you  have  content?  1.  What  is  content,  Tom?  

2.  Can  the  search  engines  see  the  content?  

3.  What  do  they  see  when  they  get  there?  

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February    25,  2012  

By  Tom  Lynch  -­‐  VP  ©2012    Astek  ConsulBng  LLC    

What  is  Content?  !   A  website  with:  

  Text/Copy    Pictures  

  Videos    PDF’s  

  Calculators  or  “Widgets”    Webinars  


  White  Papers    Reviews  

  What  else  can  you  think  of?  

Page 12: Astek Academy SEO Bootcamp - Presentation 2/25/12

February    25,  2012  

By  Tom  Lynch  -­‐  VP  ©2012    Astek  ConsulBng  LLC    

Do  You  Have  Content?    

!   Yes  –  You  can  stay.    !   No  –  sorry,  you  need  to  go  home  and  create  content…    

!   Just  kidding,  you  can  stay.  I’ll  show  you  how  to  make  opBmized  content!  

!   But  first  let’s  talk  more  about  you.  

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February    25,  2012  

By  Tom  Lynch  -­‐  VP  ©2012    Astek  ConsulBng  LLC    

Can  the  Search  Engines  (SE’s)  See  You?    

!   Do  a  Google  Search  Now  Please  

!   Put  your  website’s  name  in  place  of  “”.  

!   Then  we’ll  see  what’s  indexed  and  what  presents  in  search  results.  

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February    25,  2012  

By  Tom  Lynch  -­‐  VP  ©2012    Astek  ConsulBng  LLC    

Page 15: Astek Academy SEO Bootcamp - Presentation 2/25/12

February    25,  2012  

By  Tom  Lynch  -­‐  VP  ©2012    Astek  ConsulBng  LLC    

Page 16: Astek Academy SEO Bootcamp - Presentation 2/25/12

February    25,  2012  

By  Tom  Lynch  -­‐  VP  ©2012    Astek  ConsulBng  LLC    

Next  Step  Requires  a  Plug-­‐in    

!   Open  Firefox  !   Go  to  

!   Download  the  free  toolbar  

!   Then  we’ll  scan  the  page  

!   And  see  what  gets  pulled  from  where  on  the  Search  Engine  Results  Pages  (SERPs)  

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February    25,  2012  

By  Tom  Lynch  -­‐  VP  ©2012    Astek  ConsulBng  LLC    

Where  Google  Pulls  The  SERPs  Detail    

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February    25,  2012  

By  Tom  Lynch  -­‐  VP  ©2012    Astek  ConsulBng  LLC    

The  Minimum  Google  Displays  !   HTML  Title  

!   Meta  DescripBon  !   URL  !   Also  –  If  Possible  &  Relevant  

  LocaBon    Site  Links  

  Plus  Profile    Reviews  

  And  more…  

!   Let’s  talk  about  the  essenBals.  

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February    25,  2012  

By  Tom  Lynch  -­‐  VP  ©2012    Astek  ConsulBng  LLC    

HTML  Title  Best  PracBces    !   Unique  And  DescripBve  Titles  For  Each  !   Less  Than  65  Characters  !   Lead  With  Targeted  Keywords  !   Company  Name  |  Official  Web  Site  On  Home  

  Pages  like  home  and  contacts  us  are  the  only  pages  where  your  company  name  needs  to  be  the  lead  text.  

!   Call  To  AcBon  If  Possible  !   Avoid  Puns,  Metaphors  –  Literal  Over  Clever  !   Contact  Us,  Home,  Info,  Services  Do  Not  Qualify  As  Titles  Alone…  

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February    25,  2012  

By  Tom  Lynch  -­‐  VP  ©2012    Astek  ConsulBng  LLC    

URL  Best  PracBces  !   _  (underscores)  =  not  best  !$%$#*Opu  =  bad  

!   Not  What  Looks  Like  English  =  bad  

!   /use-­‐targeted-­‐keywords-­‐here.htm  =  good  

!   /separated-­‐by-­‐hyphens.htm  =  good  


!   Less  Than  68  Characters  for  SERPs  Display  

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February    25,  2012  

By  Tom  Lynch  -­‐  VP  ©2012    Astek  ConsulBng  LLC    

Meta  DescripBon  Best  PracBces  

!   Snippet  Text  =  Meta  DescripBon  !   Take  Control  

  <meta  name=”robots”  content=”noodp”>  

  <meta  name="robots"  content="noydir"/>  

!   Snippet  -­‐  Do  Not  Exceed  150  

!  Meta  DescripBons  Must  Be  Unique  for  Every  Page      

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February    25,  2012  

By  Tom  Lynch  -­‐  VP  ©2012    Astek  ConsulBng  LLC    

Other  Things  to  OpBmize    

!   Images  !   Copy  

!   Links  

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February    25,  2012  

By  Tom  Lynch  -­‐  VP  ©2012    Astek  ConsulBng  LLC    

Images  SEO  !   File-­‐Name  Them  What  They  Are  !   Alt  tags  –  Include  Keywords  -­‐  Don’t  Stuff  

!   CapBons  Near  the  Photo  In  “Bold”  Text  

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February    25,  2012  

By  Tom  Lynch  -­‐  VP  ©2012    Astek  ConsulBng  LLC    

SEO  Copy  OpportuniBes  !   Boldface  !   Bullets  !   Underlining  !   Links  !   Italics  !   Color  Change  !   Visually  Different  Adds  Prominence  !   Think  High  School  Study  Tips  !   Don’t  Highlight  Everything  

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February    25,  2012  

By  Tom  Lynch  -­‐  VP  ©2012    Astek  ConsulBng  LLC    

Link  Best  PracBces  !   Links  are  votes  for  the  content  they  point  to.  

!   The  link  text  is  what  the  vote  stands  for.  !   Use  links  within  your  site  to  build  votes.  !   Garner  links  from  other  sites.  

  Request  they  use  the  keyword  phrase  you  want  to  score  well  for  in  the  link  text  poinBng  back  to  your  site.  

!   It’s  good  to  link  to  other  sites  in  your  “neighborhood”.  

!   Let’s  take  a  look  at  your  pages.  

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February    25,  2012  

By  Tom  Lynch  -­‐  VP  ©2012    Astek  ConsulBng  LLC    

Who  Links  to  You?  !   Do  a  Google  Search  

!  !   Replace  “”  with  your  website’s  address.  

Page 27: Astek Academy SEO Bootcamp - Presentation 2/25/12

February    25,  2012  

By  Tom  Lynch  -­‐  VP  ©2012    Astek  ConsulBng  LLC    

SEO  Best  PracBces  –  Let’s  Review  !   HTML  Titles  ≤  65  Characters  !   Meta  DescripBon  ≤  150  Characters  !   URL’s  ≤  68  Characters  !   Copy  ≥  150  Words  !   Page  Weight  <  150  Kb  !   On  Site  Links  <  100  Page  !   Inbound  Links  –  Inbound  &  Outbound  Good    !   Images  –  Labeled  &  “Web  Sized”    !   Meta  Keywords  –  Mostly  Moot  !   Think  SemanBcally  Not  RepeBBvely  !   First  &  Last  Paragraph  Using  Exact  Targets  

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February    25,  2012  

By  Tom  Lynch  -­‐  VP  ©2012    Astek  ConsulBng  LLC    

Let’s  Look  At  Your  Site  Closer  

!   Somebody  shout  out  a  domain  name.  !   I’ll  criBque  it  for  you,  or  

!   I’ll  test  you  on  what  you  learned  so  far  ;)  

Page 29: Astek Academy SEO Bootcamp - Presentation 2/25/12

February    25,  2012  

By  Tom  Lynch  -­‐  VP  ©2012    Astek  ConsulBng  LLC    

Tom,  SEO  is  SO  easy!  Can  I  go  now?  

!  Wait,  I  know  where  to  put  the  keywords,  but  how  do  I  know  what  exact  words  to  use  in  my  site?  

!   Doh!  Guess  I  need  more  training…  

!  Maybe  Google  has  the  answer?  

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February    25,  2012  

By  Tom  Lynch  -­‐  VP  ©2012    Astek  ConsulBng  LLC    

Let’s  Take  15  Minute  Break    

!   Next  Steps  !   How  to  select  the  “right”  keywords.  

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February    25,  2012  

By  Tom  Lynch  -­‐  VP  ©2012    Astek  ConsulBng  LLC    

How  to  Select  The  Right  Keywords    

!   Search  is  “Pull”  MarkeBng  !   They  have  to  be  words  people  use  

!   They  have  to  have  a  volume  >  zero  

!   CompeBBon  is  OK  

!   Build  an  inventory  and  publish  

!   But  where  do  I  find  these  “keywords”  Tom!?  

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February    25,  2012  

By  Tom  Lynch  -­‐  VP  ©2012    Astek  ConsulBng  LLC    

Types  of  Search  &  Search  Lifecycle  

• NavigaBonal  • InformaBonal  • TransacBonal  Types  

• Learn  • Shop  • Buy  • Get    • Use  


Page 33: Astek Academy SEO Bootcamp - Presentation 2/25/12

February    25,  2012  

By  Tom  Lynch  -­‐  VP  ©2012    Astek  ConsulBng  LLC    

Google  Instant  Drives  Search  Choice  

!   Saves  2  –  5  Seconds  Per  Search  !   Suggests  Search  Phrases  as  You  Type  

!   Uses  Common  Phrases  You  Can  Find    

!   Your  Rankings  are  Not  Affected  

!   Drives  Search  Decisions  

!   How  Can  I  Take  Advantage  of  That?  

!   First  -­‐  Understand  the  Search  Stage  

!   Let’s  do  a  search  and  see  that  in  acBon.  

Page 34: Astek Academy SEO Bootcamp - Presentation 2/25/12

February    25,  2012  

By  Tom  Lynch  -­‐  VP  ©2012    Astek  ConsulBng  LLC    

Anatomy  of  Google  SERPs  “Learning/Informational”

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February    25,  2012  

By  Tom  Lynch  -­‐  VP  ©2012    Astek  ConsulBng  LLC    


Page 36: Astek Academy SEO Bootcamp - Presentation 2/25/12

February    25,  2012  

By  Tom  Lynch  -­‐  VP  ©2012    Astek  ConsulBng  LLC    


Page 37: Astek Academy SEO Bootcamp - Presentation 2/25/12

February    25,  2012  

By  Tom  Lynch  -­‐  VP  ©2012    Astek  ConsulBng  LLC    


Page 38: Astek Academy SEO Bootcamp - Presentation 2/25/12

February    25,  2012  

By  Tom  Lynch  -­‐  VP  ©2012    Astek  ConsulBng  LLC    


Page 39: Astek Academy SEO Bootcamp - Presentation 2/25/12

February    25,  2012  

By  Tom  Lynch  -­‐  VP  ©2012    Astek  ConsulBng  LLC    


Page 40: Astek Academy SEO Bootcamp - Presentation 2/25/12

February    25,  2012  

By  Tom  Lynch  -­‐  VP  ©2012    Astek  ConsulBng  LLC    

Let’s  Review  Types  of  Search  &  Search  Lifecycle  

• NavigaBonal  • InformaBonal  • TransacBonal  Types  

• Learn  • Shop  • Buy  • Get    • Use  


Page 41: Astek Academy SEO Bootcamp - Presentation 2/25/12

February    25,  2012  

By  Tom  Lynch  -­‐  VP  ©2012    Astek  ConsulBng  LLC    

How  Can  We  Take  Advantage?    

!   Understand  the  Search  Stage  !   Research  the  OpBons  Via  Tools  

!   Create  an  Inventory  of  OpBons  

!   Cra�  Your  Plan  

!   Implement  the  Plan  

!   I’ll  bet  Google  has  more  tools  for  that,  Tom.  

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February    25,  2012  

By  Tom  Lynch  -­‐  VP  ©2012    Astek  ConsulBng  LLC    

Google  AdWords  Keyword  Tool  

!   Open  up  a  browser  please…  !   hkps://  

!   Let’s  try  it.  

!   Enter  base  keyword  [EXACT]  

!   Cull  the  list  

!   Export  to  Excel  or  Google  docs  

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February    25,  2012  

By  Tom  Lynch  -­‐  VP  ©2012    Astek  ConsulBng  LLC    

Working  the  List  in  Excel    

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February    25,  2012  

By  Tom  Lynch  -­‐  VP  ©2012    Astek  ConsulBng  LLC    

Sort  Columns  for  Low  Hanging  Fruit  

!   SBck  with  me  -­‐  you  can  do  it!  !   Sort  Ascending  -­‐  CompeBBon  

!   Sort  Descending  -­‐  Local  Search  

!   Sort  Ascending  –  CPC  

!   Let’s  Try  It!  

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February    25,  2012  

By  Tom  Lynch  -­‐  VP  ©2012    Astek  ConsulBng  LLC    

What  That  Sort  Should  Look  Like  

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February    25,  2012  

By  Tom  Lynch  -­‐  VP  ©2012    Astek  ConsulBng  LLC    

Let’s  Find  Out  the  Real  CompeBBon  

!   Using  Google  Advanced  Search  !   Add  These  Columns  


  Text    Title    Links  


Page 47: Astek Academy SEO Bootcamp - Presentation 2/25/12

February    25,  2012  

By  Tom  Lynch  -­‐  VP  ©2012    Astek  ConsulBng  LLC    

Keep  Adding  to  the  List  

!   Once  Complete  !   Re-­‐sort  Columns  

  Links  –  Ascending  

  Title  –  Ascending    Text  –  Ascending  

!   The  lowest  hanging  fruit  appears!  

!   Try  other  combinaBons  

!   It’s  about  most  search  &  least  compeBBon    

Page 48: Astek Academy SEO Bootcamp - Presentation 2/25/12

February    25,  2012  

By  Tom  Lynch  -­‐  VP  ©2012    Astek  ConsulBng  LLC    

The  Keyword  List  !   Add  a  column  for  the  search  lifecycle  !   Label  each  keyword  with:  


  Shop    Buy   Get    


!   Do  you  have  at  least  one  for  every  stage  for  each  product?  

Page 49: Astek Academy SEO Bootcamp - Presentation 2/25/12

February    25,  2012  

By  Tom  Lynch  -­‐  VP  ©2012    Astek  ConsulBng  LLC    

Editorial  Strategy  !   Build  an  inventory  of  keyword  phrases  organized  under  

topics.  [TAGS]  [Lifecycle]  

!   Write  about  the  low  hanging  fruit  in  each  category.  !   Set  a  schedule  and  religiously  publish.  

!   Build  your  arBcle  inventory,  grow  your  traffic  and  authority  for  each  topic  and  keyword  phrase.  

!   Use  sharing  widgets  to  encourage  backlinks.  

!   Farm  for  sites  that  are  willing  to  link  back.  !   If  there  are  less  than  10  pages  that  come  up  for  a  

keyword  phrase,  you  are  just  about  guaranteed  a  page  one  lisBng.  

!   You  can  do  it!  

Page 50: Astek Academy SEO Bootcamp - Presentation 2/25/12

February    25,  2012  

By  Tom  Lynch  -­‐  VP  ©2012    Astek  ConsulBng  LLC    

Now  What?  Are  We  Done?  

!   Not  Yet  -­‐  You  have  to:     OpBmize  your  exisBng  content  

 Or  create  new  content      It  must  use  the  words  people  are  searching  for  in  the  content  you  present  to  the  search  engines.  

  If  we  don’t  use  the  words  people  search  for  we  won’t  get  traffic  to  our  site.  

 Where  do  we  do  that  again?  

Page 51: Astek Academy SEO Bootcamp - Presentation 2/25/12

February    25,  2012  

By  Tom  Lynch  -­‐  VP  ©2012    Astek  ConsulBng  LLC    

The  Key  to  SEO  –  “The  Right  Keywords”  In:    

!   HTML  Title  !  Meta  DescripBon  

!   URLs  

!   Links  to  and  within  your  site  

!   The  words  in  the  copy  

!   The  words  in  the  images  and  capBons  

!   Images  names,  capBons  &  alt  text  

Page 52: Astek Academy SEO Bootcamp - Presentation 2/25/12

February    25,  2012  

By  Tom  Lynch  -­‐  VP  ©2012    Astek  ConsulBng  LLC    

Free  AnalyBcs  EssenBals  &  Tools  

!   AnalyBcs   Google  AnalyBcs  

 Google  Webmaster  Tools  

!   Tools   Google  Keyword  Tool    SEO  Quake  

Page 53: Astek Academy SEO Bootcamp - Presentation 2/25/12

February    25,  2012  

By  Tom  Lynch  -­‐  VP  ©2012    Astek  ConsulBng  LLC    

The  Hidden  Key  to  SEO  –  The  CMS  

!   A  search  engine  friendly  CMS  Allows  for:    EdiBng  of  all  the  aforemenBoned  elements  

  Easy  to  author  and  post  new  content    Easy  to  edit  and  change  exisBng  content   Has  social/bookmarking  share  widget  

  Automates  the  XML  sitemap    Anybody  that  can  type  should  be  able  to  do  it    Allows  search  engines  to  spider  the  site  

  That’s  preky  much  it  except  for…  

Page 54: Astek Academy SEO Bootcamp - Presentation 2/25/12

February    25,  2012  

By  Tom  Lynch  -­‐  VP  ©2012    Astek  ConsulBng  LLC    

You  Can  Do  It!  

Page 55: Astek Academy SEO Bootcamp - Presentation 2/25/12

February    25,  2012  

By  Tom  Lynch  -­‐  VP  ©2012    Astek  ConsulBng  LLC    

 SEO  Bootcamp  

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Tom Lynch VP ( ) Astek ( ) Reach through the web. 773.486.6666 ( ) [email protected] ( )