ASSURE Method Assignment


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Transcript of ASSURE Method Assignment

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!The ASSURE Method Assignment


Analyze Learners:

My students are in a Special Education first grade class. There are 17 students, 10 of which are

boys, and 7 of which are girls. Out of 17, 7 of my students in this classroom are ADHD, therefor

it will be very important for me to keep them busy, and constantly interested. The majority of my

students have heard the months of the year, but can not recite them.


State Objective:

My students will recite the months of the year, by first having a discussion about their birth

months to get them interested and thinking about the subject. We will discuss the different events

associated with each month and draw pictures of themselves during each month, in order to make

their own calendar. For my own picture, I will use photoshop to make a silly poster of all the

seasons mixed together. We will use a simple form of twitter to post pictures of the different

months of the year. We will We will also be singing a songs along to a prerecorded podcast

while flipping through a virtual the calendar on PowerPoint to visually see each month in their

own representation. By the end of the week they will recite the months of the year with 100

percent accuracy.


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Select Methods, Media, and Materials:

The method that I have chosen to teach this lesson is corresponding with the fact that my

students are in need of special education, and a portion of them are ADHD. I know I must get my

students attention, therefore I will use the birth month discussion as long as the calendar making.

My silly photoshopped picture will interest them. I have also decided to teach my students a song

reciting the months of the year. In order to keep them constantly busy and interested each student

will have their own virtual flip calendar that they will turn along with the corresponding parts of

the song.

The media that I will be using for this lesson, is a podcast of “The Month Song”, which will be

saved as an mp3 in order to be easily played from my computer, a PowerPoint-made calendar,

and our class twitter page to post pictures.

The materials that I will need to teach this lesson, will be my computer, and 18 virtual flip

calendars for the children to design on PowerPoint, (one for each student and one for myself). I

will need speakers to play my podcast song, and a smart board to present my silly photoshopped



Utilize Media and Materials:

Due to the fact that my podcast is an mp3 on my computer, there are a number possibilities that

would effect to my plan. In case of not being able to access the mp3, or not being able to use my

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computer in general, I will know the month song, and will be able to teach it to the children by

singing it, rather than using the mp3. I will print out my silly picture and Have a large copy of a

flip calendar, if our digital ones on powerpoint do not work out.

Before my lesson, I will preview the materials, by making sure that all 18 computer are

accounted for and are in good shape for my students to manipulate. I will prepare the materials,

by placing each computer in my students spots, making sure that they are all charged, as well as

my computer. I will prepare the environment, by making sure that each student has enough room

on their tables to manipulate their own computer, and by making sure that I will be in a spot of

the classroom where each student will be able to view my calendar and silly picture on the smart

board. I will prepare the learners by explaining to them what the months of the year were, and

what we were going to be doing. I will also explain to them the calendars as they are made, and

show how each month is represented. I will provide a learning experience by making sure that

my students are constantly interested and keeping my lesson fun.


Require Learner Participation:

In order to require learner participation, I have decided on the birth month discussion to catch my

student’s attention. I have also chosen to use self made calendars for my students to flip through

with the song as we sing. I will also be able to walk around the classroom, and make sure that all

of my students are singing along with “The Months Song”.


Evaluate and Revise:

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To evaluate if my students are learning the months, I will have small groups sing the song for

me, rather than the full class, so I can hear each child is learning. I will also not use the calendars

every time in order to see if my students are capable of reciting the months without looking at the

calendars at the same time. If the song seems to be too fast for my students at first, I will sing it

for them rather than playing the mp3.