ASSTG-S$ 8*60(1 $ 4,150 $ 4,050 $ 3,950 $ 3,850 $ &,A00 $11,850 $ 6,250 $ 5,250 determined on lowest...


Transcript of ASSTG-S$ 8*60(1 $ 4,150 $ 4,050 $ 3,950 $ 3,850 $ &,A00 $11,850 $ 6,250 $ 5,250 determined on lowest...

Page 1: ASSTG-S$ 8*60(1 $ 4,150 $ 4,050 $ 3,950 $ 3,850 $ &,A00 $11,850 $ 6,250 $ 5,250 determined on lowest Remarks 80 points 58 pointe * 58 points * SO pointe * 50 points * ' 45 paints 43


Page 2: ASSTG-S$ 8*60(1 $ 4,150 $ 4,050 $ 3,950 $ 3,850 $ &,A00 $11,850 $ 6,250 $ 5,250 determined on lowest Remarks 80 points 58 pointe * 58 points * SO pointe * 50 points * ' 45 paints 43



2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 S 5 5 5 5 s 5 5 5 5 6

- . t, .'

- .

Page 3: ASSTG-S$ 8*60(1 $ 4,150 $ 4,050 $ 3,950 $ 3,850 $ &,A00 $11,850 $ 6,250 $ 5,250 determined on lowest Remarks 80 points 58 pointe * 58 points * SO pointe * 50 points * ' 45 paints 43

. . ' I

Page 4: ASSTG-S$ 8*60(1 $ 4,150 $ 4,050 $ 3,950 $ 3,850 $ &,A00 $11,850 $ 6,250 $ 5,250 determined on lowest Remarks 80 points 58 pointe * 58 points * SO pointe * 50 points * ' 45 paints 43

1, 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8 . 9. m. 11.. 32. 13. 14, 15 16. 17 I 38. 19.

8 4 14 a 3 6 10 30 la9 26 12 20 25 15 7 35 37 29 33

20.***38 21. 40 22. 34 23. 45 24. 3 1 25. 32.: 26. 28 27. 27 33. 36 29. 47 30. 5

5. Stewart, Scotland, Tyrrell Ford 1:41.227 113.51.W

Page 5: ASSTG-S$ 8*60(1 $ 4,150 $ 4,050 $ 3,950 $ 3,850 $ &,A00 $11,850 $ 6,250 $ 5,250 determined on lowest Remarks 80 points 58 pointe * 58 points * SO pointe * 50 points * ' 45 paints 43
Page 6: ASSTG-S$ 8*60(1 $ 4,150 $ 4,050 $ 3,950 $ 3,850 $ &,A00 $11,850 $ 6,250 $ 5,250 determined on lowest Remarks 80 points 58 pointe * 58 points * SO pointe * 50 points * ' 45 paints 43

B 10 4 6 12 19 a 6. 14 2 27 3 5 18 20 38 2L 15 25 17 7 31' 29 35 36 34 i3 3$ 36 32 28

45 40

Lola Chew Lotus F w d


Page 7: ASSTG-S$ 8*60(1 $ 4,150 $ 4,050 $ 3,950 $ 3,850 $ &,A00 $11,850 $ 6,250 $ 5,250 determined on lowest Remarks 80 points 58 pointe * 58 points * SO pointe * 50 points * ' 45 paints 43

f Arli& L. 2. 3 . 4 " 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. &4* 15. 16. 17, 18. '

19. 20 w.* 12. 33. 24. 2 5 . 26. 27 . 38*, as, 30.

25 37 26 17 3e 34 21 36 18 2 30 35 31 32

$7 3

33 18 27

TOTAL T m : * T i e i n points - Final pasition

country - Car Finish 2riao Nazareth, Pa. Fezrui 312B 1-1. $39,400 Scotland ' Tyrrell Ford 2-2 $25,250 New Zealand , McLaren Ford 4-5 $17,400 Hew Zealand '# Matra-Simca 6-3 $14,350 Australia I Brabha~Pord 7-6 $13,550 Switzerland, .-.,,BRM 153- 3-13 _ _ $12,950 Mountain View,Ca. England Mexico Belgium Canada Fullexton, C a l , Media, Pa, England ABuquerque ,N ,M, Torrawe, C a l i f L Sweden Dallas, Tex, France B r a z i l Sharon, Cormr Hewport Beach, Ca Hew Yor,N,Y, S a n t a Ana, C a l , Englana England I

Sweden Albucperque,B,&. Houstonv Pex, Atcadb, C a l 1

10- 7 11-8 20-4- 5-23 15- 9 14-12 9-21 13-17 12-20 21-15 16-16 19-3.4 27-15 17-39 18-X8 28-0 I

22-0. 23-0 25-0 *** *** **t **+ ***

$ 8,000

$12,350 $11,500 $ 6,500

$ 6,000 $1U,lOO $ 5,500

$ 9,350 $ 4,750 $ 8,850 $ 8*60(1 $ 4,150 $ 4,050 $ 3,950 $ 3,850 $ &,A00


$ 6 ,250

$ 5 ,250

determined on lowest

Remarks 80 points

5 8 pointe * 58 points * SO pointe * 50 points * ' 45 paints 43 pointe 41 pointe 39 points 38 points 36 paints

70 points

34 points 32 paints 32 points 'c: 30 paint$* < I

30 points*

16 points . . *

10 points 'h

7 points P

29 po5tbnta

14 points 4

13 points



- 5

8 points . li' 6 points

***These css, according to the stewards o% the meet, withdrew voulmtarily from the race + . aurc~ t h e r @ f Q X esre not entitied to p o b t s , accorging S W A officials*

Page 8: ASSTG-S$ 8*60(1 $ 4,150 $ 4,050 $ 3,950 $ 3,850 $ &,A00 $11,850 $ 6,250 $ 5,250 determined on lowest Remarks 80 points 58 pointe * 58 points * SO pointe * 50 points * ' 45 paints 43

,' . , - i


.3 . . R e h e #iSSlP

4. Jacky Ickx

5 Mario Andratti


7 Peter &?thin

New Zealand

New Zealand




Fr& W~Lliam Racing Ca$s (F3)

Prank W i l l i a r a s Racing Cara (FI)


Page 9: ASSTG-S$ 8*60(1 $ 4,150 $ 4,050 $ 3,950 $ 3,850 $ &,A00 $11,850 $ 6,250 $ 5,250 determined on lowest Remarks 80 points 58 pointe * 58 points * SO pointe * 50 points * ' 45 paints 43


wericëm kacing Associatso