Assistants who broke the mould

Before I kick off with a li1le look at a few inspira5on PAs who all broke the mould in one way or another I want to take a minute to talk to you about the Assist Conference and why I set this event up. Firstly, I believe that we do one of the world’s trickiest jobs – we have to juggle mul5ple tasks, mul5ple personali5es – which are oFen found in the same person And different percep5ons about our role and the industry. We have all heard the ‘just an assistant’ line and most of us have probably said this about ourselves at some point. I want this conference to signal the death knoll for that flipping saying! We are professional women who have a difficult and actually incredibly important job and from this point on we must believe in ourselves so that our Execu5ves, colleagues and peers take us seriously. So how do we start this process – well I think a good place to start is to look to our foresisters. The women who were assistants but did things a li1le differently. Now we could just sit here and watch Working Girl and 95 and then head off for a drink but I’ve found a few nonfic5onal accounts of women who have broke the assistant mould. 1

Transcript of Assistants who broke the mould

Before  I  kick  off  with  a  li1le  look  at  a  few  inspira5on  PAs  who  all  broke  the  mould  in  one  way  or  another  I  want  to  take  a  minute  to  talk  to  you  about  the  Assist  Conference  and  why  I  set  this  event  up.  Firstly,  I  believe  that  we  do  one  of  the  world’s  trickiest  jobs  –  we  have  to  juggle      mul5ple  tasks,    mul5ple  personali5es  –  which  are  oFen  found  in  the  same  person    And  different  percep5ons  about  our  role  and  the  industry.        We  have  all  heard  the  ‘just  an  assistant’  line  and  most  of  us  have  probably  said  this  about  ourselves  at  some  point.      I  want  this  conference  to  signal  the  death  knoll  for  that  flipping  saying!  We  are  professional  women  who  have  a  difficult  and  actually  incredibly  important  job  and  from  this  point  on  we  must  believe  in  ourselves  so  that  our  Execu5ves,  colleagues  and  peers  take  us  seriously.  So  how  do  we  start  this  process  –  well  I  think  a  good  place  to  start  is  to  look  to  our  fore-­‐sisters.  The  women  who  were  assistants  but  did  things  a  li1le  differently.  Now  we  could  just  sit  here  and  watch  Working  Girl  and  9-­‐5  and  then  head  off  for  a  drink  but  I’ve  found  a  few  non-­‐fic5onal  accounts  of  women  who  have  broke  the  assistant  mould.      


Last  year  I  was  in  Memphis.  During  my  visit  I  went  to  Sun  Studios  which  is  the  place  where  Johnny  Cash,  Karl  Perkins,  Jerry  Lee  Lewis  and  the  king  himself  –  Elvis  Presley  all  recorded  their  famous  tracks.  One  of  the  stories  I  absolutely  loved  was  about  the  woman  you  can  see  in  the  picture.  Her  name  was  Marion  Keisker  and  she  was  the  secretary  to  the  studio  owner  –  Sam  Philips.  So  the  story  goes:    She  was  alone  in  the  studio  the  day  that  a  young  Elvis  Presley  walked  in  to  record  a  few  songs.  She  asked  the  boy,  “what  kind  of  singer  are  you?”  and  he  said,  “I  sing  all  kinds”.  She  then  asked,  “Who  do  you  sound  like?”.  He  said,  “I  don’t  sound  like  nobody”.  Now  usually  the  studio  manager  would  cut  the  tracks  but  on  this  occasion  Marion  agreed  to  do  the  recording.  As  you  can  imagine  Marion  was  impressed  with  Elvis’s  voice..  And  probably  his  looks  helped!...  and  decided  to  men5on  the  young  talent  to  her  boss.  At  the  5me  the  studio  had  enough  ar5st  and  Sam  Philips  wasn’t  interested  in  Marion’s  new  find.  With  much  persistence  from  Marion,  Sam  finally  agreed  to  let  Elvis  come  back  into  the  study  to  record  another  song.  This  5me  Sam  was  impressed  and  the  rest,  as  they  say,  is  history!  What  I  love  about  this  story  is  that  Marion  took  it  upon  herself  to  record  Elvis  even  though  it  was  normally  her  manager  that  did  it.  Elvis  might  never  have  been  discovered  if  it  wasn’t  for  her  confidence.  In  fact,  a  few  years  later  Elvis  and  Marion  bumped  into  each  other  and  Elvis  said,  “I  don’t  know  whether  to  kiss  you  or  salute!  We  would  not  be  having  a  press  conference  if  it  weren’t  for  this  Lady”.  


So  we  all  have  probably  owned  a  piece  of  clothing  by  Donna  Karan  or  DKNY  in  at  some  point  or  other,  but  not  many  of  you  will  know  that  Donna  started  as  an  assistant  to  the  designer  Anne  Klein.  Her  rise  from  assistant  to  owner  of  a  global  brand  is  pre1y  drama5c.      She  was  due  to  go  onto  maternity  leave  when  her  boss  was  taken  ill  and  rushed  to  hospital.    While  Anne  was  in  hospital  Donna  took  over  the  planning  of  the  pre-­‐fall  fashion  shows.  Sadly  Anne  Klein  passed  away  on  the  same  day  Donna  gave  birth  to  her  first  child.  But  as  they  say  –  the  show  must  go  on  -­‐  so  Donna  organised  the  rest  of  the  fashion  show  from  her  bed  in  the  maternity  ward.      


This  is  Karen  Kaplan,  the  CEO  of  adver5sing  giant  Hill  Holiday.  She  started  out  at  Hill  Holiday  as  their  recep5onist  in  1982!      During  the  her  first  week  on  the  job  her  co-­‐worker  and  more  senior  recep5onist  assured  her  that  she  was  the  lowest  of  the  low  –  saying  that  she  was  even  lower  than  the  post  room  guy!  Apparently  it  was  all  very  \The  Devil  Wears  Prada’.    But  this  didn’t  phase  her  and  instead  she  took  on  an  ‘I’ll  show  you  mantra’.      She  quickly  progressed  from  the  recep5onist  –  lowest  of  the  low  –  to  assistant  despite  the  fact  she  wasn’t  actually  qualified  for  the  posi5on.  To  catch  up  she  spent  evenings  and  weekends  learning  the  ropes.  She  worked  her  backside  off  and  was  rewarded  by  having  her  job  5tle  changed  to  Account  Manager.  From  there  she  could  progress  up  the  management  roles  un5l  she  was  finally  named  CEO  in  2013.      Her  advice  for  other  assistants  that  want  to  move  up  the  career  ladder  is  fantas5c  -­‐    She  said  “I  raised  my  hand  for  every  opportunity.  And  I  never  let  the  fact  that  I  had  absolutely  no  idea  what  I  was  doing  stop  me.”  


Last  but  no  means  least.  This  is  Ursula  Brown,  the  CEO  of  Xerox.      Ursula  was  working  as  an  intern  for  Xerox  when  she  was  asked  to  a1end  a  work-­‐life  discussion  where  she  raised  the  issue  of  diversity  in  the  workplace.  Apparently  her  opinion  was  quite  forcefully  communicated  and  the  following  day  she  was  called  into  see  a  senior  Execu5ve  of  Xerox.      Expec5ng  to  be  reprimanded  or  fired  she  was  instead  asked  to  be  his  assistant.  Ini5ally  she  thought  ‘why  would  I  want  to  do  that’  but  once  she  was  assured  the  job  would  involved  more  than  the  tradi5onal  secretaries  tasks  she  excepted.      She  was  expected  to  a1end  mee5ngs  with  her  boss  including  board  mee5ngs.  Board  mee5ngs  at  Xerox  were  set  up  so  that  the  Execs  sat  round  the  board  table  and  their  assistants  sat  off  to  the  side.      During  one  such  mee5ng  the  CEO  was  discussing  the  hiring  policy  and  that  departments  were  hiring  too  many  staff.  Ursula,  ever  the  curious,  raised  her  hand  and  asked  ‘if  the  CEO  can’t  stop  staff  hiring  staff  –  who  can?’  Again  the  next  day  she  was  called  into  see  the  CEO  and  thought  this  might  be  her  last  straw.  But  instead  she  was  being  poached  by  the  CEO  to  be  his  new  Execu5ve  Assistant  .        


So  the  reason  I  picked  these  four  ladies  is  because  they  all  prove  it  can  be  done.  It  isn’t  easy,  it  takes  5me  but  assistants  can  move  up  within  their  organisa5ons  and  they  can  achieve  extraordinary  things.      They  also  personify  the  three  key  themes  of  the  Assist  Conference    

•  The  need  to  change  other  people’s  behaviours  and  your  own.    

•  The  need  to  be  proac5ve.  

•  The  importance  of  having  your  career  goals,  always,  at  the  front  of  your  mind.    We  will  return  to  these  key  themes  throughout  the  day  but  for  now  I  want  you  to  think  about  what  you  can  achieve  in  your  own  careers  and  how  you  can  move  on  up!