Assinment 1 part b

Assignment one part b By :Adam Leach Prehistory Of Wine nd technological advanc

Transcript of Assinment 1 part b

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Assignment one part b

By :Adam Leach

Prehistory Of Wine and technological advances

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Very little is known about the early wine history. It is thought that many farmers and foragers learnt that alcoholic beverages could be made from wild fruit

including grapes. Although the results were rather ’Crude’. These were stored in open vases or jars .

Even though wild grapes grew all over the world, it was this productive Vinis Vinifera species which spread all over the

world and is used To produce many variatys of winemakeing styles



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From dug out pits to modern tanks wine has been made and served for generations. To understand the future of wine it

is important to grasp its history.

The evolution of winemaking began here and is now a major part of world exports although the techniques and storage

is much more advanced .

With the ability to Mould steel into desired shapes (For containers) and also refrigeration It is Now Possible to

Vastly improve wine quality The following slide Shows How Old concepts have taken new form .


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The most basic tools for making wine were pits dug into the ground and sealed to ferment Over a period of time This was a very crude form of fermentation But even in early times it seems Evident that They saw the importance of

Preventing Unwanted Oxidation and Exposure to Other bio hazards In wine fermentation

Nowadays We tend to use Steel Containers that can be sealed chilled Heated And Stored For extended Time

periods also There is allot more sterile controls

Also barrels are The most common storage Device for fermenting in as the rate of oxidation can be reduced and the wine at the end and gives off the oaky Character From

the oak the barrels are made of.


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Rome played a pivotal role in the history of wine. The earliest influences of viticulture on the Italian peninsula can be traced to

Ancient Greeks and Etruscans.

The rise of the Roman Empire saw an increase in technology and awareness of winemaking which spread to all parts of the empire.

The influence of the Romans has had a profound effect of the histories of today's major winemaking regions of France, Germany, Italy, Portugal and Spain. In the hands of the Romans, wine became "democratic" and available to all, from the lowly slave to the simple peasant to the aristocrat. The Romans' belief that wine was a daily

necessity of life promoted its widespread availability among all classes. This led to the desire to spread viticulture and wine

production to every part of the Roman empire, to ensure steady supplies for Roman soldiers and colonists.


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As the Roman Republic grew into an empire, the complexity of the Roman wine trade grew as well. The Roman peninsula was known for its high quality

wine. Pompeii was known for its unique and high quality wine. However, as the Republic grew beyond Italy, the trade and the market economy dealing with wine grew as well. The wine trade in Italy consisted of the Romans selling their wine abroad to settlements and provinces around the Mediterranean

Sea. Yet, by the end of the 1st century CE/AD, the Romans’ wine exports had competition from its provinces, which began to export their wine to Rome.

Because the Roman Empire was very much a market economy, the provinces’ exports were encouraged. This enhanced the supply and demand of the Roman

market economy. If there were a high supply of wine, then the price of wine would be lower to the consumer. Because the Empire had a supply and

demand economy, the Romans also had an ample supply of coinage, which also suggests that there was a complex market economy surrounding the wine

trade of Roman Empire. An ample supply of coins meant that people within the Empire put a great deal of thought into the market economy of wine. Wine

clearly was a pivotal part of the Roman Empire, her provinces, and its economy.


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Dionysus was the god of the grape harvest, winemaking and wine, of ritual madness and ecstasy in Greek mythology.He was also known as Bacchus By the romans Who believe he was a liberator Through wine Music ecstatic dances and

frees his followers from self contious fear and care.


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There is evidence That supports early stage wine preserving techniques From wine jars that were recovered from Old shipping routes in Ship wrecks This involved the

use of Olive oil And tree resins to create a seal .

However primitive This has been proven to Prevent most oxidation And was very successful for allowing wine to be

moved and traded Long distances without affecting the end product.


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It is evident that Wine has a unbelievably large influence On History Even Being Immortalized By the romans with a God ! It Plays a pivotal role In every day life And In Some

cases In various parts of the world is part of religion (Christianity) With Majority of the world Now both

Producing and consuming In the wine trade Wine Will surely Continue to Be consumed For Many years to

come .Both for Viticulture And for winemaking.


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Comer B.(2009).wine Pre –History. Retrieved 13/8/2012 From

Wikipedia. (2012, August 5). Ancient Rome and wine. Retrieved August 13/8/2012, 2012, from Wikipedia: http://

Unknown. (2010, July 22). Google. Retrieved from Google images:


