Assignment Website Nur Athirah

ASSIGNMENT : WEBSITE 1. Insert table Then you just click the table



Transcript of Assignment Website Nur Athirah

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1. Insert table

Then you just click the table

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And you just choose the table how you want.

You can write on it what you want write. Example as above.

2. Text colour

How to change the text colour .

First you must highlight the word

Then you just choose the colour then click

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After you click the colour automatically the text change

3. What is a declaration and give example

A declaration ordinarily refers to a judgment of the court or an award of an arbitration tribunal is a binding adjudication of the rights or other legal relations of the parties which does not provide for or order enforcement. Where the declaration is made by a court, it is usually referred to as a declaratory judgment. Less commonly, where declaratory relief is awarded by an arbitrator, it is normally called a declaratory award.

4. What is Navigation Menu and give example

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A website navigation menu is the place on each page where links to other pages on your website are displayed.

5. Insert background Colour

Just click right click on any empty surface on your web page

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After you choose at page properties , you click at formatting and then you go at background then you just choose colour , after you choose click ok.

And then after you click ok automatically the colour background change like as above.

6. Set page to center

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Click right then choose table properties

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Go to alignment then choose center then click apply then ok

7. Insert last update

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First go to insert then click date and time

Second adjust date format and time format

After you adjust click ok

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Then automatically the date and time , like this

8. Page brake

Go to insert then cick at break

Then select normal line break then cick ok

After click ok , automatically change

9. Create marquee text

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Go to insert then click web component

After that click finish

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Then click ok , automatically the word will move at screen

10. How to save and run web

Click save

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After click save , click F12 then it will run like as above.