Assignment Event Report

UWB20302: TECHNICAL WRITING INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT SECTION 52 SEMESTER 1 2013/2014 Event Report (Informational Report) Lecturer Name : Siti Fatimah Bt Murtaza Year Course : 2 BPA NO . NAME MATRIC NO. 1 TAN PEI SHAN AP120300



Transcript of Assignment Event Report

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SEMESTER 1 2013/2014

Event Report (Informational Report)

Lecturer Name : Siti Fatimah Bt Murtaza

Year Course : 2 BPA



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Sony Xperia Z Ultra roadshow was held at AEON Tebrau City, Johor Bahru

on 1st October until 6 October 2013. The roadshow started at 11am to 10pm for the six

days and involved about 3000 people approximately included 30 staffs. Smartphone

has become an important thing for people. Therefore, an official launch of Sony

Xperia Z Ultra in Johor Bahru was carried out to consider that smartphone is a part of

life because it has greater functionality and supports the daily activities of the people

as they need it to keep connecting with their job, friends, and family.

When I and my friend reached there and passed by, we can see there was a

crowd of people surrounded the area. Brochures were given out by the promoters to

attract people. Many smartphones were displayed and showed to the people and

customers. They looked at the Sony Xperia Z Ultra which is the newest phone

launched by Sony Company. It is the world largest full HD smartphone display and it

is also the world slimmest HD smartphone. Not only that, it has the special function

which is the waterproof up to 1.5 metres for 30 minutes. It was the great news for

those always being careless about their phones.

I took a look at the surrounding of the place, I found that there was a Xperia

Lounge and just like a living room of a house. It looked nice and comfortable for

people when the people were tired and took a rest on it. There was a television at the

Xperia Lounge and introduced the smartphone that launched and displayed in the

roadshow so that people will gain more information about Sony smartphones. Another

surprise was the display stand of the smartphone. The water just flowed and the

smartphone nothing happened. It was amazing to me and the people. This action

attracted by many people stopped and watched how it worked.

There was the experience zone in the roadshow to touch and feel the Sony

smartphone including Xperia Z Ultra. While the phone may be huge for me, it

actually feels really premium in my hands. The phone is slim and the glass front and

back feels very nice and luxurious. Besides that, the smartphones comes with a host of

accessories from cases to other complementary devices so that the customers can

experience the phone with greater enjoyment such as headset and flip case. The

promoters explained the functions and features to me patiently. I wanted to buy it at

first, however when I looked at the price it was an arm and a leg. Of course the price

of the phone always depends on the quality and the functionality of the phone. But the

way I can see that the promoters entertained people with a smile although some

people did not buy the phone. The service quality of promoters were good enough for

me. I hoped that the roadshow will be ended successfully.

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Interaction session has begun around 8pm. One of the game was making the

longest line with items which belonged to them only but they can borrow from their

friends or others. In order to win, some took out cards, belt even some took out the

notes, took off their shoes and put it on the floor to make the longest line among the

contestants. All in the same boat to win the contest. The contestant that won the game

will get a gift bag that sponsored by the seller. The people who watched the game felt

very funny of it even my friend and I doubled up with laughter.

When I watched the game, someone called my name. Such a coincidence to

meet her. She is my senior in secondary school and she is studying in Universiti

Tunku Abdul Rahman. She worked as a promoter as she is having her semester break.

She told me about her job description and job specification. One of her responsibility

is to provide informational brochures and demonstrate or explain to persuade people

to buy products. Besides that, she also had to identify interested and qualified

customers to provide them with additional information about the smartphones. SPM

level of education and experience are required for this job. Some importance skills

and knowledge also needed to achieve the needs of the company. The payment was

calculated by daily. She felt that this job was challenging because she had to face

different kind of customers. They cannot be chosen. Therefore, entertained with

sincerity and a smile so that the customers will satisfied with your service. It is

important for the work value of promoter toward customer.

It is time to go. My friend and I had a great experience on it since this was my

first time to attend the roadshow of smartphone. In my opinion, smartphone is the best

invention had found. Smartphones currently have by far the biggest margins of any

product in the technology sector. In addition, I also found that became a promoter was

not easy as ABC. They had to face different types of problems and challenges in

terms of communication skill or the knowledge about the smartphones. But the way,

once you work hard there must be the great satisfaction result. No pain, no gain.

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