Assignment 3 a

Assignment 3A Factional: plant earth 2 Planet earth is a 2016 British nature documentary series. It is a sequel to planet earth which was broadcasted in 2006. It is presented and narrated by sir David Attenborough. It took 3 years of filming to make just 6 episodes. Cast: David Attenborough David Attenborough is a very well-known personality by his documentaries. A lot of people love his voice and find it really relaxing and fits perfectly with his shows. He draws people in to watching his shows and knows that he’s popular so it’s worth the time and money. Planet Earth is to educate, entertain and inform people about animals around the world. They do this really well as is such a popular program with some spectacular camera angles that gives you a really good view of all the animals in their natural environment. Planet earth has some sort of structure but not a massive one, there has only been 6 episodes recently and the reason for this is because it takes so many years to plan and decide where there going to go and film, the episodes don’t really follow but they all have different things they focus on, such as grasslands, desert and cities, these are just a few

Transcript of Assignment 3 a

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Assignment 3A

Factional: plant earth 2

Planet earth is a 2016 British nature documentary series.

It is a sequel to planet earth which was broadcasted in 2006.

It is presented and narrated by sir David Attenborough.

It took 3 years of filming to make just 6 episodes.

Cast: David Attenborough

David Attenborough is a very well-known personality by his documentaries. A lot of people love his voice and find it really relaxing and fits perfectly with his shows. He draws people in to watching his shows and knows that he’s popular so it’s worth the time and money. Planet Earth is to educate, entertain and inform people about animals around the world. They do this really well as is such a popular program with some spectacular camera angles that gives you a really good view of all the animals in their natural environment. Planet earth has some sort of structure but not a massive one, there has only been 6 episodes recently and the reason for this is because it takes so many years to plan and decide where there going to go and film, the episodes don’t really follow but they all have different things they focus on, such as grasslands, desert and cities, these are just a few examples of what is on planet earth. There are no adverts whilst watching planet earth on BBC 1 so people get more into it, it leaves people feeling excited to find out what’s going on next week but there not linked together it’s just a complete different episode but there all so interesting. You can access this on your mobile/tablets and that’s really handy as a lot of people would watch it either live or on iPlayer. The target audience for this program I would say is any age, the reason for this is because it bring entertainment and not just that but education as well so everyone enjoys it. Having David Attenborough narrating over makes the program so much better.

Page 2: Assignment 3 a

Fictional: Hollyoaks

The soap is set in the fictional borough of Hollyoaks in Chester and was first broadcast on October 23, 1995.

It started with just seven characters and now has almost 50.

On its birthday it will have aired 4,240 episodes.

Hollyoaks is a really popular T.V soap, it’s played on channel 4 every week day. It is very well promoted on social media and on the T.V itself, there is a lot of ways they promote it by giving you teasers on what’s coming up or clips of the days episode to make people want to watch it. All the cast are basically celebrities so members of the public get attracted to them really easy. Every episode is different but all links together in a certain way, there is always a story or maybe more than one at a time but always one main one. This means that hollyoaks has a open structure. They way this is shown is by cliff hangers at the end of each episode so people want to watch it the next day. Hollyoaks also does something where after the episode finishes they show a little clip as a teaser, this makes people very excited on what going to happen next. Hollyoaks doesn’t really have a mode of address as it doesn’t really focus on the viewer that much all it does it tells the viewer a story and keeps leaving them on a cliff hanger so they go and watch it the next day. The position structure is always different depending on the situation and storyline, they use so many different camera angles to make it more believable for the viewer. It’s really important that we can view this soap on a mobile device or any other handheld device the reason for this is because millions of people use their phones and to be able to watch stuff on there is so much easier, is quicker for someone to watch it on ‘all 4’ which is channel 4’s iPlayer. The target audience I would say is for anyone that’s interested in soaps and anyone that loves a drama, a little 5 year old kid wouldn’t be interested but a 20 year old woman will be. The idea of this soap is to make people enjoy there evenings by watching something that looks real but its not.

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Promotional: anti- smoking advert

Published on Dec 29, 2014

This advert brings to life the damage smoking does to your body.

When you smoke, toxins attack every part of you, causing you to slowly rot inside. If you could see the rot, you’d stop.

This advert it to stop people from smoking, it’s a very disturbing advert and a lot of people would cringe when watching it, that really is the reason why they have made it as smoking is extremely bad for you. The use of persuasive devices is used in adverts so it makes people think, this is what adverts do, they want people to be attracted to them so they can go and find out more on whatever they have seen. With adverts you expected to see stuff that will make you think, so they use graphic images as well such as with this ad there using flesh as the tobacco so it shows you what it does to you. I feel like this advert would of made a lot of people quit as it’s such a disturbing ad but makes you think. Some adverts use celebrities as that will make the audience more interested as people love celebrities. This helps promote the advert a lot. The mode of address I would say is direct as the first thing you hear from the narrator is ‘when you smoke all the toxins attack your insides’ this makes you feel like there speaking to you individually witch to be honest is what they’re doing to make the point go across and tell you the dangers of smoking. The camera angles are different throughout the ad, there is close ups, mid views but more close ups than anything and this is because there focusing on the tobacco packet witch is full of flesh. The target audience Is for anyone that smokes so any age, all the NHS are doing is trying to prevent diseases such as cancer. The way they use the woman’s voice to explain what happens is quite moving and made myself speechless, it’s a very disturbing advert but that’s the idea. This advert I would say is very affective and what they have done is really good as it makes you think.

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