[Assignment 11.1][Brand Communication] Hung Van


Transcript of [Assignment 11.1][Brand Communication] Hung Van

3 levels definition

Brand big



big idea

Campaign big









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The shape of brand

promise to provide

specific need/ want/

dream of target

customers. It is

Brand Essence taken

from brandkey

The translation of brand

big idea into a

communication theme, by

consumer language

The single minded creative

idea in specific context that

plays out in all executions

over a defined period of

time and is objective ledIt lies at the heart of every

element of a brand’s

communication and is an

essential element in the

Brand Vision Plan. It is only

changed if there is a

distinct need (e.g a new

strategic direction for the


It is the “what” – the idea

which is consistent across

the campaigns, and the

“how” - the communication

strategy. The Campaign

Idea must be brought to

life in the Must Have

channels at the initial

agency presentation.

DOVE example

Brand big



big idea

Campaign big


Consumer Language Executional Context

Beauty without


To create a world where

beauty is a source of

confidence and not anxiety

Dove campaign for Real



And a set of outdoor and print ads asked

people to decide, to debunk the

stereotype and encourage viewers to visit

the website to discuss beauty issues


1st viral video shows a woman

transformed, through makeup,

lighting and airbrushing, from

ordinary to perfect. It has gotten

people in the blogosphere

talking. The traction it's gotten in

the interactive space makes it

worth seeing, and learning from


2nd viral video showed a little girl bombarded by media images

seemingly designed to make her insecure about her looks


Ads featuring barely

covered older female

models to back its

launch of Pro-Age

products. Controversy

flared when a

professional photo

retoucher told his

work on photos


An eight-minute film by Academy Award-winning

documentary. In the film, a photographer teaches

high-school girls and their moms to boost their

confidence and expand their views of what

beauty is by taking self portraits with their

smartphones and posting them on social media.


Viral video about women describe

themselves to a forensic sketch artist

who cannot see his subjects. The

same women are then described by

strangers whom they met the

previous day. The sketches are

compared to contrast how women

describe themselves to the prettier

versions described by others. They are

more beautiful than they think they

areSource: http://adage.com/article/news/ten-years-dove-s-real-


NIKE example

Brand big



big idea

Campaign big


Consumer Language Executional Context

Authentic Athletic


To inspire for hardship


Write the future (2010)

Find your greatness (2012)

NIKE exampleWRITE THE FUTURE (2010) Issue: To lead conversation, and energy during World Cup 2010 without

being an official sponsor, Nike had to win the battle of inspiration and

participation via social media

Insight: Fueled by people powered media, Football has the power to

permeate popular culture - globally, regionally and locally

Idea: Inspire consumers by illustrating the ripple effect that Football

creates within popular culture. Enable consumers to fuel the ripple effect

via social media (in real time)

Execution: Engineering a global flare of unparalleled impact, then

recruiting 17 fans/second on Facebook whilst. An epic three minute film

appeared in the first global roadblock of the Champions League final.

Newly recruited fans engaged with the largest outdoor site in

Johannesburg posting live messages. Further engagement was created

via an app allowed fans to write their own future. In parallel, an activation

programme ‘The Chance' scouted elite football talent via Facebook,

culminating in the opportunity to trial with a premier

league/championship club

Result: The most shared campaign in 2010; 12.5+ million loyal fans; global

sales growth of 7% following the campaign


Issue: To inspire and energize amateur athletes

everywhere to celebrate achievements, participate

and enjoy the thrill of achieving in sport at their own

level; and lead mindshare during Olympic

Insight: Greatness is not just reserved for Elite

Athletes, but also is something we can all aspire to

Idea: Everyone is an athlete, find your greatness

Execution: Nike is creating a series of digital missions through

Nike+ to motivate people, including a "Greatness is Ours"

mission that aims to make August 12 the most active recorded

day ever through Nike+.

People who engage in the missions will be encouraged to share

their activity and achievements through social media and this

will then be displayed on the Nike+ Fuelstream - a dynamic

online stream of imagery and consumer comments. They will

also be elevated through Nike’s own social channels @nike,

@niketraining, @nikerunning, @nikebasketball, which will

encourage users with @ replies and motivation, and ultimately

help stimulate and drive users to achieve their greatness.

The motivational online hub on website to share progress and

success through a series of tools and digital services designed

to make every athlete better

Result: 430.600 mentions on average per day on

Tweeter; 63% interviewed thought Nike was an

Olympic sponsor (Adias was); 10+ million views on

Youtube campaign video; most active day ever

tracked 596 million Fuelpoints at Nike +