Assignment 10 Prototype Assignment10 Schwab, Slide 1Copyright © 2003, Jim Schwab, University of...

Assignment 10 Prototype Assignment10 Schwab, Slide 1 Copyright © 2003, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin

Transcript of Assignment 10 Prototype Assignment10 Schwab, Slide 1Copyright © 2003, Jim Schwab, University of...

Assignment 10 Prototype

Assignment10 Schwab, Slide 1 Copyright © 2003, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin

Create the workbook for the assignment

Assignment 10 Prototype, Slide 2 Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin

Open a new workbook and insert worksheets into it until there are five worksheets.

Change the names of the worksheets to: Benefit-cost Ratio, Benefits, Benefit 1 Discussion, Benefit 2 Discussion, and Benefit 3 Discussion.

Open a new workbook and insert worksheets into it until there are five worksheets.

Change the names of the worksheets to: Benefit-cost Ratio, Benefits, Benefit 1 Discussion, Benefit 2 Discussion, and Benefit 3 Discussion.

Save the workbook under the name for this assignment, embedding your name in the title. For example, I would name my workbook: Assignment10_Schwab.xls.

Save the workbook under the name for this assignment, embedding your name in the title. For example, I would name my workbook: Assignment10_Schwab.xls.

Cost of providing agency services

Assignment 10 Prototype, Slide 3 Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin

First, navigate to the Benefit-cost Ratio worksheet.

First, navigate to the Benefit-cost Ratio worksheet.

Second, enter the label Costs in cell A1, Benefits in cell A2, and Benefit-cost Ratio in cell A4.

Second, enter the label Costs in cell A1, Benefits in cell A2, and Benefit-cost Ratio in cell A4.

Third, enter the cost for the program from the AgencyBudget.xls workbook completed for a previous assignment.

Third, enter the cost for the program from the AgencyBudget.xls workbook completed for a previous assignment.

Benefit 1: earnings differential-successful completions

Assignment 10 Prototype, Slide 4 Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin

First, navigate to the Benefit 1 Discussion worksheet and add a text box that fills the visible worksheet.

First, navigate to the Benefit 1 Discussion worksheet and add a text box that fills the visible worksheet.

Second, enter the description of the first benefit: how it was defined, what is dollar value was, and to whom did it apply.

Second, enter the description of the first benefit: how it was defined, what is dollar value was, and to whom did it apply.

Entering benefit one data - 1

Assignment 10 Prototype, Slide 5 Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin

First, navigate to the Benefits worksheet and type the column headings as shown.

First, navigate to the Benefits worksheet and type the column headings as shown.

Second, in rows 2 through 51 of column A, enter the series of time periods from 1 to 50.

Second, in rows 2 through 51 of column A, enter the series of time periods from 1 to 50.

Entering benefit one data - 2

Assignment 10 Prototype, Slide 6 Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin

Third, in cells B2 through B11, enter 0 benefits for the earnings for 10 years until the average child is employed.

Third, in cells B2 through B11, enter 0 benefits for the earnings for 10 years until the average child is employed.

Fourth, in cells B12 through B51, enter the aggregate earnings differential of $5,000 for the 32 successful completions, for a total of $160,000 each year.

Fourth, in cells B12 through B51, enter the aggregate earnings differential of $5,000 for the 32 successful completions, for a total of $160,000 each year.

Benefit 2: alternative placement costs avoided

Assignment 10 Prototype, Slide 7 Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin

First, navigate to the Benefit 2 Discussion worksheet and add a text box that fills the visible worksheet.

First, navigate to the Benefit 2 Discussion worksheet and add a text box that fills the visible worksheet.

Second, enter the description of the second benefit: how it was defined, what is dollar value was, and to whom did it apply.

Second, enter the description of the second benefit: how it was defined, what is dollar value was, and to whom did it apply.

Entering benefit two data

Assignment 10 Prototype, Slide 8 Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin

First, in row 2 of column C, enter 0 as the savings for the first year

First, in row 2 of column C, enter 0 as the savings for the first year

Second, in cells C3 through C4, enter 640,000 as the costs of more expensive care that was avoided by the success of the 32 placements at the hypothetical home.

Second, in cells C3 through C4, enter 640,000 as the costs of more expensive care that was avoided by the success of the 32 placements at the hypothetical home.

Third, in cells C5 through C51, enter 0 since there were no additional savings after the children turned 18.

Third, in cells C5 through C51, enter 0 since there were no additional savings after the children turned 18.

Benefit 3: community savings-reduced crimes

Assignment 10 Prototype, Slide 9 Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin

First, navigate to the Benefit 3 Discussion worksheet and add a text box that fills the visible worksheet.

First, navigate to the Benefit 3 Discussion worksheet and add a text box that fills the visible worksheet.

Second, enter the description of the third benefit: how it was defined, what is dollar value was, and to whom did it apply.

Second, enter the description of the third benefit: how it was defined, what is dollar value was, and to whom did it apply.

Entering benefit three data

Assignment 10 Prototype, Slide 10 Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin

First, in rows 2 through 11 of column D, enter $8,000 as the savings per year for property crimes not committed.

First, in rows 2 through 11 of column D, enter $8,000 as the savings per year for property crimes not committed.

Second, in cells D12 through D51, since incarcerated prisoners do not continue to commit property crimes.

Second, in cells D12 through D51, since incarcerated prisoners do not continue to commit property crimes.

Sum the benefits

Assignment 10 Prototype, Slide 11 Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin

First, in cell E2, enter the formula =B2+C2+D2 to sum the three categories of benefits.

First, in cell E2, enter the formula =B2+C2+D2 to sum the three categories of benefits.

Second, drag fill the formula to cells E3 through E51 to sum the benefits for each year.

Second, drag fill the formula to cells E3 through E51 to sum the benefits for each year.

Use NPV function to calculate value of benefits

Assignment 10 Prototype, Slide 12 Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin

First, select the cell in which we want Excel to return the present value of the future benefits, cell B2 on the Benefit-cost ratio worksheet.

First, select the cell in which we want Excel to return the present value of the future benefits, cell B2 on the Benefit-cost ratio worksheet.

Second, select the Function command from the Insert menu.

Second, select the Function command from the Insert menu.

Locate the NPV function

Assignment 10 Prototype, Slide 13 Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin

We will search for the NPV function. First, type NPV in the Search for text box, and click on the Go button.

We will search for the NPV function. First, type NPV in the Search for text box, and click on the Go button.

The NPV function name will appear in the Select a function list box. Click on the OK button access the dialog box where the function arguments are entered.

The NPV function name will appear in the Select a function list box. Click on the OK button access the dialog box where the function arguments are entered.

The arguments to the NPV function

Assignment 10 Prototype, Slide 14 Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin

The first argument to the NPV function is the discount rate, which we will enter directly as 5%.

The first argument to the NPV function is the discount rate, which we will enter directly as 5%.

The second argument to the NPV function is the cells containing the projected benefits attributed to placement at the hypothetical home.

The second argument to the NPV function is the cells containing the projected benefits attributed to placement at the hypothetical home.

With the arguments entered, click on the OK button.

With the arguments entered, click on the OK button.

The benefits attributed to the program

Assignment 10 Prototype, Slide 15 Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin

The NPV function returns the present value of the benefits attributed to the program, $2,880,599.

The NPV function returns the present value of the benefits attributed to the program, $2,880,599.

The benefit-cost ratio

Assignment 10 Prototype, Slide 16 Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin

The benefit-cost ratio is computed by dividing the benefits by the costs.

The benefit-cost ratio is computed by dividing the benefits by the costs.

Enter the formula =B2/B1 into cell B4.

Enter the formula =B2/B1 into cell B4.

The benefit-cost ratio of 1.65 indicates that the future benefits for one year of services to clients clearly outweighs the costs.

The benefit-cost ratio of 1.65 indicates that the future benefits for one year of services to clients clearly outweighs the costs.