Assigment Access Muhammad Nasrullah

ASSIGMENT :ACCESS Questions You are required to answer all questions and answer must be in accordance with with the step-by-step pictiorial. 1. How to create a TABLE . The first thing that must you do is open MICROSOFT ACCESS to do your work . You want create table is opposite home. And you will see the shape of a box with with a line inside. Then do you work and be light this assignment that has table. The example is that I will show the assignment two that I have done: This is the first.


Assigment Access Muhammad Nasrullah

Transcript of Assigment Access Muhammad Nasrullah

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You are required to answer all questions and answer must be in accordance with with the step-by-step pictiorial.

1. How to create a TABLE .

The first thing that must you do is open MICROSOFT ACCESS to do your work .

You want create table is opposite home. And you will see the shape of a box with with a line inside.

Then do you work and be light this assignment that has table.

The example is that I will show the assignment two that I have done:

This is the first.

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This is the second.

2. How to create a QUERY.

For this assignment you have to go to create and then click on query design.

You have to put jawatan on the or anything about business.

Next is you have click all and your done.

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3. How to create FORM. The logo is like this?

You have to put that you have list.

Then it will be done on the report it like this.

4. How to create REPORT.

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The first thing you made a report. Click on create then click the picture form.

This is the list family.

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Put picture you have to click or anything it will be perfect.

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5. How to create RELATIONSHIP.

Press and go to query design to make relationship.

This is show table and you add tables more.

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And it be like this.