ASSESSMENT QUESTIONS / STRUCTURED PRF WRITE UP MEDICAL MODEL PC: Presenting complaint? (Medical or Trauma) OA: Number of patients? Extra resources needed? M/ETHANE? Triage? Age? FM? PT location? Presenting? Found: weight baring/prone/supine/sat upright? Clenching? In the company of? Analgesia/TX applied? PS: Every patient to be treated as time critical (TC) until proven otherwise & take no longer than 60 sec’s to complete! New born: APGAR - Airway/Appearance? Pulse? Grimance? Activity (muscle tone)? Respiratory rate/effort? Child: AVPU? Airway patent? Appearance? Tone? Interactiveness? Consolability? Lethargic/Look/gaze? Speech/cry? Breathing effort Normal? Nasal flaring? Grunting? Hoarseness? Trachea tug? Intercostals recession? Diaphoretic? Circulation: Pallor? Mottling? Cyanosis? Adult: AVPU? Airway patent? Breathing adequate? Full, Regular, IRR, Weak radial/carotid pulse/ blood loss? Disability / FAST / vitals ob’s? New pain? Trauma: Catastrophic bleed? Airway patent? C-spine? Breathing adequate? FLAPS TWELVE? Radial/Carotid/Distal pulse? Disability: GCS? Vital ob’s? Exposure CONSENT GIVEN: Yes/ No? If no why? - Assess mental capacity HPC: Events leading to PC - If faced with one of the following document these keywords in your write up Collapse/Fall: Un/Witnessed? Time? From: Standing/Sitting/Height? On to/surface? Mechanism? (Mechanical, Posture, Provoking, Prodromal, ? Cause) Un/Able to self rise? Help activated by? Found by who? Total time on floor? Last fall? More freq? RTC: Time? Mechanism? Vehicle? Vs? MPH? Injuy? Protective clothing/Helmet? Seat belt? Airbags? Rollover? Bull’s-eye? Decamped/Trapped? Damage? PREG: Gestation? EDD? No of babies expecting? Under Midwife/Consultant care? Witch hospital? Complications? Birth plan: VB/Cesarean? Para? PV bleed? Show described (Date/Time)? Pain (SOCRATES)? Contracting? SROM? Meconium? Fetal movement? Push down? Head engaged? Crowing? Miscarriage? PAIN: Acute/Chronic? Site (anterior/posterior)? Onset/time? Character? Radiates? Associated symptoms? Time/duration? Exacerbating/relieving factors? Score? PMH: Any history of PC? Past medical history? Last seen doctor/hospital admission FH: Any family history of PC? PSH: Resent / Past surgical history? Body organs removed? ALLERGIES: To medication? Foods? Creams? Bandages? Plants? Anything? What happens? Anaphylaxis? DHx: List all prescribed medication (POM)? GSL? Pharmacy? Compliant? Taken in <4hrs? New POM/Changes? Recreational drugs? Anticoagulants? MENTAL CAPACITY: Capacity = Yes / In doubt? / No? Why? Use CURE in the text below to assess mental capacity & document using Trust guidlines OE: Trauma: Mechanism, Anatomical, Physiological, Special considerations? Blunt/Penetrating trauma (where)? Abrupt/Gradual stop? CNS (Nervous): Brain & Spinal cord PNS, Eyes, Ears, Taste buds? 12 Cranial nervous Hypoxia, Concussion, Stroke TIA CVA, Absences, Atonic, Tonic, Tonic clonic, Status epilepticus, Decorticate flexion/extension Q: Head injuries (<3 months)? A&OX3? GCS? Unusual smells? Visual disturbance? PERL? Size? Colour? Photophobic? Nystagmus? Dysarthria? Peripheral vision? Facial palsy? Paraesthesia? Dermatomes intact? Hearing loss? Unusual tastes? LOC? Headache? Nuchal rigidity? Lethargic? Accessory /Arms/legs/weakness? Ataxia? Clench buttocks? Paralysis? Tongue deviation? ABCD2 score? Bleed? Seizure activity: How many? Duration? Type? Febrile? Tonic/Clonic? Decorticate /Decerebrate posturing? Incontinent? Cerebrally irritated/Combative/Postictal? Aura? ICP? Meningitis? Intoxicated? Neurological deficit found? Onset? Mental health concerns? Acute/Chronic? Depressed? Suicidal? Behaving: Violent, Aggressive, Non/Cooperating? Intent: To die? Why? Consequence of actions? Emotionally Un/Stable? Anxious? Delusion? Hallucination? Un/Able to focus? Un/Predictable? Rational thinking? Controlled by external forces? Plan: How? Alcohol/Drugs consumed? Action: Injury? Previous attempts? Protective measures: Current care package? Family/friends Support? Working? Goals/Ambitions? Immediate risk to self / Others? Dependants? Appearance? Living environment? JRCALC & IPAP risk score? Resp (Respiratory): Nose, Pharynx, Larynx, Trachea, Lungs, Bronchi, Bronchioles, Alveolar ducts, Alveoli Non-oxygen atmosphere - Obstruction of air passages - chest or lung trauma - lung disease & illness - Paralysis of respiratory nerves and muscles Q: I: Eeffort: Reg/IRR? Un/Laboured? Resp rate? Tidal volume? Audible sounds? Swellings? FBAO? TWELVE clear? Central/Peripheral cyanosis? P: Un/Equal chest expansion? P: Dullness, Hyperresonance? A: Wheeze, Rhonchi, Crackles, Pleuritic rub, sounds? Other: Inspiratory restriction? Dyspnoea: Rest/OE/PND? Sp02? C02? PFR? Cough? Sputum colour? Hemoptysis? ICU/intubated? Wells score? Talking in full sentences? Finger clubbing? Respiratory compromise? CVS (Cardiovascular): Heart, Artery - Arteriole - Capillary - Venule - Vein, Blood Coronary Artery Disease - Acute Coronary Syndromes Angina/pectoris - Heart Failure - Aortic dissection - Cardiac Arrest CCP/discomfort? Lasting 15>min’s? Palpitations? I: HR? Reg/IRR? Present: PQRST? PR/QRS/QT WNR? = Rhythm? STE/ischemic changes? Axis? ACS/NSTEMI signs or symptoms? High risk? Conjunctival pallor? JVD? Pacemaker? Splinter haemorrhage? Sacral/Peripheral oedema? Swollen calves? Limbs/Feet: Warm/Cold? P: CRT </> 2 sec’s? BP L/R Arm/Standing? MAP? Reg/IRR? Radio-radial delay? A: S3/S4/Murmur/Muffled sounds? Other: Anticoagulant? Blood conditions? Shock/CVS compromise? LYMP (Lymphatic): Thymus, Spleen, Lymph nodes (Sepsis = PR >90, Resp >20, BM >7.7, Temp <36 or 38>, Reduced GCS, Route for infection / Hypotension) Q: Temp? Resent ENT/Infection? Where? Red flag Sepsis? Immunocompromised? How? New lumps/bumps? Open route for infection? Vaccinations? Biological concerns? Enlarged spleen? Injury? GIT (Digestive): Mouth, Pharynx, Oesophagus, Stomach, Duodenum, Pancreas, Small/large intestine, Liver, Rectum SB821217 Internal Bleeding - Peptic Ulcer - Diverticulitis - Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm - Kidney Stone - Ectopic Pregnancy - Pelvic Inflammatory Disease - Appendicitis Q: Last meal? Fasting? Appetite? Dysphasia? Bloated? Nausea/Vomiting/Haematemesis? PT aprox weight? I: Liver injuries? Cullen’s/Grey Turner's signs P: Guarding? Distension? Rebound/Tenderness? Rigidity? Swelling? Hard/ Pulsatile mass? Hernia? Psoas/Murphy’s +/-? P: Ascites? A: Bowel sounds? Other: Last bowl movement? Normal/Solid/Diarrhoea/Melaena/Constipation/PR bleed? Good/poor diet? Electrolyte imbalance? Back pain/ache? Endocrine: Pituitary gland, Pineal gland, Thyroid, Spleen, Pancreatic islets of langerhans, Kidney Q: BM? DKA? Weight or ? Over what time? Behaviour changes? How does the pt feel in them self (Well/ill/Happy/Sad)? HRT? Goitre? Exophthalmos? Addison crisis? Urinary: Kidneys, Ureter, Bladder, Urethra, (30mL per hour normal) Q: Alcohol today? H2O intake? Urine output? Fluid retention? <500ml per day? AKI? Polyuria? Dysuria? Unusual smells? Colour? Haematuria? UTI? Catheter? Reproductive: Penis, Testicles, Uterus, Vagina, Ovary, Cervix Q: PV bleed? LMP? Normal? Spotting? Pregnant? Ectopic? Hysterectomy? Birth control/contreptive? Endometriosis? Testicular torsion? Priapism? MSS: Skeleton, Joints, Tendons, ligaments and muscles Sprain, Strain Dislocated Fractures Open, Closed, Broken - Skull: Linear, Depressed, Basilar Q: Deformities? Head: Bogie mass? Battle/Raccoon eyes? CSF? Skull #? Vertebrae: C1 to L5 Tenderness/Pain? JRCALC immobilisation Not/Req? Cauda equine? Thoracic: Clavicle / Rib #? Flail segments? Pelvis: Symmetrical? #? Long bone: Shorting/rotation? Calf pain? Other: Weight bare? Walk unassisted /with aid? Over what distance? GAIT? Grimace? Stiffness? Tenderness? Crepitus felt? ROM/Joints? MSC? TUAG ? <15 sec’s? Brittle bone disease? Open/Closed #? Any distracting injury? Skin (Integumentary): Epidermis - Dermis Subcutaneous tissue - Connective tissue Q: Well perfused (W.P)? Pale? Diaphoresis? Clammy? Contusions? Abrasions? Lacerations? Swellings? Pollar? Tenting/ Dehydrated? Bruising? Ecchymosis? Jaundice? Rash? Hives/Urticaria? Scares? Abuse? Cellulitis? Pressure/sores? Burn type 1,2,3,4? Critical skin? SOCIAL: Smoker? Daily alcohol intake? Recreational drugs? Recent travel? BACKGROUND: Lives with who? If < 18 mum & dad name? In education? School name? Environment? Dependants? Working? Carers (adequate)? IMPRESSIONS: What conclusion hare you reached about the PC? RED FLAGS / DDx: What have you identified of concern? Differential diagnosis (DDx)? Risk factors? NEWS? SAFEGUARDING: None / Yes (document concerns)? Emotional, Sexual, Physical, Neglect, Acopia? Who did you report the safeguarding to? Reference numbers? PLAN: 1: Reassure 2: Tx 3: Reassess 4: Discuses red flag 5: Consult & Instigate Acute/Pathways/Protocol? Advise A&E? Accepted/Declined? How mobilised/extracted? Reassess? Pre-alert? Transport & monitor on route to? In the Recumbent, Semi-recumbent, Upright, Lower limbs raised, Fowler, Trendelenburg, Recovery position? Who accompanied? OA PT GCS? ABC/pain score? H/O to? NEWS? Couldn't do / why? Other personnel / services present / call signs? Refusing? Document (CURE): PT declining aid / transport against advice despite multiple attempts to reason. Crew able to Communicate rationally with PT (face-to-face, over phone, via 3 rd party )? PT Understands & weigh up red flags? PT able to Retain and recite concerns? Provide Explanation (write down why) without External pressures? Ethanoic or Iillicit drugs? Cognitive impairment? Mental capacity: (Yes) PT assessed to have MC & able to make an informed decision regarding limitations of pre-hospital diagnostic & Tx that can lead to a premature death. Metal capacity form number (No) Other services involved? Staff PIN? VAF? Sectioning? Worsening advice: If you notice a deterioration in health, LOC or concerned in anyway call 999 or seek advice from 111. To monitor for (list)? A pathway has been put in place for a HCP to either call/visit ref: XXXX. Advised to visit own GP ASAP & read instructions regarding POM’s. PT left in care of? Who was able to recite advice back to? All on scene happy with decisions made? Note all other HCP details involved? A copy of PRF & 12 lead ECG left with PT. Note all document numbers eg:SB171282 Leaving scene a 3rd set of ob's. IF IT’S NOT ON THE PRF IT DID NOT HAPPEN! Assessment Recommendation Situation WWW.MEDICALMODEL.CO.UK = None ο = Normal > = Greater < = Less than Increase Decrease Tx = Treatment Background


Page 1: ASSESSMENT QUESTIONS / STRUCTURED PRF WRITE UP …… · Q: Temp? Resent ENT/Infection? Where? Red flag Sepsis? Immunocompromised?


PC: Presenting complaint? (Medical or Trauma)

OA: Number of patients? Extra resources needed? M/ETHANE? Triage? Age? F♀M♂? PT location? Presenting? Found: weight baring/prone/supine/sat upright? Clenching? In the company of? Analgesia/TX applied? PS: Every patient to be treated as time critical (TC) until proven otherwise & take no longer than 60 sec’s to complete! New born: APGAR - Airway/Appearance? Pulse? Grimance? Activity (muscle tone)? Respiratory rate/effort? Child: AVPU? Airway patent? Appearance? Tone? Interactiveness? Consolability? Lethargic/Look/gaze? Speech/cry? Breathing effort Normal? Nasal flaring? Grunting? Hoarseness? Trachea tug? Intercostals recession? Diaphoretic? Circulation: Pallor? Mottling? Cyanosis? Adult: AVPU? Airway patent? Breathing adequate? Full, Regular, IRR, Weak radial/carotid pulse/ blood loss? Disability / FAST / vitals ob’s? New pain? Trauma: Catastrophic bleed? Airway patent? C-spine? Breathing adequate? FLAPS TWELVE? Radial/Carotid/Distal pulse? Disability: GCS? Vital ob’s? Exposure CONSENT GIVEN: Yes/ No? If no why? - Assess mental capacity HPC: Events leading to PC - If faced with one of the following document these keywords in your write up Collapse/Fall: Un/Witnessed? Time? From: Standing/Sitting/Height? On to/surface? Mechanism? (Mechanical, Posture, Provoking, Prodromal, ? Cause) Un/Able to self rise? Help activated by? Found by who? Total time on floor? Last fall? More freq? RTC: Time? Mechanism? Vehicle? Vs? MPH? Injuy? Protective clothing/Helmet? Seat belt? Airbags? Rollover? Bull’s-eye? Decamped/Trapped? Damage? PREG: Gestation? EDD? No of babies expecting? Under Midwife/Consultant care? Witch hospital? Complications? Birth plan: VB/Cesarean? Para? PV bleed? Show described (Date/Time)? Pain (SOCRATES)? Contracting? SROM? Meconium? Fetal movement? Push down? Head engaged? Crowing? Miscarriage? PAIN: Acute/Chronic? Site (anterior/posterior)? Onset/time? Character? Radiates? Associated symptoms? Time/duration? Exacerbating/relieving factors? Score? PMH: Any history of PC? Past medical history? Last seen doctor/hospital admission FH: Any family history of PC? PSH: Resent / Past surgical history? Body organs removed? ALLERGIES: To medication? Foods? Creams? Bandages? Plants? Anything? What happens? Anaphylaxis? DHx: List all prescribed medication (POM)? GSL? Pharmacy? Compliant? Taken in <4hrs? New POM/Changes? Recreational drugs? Anticoagulants? MENTAL CAPACITY: Capacity = Yes / In doubt? / No? Why? Use CURE in the text below to assess mental capacity & document using Trust guidlines OE: Trauma: Mechanism, Anatomical, Physiological, Special considerations? Blunt/Penetrating trauma (where)? Abrupt/Gradual stop? CNS (Nervous): Brain & Spinal cord PNS, Eyes, Ears, Taste buds? 12 Cranial nervous Hypoxia, Concussion, Stroke TIA CVA, Absences, Atonic, Tonic, Tonic clonic, Status epilepticus, Decorticate flexion/extension Q: Head injuries (<3 months)? A&OX3? GCS? Unusual smells? Visual disturbance? PERL? Size? Colour? Photophobic? Nystagmus? Dysarthria? Peripheral vision? Facial palsy? Paraesthesia? Dermatomes intact? Hearing loss? Unusual tastes? LOC? Headache? Nuchal rigidity? Lethargic? Accessory /Arms/legs/weakness? Ataxia? Clench buttocks? Paralysis? Tongue deviation? ABCD2 score? Bleed? Seizure activity: How many? Duration? Type? Febrile? Tonic/Clonic? Decorticate /Decerebrate posturing? Incontinent? Cerebrally irritated/Combative/Postictal? Aura? ICP? Meningitis? Intoxicated? Neurological deficit found? Onset? Mental health concerns? Acute/Chronic? Depressed? Suicidal? Behaving: Violent, Aggressive, Non/Cooperating? Intent: To die? Why? Consequence of actions? Emotionally Un/Stable? Anxious? Delusion? Hallucination? Un/Able to focus? Un/Predictable? Rational thinking? Controlled by external forces? Plan: How? Alcohol/Drugs consumed? Action: Injury? Previous attempts? Protective measures: Current care package? Family/friends Support? Working? Goals/Ambitions? Immediate risk to self / Others? Dependants? Appearance? Living environment? JRCALC & IPAP risk score? Resp (Respiratory): Nose, Pharynx, Larynx, Trachea, Lungs, Bronchi, Bronchioles, Alveolar ducts, Alveoli Non-oxygen atmosphere - Obstruction of air passages - chest or lung trauma - lung disease & illness - Paralysis of respiratory nerves and muscles Q: I: Eeffort: Reg/IRR? Un/Laboured? Resp rate? Tidal volume? Audible sounds? Swellings? FBAO? TWELVE clear? Central/Peripheral cyanosis? P: Un/Equal chest expansion? P: Dullness, Hyperresonance? A: Wheeze, Rhonchi, Crackles, Pleuritic rub, ↓ sounds? Other: Inspiratory restriction? Dyspnoea: Rest/OE/PND? Sp02? C02? PFR? Cough? Sputum colour? Hemoptysis? ICU/intubated? Wells score? Talking in full sentences? Finger clubbing? Respiratory compromise? CVS (Cardiovascular): Heart, Artery - Arteriole - Capillary - Venule - Vein, Blood Coronary Artery Disease - Acute Coronary Syndromes – Angina/pectoris - Heart Failure - Aortic dissection - Cardiac Arrest CCP/discomfort? Lasting 15>min’s? Palpitations? I: HR? Reg/IRR? Present: PQRST? PR/QRS/QT WNR? = Rhythm? STE/ischemic changes? Axis? ACS/NSTEMI signs or symptoms? High risk? Conjunctival pallor? JVD? Pacemaker? Splinter haemorrhage? Sacral/Peripheral oedema? Swollen calves? Limbs/Feet: Warm/Cold? P: CRT </> 2 sec’s? BP L/R Arm/Standing? MAP? Reg/IRR? Radio-radial delay? A: S3/S4/Murmur/Muffled sounds? Other: Anticoagulant? Blood conditions? Shock/CVS compromise? LYMP (Lymphatic): Thymus, Spleen, Lymph nodes (Sepsis = PR >90, Resp >20, BM >7.7, Temp <36 or 38>, Reduced GCS, Route for infection / Hypotension) Q: Temp? Resent ENT/Infection? Where? Red flag Sepsis? Immunocompromised? How? New lumps/bumps? Open route for infection? Vaccinations? Biological concerns? Enlarged spleen? Injury? GIT (Digestive): Mouth, Pharynx, Oesophagus, Stomach, Duodenum, Pancreas, Small/large intestine, Liver, Rectum SB821217 Internal Bleeding - Peptic Ulcer - Diverticulitis - Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm - Kidney Stone - Ectopic Pregnancy - Pelvic Inflammatory Disease - Appendicitis Q: Last meal? Fasting? Appetite? Dysphasia? Bloated? Nausea/Vomiting/Haematemesis? PT aprox weight? I: Liver injuries? Cullen’s/Grey Turner's signs P: Guarding? Distension? Rebound/Tenderness? Rigidity? Swelling? Hard/ Pulsatile mass? Hernia? Psoas/Murphy’s +/-? P: Ascites? A: Bowel sounds? Other: Last bowl movement? Normal/Solid/Diarrhoea/Melaena/Constipation/PR bleed? Good/poor diet? Electrolyte imbalance? Back pain/ache? Endocrine: Pituitary gland, Pineal gland, Thyroid, Spleen, Pancreatic islets of langerhans, Kidney Q: BM? DKA? Weight ↓or ↑? Over what time? Behaviour changes? How does the pt feel in them self (Well/ill/Happy/Sad)? HRT? Goitre? Exophthalmos? Addison crisis? Urinary: Kidneys, Ureter, Bladder, Urethra, (30mL per hour – normal) Q: Alcohol today? H2O intake? Urine output? Fluid retention? <500ml per day? AKI? Polyuria? Dysuria? Unusual smells? Colour? Haematuria? UTI? Catheter? Reproductive: Penis, Testicles, Uterus, Vagina, Ovary, Cervix Q: PV bleed? LMP? Normal? Spotting? Pregnant? Ectopic? Hysterectomy? Birth control/contreptive? Endometriosis? Testicular torsion? Priapism? MSS: Skeleton, Joints, Tendons, ligaments and muscles – Sprain, Strain Dislocated – Fractures Open, Closed, Broken - Skull: Linear, Depressed, Basilar Q: Deformities? Head: Bogie mass? Battle/Raccoon eyes? CSF? Skull #? Vertebrae: C1 to L5 Tenderness/Pain? JRCALC immobilisation Not/Req? Cauda equine? Thoracic: Clavicle / Rib #? Flail segments? Pelvis: Symmetrical? #? Long bone: Shorting/rotation? Calf pain? Other: Weight bare? Walk unassisted /with aid? Over what distance? GAIT? Grimace? Stiffness? Tenderness? Crepitus felt? ROM/Joints? MSC? TUAG ? <15 sec’s? Brittle bone disease? Open/Closed #? Any distracting injury? Skin (Integumentary): Epidermis - Dermis – Subcutaneous tissue - Connective tissue Q: Well perfused (W.P)? Pale? Diaphoresis? Clammy? Contusions? Abrasions? Lacerations? Swellings? Pollar? Tenting/ Dehydrated? Bruising? Ecchymosis? Jaundice? Rash? Hives/Urticaria? Scares? Abuse? Cellulitis? Pressure/sores? Burn type 1,2,3,4? Critical skin? SOCIAL: Smoker? Daily alcohol intake? Recreational drugs? Recent travel? BACKGROUND: Lives with who? If < 18 mum & dad name? In education? School name? Environment? Dependants? Working? Carers (adequate)? IMPRESSIONS: What conclusion hare you reached about the PC? RED FLAGS / DDx: What have you identified of concern? Differential diagnosis (DDx)? Risk factors? NEWS? SAFEGUARDING: None / Yes (document concerns)? Emotional, Sexual, Physical, Neglect, Acopia? Who did you report the safeguarding to? Reference numbers? PLAN: 1: Reassure 2: Tx 3: Reassess 4: Discuses red flag 5: Consult & Instigate Acute/Pathways/Protocol? Advise A&E? Accepted/Declined? How mobilised/extracted? Reassess? Pre-alert? Transport & monitor on route to? In the Recumbent, Semi-recumbent, Upright, Lower limbs raised, Fowler, Trendelenburg, Recovery position? Who accompanied? OA PT GCS? ABC/pain score? H/O to? NEWS? Couldn't do / why? Other personnel / services present / call signs? Refusing? Document (CURE): PT declining aid / transport against advice despite multiple attempts to reason. Crew able to Communicate rationally with PT (face-to-face, over phone, via 3rd party )? PT Understands & weigh up red flags? PT able to Retain and recite concerns? Provide Explanation (write down why) without External pressures? Ethanoic or Iillicit drugs? Cognitive impairment? Mental capacity: (Yes) PT assessed to have MC & able to make an informed decision regarding limitations of pre-hospital diagnostic & Tx that can lead to a premature death. Metal capacity form number (No) Other services involved? Staff PIN? VAF? Sectioning? Worsening advice: If you notice a deterioration in health, LOC or concerned in anyway call 999 or seek advice from 111. To monitor for (list)? A pathway has been put in place for a HCP to either call/visit ref: XXXX. Advised to visit own GP ASAP & read instructions regarding POM’s. PT left in care of? Who was able to recite advice back to? All on scene happy with decisions made? Note all other HCP details involved? A copy of PRF & 12 lead ECG left with PT. Note all document numbers eg:SB171282 Leaving scene a 3rd set of ob's. IF IT’S NOT ON THE PRF IT DID NOT HAPPEN!






















WWW.MEDICALMODEL.CO.UK ∅ = None ο = Normal > = Greater < = Less than ↑ Increase ↓ Decrease Tx = Treatment





Page 2: ASSESSMENT QUESTIONS / STRUCTURED PRF WRITE UP …… · Q: Temp? Resent ENT/Infection? Where? Red flag Sepsis? Immunocompromised?


Pre-alert ATMIST: Age / sex - Time of incident – Mechanism – Injury - Signs and Symptoms / Ob's - Treatment given / time of arrival