Assessment of financial resources for implementation of the National Action Plan (2012-2014) of the...

KR Ministry of Youth, Labor and Employment Assessment of financial resources for implementation of the National Action Plan (2012-2014) of the Kyrgyz Republic National Strategy to achieve gender equality by 2020 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan September-October 2012



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Page 1: Assessment of financial resources for  implementation of the National Action Plan (2012-2014) of the Kyrgyz Republic National Strategy to achieve gender equality by 2020

KR Ministry of Youth, Labor and Employment

Assessment of financial resources for implementation of the National Action

Plan (2012-2014) of the Kyrgyz Republic National Strategy to achieve

gender equality by 2020

Bishkek, KyrgyzstanSeptember-October 2012

Page 2: Assessment of financial resources for  implementation of the National Action Plan (2012-2014) of the Kyrgyz Republic National Strategy to achieve gender equality by 2020

Context of the country and motivation for costing exercise

• The NAP (II) 2007-2010 гг. expired• Inter-agency working group was created by the Government order #

267, 6 July 2011 for developing draft of the National Gender Equality Strategy (NGES) of the Kyrgyz Republic till 2020 and draft NAP 2012-2014.

• The National Strategy of the Kyrgyz Republic to achieve gender equality by 2020 – is a first long-term document in Kyrgyzstan in the area of achieving gender equality. (KR Government Order from 27 June 2012, №443 approved KR NGES till 2020 and the National Action Plan 2012-2014).

• NWM ( at that time the Ministry of Youth, Labour and Employment) initiated costing exercise and approached the UN Women for TA.

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Steps and challenges to “narrow” the object of costing

• Coordination between the key ministries identified in the NAP as responsible parties. Understanding of the new approach of the NGES and NAP: 3 corner stones- (1)Results Oriented Management, (2)Complex Gender Approach, (3) Prioritization of Goals and Pilot Initiatives.

• NAP 2012-2014 was costed =Part of the Policy ( NGES till 2020).

• Implementation of interventions costed. • Each intervention envisaged in the NAP 2012-2014 has its

respective level, for example plan to create crisis centers in each province ( municipal level), or training module development for all civil servants ( national level) etc.

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Description of the exercise

Partners:• NWM ( MYLE) – initiator of costing NAP 2012-2014 to make it to

the working instrument of GE policy;• Ministry of Finance - for consultations with regard to the state

budget specifics, creating price-list for calculating NAP activities, discussions of the draft estimate of the NAP budget;

• UN Women – Financial support to the independent experts team, Technical assistance, coordination of consultative meetings with national stakeholders;

• Independent experts ( gender experts, financial)• Gender focal points and heads of finance & strategic planning

departments from other key ministries identified in the NAP as responsible parties ( Ministry of Education, Ministry of Social development, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Economics, General Prosecutor`s office, others)

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National Gender Equality Strategy till 2020г.

NAP 2012-2014

NAP 2015-2017

NAP 2018-2020

Sectoral programs

Local development plans, including on GE

Long-term national development strategies

Mid-term development programs

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NAP umbrella architecture (2012 – 2014)

The expansion of economic opportunities for women

Development of the system of functional education:

Eradication of discrimination

Promotion of gender parity in decision-making

Regulatory policy


1. Improvement of workingconditions to combinework and family duties

2. Reducing segregationin the labor market through diversification of female and male employment

3. Ensure employment of women through extension ofsources for economicempowerment of women

4. Ensure recording of economic contribution of women to public development through optimization ofNational Accounts.

1. In the field of knowledgeable parentshipat pilot territories

2. In the area of reproductiveHealth at pilotterritories

3. In the area of improvinglife skills indiverse societyat pilot areas

4. In the area of genderEquality at pilotterritories

5.In the field of computerliteracy and ICT training among rural womenand PLHP at pilotterritories

1. Strengthening legal and institutional mechanismsof access to justice in cases ofgender discriminationand gender-based violence.

2.Development of assistance delivery system to victims of genderdiscrimination and genderviolence.

3. Developing a culture of Zero toleranceto discrimination andgender-based violence.

1. Introduction ofgender-sensitive principles in personnel policyin Publicand Municipal Service

2. Development and introduction of gender balanced approachtowards institutional reserves andcadres.

3. Informational promotion ofWomen's Political participationand leadership

4.Introduction of a mechanism of social order tosupport women's politicalleadership at all the levels, and building capacity of Women-Leaders

1. Improvement of NIM*to achieve genderequality at all the levels ofmanagement

2. Improvement ofby-laws base and law enforcementpractices

3. Standardization ofNational GenderStatistics and harmonization ofIndicators with international commitments

11 10 10 6 14



Goals Goals Goals Goals

* national institutional mechanism

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• The basic formula for calculating measures :

• Tasks estimation formula:

• Financial gap estimation formula: FGg – Financial gap

- available possibilities on financing cost of the goal with i-number – cost of goal with i-number (need)

O – cost of the task (need);Mi –cost of (i)-numbered measure.

M – cost of measure (need);Qi – number of involved persons (or units), (i)-numbered budget line of an activity;Pi – unit cost of a consumed resource of the, (i)-numbered budget line of an activity;Ti – number of spent months of the (i)-numbered budget line of an activity (in some cases Ti can mean number of units).

Methodology for calculating the NAP budget (2012-2014)

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• Goals, priorities and financial cost for Implementation of the Plan in general where estimated on the basis of a formula, similar to the formula on estimation of tasks.

• Umbrella principle of budgeting: the “goals" = the sum of financial costs of “tasks“, "priorities" = the sum of costs of "goals“, and financial costs of implementing NAP in general = sum of costs for NAP priorities.

• Information: Price list for calculating costs of interventions1. Average monthly salary of employees of the state administration and local self-government system;2. Payment for international and national consultants;3. Costs of educational initiatives, including training of civil servants and municipal employees;4. Cost of Field studies;5. Information services and products;6. Purchase of market goods and services;7. Transportation costs;8. Travel expenses for public sector employees.

Methodology for calculating the NAP budget (2012-2014)

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NAP budget (2012-2014) in the context by priorities

I. Extension of economic op-portunities ; 2520,5; 20%

II. Development of functional education system; 3252,6; 25%

III. Eradication ofdiscrimination; 4652,4; 37%

IV. Promotion of gender parity; 382,9; 3%

V. Regulatory policy; 1906,7; 15%

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Enabling factors & Use of costing exercise • NGES approved with NAP 2012-2014, matrix for monitoring NAP

implementation developed and approved by the government decree.• Gender Policy Department with functions of NWM and resources

from State budget ( Institutional potential +political will)• First long-term strategic document in GE with new approach:

Results oriented, complex approach, multisectoral nature, step-by-step implementation of NGES ( 3 stages till 2020).

• Costing of NAP was presented to the Government, to the Development Partners Coordination Committee (DPCC) in 2012, at the High Level Development Conference (July 2013) Sectoral Gender Paper was presented and distributed with information about NAP 2012-2014 and estimated budget (Resource mobilization, Advocating for comprehensive multi-sector program).

• Similar costing methodology was used to cost draft Government program based on the National Sustainable Development Strategy 2014-2017 adopted in 2013. Parliament hearings are expected.

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Obstacles & Lessons learned• Lack of previous costing experience, lack of methodologies of

developing programme budgets ( Results oriented), difficulties in defining measurable indicators of performance. (Strategies to address: develop program focused budgeting, developing methodological experience in costing).

• Lack of linkage to the national budgeting process. Currently the State Budget is based on the principle of line budget and has conservative structure of budget classification : administrative, economic, functional.(Strategies to solve: reforming public finance management system, advocating for ROB)

• Lack of understanding of multisectoral nature of the GE policy. Traditionally GE assumed to be only in Social domain. ( strategies to address: advocacy, improving inter-agency coordination, strengthening NWM).

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Obstacles & Lessons learned:

• According to the results of budgeting, the financial gap of NAP (2012 2014) made 89.8%;

• Confirmed volume of resources of the state budget covers exclusively salaries of public servants involved in NAP tasks implementation;

• Extra budgetary funding sources have not been identified;• Real opportunities to support the NAP (2012-2014) by international donors’

organizations were not announced;• Sustainability of NPA implementation (2012-2014) is under concern.

Two options to reduce NAP financial gap:

1. Revise and reduce the most problematic measures, even whole priority areas, if there will be no possibility to finance.

2. Search for real extra budgetary sources, including international donor organizations, traditionally working with us on promotion of gender equality policy.