Assessment Boards Admin · •...

© University of South Wales Assessment Boards Admin Preparation Delyth Jones Student Administration Manager Chris Griffiths Student Administration Manager April 2017

Transcript of Assessment Boards Admin · •...

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Assessment Boards

– Admin Preparation

Delyth Jones

Student Administration Manager

Chris Griffiths

Student Administration Manager

April 2017

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• Planning and Paperwork for the Boards

• Quercus – bits and pieces

• Progression anomalies

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Planning and

paperwork for the

Boards – what’s


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New Templates Agenda

Attendance List

Running Order


Why the change? Realignment of External Examiners to Award rather than Subject focussed

Enable Chairs to encourage subject/course discussions

Encourage discussion of Stats

Create more accurate minutes to reflect content of the boards

Assessment Board Paperwork

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What’s Changed? Removed ‘signing sheet’ – The Externals confirm that rules and regulations have been followed in their report – unnecessary duplication

Removed AOB – reaffirms that the Board meetings are to discuss marks/progression only and not veer off on any other conversation

Removed ‘Pick up papers’ – a necessary administrative step, but unnecessary to be an action point in itself

Agenda can be used as a ‘script’ – rather than referring to separate pieces of paper

Duplication removed – eg. Confidentiality, ECs mentioned several times

Assessment Board Paperwork

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Agenda - Example

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The Board paperwork

Who does what?Area of work Responsibility

Pre board activity Campus owning student / module

Preparation of paperwork for boards Campus running board

Amendments to records during board Campus running board

Post board activities, amendments, chairs actions Campus owning student / module

• Which admin teams should attend the boards?

- Campus teams running the boards however if specific support is needed

from another campus admin team due to resource or knowledge, ensure

you have that conversation way before the boards.

• Talk to your campus counterparts – need further explanation before a

board? Then make sure you call and discuss further.

• UWN Regs still apply? Make sure this has been noted if relevant.

• Assessment Board Preparation Guide -

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Currently being looked at by the reporting team, Admin managers

and Quality… to be continued…

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Good Practice Checklist

• Latest template?• Titles of attendees correct?• Names correct? (I am not called Duluth Jones )• Faculty/School names correct?• Module codes/titles/courses correct?• Spell check? • Content – were stats discussed for that module/course? What was the nature of the discussion?

Were comparisons made to previous years? • Comments – summary of External Examiner points? Summary of Board member comments?

The focus should be on the confirmation of marks/progression/classification/stats, not necessarily ‘gripes’ of the department or University.

• Action Points – have these been designated correctly?• Campus Mangers to review a selection of minutes and identify good practice/concerns• Use the guide and templates -

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Chair’s Action Process

Notable differences for 2016-17:

Copy of CA form sent to Chair, rather than duplicating information on a separate email

Option of N/A placed in certain dropdowns – identifies as ‘not applicable’, rather than being viewed as ‘missing’

Quality checks put in place – should sections be missing or training needs identified, AAU will liaise with Campus reps and return the relevant CA for checking and updating

Sharepoint sites – All Campus sharepoint sites have been updated and old CAs have been archived in a folder (still available to view) so the campus sites look a bit cleaner as of March 2017.

Please save the following link and use these forms only from now on:

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Quercus – bits and pieces

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• Are you using the standard templates as a basis for your note?

• Are you using the correct note type?

• Using the correct note type helps when reports are pulled – eg. Chairs

Action notes

• TP28 Progression paperwork – consistent across campuses – will

reduce number of queries before the boards across campus teams


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Assessment Board Notes

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• Executive – looking to see how the ‘Five Day rule’ is used by academic

staff/students – Information to be supplied to QAC

• Record at assessment level on Quercus

• Results status at assessment level, called ‘Five day rule’

• Ability to report status on report and view ‘genuine’ 40s.

• Identify how many students take advantage of the five day rule

• How to…

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Five day rule - administration

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• Each resit or repeat module should have the appropriate subject registration


• Identify all with the amended subject registration status

• Amend all pass marks to 40%

• How to…

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Resit and Repeat – next academic year

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Understanding how learning outcomes can be linked (Bonding)

If the assessments on a module are bonded, only the overall mark is considered. The combination of assessments meets the learning outcomes and the overall aggregate mark are all that matter.

If the assessments on a module are unbonded, in addition to the overall module mark, a minimum level of achievement (demonstrating that there is no significant weakness) is required in each element of assessment.

If the assessments are partly bonded, it may be that some elements are bonded, whilst others are unbonded. The unbonded elements require a demonstration that

there is no significant weakness in them.

Understanding bonding/unbonded/Partly bonded

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Assessment Weighting Learning Outcome 1 Learning Outcome 2 Learning Outcome 3Assignment 1 25% √ √ √Assignment 2 25% √ √Assignment 3 50% √ √

Assessment % valueAssignment 1 0Assignment 2 64 16 (64x0.25)Assignment 3 63 31.5 (63x0.5)


Quercus will record the above as a resit for assignment 1 as the module is bonded is

student has passed, this is calculated as follows;

Learning outcome

1 47.5 (calculated by adding 0 + 16 + 31.5 /100)

2 32 (calculated by adding 0 + 16 /50)

3 42 (calculated by adding 0 + 31.5 /75)

As there is no significant weakness (mark below 30) in any of the Learning

Outcomes the student passes the module.

Understanding bonding/unbonded/Partly bonded

Student 1 – Example (Partly bonded)

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Understanding bonding/unbonded/Partly bonded

Student 2 – Example (Partly bonded)

Assessment % value

Assignment 1 56 14 (56x0.25)

Assignment 2 0

Assignment 3 61 30.5 (61x0.5)

Assessment Weighting Learning Outcome 1 Learning Outcome 2 Learning Outcome 3

Assignment 1 25% √ √ √

Assignment 2 25% √ √

Assignment 3 50% √ √


Learning outcome

1 44.5 (calculated by adding 14 + 0 + 30.5 /100)

2 28 (calculated by adding 0 + 14 /50)

3 59 (calculated by adding 14 + 30.5 /75)

This student will need to resit Assignment 2 has they have a significant weakness

(under 30) in Learning Outcome 2;

For further explanation, please refer to your Quality Officer who will provide clarification.

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Bonded/Unbonded/Partly bonded modules have different criteria when it

comes to compensation regulations – please refer to the following guidance:

Compensation Regulations

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• Importance of correct date – Award sitting

• Impact of incorrect date

• Script will populate incorrect date

• Manual intervention

• Increased unnecessary work

• Certificates issued with incorrect date

• Wastage

• Change of decision date

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Use of dates - Quercus

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The date of the Award Board should always be the date of the sitting in which the

student is awarded.

For Boards, ideally there would be:

• 1st Sitting – An overall examination board for each date where there is a first


• 2nd Sitting – An overall examination board for each date where there is a

second sitting

• 3rd Sitting – An overall examination board for each date where there is a third


• Award Sitting – There should only be one Award Sitting for each academic


The date of the Award sitting will change each time there is a board where students

are awarded.

Award Sitting Date

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June 2017• 1st Sitting – 21st June 2017• Award Sitting – 21st June 2017

September 2017• 2nd Sitting – 7th September 2017• Award Sitting – this would change to 7th September 2017 but against the course instances,

the date will remain as June unless a student is awarded in September and the course instance date is then set to the second sitting date

November 2017• 3rd Sitting – 17th November 2017• Award Sitting – this would change to 17th November 2017 but against the course

instances, the dates will remain as June and September unless a student is awarded in November and the course instance date is then set to the third sitting date

Award Sitting Date

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• Students should not be in graduation brochure if they appeal

• Certificates should not be issued to those that appeal

• Final year and non final year awarded students will need a change of grade

• Grade to be used - ‘AppealPending’

• Change of decision – to be completed by admin

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Appeals and Graduation

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An Example

• Students exiting from courses with professional accreditation exit with a different

award title

• Currently manual intervention to produce Certificate

• Alternate exit award is not clear on student record

• Risk with replacement documents

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Exit award (if award title different)

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• Student will remain on original award and an NOP will be added to the record

(NOPDiscontAW, NOPWNAW or NOPAW as appropriate)

• A second record will be created in the appropriate academic year and the

student will be RPL’d credit and awarded on this record (student status


• Therefore student would receive:

• Transcripts from original course with actual credit achieved

• Certificate and transcripts from new course showing RPL’d credit and

award achieved

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Exit award

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An example

A student enrolled on a BSc Health and Social Care Management, exiting with a

CertHE or DipHE in Health and Social Care .

• Add overall grade of NOP to the BSc record (NOPDiscontAW, NOPWNAW or

NOPAW as appropriate) – record remains enrolled

• Register student DipHE in Health and Social Care with a student status of


• Add 120 Level 4 RPL credit

• Add overall grade as appropriate, if achieved CertHE select appropriate Inter, if

DipHE, pass in first / sitting, pass in award sitting.

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Exit award

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Courses affected

• MA Music Therapy – exit awards are PGDip/PGCert Therapeutic Arts

• MA Art Psychotherapy – exit awards are PGDip/PGCert Therapeutic Arts

• MBA – exit awards are PGDip/PGCert in Business Administration

• Master of Chiropractic – exit awards are CertHE/DipHE/BSc Human Science

• Bachelor of Midwifery - no interim awards. Students receive a transcript.

• Bachelor of Nursing - no interim awards. Students receive a transcript.

• BA Primary Studies with QTS – exit with CertHE/DipHE in Primary Studies

• BSc Social Work - exit awards are CertHE/DipHE Social Welfare Studies

• BSc Health and Social Care Management –exit awards are Cert HE/DipHE Health and

Social Care

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Exit award

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• Student will remain on original award and overall grade of InterP will be added to

the record

• Roll student (using EOY rollover) to the new course in next academic year

• Intermediate award credit achieved to be added as RPL’s on new record

• Therefore student would receive:

• Transcript(s) and Certificate from original course with actual credit achieved

• Certificate and transcripts from new course showing RPL’d credit, further

credit achieved (if applicable) and award

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Transfer award – A reminder

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An example - 1

A student progresses from year 1 BEng to year 2 MEng

• Add overall grade of InterP to the BEng record – exit CertHE

• Use EOY rollover to create pre-registered record on MEng in next academic


• Register student on MEng with a student status of ‘Enrolled’

• Add 120 Level 4 RPL credit to the MEng record

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Transfer award

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An example - 2

A student progresses from year 2 MEng to year 3 BEng having completed year 1

previously on BEng

• Add overall grade of InterP to the MEng record – exit DipHE

• Use EOY rollover to create pre-registered record on BEng in next academic year

• Register student on BEng with a student status of ‘Enrolled’

• Add 120 Level 5 RPL credit only to the MEng record

In this scenario the 120 Level 4 are already recorded on the same qualification aim, and do not need to be re-entered

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Transfer award

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An example - 3

A student progresses from year 2 MEng to year 3 BEng having completed year 1

and 2 on MEng

• Add overall grade of InterP to the MEng record – exit DipHE

• Use EOY rollover to create pre-registered record on BEng in next academic year

• Register student on BEng with a student status of ‘Enrolled’

• Add 120 Level 4 and 120 Level 5 RPL credit only to the BEng record

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Transfer award

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• Suite of overall grades introduced – inter1, inter 2.1, inter2.2, inter3

• Only to be used for integrated masters programmes

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Classified Intermediate award – Integrated Masters

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Classified Intermediate award – Integrated Masters

An example

A student requests to exit the MEng on completion of the 3rd year.

• Add overall grade of Inter (select appropriate classification, or standard Inter if

pass degree)

• In the statistics screen, update the grade (select Inter) to display the


• In the statistics screen, update the award to display BEng

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Intermediate award – grading


Discontinue –

Intermediate Award

with Distinction

Student has been discontinued from their programme of

student and is eligible for an Intermediate Award – with



Discontinue –

Intermediate Award

with Merit

Student has been discontinued from their programme of

student and is eligible for an Intermediate Award – with



Withdrawn –

Intermediate Award

with Distinction

Student has withdrawn from their programme of student

and is eligible for an Intermediate Award – with Distinction

A student can only withdraw to the end of teaching

therefore will generally be in first sitting


Withdrawn –

Intermediate Award

with Merit

Student has withdrawn from their programme of student

and is eligible for an Intermediate Award – with Merit

A student can only withdraw to the end of teaching

therefore will generally be in first sitting

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How do we administer?

One / two year “true” top up course

• The student enrols on that course, studies the modules and achieves the


• There is no RPL credit required.

• Course will say ‘top up’ in it’s title

Three / four year course – direct entry

• Student is direct entry onto an advanced year of a course from another course

or institution

• Add prior year RPL credits to the record, ensure that the RPL process is

followed and the subject registration status for the module is amended.

• Only credits need to be completed, the RPL form is not necessary.

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Top up course administration

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Top up course administration

An example

A student completes a HND Computer Forensics then enrols directly onto the BSc

Computer Forensics Year 2

• Student to register on BSc so status is ‘Enrolled’

• Add 120 Level 4 RPL credit to the BSc record through Maintain on Quercus.

Change the status from Registered to ‘APL Fee/APL Non Fee’ as applicable

• Add 120 Level 4 RPL credit to the student record on the relevant Board.


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Overall grades - Repeat

REPEATContinue on programme at same

level, repeat failed modulesStudent fees: All repeat modules are chargeable

REPEATFA Repeat Year – first attempt Student Fees: No fees

REPEATFFRepeat Year - First attempts and

referralsStudent Fees: No fees

REPEATFARRepeat Year - First Attempts and


Student Fees: Mixed fees, only all repeat

modules are chargeable

REPEAT RFARRepeat Year - Resits, first attempts

and repeat

Student Fees: Mixed fees, only all repeat

modules are chargeable

REPEATRR Resits and repeatsStudent Fees: Mixed fees, only all repeat

modules are chargeable


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Overall grade

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Professional Awards

PNonCompProfessional Non


USW has not received marks from the

Professional body and are unable to make an

appropriate decision on progression for that

academic year.

Only to be used for courses where Professional

body provides marks to the University.

PCompw Professional

completion –marks


For professional awards, where they have elected

not to release marks to the University, and we are

aware they have completed

Module grade

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• HNDs and exit awards – no longer in Regulations

• HNC not a valid exit award, ASAQS advise CertHE


• USW award, Pearson credit

• Queries: direct to Campus Managers

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Edexcel & exit awards

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Any questions?

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Still needed

Pass degree information


Anything else?