Assessment and Treatment of Aggressive Behavior in Children

Assessment and Treatment of Aggressive Behavior in Children John Sargent, MD



Transcript of Assessment and Treatment of Aggressive Behavior in Children

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Assessment and Treatment of Aggressive

Behavior in ChildrenJohn Sargent, MD

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Aggression is behavior that is unwanted and is perceived by the person that receives it as intrusive

and harmful

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Aggression generally has 3 purposes:

1.) to gain resources2.) to protect personal/familial

safety and resources3.) to defend and build one’s

prestige, status or power

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Aggression is more likely when

1.) the victim is in an out group/ depersonalized

2.) the perpetrator feels threatened3.) the benefits exceed the cost/risk4.) social status increases as a

result of aggression

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Aggression also often accompanies psychiatric disorders

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Reasons include

1.) High negative emotionality leading to low threshold for anger or tolerance for frustration

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Reasons include (cont.)

2.) Distorted cognitions may lead to unwarranted alarm or erroneous beliefs

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Reasons include (cont.)

3.) High anxiety can lead to harmful escape or avoidance behaviors

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Reasons include (cont.)

4.) Inadequate impulse control can lead to use of disinhibited aggressive behaviors

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Reasons include (cont.)

5.) Delayed cognitive or communicative development may lead to aggressive behaviors as a method of communicating emotions or desires

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Reasons include (cont.)

6.) Significant maltreatment may lead to both a decrease in empathy and modeling of aggressive behavior

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Aggression may also be a common and acceptable means of resolving

conflict or managing behavior in some families/ contexts. Thus it

may be adaptive in those environments

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Aggression commonly begins in childhood: 27% of parents of 3

year olds report that the child hits at least sometimes. 58% of

preschool children demonstrate some aggressive behavior

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This progresses to continued fighting and also bullying and teasing – 8% of boys fight frequently, 15-20%

engage in bullying

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Aggression is a common cause for requesting mental health


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Violence (as distinct from aggressive behaviors) among adolescents is often a group activity and most

often is perpetrated by adolescents upon adolescents

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Two Types of Aggression

1.) Proactive/instrumental2.) Reactive/affective

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1.) Has a goal2.) Is controlled and directed3.) Not necessarily planned, may be


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Proactive (cont.)

Proactive aggression includes group antisocial activity and callous/unemotional aggression

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Reactive aggression is behavior that responds to a perceived hurt, slight or violation

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Reactive (cont.)

Often includes hitting, biting, kicking and self-injurious behavior. Often accompanied by shouting and verbal outbursts

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Reactive (cont.)

Appears instantaneous and unplanned, often with significant negative consequences for the aggressive child

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Aggression can be overt or covert and can be direct or indirect


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2 longitudinal courses of antisocial behavior are seen – early

childhood onset, which commonly persists to adulthood, and

adolescent onset with an end in early adulthood

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Aggression is often multifactorial and reflects the reality that risk

factors often occur together: poverty, modeled aggression, poor

verbal skills, abuse, etc.

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Assessment of children brought for treatment of

aggression includesA.) Impulse controlB.) DisinhibitionC.) Predominant affect -


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D.) Degree of affective reactivity and capacity for modulation of affect

E.) Predominant parenting styleF.) Parent-child Relationships

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G.) Presence of abuse and neglectH.) Whether the aggression

achieves a goalI.) Whether one observes useful


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J.) Language abilityK.) IQ

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Common Diagnoses Associated with

Aggression• ADHD• Conduct Disorder• Oppositional Defiant Disorder• Depression• Head Injury

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Common Diagnoses Associated with

Aggression (cont.)• Mental Retardation• Pervasive Developmental Disorder• Bipolar Disorder• PTSD• Dyslexia

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Get best history of context/antecedents, outcomes, frequency, severity of aggression

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Treatment Algorithm

1.) Identify diagnoses present2.) Identify environmental targets

for intervention3.) Seriously consider treatment for

primary underlying problem (e.g. ADHD)

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Treatment Algorithm (cont.)

4.) Change only 1 thing at a time5.) Pursue psychosocial

interventions – organize day, establish bedtime, ensure adequate food intake, increase daily structure

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Treatment Algorithm (cont.)

6.) Pursue psychosocial therapies7.) Consider antiaggression

medication8.) Always utilize rating scale or

episode calendar

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Evidence Based Psychosocial Treatments

• Parent Management Training• Parent-Child Interaction Therapy• Multisystemic Therapy• Structural Family Therapy• Trauma Focused Cognitive

Behavioral Therapy

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Specifically these interventions render

aggression• Irrelevan

t• Ineffectiv


• Inefficient

by changing antecedents

by changing consequences

by developing alternatives

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Putting aggressive children and youth together (groups, detention)

make aggression worse

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• Stimulants if warranted (ADHD)• Antipsychotics – most used

Risperdal has most data and has an FDA indication for use in children with autism

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Psychopharmacology (cont.)

• Mood StabilizersLithium has mixed dataDivalproex has some positive results in treating aggression in irritable youth

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Psychopharmacology (cont.)

• Clonidine is used but there is limited data

• Benzodiazepines can be disinhibiting

(not indicated)

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Psychopharmacology (cont.)

Psychopharmacology is aimed at target symptoms – arousal, excitability, irritability, not aggression itself

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Psychopharmacology (cont.)

JS choice: low dose risperidoneif needed add divalproex

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Psychopharmacology (cont.)

Discontinue meds after 6 months of improvement, taper one at a time

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Refer early, maintain long term availability, actively involve

parents in careMay be a relapsing and remitting

course often associated with contextual variables