Assess the validity of this statement.. The Age of Exploration 1400s to 1700s.

“Economic concerns had more to do with settling the ‘New World’ than religious concerns” Assess the validity of this statement.

Transcript of Assess the validity of this statement.. The Age of Exploration 1400s to 1700s.

“Economic concerns had more to do with settling the ‘New World’ than religious concerns”

Assess the validity of this statement.

The Age of Exploration1400s to 1700s

Should we continue to celebrate Columbus Day?

Historiography: The study of how historians study history. The history of history.

Case in point:Two documents: Columbus & de las Casas

Document A: What is Columbus’ impression of the Native Americans?Utilizing the Native Labor Force, Christopher  Columbus, 1492

Sunday, 14th of October ...these people are very simple as regards the use of arms, as your Highnesses will see from the seven that I caused to be taken, to bring home and learn our language and return; unless your Highnesses should order them all to be brought to Castile, or to be kept as captives on the same island; for with fifty men they can all be subjugated and made to do what is required of them.... Sunday, 16th of December ...your Highnesses may believe that this island (Hispaniola), and all the others, are as much yours as Castile. Here there is only wanting a settlement and the order to the people to do what is required. For I, with the force I have under me, which is not large, could march over all these islands without opposition. I have seen only three sailors land, without wishing to do harm, and a multitude of Indians fled before them. They have no arms, and are without warlike instincts; they all go naked, and are so timid that a thousand would not stand before three of our men. So that they are good to be ordered about, to work and sow, and do all that may be necessary, and to build towns, and they should be taught to go about clothed and to adopt our customs. "Journal of the First Voyage of Christopher Columbus, 1492-1493," in E.G. Bourne, The Northmen, Columbus and Cabot, 985-1503 (New York, 1906), 114, 145-146, 182

Document B: What is de las Casas impression of discovery? How does it differ from Columbus’? Why might it differ?

The Black Legend, Bartolomé  de las Casas, 1542

New Spain [Mexico] was discovered in 1517 and, at the time, great atrocities were committed against the indigenous people of the region and some were killed by members of the expedition. In 1518 the so-called Christians set about stealing from the people and murdering them on the pretence of settling the area. And from that year until this--and it is now 1542--the great iniquities and injustices, the outrageous acts of violence and the bloody tyranny of these Christians have steadily escalated, the perpetrators having lost all fear of God, all love of their sovereign, and all sense of self-respect. Even now, in September 1542, the atrocities get worse by the day, it being the case, as we have said, that the infernal brutality and utter inhumanity of the acts committed have readily increased as time has gone on.

Historiography: The study of how historians study history. The history of history.

Case in point:Textbook review…Kyle Ward: History in the Making

Kyle Ward on ColumbusRead each excerpt and evaluate tone, attitude, language, opinion and use of words? Mark it up!

What patterns emerge as you read?How does the time period in which the document was written influence what was said about Columbus?

What might be the problems with analyzing the importance of Columbus? Of history?

Age of Exploration1400s to 1700s

The World According

to a Computer Person…

ha ha ha…this is a joke…

The Age of ExplorationAdvancing Sailing Technologies

Europeans gained much of their nautical knowledge from Arabs, like: Portolani

Nautical maps of coastlines, distances

Drawn on flat scale, no help overseas

Compass Showed bearing of ship’s course

Astrolabe Used the sun or a star to find

latitude Lateen Sails

Triangular sails allow for increased maneuverability

Caravels Maneuverable ships that could hold

heavy cannon & large cargoAll combined to allow for greater

sailing accuracy over greater distances

Motives…Forces Behind European Exploration

God (Religious Motivations) Missionaries: spread word of Christ Many other religions seen as “savage” Increase power of Catholic Church

Glory (Personal Motivations) Spirit of adventure, natural curiosity

(Marco Polo) Individual claim to fame (fortune?) Power of Kings and Queens, empire

Gold (Economic Motivations) European interests in Asia…new /

quicker trade routes Spices, silk, tea, porcelain = $$$ Rise of Ottomans restricted Silk Road Could eliminate “middle man” by sea

Hope of discovering precious metals Economic theory of Mercantilism

Emerging notion Euro. supremacy Effects of Renaissance on Exploration?

Marco PoloTraveled to China

[court of Kublai Khan] and brought back stories and goods to Europe

Vasco da GamaDiscovered an all-

water route from Europe to India

Christopher ColumbusAccidentally

found America while looking for a westward route to Asia

His voyages considered a turning point in history

Ferdinand MagellanFirst person

credited with circumnavigating the world

Hernando CortesConquered the

Aztec Empire in Mexico in 1519

Francisco PizarroConquered the

Inca Empire in Peru in 1833

List positive & negative effects of the Age of ExplorationPositive Negative

Effects: Negative or Positive?European powers built extensive overseas empiresEconomic self-sufficiency lost

Destroyed traditional patterns of tradeLarge numbers of Europeans moved to AmericasPeople with common backgrounds separatedCash crop overemphasizedNative American crops (corn, potato, tomato) brought to

Europe Capitalism expanded with growth of tradePromoted racismCultural exchanges occurred; ideas shared[cultural diffusion]Natural resources exploitedMiddle class growsNative American civilizations severely damaged by diseasesDemand for African slaves increasedEconomic growth leads to improved living standards for some


Effects upon the Atlantic WorldNative American population

90% die of diseases in first 100 yrs. Small pox, typhus, measles… Estimates differ. Most agree 3-10 million (Berkin 24)

African populationSlave Coast

9.5 million enslaved arrive in “New World” over 300 yrs. 10-20 die in Middle Passage (Berkin 27)

European populationPopulation growth Middle class grows vs. absolute monarchsBirth of Protestant Reformation

Challenges divine right

Effects felt upon AfricaEncouraged African warfare

tribes went to war with other tribes to obtain slaves to trade for guns

Disrupted African culture it created a legacy of violence, bitterness and

social upheavalIncreased cultural diffusion

Slaves brought their songs and culture to New World

Prejudice against Africans

Other Related Effects upon the Atlantic World: The Columbian Exchange

Other Related Effects upon the Atlantic World

The Theory of MercantilismEconomic principles of the 1600s

focused around a nation’s prosperity Rise of centralized nation-states Measured by supply of gold &

silver Gained thru favorable balance of

trade Export more than you import

Policies of European Rulers Discourage import of foreign

goods high taxes on imports (tariffs)

Encourage export of manufactures Protect favorable trading

monopolies Accept pay in gold Establish & Protect Colonies

Source of raw materials, gold, & silver

Effects of Mercantilism European abuses in Americas,

Africa National rivalries based on trade,


Other Related Effects upon the World:ImperialismDomination by one country over the political,

economic, or cultural life of another country or region

Causes of ImperialismEconomic Social Political

Need for raw materials created by Industrial Revolution

Desire for place to invest excess capital

Drive to spread Christianity [White Man’s Burden]

Rule by strongest and fittest- need to spread superior culture [Social Darwinism]

Desire for great power status

Competitive drive to gain control of an area (for military) before a rival could do so

Positive Effects of ImperialismBuilt roads, railroads, and bridgesEducation improvedImproved medical careFood supply increasedBrought stability and unification to some

areasCreated industries, improved standard of


“Economic concerns had more to do with settling the ‘New World’ than religious concerns”

Assess the validity of this statement.

Should we continue to celebrate Columbus Day?