Assembly Reforms France Some members of the nobility and clergy got together in a late-night meeting...

Assembly Reforms France • Some members of the nobility and clergy got together in a late- night meeting to deal with the uprisings • Did away with the feudal privileges of the First and Second Estates, thus making the commoners equal to the nobles and clergy • The Old Regime was officially dead

Transcript of Assembly Reforms France Some members of the nobility and clergy got together in a late-night meeting...

Page 1: Assembly Reforms France Some members of the nobility and clergy got together in a late-night meeting to deal with the uprisings Did away with the feudal.

Assembly Reforms France

• Some members of the nobility and clergy got together in a late-night meeting to deal with the uprisings

• Did away with the feudal privileges of the First and Second Estates, thus making the commoners equal to the nobles and clergy

• The Old Regime was officially dead

Page 2: Assembly Reforms France Some members of the nobility and clergy got together in a late-night meeting to deal with the uprisings Did away with the feudal.

Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen

• Reflected the influence of the Declaration of Independence– “men are born equal and remain free and equal

in rights”– These rights included “liberty, property,

security, and resistance to oppression”– Also guaranteed citizens equal justice, freedom

of speech, and freedom of religion

Page 3: Assembly Reforms France Some members of the nobility and clergy got together in a late-night meeting to deal with the uprisings Did away with the feudal.

“Liberty, Equality, Fraternity”

• Became the slogan of revolutionary leaders

Page 4: Assembly Reforms France Some members of the nobility and clergy got together in a late-night meeting to deal with the uprisings Did away with the feudal.

State-Controlled Church

• National Assembly took over Church lands

• Declared that Church officials and priests were to be elected and paid as state officials

• Economic reasons– Money from the sale of Church lands helped

pay off France’s huge debt

Page 5: Assembly Reforms France Some members of the nobility and clergy got together in a late-night meeting to deal with the uprisings Did away with the feudal.

Angered Peasants

• Most peasants were devout Catholics

• They wanted the church to stay separate from the government

• Because the National Assembly did away with the Church, many peasants opposed the assembly’s reforms from then on

Page 6: Assembly Reforms France Some members of the nobility and clergy got together in a late-night meeting to deal with the uprisings Did away with the feudal.

Louis Tries to Escape

• Louis was warned that he and his family were in danger

• The royal family tried to escape to Austria

• They were captured near the border and brought back to Paris

Page 7: Assembly Reforms France Some members of the nobility and clergy got together in a late-night meeting to deal with the uprisings Did away with the feudal.

New Constitution

• After two years, the National Assembly completed a new constitution

• Created a Limited Monarchy– Stripped the king of much of his power– Legislative Assembly- new legislative body

that had the power to create laws and approve or reject declarations of war

Page 8: Assembly Reforms France Some members of the nobility and clergy got together in a late-night meeting to deal with the uprisings Did away with the feudal.

Factions Split France

• Legislative Assembly was divided– Still many problems in France, and these three

factions had different ideas of how to handle these problems

• Divisions outside the Legislative Assembly– Emigres- nobles and others who had fled France, hoped

to undo the Revolution and restore the Old Regime– Sans-culottes- “those without knee breeches”, wanted

the Revolution to bring even greater changes to France

Page 9: Assembly Reforms France Some members of the nobility and clergy got together in a late-night meeting to deal with the uprisings Did away with the feudal.

Growing Fears

• Many European countries feared that similar revolts might break out in their own countries

• Austria and Prussia urged the French to restore Louis to his position

• The Legislative Assembly responded by declaring war in April 1792

Page 10: Assembly Reforms France Some members of the nobility and clergy got together in a late-night meeting to deal with the uprisings Did away with the feudal.

France at War

• Prussian commander threatened to destroy Paris if the revolutionaries harmed any member of the royal family--this enraged the Parisians

• August 10th- about 20,000 men & women invaded the palace where the royal family was staying– Massacred the royal guards and imprisoned Louis

and his family

Page 11: Assembly Reforms France Some members of the nobility and clergy got together in a late-night meeting to deal with the uprisings Did away with the feudal.

September Massacres

• Rumors were going around that prisoners who supported the king were going to break out and seize control of the city

• Angry and fearful citizens raided the prisons and murdered over 1,000 prisoners– Many nobles, priests, and royalist sympathizers

fell victim to the mob

Page 12: Assembly Reforms France Some members of the nobility and clergy got together in a late-night meeting to deal with the uprisings Did away with the feudal.

National Convention

• Legislative Assembly set aside the Constitution, deposed the king, dissolved the assembly, and called for an election of a new legislature

• National Convention- took office on Sept. 21st

– Abolished the monarchy and declared France a republic

– Adult male citizens were granted the right to vote and hold office

Page 13: Assembly Reforms France Some members of the nobility and clergy got together in a late-night meeting to deal with the uprisings Did away with the feudal.


• Radical political organization

• Jean-Paul Marat– One of the most prominent members– Called for the death of all those who continued

to support the king

• Tried Louis for treason– Sentenced him to death by the guillotine

Page 14: Assembly Reforms France Some members of the nobility and clergy got together in a late-night meeting to deal with the uprisings Did away with the feudal.

Maximilien Robespierre

• Jacobin leader

• “Republic of Virtue”– wanted to wipe out every trace of France’s past– changed the calendar, closed churches– Committee of Public Safety

Page 15: Assembly Reforms France Some members of the nobility and clergy got together in a late-night meeting to deal with the uprisings Did away with the feudal.

Reign of Terror

• Period ruled by Robespierre• Chief task was to protect the Revolution from its

enemies– Used the guillotine to threaten fellow radicals– “Enemies of the Revolution”- those who troubled

Robespierre the most were often fellow radicals who challenged his authority

– Many leaders of the Revolution received death sentences during the Reign of Terror

• Their only crime was that they were considered less radical than Robespierre

Page 16: Assembly Reforms France Some members of the nobility and clergy got together in a late-night meeting to deal with the uprisings Did away with the feudal.

Reign of Terror, cont.

• 40,000 people were executed

• About 85% were peasants or members of the urban poor or middle class

• After two years, members of the National Convention turned on Robespierre– Demanded his arrest and execution

• New Government after Robespierre’s death- The Directory