AsSabiqoon # 6

A Monthly Newsletter by Masjid Bani Hashim, Jumeirah Islands, Dubai Issue#5 April 2014 Ways to Get AsSabiqoon Blog: Facebook: email: [email protected]


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Transcript of AsSabiqoon # 6

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A Monthly Newsletter by Masjid Bani Hashim, Jumeirah Islands, Dubai Issue#5 April 2014

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!!بسم اهلل الرحمن الرحيم

الحمدهلل رب العاملني والصالة والسالم على أشرف!املرسلني

Introduction! Each day is a blessing

Lifetime joy, what is lifetime joy? Life time joy is taking each day as a blessing in every sense of the word! .الحمدهلل

Lifetime joy is about taking every relationship in your life, every situation you are going through as a blessing! However old, however new the relationship…it does not matter! Whether what you are going through is pleasant or not that pleasant, it does not matter! Subhanal Allah.

Detach yourself as much as you can from both the relationship and the situation. Take a “helicopter” view.

Who is behind the relationship and the situation? Allah and only Allah as He is The Disposer of all affairs. Only then you will take each day as a blessing!

Now, do we know what a blessing is?

A blessing is a gift from Allah!

Is not every moment that you have a gift from Allah?

Are you sure, you are going to see the next moment? Are you sure about tomorrow?

Do you know when your eyes are going to close?

Subhanal Allah, then “now” is the blessing and the people that you have in your life “now” they are a blessing!

Appreciate every instant of your life, every moment of your life!

Appreciate every relationship in your life!

Say Alhamdulil Allah and run from the darkness of ungratefulness to the light, the increase, the contentment resulting from shukr (gratitude) and sabr (patience).

There is no better shield than tawbah, returning to Allah, and doing istighfaar, seeking His forgiveness for every sin, for every blessing that we did not appreciate, for every incomplete, imperfect, insincere deed that we did, Subhanal Allah.

Do not dare to be unhappy for a minute! Do not dare to be unhappy with your qadar (destiny) for even a short while; just run to Allah, ففروا إلى ,Run to Allah, Surat AthThariyat ) اهلل

ayah 50) and protect yourself with the best shield, which is the shield of seeking refuge and safety in Allah.

“Allahumma la malja-a wa la manja-a minka illa ilaik” (O Allah! There is neither refuge nor any safety from You except in You).

Allah will accommodate you, will accept you and will forgive you!

Surah Az zumar, ayah 53

قل يا عبادي الذين أسرفوا على أنفسهم ال ۞ تقنطوا من رحمة اهلل إن

اهلل يغفر الذنوب جميعا إنه هو الغفور الرحيم Say: "O Ibâdî (My slaves) who have

transgressed against themselves (by committing evil deeds and sins)!

Despair not of the Mercy of Allah, verily Allah forgives all sins. Truly,

He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful

"Every Son of Adam is a Sinner, and the Best of Sinners are those who Repent" [Tirmidhi]  

!الحمدهلل رب العاملنيوالصالة والسالم على أشرف املرسلني

A Monthly Newsletter by Masjid Bani Hashim, Jumeirah Islands, Dubai Issue#5 April 2014

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This Issue Introduction: Page 2!

The Gems Box: Page 4 !Linguistic Miracles of the Glorious

Quran: Pages 5 - 6!Learn, Live &Love the Names of

Allah Azza Wajal: Pages 7 - 9!Cheer Up! Pages10 -11!

Pomegranate! Pages 12-15!


Learn Tajweed: Page 16 - 17!The Real Superstars: Pages 19 - 20!

Gems of Surahs: Page 23 - 24!Accountability: Page 22!

Masjid Bani Hashim: Page 24-25!!

Pages 19-20

Page 4

Pages 15-17

Page 5-6

Pages 7-9 Pages 10-11

Page 18

A Monthly Newsletter by Masjid Bani Hashim, Jumeirah Islands, Dubai Issue#5 April 2014

Pages 21-23



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How to maintain a healthy heart? Your physical heart is considered to be the main source of life

for your body. It is essential to feed it from the best food for you want to remain healthy.

The needs of your spiritual heart are more than the needs of your body!

What can I feed my heart? There is a special food for it.

It is like preparing for a competition: The more energetic the food intake,

the faster you will run towards the pleasure of Allah! 1. First and foremost, Remembering Allah, His names and attributes 2. Looking and talking about Allah's blessings and magnifying Him.

Allah loves to hear His praises. It is like a concentrated vitamin! Just look at yourself!

Look at how perfect Allah made you and you will automatically love Him more!

3. Thinking about Akhirah. Reminding yourself of Paradise and your meeting with Allah!

Your life is valueless if you do not know Allah. Hence, enter the Paradise of the Dunia by knowing

Allah 4. Pondering over what Allah says about the disbelievers.

This food keeps the heart alive and balanced between hope and fear. 5. Knowing what the people of Paradise will be recompensed with!

This will make you run towards the good deeds and give life to your heart. After following this diet carefully you can now

compete with the best believers!

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!One of the many examples whereby the Quran’s miraculous nature becomes apparent is when we study how perfectly Allah(‘Azza wa Jal) has maintained a coherent, divine consistency with the sequence. !

What is meant by Consistency with Sequence?!

To make it simple let’s study our dialogue. When humans speak we cannot manage to remember the correct sequence of our spoken words in a specific context. We do not memorise what we speak even five minutes ago. For example, if a Person is speaking about darkness, followed by a comparison of day and night, it is not possible for him to remember to organise his speech perfectly so that he mentions night first and day after. Perhaps this can be done through writing by means of editing the text, however the spoken words lack this accuracy and are bound to have errors of redundancy and run-ons. !

The Holy Quran’s Perfect Sequence!

In Surah Al Baqarah, Ayat 7, Allah says:!

!Allah has set a seal upon their hearts

translation of Surat AlBaqarah ayah 8, and upon hearing, and over their vision is a veil. And for them is a great punishment.!

Note Allah (Azza wa Jal) has mentioned “Heart” first, followed by hearing and sight. Now let’s see what Allah (Azza wa Jal) is telling us in the previous and following Ayas in the same Surah:!

This is the Book about which there is no doubt, a guidance for those conscious of Allah .!

Those upon [right] guidance from their Lord, and it is those who are the successful. !

!In their hearts is disease, so Allah has increased their disease; and for them is

Maintaining Consistency

with Sequences

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A painful punishment because they [habitually] used to lie.!Allah has mentioned raiib (Doubt), Hidayah (Guidance) and Muttaqeen (Those who fear Allah). All these are attributed to only one part in our body which is the Heart. Hence it is clear that the subject matter revolves around our heart, which is why Allah mentions the heart FIRST in Ayah 7.!

Even when speaking regarding the Munafiqoons (Ayah 10) Allah maintains the perfect consistency in sequence by

starting with the Heart, as hypocrisy also lies in the heart.!

SubhanAllah! !

In contrast to this, Allah speaks of Hearing FIRST in another place in the Quran:!

In Surah AlJathiyah Ayah 23, Allah says:!

Have you seen he who has taken as his god his [own] desire, and Allah has sent him astray due to knowledge and has set a seal upon his hearing and his heart and put over his vision a veil? So who will guide him after Allah ? Then will you not be reminded?!

In the above Ayah, Hearing is mentioned before the heart. Let’s again

study the preceding Ayats in the same Surah to marvel this beautiful Speech.!

Woe to every sinful liar!Who hears the verses of Allah recited to him, then persists arrogantly as if he had not heard them. So give him tidings of a painful punishment.!

!In the above Ayah Allah (‘Azza wa Jal) is speaking of the one who “hears” the verses of Allah(‘Azza wa Jal) and yet denies them. 15 Ayahs later (in Ayah 23) Allah (‘Azza wa Jal) perfectly mentions Hearing first and then the heart in order to maintain the sequence of His earlier spoken words.!

SubhanAllah! Who but Allah (‘Azza wa Jal) can speak with such perfection and supremacy? His speech alone is enough to convince humans that this is nothing but a word of our Master, Creator. These are gems amongst the infinite treasures which Allah owns by His ultimate knowledge. And there is no might nor power except with Allah (‘Azza wa Jal).Allah


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The names of Allah, in so far as they are applied only to Him – fall into two categories: 1. Names that only belong to Him, may He be glorified and exalted, and cannot be given to anyone but Him, such as the names Allah, ArRabb (the Lord or Cherisher), ArRahmaan (the Most Gracious), al-Ahad (the Unique), al-Samad (the Self-Sufficient Master, Whom all creatures need, He neither eats nor drinks), AmArRahmaanMutakabbir (the Majestic), and so on. It is not permissible to call any human being by these names, according to scholarly consensus.2. Names which do not apply only to Him, and which may be applied to human beings, so it is permissible to call people by them, such AsSamee’ (hearing), AlBaseer (seeing), ‘AlAliy (high, exalted), Hakeem (wise), Rasheed (wise). !

XI-Other Principles - Calling People by the Names of Allah

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Some of the most well known Sahaabah were called by these names, such as ‘Ali ibn Abi Taalib and Hakeem ibn Hizaam (may Allah be pleased with them).What is forbidden is only the names which apply only to the Lord, such as Allah and al-Rahmaan.It says in the commentary on Asna al-Mataalib Sharh Rawd al-Taalib (4/243), which is a Shaafa’i book:It is permissible to call people by those names of Allah which do not apply only to Him. As for those which apply only to Him, it is haraam (to call people by them). This was clearly stated by al-Nawawi in his commentary on Muslim. End quote. Some Hanafi fuqaha’ confirmed that when they said: Calling people by names of Allah which are found in the book of Allah, such as al-‘Aliy (high, exalted), al-Kabeer (great), al-Rasheed (wise), al-Badee’ (innovator or originator), is permissible, because they are names that may be shared by Allah and people, but their meaning when used for people is different from their meaning when used for Allah, may He be glorified and exalted. See: Bareeqah Mahmoudiyyah (3/234), quoting from al-Tatarkhaaniyyah.This is what may be understood from the words of Ibn AlQayyim (may Allah have mercy on him) when he said:Names which it is forbidden to give to people include the names of the Lord, may He be blessed and exalted, so it is not permissible to call people by names such as AlAhad (the Unique), AsSamad (the Self-Sufficient Master, Whom all creatures need, He neither eats nor drinks), AlKhaaliq (the Creator) or ArRazzaaq

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(the Provider), or any of the other names that apply only to the Lord, may He be blessed and exalted. And it is not permissible to call kings AlQaahir (the Subduer) or AdhDhaahir (the Most High or the Manifest), or to call them AjJabbaar (the Compeller), AlMutakabbir (the Majestic), ALAwwal (the First), AlAakhir (the Last), al-Baatin (the Most Near or the Hidden), or ‘Allaam ElGhuyoob (Knower of the unseen). Tuhfat al-Mawdood (p. 125).Based on this, there is nothing wrong with using the name Maalik and the like, and it is not necessary to add the words ‘Abd (slave of”) before it, as the brother who asked this question thinks.Similarly, there is nothing wrong with calling a person whose name is ‘Abd al-Hakeem by saying Hakeem, as it is one of the names which it is permissible to give to people, and it does not belong only to Allah. But it is better to call him by the name that he likes and that his father called him by.We do not know of any scholar who accused those who use these names of shirk and kufr. Our advice to the brother who asked this question is not to rush to accuse Muslims without proof, and not to fall into that which he is criticising.!!



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بسم  اهلل  الرحمن  الرحيم  

Light  to  Extinguish  All  Darknesses!  !

الحمدهلل  رب  العاملني 

والصالة  والسالم  على  أشرف  املرسلني    

Darkness is always frightening…you wake up in the middle of the night and suddenly you forgot where you are…it is very dark…you cannot locate where you are and you are faced with a situation that you do not know how to handle, your mind has left you and your heart is beating fast. You have lost touch with reality!

Subhanal Allah, beloved readers there is darkness in this life and there is darkness after death.

What is the proof?

Have you ever felt that you cannot see light, you do not know which direction to go? That is darkness! Whenever we come across this darkness, this is usually because of the weakness of our own self or because we are being “framed” by the Shaytan, the major deceiver! At that moment, turn to Allah, actually run fast to Allah

(Surah Adh-Dhariyat, ayah 50) ففروا إلى اهلل

If we really know Who is Allah subhana wa t’ala then no darkness will remain! Neither in our hearts nor in our lives. Subhanal Allah!

One of the most beautiful Names of Allah is AnNoor and He is Noor as’samawat wal ard, Light of the heavens ad the earth. (Qur’an, Surah An Noor, ayah 35) !

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مثل  نوره    رض نور  السماوات  واأل   اهلل  ۞ في    صباح امل   كمشكاة  فيها  مصباح   الزجاجة  كأنها  كوكب  دري   زجاجة يوقد  من  شجرة  مباركة  زيتونة  ال 

شرقية  وال  غربية  يكاد  زيتها  يضيء    نور   نور  على   لم  تمسسه  نار   ولو

  ويضرب  اهلل   لنوره  من  يشاء   يهدي  اهلل شيء  عليم    بكل   واهلل   مثال  للناس األ

   Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth. The parable of His Light is as (if there were) a niche and within it a lamp, the lamp is in glass, the glass as it were a brilliant star, lit from a blessed tree, an olive, neither of the east (i.e. neither it gets sun-rays only in the morning) nor of the west (i.e. nor it gets sun-rays only in the afternoon, but it is exposed to the sun all day long), whose oil would almost glow forth (of itself), though no fire touched it. Light upon Light! Allah guides to His Light whom He wills. And Allah sets forth parables for mankind, and Allah is All-Knower of everything. So where do we get this light from?

If Allah subhana wa t’ Ala is telling us that He is the Light of the heavens and the earth, then no doubt His word (The Qur’an) is going to give us light, is going to give us guidance to distinguish falsehood from the truth; it is going to give us the light to not despair in any situation because despairing is just like being in darkness.

Oh the one, lost in so many darknesses, why do you not come out of these darknesses?

What is stopping you?

Run to Allah, call Allah, AlNoor, you can be sure whatever sadness, whatever worry, whatever pain is paralysing you, these are nothing than darknesses and Allah’s Light will extinguish all darknesses.

,Run to Allah ) ففروا إلى اهلل

Surah Adh-Dhariyat, ayah 50)

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!The pomegranate has been mentioned in the Quran in 3 places:

It is HE Who sends down rain from the skies; with it WE produce vegetation of all kinds: from some WE produce green (crops), out of which WE produce grain, heaped up (at harvest); out of the date palm and its sheaths (or spathes) (come) clusters of dates hanging low and near: and (then there are) gardens of grapes, and olives, and pomegranates, each similar (in kind) yet different (in variety): when they begin to bear fruit, feast your eyes with the fruit and the ripeness thereof. Behold! In these things there are Signs for people who believe. (Al-Aníaam - 99) 

!It is HE Who produceth gardens, with trellises and without, and dates, and tilth with produce of all kinds, and olives and pomegranates, similar (in kind) and different (in variety): eat of their fruit in their season, but render the dues that are proper on the day that the harvest is gathered. But waste not by excess: for ALLAH

loveth not the wasters. (Al-Anaam - 141) 

!In them will be Fruits, and dates, and pomegranates: Then which of the favours of your Lord will you deny? (Ar-Rahman - 68-69.)

!There are also Hadith that mention the fruit:

Anas bin Malik (Radhiyallahu anhu) narrated that Rasulullah (sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) said, "There is not a pomegranate which does not have a pip from one of the pomegranate of the Garden (of Jannah) in it." (Abu Nu'aim)

!Rasulullah (sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) said, "Pomegranate and its rind strengthen digestion(stomach)." (narrated Ali(radhiyallahu anhu), Abu Nuaim, Al-Jawzi) 

!Some of the benefits of the fruit include that it has antioxidant, antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. In alternative medicine, it has been used to treat diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Extract of pomegranate has been shown to fight against staph, salmonella and some kinds of strep bacteria. In the dental field, it has been found to inhibit the formation of the bacteria that causes plaque, aid in healing after periodontal procedures and reduce signs of chronic periodontitis. Research also shows that type II


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diabetes patients significantly reduced their cholesterol levels by consuming pomegranate juice concentrate daily.

!Did you know?

• Pomegranates are one of the few fruits whose juice is just as beneficial as its fruit or seeds? That's because the peel, which you can't eat, contains the most antioxidants, which are released in abundance when the fruit is squeezed for juicing.

• They are one of the only fruits that may keep your skin looking young and wrinkle free if you eat them regularly.

It's juice is so packed with antioxidants for optimal health, that it...

• may help significantly in reducing the symptoms of arthritis.

• Is proven to boost fertility, increase your immunity against diseases like swine flu and prevent many types of cancer.

!Vitamins, Minerals and Micronutrients in Pomegranates  

Like many fruits, pomegranate supplies a healthy dose of vitamin C. Unlike others, it also contains vitamins B5, B9 and K. Potassium and zinc top the list of vital minerals that pomegranates and it's juice contain.

Better known by its full name, pantothenic acid, vitamin B5 is essential to healthy skin and nerve function. The name might be more familiar as a hair-care ingredient, but pantothenic acid is also an important dietary requirement. This micronutrient may also help prevent muscle cramping, insulin resistance and adrenal insufficiency.

Vitamin B9, also known as folate or folic acid, which is required by adults to repair DNA and create healthy blood cells is present in Pomegranate. A single serving of pomegranate seeds contains 10 percent of an adult's recommended allowance of the vitamin.

People who don't get enough vitamin K may bruise easily and run a greater risk of developing osteoporosis. Usually found in dark green leafy vegetables, vitamin K becomes more palatable when it's packaged in sweet pomegranate seeds. Pomegranate juice and whole pomegranate seeds contain about 10 percent of an adult's recommended daily allowance of vitamin K.



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Ibn al-Qayyim in his book "The Prophetic Medicine" mentioned two types of pomegranate: sweet and sour. Some of the health benefits he mentioned for sweet pomegranate are that it is good for the stomach, throat, chest and lungs, it can help a cough, and is excellent nourishment for the body. Sour pomegranate can be beneficial for an inflamed stomach, cuts short diarrhoea, and can prevent vomiting.

According to Unani medicine, the ideal time to eat pomegranate is after having had lunch. Take out the seeds, sprinkle with a little salt and black pepper and swallow the juice after chewing the seeds. This way of eating is beneficial in chronic constipation and indigestion. It also soothes the nerves and stimulates the liver. Authorities of Unani medicine also maintain that people doing tedious mental work should eat the fruit in the late afternoon in the same manner. Another way of using the fruit advantageously is to press out the juice, add a little sugar and drink it. This produces blood, promotes good health and refreshes the brain.


Diarrhoea: The skin of the fruit is valuable in the treatment of diarrhoea. About 20 grams of the skin and 3 grams of cloves or cinnamon should be boiled well in about 250 ml of water. When cool, the patient should drink 30 to 40 ml of the liquid thrice a day for a few days.

!Hoarseness or Loss of Voice: Boil about 20 grams of the skin and two to three grams of alum in 250 ml water. Use the liquid for gargling.

!Earache: Mix a little honey with a teaspoon of the juice of the fruit. Warm the mixture and administer two to three drops into the affected ear. The ache should disappear.

!Bad Vision or Weakening Eyesight: Fill fresh sweet pomegranate juice in a small bottle; leave in the sun. The juice will thicken in a few days. This is excellent for the eyes. Apply in the eyes. The more mature the juice becomes the more effective it is.

!Digestive and Kidney Disorders, Poor Appetite: Pour about one and half litres of the juice in a bowl until the sediments settle. Separate the juice from the sediments and sieve through a clean cloth. Pour in a bottle so that it fills it to two thirds. Add 250 grams candy sugar and ten grams ground fennel. Leave in the sun for a week but shake it a number of times daily. Give the patient 30 - 100 grams once


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daily. This is an effective treatment for the above disorders.

!Stomach-ache: Sprinkle a little salt and pepper on the fresh seeds and eat.

!Poor Appetite and Digestive Disorders: Make regular use of the pure juice of the fruit in the case of poor appetite. The juice is also good in simple colitis in which the colon is inflamed, characterised by diarrhoea; and mucous colitis in which the mucous membrane of the colon is inflamed, characterised by colicky pain, and constipation or diarrhoea. The juice is an excellent remedy in dysentery, inflammation and ulceration of the lower part of the colon, characterised by pain and diarrhoea with bloody stools and mucus. For nausea and morning sickness characterised by excessive secretion of bile, a tablespoon of the fresh juice mixed with equal quantity of honey, is an effective remedy.


Intestinal Worms: The root-bark of the pomegranate tree is highly toxic to intestinal worms. Boil the bark of a two- inches long root in a cup of water. Half a cup of the decoction should be given thrice a day at intervals of two hours to an adult. Two hours after the last dose he should be given castor oil to purge the system. The dose for children is 1/3 of the adult.

Fevers: Mix a pinch of saffron powder to a glass of the juice. This beverage is very useful in fevers and it allays thirst felt in fever.

!Teeth and Gum Disorder: Regular use of the toothpowder of the rind helps in preventing and curing tooth decay and gum disease. It cleans the teeth, leaving them sparkling white. To make the powder, dry the rind in the sun until it is brittle. Powder, mix with a little fine black pepper and store in a jar. Use everyday with a toothbrush, or apply and rub with the finger.

!Bet you didn't know these amazing facts about it's fruit and juice! There is no wonder that this fruit has been mentioned in the Quran in three places.



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Two types of determination (والعزم نوعان):- Continued from last issue .أحدهما: عزم املريد على الدخول في الطريق, وهو من البدايات

First: Determination of the one wanting to walk a path. One needs to ask Allah (swt) to give him this determination from the start. 

والثاني: العزم على االستمرار على الطاعات بعد الدخول فيها, وعلى االنتقال من حال كامل, إلى حال أكمل منه, وهو من النهايات, ولهذا سمى اهلل تعالى خواص الرسل أولي العزم, وهم

.خمسة، وهم أفضل الرسلSecondly: Determination to continue upon the obedience after having started it and to move from one state to a better state. For this reason Allah (swt) specified from His messengers as ‘those of great determination’ being five of the best messengers. They are Noah (as), Ibrahim (as), Moses (as), Jesus (as), and Mohammed (pbuh).

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!قوله: ((وحسن عبادتك)): يكون بإتقانها، واإلتيان

بها على أكمل وجه، ويكون ذلك على ركنني:!

! (وحسن عبادتك)And to make me worship You in excellence. To worship Allah in the most perfect way, and this has two requirements:!!!

1- اإلخالص هلل تعالى فيها.!(1) Sincerity and done purely for Allah’s sake. !!2- املتابعة فيما جاء في الكتاب الحكيم, وسنة املصطفى صلى اهلل عليه وسلم الرؤوف

الرحيم، !(2) Following what is revealed in the Wise Book, Al Quran, and the Sunnah of the Prophet (pbuh)!!!وأعظم اإلحسان في العبادة مقام (اإلحسان) قال النبي صلى اهلل عليه وسلم حينما سأله

جبريل عن اإلحسان، فقال: ((اإلحسان أن تعبد اهلل كأنك تراه، فإن لم تكن تراه, فإنه يراك)) البخاري، كتاب اإليمان، باب سؤال جبريل النبي ^ عن اإليمان، برقم 5.!

فأشار إلى مقامني:!The greatest way of excellence in worship, as the Prophet (pbuh) mentioned when asked by Jibreel about ihsan, ‘which is to worship Allah as if you see Him, and if you do not see Him, then verily He sees you.’ - (Al Bukhari 5). So this points to two positions:!

!أحدهما: أن يعبد اهلل تعالى مستحضرا لرؤية اهلل

تعالى إياه، ويستحضر قرب اهلل منه، واطالعه عليه, فيخلص له العمل، ويجتهد

في إتقانه، وتحسينه.!First: to be ‘present’ in worshipping Allah (swt) as if you see Him, and you are present in feeling the closeness to Allah (swt), and Him looking down upon you. So your deeds are done purely for Him, and you strive in perfecting your deeds and doing them with excellence. !!

والثاني: أن يعبده على مشاهدته إياه بقلبه, فيعامله معاملة حاضر ال معاملة غائب).!

Second: to worship Him that He is watching you and your heart. So you deal with Allah (swt) while being present, not absent. !!وقوله: ((وأسألك قلبا سليما)): هو القلب النقي

من الذنوب، والعيوب ((الذي ليس فيه شيء من محبة اهلل ما يكرهه اهلل تبارك

وتعالى, فدخل في ذلك سالمته من الشرك الجلي والخفي, ومن األهواء والبدع، ومن الفسوق واملعاصي: كبائرها، وصغائرها،

الظاهرة، والباطنة، كالرياء، والعجب, والغل, والغش, والحقد, والحسد، وغير

ذلك, وهذا القلب السليم هو الذي ال ينفع يوم القيامة سواه, قال اهلل تعالى: "يوم ال ينفع مال وال بنون *إال من أتى اهلل بقلب سليم", فإذا سلم القلب لم يسكن فيه إال

الرب تبارك وتعالى)).!!

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And I ask You for (وأسألك قلبا سليما)a sound heart. It is the heart that is free of sins and faults. It has nothing in it except the love of Allah (swt) and all that Allah (swt) hates. So this heart is sound from apparent and hidden shirk, from desires, innovations, transgressions, and disobedience. It is free from all sins – major and minor, hidden and apparent, such as insincerity, self-admiration, malice, deception, hatred, jealousy. And this sound heart is the only thing which will be of benefit on the Day of Judgement. As Allah (swt) says, “A Day when no wealth or children will benefit, except who comes to Allah with a sound heart” (Surah AshShu’ara 88-89). If the heart becomes sound, then nothing can be placed in it except ArRabb, blessed and exalted is He. Subhan Allah.!!قوله: ((ولسانا صادقا)): أي محفوظا من الكذب, واإلخالف بالوعد, سأل اهلل تعالى لسانا صادقا؛ فإنه أول الطريق إلى درجة الصديقية التي هي أعلى الدرجات بعد األنبياء, قال النبي صلى اهلل عليه وسلم ((عليكم بالصدق, فإن الصدق يهدي إلى البر، وإن البر يهدي إلى الجنة, وما يزال الرجل يصدق, ويتحرى الصدق, حتى يكتب عند اهلل صديقا...)). ومسلم، كتاب البر والصلة واآلداب، باب قبح الكذب، !وحسن الصدق، وفضله، برقم 2607.!!

And a truthful (ولسانا صادقا)tongue. A tongue that is guarded from lying and breaking promises. The Prophet (pbuh) asked Allah (swt) for a truthful tongue because it is the first way to the level of the truthful ones, who are the highest in ranks after the messengers. The Prophet (pbuh) said, “It is upon you to be truthful, because truth leads to righteousness, and righteousness leads to paradise, and a man remains truthful and endeavours on truth until he is recorded with Allah as a ‘truthful one’” — (Muslim 2607)!!

قوله: ((وأسألك من خير ما تعلم)): هذا سؤال جامع لكل خير ما علمه العبد، وما لم

يعلمه، لهذا أسنده إلى ربه تعالى العليم, الذي وسع علمه كل شيء, ((وهذا السؤال العام بعد سؤال تلك األمور الخاصة من

الخير))!ــعلم) ــا تــ ــير مــ ــن خــ ــك مــ ــألــ And I ask :(وأســYou for goodness of what You know. This request combines all good that the servant knows and all good that he does not know. For this reason, he asks His Rabb, Who is vast in His knowledge to grant him this goodness. And this a general request after having asked for specific requests of goodness, including the sound heart and the truthful tongue. !

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Common Mistakes Of Makharij Dear  readers  in  the  last  3  News  le0ers  we  have  been  discussing  Makharij  that  is  the  specific  place  from  where  the  le0ers  emerge  and  now  let’s  see  what  are  the  common  mistakes  which  people  make  when  they  are  unable  to  differenAate  between  these  le0ers.  

         Some  le0ers  are  heavy  that  is  the  tongue  goes  up  while  pronouncing  it  and  some  are  light  where  the  tongue  stays  down.  The  heavy  le0ers  are   خ ،ص ،ض ،غ ،ط ،ق ،ظ  whereas  all  the  rest  are  light  which  we  will  discuss  later.  

1-­‐  Between ت   and - ط Both  the  le0ers  have  the  same  makhraj  I.e  the  Ap  of  the  tongue  touches  the  base  of  the  upper  top  front  teeth  but ت   is  a  light  le0er  whereas ط   is  heavy  and ت   has  air  whereas ط   has  no  air.  

2-­‐Between ز   and ذ   –Both  has  different  makhraj  .In ز   Ap  of  the  tongue  touches  between  the  upper  and  lower  front  teeth  and  the  tongue  is  inside  giving  a  buzzing  sound  whereas  in ذ   Ap  of  the  tongue  meets  the  edges  of  the  upper  two  front  teeth.  

3-­‐Between ذ   and ظ   –Makhraj  is  same  but ذ   is  light  andظ  is  heavy.  

س‐­-4  and ص   –Makhraj  same  but  again   س  is  light ص   heavy.  

5-­‐5-­‐ س   and ث   –  Totally  differ  in  makhraj.  In س   Ap  of  the  tongue  meets  the  place  where  the  gums  and  the  lower  teeth  meet  with  a  whistle  sound ث   whereas  is  arAculated  by  puNng  pressure  on  the  edge  of  the  two  upper  incisor  teeth.  

ق‐­-6  and ك   –  Both  has  different  makhraj  and  qualiAes  .In ق   the  touches  the  soQ  upper  palate  whereas  in ك   the  tongue  touches  the  hard  palate.ق  is  heavy  whereas ك  is  light.  

7-­‐ ع   and ء   –Both  are  huroof-­‐e-­‐halaqi  but   ع  comes  from  the  middle  part  of  the  throat  whereas ء   from  the  deepest  part.   ع  has  li0le  flow  of  sound  but  in ء   we  have  to  hold  the  sound.  

8-­‐ ح   and ه   –Again ه   is  the  deepest  part  and ح   is  the  middle  of  the  throat.  

9-­‐ ض   and ظ   –  Totally  different. ض   is  from حافة اللسان   or  side  of  the  tongue  where  the  rear  side  touches  the  upper  back  teeth  whereas ظ   is  from طرف  اللسان  where  the  Ap  of  the  tongue  touches  the  edges  of  the  upper  incisor  teeth.  

It  is  difficult  to  understand  tajweed  only  from  theory  but  hope  it  helps  li0le  and  we  try  to  know  and  differenAate  between  le0ers  as  it  is  very  important  for  the  correct  recitaAon.  When  Umar  R.A  and  Hisham  bin  Hakim  differed  as  to  the  correct  recitaAon  of  the  Quran,  Prophet  S.A.W  said,  “Read  it  as  you  were  taught,  for  verily  those  before  you  were  destroyed  by  their  differing  from  their  prophets.”  Sahih  Al-­‐JaamiAn  

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Last two weeks we looked into the Life of Abu Bakr (RA), the Greatest Sahaba and someone very dear to our Prophet(SAWS). !We will continue with the family of Abu Bakr (RA) in our journey of discovering the Real Superstars. !Our Superstar this month is Asma Bint Abi Bakr, a sahabia who is remembered in Islamic history for her courage, integrity, generosity, and intelligence. !Her mother was Qutaylah bint Abd-al-Uzza, and she was the full sister of Abdullah . Her half-sisters were Aisha and Umm Kulthum , and her half-brothers were Abdul-Rahman and Muhammad. !Asma was one of the first to accept Islam, being listed fifteenth on Ibn Ishaq’s list of “those who accepted Islam at the invitation of Abu Bakr” !She was married to Al-Zubayr ibn al-Awwam (One of the Ashara Mubashara- One of the 10 given glad tidings of Jannah).

!She herself was given the glad tidings of Jannah, in the famous incidence during Hijrah of Prophet(SAWS) to Madina where she earned the title of Zat an-Nitaqayn (the woman with two waist bands) In Arabic the belt, or girdle worn by women around the waist is called a Nitaq. Asma(RA) was one of the few persons who knew of the Prophet's plan to leave for Madinah. Utmost secrecy had to be maintained because the Quraysh planned to kill the Prophet(SAWS). On the night of their departure, Asma(RA) was the one who prepared a bag of food and a water container for their journey. She did not find anything with which to tie the containers and decided to use her waistband or nitaq. Abu Bakr suggested that she tear it into two. This she did and the Prophet commended her action. From then on she became known as "the One with the Two Waistbands.The Prophet (SAWS) blessed her and said that in place of that one girdle that she had  sacrificed, she would get two in Paradise. !Her courage, patience and her deep faith in Allah can be noticed in different incidents in her life. !The way she bravely faced and  fought Abu Jahl, not revealing anything when he came asking for the whereabouts of Prophet(SAWS) and her father when they had made their hijrah to Madina. She even took part in the battle of Yarmuk . She used to keep a dagger to defend herself when thieves appeared in Medina at the time of Sa’id Ibn Al-’As. !From the different incidents that we get to read of her life  , it seems that she had a very strong personality.  And yet she had the kindest of hearts. She was foremost in giving in charity. She would never save anything she had, rather she would give it away in charity. !Her son Abdullah once said of her, "I have not seen two women more generous than my aunt A'ishah and my mother Asmaa(RA). But their generosity was expressed in different ways. My aunt would accumulate one thing after another

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until she had gathered what she felt was sufficient and then distributed it all to those in need. My mother, on the other hand, would not keep anything even for the morrow." !Even though she came from the wealthy family of Abu Bakr, after marriage to Az Zubayr, she had a difficult time. She was the poorest of the Sahabiyat. . She narrates: !"When I was married to Zubair, he had neither money nor property of any kind. He had only one camel for carrying water and one horse. I would bring fodder for the animals and date-stones to feed them in lieu of grass, bring water from the well, mended bucket myself when needed and attend to other domestic duties.Attending to the horse was the most difficult of all jobs. I was not good at baking and therefore, after kneading the flour, I would take it to the Ansar women in my neighbourhoodUntil, who would bake the bread for me. " !Another incident she narrates when she was in Madinah !When we arrived in Madinah, the Prophet (SAWS) allotted a piece of land to Zubair (RA) about two miles away from the town. I would bring date stones from there on my head. One day when I was coming back, I met the Prophet (SAWS) with a group of Ansar . The Prophet (SAWS) stopped his camel. I quite well understood that he intended to give me a lift. I felt shy of accompanying him, and I also remembered that Zubair (RA) was very sensitive in such matters. The Prophet (SAWS) understood my hesitation and left me alone. When I reached home, I narrated the story to Zubair (RA) and told him that, due to my own shyness and his sensitiveness, I did not avail of the offer of the Prophet (SAWS). At this Zubair (RA) said, 'By Almighty, I am more sensitive about you're carrying the load over such a long distance but I cannot help it." Sometime later, Abu Bakr (RA) transferred to us a servant that the Prophet (SAWS) had given him. I was thus relieved of attending to the horse, which had been really hard for me" !

SubhanAllah her life story is so fascinating. She came from a wealthy family , yet she didn't think much of doing hard physical labour. There is so much we can learn from her strength of character . She had a resolve to stand firm in the beliefs she had. Asma(RA) broke through self limiting restrictions that we normally put for ourselves. We have a lot of potential but we draw self inflicted boundaries that limit us from going beyond and reaching new heights. !!Her personality really comes forth in the advice she gave her son , ‘Abdullah, when he consulted her about AlHajjaj siege to Mecca. She was a hundred years old and was blind by then. ‘Abdullah addressed her saying, O mother, the people abandoned me; and only a few  still support me. However, they could no longer fight than an hour on my part. The other party offers to give me whatever I ask of worldly benefits. What do you see, mother? " She replied, “You know yourself best. If you know that you are right and calling for the truth,then fight on, just like the sahaba before you.Do not surrender your neck to Banu Umayyah. But if you  want  worldly benefit then you would be the worst man who demolished himself and his fellows.’ Abdullah said, “By Allah, this is also my opinion, mother. But I fear crucifixion after death.” She replied, “Skinning a slaughtered goat does not bring it pain.” And she urged her son to go on and fight and seek Allah’s help. !When she went to embrace his son, she found him wearing a shield. She said; “This is not the behaviour of whoever wants martyrdom. Take it off. That will make your movements lighter and quicker.

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Wear instead the sirwal (a long under garment) so that if you are killed your 'awrah will not be exposed!” Therefore, he took off his shield and went forward to fight. He kept fighting until he was killed. !Al-Hajjaj issued a command to have him crucified. Then he came to Asmâ’ and said, “O mother, the leader of the believer commended me to treat you well. Do you want any thing? !Asma replied, “I am not your mother. I am only the mother of this crucified man.” Then she said, I heard the Messenger of Allah (SAWS) as saying, “There will be in Thaqeef a liar and a destroyer.” We knew the liar and you are the destroyer. In another version when Al-Hajjaj came to Asmâ’ he said, “How did I punish your son, Asmâ”? She replied quietly, “You spoiled his life but he spoiled your next.” !One can't help but wonder at her strong personality. She was fearless, and not one to mince her words. Her advice to her son really touches the heart. It shows her love for Allah and the Deen. !Such were the Sahabas/Sahabaiyaat. Is it really any wonder why they hold such a high status in Islam? Their Faith was pure and sincere to Allah and was more unshakeable than the strongest mountain. !!Asma' would pray with full concentration. Zubayr bin 'Awam relates that when he came home one day he saw her praying and weeping; she kept on repeating these words from the Quran again and again: !"Allah has blessed us and saved us the torture of the burning winds." [At Tur 52:27] !When he saw her thus lost in the presence of Allah, he left the house and went to the market. He came back much later and still found her still lost in prayer.

!Asma'(RA)had a very sharp memory. If she heard anything even once she would never forget it. Like 'A'ishah, Umm Salamah and Asma' bint Yazid bin as-Sakan al-Ansariyyah, she also has many Hadiths attributed to her. Many Companions and successors would come to her for guidance and verification of Hadiths. 'Abdullah bin Zubayr, Urwah bin Az-Zubayr, 'Abdullah bin 'Abbas, Fatimah bint Munthir bin Zubayr and 'Abdullah bin Kisan are some of the noteworthy ones. !Asma bint Abu Bakr As-Siddiq died in the year 73, after Hijrah. She was almost a hundred years old, but even at that age she had a full set of teeth and a sharp memory.!!!A Strong Lady indeed ... The ayah 100 from Surah AsTawbah would be apt for such a Great Woman of Islam!!And the first forerunners [in the faith] among the Muhajireen and the Ansar and those who followed them with good conduct - Allah is pleased with them and they are pleased with Him, and He has prepared for them gardens beneath which rivers flow, wherein they will abide forever. That is the great attainment.!!May We all aspire to have a strong emaan and strength of character like Asma(RA).


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!Quran  Outline  

The  purpose  of  this  breakdown  is  to  see  the  Surahs  of  the  Quran  in  an  ‘outline’  format.  This  facilitates  the  way  of  seeing  the  flow  of  the  ayah,  and  it  helps  to  remember  the  words,  in  sha’a  Allah.    !Surat  AlBaqarah  –  Ayah  255  –  Ayat  AlKursi  – )سورة البقرة - آية الكرسي(   

ٱهلل آل إلـه إال هو ٱلحى ٱلقيوم ال تأخذه ۥ سنةرض وال نوم له ۥ ما فى ٱلسمـوٲت وما فى ٱأل من ذا ٱلذى يشفع عنده ۥ إال بإذنهۦ يعلم ما

بني أيديهم وما خلفهم وال يحيطون بشىء من علمهۦ إال بما شآء وسع كرسيه ٱلسمـوٲترض وال يـوده ۥ حفظهما وهو ٱلعلى وٱأل

(ï٢۲٥٥µ) ٱلعظيم  Allâh!  Lâ  ilâha  illa  Huwa  (none  has  the  right  to  be  worshipped  but  He),  the  Ever  Living,  the  One  Who  sustains  and  protects  all  that  exists.  Neither  slumber,  nor  sleep  overtake  Him.  To  Him  belongs  whatever  is  in  the  heavens  and  whatever  is  on  earth.  

Who  is  he  that  can  intercede  with  Him  except  with  His  Permission?  He  knows  what  happens  to  them  (His  creatures)  in  this  world,  and  what  will  happen  to  them  

in  the  HereaTer.  And  they  will  never  compass  anything  of  His  Knowledge  except  that  which  He  wills.  His  Kursî  

extends  over  the  heavens  and  the  earth,  and  He  feels  no  faVgue  in  guarding  and  

preserving  them.  And  He  is  the  Most  High,  the  Most  Great  

♣ Who  is  Allah  (swt)?  –  Allah )ٱهلل(   

o There  is  no  god  but  He  

)آل إلـه إال هو(   

♣ The  Ever-­‐Living )ٱلحى(   

♣ T h e   A l l -­‐ S u s t a i n e r  ( (ٱلقيوم  

♣ Dominion  of  Allah  (swt)  

o He  is  not  overtaken )ال تأخذه(   

♣ By  slumber  ( (سنة  

♣ Nor  sleep  ( (وال نوم  

o To  Him  belongs (له  ۥ)   

♣ What  is  in  the  heavens    

(ما فى ٱلسمـوٲت)  

♣ And  what   is   in   the  earth  رض) (وما  فى  ٱأل  

♣ Intercession  of  Allah  (swt)  

o Who   can   intercede  with   Him?   (من ذا ٱلذى يشفع عنده ۥ)  

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♣ E x c e p t   b y   H i s  permission بإذنهۦ)    (إال  

♣ All-­‐encompassing   knowledge   of   Allah  (swt)  

o He   knows   what   is   between  their   hands   (what   they   have  done) أيديهم)    (يعلم  ما  بني  

o And  He  knows  what   is  behind  them  (hidden  from  them) ومــــــا)    (خلفهم  

o And   they   will   never   compass  anything  of  His  knowledge    

(وال يحيطون بشىء من علمهۦ)  

♣ Except  what  He  wills    

( (إال بما شآء  

♣ Vastness  of  Allah’s  Kursi  (Footstool)  

o Vastness   is   His   Kursi   ( وسع (كرسيه  

♣ Over   the   heavens   and  earth رض)  (ٱلسمـوٲت وٱأل  

o And   He   has   no   faVgue   in  protecVng  all  of  His  creaVon  

)وال يـوده ۥ حفظهما(   

♣ And  He  (Allah)  is: )وهو(   

o The  Most  High )ٱلعلى(   

o The  Most  Great )ٱلعظيم(     


Verse  of  the  Footstool :(آيـــة  الـــكرسي)   If  you  read   Ayat   Al   Kursi   aTer   every   obligatory  prayer   then   in   sha’a  Allah   Paradise   is   the  abode.    

قال رسول اهلل صلى اهلل عليه و سلم: من قرأ آية الكرسي دبر كل صالة مكتوبة ، لم يمنعه

من دخول الجنة إال أن يموت 

الراوي: أبو أمامة الباهلي املحدث: األلباني  املصدر: صحيح الجامع - الصفحة أو الرقم:


خالصة حكم املحدث: صحيح The  Messenger   of   Allah     said:   “Whoever  recites  Ayat  Al-­‐Kursi  a;er  every  obligatory  salaat,   nothing   will   prevent   him   from  entering  Paradise  except  death.”  (Sahih,  Al  Albani)  



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“O you who have believed, fear Allah. And let every soul look to what it has

put forth for tomorrow – and fear Allah. Indeed, Allah is Acquainted with

what you do.” [59:18]

While there are five pillars of Islam, there are six pillars of Iman (faith) without which one cannot be titled a Mu’min (one who is at peace). One of the fundamental creeds of faith for a Muslim is to believe in life after death. One cannot be titled a Muslim without believing that they will be resurrected on the Day of Judgment, be held accountable and questioned by your Lord for every little deed you committed in this world and subsequently be put into your final abode: heaven or hell. Everything we do in this world, every step we take, every thought we consider is done with the belief that we will be held accountable for this on the Day of Judgment; or at least it should be. Muslims lack and forget, and are neglectful of Allah’s gaze on us; we are neglectful of the angels writing every deed down, we are even neglectful of our own body recording every deed our hand commits every sight our eyes every sound our tongues utter only to be replayed back

to us on the Day of Judgment. We are neglectful in our fear of Allah, our taqwa or our God-consciousness. If indeed we truly believed that we were constantly being watched and were never alone we would never commit sin. But Insaan is every forgetful, made from nisyaan, and should remember that Allah’s Mercy is greater than His wrath and turn to him in repentance. Allah says: {On the Day when every soul will be confronted with all the good it has done and all the evil it has done, it will wish there were a great distance between it and its evil. But Allah cautions you (to remember) Himself. And Allah is full of kindness to those that serve Him}* (AlImran 3:30)

On that day the Questioner will be none other than Allah, the Judge, Himself. There will be no mediator, and the talk will be directly with our Rabb. “Allah will talk to everyone directly, without a translator. The person will look to his right, and will not see anything but his deeds. Then the person will look to his front and will see nothing but the Hellfire facing him. So protect yourself from Hellfire even with the charity of half a date.” (Al-Bukhari)

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Allah, with His immense Mercy has already told us the questions to the biggest test in a Muslim’s life because He wants us to succeed, He wants to give us paradise; what is wrong with us that we consciously keep refusing the greatest gift to mankind, our return to our Home, the only place where we will find peace? The first thing that we will be questioned about will be prayer. “The Messenger (SAW) told us in an authentic Hadith , “The first thing the people will be accountable for on the Day of Judgment is prayer, Allah will say to His angels (even though he already knows) : “Look at my servants prayers. Were they complete or not?” If they were complete It will be written as complete. If they were not fully complete Allah will say: “See if my servant has voluntary prayers, If he has them Allah will say: Complete his obligatory prayers shortage with his voluntary prayers.” Then the rest of his deeds will be dealt with in the same manner.”(Ahmad) “The son of Adam will not pass away from Allah until he is asked about five things: How he lived his life, how he utilised his youth, what means he earned his wealth with, how he spent his wealth, and what he did with his knowledge.” (At-Tirmidhi) The importance of fulfilling promises and keeping your word in Islam is such that Allah Himself will question us about it on that greatest of days:

“And fulfil (every) covenant. Verily! The covenant will be questioned about”. (AlIsraa' 17:34)We will be questioned about what use we made of every blessing that we enjoyed in this world which includes our health, wealth, food, drink , etc. “Verily! The hearing, and the sight, and the heart; about each of those, you will be questioned (by Allah)”. (Al-Israa' 17:36) “Then, on that Day, you shall be asked about the delight (you indulged in, in this world”. (AtAtTakathurTakathur 102:8) Allah’s Messenger has said: “Allah will meet a person and ask him, "O person, wasn't I generous to you? And didn't I give you a spouse and make the horses and camels at your disposal?" The servant will reply, "Yes!" Allah will then ask, "Did you think that you will meet Me?" He will reply, "No!" Allah will say, "I will forget you as you forgot Me." (Muslim)If we want to improve our relationship with Allah and pass on the Day of Judgment entering into our everlasting abode, Jannah, we need to strive with our Taqwa, our awareness that we are constantly being watched and have a responsibility towards Him. The literal meaning of taqwa is "to put a barrier between yourself and the wrath of Allah". If we truly want Allah to be pleased with us first and foremost we need patience. Patience in avoiding sin, patience in obeying Allah’s commands and patience in the trials He afflicts us with. Patience comes with trial and error. What is required from us is that we strive to achieve it and Allah will keep making us rise.

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Allah says in Surat Al-Baqarah [verse 153] “O you who have believed, seek help through patience and prayer. Indeed, Allah is with the patient.” In order to achieve God-consciousness, we need to recognise that Satan is our enemy. What is most important is to mend our relationship with Allah when we are alone and He will mend our relations of the world for us. We need to make sure that we do not preach good to others but commit actions that are different when we are alone for on that day these will be the hypocrites, whose limbs will witness their actions while their lips will be sealed shut: The Prophet Muhammad said: “Allah Almighty will meet another person and his reply will be the same as the first person's. Then again He will meet a third person and will ask similar questions, and the person's reply will be, "O Lord, I believed in You, in Your books, and in Your messengers. I prayed, I fasted, and I gave charity. And he will praise Allah as much as he can. Allah will say, "Hold on to your words, now We will bring the witnesses." The person will ask himself, "Who will testify against me?" Then that person's mouth will be sealed, and his thighs flesh, and bones will be asked to

speak. They will speak about his bad deeds. He will know that he has no excuse. That is the hypocrite with whom Allah the Exalted will be furious.” (Muslim)

We should try not to forget that actions are judged by intentions (Bukhari) so we should strive to purify our intentions before every deed, so that we are rewarded accordingly. One who constantly strived in this world for Paradise will have an easy questioning and we pray that Allah includes us amongst those who are not questioned on the day of judgment and are directed towards Paradise after just a brief skimming through our deeds:This is concluded from a Hadith reported by Imams Buhkari and Muslim in which the Prophet (S.A.W.) said: "Allah will bring the believer very close and privately and ask him "Do you know this sin? Do you know that sin? The believers reply will be, “Yes Oh Lord,” until he is reminded about all of his sins, and he thinks he will perish. Then Allah will say"I covered up your sins during your life, and I will forgive your sins today. Then he will be given his book of good deeds. But the unbelievers and hypocrites will be asked about their deeds loudly in front of the creatures. Turn to Allah in repentance today, dear siblings in Islam, he waits longingly for us and do not despair in His Mercy for those who do have truly fallen prey to Satan and his evil. Umar (rA) used to say: “Hold yourself accountable before

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You are held accountable, weigh yourselves before you are weighed, and be prepared for the biggest gathering before He Whose knowledge encompasses your deeds.” (That Day shall you be brought to Judgment, not a secret of yours will be hidden [69:18]). Allah says: “O My servants, these deeds of yours which I am recording for you I shall reward you for them, so he who finds good should praise Allah and he who finds other than that should not blame anyone but himself.” [Muslim] The reason this is so is because Satan only whispers to us, we commit the act. There will be no one to blame but ourselves for our acts on that Day.The two ways to hold ourselves accountable are (1) to assess ourselves about what we have already committed and sent forth; to analyse if they were according to the limits of Allah and if they were not to seek repentance. Sincere Repentance with regret demolishes acts that came before it so one should not despair in Allah’s Mercy. (2) The second step to hold ourselves accountable is to assess ourselves before we commit any act. Is our intention pure? Are we acting according to the will of Allah? We should not take a step without constantly reminding ourselves that our actions are being recorded and weighed. This will help the slave to

prepare themselves for their greatest test. Begin today and strive. Strive to seek the Face of Allah, strive for your home in Jannah, begin small, but be consistent. Allah is more happy with our repentance than a person who lost his camel in a desert land and then finds it (unexpectedly) [Bukhari and Muslim]. “Allah accepts a slave's repentance as long as the latter is not on his death bed (that is, before the soul of the dying person reaches the throat)". So turn to Allah today; do not wait any longer. He waits for you and will come to you running, we only need to stretch out our hand and take a step: Allah (may He be Exalted and Glorified) says: If he (My servant) makes mention of Me within himself, I make mention of him within Myself; and if he makes mention of Me in an assembly, I make mention of him in an assembly better than it. And if he draws near to Me a hand span, I draw near to him an arm’s length; and if he draws near to Me an arm’s length, I draw near to him a fathom’s length. And if he comes to Me walking, I come to him running.”

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!Masjid Bani Hashim by the Grace of Allah عز وجل, opened its

doors 2nd Ramadan 1434; July 10th, 2013 & is a Non-Profit Organisation. It envisions to offer intensive courses, lectures,

workshops, Tafseer elQuran with Taddabur, Tajweed, Seerah of the Prophet pbuh & major Islamic Studies.!

!Our Mission!

Masjid Bani Hashim’s mission is to provide authentic understanding of Islam based on Qur'an and Sunnah of our beloved Prophet Mohammed (saws). Masjid Bani Hashim

welcomes all and provides a golden opportunity to access Islamic Courses to all seekers of Ilm. Without rushing back home, you

can make a stop at Masjid Bani Hashim to nurture your soul, pray & recite Quran.

Masjid Bani Hashim!At Jumeirah Islands, Dubai

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