Aspen Times Transcript



special edition of Aspen Times1971 International Design Conference in AspenJune 20-24, 1971

Transcript of Aspen Times Transcript

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special edition of Aspen Times

1971 International Design Conference in Aspen

June 20-24, 1971

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The opening and registration of IDCA 71 at 3:00 pm Sunday 20th June. By 5:00 pm about 400 had assembled in the grounds of the hotel where the drinks were not free nor the food. It was noticed that some participants shifted down the road to have 75 cent tuna sandwiches. The people that registered were beautiful : straight people, hairy people, professional ones, some black. Jivan was there with his summer wooly vest. Everybody exchanged appropriate business interests and niceties. There were more students than ever before which was fine for setting me out of that narrow professional chit chat of past years - students discussed more general world problems. The gathering ends at 7pm for dinner

Samples of breakfast eaten at the “meadows” in aspen by conferees during IDCA :- coffee with sugar - bread and butter- tomato juice- ras-berry jam- milk and corn flakes

I think there should be some plan or something whereby singles of the conference can meet socially for whatever needs they might have - conversation, companionship, love etc. It’s frightfully lonely here being along and not knowing anyone and not enjoying bar-hopping.

e ma"a making bad jokes under sun drenched canvas can’t really happen at 8000’ but on the other hand...

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NOTE: Michael Aldrich made the "rst reference to american racism and imperialism - which is of course a current cliche -- but true and important -- and a good candidate for a “consciousness raising” badly needed by most of us at the conference. Freak culture shouldn’t be dropped here, since that culture is a major graphics user.

Mike Aldrich sells papers to make a profit, the profits go to loyal efforts and a media campaign to repeal marijuana prohibition

Murphy’s “the revolution in consciousness” - informative, stimulating and interesting

about monday’s microlab in interpersonal relations -- a "ne experience - one I hope which will improve my relationships with people of both sexes.

about monday’s consciousness expansion session - another good experience, one that I enjoyed.

Bucky Fuller - too long.

A "ne conference so far - the best

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oooooooooooooooooooooMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.Monday we learned to be feelie freaks: thinking about our big toes and our bellies. The junior varsity had its day in the Consciousness League. Meanwhile, the Rockieswent begging. The finches, thrushes, hawks,the rocks and rills--all went begging.AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.Paradox, paradox, here we are, topbudgeted for an encounter with thenatural world, what’s left of it, and weare playing children’s games of self-expression; screaming like banshees,feeling the -----knots on each other’sheads, probing the base of our spines.EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHNew consiousness. Like if you wanted to invent a new kind of electric shaver,you ought to fix it so that two peoplewill be needed to work it: the guy whowants a shave and a buddy who liketo do the shaving. A shave-in, so to say. So O.K., says a smart cat, what’sthe big deal? All you’re doing is reinventing the barber. Sic transit.MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHMichael Murphy says, or rather hereports that the Ford Foundation says,there are 10,000 techniques for alteringconsciousness. Bliss.TAPTAPTAPTAPTAPTAPTAPTAPTAPTAPRUBEBRUBRUBRUBRUBRBURBUBRBRIBThe body is still in a process of evolu-tion. Secret powers to be unleashed:Macroheads mit microtrunks. Eight-foot basketball centers, two-foot---------- astronauts. Why not?Politicians are already 3-4 inchestaller than their constituents.OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMFunny thing about new consciousness &design is that the designer must crankup to soar into the new consciousnesseven if the folks he’s designing for aren’t conscious of what he’s doing.That could make a designer feel prettysilly there with all of those conscious-stricken buggy whips nobody needs. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMM MMMMMM MMMM MMM MM MM M

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e real revolution, the basic kind that really changes things, isn’t based on 4 - letter words, drugs, old cliches, etc. e real revolution is economic. It’s political. It’s basic ... not peripheral.

6/21/71I’m late but that’s not my fault really - for there was a need for time to think it out, and this is th first moment of seclusion I’ve had all day to think - The microlab was marvelous (such a cliche) After sitting through an hour or so of that “thing” at the Jerome yesterday...alone - everyone cliqueing so much, together - making themselves into tight, unapproachable groups. And today I touched a strangers hand - many strangers hands - I touched them with my eyes closed, I felt the warmth of passing bodies, heard them breathing and heard me breathing too! I felt them touch me. Warm and gentle caresses, not sexually, just human. I gave someone a hug because I wanted to - a man I’d known only a few minutes! I left myself in the hands of seven others and fell and was passed among them, and they trusted me to hold them: TRUST. Perhaps you were right I’m idealistic, I’m young, I’m your daughter perhaps. But I love you all for being real with me. If I never forget you either - your eyes or your touch...And you really surprised me, some of you. I honestly felt you’d be too conditioned. I was wrong. in Peace and with love - Kitter.

Buckminster Fuller: Thinking across the board. Fears maintain certain conditioned reflexes in man. If man can overcome these conditioned reflexes he will then be able to do more with the technology he has. Revolution must begin in the individual man. He must not wait for his neighbor to change; he must change. If we as individuals do not change after what we have experienced this week here; it is doubtful if any peaceful change will ever occur. The problems have been stated and the answers are at hand ; all we have to do is apply it to ourselves! - Paul Gallaway C.I.A

What’s nice about Bucky is that he makes everything nice and simple. What is not so nice, or sometimes nicely overlooked is that the simpli"ed problem confronts an extremely complex and not so nice social structure which seeks to protect itself by any means necessary (for example capitalism and its extension imperialism). We are confronted with the utter necessity of rational physical design in the face of totally irrational social design. What is exciting is that Bucky’s increasing following of young radical people places the ideals of a world community and sane management then the context of the revolutionary energy in the world.

It’s unfortunate the Esalen sensory sensitivity things were on such anintroverted and super"cial level. Touchy-Feely is nice itself , but its gotta be carried a lot deeper than your big toe to effect your relations and sensitivity to other human beings.

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Women’s����������� ������������������  lib����������� ������������������  is����������� ������������������  probably����������� ������������������  the����������� ������������������  most����������� ������������������  promising����������� ������������������  radical����������� ������������������  civil����������� ������������������  rights����������� ������������������  movement����������� ������������������  in����������� ������������������  the����������� ������������������  US����������� ������������������  today����������� ������������������  -����������� ������������������  simply����������� ������������������  because����������� ������������������  it����������� ������������������  represents����������� ������������������  a����������� ������������������  (potential)����������� ������������������  majority����������� ������������������  of����������� ������������������  the����������� ������������������  population.����������� ������������������  ����������� ������������������  It����������� ������������������  is,����������� ������������������  therefore,����������� ������������������  distressing����������� ������������������  to����������� ������������������  find����������� ������������������  that����������� ������������������  so����������� ������������������  many����������� ������������������  feminists����������� ������������������  want����������� ������������������  to����������� ������������������  join����������� ������������������  us����������� ������������������  society����������� ������������������  as����������� ������������������  it����������� ������������������  is,����������� ������������������  instead����������� ������������������  of����������� ������������������  trying����������� ������������������  to����������� ������������������  use����������� ������������������  the����������� ������������������  enormous����������� ������������������  momentum����������� ������������������  of����������� ������������������  their����������� ������������������  movement����������� ������������������  to����������� ������������������  effect����������� ������������������  radical����������� ������������������  change.����������� ������������������  ����������� ������������������  What����������� ������������������  difference����������� ������������������  will����������� ������������������  it����������� ������������������  make����������� ������������������  if����������� ������������������  half����������� ������������������  the����������� ������������������  bank����������� ������������������  presidents,����������� ������������������  stockbrokers����������� ������������������  or����������� ������������������  land����������� ������������������  speculators����������� ������������������  in����������� ������������������  the����������� ������������������  US����������� ������������������  are����������� ������������������  women?����������� ������������������  ����������� ������������������  They’ll����������� ������������������  just����������� ������������������  be����������� ������������������  harder����������� ������������������  to����������� ������������������  dislodge!����������� ������������������  -����������� ������������������  PB����������� ������������������  (a����������� ������������������  man)

Women's lib:please act equal and use your time on the primary things: educational programs constructive development in society. Equality is basically a political question.

Of Carolynn Bird:Mrs. Bird spoke out for the new woman of today. While I agree women should receive equal pay and equal rights; I would ask two questions 1. Are women today fulfilling their responsibilities as mothers of tomorrows world?

2. Shouldn’t mothers of preschool aged children stay at home with them and teach them and love them, during these early years that so shape their character?I believe that women play a larger role as to what the world will be like, as well as what it now is, than the majority of them realize. Today’s children are tomorrow’s world. It’s outcome will depend on just how much today’s mothers really care and love their children at these early years in life. - Paul Gallaway, C.I.A.

Could it be that those who have been dissatis"ed with this conference are those who have avoided the participatory opportunities?

For Dean Farson. Can you make some request to keep small crying babies from the tent? eir trying to communicate with their mothers that they don’t want to be here.

About the Tuesday group experience in women’s and men’s liberation - I feel because the groups were either all men or all women that I as a man, failed to have any contact with the woman’s point of view about the subject. In my group anyway, we expressed situations, experiences,

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anecdotes certainly about male-female relationships, but failed really to come to grips with the woman’s liberation revolution.

Group on women’s and men’s liberationIdeas: to enable people to have a sense of what being in the movement is really like. Groups were sex-segregated to protect people form the role-pressure created by the opposite sex. Telling and sharing experience enables individuals to perceive the social component of their experience and to think concretely rather than ideologically.

Positive results: Many participants reported pleasurable and enlightening experiences. Some groups produced friendships and several women wanted to start women’s liberation groups in their own communities.Problems: 1. Many individuals had trouble refraining from interrupting the process of people going around and telling their experiences.2. Some people responded with general ideas instead of their experiences.3. Some people avoided painful experiences and substituted positive ones, thus evading

the issuesNOTE: several people who objected to sex-segregated groups in the morning changed their minds after attending a combative mixed group in the afternoon. Shierry and I are quite satisfied with the experience. Jeremy

Women have shown a subtle wisdom in contenting themselves with the backseat of the man-made vehicle, which, after many generations, has come plummeting into our modern era. They have essentially kept out of active engagement in devastating wars and they withheld themselves from the grueling competition of the european-american world of business and politics. If they achieve the goals they desire (and I’m sure they will) I hope they will exercise a judgement superior to that of men, for in today’s world, they will need it!

We would hope that men would not feel threatened by women who take on the roles of imitator; in friendship, sex, etc...We’d like to see men talk of the importance of equality in male and female child upbringing.

is request comes from a father of 5. Can’t we keep small crying babies out of the tent?

A hope of their verbality and higher form of communication with women in intimate relations as well as human relations. Perhaps men will (in getting together) admit denials of the position they've been put in by society: that of the provider, he man, aggressor, and final decider. We hope they’ll loosen to share and open to unload.

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a 100 million horses jumping up and down going map.. we will do more with less...craft tools - anything available to a naked man in the woods. Industrial tools - more than one person - starting with the spoken word.


ere are several concerns that I have developed as a result of attending the beginning portion of the conference.e "rst concern is the lack of relevant communication taking place among the conference members. It seems that issues have been introduced with the intent of relating them to the designers responsibility. A discussion late Monday aernoon seemed to be the attempt of individuals to deal with this relationship but ended up to with very little communication taking place. Members of the panel as well as a few of the audience seemed to be doing little more than trying to become the focus of attention. When one person would "nish speaking, the next person would begin with subject matter completely unrelated to his predecessors words. Certain bits of information were interesting in themselves but nothing seemed to be accomplished as a group. It seems that many times individuals failed to share the same meanings for words. Much of the talk was %ung out very loosely obviously not intended to convey meaning but to show people. is type of discussion does not seem to accomplish anything constructive but seems to continue the reign of the is unfortunate because there are some important issues here that could begin to deal with as I see them they are:1)the development of a language with meanings common to all to increase efficiency in communication2) Working toward a deeper understanding of what a designer is 3) determining whether there is a responsibility to help solve existing human problems4) determining how the designer can help solve human problems. is would involve exploring

a logical link between the activities of the designer and the prospective bene"cial and detrimental effects the designer’s activities on the satisfaction of human needs.

5) Helping each designer answer the question for himself6) - i.e. what the effect of his activities are on the solving of human problems - or , in other

words, the effect of his activities on the satisfaction of human needsAnswering these questions will require that we understand what then human needs are. ere is very little we have been taught about human needs as this leads us to issue 6); which is perhaps the most important6) Determining what are human needs. i.e. - what are the elements of our physical and social

environment that are necessary for our being or self - actualization?Let’s consider allocating several hours of the day for meeting in groups of 5 to 7 carefully consider each issue. Let’s get some help in learning how to communicate effectively in small groups.

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Gene Youngblood in the great hollywood tradition said nothing in one and a half hours

Nicholas Johnson: a great forward thinking public official working to make the

system work

In 10 years of spending summers in Aspen and attending conferences of every type and description, these sessions by far the best I have ever crashed.

Communications Crescendoes from the Youngblood Deliberation:*groups cannot develop a consciousness of their sameness without communication.*the greening of america will come from the information and ideas in heads*wealth is a combination of energy and intelligence.*we extract energy from matter through the quality of information*the history of america is the history of futurism*let technology run the story so we can of the things we are better at.proving our right to live eight hours a day prevents us from being ourselves*what we have: information perceptual imperialism*it would take 6000 years to watch all of the stuff that has been put on tv during its existence thus far*we should be thrilled about the increase in population because it may make possible to creation of a new species*of course, people are getting shot. Of course, long hairs are being beaten. But in 1952 the hair wasn't even long enough to be neaten on.*the most decentralized system yet: the LP stereo record.*There is not, and never has bee, a mass audience.*Of the 350 “black” radio stations, ten are owned by blacks.

Wednesday’s program was great_in the future, let’s have more of the interplay between speakers like Gene Youngblood and Nick Johnson. I sincerely agree with Gene Youngblood that we are living in great times. Let’s get on with it!

I want to congratulate and compliment Dick Farson for an outstanding and excellent 1971 design conference. e outstanding features, in my opinion, were (1) e participatory nature of so many events, (2) the repetition of the "lm programs, (3) the content of the conference, (4) the personalities of the speakers and leaders, (5) the relaxed and friendly nature of most of the participants, & (6) the total structure & schedule. It was a most inspiring and stimulating experience. ank you much.

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CalArts has done a god job in the area of self promotion! Individuals associated with this school have also not given of themselves as much as taken from the conferees. Financially the conference is questionable. What’s the $100 or $25 for? Were speakers paid? Were CalArts students paid? Surely doesn’t cost that amount for cardboard box, writing pad, + piece of rope. The conferees time was utterly waisted during “Design Games” (an example of the leaders profit at the conferees expense). Most topics here to for-thought to be para-design will remain such, I suppose in contradiction to the hopes of the conference coordinators because speakers didn’t tie new with traditional. When communication was the topic the speakers didn’t! It was most disappointing to find out that a written record of speeches will not be available + included in the registration fee as in years past. Again - where is our money?!!*@! The “designers” at the conference displayed a genuine lack of ability to intelligently communicate. --------- Witness the incidence of “mean nothing words” such as those previously thought to be obscene. If I come again, I’ll at least know that is is not for design but for suntan, booze, women, clothes (or lack of them), and a desire to see how different I can be.

e synthesis of Gene’s and Bucky’s messages brought about the concept of the designer being a specialist of necessity, in that he is a designer of speci"cs; however he can not continue to pursue his specialty by itself -- he must consider what he does in relation to the whole system of which his work is a component. e fact that all parts of a system are interdependent makes it vitally essential that the designer consider not only the direct function of his work, but also its effect on the function of every other part of our global system.Until this time, designers have always implied a value judgement in their work, that is, the public has been informed only that “new = better.” rough controlled ignorance, society has been complacently convinced that those in control (1%) know what’s best for them (99%) and have accepted everything that’s been shoved down their throats (and into their minds). Nick Johnson and Gene Youngblood showed us how the communications revolution is beginning to alter this process by providing us with information other than predetermined value judgements. e public is now in the position of being ablt to assert their own individual values -- of choosing between options. Information is a powerful tool, its value depending on who controls it and how they use it. e governmental/corporate complex is losing its total control of information, and because of this, all society is being altered, including our roles as designers.

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Maybe next year a Chamber of Commerce conference or policeman’s convention or Ronald Reagan’s fan club should be invited to do their annual thing in Aspen. en all the consciousness socio-political communicating third world revolutionaries at this year’s IDCA could sneak in the sides of the tent and address a real audience.Oh its been great OK but maybe that’s because there’s some comfort to be gained having compatible emphatetic even folk-heroic people around you. e paradox is that the nice people at the IDCA and Aspen itself have been the (foulina?) of the conference.I’m thankful to the existence of an IDCA organisation because it’sgiven me the opportunity to meet and talk with so many beautiful people and enjoy sunshine which I’ve missd for so long.Happy new 25 June (I’ll be watching you)

Young’s story of his reaction to his daughter’s lib appeal was the best bit of design technology I have yet heard here - Cedric Price

What does this have to do with design?Probably everything; but that’s not the problem with IDCA’71The input to INDIVIDUALS has been enormous but largely ONE-DIRECTIONAL. Here at aspen are assembled a group of very talented, very knowledgable people from around the world - yet largely we have passively received information from others. The creative power of such an assembled group, as a group has not been tapped. Pssibly never again will sich a group be together for the sole purpose of speculating on problems and solutions. Yet for some reason action has been limited - conversation hours, panel discussions, etc - and largely lacking any sense of reality, of concern, of urgency. The fantastic which is this conference is not the speakers although they are remarkeable, BUT THE PEOPLE OF THE CONFERENCE. Somehow this can be tapped - but how? I have some ideas, but am out of room. Anyone interested in discussing this /////////// please write, call, visit AL WASEO 1782 W54 Cleveland, Ohio 44102

e black - white encounter session conducted by Karimu Kadura was one of the few relevant features of the conference. Mr. Kadura’s skillful blend of general sensitivity group encounter tactics and his questionnaire and questions _______ provided an opportunity for self-exploration of feelings on race and almost immediate group feedback on the expression of these feelins. He forced people to meaningfully examine their relationship to a crucial revolution which is already upon us - that of the “third” world. Karimu, a brother with great insight into the oen hidden emotions on race, made it clear that the racial revolution is live and will not be televised. Get ready.

There are a lot of white people looking for black people to tell them that it’s all right if the system we lived in screwed over the “Negro” isn’t their fault - about slavery and all that - it’s all right that they - the white people - buy toilet paper made by a company with a big fat profitable branch in sunny

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South Africa. And they came and sat in the tent and said, “Oh, but I have never had like a real racial experience.” And we talked, we in the tent, about shit and about how nobody “hates” - and that is shit - And before we can deal with what universality means - we must deal with we now are - Not because K.K. did not try - no one really confronted...

No longer can we impose our values on a jello-minded public. Our job is not to create alternative designs so that man can control his own evolutions by exercising his right of choice that has been dealed for so long. ere are no ‘optimum’ solutions; only in diversity can we accomodate the needs of society, not a mass entity, but individuals with personal and highly special needs.

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Group 6 - design games 6/22/71Tomorrow will,Today won’t convolutions express continuousyesterday did revolutionsreal it y givereceiveresolve_____d.h.religion

1 1/2 hours to come up with a valid design solution? Be serious! However, it was really good to have strangers throw on different points of view. Frustrating as hell, but good experience - it feels good now, even though little was accomplished. The little feels like a lot under the circumstances.

Aer and 1.5 discussion I am now listening to Fuller. I have a greater appreciation for starting with the larger patterns and moving toward the smaller.

The����������� ������������������  conclusions����������� ������������������  of����������� ������������������  our����������� ������������������  consulting����������� ������������������  group����������� ������������������  re:����������� ������������������  space����������� ������������������  configuration����������� ������������������  of����������� ������������������  ����������� ������������������  for����������� ������������������  city����������� ������������������  of����������� ������������������  paradox����������� ������������������  are����������� ������������������  as����������� ������������������  follows:1. ����������� ������������������  The����������� ������������������  learning����������� ������������������  experience����������� ������������������  should����������� ������������������  be����������� ������������������  just����������� ������������������  that����������� ������������������  -����������� ������������������  experiential!����������� ������������������  ����������� ������������������  most����������� ������������������  of����������� ������������������  the����������� ������������������  learning����������� ������������������  will����������� ������������������  come����������� ������������������  from����������� ������������������  without;����������� ������������������  from����������� ������������������  the����������� ������������������  big����������� ������������������  city,����������� ������������������  the����������� ������������������  neighborhood����������� ������������������  business����������� ������������������  and����������� ������������������  other����������� ������������������  people����������� ������������������  2.����������� ������������������  ����������� ������������������  an����������� ������������������  “option����������� ������������������  bank”����������� ������������������  will����������� ������������������  exist����������� ������������������  so����������� ������������������  that����������� ������������������  experiences����������� ������������������  can����������� ������������������  be����������� ������������������  chosen����������� ������������������  by����������� ������������������  those����������� ������������������  not����������� ������������������  self-motivated����������� ������������������  (as����������� ������������������  well����������� ������������������  as����������� ������������������  motivated)����������� ������������������  3.����������� ������������������  ����������� ������������������  The����������� ������������������  actual����������� ������������������  school����������� ������������������  facility����������� ������������������  should����������� ������������������  be����������� ������������������  no����������� ������������������  more����������� ������������������  than����������� ������������������  a����������� ������������������  hardware����������� ������������������  center����������� ������������������  with����������� ������������������  all����������� ������������������  the����������� ������������������  forms����������� ������������������  of����������� ������������������  exotic����������� ������������������  audio/visual����������� ������������������  equipment����������� ������������������  available.����������� ������������������  ����������� ������������������  4.����������� ������������������  ����������� ������������������  The����������� ������������������  “option����������� ������������������  bank”����������� ������������������  will����������� ������������������  be����������� ������������������  an����������� ������������������  open����������� ������������������  system,����������� ������������������  changing����������� ������������������  as����������� ������������������  new����������� ������������������  experiences����������� ������������������  alter����������� ������������������  the����������� ������������������  old;����������� ������������������  the����������� ������������������  facility����������� ������������������  will����������� ������������������  change����������� ������������������  in����������� ������������������  form����������� ������������������  as����������� ������������������  well.

Community services center!e Liberative Exchange is the Center of Paradox, fueled by social energy as opposed to monetary exchange. services to be delivered1. Continuing Liberative exchange: culture - communication -> learning2. Joy & Zest - to provide social permissiveness

a. General Healthb. Consciousness Liberating Arts

1. Recreative Confrontation 2. Spiritual Contemplation

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3. Transportation a. Roller skates on magnetic "elds b. Teleportation

FORM. A continuously evolving nebula.1. air chambers - soft #owing2. tribal arrangement - spiral, or double helix

IV 3A - Pleasure Dome - sports, amusements, education, nourishment, feedbackDEVELOPED WANTS: contribution to community a. adequacy of size b. convenience c. flexibility d. AestheticCORPORATION WANTES: 1. Desire for slight profit 2. maximum utility of facilitiesDESIGNER promotional material: The message for all forms of media ‘ you need me i need you. constant availability of all services. come as you are. bring the kids. opportunities availableCONSUMER: 1. resentment of dictatorial attitudes of the develop 2. appreciation of constant service 3. a tendency toward militancy

no one can predict the future: trends indicate need for four criteria shown above: schematics will be developed when future more clear

Value of video phones:1. visual/audial feedback2. 24 hrs service (recorded messages)3. needless traffic4. time saver - liberator5. disabled consumer6. for the woman at home - conservation of resources7. inter-community delivery initiate non-promotional educational program through the use of existing vehicles 23c

Project 3b design Ex 1minimum age 2 yrs.maximum age 6yrs24 hr service - constant care center with qualified male and female staff and community involvement in all of humanities. Involvement of senior citizens on voluntary basis to aid qualified staff leadersPhysical plant to be built semi-underground, covered with earth and landscape to create a past-like atmosphere for total utilization of space - will contain environmental area (cave-type situations, maze climbing facilities.Financing cost proportionate to income of family or individualgoal: a place of love involving not only children but aid of senior citizens etc.

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Assumptions:- multipurpose construction- open 24 hrs.- based on 3 1/2 day workweek- size, location and number of deoendent on area population- wherever possible commercial and private buildings will be used-so won’t duplicate.Servicesmusic-arthealth-medicalpersonal development servicefree time facilityspiritual awarenesstrasing centerpublic safety centercommunication centersports areapublic meeting placescommunity organization government

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In view of the various “revolutions” (sexual etc) we have assumed the following: (problem 3c video phone)-that “advertising has evolved to a “pure-information-ended promotional system

-that no distinction is made as to the role of shopper, housekeeper etc, in terms of sex

-that the proposed system be in addition to existing methods of retailing we propose a 24 hour phone-in delivery system, fully automated, conceived of as utilitarian (ie-as water, etc) which can be called upon at will. The system shall be competitive at the same levels which exist. The system will provide immediate feedback to market researchers via the same channels (consumer to supplier)

3B. Promotional Design for a community child care facility:aims: to sustain play activities that are not sexually prejudical. provides educational, social, and recreaitonal development for the community’s children from ages 6 months-high school age; to free parents for work and recreation and more effects community action ; tie-in with existing medical, dental, cable TV facilities, central teaching-video library and computer systems; mandatory parental participation ; volunteer participation by the aged; orientation via closed circuit TV of aged and parental aids by educational “supervisors”physical plant: proximity with parks, library hospital, retirement community, cultural facilities (zoo, etc.) ; child care center as the nucleus of community life.

Before designing a child care center, we found is imperative to examine the systems found within this city, i.e. economic, governmental, social etc. to determine the effects of these systems on the need and desires of those for whom we are designing - the “new” child. We have to decide what or if any family structure will exist, what the relationship will be between parents children peers. Assuming that both man + woman equal, are working, no longer need the institution of marriage, we assume society will become responsible for the child. So will be a day or totally living (day-evening-monthly -etc.) experience, where the parent’s role as authoritarian has been eliminated. The centers may be financed (gov. or private) to assume equality of centers _ quality of experiences for children. The centers will be global in concept, connected with other city + world child care centers. It will be an environment an educational experience “without walls”, a

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a total community involvement. This is a search, a beginning, the physical form emanating from the flexible needs + desires from those within or without

did you even hear fuller last night?

ph. the projects considered were based on the assumption of continuing status quo into 1980. e idea is to eliminate private interest, not play games with it.

Design Games Tues: 1)do as we tell you 2) work on this idea only

OH. The projects condidered were based on the assumption of continuing status quo on into 1980. The idea is to eliminate private interest, not play games with it.

Wake up, Tabibian this is for real!

elimination of push-cart supermarket - replaced by a combination of specialty stores for perishable and low-sale items and a warehouse. e warehouse operates on a computerized system which compiles items requested via telephone - which are then delivered to a station in each living module. Selection is made via video presentation. Packaging display and advertising are virtually eliminated, lowering the product cost. Computerized service lowers the overhead; allowing 24 hrs service. is system accommodates the sexual revolution by providing a faster service. Eliminating shopping as a role, cutting down on advertising and package design directed at one se (since anyone can now do it in minutes) and making the service available at any time so that any one is able to shop during his free time. e delivery stations eliminate need for travel to the store for basic items Cutting down on parking space in the warehouse area. exercise/problem

‘THE FULL LOOP SENSORIUM’----A dream ful!llment service‘Our nerds are never closed’ Our specialty - Computerized Experience Exchange -

Also Available:multi-media theatredating bardros servicechildcarehealth spa

How promote:subliminal adv (t.v. + radio)

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T.V.Newspaperword of mouth cassete samples

By 1980 there will be no political crimes: so we assume criminals aer the 3rd world revolution will be accused of ‘anti-social’ crimes and either found maladjusted socially (unable to cope with a racially equitable society) or medically imbalanced - the purpose of the prisons therefore will be to rehabilitate the criminals either through biological or socio-psycho-treatments - note that our ‘prisons’ have no punitive reasons for existences.As to the halfway house itself: we assume the speci"c crimes or the causes and natures of crimes will be changing so we cannot ‘build’ any permanent structure to treat crimes - instead we would arrange for ‘criminals’ to live with sympathetic groups (family, schools, communes, employers) of their choice.In the greater interest of preventing crimes the same opportunities to go and live with such “adjusting groups” should be available to children, housewives, businessmen or anyone who feels (crime-prone)

games a lotdesign a gameany game play your gamedo you feel the same?have you learnt you name?design gamedesign gamewhat’s there left to tame?if they all cameto feel the rain?and only used the drain?design gamedesign tamedesign namewhat’s you game buddy?the age of reason has come to an end my you still want to playyour gameany game?aspen game24thursdayjune

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Design Exercise # 4 In Paradox there will be crime although not that of present de"nition. To deal with it there will be a citizen board with a jury-duty like compulsorary aspect to deal in the most unstructured, a %exible way with various offenses and there’s program. Federal aid. professional advise is a ...

Rehabilitation Youth Center

President/Board of Directors/Psychiatrist/Dr’s/CounsellorsPolicy - differential treatment (no fence - no bars)Physical Set-up - individual cottages, central admin, store, recreationBehavior Category - apprentice, trainee, honor student


I have heard designers saying that they thought they were going to be shown examples of good design, good art here. I do not feel that is what this conference has meant to convey or that that is what society needs. We have all the well designed things we need, all the good design talent that we need. e question is not if what we design is good design or bad design but how what we are designing will affect society. What we are designing is a new life style among people that gets back to basic values. I have gained much hope from people such as Buckminster Fuller because they are doing positive things working within the society

1971 theme: the world offers unlimited choice and resources - the structures of nations and industries limit these choices.e next step 1972 begin the education of “designers” to plan ways to work for the world. Strategies to free design from the grip of thing-makers and people controllers.If design is possible then it must be possible to be free

No child careEveryone is sterilizedand have funs!

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Nam - June - Paik’s "lm was Excellent


To a "lm buff the selection of "lms held no surprises and the projection standards in the auditorium were a shock. e projectionist seldom looked at the screen because he was rewinding "lms by hand. e fact that most "lms were out of focus and that half of them were one-third on the ceiling escaped his notice. Only when the audience yelled did he realize he lost his arc (light). An IDCA person in authority, an assistant to do the rewinding, and a pair of binoculars to use in focusing could have solved this. Furthermore the opening to the sunlight washed out the screen image. A black curtain on the door and bulletin boards placed in front of the lobby entrances would have relieved this problem.

To the many "lmmakers of the opposed. Why is it that many of you only produce "lms of the very poor and never use the medium income brackets as examples. Caroline Bird our "ne guest makes wonderful use of middle income families and individuals as examples and comes across with a powerful approach but many of us are a little tired of using the most poverty stricken people as example of oppression. It may be that the only class of people you come in contact with are from the deprived classes but you should de"nitely broaden your spectrum of knowledge if you intend to do any good.

It is suggested that wavelength is one of the "rst "lms to address itself to the emerging new order of consciousness. In what way does it enhance anyone;s life or expand anyone’s consciousness?

Wavelength(1969) by Michael Snow made explanation and defense. It’s a “structuralist” work that can’t appeal to everyone. You must admire it (if you can) for how it’s made, not for what it shows...which is a 45 minute zoom in a New York lo from a wide angle view to a close-up of a photograph of the sea.

How about feminist "lms?

Olympiad: by Leni Refenstahl (212) mins. Show the beauty of the body in action at the Berlin Games of 1936. Not at all slanted towards Hitlerian ideals although many shots of the leader’s happiness is shown when German Athletes win. run at the same time come to your senses is perhaps a little more nazi in feeling as the commands given to the audience have to be carved out, collective clapping is reminiscent of hitler youth training.

Matrix(1971) demonstrates that John Whitney got hung up on the variations of movement Caltech’s computer could image on a square. It’s a re-run of his "lm exercises from the 1940’s. Matrix lacks the rhythms and power of the mandala based permutations (1968).

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wavelength(cont.) pinned to the far wall. e increasing pitch that scratches on the soundtrack only services to emphasize its one-shot structure. When Jacques Ledouge awarded it the 4000$ "rst prize for "lm experiment he called it “the night of contemplative cinema” Gene youngblood considers it a prime example of synesthetic cinema. - Camil

Bernie Gunther, bigger than life on the screen tells you, seated in a theater of 150 other listeners in immovable seats, to suspend judgement and do what he says you should do for you own good. I feel I am being coerced into doing what he says by the shear number of people around me doing it, and the physical and psychical difficulty of not doing it. What he was not telling us to touch our ears but to pluck out our eyes?

I kind of trust Leonard Cohen. didn’t care to stay because of smell of the movie went outside sat in sun light

Breathing together is clearly the best "lm ever made about the radical movements of the 60s. Everyone is there: the poets, the clowns, the [polemicists, the geniuses and the fools, all photographed clearly and intelligently. For once we saw a "lm with a sense of proportion.

Hour of the furnace: Brilliantly made - shows colonialism at its worse.......

“Watersmith” should be retitled...”Look! See all the things I can do with "lm... Beautiful display of "lm techniques with absolutely no discipline. Don Chandler AD. KCRA TV

In the documentary Women’s Film, one woman describes working nine hours a day, six days a week and spending her evenings home alone while her husband is out at his night job. Each night, she tells us, he would place a string across the door to know instantly and accurately whether the door had been opened in his absence. e audience laughed! Correction, the men in the audience laughed. e laughter was surely a gesture of identi"cation with the husband, perhaps approaching of his shyness, perhaps sharing with hum some kind of baurdy joke. How far we must still go, as a society, when people considering themselves enlightened see nothing humiliating in this act of a small man ‘ jealously guarding his “property’

very realistic portrayal of women. showed how women travel in pacs, ..also, it vividly demonstrated that women take too long in getting ready for work. stunning motion picture.“DAMES”


Newsreel has made a "ne "lm about third world women and their development from a consciousness of their oppression by men to a realization of society’s effect on them a realization of where the real power + oppression stems from. Will lib newspapers + consciousness change anything

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It is a paradox that the design conference has chosen its title - PARADOX. For it seems as though a combination le wing socio-political rally and costume party is its truer function. Bounding with academia under the age of 28 it seems more a student assembly then professional activity. e “practicing” designers have found IDCA to be an enjoyable tax write-off while they and their families enjoy the natural beauties of the rockies. e importance these professional designers place on IDCA is evident in their total absence at all functions (hurrah for them).

Wouldn’t it be interesting to have a pro"t-loss statement published by the handful o fIDCA “controllers” so that we could see the distribution of appox. $20,000 in registration fees.

Have you notices the IDCA 71 logo and posters? take a look - they are the most highly unreadable and unrecognizable displays in the myris of attention devices available


e city is education - and the architecture of education has such to do with the building of schools. e city is a schoolhouse and its ground %oor is both bulletin board and library. Everything we do - if described, made clear and made observable - is education - or better is a learning experience. - Richard Saul Wurman

Urban information is educationEducation is communication and communication is both an art and an entertainment. - Richard Saul Wurman

In 10 years of spending summers in Aspen and attending conferences of every type, size and description. ese sessions are by far the best I have ever crashed.

oughts on Aspen 71: ere has been a lot of talk of revolution here. I didn’t feel one and if there is it’s pretty sleepy: Letting it all wash over you is a passive image.Money was again absent from the discussions except for B. Fuller’s not being able to raise it for domes in India. But it wasn’t mentioned as the great concern it is to the speakers and the reason for many of their actions.Walking out of “adalen31” some one said “it’s still entertaining” Aren’t designers entertainers? weren’t the speakers trying to be?I have had a videotape recorder for a year. I have never produced anything I’d like to force on anyone, nevermind having access to 200 million!No antidote for the euphoria of being handed the mike hasn’t been invented yet! - H.W.

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ere is within the history of IDCA a precedent for involving professionals other than designers in order to explore the context in which we work. In that sense this conference is unique only in that non of the major speakers and only two of the aernoon speakers are actively involved in design. is seems to rise the fundamental question of what a designer is and yet the only time this was discussed was in an aernoon design session with Jivan Tabibia and Cedric Price.

ere should be no more design conferences. Eliot Noyes was partly right. It’s not so much that the conferences i irrelevant perse; but that judging from the attitudes and comments of own interests - check into a nursing home (well-guarded). you are old and going to die soon. Step down, go away you are in the way.our most distinguished colleagues - the designers themselves are irrelevant. Don’t worry about designing for the revolution - the revolution will re-design you. Further beware of palliatives and spokesmen or the revolution. Especially those most popular - they co-opt the revolutions, rob it of its energy and will be "rst on the rip-off list. you applause, homogenizes appeal, radical chic consciousness is your own kiss of death (andy young was the only relevant speaker) If you must worry about the reputation of frank lloyd wright’s Barcelona Chair; defend their honor and your own interests - check into a nursing home (well-guarded). You are old and going to die soon. Step down, go away, you are in the way.

IDCA 1971 is designed to permit the conferees to play a much more active role than they have at past conferences. We intend to produce a record of the conference while it is going on. e speeches themselves may be purchased on cassette tape recordings but reactions to the proceedings will be recorded by the participatory edition edition of the ASPEN TIMES to be published in Aspen and available Friday. e IDCA:: 71 newspaper will be made from modules upon which your comments are written. Blank modules were inserted into the conference packet and more are available from the information booth. Modules for "lm reviews are available in the lobby of the paepcke Auditorium. Record on these card any responses you have to the events of IDCA: 71 Paradox. Each day’s responses must be in this box my by midnight of that day. e IDCA: 71 participatory newspaper was conceived and assembled by Sheila de Bretteville and Keith Godard.