ASNT Level III Study Guide Basic Flashcards _ Quizlet

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    1/12/2016 ASNT Level III Study Guide Basic flashcards | Quizlet

    ASNT Level III Study Guide Basic

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    Which of the following

    statements is true concerning

    the usage of SNT-TC-1A?

    SNT-TC-1A is not intended to be

    used as a strict specification.

    The SNT-TC-1A Interpretation

    Panel will respond to inquiries

    about SNT-TC-1A. The inquirymust be:

    Written and stated in general


    With regard to the training of

    NDT personnel, the employer:

    May engage an outside service

    but is, nevertheless,

    responsible for the certification

    of the company's NDT


    SNT-TC-1A is intended as a

    guideline for employers:

    To establish their own written

    practice that must be used as astrict specification.
  • 7/25/2019 ASNT Level III Study Guide Basic Flashcards _ Quizlet


    1/12/2016 ASNT Level III Study Guide Basic flashcards | Quizlet

    The following is a statement in

    SNT-TC-1A "It is recognized that

    these guidelines may not be

    appropriate for certain

    employers; circumstances and

    / or applications." What should

    be done if the guidelines are

    not appropriate?

    The employer should review

    the detailed recommendations

    and modify them as necessary

    to meet its particular needs.

    Who should be responsible to

    assess whether or not an

    individual should be qualified

    and certified who does not

    perform NDT, but monitors

    and evaluates NDT?

    The individual's employer.

    To which of the following NDT

    methods is SNT-TC-1A currently

    not applicable

    Holographic testing

    ASNT intended that the

    recommendations of SNT-TC-

    1A be applied

    With flexibility and reason

    Of the following, which is most

    appropriate to determine the

    needs to qualify and certify

    personnel whose only NDTfunction is to operate digital

    thickness equipment.

    The employer.

    Certification is Written testimony of


    Use of SNT-TC-1A is mandatory


    It has been specified by the


    The basic levels of qualification

    recommended by SNT-TC-1A


    Level I, II, III.

  • 7/25/2019 ASNT Level III Study Guide Basic Flashcards _ Quizlet


  • 7/25/2019 ASNT Level III Study Guide Basic Flashcards _ Quizlet


    1/12/2016 ASNT Level III Study Guide Basic flashcards | Quizlet

    According SNT-TC-1A which of

    the following is true for a Level


    The Level III shall be capable of

    evaluating test results in terms

    of codes standards and


    In Accordance with SNT-TC-1A,

    who is responsible for

    establishing a written practicefor the control and

    administration of NDT

    personnel training,

    examination and certification?

    The employer.

    The responsibility of each level

    of certification for determining

    the acceptability of materials or


    Should be described in the

    employer's written practice

    only if they are different form

    SNT-TC-1A recommendations.

    What factors are to be

    considered to ensure that a

    candidate for certification in

    NDT understands the principles

    and procedures involved?

    Training, experience and


    As recommended in SNT-TC-1A,

    which of the following is true?

    SNT-TC-1A does not currently

    provide a recommendation

    regarding overtime.

    High school educations are

    recommended as a minimum

    requirement for:

    None of the levels

    In Leak testing, recommended

    work time experience and


    Differs for each of four major


    It is recommended that the

    education and experience of a

    Level III candidate include

    graduation from a 4-year

    university or college with a

    degree in engineering or

    science college or university

    plus 1 years' experience in NDT

    comparable to that of a Level II.

    Records substantiating

    qualification are recommended

    to be kept on a

    Monthly or hourly basis.

  • 7/25/2019 ASNT Level III Study Guide Basic Flashcards _ Quizlet


  • 7/25/2019 ASNT Level III Study Guide Basic Flashcards _ Quizlet


    1/12/2016 ASNT Level III Study Guide Basic flashcards | Quizlet

    As recommended in SNT-TC-1A,

    physical examination

    requirements are intended to


    Related to each employer's

    specific needs

    The General Examination is

    intended to cover:

    Basic test principles of the


    Questions and answers

    available from ASNT are

    intended for use in compiling

    The general, basic and method


    Which of the following parts of

    Level I and Level II

    examinations should be


    The General and Specific

    The practical examination is

    recommended to includeoperational familiarity with test

    equipment and analysis of test

    results for:

    Trainees, Level I and Level II.

    Which of the following

    statements is true with regard

    to the administration of written


    Level III personnel should be

    required to memorize

    everything except codes

    specifications and procedures.

    For the written examinations,tables, graphs and charts may

    be used

    During all examinations

    For Level I and Level II practical

    Examinations, one or more test

    specimens are recommended

    and the examinee should

    preform test and evaluations

    using minimum number of

    different checkpoints

    recommended is:


    In certification of Level III

    personnel according to the

    recommendations of SNT-TC-

    1A, the employer

    May delete the specific


    Related Sea rch

    by Razor Web

  • 7/25/2019 ASNT Level III Study Guide Basic Flashcards _ Quizlet


    1/12/2016 ASNT Level III Study Guide Basic flashcards | Quizlet

    For Level I and II examinations,

    the recommended minimum

    composite score is

    For Level I and II examinations,

    the recommended minimum

    composite score is

    For Level III Basic

    examinations, it is

    recommended that Level III

    questions also be included.These questions should be:

    Level II type questions based

    on other applicable NDT


    If an outside agency is engaged

    to provide Level III services,


    Responsibility of certification

    must be retained by the

    employer utilizing outside


    Which of the following

    statements is true concerning


    Recertification can be based

    upon evidence of continuing

    satisfactory performance.What purpose is best served by

    maintaining certifications

    records and the written


    To provide documentation for

    review by customer clients and

    regulatory agencies.

    To provide documentation for

    review by customer clients and

    regulatory agencies.

    All levels of NDT personnel.

    The employer can consider anindividual to be qualified to

    Level III, but only if he or she?

    Has taken the ASNT NDT LevelIII Basic and at least one of the

    Method examinations.

    Automatic termination of

    certification is recommended

    when the certified individual

    Terminates employment with

    the employer where certified.

    A certified Level III individual

    terminates his or her

    employment with employer Aand is immediately employed

    by employer B. Employer B

    may certify the individual as

    Level III based upon which of

    the following

    The employer must examine

    the individual.

    ANST NDT Level III certification

    is a requirement of:

    Both SNT-TC-1A and CP-189

    You can study sta

    terms togethe

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  • 7/25/2019 ASNT Level III Study Guide Basic Flashcards _ Quizlet


    1/12/2016 ASNT Level III Study Guide Basic flashcards | Quizlet

    A currently valid ASNT NDT

    Level III certificate indicates:

    Generally high achievement of


    ASNT NDT Level III certification Only applies when recognized

    by some requirements


    The ANST NDT Level III Basic

    Examination covers all the

    following expt.

    Knowledge of international

    certification programs.

    To recertify by application, an

    ASNT NDT Level III must.

    Demonstrate continued NDT

    activity and Level III


    To be eligible to sit for the

    ASNT NDT Level III exams, a

    candidate with two years of

    passing grades in engineeringor science study at a university

    or technical school must have

    One additional year of

    experience beyond the Level II

    requirements in NDT in an

    assignment comparable to thatof an NDT Level II in the

    applicable NDT methods.

    In accordance with ANSI/ASNT

    CP-189, Level I Practical

    examinations are intended to


    Given using one or more test

    samples for each technique.

    Which of the following is true

    regarding NDT Level III PracticalExaminations?

    The exam administrator must

    hold a valid ASNT Level IIIcertification in the applicable

    test method.

    When the near-distance vision

    acuity examination is given

    using a jaeger reading card it

    must be given:

    In accordance with a


    As required in ANSI/ASNT CP-

    189, Level I Practicalexaminations are intended to


    Given using one or more test

    samples for each technique.

    The Practical Examination shall

    address the technical and

    practical competency of the

    examinee when following

    prepared NDT procedures for:

    Levels I, II, and III.

  • 7/25/2019 ASNT Level III Study Guide Basic Flashcards _ Quizlet


    1/12/2016 ASNT Level III Study Guide Basic flashcards | Quizlet

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