Asme sec viii div 1 s



Asme sec viii div 1 s

Transcript of Asme sec viii div 1 s

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UG-77 Material Identification

• On completed vessel, original identification markings, or transferred markings or coded markings (traceable to original) shall be visible on each vessel part

• Any marking method which is acceptable to inspector• When service conditions prohibit die-stamping, any

method with positive identification may be adopted• When original markings are unavoidably cut, coded

markings may be adopted which shall be described in QC system

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UG-78 Repair of defects in materials

• Method & extent of repair shall be acceptable to inspector

• Defective material that cannot be satisfactorily repaired shall be rejected

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UG-84 Charpy Impact Tests

• Production Test Coupons

– Test plate shall be from one of heats of vessel

– For category A joint, test plate shall, where practicable, be welded as an extension to end of production joint

– For category B joint (welded using different welding procedure than used on category A joints, test plate shall be welded under production welding conditions used for vessel, using same type of equipment and at same location and using same procedures as used for joint and it shall be welded concurrently with production welds or as closed to start of production welding as practicable

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UG-84 Charpy Impact Tests

• Production Test Coupon

– One test plate for each welding procedure for categories A & B

– For automatic or semi automatic welding, one test plate in each position

– For manual welding, vertical upward welded test plate qualify for all position.

– If PTC fails to meet the impact requirements, welds represented shall be unacceptable. Reheat treatment and retesting or retesting only are permitted.

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UW-3 Weld joint category

• Defines the location of a joint in a vessel

• Established for use in specifying joint type and degree of inspection

• Based on service, material and thickness, special requirements are specified in code

– Category A

– Category B

– Category C

– Category D

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UW-3 Weld joint category

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UW-11 Radiographic & Ultrasonic Examination

• Full radiography

– All butt welds in shell and heads of lethal service vessels

– All butt welds with nominal thickness of weld exceeds 38 mm or thickness specified elsewhere in code. Category B & C butt welds in nozzles that neither exceeds 10” size nor 29 mm wall thickness do not require radiography

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UW-11 Radiographic & Ultrasonic Examination

• Spot Radiography– Butt welds of type 1 or 2 of table UW-12 which are

not required to be fully radiographed– If spot radiography is specified for the entire vessel,

RT is not required for category B & C welds in nozzles or communicating chamber that neither exceeds NPS 10 nor 29 mm wall thickness

• No Radiography– No radiography is required when the vessel or vessel

part is designed for external pressure only or when the joint design complies with UW-12(C)

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UW-26 General

• All welding shall be performed in accordance with Manufacturer’s WPS in accordance with the requirements of Sec IX

• All welders shall be qualified by Manufacturer in accordance with the requirements of Sec IX

• Assign welder identification symbol

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UW-32 Cleaning of surfaces to be welded

• Surfaces shall be clean and free of scale, rust, oil, grease, slag, detrimental oxides and other deleterious foreign material

• When metal is to be deposited over a previously welded surface, all slag shall be removed by a roughing tool, chisel, chipping hammer or other suitable means

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UW-33 Alignment tolerances

• Alignment of sections at edges shall be such that maximum offset is not greater than limit given in Table UW-33

• Allowable offset shall be faired at a 3:1 taper over width of finished weld, or if necessary, by adding additional weld metal

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UW-35 Finished Long & Circ Joints

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UW-37 Miscellaneous Welding Requirements

• Welder & welding operator identification

– Stamp identifying number, letter or symbol on or adjacent to and at intervals of not more than 1 m along the welds in steel plates >= 6 mm and for non ferrous plates >= 13 mm in thickness

– Stencil or other marking in welds in steel plates < 6 mm and for non ferrous plates < 13 mm in thickness

– Record of welders / WOs employed on each joints shall be kept

– For multiple welds, tube to tube sheet welds, QA system shall have a procedure to identify welders or welding operators

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• Imperfections are unacceptable under following condition

– Any crack or incomplete fusion or penetration

– Any elongated indication which has length greater than

• 6 mm for t upto 19 mm

• 1/3t for t from 19 mm to 57 mm

• 19 mm for t over 57 mm

UW-51 Radiographic Examination of Welded Joints

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UW-52 Spot Examination of Welded Joints

• One spot shall be examined for each 15 m increment

• Sufficient number of spot radiographs shall be taken to examine welding of each welder or welding operator

• Location of spot shall be chosen by the Inspector

• Radiographs required at specific locations to satisfy rules of other paragraphs shall not be used to satisfy the requirements of spot radiography

• Minimum length of spot shall be 6 inch

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UW-52 Spot Examination of Welded Joints

• Any crack or lack of fusion/penetration is unacceptable• Any slag inclusions or cavities

– with length more than 2/3t shall be unacceptable– If several indications within above limitations are in

line, weld is acceptable if sum of the longest dimensions of all such indication is not more than t in length of 6t and if longest indications considered are separated by at least 3L where L is length of longest indication

– Max. length of longest indication shall be 19 mm– Less than 6 mm shall be acceptable

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UCS-57 Radiographic Examination

• In addition to UW-11, RT is required for butt welds which exceed thickness limit specified in Table UCS-57

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App 6 - MPE & App 8 - LPE

• Acceptance standard

– All surfaces to be examined shall be free of

• Relevant linear indications

• Relevant rounded indications greater than 5 mm

• Four or more relevant rounded indication in a line separated by 1.5 mm or less, edge to edge

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Appendix 12 Ultrasonic Examination of welds

• Indications characterized as cracks, lack of fusion or incomplete penetration are unacceptable regardless of length

• Other imperfections are unacceptable if indications exceed reference level amplitude and have lengths which exceed

– 6 mm for t upto 19 mm

– 1/3t for t from 19 mm to 57 mm

– 19 mm for t over 57 mm