
Many of us knock and are heard, but we don’t wait for us to be opened than to turn back again. We knock in faith but go back in disbelief and to worldly life making us blind to the opened door. If we are to stay at the door through persistent knocking or in faith after a knock that we are going to be opened, surely we will receive the blessings that is intended for us as an answer to our prayer. We may all be seeking for one thing or the other, but how many of us seek God first, and seek these gifts from Him? By persistence in prayer we are reminded to continue firmly in our prayer in spite of difficulty or opposition. Difficulty can be in the form of delay in response to our prayer, which sometimes makes our faith crippled and makes it difficult for us to believe in the fact that God answers prayers. Answers doesn’t come in getting what we seek, but being denied of what we seek is also an answer, for God knows what is good for us. When we seek God and His kingdom through prayers, scripture reading and being at his place of worship often, we will find Him and He will bless us with all that we seek in life. We are reminded that we are going to find what we seek, if we seek Him. Therefore when we A.S.K. , let us ask, seek and knock persistently in faith that God will deliver. The Holy Spirit helps us to know God and ourselves, to repent and stay away from sin, to believe in God which augments our faith and love Jesus to enjoy the comfort in life. God the Creator, Jesus Christ the Saviour and Holy Spirit the Sanctifier. The sanctifier help free us from sin and makes us worthy to be in the position to ASK. He will do it for in his time for us to say “this is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it”. Guide Question: How persistent are we in praying to God? When we pray do we believe it will be given to us, or we doubt when answers are delayed? Do we seek God before proceed in making simple and major decisions?



Transcript of Ask

Page 1: Ask

Many of us knock and are heard, but we don’t wait for us to be opened than to turn back again. We knock in faith but go back in disbelief and to worldly life making us blind to the opened door. If we are to stay at the door through persistent knocking or in faith after a knock that we are going to be opened, surely we will receive the blessings that is intended for us as an answer to our prayer. We may all be seeking for one thing or the other, but how many of us seek God first, and seek these gifts from Him?

By persistence in prayer we are reminded to continue firmly in our prayer in spite of difficulty or opposition. Difficulty can be in the form of delay in response to our prayer, which sometimes makes our faith crippled and makes it difficult for us to believe in the fact that God answers prayers. Answers doesn’t come in getting what we seek, but being denied of what we seek is also an answer, for God knows what is good for us. When we seek God and His kingdom through prayers, scripture reading and being at his place of worship often, we will find Him and He will bless us with all that we seek in life. We are reminded that we are going to find what we seek, if we seek Him.

Therefore when we A.S.K. , let us ask, seek and knock persistently in faith that God will deliver. The Holy Spirit helps us to know God and ourselves, to repent and stay away from sin, to believe in God which augments our faith and love Jesus to enjoy the comfort in life. God the Creator, Jesus Christ the Saviour and Holy Spirit the Sanctifier. The sanctifier help free us from sin and makes us worthy to be in the position to ASK. He will do it for in his time for us to say “this is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it”.

Guide Question:

How persistent are we in praying to God? When we pray do we believe it will be given to us, or we doubt when answers are delayed? Do we seek God before proceed in making simple and major decisions?