ASDF WSS 2014 Paper 003

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  1. 1. Prof. Madhulika Bangre (Research Scholar) and Prof. (Dr.) G.T.Thampi (Principal & Research Guide) TSEC,Bandra (W), Mumbai, University Of Mumbai, INDIA [email protected],[email protected] Kapil Kant Kamal and Manish Kumar Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), Mumbai, India kapil@cdac. in, kmanish@cdac. in Analysis of Security Requirements for M-Governance Project Implementation ASDF WSS- 2014 31-12-2014
  2. 2. Presentation Flow Abstract Objective Introduction Security Requirements For M-Gov Implementations Security Analysis of M-Governance Delivery channels Important Findings Proposed Solution Conclusion References 31-12-2014
  3. 3. Abstract M-Governance provides an additional access tools for e- Government and its processes with the uses of wireless and mobile technologies to deliver services over mobile devices. Though M-Governance extends the accessibility of e- governance to mobile platform, but it also brings along numerous challenges in terms of security and authentication, making it the prime reason behind the apprehension in citizen to use this channel effectively. Hence, adequate levels of security must be ensured before implementing such government applications over wireless/mobile channels. This study discusses real time security requirements of m- governance projects to increase the acceptability of the citizen to this rapidly developing channel. By means of this paper, we propose a separate security module to address the security issues in implementing m-governance project. Further, it also includes case study of Aadhar E-KYC depicting31-12-2014
  4. 4. Objective This study helps in identifying the real time security needs and offers various measures that can be easily incorporated by the government department and application developers for securing the request/response data during transmission via mobile delivery channel. The objective of this paper is to sensitize various implementation agencies to identify the types of security measures which can be easily adopted for the implementation of mobile services and application. Such security specification, may be replicated by other Govt. department where ever necessary which can contribute to the overall success of m-governance. 31-12-2014
  5. 5. Introduction In recent years, many states in India have started offering government services via various mobile delivery channels for catering the needs of citizen by integrating various government departments, services and telecom service providers. Such implementations have helped to create cost effective, efficient and round the clock Government information systems. All the efforts made by Government departments will be futile without the inclusion of security and integrity features in mobile delivery channels like SMS, USSD, WAP, etc. Most of the security measures are already incorporated in m-governance frameworks, but still there are few measures which can help to provide extra layer of security at the department level and application development level, keeping in mind the sensitivity of the citizen data which are exchanged over such mobile31-12-2014
  6. 6. SECURITY REQUIREMENTS FOR M-GOV IMPLEMENTATIONS Developers need to seamlessly integrate security functionality into their mobile applications which should support API for secure communication of data between the user device and the server. The increased use of mobile devices for storage of personal and sensitive data for mobile client application need advanced security for encrypting the stored data. The existing security depends on a username/user-id/mobile number along with PIN/password to verify the user. This method is not sufficient, especially in cases where critical and personal information need to be exchanged over untrusted network. Therefore, it is important for mobile services to have a higher level of security consisting of combinations of two or more parameters like unique registration number, One time Password, biometric details , etc., which can give rise to a reliable authentication system to ensure user authenticity. 31-12-2014
  7. 7. SECURITY ANALYSIS OF M-GOVERNANCE DELIVERY CHANNELS Statistics of Usage: Following are the results of the analysis done based on the independent survey of usage and acceptability of M-governance delivery channels: 1. Which all channels have you used for accessing Govt. services through Mobile platform? 31-12-2014 Figure1.Statistics for Mobile Channel Usage.
  8. 8. Observations 1: Short message service (SMS) channel employs SMS Gateway as the interface for sending and receiving the SMS and value added services. A message sent by the server is received by a Short Message Service Center (SMSC) which makes use of a variety of protocols like SMPP CIMD etc. and then SMSC forwards it through the appropriate GSM or CDMA network to the appropriate mobile device. It has been observed that that the request and the response which are sent using SMS are sent as a plain text. There may be cases where the messages need to be encrypted and only the intended user can view it. This can be achieved by securing the message by encrypting it with a key known only to the intended user. Key Exchange protocol can be used to exchange the key between the back-end server and the user mobile device. Another technique is to use PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) based security measures. 31-12-2014
  9. 9. Observations 2: Mobile Application: The user needs to fill in the necessary information in order to request service from the Govt. Department. The request then takes the form of http request with a URL(Uniform Resource Locator) which hits the appropriate server for processing. It has been observed that the parameters or user credential which forms the request is sent as it is which can be easily tampered by the intruder. This URL can also be encrypted using PKI which is an arrangement that binds public and private keys with respective user identities by means of a CA (Certification Authority). 31-12-2014
  10. 10. PROJECTS The security architectural model depicts a security layer crossing at various levels of external communication that take place between an integrated service delivery platform and various stakeholders like Government departments, network service providers, telecommunication departments, payment bodies, etc. Figure 2.Security Architecture for M-Governance Projects. 31-12-2014
  11. 11. Features 31-12-2014 Major security concerns related to 2G/3G/GPRS networks are dealt by the telecommunication operators. The security of request and response data between the client and the server through the delivery channels (SMS, WAP) should be provided by the department and application developers. The security system should provide flexibility regarding the transmission of data with different data formats like XML, JSON using transport protocols like HTTP/HTTPS and TCP.
  12. 12. Features of Security Architecture 31-12-2014 User Authentication: This component is responsible for authenticating the user as defined by the various transition types. The module will verify the user/mobile number, check for the registration of the user, verify the PIN/password, Biometric information if supported, One- Time-Password (OTP). Departments may choose to use one or more methods to authenticate the user and verify the transaction authenticity. User Authorization: This component is responsible for checking various roles and permission associated with the functions call made to the database server. Different delegation roles are defined for incorporating this feature into the functional modules to check the access rights of the user and the admin. The departments should transmit or share user information only on the users authorization.
  13. 13. 31-12-2014 Data Encryption: The information which is transferred while calling an API for availing services from various Govt. departments should be encrypted using PKI . The integrity and authenticity of the response can be provided by using digital signatures where in the hash of the message is created by using hash function, and then it will be encrypted by departments Private key. This creates the signature by using the cryptographic algorithm. Signature is cross verified. Department is the only private key owner, they cannot deny sending the message. This is called non-repudiation. Transaction Security: Each transaction request will interact with external systems for verification & presentment of the information, will interact with payment module, department module, citizen profile module and other modules for various types of verifications. There is a need for calling business Features of Security Architecture (contd.)
  14. 14. 31-12-2014 Alerting /Logging/ Auditing: This component generates alerts for other system components, users, administrators upon occurrence of certain activity or event. Logging involves life-cycle details of the transaction with information about each and every process step. The module need to log all the API calls to the external system with reference data and date-time stamp. Auditing serves the purpose of tracking any changes to the system configurations. The module needs to have ability to configure various elements of the system like database tables, UI, functional flow, parameters at various levels. It maintains audit records for all the authentication request metadata along with the response. Features of Security Architecture (contd.)
  15. 15. Case Study Of Aadhaar e-KYC API The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) department provides verification of Unique Identification Number (Aadhaar) to all residents of India using E-KYC API. The e-KYC API can be used by an agency to obtain latest resident demographic data and photo data from UIDAI upon the authorization of the user. This case depicts the authentication, key exchange and encryption mechanism adopted by UIDAI for processing the request of the user. 31-12-2014 Figure 3. E-KYC Data Flow
  16. 16. The URL format for Aadhaar KYC service request: 31-12-2014 To support strong end to end security and avoid request tampering and man-in-the-middle attacks, it is essential that encryption of data happened at the time of capture on the user device. E-KYC is a stateless service over HTTPs protocol which make use of XML data format for input and output which allows easy adoption by the user agencies. API input data should be sent to the URL as XML document. https:///kyc///// Host:Aadhar KYC server address Kyc: indicate KYC call Ver :indicate KYC version Ac: unique code foe KUA uid[0] and uid[1] : first 2 digits of Aadhaar number. asalk : A valid KSA license key. It is used for authorization.
  17. 17. The XML data format for authentication API: 31-12-2014 base64 encoded fully valid Auth XML for resident ver:KYC version ts: timestamp of authentication request ra: resident authentication type rs: resident consent to use resident data from Aadhar system : element contains base64 encoded Auth XML for authentication with a valid transaction value(txn). : It is mandatory and used exchanging information regarding digital signature and certificates using which the KSA and KUA ensure the message security and integrity between their servers.
  18. 18. Response XML for the KYC API is as follows: 31-12-2014 encrypted and base64 encoded KycRes element Resp : container for keeping encrypted KYC data signed by UIDAI. KysRes is encrypted using either KSA public key or KUA public key based on the KSA/KUA setup on UIDAI server. KysRes once decoded containing information regarding response, transaction, timestamp, authentication API, UID data, error code in case of error. It also has encoded Signature element to check for message integrity and non-repudiation.
  19. 19. Conclusion 31-12-2014 For successful implementation of such frameworks it is necessary to provide secure, reliable and high quality services and applications to the citizen as per their expectation. The case study provided will surely help m-governance project implementers to understand the security mechanism involved in the authentication of the entities and encryption of the request and response data. Consequently, it will enhance the complete user experience of using this government services using this newly addedresponse data
  20. 20. ACKNOWLEDGMENT We are thankful to C-DAC Mobile Seva team for their practical inputs and for helping us in providing the deeper understanding of m- governance project implementation security issues. We would like to pay our special thanks to Dr. Zia Saquib, Executive Director, C-DAC for supporting us in pursuing this investigation. 31-12-2014
  21. 21. References 1) Antovski, L and Gusev, M 2005, M-Government Framework, Proceedings of the First European Conference on Mobile Government, 10-12 July, University Sussex, Brighton, UK. 2) Mengistu, Desta, Hangjung Zo, and Jae Jeung Rho. "M-government: opportunities and challenges to deliver mobile government services in developing countries." Computer Sciences and Convergence Information Technology, 2009. ICCIT'09. Fourth International Conference on. IEEE, 2009. 3) Kumar, Ranjan, Manish Kumar, and Kapil Kant Kamal. "Indian Ecosystem for Mobile based Service Delivery." www. excelpublish. com: 129. 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) A. Pourali, Dr. M. V. Malakooti, Dr. M.H Yektai, " A Secure SMS Model in E- Commerce Payment using Combined AES and ECC Encryption Algorithms", Proceedings of the International conference on Computing Technology and Information Management, Dubai, UAE, pp 431-442,2014. 11) Watari, M.A., A.A. Zaidan and B.B. Zaidan,, 2013. Securing m-government transmission based on symmetric and asymmetric algorithms: a review.. Asian J. Sci. Res., 6: 632-649. 12) 31-12-2014
  22. 22. Questions?? Thank You 31-12-2014