
16. D. Remove chest thoracotomy tube immediately 17. C or D. 20. B. weighs less than expected because there is a decreased absorption of nutrients 21. C. hirchsprung’s disease is when there is an aganglionic cells in the distal colon or sigmoid area. 22. A. Administration of fleet enema to soften and remove all the stools 23. D. Right after the procedure the stoma will appear big and red because there may be an irritation and infection in the stoma 24. C. dairy products should be avoided because it would lead to diarrhea and cramps to the stoma. 47. A. keeping a journal related to pain because one of the major symptoms of cholecystits is pain radiating to back or below the right shoulder blade. And abdominal pains that may feel sharp or dull 48. B . 49. A. one of the functions of bile is to digest vitamins A,D,E, and K 50. C. Encouraging coughing and deep breathing exercises reduces the risk of acquiring infection



Transcript of asdanodihoidfahd

16. D. Remove chest thoracotomy tube immediately17. C or D. 20. B. weighs less than expected because there is a decreased absorption of nutrients21. C. hirchsprungs disease is when there is an aganglionic cells in the distal colon or sigmoid area. 22. A. Administration of fleet enema to soften and remove all the stools 23. D. Right after the procedure the stoma will appear big and red because there may be an irritation and infection in the stoma24. C. dairy products should be avoided because it would lead to diarrhea and cramps to the stoma.47. A. keeping a journal related to pain because one of the major symptoms of cholecystits is pain radiating to back or below the right shoulder blade. And abdominal pains that may feel sharp or dull48. B .49. A. one of the functions of bile is to digest vitamins A,D,E, and K50. C. Encouraging coughing and deep breathing exercises reduces the risk of acquiring infection