Ascarya Edit

Efficiency Analysis of Conventional and Islamic Banks in Indonesia using Data Envelopment Analysis 1 Ascarya, Diana Yumanita, and Guruh S. Rokhimah Center for Central Banking Education and Studies, Bank Indonesia Jl. M.H. Thamrin 2, Sjafruddin Prawiranegara Tower, 20 th fl., Jakarta 10110, Indonesia Email: [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ABSTRACT This study will measure and compare the efficiency of Conventional and Islamic banks in Indonesia using nonparametric approach data envelopment analysis (DEA). These measurements will provide comprehensive and robust results of efficiency of individual bank compare to its peer group in every aspect considered. The results show that Islamic banks are slightly more efficient than conventional banks. However, they are improving and converging to a high level of efficiency. Moreover, income has become the most efficient, while labor is always inefficient in both banks. Deposit is improving in conventional banks, while it is worsening in Islamic banks. Financing has been a problem in conventional banks, while it is always high in Islamic banks. Therefore, Islamic banks should redirect their marketing and communication strategies to focus more on targeting floating customers, while the shortage in human resource should be given serious attention with short term and long term strategies. JEL Classification: C14, G21, G28 Keywords: Islamic Banking, Performance, Efficiency, Data Envelopment Analysis 1 Paper submitted to Airlangga University International Seminar and Symposium “On Implementations of Islamic Economics to Positive Economics in the World as Alternative of Conventional Economics System: Toward Development in the New Era of the Holistic Economics,” Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indonesia, August 1-3, 2008.

Transcript of Ascarya Edit

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Efficiency Analysis of Conventional and Islamic Banks in Indonesia using Data Envelopment Analysis1

Ascarya, Diana Yumanita, and Guruh S. Rokhimah Center for Central Banking Education and Studies, Bank Indonesia

Jl. M.H. Thamrin 2, Sjafruddin Prawiranegara Tower, 20th fl., Jakarta 10110, Indonesia Email: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]

ABSTRACT This study will measure and compare the efficiency of Conventional and Islamic banks in Indonesia using nonparametric approach data envelopment analysis (DEA). These measurements will provide comprehensive and robust results of efficiency of individual bank compare to its peer group in every aspect considered.

The results show that Islamic banks are slightly more efficient than conventional banks. However, they are improving and converging to a high level of efficiency. Moreover, income has become the most efficient, while labor is always inefficient in both banks. Deposit is improving in conventional banks, while it is worsening in Islamic banks. Financing has been a problem in conventional banks, while it is always high in Islamic banks. Therefore, Islamic banks should redirect their marketing and communication strategies to focus more on targeting floating customers, while the shortage in human resource should be given serious attention with short term and long term strategies.

JEL Classification: C14, G21, G28 Keywords: Islamic Banking, Performance, Efficiency, Data Envelopment


1 Paper submitted to Airlangga University International Seminar and Symposium “On Implementations of Islamic Economics to Positive Economics in the World as Alternative of Conventional Economics System: Toward Development in the New Era of the Holistic Economics,” Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indonesia, August 1-3, 2008.

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1. Introduction

1.1 Background

Islamic banks have been in existence since early 1960s. The first Islamic bank

established in 1963 as a pilot project in the form of rural savings bank in a small

town of Egypt, Mit Ghamr. After that, Islamic banking movement came back to

life in mid 1970s. The establishment of Islamic Development Bank in 1975

triggered the development of Islamic banks in many countries, such as Dubai

Islamic Bank in Dubai (1975), Faisal Islamic Bank in Egypt and Sudan (1977),

and Kuwait Finance House in Kuwait (1977).

Joharris (2007) predicted that there are over 276 Islamic financial institutions (IFI)

in the world, spread over 70 countries - sprawling from London, New York and

Zurich to the Middle East, Africa and Asia with capitalization in excess of US$13

billion. These include banks, mutual funds, mortgage companies and takaful

providers. The pool of money held by Muslim is predicted more than US$3.0

trillion. At present, there is an estimated US$1 trillion Islamic fund in the market.

Moreover, global Islamic capital market is growing at 15% - 20% per annum,

including deposits in Islamic banks which are estimated to be over US$560

billion. A large part of the banking and Takaful concentration is in Bahrain,

Malaysia, and Sudan. A significant part of mutual funds concentrate in the Saudi

Arabian and Malaysian markets in addition to the more advanced international

capital markets.

In Indonesia, Islamic financial institutions started to emerge in early 1980s with

the establishment of Baitut Tamwil-Salman in Bandung dan Koperasi Ridho Gusti

in Jakarta. The first Islamic Bank in Indonesia, Bank Muamalat Indonesia,

established in 1992. The development of Islamic bank has been accelerated since

Bank Indonesia (the central bank of Indonesia) allowed conventional banks to

open Islamic branch. This Islamic branch can offer Islamic banking products and

services separated from its conventional parent with its own infrastructure,

including staff and branches.

By April 2008, the Islamic banking system in Indonesia is represented by 3

Islamic banks, 28 Islamic branches, and 118 Islamic Rural Banks, with 730

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offices and more than 1250 office channeling spread throughout the country. They

offer comprehensive and wide range of Islamic financial products and services

and cater 1.97% of the banking market share. It is expected that the Islamic

banking industry in Indonesia would reached 5% of the banking market share in


Despite these impressive achievements, Islamic banking in Indonesia has

experiencing a slower growth in the past two years. There are many factors that

could be attributed to this slower growth. One of these factors is the

competitiveness of Islamic Banks within the banking system, since, under dual

banking system, they have to compete head to head with conventional banks.

One important aspect of competitiveness is efficiency. Inefficiency would become

a great disadvantage to face a fierce competition in the banking industry. To win

the competition, Islamic banks should know the strengths and weaknesses of

themselves as well as of their competitor. Know yourself and know your

competitor is a halfway to success. Therefore, analysis of the efficiency of Islamic

banks in comparison with conventional banks is very important to provide a big

picture of the strengths and weaknesses of Islamic banks and their competitors.

Despite of the importance, there are very limited studies comparing the efficiency

of Islamic and conventional banks within a country, especially in Indonesia.

Therefore, there should be a study that measure efficiency of Islamic and

conventional banks in Indonesia to provide comparison and to improve the

robustness of previous measurements. These measures could also be used as a

guide for Islamic banks to improve their weaknesses to be able to compete head to

head with conventional banks and to achieve the intended goals to improve the

market share. Moreover, the goal to strengthen Islamic banking structure could be


1.2 Objective

The objective of this study is to measure and compare the efficiency of

conventional and Islamic banks in Indonesia using nonparametric approach data

envelopment analysis (DEA). These measurements will provide comprehensive

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and robust results of efficiency of individual bank compare to its peer group in

every aspect considered.

1.3 Scope of Study

Islamic banks included in this study are all full fledged Islamic banks and

business unit Islamic banks in Indonesia, while conventional banks included in

this study, to be comparable, are those with asset less one million US$ in real

term. The measurement will compare the efficiency of conventional and Islamic

banks in Indonesia using nonparametric approach (DEA).

1.4 Data and Methodology

The time frame of this study is 2002 – 2006. The data used in this study are the

data of published annual financial statements (balance sheets and income

statements) of conventional and Islamic banks in Indonesia, with total asset less

than one million US$ in real term.

This study will apply Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). DEA is a non-

parametric and non-deterministic method to measure relative efficiency of

production frontier, based on empirical data of multiple inputs and multiple

outputs of decision making units. The non parametric nature of DEA makes it

does not need assumption of the production function. DEA will generate

production function based on data observed. Therefore, misspecification can be

minimized. DEA can be applied to analyze different kind of inputs and outputs

without initially assigning weight. Moreover, the efficiency produced is a relative

efficiency based on observed data. Preference of decision maker can also be

accommodate in the model.

1.5 Benefit of the Study

The results of this study will be very useful for many stakeholders of conventional

and Islamic banks in Indonesia, especially the regulator (Bank Indonesia), to

formulate appropriate policy recommendations to improve the synergy between

conventional and Islamic banks in facilitating intermediation to the real sector.

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Conventional and Islamic banks in Indonesia will also benefit from this study to

see where they are in the competitiveness of the banking system. They will also be

able to determine the potential improvements of weak aspects

2. Literature Review

Banking efficiency has been a very important issue in a transition economy. All

countries in transition have been encounter at least with one banking crisis, and

many with more than one crisis (Jemrić and Vujčić, 2002). Banking efficiency is

also an important issue in a developing open economy, since most of them have

also been faced a banking crisis in the past. Malaysia and Indonesia are no

exception. There are many studies about banking efficiency using parametric and

non-parametric methods. Moreover, those studies are applied to conventional as

well as Islamic banks. Some of the studies applying non-parametric approach

DEA will be discussed.

Five of those studies that measure efficiency of Islamic banks using DEA

application are conducted by Yudistira (2003), Ascarya and Yumanita (2006,

2007a, and 2007b), and Sufian (2006). Yudistira measured the efficiency of 18

Islamic banks from various countries during 1997 – 2000 using intermediation

approach, since intermediation is a fundamental principle of Islamic banking.

Ascarya and Yumanita (2006) measured the efficiency of Islamic banks in

Indonesia during 2002 – 2004 using intermediation and production approaches,

since Islamic banking not only can be viewed as intermediary institution, but can

also be viewed as a production entity. Their studies in 2007 compared the

efficiency between Islamic bank in Malaysia and Indonesia, as well as between

conventional and Islamic banks in Indonesia during 2002-2005 using

intermediation approach. Meanwhile, Sufian measured the efficiency of Islamic

window banks in Malaysia during 2001 – 2004 using intermediation approach

with the same reason as that of Yudistira.

Other studies of banking efficiency using DEA are done by Jemrić and Vujčić

(2002) and Hadad et al. (2003). Jemrić and Vujčić measured efficiency of banks

in Croatia during 1995 – 2000 using intermediation and production approach,

since banking is not just functioned as intermediary, but also as a producer of

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loans and investments. Meanwhile, Hadad et al. measured efficiency of banks in

Indonesia during 1995 – 2003 using asset approach to see the impact of merger

and acquisition.

The efficiency measurement, parametric or non-parametric, of financial institution

like banks can be approached from their activities. There are three main

approaches to explain the relationship between input and output of banks. Two

approaches, namely, production (or operational) approach and intermediation

approach, apply the classical microeconomic theory of the firm, while one

approach, namely modern (or assets) approach applies modified classical theory

of the firm by incorporating some specificities of banks’ activities, namely risk

management and information processing, as well as some form of agency

problems, which are crucial for explaining the role of financial intermediaries

(Freixas and Rochet, 1998). The production approach describes banking activities

as the production of services to depositors and borrowers using all available

factors of production, such as labor and physical capital. The intermediation

approach describes banking activities as intermediary in charge of transforming

the money borrowed from depositors (surplus spending units) into the money lent

to borrowers (deficit spending units). Meanwhile, the asset approach or the

modern approach tries to improve the first two approaches by incorporating risk

management, information processing, and agency problems into the classical

theory of the firm. The summary of approaches applied by previous authors can

be read in table 2.1.

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Table 2.1 Summary of Non-parametric Approach Applied

Author Input Output

Intermediation Approach

Ascarya &


Labor Costs; Fixed Assets; Total Deposits Total Loans; Income

Mochtar‘07 Labor Costs; Total deposits, other

operating/overhead expenses

Total earning assets (financing/loans;

dealing securities; investment securities;

placements with other banks)

Zamil &


Staff cost; capital (net book value of

premises and fixed asset); Total deposits &

loanable funds

Loans and advances; Income (total

interest income, non-interest income and

income form IBS)

Ascarya &


Labor Costs; Fixed Assets; Total Deposits Total Loans; Income

Sufian’06 Labor Costs2; Fixed Assets; Total Deposits Total Loans; Income

Ascarya &


Staff Costs; Fixed Assets; Total Deposits Total Loans; Other Income; Liquid Assets

Yudhistira’03 Staff Costs; Fixed Assets; Total Deposits Total Loans; Other Income; Liquid Assets

Jemrić &


No. of Employees; Fixed Assets & Software;

Total Deposits

Total Loans; Short-term Securities

Production Approach

Ascarya &


Interest Costs; Staff Costs; Operational


Interest Income; Other Operational


Jemrić &


Interest & Related Costs; Commissions for

Services & Related Costs; Labor Related

Adm. Costs; Capital Related Adm. Costs

Interest & Related Revenues; Non-interest


Asset Approach

Hadad’03. Staff Costs to Total Assets; Interests Costs

to Total Assets; Other Costs to Total Assets

Financing to Connected Party; Financing

to Other Party; Financial Papers

2 As data on the number of employees are not readily made available, this study uses personnel expenses as a proxy measure.

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From those studies it can be concluded that asset approach is an advanced

approach that views bank not only has a classical function of intermediary, but

also has other various new functions. Therefore, asset approach is not suitable to

be applied to Islamic banking which focuses on extending financing to the real

sector. Production approach can be applied for Islamic banking, since this

approach views Islamic bank as a general business unit. However, it becomes too

general, so that the very essence of Islamic banking is not represented.

Meanwhile, intermediation approach can be applied for Islamic banking since this

approach views Islamic banking as an intermediary institution. However, the input

and output variables should be selected carefully to really reflect the true essence

of Islamic banking. Input and output variables selected by Sufian (2006) are the

closest to the characteristics of Islamic banking. Some refined modifications

might be needed to make it more representative.

3. Methodology

Three well known approaches that widely applied to measure efficiency are

parametric Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA) and Distribution Free Analysis

(DFA), as well as nonparametric Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). SFA, DFA

and DEA applications are derived from the theory of efficiency. Therefore, this

chapter will first discuss the theory of efficiency, the measurement of efficiency,

the connection of SFA, DFA and DEA to efficiency theory, and then discuss DEA

in details. Moreover, bank’s efficiency can be measured from its functions. Three

approaches to measure the efficiency of bank’s functions are intermediation

approach, production approach, and modern or asset approach. The theory of

efficiency in general, its relation to SFA, DFA and DEA, and the measurement of

bank’s efficiency can be described in figure 3.1.

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Figure 3.1 Theory of Efficiency

3.1 The Theory of Efficiency

The concept of efficiency rooted from the microeconomic concept, namely,

consumer theory and producer theory. Consumer theory tries to maximize utility

or satisfaction from individual point of views, while producer theory tries to

maximize profit or minimize costs from producer point of views.

In the producer theory, there is a production frontier line that describes the

relationship between inputs and outputs of production process. This production

frontier line represents the maximum output from the use of each input. It also

represents the technology used by a business unit or industry. A business unit that

operates on the production frontiers is technically efficient. Figure 3.2 shows the

production frontier line.


Consumer Theory

Producer Theory


Technical Efficiency


Constant Return to Scale

V i bl R t t

Theory Measurement l


Intermediation Approach

Production Approach

Modern Approach

Input – Output Concept






Minimum Input Maximum











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Figure 3.2 Production Frontier Line

Considered from economic theory, there are two different types of efficiency,

namely technical efficiency and economic efficiency. Economic efficiency has

macro economic point of view, while technical efficiency has micro economic

point of view. The measurement of technical efficiency limited to technical and

operational relationship in a conversion process of input to output. Whereas, in

economic efficiency price can not be considered as given, since price can be

influenced by macro policy (Sarjana, 1999). According to Farell (1957),

efficiency comprises of two components, namely:

a. Technical efficiency describes the ability of a business unit to maximize

output given certain amount of input.

b. Allocative efficiency describes the ability of a business unit to utilize inputs

in optimal proportion based on their price.

When the two types of efficiency combined, it will produce economic efficiency.

A company is considered to be economically efficient if it can minimize the

production costs to produce certain output within common technology level and

market price level.

Kumbhaker and Lovell (2000) argue that technical efficiency is only one of many

components economic efficiency as a whole. Nevertheless, in order to achieve

economic efficiency a company should produce maximum output with certain

amount of input (technical efficiency) and produce output with the right

combination within certain price level (allocative efficiency).

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3.2 The Measurement of Efficiency

In the past few years, performance measurement of financial institution has

increasingly focused on frontier efficiency or X-efficiency (rather than scale

efficiency), which measures deviation in performance of a financial institution

from the best practices or costs-efficient frontier that depicts the lowest production

costs for a given level of output. X-efficiency stems from technical efficiency,

which gauges the degree of friction and waste in the production processes, and

allocative efficiency, which measures the levels of various inputs.

Frontier efficiency is superior for most regulatory and other purposes to the

standard financial ratios from accounting statements, such as, return on asset

(ROA) or cost/revenue ratio, that are commonly employed by regulators,

managers of financial institutions, or industrial consultants to assess financial

performance. This is because frontier efficiency measures use programming or

statistical techniques that removes the effects of differences in input prices and

other exogenous market factors affecting the standard performance ratios in order

to obtain better estimates of the underlying performance of the managers (Bauer,

et al., 1998).

Frontier efficiency has been used extensively in regulatory analysis to measure the

effects of merger and acquisition, capital regulations, deregulation of deposit

rates, removal of geographic restrictions on branching and holding company

acquisitions, etc., on financial institution performance. Furthermore, Bauer et al.

(1998) argue that the main advantage of frontier efficiency over other indicators

of performance is that it is an objectively determined quantitative measure that

removes the effects of market prices and other exogenous factors that influence

observed performance.

Tools to measure efficiency could be parametric and non-parametric. Parametric

approach to measuring efficiency uses stochastic econometric and tries to

eliminate the impact of disturbance to inefficiency. There are three parametric

econometric approaches, namely:

1. Stochastic frontier approach (SFA);

2. Thick frontier approach (TFA); and

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3. Distribution-free approach (DFA).

These approaches differ in the assumptions they make regarding the shape of the

efficient frontier, the treatment of random error, and the distributions assumed for

inefficiencies and random error. The parametric methods have disadvantages

relative to the non-parametric methods of having to impose more structure on the

shape of the frontier by specifying a functional form for it. However, an advantage

of the parametric methods is that they allow for random error, so these methods

are less likely to misidentify measurement error, transitory differences in cost, or

specification error for inefficiency (Bauer, et al., 1998).

Meanwhile, non-parametric linear programming approach to measuring efficiency

uses non-stochastic approach and tends to combine disturbance into inefficiency.

This is built based on discovery and observation from the population and

evaluates efficiency relative to other units observed. One of the non-parametric

approaches, known as data envelopment analysis (DEA), is a mathematical

programming technique that measures the efficiency of a decision making unit

(DMU) relative to other similar DMUs with the simple restrictions that all DMUs

lie on or below the efficiency frontier (Seiford and Thrall, 1990). The

performance of a DMU is very relative to other DMUs, especially those that cause

inefficiency. This approach can also determine how a DMU can improve its

performance to become efficient.

DEA was first introduced by Charnes, Cooper, and Rhodes in 1978. Since then its

utilization and development have grown rapidly including many banking-related

applications. The main advantage of DEA is that, unlike regression analysis, it

does not require an a priori assumption about the analytical form of the production

function so imposes very little structure on the shape of the efficient frontier.

Instead, it constructs the best practice production function solely on the basis of

observed data, and therefore the possibility of misspecification of the production

technology is zero. On the other hand, the main disadvantage of DEA is that the

frontier is sensitive to extreme observations and measurement error (the basic

assumption is that random errors do not exist and that all deviations from the

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frontier indicate inefficiency). Moreover, there exists a potential problem of “self

identifier” and “near-self-identifier”.

3.3 Non-parametric Approach DEA

Data envelopment analysis or DEA is a methodology for analyzing the relative

efficiency and managerial performance of productive or decision making units

(DMUs), having the same multiple inputs and multiple outputs. DEA allows us to

compare the relative efficiency of (Islamic or conventional) banks by determining

the efficient banks as benchmarks and by measuring the inefficiencies in input

combinations (slack variables) in other banks relative to the benchmark (Jemrić

and Vujčić, 2002). DEA provides an alternative approach to regression analysis.

While regression analysis relies on central tendencies, DEA is based on extremal

observations. While the regression approach assumes that a single estimated

regression equation applies to each observation vector, DEA analysis each vector

(DMU) separately, producing individual efficiency measures relative to the entire

set under evaluation (Jemrić and Vujčić, 2002).

DEA is a non-parametric, deterministic methodology for determining the relative

efficient production frontier, based on the empirical data on chosen inputs and

outputs of a number of DMUs. From the set of available data, DEA identifies

reference points (relatively efficient DMUs) that define the efficient frontier (as

the best practice production technology) and evaluate the inefficiencies of other,

interior points (relatively inefficient DMUs) that are below the efficient frontier

(Jemrić and Vujčić, 2002). Besides producing efficiency value for each DMU,

DEA also determines DMUs that are used as reference for other inefficient



==⋅⋅ m










DMU = decision making unit n : number of DMU evaluated

m : different inputs xij : number of input i consumed by DMUj

p : different outputs ykj : number of output k produced by DMUj

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There are two DEA models that are most frequently used, namely, the CCR model

(Charnes, Cooper, and Rhodes, 1978) and the BCC model (Banker, Charnes, and

Cooper, 1984). The main difference between these two models is the treatment of

return to scale. The CCR assumes that each DMU operates with constant return to

scale, while the BCC assumes that each DMU can operate with variable return to


CCR model assumes that the ratio of additional input and output is equal (constant

return to scale). It means that an additional input of x times will produce

additional output of x times. Another assumption is that every DMU operates on

an optimal scale. Therefore the efficiency of DMU can be measured as a

maximum of a ratio weighted outputs to weighted inputs. Meanwhile, BCC model

assumes that every DMU has not (or not yet) operated on optimal scale. This

model assumes that the ratio of additional input and output is not equal (variable

return to scale). It means that an additional input of x times will not produce

additional output of exactly x times, but it can be less or greater than x times.

Generally, the efficiency score of CCR model for each DMU will not exceed the

efficiency score of BCC model. This is because BCC model analysis each DMU

“locally” (i.e. compared to the subset of DMUs that operate in the same region of

return to scale) rather than “globally (Jemrić and Vujčić, 2002). Furthermore, a

business or DMU, like bank, has similar characteristics one to another. However,

each bank usually varies in size and production level. This indicates that size

matters in relative efficiency measurement. CCR model represents (the

multiplication of) pure technical and scale efficiencies, while BCC model

represents technical efficiency only. Therefore, the relative scale efficiency is a

ratio of CCR model and BCC model.

BCCkCCRkk qqS ,, /=

If the value of S = 1 means that the DMU operates in the best relative scale

efficiency, or in optimal size. If the value of S is less than 1 means that there still

exists scale inefficiency of the DMU. Therefore, the value of (1-S) represents the

level of inefficiency of the DMU. Consequently, when a DMU is efficient under

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BCC model, but inefficient under CCR model, this means that the DMU has scale

inefficiency. This is because the DMU is technically efficient, so that the

inefficiency that exists comes from the scale.


OE: overall efficiency of CCR Model; TE: technical efficiency of BCC Model.

3.4 Measuring the Activity of Banks

The efficiency measurement, parametric or non-parametric, of financial institution

like banks can be approached from their activities. There are three main

approaches to explain the relationship between input and output of banks. Two

approaches, namely, production (or operational) approach and intermediation

approach, apply the classical microeconomic theory of the firm, while one

approach, namely modern (or assets) approach applies modified classical theory

of the firm by incorporating some specificities of banks’ activities, namely risk

management and information processing, as well as some form of agency

problems, which are crucial for explaining the role of financial intermediaries

(Freixas and Rochet, 1998).

3.4.1 Production Approach

The production approach describes banking activities as the production of services

to depositors and borrowers using all available factors of production, such as labor

and physical capital. This approach, initiated by Benston (1965) and Bell and

Murphy (1968), considers banks as producer of deposit accounts to depositors and

loans to borrowers. Therefore, this approach defines input as number of

workforce, capital expenses on fixed assets and other materials, and defines output

as the sum of all deposit accounts or other related transactions.

According to Freixas and Rochet, (1998), the production approach suits well the

case of a local branch that is “financially transparent” in the sense that the money

collected from depositors is fully transferred to some main branch. Similarly, all

the money lent to borrowers is made available by the same main branch. The only

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outputs of the local branch are its services to depositors and borrowers, and its

only inputs are labor and physical capital.

Parametric measurement of production approach has some difficulties. First,

disaggregation of costs prevents the study of scale and scope economies. Second,

production approach suffers from a basic problem on what the relevant measure of

output volumes is. Third, Cobb-Douglas specification for monotonicity of average

cost prevents the existence of an efficient size.

The first difficulty has been addressed by Baumol, Panzar, and Willig (1982) and

the existence of Functional Cost Analysis (FCA) program that allowed separate

cost functions to be estimated for all product lines. Disaggregated cost data for

five categories of banking activities identified are demand deposits, term and

savings deposits, real estate loans, consumer loans, and business loans. Cost

functions of the Cobb-Douglas type (one per activity i) are as follows:

constrawaQC iiiiiii +−++= log)1(logloglog ε

i = 1, …, 5, Ci (total cost), Qi (volume of output), wi (wage rate), ri (interest)

The second difficulty is to choose output volume among the number of accounts,

the number of operations on these accounts, or the dollar amounts. Among these

three output volumes, the dollar amounts are more readily available. To correct

possible biases, heterogeneity factors for homogenizing the data (size, activity,

and composition of accounts) are introduced.

The third difficulty, the monotonicity of average cost (increasing if εi > 1,

decreasing if εi < 1, and constant if εi = 1), has been addressed by Benston,

Hanweck, and Humprey (1982) by applying a more convenient specification of

translog cost function, in which the logarithm of the cost is quadratic with respect

to the logarithms of output and input prices. They find that a U-shaped average

cost function with an efficient size between 10 and 25 million dollars of deposits,

which is surprisingly small (Freixas and Rochet, 1998).

Moreover, Gilligan and Smirlock (1984), Gilligan, Smirlock, and Marshall

(1984), Berger, Hanweck, and Humprey (1987), and Kolari and Zardhooki (1987)

use a multiproduct cost function, which allows the discussion of scope economies

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and cost complementarities. But, the results are not conclusive (Freixas and

Rochet, 1998).

3.4.2 Intermediation Approach

The intermediation approach describes banking activities as intermediary in

charge of transforming the money borrowed from depositors (surplus spending

units) into the money lent to borrowers (deficit spending units). In other words,

deposits that are typically divisible, liquid, short-term, and risk less are

transformed into loans that are typically indivisible, illiquid, long-term, and risky.

Therefore, this approach defines input as financial capital (the deposits collected

and the funds borrowed), and defines output as the volume of loans and

investment outstanding.

According to Freixas and Rochet, (1998), the intermediation approach is

complimentary to the production approach and is more appropriate to the case of a

main branch, which is not directly in contact with customers. In this case, the total

volume of loans granted by the local branches is in general different from the total

volume of deposit collected. Therefore, the main branch may have to borrow (or

invest) on financial markets.

Results of parametric measurement of the intermediation approach do not differ

substantially from those of the production approach. But, this approach also has

some difficulties. First, there is problematic behavior in determining deposits as

output or input. There is not enough supporting argument in selecting the

variables and their positions. Second, there is problematic behavior of the multi-

product translog cost function when some of the outputs tend toward zero (the

logarithms become infinite).

On the first problem, one interesting findings are given by Hancock (1991) who

runs a linear regression of bank’s profit on the real balances of the items in bank’s

balance sheet without presuming a priori which correspond to outputs and which

to inputs. When these coefficients are positive they correspond to outputs

(intuitively, the bank’s profit increases when they increase), and when they are

negative they are correspond to inputs. She found that loans and demand deposits

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are outputs; whereas labor, physical capital, materials, and cash are inputs.

However, Hughes and Mester (1993) found that deposits are inputs.

On the second problem, several contributions have tried to correct it. For example,

Hunter, Timme, and Yang (1990) use another specification (Minflex-Laurent) of

the cost function, and McAllister and McManus (1992) adopt nonparametric


3.4.3 Modern Approach

The modern approach tries to improve the first two approaches by incorporating

risk management, information processing, and agency problems into the classical

theory of the firm. This approach introduces a possible discrepancy between

bank’s manager and owner in profit maximization behavior. If bank’s managers

are not risk neutral, they will typically chose a level of financial capital that is

different from the cost minimizing one.

Parametric measurement of the modern approach done by Hughes and Mester

(1994) find that, for larger banks, an increase in size (holding default risk and

asset quality constant) significantly lowers the price of uninsured funds (too big to

fail). Moreover, Berger and De Young (1997) find support for the “bad luck

hypothesis” (problem loans cause banks to increase spending on monitoring).

Also, “decreases in bank capital ratios generally precede increases in non-

performing loans…evidence that thinly capitalized banks may respond to moral

hazard incentives by taking increased portfolio risks” (Freixas and Rochet, 1998).

4. Data Analysis

4.1 Data Description

The data needed for this empirical analysis comes from financial statements of

conventional and Islamic banks in Indonesia in the period of 2002 – 2006. There

are six types of conventional banks, namely public bank listed on capital market,

conventional domestic foreign exchange bank, conventional domestic bank,

conventional regional bank, conventional mixed bank owned by domestic and

foreign investors, and conventional foreign bank owned by foreigner. While

Islamic banks in Indonesia are of three types, namely, full-fledged Islamic bank,

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conventional bank that have separate Islamic branch or Islamic business unit, and

Islamic Regional Development Branches. The data of type and number of banks

included in this study can be read in table 4.1.

[Insert Table 4.1]

This study will adopt a modification of intermediation approach to better reflect

Islamic bank activities, as also adopted by Sufian (2006), Ascarya and Yumanita

(2007a and 2007b). Accordingly, we assume that conventional and Islamic banks

produce Total Loan/financing (y1) and Income (y2) by employing Total Deposit

(x1), Labor (x2), and Fixed Asset (x3). Liquid assets are not included in this study

as output variable, since banks are naturally not in the business of financial

instruments in the financial markets, but in the business of providing financing to

the real sector. As data on the number of employees are not readily made

available, we use personnel expenses as a proxy measure. The aggregate series of

inputs and outputs of conventional and Islamic banks included in this study can be

read in table 4.2.

[Insert Table 4.2]

4.2 Results and Analysis

The efficiency of conventional and Islamic banks in Indonesia is measured in

several ways by applying non-parametric DEA method. To make a comparable

measurement, conventional and Islamic banks are pooled together annually to

form a common frontier. All banks for each year (2002-2006) are pooled to

measure efficiency.

Summary of DEA results can be read in table 4.3 in the appendix and figure 4.1

below. The results suggest that overall efficiencies of conventional bank have

exhibited continuous improvement, except in 2004, and have reached the highest

mean of 0.85 in 2006. The decomposition of overall efficiency into its technical

and scale efficiency components suggest that technical efficiency has been

improving significantly from 0.67 in 2004 to 0.88 in 2006, while scale efficiency

has always been high and stable to reach 0.96 in 2006. These imply that during

Page 20: Ascarya Edit

the period of study, conventional banks in Indonesia have been operating at

efficient scale; while technically have been operating at higher and higher


[Insert Table 4.3]

Meanwhile, the overall efficiencies of Islamic bank have also been improving,

except in 2004, and have reached the highest mean of 0.88 in 2006. The efficiency

decomposition suggests that scale efficiency has been improving significantly in

the last two years from 0.85 in 2004 to 0.99 in 2006, while technical efficiency,

after 3 years trend of improvement, has been stagnant since 2005 at its highest

level of 0.89. These show that during the period of study, Islamic banks in

Indonesia have been operating at high and improving level of efficiency, except

between 2003-2004 where Islamic banks were experiencing aggressive expansion

(read figure 4.1, right).

Figure 4.1 Efficiency of Conventional and Islamic Banks in Indonesia using


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Overall, it can be concluded that during the period of observation from 2002 to

2006 conventional and Indonesian Islamic banks in Indonesia have showed

continues improvement, except in 2004, and have converged to a comparable high

level of efficiency. Conventional banks mostly improved in technical efficiency,

while Islamic banks improved in scale and technical efficiencies. In sum, overall

efficiency of Islamic bank is only slightly better than conventional bank.

Note: Public: conventional public bank listed on capital market; Domestic fx: conventional domestic foreign exchange

bank; Domestic: conventional domestic bank; Regional C: conventional regional bank; Mixed: conventional bank

owned by domestic and foreign investors; Foreign: conventional foreign owned bank; Islamic: average Islamic bank;

Full Fledged: Islamic full fledged bank; Full Branch: Islamic full branch bank; Regional I: Regional Islamic bank.

Figure 4.2 Group Efficiency of Conventional and Islamic Banks in Indonesia

using DEA

Figure 4.2 and table 4.4 in the appendix show bank efficiency of each group using

DEA method. During 2002-2006, regional conventional bank has become the

most improved conventional bank, while regional Islamic bank has become the

most improved Islamic bank. Foreign conventional bank has become the most

Page 22: Ascarya Edit

efficient in 2006 (1.00). Moreover, Islamic full fledged bank has almost always

become the most efficient Islamic bank.

[Insert Table 4.4]

Moreover, the scale efficiency of Islamic banks can also be viewed from the trend

of the return to scale (RTS)3 measured by DEA. Scale efficient banks exhibit

constant return to scale (CRS). Banks experiencing economies of scale exhibit

increasing return to scale (IRS), which means that the bank operates at a wrong

scale of operation. Banks experiencing diseconomies of scale exhibit decreasing

return to scale (DRS). Figure 4.3 and table 4.5 show the results of return to scale.

[Insert Table 4.5]

The number of conventional banks operating at efficient scale (CRS) has been

increasing since 2004 from 8% to 36%, after a decrease during 2003-2004.

Conventional banks experiencing economies of scale (IRS) have been increasing

during the period of study, except in 2004. Moreover, conventional banks

experiencing diseconomies of scale (DRS) have been decreasing sharply during

the period of study, except in 2004 (read figure 4.7, left).

3 RTS are the increase in output that results from increasing all inputs. There are three possible cases. (1) Constant Returns to Scale or CRS (RTS=0), which arise when percentage change in outputs = percentage change in inputs; (2) Decreasing Returns to Scale or DRS (RTS=-1), which occur when percentage change in outputs < percentage change in inputs; (3) Increasing Returns to Scale or IRS (RTS=1), which occurs when percentage change in outputs > percentage change in inputs.

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Figure 4.3 Return to Scale of Conventional and Islamic Banks in Indonesia

Meanwhile, Islamic banks operating at efficient scale (CRS) have been decreasing

in 2002-2004 from 43% to 8%, and have been sharply increasing in 2004-2006

from 8% to 63%. Islamic banks experiencing diseconomies of scale (DRS) have

been increasing in 2002-2004 from 43% to 77%, and have been sharply

decreasing in 2004-2006 from 77% to 26%. Moreover, Islamic banks

experiencing economies of scale (IRS) have been slightly decreasing during the

period of study from 14% to 11% (read figure 4.3, right). Aggressive expansion of

Islamic banking industry in Indonesia during 2003-2004 has been reflected in the

increase of DRS and the decrease of CRS Islamic banks.

Overall, it can be concluded that conventional and Islamic banks in Indonesia

have been experiencing improvement in scale efficiency, especially Islamic banks.

At the end of 2006, there are more Islamic banks operating at scale efficient

(CRS), while there are more conventional banks operating at economies of scale


Other than generating efficient frontier, one salient feature of DEA is that it can

generate set of references for inefficient DMUs (banks) to benchmark to. Table

Page 24: Ascarya Edit

4.6 shows conventional and Islamic banks that are referenced by other inefficient

banks in 2002-2006. In the first three years of observation, there are always more

conventional banks on efficient frontiers that set as benchmarks for other

inefficient banks to make improvements. Conversely, in the last two years of

study, there are always more Islamic banks benchmarked by other inefficient


[Insert Table 4.6]

Another useful feature of DEA is that it can identify the source of inefficiency for

each DMUs or Islamic banks. The results in table 4.7 and figure 4.8 are generated

by running each year data of each country, separately.

[Insert Table 4.7]

In 2002-2006, conventional banks (read figure 4.4, left) have always been

efficient in generating income, since they have been able to provide sophisticated

diverse banking services that are demanded by general customers, such as e-

banking, internet-banking, phone-banking, sms-banking, and so on. Conversely,

labor has always been inefficient part of conventional banks. This could be

attributed to the nature of service industry where the most important capital is

skilled and experienced human capital. Moreover, deposit has been improving,

while loan extension or financing has been worsening. These can be attributed to

high policy rate (the rate of Bank Indonesia Certificate or SBI) which is higher

than deposit rate that makes conventional banks race to accumulate deposit and

put the excess liquidity into SBI which serves like investment instrument with

higher rate than deposit rate. No wonder that LDR has always been low and SBI

outstanding has always been increasing. Conventional banks do not have to

extend loan to make easy profit.

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Figure 4.4 Potential Improvements for Conventional and Islamic Banks in


Meanwhile, financing has always been the most efficient elements in Indonesian

Islamic banks, except in 2004 and 2006 (read figure 4.4, right), as also showed in

the figure of FDR that have always been high around 100%. In early 2004, there

was a temporary shift of deposits from conventional banks to Islamic banks due to

the release of fatwa of the haram-ness of interest by DSN-MUI (National Shariah

Advisory Council of Indonesia) in late 2003. Income has been improving

considerably from the most inefficient element in 2002 to the most efficient

element in 2006, due to the improvements of Islamic banks in providing financial

services comparable to those provided by conventional banks. Deposits have been

worsening, and have become the most inefficient element in 2006. The problem of

deposits in Indonesian Islamic banking intensified due to its high growth, but

limited customer base. Islamic banks have been targeting faithful customers which

counted for only 1-10 percent, while they have not been focusing on floating

customers which counted for 80 percent. Islamic banks should shift their

marketing and communication strategies to target more on floating customers.

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Moreover, the problem of deposit is also due to the high interest rate mentioned

before, so that floating customers opt to put their money into conventional bank.

Meanwhile, labor has always been inefficient part of Islamic bank. This is the case

in Indonesia, and most countries adopting dual banking system, where the supply

of human resource is always lagging behind the demand of this still fast growing

industry. Even though there are more and more universities and higher

educational institutions offering Islamic Economic and Finance, the number of

graduates are still could not catch up with the demand. The consequence of this is

either the wage goes up or/and the human resource quality goes down. Therefore,

Indonesian Islamic banks should give more attention to human resource to

improve their efficiency. Moreover, other elements of input can also be improved

further in less priority than human resource.

Note: Domestic fx: conventional domestic foreign exchange bank; Domestic: conventional domestic bank; Regional C:

conventional regional bank; Mixed: conventional bank owned by domestic and foreign investors; Foreign: conventional

foreign owned bank; Islamic: average Islamic bank; Full Fledged: Islamic full fledged bank; Full Branch: Islamic full

branch bank; Regional I: Regional Islamic bank.

Figure 4.5 Efficiency of Conventional and Islamic Banks in Indonesia using

DEA vs. OCOI Ratio

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Figure 4.5 and table 4.8 show DEA results compare to their respective traditional

OCOI (operating costs divided by operating expenses) and ROA (return on

assets). It can be shown that efficient conventional banks, like regional and

foreign banks, always have lower OCOI ratios, while efficient Islamic banks do

not always have lower OCOI ratios. Moreover, conventional banks that have

better (lower) OCOI usually have better profitability (ROA), while Islamic banks

that have better OCOI do not always more profitable (better ROA).

[Insert Table 4.8]

5. Conclusions and Recommendations

5.1 Conclusions

Overall, conventional banks exhibit improving and convergence measure of

high efficiency to those of Islamic banks. However, Islamic banks are

relatively slightly more efficient than conventional banks in all three

measures (technical, scale, and overall efficiencies) during the period of

study. This can be attributed, among others, to efficient financing activities.

Financing to deposit ratios has always been high around 100 percent,

reflecting high contribution of Indonesian Islamic banking to the real sector.

Conventional and Islamic banks show a convergence in the characteristics

of inputs and outputs, where income has become the most efficient element,

while labor or human resource should be given top priority for

improvements. Income from banking services come from sophisticated

diverse banking services provided by conventional and Islamic banks, such

as e-banking, internet-banking, phone-banking, sms-banking, and so on.

Conversely, labor has always been inefficient part of conventional and

Islamic banks. This could be attributed to the nature of service industry

where the most important capital is skilled and experienced human capital.

Moreover in Islamic banking, the supply of human resource is always

lagging behind the demand of this still fast growing industry.

The differences between conventional banks and Islamic banks are shown

in deposit and financing. Deposit is improving in conventional bank, while

Page 28: Ascarya Edit

it is worsening in Islamic bank, due to high interest rate and competition.

High and increasing SBI rate which is higher than deposit rate makes

deposits flow to conventional banks. Meanwhile, conventional banks

always have low loan to deposit ratio (LDR), while Islamic banks always

have high financing to deposit ratio (FDR). Moreover, conventional banks

can put their excess liquidity into SBI and do not have to extend loan to

make profit, while Islamic banks have to extend financing to make profit.

5.2 Recommendations

Islamic banks in Indonesia are still young and small, so that socialization

and expansion should be the number one priority to make Islamic bank

familiar to public and to reach economies of scale and critical mass in the

shortest time possible. Other than organic expansion that naturally slow, to

accelerate expansion Islamic banks in Indonesia (i.e. the government)

should also have the political will, commitment, and courage to expand

inorganically by converting one state owned conventional bank into Islamic

bank, preferably the one that have large networks.

Funding (deposits) has become a new problem in Indonesian Islamic

banking. Head to head competition with conventional banks should force

Islamic banks to redirect their marketing and communication strategies to

focus more on floating customers.

Human resource has always been a problem in Islamic banks in Indonesia,

specifically due to high demand and short supply. The improvement of the

human resources could be done with two strategies, namely, short term and

long term. In the short term, education and training should be conducted for

every level of management. In the long term, special fields of study in

Islamic economic and finance should be opened in graduate and

undergraduate levels, as well as inserting Islamic economic and finance

curriculum in high school.

The improvement of the human resources from the regulator side could be

done by requiring banks to spend minimum budget for human resources

development. Moreover, the government or regulator could give incentives

Page 29: Ascarya Edit

by financing participation in human resources development. The regulator

could also provide free training for Islamic bank officers.


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Table 4.1 Data of Conventional and Islamic Banks

DEA 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Conventional 72 101 97 63 44

Public 1 1 1 -

Domestic FX 15 22 22 14 9

Domestic 24 38 32 14 27

Regional 22 20 23 20 3

Mixed 8 16 14 9 4

Foreign 2 5 5 5 1

Islamic 7 8 13 19 19

Domestic Full Fledged 2 2 3 3 3

Domestic Full Branch 4 5 7 9 9

Regional Full Branch 1 1 3 7 7

Table 4.2 DEA Inputs and Outputs Data (Real US$.000)

2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Conventional Financing 15,697 8,330,315 8,950,342 6,086,346 9,829,870

Income 241,318 1,949,255 1,782,812 982,839 2,097,861

Deposit 12,813 7,174,381 7,419,603 4,831,932 10,941,882

Labor 22,534 253,859 262,873 129,032 386,983

Asset 9,481 19,945,804 20,392,106 14,204,088 17,972,278

Islamic Financing 347,468 580,334 1,041,176 1,093,134 1,485,325

Income 51,847 83,175 140,256 141,101 255,105

Deposit 110,371 541,520 940,023 885,359 1,284,758

Labor 8,580 12,427 19,084 20,173 32,909

Asset 433,713 830,556 1,400,265 1,395,608 2,024,293

Conventional : Islamic Financing 0.05 14.35 8.60 5.57 6.62

Page 32: Ascarya Edit

Income 4.65 23.44 12.71 6.97 8.22

Deposit 0.12 13.25 7.89 5.46 8.52

Labor 2.63 20.43 13.77 6.40 11.76

Asset 0.02 24.02 14.56 10.18 8.88

Table 4.3 Summary of Non-parametric DEA Efficiency

Efficiency Measures 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Conventional Overall Efficiency 0.45 0.72 0.62 0.69 0.85

Technical Efficiency 0.58 0.76 0.67 0.73 0.88

Scale Efficiency 0.82 0.95 0.94 0.95 0.96

Islamic Overall Efficiency 0.70 0.79 0.69 0.81 0.88

Technical Efficiency 0.74 0.86 0.80 0.89 0.89

Scale Efficiency 0.94 0.92 0.85 0.91 0.99

Table 4.4 Summary of Non-parametric DEA Efficiency by Group

BANK 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Conventional 0.45 0.72 0.62 0.69 0.85 Public 0.23 1.00 1.00

Domestic fx 0.44 0.70 0.53 0.62 0.80

Domestic 0.46 0.81 0.64 0.71 0.85

Regional C 0.32 0.51 0.56 0.64 0.97

Mixed 0.79 0.80 0.77 0.82 0.80

Foreign 0.75 0.75 0.71 0.72 1.00

Islamic 0.70 0.79 0.69 0.81 0.88 Full Fledged 0.76 0.85 0.76 0.96 0.97

Full Branch 0.73 0.86 0.68 0.87 0.88

Regional I 0.45 0.36 0.65 0.67 0.83

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Table 4.5 Summary of DEA Return to Scale

2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Bank Share Bank Share Bank Share Bank Share Bank Share

Conventional CRS 14 19% 21 21% 8 8% 8 13% 16 36%

IRS 10 14% 41 40% 26 27% 24 38% 25 57%

DRS 49 67% 40 39% 64 65% 31 49% 3 7%

TOTAL 73 102 98 63 44

Islamic CRS 3 43% 3 38% 1 8% 9 47% 12 63%

IRS 1 14% 1 13% 2 15% 1 5% 2 11%

DRS 3 43% 4 50% 10 77% 9 47% 5 26%

TOTAL 7 8 13 19 19

Table 4.6 Summary of DEA Reference Set

2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Bank Freq Bank Freq Bank Freq Bank Freq Bank Freq

Conv MIXED 66 Conv MIXED 64 Conv MIXED 101 Conv MIXED 57 Conv DOM 28

Conv DOM 49 Conv FOREIGN 56 Conv FOREIGN 95 Islamic REG 23 Islamic FF 21

Conv DOM fx 39 Conv DOM 46 Conv DOM fx 26 Islamic FB 21 Islamic FB 18

Conv DOM fx 39 Conv DOM+ 45 Conv MIXED 24 Islamic FB 21 Islamic REG 13

Conv MIXED 24 Conv DOM 21 Conv PUBLIC 22 Islamic FF 19 Islamic REG 12

Conv DOM 17 Conv DOM 19 Islamic FF 16 Islamic REG 12

Conv MIXED 10 UFJ 16 Conv DOM 15 Conv DOM fx 12

Islamic FF 9 Islamic FB 14 Conv MIXED 10 Conv DOM 10

Islamic FB 5 Conv DOM 12 Islamic FB 7 Conv DOM 7

Conv MIXED 1 Conv MIXED 3 Conv FOREIGN 5 Conv REG 7

Conv FOREIGN 2 Conv MIXED 1 Islamic FB 6

Islamic FB 5

Conv DOM 5

Conv REG 2

Conv MIXED 1


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Table 4.7 Summary of DEA Potential Improvements (in %)

2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Conventional Financing 15% 13% 1% 17% 15%

Income 0% 1% 2% 1% 3%

Deposit 29% 34% 37% 26% 23%

Labor 28% 27% 35% 37% 33%

Asset 29% 25% 26% 20% 26%

Islamic Financing 4% 0% 25% 0% 14%

Income 38% 9% 21% 20% 0%

Deposit 13% 28% 21% 26% 35%

Labor 30% 35% 17% 30% 25%

Asset 16% 28% 17% 25% 25%

Table 4.8 Summary of Non-parametric DEA vs. OCOI and ROA Ratios


Conventional Public

Domestic fx 0.80 0.86 0.93 1.05 0.20

Domestic 0.85 0.88 0.97 0.99 1.01

Regional C 0.97 1.00 0.97 0.64 4.52

Mixed 0.80 0.87 0.92 0.79 2.87

Foreign 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.64 2.50

Islamic Full Fledged 0.97 1.00 0.97 0.86 2.25

Full Branch 0.88 0.89 0.99 0.76 2.36

Regional I 0.83 0.85 0.98 0.95 2.95